Minutes 1983-07-25 (" ~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 25, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. City Council adjourned meeting continued with the Budget Revrew Session at 7:30 P.M., July 25, 1983, at Arroyo Grande City Ha11. Present at the meeting were Mayor Smith, Counci1 Member Gallagher and Counci1 Member Vandeveer. Absent were Council Member Millis and Council Member Hogan. A1so present were City Manager Mack, Finance Director Bacon, Public Works Director Karp. Finance Director Bacon advised the City Counci1 that the recent1y adopted State budget resu1ts in a $97,000 reduction in the Genera1 Fund. City Manager Mack recommended proceeding with adoption of the budget based upon the revenue the City wou1d receive from the current1y adopted State legislature and that if necessary, the budget cou1d be amended at a 1ater time in the event that the State 1egis1ature a1tered revenue projections to the City. The Council proceeded with review of the budget, having received memo from the City Manager itemizing potential sources in which to fund Traffic Way as requested by the Council at their last meeting. In addition, City Manager Mack itemized changes in the budget as occurred as a result of previous Counci1 actions in the budget review process. In reviewing items which had not been addressed by Council to date, Council approved the additiona1 f0110wing appropriations: $15,000 for p1anning consultants for Soto Park Comp1ex, a $600 increase in Human Re1ations Commission, $2,000 for mosquito abatement program, $6,000 for The Pike tree trimming, $425 for a weed eater for the Parks Department and $200,000 for Sunset drainage. The Counci1 e1ected not to fund an additiona1 police officer for 1983/84 due to the State budget cuts to City revenues. In addition, they determined to defer construction of the fo11owing projects to following years: Pacific Coast Railway Place, U.S. 101/CA 227 signa1ization, Coach Road bridge, and lePoint creek crossing. Council discussed Tally Ho drainage project and determined that they would not fund this project unless the residents adjoining the proposed project area altered their previous position of non-participation. Counci1 also discussed funding Traffic Way paving and concrete replacement during 1983/84. Council e1ected not to fund the project through the budget in 1983/84 and directed staff to undertake a review of the project area to determine what overall p1ans shou1d be adopted to improve this major entry into the City. City Manager Mack presented recommendations and alternatives for utility funds for 1983/84 to be considered by the Counci1 prior to their budget meeting. Counci1 meeting closed at 9:30 P.M. ATTEsr:=i2/k-- i3'~~ MAYOR I I DEPUTY CITY CLERK