Minutes 1983-02-01 SP 282 CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in a special meeting with Mayor Smith presiding. Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, and Mark M. Millis were present. Council Member Karl A. Hogan was absent. STUDY SESSION RE: SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Mayor Smith stated that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Cityts sPhere ofiinfluence line as requested by LAFCO. She ---. referred to the criteria provided by LAFCO in establishing this line. Council Member Millis stated he is concerned that to establish the sphere of influence line be~orldthhe city limits would invite speculation for annexation. Council Member Gallagher stated that the City shmuld have input to development outside the City limits and cited the Brisco area as an example of not having that input. Council Member Vandeveer agreed that the sphere of influence line should be extended beyond the city limits to insure City input to development adjoining the City. Mayor Smith stated that the City does not have the resources to provide further services beyond the present City limits. After discussion, Public Works Director Karp suggested that Council send a letter to LAFCO stating their concern hegarding traffic, drainage, and inadequate resources to expand beyond the service areas and allow LAFEO to return with a response. It was the consensus of Council to direct such a letter and Mayor Smith requested that this matter be placed on the next agenda of February 8, 1983. ADJOURNMENT It was unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:25 P.M. IJ'~~ MAYOR ATTEST: il