Minutes 1985-02-27 SP
The City Counc i 1 met in Spec i a 1 Sess ion in a jo i nt meet i ng wi th the Arroyo
Grande Chamber of Commerce with Mayor BlAnn Smith presiding, to update the Counci1
on the goa1s and various programs the Chamber is deve10ping. Mayor Smith turned
the meeting over to Chamber President Reuben Kvidt.
Mr. Kvidt said Chamber officia1s want to work with the City on improving
traffic circu1ation, especia11y on West Branch Street, Oak Park Bou1evard and
Highway 227. He reported that the Chamber and the South County Economic Deve10pment
Association (SCEDA) are updating a pub1ication to inc1ude uti1ity rate information,
permit fees, and other items that tend to change annua11y.
Mr. Kvidt said the three area Chambers are working on an areawide business
directory to be wide1y di:stributed and avai1ab1e in 1986. Chamber officia1s have
formed an Economic Assessment Committee to determine what services are 1acking in
the area and to encourage peop1e to shop 10ca11y. Chamber members are planning
to pub1ish a new city map this year; and are working to find ways to attract tourists
to the area and generate business for 10ca1 merchants.
Mr. Kvidt announced that the Chamber has the opportunity to sponsor a C1assic
Car Ra11y, July 4 to July 6, 1985, to display approximate1y 500 automobi1es at
Arroyo Grande High Schoo1 bringing together the southern and northern associations
interested in Classic Cars. He said the event wou1d attract a good c1ass of family
oriented peop1e, and there is a 10t of p1anning to be done in connection with
security, show of cars on the streets, barbeques, dances and the like. Mayor Smith
asked for a Letter of I ntent from the Chamber to i nc 1 udean out 1 i ne for Counci 1
Mr. Kvidt said the Chamber members are examining the Sign Ordinance, soon to
be heard at Public Hearing and considered by ~he City Council. He mentioned a
seminar to be he1d in Apri1 regarding the effect of export marketing on this
community, the price of produce, the protection of farm1and in the area. He w i 11
confirm at a 1ater date the time and p1ace the seminar is to be held.
On motion of Counci1 Member Ga11agher, seconded by Counci1 Member Moots to
adjourn to Wednesday, March 6, 1985, at 1:00 P.M. and the study session to be he1d
in Counci1 Chambers. The motion was unanimous1y carried and the meeting adjourned
at 12:55 P.M.