Minutes 1984-12-18 SP
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Mayor Smith convened the Study Session of the City CoWlcil at 1: 00 PM. Upon roU
call, Counci1members Gallagher, Jolmson, Porter and Moots were present. Mayor &nth called
upon City Manager Mack. Mr. Mack e:i:~ained that Finance Department's computer was
involved in a JP A with Pismo Beach and Grover City. Current IBM H would likely require
re~acement by an IBM 36 within the next coupe of years. Dave Bacon, Finance Director,
discussed operations of the Finance Department.
Mr. Mack introduced Bob Collett, Acting Fire OUef, explained that the City's new
1250 GPM Pumper had arrived, but that the City had not accepted it yet from the manufactw:er.
Mr. Collett explained that the Department was all volunteer, currently had 41 fire fighters and
indicated the need for continuing reJ:iaccment of equipnent.
Mr. Mack introduced Pottce anef Jim Ouk who explained that h1s department
included 14 swom officers and fivecivili.an emPoyees and is experiencing grow.iDg pains with h1s
present Ptysical facility. He went on to state that the City's crime rate is r-irtil'\8 stahle
and detailed many of his department's programs and services, incbu4ing participation in the
County-wide narcotic task force artd bombs' task force.
Mr. Mack introduced John Keisler,Parks a Recreation Director, who arJained that
the DepaIUnent was cunently in the process of develoIing Soto Sporta Q,n\p1a and Terra de
010 Pack. Mr. Mack stated that the City needed to continuaJly remember that the developDent
of new facilities required continuing operational and maintenance expenses, and that they
would have to be provided as part of the budget process.
Stan Eisner, City Planning Director, was introduced by Mr. Mack. Mr. Himer
stated that his three person department was working on the updating of the City Genew Plan
among other projects. Council member Porter stated that the circulation elm1mt of the Gty'a
General Plan was the most important matter to update.
Nancy Davis, City OeIk, expained the functions of her department. Mr. Mack
outJined City programs- and activities in the transportation anddrainagt, street. and drainage
maintenance, water. and sanitary sewers, building inspection, vehicle aDd equipucnt
maintenance and central services areas of operation. Mr. Karp, City Public Works Director
itemized various cap-tal projects under design and construction and their current status to the
City Council.
At 4:05 PM, the City Council adjoumed to Closed Session. At 5:00 PM, City
Council retumed ftem Oosed Session. All members of Council present.
Upon motion of Council Member Johnson, seconded by Mr. Gallagher, meeting was
adjourned at 5:01 PM.