Minutes 1984-06-18 SP
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Mayor Pro Tem Gallagher reconvened the meeting of City Council, continued
from Wednesday, June 13, 1984. Council Members Hogan and Vandeveer were present;
Mayor Smith and Council Member Millis were absent. Also attending were City
Manager Mack, Public Works Director Karp and Police Chief Clark.
Police Chief Clark discussed the feasibility of integrating Grover City and
Arroyo Grande dispatching operations after 4 :00 P.M., and on weekends. Counc i I
elected not to proceed with integrating dispatching operations.
Counc i 1 reviewed the presented budget, commencing with Police Department
Budget of the General Fund. Counc i 1 then proceeded through review of the revenues
of the General Fund and expenditure budgets of the City Council Central Services,
Finance, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney, Planning, Printing/Duplicating,
Insurance/Bonds, Retirement/Fringe Benefits, Fire, Building & Safety, and Animal
Contro 1.
Actions directed by the Council were:
Change the account title of 202 Public Relations in the City Council budget
to Chamber of Commerce.
Reflect $21,000 worth of Contract Associate Planning position under a Contract
Services account in the Planning Budget, rather than in Planning Budget's
"Salaries, Full Time" category.
Remove $3,800 in Police Department's Contractual Services account for physical '.
fitness program.
Council also asked Staff to explore the rationale for the $1,100 telephone
expenses being incurred in Planning, and to determine why the Retirement Fund
jumped from $105,809.00 expenditures in 1982/83, to an anticipated 1983/84 level
of $143,300.00.
Council also deferred action on budgeting $12,000.00 for a car in the Planning
Council, on motion by Councilman Vandeveer, and seconded by Councilman Hogan,
adjourned the meeting, for continued City Council Meeting and Budget Review, until
Tuesday, June 19, 1984, City Hall at 6:30 P.M.