Minutes 1984-01-16 ;I .1- r -""'\ .J CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:00 P.M. The City Council met in Regular Adjourned Session with Mayor Smith presiding. All members were present. The Staff presented a series of area photographs taken of the City in the vicinity of U.S. 101 at Oak Park Boulevard. The Council reviewed those photographs and the Staff summarized various alternative locations proposed on previous occasions by Cal Trans Staff for resolving traffic problems at the Oak Park interchange. Among proposed solu- tions, presented by Cal Trans at earlier meetings, were the following: 1. I t wa.s sugges ted that the existing intersections remain in their present configuration with modifications to install a six lane wide bridge over the freeway, thus facilitating appropriate lanes to allow for signalization of all intersections feeding the location. 2. Another proposal included relocation of West Branch Street, the northerly frontage road to a location further north on Oak Park Road, perhaps just southerly of the property line for the Casa Grande Motor Lodge. 3. In addition to the aforementioned relocation of West Branch Street it was sugges.ted that the southbound on/off ramps be relocated to a point on the frontage road in Grover City somewhere between the Wolosz property, which is planned for the Sheraton Inn, and 12th Street. 4. Another alternative to relocating Branch Street was to relocate the northbound on/off ramps southerly to a point on West Branch Street in the vicinity of the old Catholic Cemetery. A portion of this proposal included closure of the interchange at Brisco Road. A great deal of discussion followed the Staff presentation which involved all of the Council Members as well as members of the public, Including Mr. Don Boggess of 1590 Sierra Drive; and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peters, owners of Peter Pan Nursery School at Oak Park and El Camino Real. Council questioned the Staff as to why Cal Trans felt it appropriate to close the Brisco interchange in the event the Oak Park ramps are relocated to the Cathol ic Cemetery. The Staff responded that it was Cal Trans opinion that location of two sets of on/off ramps on the northbound side of the freeway were too close to accommodate traffic weaving in and out of each individual interchange. The Mayor asked whether or not this distance was not actually longer than the distance between Fair Oaks and Grand Avenues on the southbound lanes where such a weaving lane actually exists along the freeway. Staff presented the aerial photographs of the area and it became obvious that actually there was a greater distance between Brisco Road and the proposed interchange location at the Catholic Cemetery than existed on the stretch of freeway mentioned by Mayor Smith. After additional discussion, a motion was made by Council Member ~illis recommending to Cal Trans that the southbound off ramp from U.S. 101 at 10ak Park Road be relocated to a point adjacent to the Catholic Cemetery. That motion also indicated that the Council was not in favor of closure of the Brisco interchange. Council Member Gallagher seconded the motion. Prior to the vote Councilman Millis wanted to emphasize the fact that the proposal was to be funded from Federal Aid Urban (FAU) funds, previously allocated to resolution of Oak Park Road traffic problems. The Mayor called for a vote on the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Council Member Vandeveer then turned the attention of the Council towards the southbound on/off ramps in the vicinity of El Camino Real and Oak Park Road. He pointed out that relocation of these ramps in a northerly direction, as previously suggested by Cal Trans, would involve an interaction between the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach. He made a motion that the Staff continue to work with the Staffs of the other two cities to attempt to find a resolution to relocation of the southbound on/off ramps at a location which would accommodate access to the frontage road in Grover City but not impact the traffic problem at Oak Park Road. The motion was seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried. Mayor Smith assured those present that through the Safe some discussion is already taking place with the other cities. --J, - ..~- ~ ........~ , ......... --- .- CITY COUNCil JANUARY 16, 1984 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. City Manager Mack said he had a question: The concept is that the City will use its FAU funds and not be asking other cities to participate in this development; but we wi 11 leave the question open as to whether or not the State might participate. Councilman Vandeveer said he felt if all three cities pull together and say this is indeed what we want and go in with a united front, you would have a far better presentation. Mayor Smith said correspondence had been going on with the State asking that monies be directed to the intersection from all the cities. Mr. Mack said he had met with Senator Ken Maddy on Saturday on the proposal submitted to him asking the State to sell bonds and use the proceeds of the bonds, then deliver them to cities and counties around the State to take care of the interchange type problems. Senator Maddy reported on a Bill (SB 1166), a copy of which he provided to Mr. Mack, that is already in the hopper (Senator Marks) that proposes to do exactly what we were advocating with the exception that the bonds be used not only for intersection and highway related type projects, but for all city infrastructure type problems. A ~otion was made by Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer to adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Council. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:57 ~.M. ~.{)AUIJ~ MAYOR ATTEST: