Minutes 1984-11-13 . c 0 CITY COUNCIL November 13, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Session with Mayor B'Ann Smith presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Matt Gallagher, Mark Millis and Lawrence Vandeveer were present; Council Member Karl Hogan was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Counci I Membe r Gallagher delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and unanimously carried, the Minutes for the Meeting of October 23, 1984, were approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, Demand Checks No. P744 through P756 and No. 23792 through 23888, in the total amount of $399,764.02; and Payroll Checks No. 28980 through 29186, in the total amount of $158,840.97, were approved for payment as submitted. PRESENTATION RECOGNIZING ,TWENTY YEARS SERVICE OF THURSTON "JR." SYLVESTER WITH THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ Mayor Smith said thEj twenty years service of Thurston "Jr." Sylvester, with the City is to be commended and recognized with pride and appreciation. A plaque will be presented to "Jr.", who was unable to attend the Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Millis withdrew Item #9-a for discussion. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items #8 through 15, except #9-a, and including all subtitles, were approved liS recommended. ~ .. Proclamations: RECOMMEND MA YOR SO PROCLAIM. a. "National Family Week" - November 18-24, 1984. 9. MINUTES AND ANSWERED AGENDAS: REVIEW AND FILE. a. Planning Commission Answered Agenda of 11/6/84. b. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes of 10/15/84. c. Parks and Recreation Commission Notes of 11/7/84. d. Technical Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes of 10/12/84. e. Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee Minutes of 10/15/84. f. SLO County and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council of 9/19/84. g. Zone 3 Advisory Committee Notes of 10/18/84. 10. REPORTS: INFORMATIONAL ONL Y. a. October, 1984 Departmental Monthly Report. b. Sonic Cable TV Survey Results. c. CCCJPA Medical Program Status Report. d. 1984/85 First Quarter, Animal Regulation Report. e. General Architectural Review Guidelines Status Report. 11. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORIZATIONS: RECOA,tMEND APPROVAL. a. Rejection of Liability Claim of Dolores Hellmuth. b. Acceptance of Easement from Production Credit Association. c. Acceptance of Easement from Casa Grande Motel. d. Acceptance of Grant Deed from Coker Ellsworth. e. Acceptance of Grant Deed from Richard and Karen C. Franks. f. Rejection of Open Space Dedication from Reuben Kvidt. g. Acceptance of Denial Strip from Tract 550, Cerro Vista Circle. h. Village Sidewalk Sale, 11/17/84. i. Authorization of Time Extension for Parcel Map 84-027, Margaret Work. ^.'____u -_"0_- '__,'_"_________ __'--_00- ----_._,~-- ------------- ( n ",.. -., CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. 12. AWARD OF BIOS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. a. Rancho Chamisal Annexation EIR Report. b. Photocopier and Stand. c. West Branch Route Study and Grand/Branch Signalization Study. d. Traffic Way Undergrounding Preliminary Design Study. 13. CHANGE ORDERS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. a. FI re Pumper. 14. PAYMENTS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. a. Fair Oaks Storm Drain, Phase I, R. Burke Corp., Payment Request No. Tbree, Various Construction. b. Soto Sports Complex, Trusco Tank, Inc., Payment Request No. One, Grading and 5i te Work. c. Deep Well and Blending System, Montedoro-Whitney Corp., Payment Request Nos. One and. Two, Control System. 15. GENERAL REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENTS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL UPON RECEIPT OF PAST DUE H.R.C. REPORTS a. Human Relations Commission of South SLO County. 9. MINUTES AND ANSWERED AGENDAS: REVIEW AND FILE. a. Planning Commission Answered Agenda of 11/6/84. Councilman Millis asked what took place at the Planning Commission meeting concerning the lot split case on the Paulding property. He said ,there were many confl icting stories and asked for clarification. Planning Director Stan Eisner said the project was recommended for approval, I and a Staff Report was prepared. He said the Fire Department Representative asked that there be a loop street carried through for fire equipment access, and the Planning Commission directed the applicant to modify the plan to bring the street down at an angle. to el iminate a dangerous slope. He said the plans show adequate room for parking in accordance with the Ordinance now in effect. He said as far as improvements on Crown Hill were concerned, they were included in the standard recommendations, and accepted as part of the Resolution to include curb, gutter and sidewalk and restricted parking. He said the Subdivision Map as submitted with , five lots on it, meets the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City I and the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. Councilman Millis requested the Staff and Planning Commission to review all' aspects of the project and give assurance to the Council that everything is acceptable. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unani- mously carried, to accept Consent Agenda Item #9-a. TALLY HO ROAD RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION City Manager Robert Mack recommended acceptance by Council of the Grant Deed for property right of way on Tally Ho Road from Allison B. Gates. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to accept the Grant Deed from Allison B. Gates. SCHOOL FACILITIES FEE REPORT Mr. Mack said data had been received from the Unified Lucia Mar School District which comprises their annual report to the City Council under the School Interim Fees Ordinance. He said the data received reconciles with the City's financial records. He said the only problem with the District's report was a difference of opinion in interpreting the legal requirements of the State for distributing the fees collected (whether the money generated is spent on those specific students or on a District wide basis). ---- --_.- ,--- --_.__.__.__...~ ( 0 "- CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE. BONITA HOMES GRADING PERMIT Public Works Director Paul Karp said the matter is before Council because there is a request for grading, ahead of the approval of a development plan for a commer- cial condominium. Mr. Karp explained the grading plan proposed by Bonita Homes in detail on a posted map, with some input by Rueben Kvidt as further explanation. Mr. Karp said he felt it was to the City's advantage to issue the rough grading permit at this time. Council discussion followed, and on motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to approve the rough grading permit subject to completion by December 1, 1984, or the matter will be pursued by use of the Nuisance Abatement process to remove the dirt pile. DISPOSAL SERVICE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Mr. Mack said he was seeking authorization to advertise and call for bids for disposal service of garbage and trash collection; and recommended the current health ordinance be amended. He recommended the insurance standards covering the trash collectors be included in the Franchise Agreement. Also, having the rates for trash collection specified in the Franchise Agreement,.as opposed to the Ordinance, for adjustment of rates to be accomplished. He said the County Health Department recommendation to have the regulations of the City stated in the Ordinance could be incorporated in the Ordinance to be prepared. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to authorize the acceptance of Staff's recommendations for bids for Disposal Service Franchise Agreement and Amendment of the Ordinance, incorporating the County Health Department's recommendations. I TRACT 1039 ACCEPTANCE Mr. Karp posted a map and explained that the subdivision was a seven lot tract and that the improvements on Canyon Way were constructed in the Assessment District and the remainder of the improvements will be constructed by the developer of the Tract, who has provided the appropriate bonds and agreements, and he recommended approval according to the five recommendations stated in the November 6, 1984 memo. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to accept and approve Tract No. 1039 creating seven additional lots, with the conditions set forth in the recommendation of Staff. WHITELEY PROPERTY SALE Mr. Mack said Resolution No. 1789 authorized the sale of the Whiteley property, the proceeds of which were to go to Soto Sports Complex. He asked Council to authorize the City Clerk to advertise "Notice of Intention to Sell", and to authorize the City Manager to publicize, advertise and distribute the necessary forms to se II the Whiteley property to potential bidders. He said the bids received would be conveyed to the Council, and at a Public Hearing to follow, Council could make award of bid. He said the minimum bid must be for $160,000.00 based on the appraisal work that had been done, but if a party wished to increase a bid amount by 5% more than the high bid received, the property could go to public auction at that Public Hearing. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Mayor Smith, and unanimously carried, to adopt Resolution 1789 authorizing the sale of the Whiteley property under certain conditions itemized as #1 through #4, on the f 1.25 acre lot which includes the bank and the easement at the top. TRACT 1137 ACCEPTANCE - HUNTER'S HAVEN Mr. Karp posted a map of Tract 1137, Hunter's Haven, which lies on the southerly 'side of Ide Street adjacent to Cross Street. He said the bonds and agreements have been posted along with the fees, and is ready for approval by the Council. After Council discussion, the developer, Oscar Grassle, agreed to grading a two feet flat area from the property line and before the start of the 2 to 1 slope proposed, if a retaining wall is not completely installed along the southerly property line prior to a request for release of the maintenance bond one year after acceptance of the street improvements. On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to approve Tract 1137 with the five conditions in Staff Memo dated November 8, 1984, plus the added sixth condition stated above. ---_._-_.._--.-._._~--_._~.__._- ------- ----..- . c () - CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR. RESOLUTION ADOPTION: NO PARKING ZONE, SOUTH ELM STREET NEAR SUNSET DRIVE Mr. Mack said the Parking and Traffic Commission recommended the establishment of a "no parking" zone on South Elm Street near Sunset Drive. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTI ON NO. 1806 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "NO PARKI NG" ZONE ON A PORTION OF SOUTH ELM STREET. On motion of Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted on the 13th day of November 1984. RESOLUTION ADOPTION: FIFTEEN MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON A PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE Mr. Mack said the Parking and Traffic Commission recommended the establishment of a fifteen minute parking zone at 900 Grand Avenue, encompassing a mInimum of one parking space, which is in front of the EmergiCare facility. Mr. Mack read the title of the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1807 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING FIFTEEN I (15) MINUTES PARKING ZONE ON A PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE (900 GRAND AVENUE) ENCOMPASSING A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) PARKING SPACE. On motion of Counci Iman Gal1agher, seconded by Counci Iman Mi I I is, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gallagher, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Hogan the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of November 1984. PROPOSED FOUR-WAY STOP AT BRANCH AND MASON STREETS Councilman Millis said he was contacted by several citizens for a four-way stop sign at the corners of Branch and Mason Streets to alleviate a very dangerous situation. Council was addressed by CAROLE SMITH, 146 Tally Ho, who said she had put together a petition of close to one hundred people supporting the creation of a four-way stop sign at the intersection. Mr. Mack said the recommendation went before the Parking and Traffic Commission and the Commission agreed with the petitioners for the stop sign. He said the State at that time had established the necessary warrants that there should be traffic signalization and it came before the Council, who agreed, and then Cal Trans was contacted. Cal Trans would not agree to a four-way stop at the intersection. He said Cal Trans is the owner of Route 227 and under State law they have the ability to control and regulate all traffic on State highways. He said Cal Trans does not object to the establishment of traffic signalization, but he pointed out that because of the designing, budgeting, and preparation it could take eighteen months to accomplish the signalization. He said the cost would be approximately $65,000.00. Council discussed the problem and directed Mr. Mack to call and try to negotiate with Cal Trans. Mr. Mack is to ask the State Staff if cash flow to install the signal is provided by the City, would the State reimburse the City at a future date. Councilman Millis asked that a progress report be on the next Council Agenda. ---- ~--- --.----.----.- - " r n "- ~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE. Councilman Millis asked that the elimination of the parking spaces in front of the J. J. Food Company be considered by the Parking and Traffic Commission at their next meeting. DISCUSSION OF fOUR-WAY STOP AT EL CAMINO REAL AND BRISCO ROAD Councilman Millis said there is a safety problem in the area of EI Camino Real and Brisco Road intersection, highlighted by the traffic on election day going into the South County Regional Center, the school, the theaters and other facilities. He recommended that a four-way stop sign be installed there in place of the two-way stop sign, and that a warning be posted on the street in advance of the four-way stop sign installation. Mr. Karp said it is on the Parking and Traffic Commission's Agenda for the meeting on November 19, 1984, to consider the entire area, and perhaps have input from the State. He said a report could be brought back to Council at their next mee t i ng . WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Councilman Gallagher said the Alder and Fair Oaks intersection presents a very dangerous situation, especially for the children attending Margaret Harlow School. He noted that the Police are trying to correct the speeding violations. Mr. Karp said the new Principal of the school is concerned and asked to review the matter with Chief Jim Clark and Mr. Karp, particularly with regard to the parents and buses coming in and out of the parking lot, and the various intersections around the schoo I. Councilman Gallagher asked that it be put on the Parking & Traffic Commission's I Agenda and Council be kept informed. I Councilman Gallagher said he attended the COG meeting and the subject of CalTrans I came up. He said 75% of the money has been channeled off into other areas and i CalTrans has not given the answers needed regarding where the money has gone. He I said allocations of monies spent for improvements to State roads within San Luis i Obispo County should be reported and he is hopeful it will be on the next COG Agenda. i MARIE CATTOIR, 195 Orchid Lane, asked about the application of sidewalk, curb and gutter in the 500 block of Traffic Way. Mr. Karp said he would look into it, but the City has picked Traffic Way as an undergrounding project and an inventory will be made of all curbs, gutters and sidewalks and credit will have to be given for all those installed that have to be taken out for the undergrounding. PAUL HADDOX asked if Council had directed the representative to the South County Sanitation District on how to support or oppose the financing of the sewer expansion. Councilman Millis explained the Ordinance and resulting vote regarding the sewer bond proposed. MARIE CATTOIR asked if Councilman Hogan planned to attend the November 27, 1984, Council meeting. Mayor Smith said Mr. Hogan was out of town for this meeting, but as far as could be determined he would attend the next Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Smith adjourned the Regular Session to Closed Session at 9:20 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT The City Council reconvened in Regular Session at 9:37 P.M. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis and unanimously carried Counci 1 adjourned at 9:38 P.M. ' , l!J'rJAWd~ ~ ""R ATTEST: . /..."./ D~ '-------~_. ...-- --- - -_.,--"- --