Minutes 1983-07-19 /~ CITY COUNCIL _/ JULY 19, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . The City Council met .in regular adjourned session,. Mayor Smith presiding. All Council Members were present, along with City Manager Mack, Parks & Recreation Director John Keisler, Finance Director David Bacon and Public Works Director Paul Karp. City Manager Mack advised the City Council that during the day Mr. Jim ~amilton had downed power lines on The Pike removing an. eucalyptus tree. He reported that a similar incident occurred last Thursday resulting in .dlsruption of power, cable tv, and telephone service to the neighborhood. He advised Council that upon arrival at the scene, he advised Mr. Hamilton that City authorization for continued use of the city street for removal of trees was withdrawn. He stated that he based his decision upon the clear and present danger posed to the public on two occasions with the downing of live power lines which lay In the public right of way with people In the area. Mr. Mack reported that Mr. Forgosteln, the tree owner, was advised of the downed tree involved in the incident and authorized him to advise Mr. Hamilton that he wished Mr. Hamilton to cease cutting operations. Upon arrival at the scene and discussion with Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Hamilton advised Mr. Mack that he wished to discontinue his agreement with the tree owners. Mr. Mack advised Mr. Hamilton to meet with the tree owners. Mr. Mack further stated that in talking with residents along the Pike, he received mixed feedback as to whether they wished to continue with tree removal a long The Pi ke. Mr. Mack was advised that there were calls from other residents in the area not on The Pike who simply wanted the tree removal discontinued because of tlte interruption to their utl1 ity services. Mr. Mack recommended to the City Council that the City honor its agreements with residents along The Pike and the tree owners that the City would trim over the city street as contained in the agreement. If acceptable to the Council, Mr. Mack would talk with the tree owners to see if they would continue tree cutting. If so, he would wait for trimming. Mr. Mack also recommended to the Council that the City no longer serve a role in removing .further trees and 'that any party who wished a tree removed to work out any details,including financial, with the tree owner involved. The Council. unanimously agreed with the recommendation. The Council commenced discussion/review of the 1983/84 proposed budget beginning with the Revenue Sharing Fund~. The Council agreed that the $4,000 in public relations monies be allocated to the organizations as recommended earlier by the City Manager. Council also discussed and reviewed Park Development Fees Fund, Construction Tax Fund, Traffic Safety Fund, Drainage Facilities Fund, Cap ita 1 Improvements Fund, Downtown Parking Fund, Ruth Ann Construction and Canyon Way Construction Funds, as well as the Transportation Fund. During the course of discussion, Council elected not to implement a police dog program in the City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Gallagher moved, with a second by Council Member Millis that $170,000 be budgeted for the paving and widening of Brisco Road which would involve a five foot cut and grade, curb, gutter and sidewalk work which would be included in an assessment district, plus a stated intent that necessary water tine replacement on Brisco Road would be addressed further in budget considera- tions this year. Motion passed with Council Members Gallagher, Millis and Mayor Smith voting "yes" and Counci 1 Members Vandeveer and Hogan voting "nay". Counc il Member Ga 11 agher moved, wi th a second by Counci I Member Hogan that $20,000 be budgeted this year to the Tally. Ho Road curve with the remainder of the funds to be budgeted in 1984/85, when construction would be undertaken. Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Gallagher moved, with a second by Council Member Hogan that $16,000 be budgeted for engineering planning on Le Point Street. Mot i on passed unanimously upon roll call vote. Council Member Millis requested City Manager Mack to review the 1983/84 proposed budget to determine any and all possible sources which might be applied to Traffic Way construction during the 1983/84 budget year. Mr. Mack agreed to do such research and provide information to the Council.' ,- --...., . . . w CITY COUNC Il JULY 19, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE TWO. Council unanimously agreed without motior,&o budget $19,000 in the 1983/84 budget for storm damage repair work. . Mr. Mack advised the Council that he would obtain a copy of the Ordinance establishing the construction fund and provide each member of the Council with that Ordinance for their review. Council agreed that it would continue its budget meeting the following Monday, July 25, 1983, at 7:30 P.M. Meeting closed at 10:30 P.M. . MAYOR '.- ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK i