Minutes 1985-05-29 SP
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At l:OO P.M., Mayor Smith opened the continued City Council meeting to review the proposed
1985/86 City bu~et. Upon roll call vote, the following CoWlCil Members were determined to be
present: Mr. Porter, Mrs. ,x,hnson, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Moots and Mrs. Smith.
City Manager Mack reviewed with the City Council the current JrnbaJances to the General Fund,
Park Development Fund, Gas Tax Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund as a result of previo\.S
Council actions at ~ior budget meetings. Mr. Mack advised that in the General Fund, the fund
y,ould be JrnbaJanced as a result of: lack of $18,500 for the pll'chese of the Wells IX'Operty,
the need to transfer to the Gas Tax Fund $23,000. CoWlCil authorized amendment of bu~et to
increase funeS $18,500 for the Wells IX'Operty, to transfer to the Gas Tax Fund $23,000. In
order to offset these increased expenditures, Council authorized the transfer to the Park
Development Fund of $14,000 in expenditures for Village creek ~vements and $800 for
tennis court wind sc."E!en. AJso, Council eliminated $24,000 in the budget for a vibratory roller
in the Street Department.
In the Park DeveJoJ;Xrent Fund, CoWlCil authorized increasing the Terra de Oro Park
cxpenditures by $5,000, transferring in expenditures for Village creek improvements at $14,000,
and tennis court expenditures for $800, thereby reducing the reserves of the fund from $58,33l
to $38,531.
In the Gas Tax Fund, Council authorized the following changes: Increased expenditures for thc
signal at u.s. 101 and Grand to $50,000. Decreased expenditures for the signal at Qilifornia
227 and Mason St. by $37,000. Eliminated the expenditure for the Grand/Courtland signal for
the current. fiscal year. Increased expenditures for the traffic signal at Oak P81'k and James
Way by $30,000. Increased the expenditure for the Oak Park road divider by $30,000. Council
then authorized the transfer from the General Fund of $23,000 to balance the Gas Tax Fund.
In the Revenue Sharing Fund, Council reduced expenditures for the Civic Center by $12,140,
historical IIDnuments by $3,000, Diarrond Jubilee monument by $3,000, Olympic IIDnument by
$2,000 and increased expenditures for Council 018mber inp'ovements by $2,500 and Wells stonn
drainage construction by $l7,640.
In the Gas Tax Fund, Cowlcil reduced vario\.S street improvements by $50,000 with the provision
that if Revenue Sharing Funds should come in at a greater level than currently IX'Ojected in the
budget, such fund; y,ouJd be diverted to and \.Sed for increasing vario\.S street imlX'Ovement
expenditures during 1985/86. Council discl5sed the desirability of developing a plan whereby
new develoJ;Xrent y,ould pay for traffic signalization on. major arteriaJs and rights-of-wa:,;s.
Council directed Public Works Director Karp and City Manager Mack to devise a reconmen-
dation to them to irq>lement such a plan.
Council reviewed the Sewer Fund with City Manager Mack and PubJ,ic Works Director Karp. .
Council directed that $l20,000 budget in the Sewer Fund for the '!raffic Way main should be
expended in the Se~ Facility Fund, thereby penniUing sufficient funeS in the Sewer Fund Cor
acquisition of a se\\el' row::1er and jet vacuum by the City during the coming year. Council
authorized $107,000 to be budgeted in the Sewer Fund Cor the sewer rOw::1er/jet vacuum.
'The Water, \Vater Facility and Lopez Fw1ds were reviewed by Council without any alterations
to the proposed budget. Mr. Mack advised the Council that he and Mr. Karp y,ould be making a
recornrencIation mid-year to fund a new reservoir or well from the Water Facility Fund.
Parks & Recreation Director Keisler reviewed the General Fund Parks &. Recreation budgets
with City Council. No changes were made to the proposed budget.
Mr. Mack presented correspondence from the "Frierids of La Barranca Park" si!,'1Ied by Mr. ,x,hn
Ashbaugh and dated May 20, 1985, requesting Council to budget funds for development of the
La Bru'ranca site during the coming year. Mr. Mack reconrnended that the Mayor advise Mr.
Ashbaugh and neighborhood residents through correspondence that the City Council y,ould
address the future of the La Barranca site if the ncighborhood residents \\Ould address thcir
questior6 through the Pnrks &. Recreation Cornnission. Council Member ,x,hnson stated that as a
fonner Parks CJ. Recreation Corrmission 01air, she questioned the desirability of developing the
La P~trrnnca site. Simler sentiment W8S expressed by other members of the CoIUlCil. 'The
Council authorized the Mayor to sign a letter to Mr. Ashbaugh, asking him and neighboring
resicents to address their concerns \.,;th the Parks &. Recreation CoIrrTU::sion.
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The Park DevelopT1ent Fund was revie~ with Mr. Keisler and no C?hanges were made by Oty
Council to the proposed budget.
'The Capital Projects budget of the General Fund was reviewed by Mr. Mack with the Oty
Council. Council made no changes to the (X'Oposed budget other than authorizing the additional
$18,500 for the WeUs (X'operty acquisition. Cbuncil MenDer Gallagher asked 'What General Fund
reserves were contained in the proposed budget. Mr. Mack stated there were none; that in the
event of an emergency, funeS budgeted for Ovic Center developnent in the General Fund \\t)uld
be utilized for the emergency. Mr. Mack further stated that an capital projects were
adninistratively tirred so that the Oty did not expend all of its f\U'1C8 on .lily 1, 01" at the
initial part of the year. Council then reviewed correspondence. from Mrs. EDa Honeycutt of the
Coastal San Luis Resource Comervation District dated May 15, 1985. Cbuncil, upon recomnen-
dation of Oty Manager Mack, budgeted in the General Fund $2,500 for. a Meadow Qeek Water
I Shed River Basin study participation, and directed that $300 of these funds come from the .
General Fund balance and $2,200 from the Fire. Department and those accounts that one! Hemp
I determined to be of least [:dority to him. Cb\D1CUdirected Oty Manager Mack to advise Mrs.
I Honeycutt that the Oty 'M>Uld participate "up to $2,500" for participation In the study if other
agencies in the Jocal area financially participated.
! Upon rrotion of Council Member Moots and seconded by Council Member Gallagher and unaninx>m
vote of Council,. Council meeting was adjourned at 3: 15 P.M.