Minutes 1983-07-11
The City Council met in regular adjourned session_ Mayor Smith presiding. \
All Council Members were present_ along with City Manager Mack and Finance
Director Bacon. ;~~
City Manager Mack advised the City Council that over the past weekend,
due to hot weather, Arroyo Grande water users used more water than could be
replenished in the City reservoirs, at a rate of approximately one million
gallons per day. He advised that the City had notified the Press and was
requesting water conservation methods notably elimination of outside land-
scaping, irrigation and car washing until the hot spell passed. He stated
that the City crews would continue to monitor the reservoir levels, and
would continue to ask the public for conservation measures until it could
be forecast that the reservoirs would replenish themselves.
. City Manager Mack also advised the Council that he had been told by
Sonic Cable TV that Sonic had discussed with the owners of Sunrise Terrace
Mobile Home Park status of Sunrise cable system and that the Sunrise repre-
sentatives:~tated they would be discontinuing Sonic service and providing
service directly to Sunrise residents through a satellite receiver to be
constructed upon the Sunrise site. Mr. Mack stated that he had not corrobo-
rated this information with Mr. Russell Merris, the Sunrise Mobile Home Park
Manager, who currently was on vacation and unavailable until the evening of
July 12, 1983. Mr. Mack stated that he had requested the City Attorney to
research the question as to whether the City possessed any legal authority
to determine whether or not cable service from the City Franchisee could be
required to be provided to residents within the Park; but that Mr. Mack's
initial impression was: the City had no legal authority to require a
continuation of commercial cable TV service to the Park if the property owner
of the Park elected not to provide such service to his residents.
Thereafter, Council commenced review of the City Budget starting with
Building the Safety account of the General Fund. The Council reviewed the
following accounts: Animal control administration/engineering, street/bridges,
government buildings, street cleaning/lighting, auto shop, parks, recreation,
. operating equipment and capital improvements.
On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and /
una~imously carried, the Council session adjourned at 10:00 P.M. /\