Minutes 1983-10-11 SP , ~ - I , ~ ~ I . i - . CITY COUNCil OCTOBER 11, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 6:30 P.M. JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCil AND PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION, 6:30-7:30 P.M. The City Council met In Joint Session with the Parks & Recreation Commission with Mayor Smith presiding. Those attending were Council Members lawrence Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark Millis, Karl A. Hogan; Dorace Johnson, GeeGee 50to, Judy Tappan, Billy Howell and Mike Thomas of the Parks and Recreation Commission; John Keisler, Parks & Recreation Director. City Manager Mack Introduced Consultants Richard Taylor, Architect of Santa Barbara, and Fred H. Schott, Engineer of San luls Obispo, who gave a presentation on the 50to Sports Complex long-Range Plan they had prepared. Messers Taylor and Schott distributed an outline of the Plan which Included cost estimates of each of the five phases for the project. A question/answer period and further discussion followed and it was determined that Parks & Recreation Commission's next meeting was to be held the following evening. Council decided to set another Joint Meeting sometime after the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on October 12, 1983. Mayor Smith adjourned the Joint Session at 7:23 P.M. The Regular Session of the City Council reconvened at 7:33 P.M. with all members present. .- PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Council Member Hogan led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Pastor Kenneth Beene, landmark Missionary Baptist Church, delivered the Invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried, approving the minutes of the September 27, 1983, meeting as presented. APPROVAL OF CHECKS On motion of Councilman Vandeveer, se~onded by Councilman Hogan, and unani- mously carried, Demand Checks Nos. P569 through P580 and Nos. 20885 through I 20986 In the total amount of $335,573.04; and Payroll Checks Nos. 25956 through 26060 in the total amount of $84,227.15, were approved for payment as presented by Finance Director David Bacon. SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY COUNCil MEMBER VANDEVEER Councilman Vandeveer said he had again been awarded the Vendors of Hardware contribution of $1,000.00, as a delegate to the league of California Cities Convention. He said the actual check had not yet arrived but he presented a large facsimile of the check to Mayor Smith for the City of Arroyo Grande. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS EllA HONEYCUTT thanked the Council and Mayor Smith for the use of the Council Chambers during the Harvest Festival to display the agricultural goods from the area. DON BOGGESS said the Planning Commission had recently approved a Use Permit for a 99-unit motel on West Branch Street, although the problems at the Oak Park Road and Highway 101 intersection have not been solved. He cited the four public hearings scheduled to be heard during this meeting, all dealing with lot splits and developments on West Branch Street and he felt very strongly that the public's safety should take precedence over development projects. Planning Director Stan Eisner explained that the Developer had been heard on a Use Permit and Architectural Review, but before any development could start, the Developer would have to apply for building permits. FRED STEELE, 1598 Hillcrest, asked if the intersection issue could be appealed without the payment of the $50.00 requirements. He felt the City should appeal it with the Planning Commission. He suggested consideration of changing the off ramps, initiating a 20-mile per hour speed limit, having the police monitor the area during rush hours and weekends, and moving the bus stop at the Peter Pan School. MRS. FRED STEELE, 1598 Hillcrest, read from a letter citing the problems of congestion at said intersection. . ~ ~ - CITY COUNC IL OCTOBER 11, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI FORNI A PAGE TWO. MRS. TOM TALBERT, 1580 Hillcrest, agreed with the .ideas others had already stated. BILL TAPPAN, 1525 Chilton, said he agreed no more building should be allowed until something is done about the intersection and mentioned another problem might arise with all the proposed restaurants in that area, if they obtain liquor licenses. JUDY TAPPAN, 1525 Chilton, said she trusts the City Council to make the right deci s ions. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman HQgan, and unanimously carried approving all Consent Agenda Items 8 through 17, as recommended. 8. Departmental Monthly Report for September, 1983. REVIEW AND FILE. 9. Answered Agenda and/or Minutes for Planning Commission Meeting of October 4. 1983. REVIEW AND FILE. "--- 10. Minutes of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District of September 20, 1983. REVIEW AND FILE. . 11. Minutes of Parking and Traffic Commission for September 19, 1983. REV I EW AND FILE. 12. Invitation to Participate in Youth In Government Day, January 17, 1984. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 13. Expression of Appreciation - Rotary Club of Arroyo Grande. REVIEW AND FILE. 14. Insurance Claim of Mrs. Kevin Waugh, Incident of August 8, 1983. RECOMMEND I DEN I Al. 15. Authorization to Purchase Budgeted Items: Two Public Works Vehicles. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 16. Acceptance and Payment, Re. Construction and/or Repair of Storm-Damaged Drainages and Drainage Structures, Project No. 90-83-3. RECOMMENO APPROVAL. 17. Progress Payment to R. Baker Construction, Deep Domestic Water Well. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. PUBLIC HEARING RE: THREE RELATED ITEMS ON RANCHO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT Planning Director Eisner recommended that the three public hearings.scheduled be opened and testimony taken concurrently, because much of the background infor- mation would be the same. He said a separate Resolution on the first two Items, and a separate Ordinance on the third, would be in order should the Council choose to take action in that direction. Mr. Eisner said the first item is a request for lot-split submitted by OTTSE, INC. , in care of Burton and Burkhart of San Luis Obispo. The zoning on the two properties is P-D, and the property at the present time is vacant. The requested lot split is consistent with the General Plan and any action taken would be consistent with the Environmental Impact Study that was reviewed by the Planning Commission and certified by the City Council for the Rancho Grande deve I opmen t . The applicants are requesting a division of two parcels. The Planning Commission, in a resolution, recommended this matter to Council with a series of standard conditions, and special conditions. Mr. Eisner said the second item is a request for approval of a tentative Tract Map. It is a vacant 92-acre parcel, zoned P-D, low density residential. This request Is consistent with the General Plan. The environmental determination was approved by the Planning Commission and certified in August 1977, and there was a list of environmental concerns and mitigations which were adopted as a part of Ordinance 186 C.S. The applicants have agreed they still recognize and will perform in accordance with the mitigations set forth at that time, and, the lot sizes on the tentative map to be consistent with the zoning Ordinance. All other requirements will be reviewed as a part of specific action yet to be taken on this project dealing with building permits and other pertinent procedures. 7 .. ~. ~ ) - CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER II, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE THREE. Mr. Eisner said in reviewing Tentative Tract #1132, Staff has presented for consideration a list of 64 standard conditions which 'are felt to be con- sistent with good planning practice for the City. An additional set of 12 special conditions, which Staff Advisory Committee felt were germaine to this particular project, are recommended to be added to whatever action Council takes. Mr. Eisner said the third item is a draft of a development agreement, including all of the Recitals, and a draft Ordinance which could be used to adopt the.development agreement and would require a first reading. After Council discussion, Mayor Smith said the notice of the hearing had been duly published and all requirements governing hearings had been met and the' hearings were opened. Mayor Smith said the three public hearings were: 1. to consider an application for a minor subdivision on certain real property hereinafter described to create four parcels on West Branch Street between Brisco Road and Oak Park Acres; 2. a tentative subdivision map, Tract No. 1132, "Rancho Grande", for a 134 lot residential subdivision on property hereinafter described in the Planned Development District; and 3. to consider an ordinance adopting a development agreement for. the Rancho Grande development as constituted in Ordinance No. 186 C.S. JIM GARING, Garing & Taylor, said the tentative map of Tract 1132 matches that on Ordinance 186 C.S. and discussed the development of other roads to alleviate further traffic. problems in the area. MRS. 'FRED STEELE said she did not bel ieve traffic congestion could be relieved by adding more roads. DON BOGGESS,1590 Sierra Drive, said he thought'work on James Way would improve the area around there and act as a reI ief valve on Oak Park,.. but that traffic runs both ways and his concern is stilI the intersection and ,Council should consider the whole picture. ELLA HONEYCUTT said she felt Council shoufd review conditions of the 1977 study and keep the public informed as to what Council is doing. FRED STEELE, 1598 Hillcrest, compared James Way to Price Street in Pismo Beach, and said he felt the City shou.ld get together with the other cities on the problem. JIM GARING, said he wished to address Mrs. Honeycutt's statement regarding the 1977 study, and that in researching the study, a summary of litigations developed, and a long 1 ist of subjects attached to the conditions of approval. Mayor Smith said the public portion of the three hearings was closed and further comments restricted to Council only. Councilman Millis said he felt Rancho Grande has a good plan, but with the serious traffic conditions, he could not vote until Arroyo Grande gets together with Pismo Beach, Grover City and Cal Trans and comes up with a plan to solve the problems as soon as possible. Councilman Hogan said he felt road work should be done, but he would like to hear City Manager Mack's progress report, scheduled for later on the Agenda, before the Council vote is taken. Counci Iman Vandeveer said he was in agreement with other Counci Imen. City Manager Mack said the Staffs from the various Cities and CalTrans had met and that CalTrans had done a traffic count on the area last summer and found, with existing structure and existing conditions of all roads leading into the intersection there, with the existing volume.of traffic .and no consideration for peak hours, that any traffic light would have to be timed for 125-second phase. A wait of over two minutes at a traffic signal would cause traffic to back up and stack up in certain lanes, and during rush hours the problems would be even more severe. CalTrans has agreed to look at the installation of stop signs. Mr. Mack said the study should be available the fi rst of November and wi 11 be shared wi th a II the Cities in the area and should provide an Interim solution. ._0- . ~ ~ . .- CITY COUNC I L OCTOBER 11, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FOUR. Mr. Mack said LAFCo did not Include In any city'ssphere the 155 acres (Oaks Park) nor the school site, which Is now for sale. Mr. Mack said he felt before Arroyo Grande can attempt to negotiate a design with other parties, the City must agree on the design; and he advocated having sessions with the Planning Commission and with Parking and Traffic Commission and putting together a plan of what the City wants to see as approaches going Into that Intersection (overpass, signal ization) from both sides of the freeway. Councilman Gallagher said by not approving the projects at this time would give more planning time, bring In the private entrepreneurs to work with the City, rearrange and reestablish our priorities, work jointly with other cities and the County. He said he would like to delay the hearings without prejudice and have Council meet to set up a plan. Councilman Vandeveer said he felt RanclDGrande is a well planned development and he agreed. the development of the roads would help alleviate the traffic sl tuation. He said Council should move forward with CalTrans for a solution, and should, not hold up on 'construction. Councilman Millis said he felt the three Items should be continued until the next Council meeting as he felt the City Attorney should be present to handle the legal questions; He asked the City Staff to set the highest priority on this item, to resolve the traffic problems. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by'.Councllman Millis, and unanimously carried, to continue all three items (1. minor subdivision; 2. tentative tract map and 3. proposed ordinance to effect adoption of the development agreement with Rancho Grande) to the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Smith said Council would accept pUblic comments, but the public hearings were closed and would not be reopened. PUBLIC HEARING RE AMENDt-IENT TO ZONING OROINANCE.. SECTIONS 9-4.1022 and 9-4.3204 Planning Olrector Eisner said there had been some changes in Cal ifornia Planning and Subdivision Law having to do with the time I imits that are necessary to be met in terms of process i ng certa I n items.. He asked for a change In the Ordinance so that a "Letter of Completeness" can be issued to the applicant if all requirements had been met. He said It is a procedural 1 change and recommended that the change in Section 9-4.1022 and 9~4.3204 be made as they are the mOst critical at this time. Further changes will be brought to the Commission and the Counci 1 in the future. Mayor Smith said the notice of the hearing had been duly published and all requirements governing hearings had been met and the hearing related to the "Letter of Completeness" was now open for the pub Ii c to speak for or aga Ins t. No one from the public wished to speak, and Mayor Smith said the public hearing was closed and comments restricted to Council only.. Mr. Mack read the title of the Ordinance, and a motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. OROINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9-4.1022 AND 9-4.3204 RELATING TO "NOT! CE OF COMPLETENESS". Mayor Smith said that constituted the First Reading of the Ordinance. FINAL MAP APPROVAL OF TRACT 741, WILDWOOD RANCH (TEMPUS) Public Works Director Paul Karp said the Wildwood Ranch was approved under the Planned Development Zoning, low density residential, and has a specific plan for development. The plans for the roads and grading were presented to Council previously. The developer has provided an. Instrument of Credit to guarantee .' . . - . ~ . CITY COUNC I L . OCTOBER 11, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE FIVE. improvements required, and Mr. Karp asked Council to approve the final map with the seven conditions I isted on the Memo of October 5, 1983. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan and unanimously carried, to accept final map Tract 741, Wildwood Ranch, as recommended with the seven conditions attached. LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-369, AG 83-176 (VOAKES) Mr. Karp said the lot spl it was recently extended by the Planning Commission and that public improvements had been constructed on both frontages (Canyon Way and James Way). The zoning on the property is RAB-2, low density residential and In the land use element of the General Plan. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer, seconded by Councilman Hogan, and unanimously carried to approve lot split Case No. 81-369, AG 83-176, with six recommended conditions. OAK PARK INTERSECTION REPORT Mr. Mack had made a report, earlier in the evening on this subject. Mr. Mack asked if Council had any specific direction for the Staff between now and the '.- reconvening on the three items publ icly heard and continued until next Council meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Millis,seconded by Counci Iman Vandeveer, and unanimously carried to make Oak Park Intersection a top priori ty item and to prepare an action i plan for a solution before the next meeting. RESOLUTION ADOPTING NEW AND REVISED CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DATED OCTOBER 1983 Publ ic WorksDi rector Karp saidCounci I had copies of a II proposed revi s ions to the Construction Standards, and the Resolution adopting the Standards. Counci I discussion followed. A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Millis, to increase the flat area in front of the garages to 15 ft., but after discussion, the motion and second was withdrawn. Mr. Karp will meet with a volunteer committee of San Luis Engineering, Garing and Taylor and Mr. Lou Caballero to arrive at a new standard that could be accomplished on existing hillside lots, and have it ready for next Council meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and unanimously carried, adopting two new Construction Standards (B9 relating to wheelchair ramps and D6 relating to drainage ditches) as well as revisions to existing Standards. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING VEHICULAR TURN MOVEMENTS In City Attorney Shaw's absence, City Manager Mack said the proposed Ordinance would give the Council authority to adopt resolutions from time to time to prohibit vehicular turn movements. A.motion was made by Councilman Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Vandeveer, to dispense with further reading of the Ordinance. The motion carried, with Councilman Hogan voting "No". ORDINANCE NO. 300 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE RESTRICTIONS ON VEHICULAR TURN MOVEMENTS BY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Smith said that constituted the First Reading of the Ordinance. FEDERAL FLOOD CONTROL PROGRAM ~lty'Manager Mack said the City and Council had received notice that the Flood Hazard Boundary Map had been defined by the Federal Government (FEMA). Any tenant or property owner has 90 days to review the maps posted at City Hall, and to protest any part. Any protestor should present their feelings to the City, and the City should conduct a hearing process on the matter and provide recom- mendations to the Federal Government. Mr. Mack recommended that any appeals be directed to the Public Works Director and all appeals be reviewed and determina- tions made by a committee composed of Clark Moon; Planning Commissioner, who will chair the Committee, Mr. Paul Karp and Mr. Stan Eisner. The Map will come to the City Council attached to the Flood Plain Ordinance for adoption after the 90-day appeal period is concluded. .i'J '" , . . - -',. , ~ 1 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 11, 1983 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE SIX. A motion was made by Councilman Vandeveer to accept Mr. Mack's recommenda- tion. Mayor Smith seconded the motion for discussion. Following' Council discus- sion,themotion carried unanimously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Mack said the City had received by mail the Agenda for the October 20th meeting of the Zone Three Advisory Committee of the County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and copies had been provided to each Council Member. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Councilman Gallagher asked when the Grading Ordinance would come before the Council. Mr. Karp said it would come directly to Council from the State. Council Member Gallagher said he felt the Ordinance should be considered by the Planning Commission and their recommendations presented to Council. Councilman Gallagher said he would like some input on what the Cities are doing with regard to an annexation fee for land outside the City, coming Into the City. Counei lman Ga l1agher sa id he fe 1t the Ci ty shoul d learn someth i ng from the Coalinga earthquakes and apply the lessons to Old Town, to determine how safe the buildings are. Mr. Mack said as a result of some people visiting Coalinga and viewing the damage, the City would have similar occurrences in the older buildings, and very extensive measures would be involved to correct the situation. Mr. Eisner volunteered to contact his brother who is a senior official with the Office of Earthquake Safety (who has a collection of slides and some draft reports) and get some materials from him on the subject. Mayor Smith said that from the Disaster Seminar at the League of California Cities Conference, she had information on how to handle these things, which she would pass on to the Council. Councilman Hogan said he had entered into a building program on some property he had owned for several years and found that a list of nine requirements to build were necessary. He objected strongly to the sharp increase in building permits over the past three years. _. ADJOURNMENT City Manager Mack requested a Closed Session be conducted on personnel, and the regular session was adjourned at 10:12 P.M. RECONVENEMENT AND ADJOURNMENT After the Closed Session, Council adjourned to regular session at 10:30 P.M. ~ltlMd~ MAYOR ATTEST: