Minutes 1984-06-13 SP
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C /TY COUNC I L JUNE 13, 1984
The City Council met in regular adjourned session at the Arroyo Grande City
Hall, with Mayor Smith presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Gallagher,
Hogan and Vandeveer were present; Council Member Millis was a6sent. Also t n
attendance were City Manager Mack, Finance Director Bacon, and Public Works
Director Karp.
Mayor Smith reconvened meeting of City Council continued from Tuesday,
June 12, 1984.
City Manager Mack reviewed the proposed 1984/85 Budget for the CIty Council.
Council reviewed the presented Budget, commencing with the Gas Tax Fund.
Other budget funds reviewed by the City Council were: Traffic Safety; Revenue
SharIng; Transportation; Construction Tax; Drainage Facility; Water Fa~illty;
Sewer Facility and Downtown Parking. After discussIon and revIew, Council
deleted $60,000 requested in Revenue Sharing Fund for Vi11age Creek improvements,
in order that current water sealing and stabilization efforts by CIty crews, as
recommended by private engineer, may be evaluated over a one year period of time.
City Council concurred with City Manager's recommendation that organizations
having requests for funds, not included in the City Manager's recommended budget,
be given the opportunity on July 10th, 1984, at regular City Council meeting, to
make their views pub1ical1y known. Council also suggested that the City attempt
to get community participation in putting a new sound system In the Conmuntty
Center '.
Councilman Gallagher suggested the possibility of Arroyo Grande and Grover
City combining police dispatching operations after daylight hours In order to
reduce costs and requested City Manager Mack to determine how many dispatchers
are normally on duty at San Luis Obispo City Police Department during the
evening/night hours.
Council, on motion by Councilman Gallagher, and seconded by Councilman
Vandeveer, adjourned meeting at 9:00 P.M. for continued City Council Meeting
and Budget Review on Monday,June 18, 1984, City Hall, at 6:30 P.M.