Minutes 1985-06-12 SP . ...j CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION JUNE 12, 1985 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1: 10 P.M. The City Council met in a Study Session on Planning with Mayor Pro Tem Matthew Gallagher presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Dorace Johnson, Gene Moots and D. G. Porter were present. Mayor B'Ann Smith was absent. Also present were City Manager Bob Mack and Planning Director Stan Eisner. Mr. Eisner opened the discussion by saying that the majority of his time is spent in current planning - processing appeals, Planning Commission and City Council Hearings, day to day response to people who call or come in with questions, etc., and special projects generated by the Planning Commission and the City Council. He discussed projects such as the Juniper-Poplar Area Specific Plan and the Integration Study. He said a new multi-family residential zone is being developed that will combine the former garden apartment and medium high density district to create a single district that will allow for more amenities and open space within projects. He suggested that multi-family residential zoning have a maximum density of 14 units per acre, and multiple unit projects be on at least one-half acre lots. He sa i d dens i ty is .on 1 y ha If of the equation and design also must be incorporated in order to have aesthetically pleasing developments. Council Members discussed traffic circulation in the city. Mr. Eisner said the Circulation Element is in the draft stage and would be ready for a Planning Commission study in early August. Council Members said they would like to see some streets - LePoint, West Branch, Tally Ho, 18th Street and Highway 227 Bypass - completed. Mr. Mack said that Cal Trans is working more closely with the City . than ever before. Mr. Eisner said state officials are setting up a feasibility study for a Highway 227 Bypass. Council Member Gallagher said the Council should become more agressive about getting traffic problems solved. Mr. Eisner said the Planning Commission has been concerned that the City has had no general commercial zone. The Commission has re-written Neighborhood Commercial Zonf' C-l and General Retail Commerical Zone C-2. The Central Business Zone will stay the same. The present Highway Service Zone has been relabled C-3. At the next Council meeting, June 25, 1985, there will be a Public Hearing for recommendations of the City Council and the Public. Mr. Eisner said this will bring the Commercial Zoning into accord with the reality of what the Planning Commission and City Council deal with. Parking was discussed, and Mr. Eisner said by the first part of 1986 he will have studies showing how parking can be brought into an area by putting districts together into a block and setting up a Parking District. Counci I Members told Mr. Eisner that they need more specific information when dealing with large planned developments. They asked that information on number and type of units, amount of grading and tree removal, and street outlines be provided when developers request approval of a project. Council Member Johnson said the Council should expect more from developers to ensure a well-informed decision on planned developments Counc i I Member Porter said Council Members want to be able to find out exactly what a project will Jook like when completed. He read a list of criteria for developers of large planned developments he felt should be implemented. He said he would like to find a way to keep developers from circumventing the Council's wishes. Mr. Eisner said he would review the list and report back to the Council. Council Members also discussed the possibility of allocating two hours per day to "quiet time," when Mr. Eisner could work on planning matters without interruption. The Council agreed to discuss the matter further at a future Counci I meeting. The meeting was adjourned to a continued Closed Session at 4:',22 P.M. The meeting was reconvened and immediately adjourned at 4:35 P.M. ... . .. ._L~~d""~_'_'__" __~...:.....""-"",,",.,_,_..~ . -~.'"- ...,,"-:' -, ;>. -