Agenda Packet 2010-03-29 SPC I * ty Con eil Tony Ferrara, Mayor Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem Joe Costello, Council Member Ed Arnold, Council Member Chuck Fellows, Council Member Steven Adams City Manager Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Kelly Wetmore City Clerk NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2010 6:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIL 3. FLAG SALUTE: MAYOR FERRARA 4. CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA a) Presentation of staff report by City Manager Adams and recommendation by the City Council subgroup to: 1) approve relocation of all City Hall complex staff to the 300 East Branch Street (former Farm Credit) building; 2) direct staff to solicit proposals to lease the existing City Hall building; 3) authorize the City Manager to execute documents to obtain debt financing of up to $1.2 million for costs associated with acquisition of the 300 East Branch Street property through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Community Facilities low- interest loan program and fund debt service from Local Sales Tax funds; and 4) approve funding for proposed improvements to the 300 East Branch Street building from Local Sales Tax funds. b) Public comment - Members of the public wishing to address the City Council on this item may do so when recognized by the Mayor. AGENDA SUMMARY— MARCH 29, 2010 PAGE 2 Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Please complete a speaker slip. ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member, staff member, or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 5. ADJOURNMENT to the Regular City Council /Redevelopment Agency Meeting of Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street. All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability - related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805 - 473 -5414. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www. arro oogrande. orq RPORATE #3 � y 'o ' MEMORANDUM To: CITY COUNCIL F ROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA DATE: MARCH 29, 201 RECOMMENDATION: DATIo : The City Council subgroup recommends the City Council: 1 approve relocation of all City Hall complex staff to the Soo East Branch Street (former Farm Credit) building; 2 direct staff to solicit proposals to lease the existing City Hall building; 3 authorize the City [Manager to execute documents to obtain debt financing of up to $1.2 million for costs associated with acquisition of the Soo East Branch Street property through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Community Facilities lover- interest loan program and fund debt service from Local Sales Ta funds; and 4 approve funding for proposed improvements to the Soo East Branch Street from Local Sales Tax funds. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The net total cost to acquire the Soo East Branch Street building is $1,'171 000 under the terms of the Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement with I I T Commercial. This is proposed to be funded from a $1.2 million loan through a USDA Community Facilities low interest financing program. To make all the improvements recommended for the Soo East Branch Street building, the total cost estimate is approximately $410,000. A copy of the detailed cost estimate is *attached. However, staff and City Council subgroup believe this could be reduced by at least $75,000 through modifications and by performing some of the work by in -house staff. Therefore, the total cost estimate is as follows: Agenda Item 4. Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29, 20't0 PAGE 2 Building improvements $335,000 0 contract for document imaging system $90,000 • Rent 140,00 Total $465,000 At the ,February 23, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved a plan to address General Fund budget shortfalls in FY 2009-10 and FY 2010 -11, which included transferring $550,000 from funds budgeted for City Hall improvements to the General Fund fund balance. This would leave approximately $300,000 in Local Bales Tax funds budgeted for City Hall improvements and $29,000 from the USDA loan available to fund these costs. It is recommended the additional $136,000 be funded from a combination of Local sales Tax, Sewer and Water funds that would be budgeted in FY 2010-11. Some of this funding could come from savings due to a delay in the loan being issued a year later than what was originally projected. The City Council subgroup also identified a lower cost alternative, which would limit use of the second floor. This would reduce the cost to the following: 0 Building improvements # $195,000 0 Contract for document imaging system $90,000 0 Rent $30,00 • Total $315,000 Under this alternative, almost all costs could be addressed within the current budget. A co py of the alternate detailed cost estimate is attached, as well as the estimate for the digital imaging contract. BACKGROUND: At the February 23, 2010 meeting, the City Council approved a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement with NKT Commercial contingent upon resolving the following three issues: Feasibility of relocating all City Hall complex staff into the former Farm Credit building; Whether to lease, sell or utilize the existing City Hall building for operations; and Funding source for the cost of property acquisition and improvements. Staff was directed to work with a subgroup of the City Council, composed of Mayor Pro Tern Quthrie and Council Member Arnold, to develop recommendations. A Agenda Item 4. Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29, 2010 PAGE 3 series of meetings have been held. Three proposals from architectural firms to assist in developing preliminary interior design alternatives of the former Farm Credit building were requested and received. (like Peachey of MW I Architects, Inc. offered to perform the services o n a volunteer basis and was selected. AC & E Support Services was contracted to prepare cost estimates. Three alternatives were prepared. The first attempted to utilize the building without modifying any walls. The second removes walls in the southwest side of the building to install modular units. The third would relocate the Council Chambers to the west side of the building. The second option was selected as the only feasible alternative. A copy of tfi'e final preliminary design is attached. ANALYSIS of ISSUES: Under the proposed design, the City Manager, department directors, Human Resources Manager, and City Council /City Attorney would be assigned a private office. All other staff would utilize modular units. In order to relocate all staff to the former Farm Credit building, use of the upstairs floor for a conference room, computer room and storage is proposed. Therefore, installation of the elevator would be necessary prior to occupying the building. Additional payment of rent for an estimated period of approximately four months would be needed to complete the improvements. Installation of fire sprinklers and modification to the stain are necessary to comply with current Building Code requirements. To create the number of work stations needed, removal of three walls and cabinet areas will be necessary. Modular units would be installed in this area, which would be relatively small in size. Modification to the counter area is required in order to accommodate both Community Development and Administrative Services utility billing counter staff. An alternative of improving an existing upstairs storage room and constructing a badge to provide access is also included in the cost analysis. Space would not be available for all file cabinets that currently exist. Therefore, to rake this alternative feasible, it would be necessary to contract for digital scanning and indexing of the majority of existing City records and working files. A preliminary cost estimate from a contractor the City currently utilizes was obtained, which is approximately $90,000. The City Council subgroup recommends the existing City Hall building be leased rather than sold. This would maintain future flexibility to reoccupy the building if necessary. Any necessary upgrade to the building would need to be made by the Agenda Item 4. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of CONTINGENCIES REGARDING DING F EDESIG of SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT T AGREEMENT WITH NAT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION of PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT of CITY PROPERTY TY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29,2010 PAGE tenant, but credit on rent payments could be provided . Therefore, improvements to the building could be privately financed and additional revenue may be generated. It is recommended that the initial lease be no more than five years in length to provide an opportunity to evaluate whether the City's space needs are adequately addressed. A vacant office building at the pillage Creek Promenade on Station Way has been identified by Mr. Hughes as a proposed alternative to the former Farm Credit building for relocation of City offices. The Council subgroup discussed this alternative. Based on staff's preliminary review, the building could meet the City's operational needs cost effectively, including the Council Chambers. However, it would require relocation of City offices outside the core of the Village. The 1984 Blue Ribbon Committee recommended relocation of City Hall, but the plan was rejected by the City Council and the determination was made to maintain City Hall in the same location. The 2004 Feasibility Study and Deeds Assessment evaluated a number of alternative sites. After a series of public workshops, consensus again was to maintain City offices in the same general location. Therefore, if directed by City Council to pursue alternative sites outside the pillage core, staff could provide additional analysis of this alternative. However, it currently does not meet prior direction received. 0. Council Member Fellows has questioned the accuracy of the appraisal and recommended a new appraisal be prepared utilizing the income approach. Staff consulted with the appraiser, who indicated that the income approach was not recommended because a single occupancy building is more likely to be purchased by an occupant owner rather than as an investment property. Original appraisals were obtained in 2008. The updated appraisals appear to be consistent with the decrease in commercial ial property costs during this period of tune. Therefore, staff believes the appraisal is valid. More importantly, the goal of the project recommendations was to develop the most cost effective way to address the City's immediate and future office needs while maintaining City offices in the same general location. The City's redevelopment consultant reviewed the overall pro forma for the proposed commercial project and confirmed the rate of return is extremely low. Appraisal results can typically Crary widely, particularly given current market conditions and lack of comparative sales. Therefore, it may be possible if not likely) to obtain an appraisal with a different value for the former Farm Credit building. However, when reviewing the overall economics of the agreement as a whole, Jt is clear that the financial arrangement is beneficial to the City and a lower appraisal would not result in a reduction in purchase price. Agenda Item 4. Page 4 f CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION of CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN of SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL. FOR ACQUISITION of PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT of CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29,2010 PAGE 5 At the same tine, staff understands the City Council may desire an additional appraisal given the concerns identified. One constraint is timing. The appraiser recommended by Council Member Fellows was contacted, but is unavailable during the upcoming month. He alternatively recommended the services of Shenberger, Taylor, McCormick & Je ker, Inc. They estimated the appraisal could be prepared for all the properties for somewhere in the range of $7,500 to $8,500, but could not commit to completion any earlier than arid -May. Therefore, if directed to prepare an appraisal, it would probably be necessary to seek alternative proposals. An additional option would be to approve the project to proceed under the current terms of the agreement contingent upon the new appraised value being within 10% of the prior appraisal. Therefore, terms of the agreement would be reconsidered only if the overall value varied by over 10% from the current appraised values or by 10% of just the former Farm Credit building appraisal. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for consideration: Approve the recommendations of the City Council subgroup; Approve the recommendations of the City Council subgroup, but delay improvements necessary for full use of the second floor; Approve staff's original recommendation to acquire the former Farm Credit building to relocate Community Development staff and maintain the City Hall building to locate City Manager, Legislative and Information Services and Administrative Services staff; } f Direct staff to prepare additional analysis on alternative sites outside the pillage core, including and/or limited to the Station Way property; Approve the project recommendations contingent upon an additional appraisal within 10% of the current appraised values of all the properties or just the former Farm Credit building; Direct staff to contract for an additional appraisal and return to City Council with the results; Agenda Item 4. Page 5 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29, 2010 PAGE 6 Direct ,.staff to develop alternative recommendations for improvements to the current office facilities to address AA, structural and organizational deficiencies; or 0 Provide other direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The proposed alternative would reduce overall costs, immediately address almost all existing AA deficiencies, increase efficiency by - locating all City Hall staff in the same building, generate rental revenue from and improvements to the City Hall building, and enable development of the commercial project to proceed. It would maintain flexibility to re-occupy City Hall if expansion becomes necessary and maintain the option of relocating the Council Chambers to the existing City Hall building in the future. DISADVANTAGES: The proposed alternative would result in increased initial costs when compared to staff original proposal and provide minimal long- terra savi f' ngs, less flexibility for expansion and modifications, and small individual and shared working spaces for the majority of staff. ENVIRONMENTAL ONMEI TAL F EVIE : Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act CEA, the CEA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CE. An initial study was prepared and based on this analysis and a Draft Negative Declaration was prepared with mitigation measures and noticed for public review on October 6, 2009. The City Council approved the environmental review at the February 23, 2010 meeting. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: O March 24, 2010, notices were sent out to property owners within the Village Core Downtown District (VC D). On March 26, 2010, notices were also (nand delivered to business o wners within the VCD, and on March 27, 2010, a display ad will be published in The Tribune. The agenda was posted in front of City Hall and on the City's website on Friday, March 26, 2010. Agenda Item 4. Page 6 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CONTINGENCIES REGARDING REDESIGN OF SHORT STREET AND PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH NKT COMMERCIAL FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 300 EAST BRANCH STREET AND SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTY AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET AND THE ADJACENT PARKING AREA MARCH 29, 2010 PAGE 7 Attachments: 1. Cost Estimate for Proposed Building Improvements 2. Cost Estimate for Alternative Building Improvements 3. Cost Estimate for Document Imaging System 4. Preliminary Floor Plan for 300 East Branch Street Agenda Item 4. Page 7 ATTACHMENT City of Arroyo Grande 111 South Mason Arroyo Grande, Ca Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Concept Estimate Base !Alternate 24 March 2010 U .............. R Am Y City Of Arroyo Grande 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 3 w � A C & E Support Services 805 349 - 0049 3203 Lightning St. Santa Maria, Ca 93455 Agenda Item 4. Page 8 Table Of Contents Summary Section Estimate Phases 0.0 General Conditions 1.0 Open Office area 2.0 Elevator 2.7 Stairs 2.2 Remove &Replace Interior Stairs 3.0 Bridge -Ramp 4.0 Concert Storage to Office Space 5.0 Update Building Paint /Carpet Electrical 26 -27 57 -58 28 -30 59 -61 31 -33 62-64 34 -35 65 -66 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 9 Alternate Base Estimate Estimate Page Page 1-12 36-44 13-34 36-66 13 -15 46 -47 16 -19 48 -51 20 -23 52 -54 24 -25 55 -56 26 -27 57 -58 28 -30 59 -61 31 -33 62-64 34 -35 65 -66 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 9 5.0 Update Building Paint /Carpet / Electrical $85,789.69 $85 Tot. $411,472.13 $390,310.90 NOTES: Base Line Estimate the elevator is located inside of existing building Alternate Estimate the elevator is built onto the front of the building KIA Agenda Item 4. Page 10 Alternate Base Estimate Estimate 0.0 General Conditions $61,580.75 $58,413.77 1.0 Open Office Area $74,868.95 $74,868.95 2.0 Elevator` $120,914.48 $102,920.23 2.7 Stairs $12,594.74 $12,594.74 2.2 Remove &Replace Interior Stairs $15,902.28 $15,902.28 3.0 Bridge -Ramp $8,202.57 $8,202.57 4.0 Convert Storage to Office Space $31,61$.67 $31 5.0 Update Building Paint /Carpet / Electrical $85,789.69 $85 Tot. $411,472.13 $390,310.90 NOTES: Base Line Estimate the elevator is located inside of existing building Alternate Estimate the elevator is built onto the front of the building KIA Agenda Item 4. Page 10 FCB1 Report rt 4 Phase Detail 4 -March -20' 0 CAG -1 Modification of "f=arm Credit Building' Estimated Project Cost $411,472.13 0 General Conditions $61 9 580.75 1.0 f . Open Office Area $74,858.35 2.0 Ele $120, 914.48 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 3.0 Bridge 4.0 5.0 Convert Storage Update Bldg 3 $12594.74 $15 1 902.28 $8 $81,818.67 $85,789.69 Agenda Item 4. Page 11 k FB1 Report 1 Work Code [detail 4- March -2010 CAG -1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $4'1'1,472.' 1. General Conditions $61 Site Irk / Demolition $26,179.09 3. Concrete $8 05. Metals $18,997.80 Carpentry $38 f 7 Moisture Protection $1,177.26 8 Doors / Windows / Glass $718.' 09. Finishes $40 12.Furnishings $48,175.45 14. Conveying Systems $82 15. Plumbing Mechanical $49,799.48 18. Electrical Lour Voltage $54,417.20 4 Agenda Item 4. Page 12 Agenda Item 4. Page 13 FB1 Report 1 Work Code Detail 24- March -2010 GAGA Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost 4'11 1. General Conditions $61,580.75 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.9222222 Design Contingency 349391.00 % $0.06 $17,494.55 Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.9999990 Overhead & Profit 367336.00 ° $0.12 $44,036.20 02. Site Work Demolition $26,179.09 Work Code Description Quantity U/M Unit Cost Total Dust Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 SF $0.71 $1,426.32 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2,1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary 1200.00 SF $3.27 $3,923.74 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts 60.00 IN/DP $6.38 $344.00 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4.00 E $179.26 $716.99 Phase: 1.0 Open Mice Area 2.1208031 Remove Walls 1000.00 SF $1.02 $1,023.55 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1209021 Open Slab For Columns 32.00 SF $14.77 $472.49 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1203091 Remove Carpet And Pad 1200.00 SF $0.94 $1,122.61 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1301071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 LF $29.37 $955.70 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1401041 Remove a Bar Sink 1.00 EA $153.06 $153.06 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.1201011 Remove Roof Structure 140.00 SF $3.93 $550.73 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary 140.00 SF $3.27 $457.77 Agenda Item 4. Page 13 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.'12030'11 Remove Roof 14.00 D $57.65 $807.10 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 2.1207021 Demo Vault 22.00 CY $173.30 $3,812.60 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.1207041 Remove Doors 1.00 EA $173.25 $179.25 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 140.00 SF $0.94 $130.96 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.1301071 Remove Shelving 38.00 LF $4.49 $170.79 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 2.2004021 Fund Excavate Elev 11'llell 20.00 CY $74.01 $1,480.20 Phase: 2.1 F & R Front Stairs 2.1201011 Remove Stars 100.00 SF $12.89 $1,288.60 Phase. 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 SF $0.71 $1,426 -32 Phase: 2.2 Replace lnt Stairs 2.1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 SF $12.89 $1,288.60 Phase: 2. 2 Replace Int Stairs 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 1200.00 SF $0.71 $856.79 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 2.1209031 Remove Carpet And Pad 3840.00 SF $0.94 $3,592.03 3. Concrete $8,659.1 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 2.0 Elevator 3.0501021 Column Footings 5.09 CY $636.24 $3,181.19 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 3.0502011 4' one Wall Elev Well 4.00 CY $946.25 $3,784.98 Phase, Elevator 3.0504021 Elev 1l'llell Conc Floor 2.50 CY $677.21 $1,693.03 05. Metals 1 , 997. V Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 5.5001111 install Column Anchors / Groute 24.00 EA $30.74 $737.69 Agenda Item 4. Page 14 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.5013031 4 Steel Columns Base & Caps 800.00 # $4.41 $3,528.39 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 5.1107031 Steel Frame For Elevator 140.00 SF $28.41 $3,976.73 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 5.5013031 6 Steel Columns Support 2nd Floor 2343.00 # $4.41 $10,333.78 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 5.5001111 Rough Hardware 1.00 EA $421.22 $421.22 Carpentry $38,877.31 Work Code Description Quantity U I M Unit Coat Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support falls 800.00 SIF $3.26 $2,600.34 Phase: 1.0 Open ice Area 6.1001061 Frame Around Columns 160.00 SF $4.97 $795.44 Phase: 1.0 Open ice Area 6.3001021 lu-Lam Beams 0.40 MBF $533.67 $213.47 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 6,1001021 Construct Tamp Support Walls 600.00 S F $3.28 $1,950.25 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 5.1001081 Frame New Walls 1100.00 SF $4.97 $5,468.62 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 6.1002041 lie Structure Floor & Roof 300.00 SF $6.30 $1,590.16 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 6.1406041 Sheet New Walls 1.20 I ISF $2,062.43 $2,462.91 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 6.1406081 Sheet Roof 0.14 I ISF $2,716.10 $380.11 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 6.2003021 Install Ext Siding 0.10 MBF $4,660.61 $466.05 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 6.3001011 lu -Larn Beams 0.45 MBF $2,759.72 $1,241.87 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 6.5004021 Stair Handrails 40.00 LF $18.14 $726.48 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 6.5002021 Rebuild Stairs 15.00 RISER $248.10 $3,721.46 Phase: 2.1 R & P Front Stairs 6.8004021 Stair Handrails 40.00 LF $18.14 $725.48 7 Agenda Item 4. Page 15 Phase: 2.2 replace Int Stairs 6.1001051 Frame New Walls 1100.00 SF $4.97 $6,468.62 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 6.1406041 Sheet New Walls 1.20 IVI F $2,062.43 $2,462.91 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 6.5002021 Rebuild Stairs 16.00 RISER $248.10 $3,721.46 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.1001061 Frame New Walls 90.00 SF $4.97 $447.43 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.1406031 Sheet New Walls 0.09 M F $3,030.44 $272.74 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.1406081 Sheet Floor 0.11 M F $2,716.10 $298.66 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.3001011 lu-Lam Beams 0.50 MBF $2,769.72 $1,379.66 Phase. 10 Bridge 6.6004021 Wall Cap 44.00 LF $1 8.14 $796.03 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 6.1 001021 Frame In For Door 1.0 X219.80 $219.80 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 6.140 061 Sheet Floor 0.54 MSF $2,716.10 $1,466.16 Moisture Protection $1 Work Code Description G uantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost Phase. 4.0 Convert Storage 7.2004061 Insulation Sound 1340.00 SF $0.88 $1,177.26 Doors Windows / Glass $716.12 Work Code Description quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 8.1006061 Install New Door 1.00 EA $713.12 $716.12 09. Finishes $40,690.66 Work Code Description Quantity U f M Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open ice Area 3.2007031 Drywall 126.00 SF $2.77 $346.67 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 9.2008061 D VII Repair & Replace Ceiling 1200.00 SF $1.96 $2,364.36 H Agenda Item 4. Page 16 Phase: 1.0 Opera Office Area 9,8003051 Prime & Repaint 1300.00 BF $1.05 $1,894.41 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 9.2007031 Drywall 1200.00 SF $2.77 $3,327.98 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 9.2008001 D W Repair & Replace a Ceiling 140.00 SF $1.96 $274.67 Phase. 2.0 Elevator 9.3003171 Paint Stein Et 300.00 SF $1.03 $307.56 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs } 9.2007031 Drywall 1200,00 SF $2.77 $3,327.93 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 2000.00 SF $1.05 $2,104.90 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 9.8003051 Prime & Repaint 2000.00 SF $1.05 $2,104.90 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 9.2007031 Drywall 400.00 SF $2.77 $1,109.33 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 400.00 SF $1.05 $420.93 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9.2007031 Drywall 300.00 SF $2.77 $2,216.66 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9,20 8061 D W Ceiling 540.00 SF $1.96 $1,059.46 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9.3003051 Prime & Paint 1400.00 SF $1.05 $1,473.43 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 17640.00 BF $1.05 $16,565.22 12.Furnishings $ 48 5 175.45 Work Code Description (quantity U 1 M Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 12.4003031 Carpet 134.00 SY $33.06 $4,509.10 Phase: 1.0 Opera Mice Area 12.8001171 Modular Furnature Allow 180.00 If $126.00 $22,500.00 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 12.4003031 Carpet 13.04 SY $33.65 $437.45 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 12.4003031 Carpet 60.00 BY $33.65 $2,019.00 Agenda Item 4. Page 17 Phase: 4.0 C onvert Storage 12.8001171 Modular Furnature Allow f. 35 -00 If $128.00 $4,375.00 Phase: 8.0 Update Bldg 12.4003031 Carpet 426.00 SY $33.65 $14,334.00 14. Conveying Systems $62 Work Dude Description quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost Phase: 2.0 Elevator 14.1006011 Elevator 1.00 E $62,000.00 $82,000.00 15. Plumbing / MeChanical $49,799.46 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 1200.00 SF $4.18 $5,020.32 Phase, Elevator 15.1 007011 Elev Well Sump Pump 1.00 EA $1,374.21 $1,374.21 Phase. 2.0 # Elevator 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 140.00 SF $4.18 $585.70 Phase. 4 -0 Convert Storage 1 5.3001151 H V A C Modification 540.00 SF $15.25 $8,235.86 Phase- 5.0 Update Bldg 15.5503021 Fire Sprinklers 5600.00 sf $8.13 $34,683.36 16. Electrical / Lover Voltage $54 Work Coda Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost T otal Cost Phase. 1.0 Open ice Area 16.0101011 Remove Electrical 1200.00 SF $2.18 $2,619.12 Phase: 1.0 Open Mice Area 16.0101011 Remove a Low Voltage Phone Data 1000.00 SF $0.98 $982.17 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution 1200.00 S F $5.37 $ 6 , 438 . 24 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.1601061 Remove Lighting 1200.00 SF $0.61 $733.35 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.1301011 Duplex Outlet 40.00 EA $86.92 $3,476.75 Phase: 1.0 Open ice Area 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 36.00 E $78.18 $2,814.49 10 Agenda Item 4. Page 18 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.7001061 Switches 12.00 EA $116.26 $1,383.15 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 40.00 E $44.58 $1,783.16 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.0101 011 Remove Electrical 1 40.00 SF $2.18 $305.56 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 140.00 SF $0.98 $137.50 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.0101011 Moify Electrical Distribution 140.00 SF $5.37 $751.13 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.1102041 Electrical To Elevator 1.00 EA $4,762.62 $4,762.62 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.1601061 Remove Lighting 6.00 BF $54.56 $327.39 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 8.00 EA $30.92 $695.35 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 8.00 EA $73.13 $028.44 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.7001061 Switches 4.00 E $115.26 $461.05 Phase: 2.0 Elevator 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 3.00 EA $44.58 $133.74 Phase: 10 Bridge 16.0101011 Electrical Work 110.00 SF $12.69 $1,39574 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16,1901011 Duplex Outlet 6.00 EA $86.92 $521.51 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 6.00 EA $78.18 $400.08 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16.7001061 Switches 2.00 EA $115.26 $230.53 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.0101011 Electrical Work 540.00 BF $11.21 $6,052.63 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.00 EA $38.02 $1,390.70 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 8.00 EA $78.18 $625.44 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.7001061 Switches 2.00 EA $115.26 $230,53 11 Agenda Item 4. Page 19 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 16.0101011 lip Grade Electrical 8.00 E $44.58 $856.63 5580.00 SF $2.64 $14,714.18 Estimate Provided by: A C & E Support Services 805 349 0049 3203 Lightning St. Suite 114 Santa Maria, Ca 93455 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 20 FB1 Report 4 Phase Detail 4 -March -2010 CAG -1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building's Estimated Project Cost $4'1'1,472.'1 0.0 General Conditions $612580.75 1.0 Open Office Area $74,868.95 2.0 Elevator $1 20 2.1 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.0 Front Stairs Replace Int Stairs Bridge Convert Storage Update Bldg $12 5 594.74 $15 1 902.28 $8,202.57 $3 1,51 8.67 $85,789.09 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 21 FCB1 Report rt Tab Pages J. 4 -Larch -2010 CAG -1 Modification of "Farm Credit Building 'r Estimated Project Cost $411,472.13 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 0 General Conditions Sub Total $61 7 580.75 0 General Conditions $61,580.75 14 Agenda Item 4. Page 22 FB1 Report 3 Pease Work Code Detail 24 -March -2019 C.AG -1 Modification ation of "Farm Credit Building Estimated Project Cost $4'1'1 X 472.'13 Mork Area 0.0 General Conditions Sub Total $61,680.75 oil. General Conditions $ 61 9 580.75 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1.9222222 Design Contingency 349391.90 % $9.95 $17,494.55 1.9999990 Overhead & Profit 367385.09 % $0.12 $44,086.29 15 Agenda Item 4. * Page 23 Work Area Modification f '`Farm Credit Building "' f. 1.0 Open Office Area Sub Total $74,868.9 92. Site Work / Demolition $10,138.34 05. Metals $4 06 Carpentry $3,699.24 9. Finishes $4,595.43 1 2.Furnishings $27,009.19 15. Plumbing Mechanical $5,020.32 16. Electrical Low Voltage $20 -F. 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 24 I Work Area 1. Open Office Area Sulu Total $74 2. Site W I Demolition $10 Quantity U J M Unit Cost Total Dust Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 sf $0.71 $1,426.32 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Neoessary 1200.00 sf $3.27 $3,923.74 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts 50.00 infdp $6.88 $344.00 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4,00 ea $179.20 $716.99 2.1203031 Remove falls 1000.00 sf $1.02 $1,023.55 2.1209021 Opera Slab For Columns 32.00 sf $14.77 $472,49 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 1200.00 sf $0.94 $1,1 22.51 2.1301071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 If $29.87 $955.70 2.1401041 Remove Barr Sink 1.00 ea $153.06 $153.06 05. Metal $4 f Work Code Description Quantity U J M Unit Cost Total Dust 5.5001111 Install Column Anchors ! Groute 24.00 ea $30.74 $737,69 5.5013031 4 Steel Columns Base & Caps 300.00 $4.41 $3,523.39 06 Carpentry $3,609.24 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support Walls 300.00 sf $3.26 $2,600.34 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 25 6.1001051 Frame Around Columns 160.00 Sf $4.97 $795.44 6.3001021 #u -Lam Beams 0.40 mbf $533.67 $ 213.47 0. Fi nishes $4,596, Work Code 9.2007031 9.2008061 9.8003051 4 Description Drywall D W Repair & Replace Ceiling Prime & Repaint 12.Furnishings $27,009.'1 Work Code Description ription 12.4003031 Cbrpet 12.3001171 Modular Furnatture Allow 15. Plum I Mechanical 6� 2 . 2 Work Code Description 15.3001131 H V A C Modification Quantity Ul 125.00 sf 1200.00 sf 1000.00 sf Quantity U 1 M 134. sir 180.00 If 6, Electrical 1 Low Voltage $20,230.44 Work Code Description 16.0101011 Remove Electrical 16,0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 16.0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution~ Quantity Ulm 1200.00 Sf Quantity Ul 1 200.00 sf 1000.00 sf 1 200.00 sf 1 Unit C ost Total Cost $2.77 $346.07 $1.96 $2,354.35 $1.05 $1,394.41 Unit Cost Total Cost $315 $4,509.10 $125.00 $22,500.00 Unit Cost Total Cost $4.13 $5,020.32 Unit Cast Total Cost $2.18 $2,619.12 $0.08 $082.17 $5.37 $6,436.24 Agenda Item 4. Page 26 1 .1601061 Remove Lighting 1200.00 sf $0.61 $733.35 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 40.00 ea $86.92 $3,470.75 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 36.00 ea $76.16 $2,614.49 16.7001061 Switches 12.00 ea $115.26 $1,383.1 16.7005061 Low Voltage Mod Rhone Data Outlets 40.00 ea $44.58 $1,783.16 19 Agenda Item 4. Page 27 Work Area Modification ""Farm Credit Building "' 2.0 Elevator Sub Total $12 jr '14.4 02. Site IIrI / Demolition $7,589.40 03. Concrete $8 05. Metals $14 Carpentry $14285.46 g. Finishes $3,910.22 14. Conveying Systems $62 15. Plumbing Mechanical $1 16. Electrical Low Voltage $8,199.79 Agenda Item 4. Page 28 Work Area 2.0 Elevator Sub Total $120,914.48 2. Site Work I Demolition Quantity U 1 M Unit Cast Total Cost $7,589.40 6.00 Oy $636.24 $3,181.19 Work Code Description Quantity U J M Unit Coat Total Coat 2.1201011 Remove Roof Structure 146.60 sf $3.93 $556.73 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary" -F. 140.00 sf $3.27 $457.77 2.1203011 Remove Roof 14.00 Sq $57.66 $607.10 2.1207021 Derno Vault 22.00 oy $173.30 $3,812.60 2.1207041 Remove Doors 1.00 ea $179.25 $179.25 2.1209001 Remove Carpet And Pad 140.00 sf $0.04 $130.96 2.1301071 Remove Shelving 38.00 If $4.49 $170.79 2.2004021 Hand Excavate Elev Well 20.00 oy $74.01 $1 ,480.20 03. Concrete $9,659.'19 Work Dude Description Quantity U 1 M Unit Cast Total Cost 3.0661621 lump Footings 6.00 Oy $636.24 $3,181.19 3.0502011 4' Conn Wall Elev Well 4.06 Gy $946.25 $3,784.98 3.0594021 Elev Well Conn Floor 2.60 CY $677.21 $1,693.03 05. Metals $14,310-50 Work Code Description quantity U / IAA Unit Cost Total Cost 5.1107031 Steel Frame For Elevator 140.09 Sf $28.41 $3,376.73 21 Agenda Item 4. Page 29 5.6013031 6 Steel Columns Support 2nd Floor 06 Carpentry Ulm $14,285.46 Work Code Description 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support Walls 6.1001051 Frame New Walls 6.1002041 Re Structure Floor & Roof 6.1406041 Sheet New Walls 6,140081 Sheet Roof 6.2003021 Install Fact Siding 6.3001011 lu -Larn Beams 6.8004021 Stair Handrails 0. Finishes $3,9'10, Work Code 9.2007031 9.2008061 9.8003171 Description Drywall D W Repair & Replace Ceiling Paint Stain Ext 14. Conveying Systems $92,000.00 Work Code Description 14.1006011 Efevat r 2343.00 9 $4.41 $10,333.78 Quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost 600.00 Sf $3.26 $1,950.26 11 00.00 sf $4.97 $5,468.62 300.00 sf $5.00 $1,590-16 1.20 rnsf $2,052.43 $2,462.91 0.14 rnsf $2,71 6.10 $360.11 0.10 mbf $4,660.1 $466.06 0.45 mbf $2,759.72 $1,241.87 40.00 If $13.14 $726,46 Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1200.00 sf $2.77 $3,327.96 140.00 sf $1.96 $274.67 300.00 Sf $1.03 $307.86 Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1.00 ea $62,000M $62,000.00 22 Agenda Item 4. Page 30 1 . Plumbing I Mechanical 1 . Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Coat Total Coat 18.1007011 Elevl Well Sump Pump 1.00 ea $1,374.21 $1,374.21 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 140.00 sf $4.18 $636.70 16. Electrical I Low Voltage $8 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 16.0101011 remove Electrical 140.00 Sf $2.18 $305.56 16.0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 140.00 sf $0.98 $187.60 16,0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution 140.00 Sf $6.37 $751.13 16.1102041 Electrical To Elevator 1.00 ea $4,762.62 $4,762.62 16.1601061 Remove Lighting 6.00 sf $54.56 $327.39 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 8.00 ea $86.92 $695.35 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 8.00 ea $78.18 $625.44 16.7001 061 Switches 4.00 ea $11 5.26 $461.05 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Putlets k 3.00 ea $44.58 $133.74 3 Agenda Item 4. } Page 31 a Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 2.1 R & R Front Stairs Sub Total $12,694.74 2. Site Work 1 Demolition $2,714.92 8 Carpentry 09. Finishes 446.94 $5,432.88 24 Agenda Item 4. Page 32 Work Area 2.1 R & R Front Stairs sub Total $12,694.74 02. site Work / Demolition $2,714.92 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm unit Cost Total Cost 2.1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 Sf $12-89 $1,288.60 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 Sf $0.71 $1,426.32 0 06 Carpentry $4,446.94 Work Code Description Quantity / M Unit Cost Total Cost 6.5002021 Rebuild Stairs 18.00 riser $248.10 $3,721.46 6.5004021 Stair Handrails 40.00 If $18.14 $726.48 o. Finishes $5,432.88 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 9.2007031 Drywall 1200.00 Sf $2.77 $3,327.98 9.8003051 Prune & Paint 2000.00 Sf $1.08 $2,104.90 Agenda Item 4. y Page 33 Work Area Modification of "Farm Credit Building "' 2.2 Replace Int Stairs Sub Total 2. Site Work / Demolition $2,144.39 Carpentry $11,652.99 09. Finishes $2104.90 $15,902.28 Agenda Item 4. Page 34 i Work Area 2.2 Replace Int Stairs Sub Total $15 02. Site Work / Demolition $2 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 2.1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 sf $12.89 $1,288.60 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall f 1200.00 Sf $0.71 $858.79 05 Carpentry 1 1,552.99 Work Code Description Quantity U I m Unit Cost Total Cost 6.1001051 Frame New Walls 1100.00 sf $4.97 $5,408.62 6.1406041 Sheet New Walls 1.20 rnsf $2,082.43 $2,462.91 6.5002021 Rebuild Stairs 18.00 riser $246.10 $3,721.46 o. Finishes $2, Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 9.8003051 Prime & Repaint 2000.00 Sf $1.05 $2,104.90 t 7 Agenda Item 4. Page 35 Work Area Modification f "Tarm Credit Building" 3. Bridge a Sub Total $8 05. Metals $421.22 Carpentry $3,196.72 09. Finishes $1,530.31 1 .Furni pings $437.45 16. Electrical Low Voltage $2 Agenda Item 4. Page 36 Work Area 3.o Bridge sub Total $%202.67 05. Metals 22 $421.22 Work Dade Description Quantity U/M Unit Cost Total Dust 5.5001111 Rough Hardware 1.00 ea $421.22 $421.22 Carpentry $3 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust 0.1001051 Frame New halls 30.00 sf $4.97 $447.43 6.1405031 Sheet New Walls 0.03 msf $3,030.44 $272.74 6.1406031 Sheet Floor 0.11 rmsf $2,715.10 $293. 6.3001011 lu-Lam Beams 0.50 mbf $2,753.72 $1,379.36 6.5004021 Wall Cap 44.00 if $18.14 $798.03 09. Finishes $1,530-31 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cast Total Cost 3.2007031 Drywall 400.00 Sf $2.77 $1,109.33 9.8003051 Prim & Paint 400.00 sf $1.05 $420.38 12.Furni hings $437.46 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 12.4003031 Carpet 13.00 s $33.65 $437.45 Agenda Item 4. Page 37 1 . Electrical i Lover Voltage $ 2 6.86 4 - Work Code Description 16.0101011 Electrical Work 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 10.7001061 Switches Quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost 11 0.00 sf $12.69 $1,395.74 6.00 ea $86.92 $521.51 6.00 ea $78.18 $469.08 2.00 ea $115.26 $230.53 M Agenda Item 4. Page 38 Work Area Modification "Farm Credit Building's 4.0 Convert Stowage Sub Total $317618-6 8 Carpentry 7 Moisture Protection Doors 1 Windows Glass 0 9. Finishes 12. Furnishings 15. Plumbing / Mechanical 16. Electrical Low Voltage 1 $1,688.98 $1,177.26 $718.'12 $4751.55 $6,394.90 $8,238.88 $8,655.93 Agenda Item 4. Page 39 Work Area 4.0 Convert storage Sub Total $31,6'18.67 05 Carpentry Ulm Unit Cost $1,585.95 9.2007031 Drywall 600.00 Work Code Description quantity Ulm m Unit Cost Total Cost 6.1001021 Frame In For Door 1.00 sf $219.80 $219.80 6.1406081 Sheet Floor 0.54 msf $2,715.10 $1,466.16 07 Moisture Protection $1 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 7.2004061 Insulation Sound 1340.00 Sf $0.68 $1,177.26 f 08 Doors I Windows 1 Glas4. 18.1 Work Code Description Quantity U 1 M Unit Dust Total Cost 8.1005061 Install New Door 1.00 ea $718.12 $716.12 09. Finishes 4 # 751.55 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 9.2007031 Drywall 600.00 sf $2.77 $2,218.66 9.2008061 D W Ceiling 540.00 sf $1.96 $1,059.46 9.8003051 Prime & Paint I. 1400.00 Sf $1.05 $1,473.43 1.Furnishings $5,894.00 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust 3 Agenda Item 4. Page 40 12A003031 Carpet 60.00 sir $33.65 $2,019.00 12.8001171 Modular Furnature Allow 35.00 If $125.00 $4,375.00 15. Plumbing / Mechanical $8,235.86 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm nit Cost Total Cost 15.3001151 H V A C Modification 540.00 Sf $15.25 $8,235.86 f 16. Electrical / Low Voltage ,. Work Cods Description quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost 16.0101011 ElectricalWork 540.00 sf $11.21 $6,052.63 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.00 ea $86.92 $1,390.70 16.$002021 New Lighting Fixtures 8.00 ea $78.18 $626.44 16.7001061 Switches 2.00 ea $115.6 $230.53 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 8.00 ea $44.58 $356.63 Agenda Item 4. Page 41 Work Area Modification of ""Farm Credit Building'' 6.0 Update Bldg Sub Total $85,789.69 2. Site Work 1 Demolition ,92. g. Finishes $18,565.22 12.Furnishings $14,334.90 15. Plumbing Mechanical $34,583.36 16. Electrical Lover Voltage $14 Agenda Item 4. Page 42 Work Area 6.0 Update Bldg Sub Total $86,89.69 02. Site Work 1 Demolition $3,592.03 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dose 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Paid 3640.00 Sf $6.94 $3,592.03 V. 09. Finishes $13,665.22 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost 9.6063051 Prime & Paint 17646.06 Sf $1.05 $18,565.22 1 .Furnishings $14,334.90 Work Dude Description quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 12.4603631 Carpet 426.60 SY $33.65 $14,334.90 15. Plumbing I Mechanical $34,583.36, Work Code Description ;quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust 15.5503021 Fire Sprinklers 5660.06 Sf $6.16 $34,563.36 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $1414.15 Work Dude Description Quantity U I m Unit Cost Total Dust 16.0101611 Up Grade Electrical 5580.06 Sf $2.64 $14,714.18 3 Agenda Item 4. Page 43 ALTERNAT Report 4 Phase Detail - March - 2010 CAG -1 Modification of "Farm Credit Building' Estimated Project Cost $39%310.90 0.0 General Conditions $58,413.77 1.0 Open Office Area $74,868.95 2.0 Alt Elevator $102 2.1 R & R Front Stairs $12 2 Replace Int Stairs $15,902.28 3.0 Bridge $8,202.57 4.0 Convert Storage $31 8.67 5.0 Update Bldg $85,789.63 Agenda Item 4. Page 44 LTET Report 1 Work Code Detail -Mar h -2010 CAG-1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Coat $390,310-90 01. General Conditions $58,413.77 2. Site Work / Demolition $22,744.39 03. Concrete $82659.1 95. Metals $8,564.93 5 Carpentry $397454.52 Moisture Protection $1 08 Doors / Windows / Glass $718.12 9. Finishes $40 12.Furnishings $48 75.45 14. Conveying Systems $82 15. Plumbing Mechanical $49 16. Electrical Lover Voltage $50 Agenda Item 4. Page 45 Agenda Item 4. Page 46 ALTERNAT Report 'I Work Code Dta i t 4 -March -2010 CA 7 -'I Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $390,310-90 1. General Conditions $58,413.77 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.0222222 Design Contingency 331897.00 ° $0.05 $16,594.85 Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.9999990 Overhead & Profit 348491.00 % $0.12 $41,816.92 2. Site Work / Demolition $22,744.39 Work Code Description Quantity / Ml Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 BF $0.71 $1,426.32 t Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary 1200.00 SF $3.27 $3,923.74 Prase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts X0.00 IN/DP $6.88 $344.00 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4M EA $179.25 $716.99 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1206031 Remove Wallis 1000.00 SF $1.62 $1,023.66 Phase: 1,0 Open Office Area 2,1209021 Open Slab For Columns 32.00 SF $14.77 $472.49 Peas: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 1200.00 SF $0,94 $1,122.51 Phase: 1.0 Opera Office Area 2.1301071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 LF $29.67 $955.70 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1401041 Remove Bar Binh 1.00 EA $1 53.06 $163.06 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 2.1201011 Structural Demolition 1.00 Is $2,674.51 $2,674.51 Phase: 2,0 Alt Elevator 2.2004021 Hand Excavate El v 11'1lell 20.00 CY $74.01 $1,480.20 Agenda Item 4. Page 46 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs Work Code Description Quantity U 1 AA Unit Cost 2.1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 SF $12.39 $1,238.60 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs $30.74 $737.69 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 SF $0.71 $1,426.32 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 8.1107031 Steel Frame For Elevator 2.1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 SF $12.89 $1,288.60 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stair Rough Hardware 1.00 EA $421.22 $421.22 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 1200.00 SF $0.71 $855.79 Phase: 5.O Update Bldg 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 3840.00 SF $0.94 $3,892.03 03 Concrete $8 Work Code Description quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 3.0501021 Column Footings 8.00 CY $035.24 $3,181.19 Phase: 2.0 Aft Elevator 3.0802011 4' Conn ll'Ilall E1ev Well 4.00 CY $946.25 $3,784.98 Phase. 2.0 Alt Elevator 3.0804021 Elev 11'Ilell Cork Floor 2.80 CY $577.21 $1,69103 05. Metals $8 Work Code Description Quantity U 1 AA Unit Cost Total Coat Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 5,8001111 Install Column Anchors 1 Groute 24.00 EA $30.74 $737.69 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 8.8013031 4Steel Columns Base & Daps 800.00 # $4.41 $3,828.39 Phase. 2.0 Alt Elevator 8.1107031 Steel Frame For Elevator 140.00 SF $28.41 $3,975.73 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 8.5001111 Rough Hardware 1.00 EA $421.22 $421.22 Carpentry $39 Work Dude Description Quantity U # N! Unit Cast Total Coat Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support Walls 800.00 SF $3.25 $2,000.34 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.1001051 Frame Around Columns 10.00 SF $4.97 $795.44 39 Agenda Item 4. Page 47 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 6.3001021 lu-Lam Beams 0.40 MBF $533.67 $213.47 Phase. 2.0 Alt Elevator 6.1001051 Frame New Walls 1100.00 SF $4.97 $5,468.62 Phase. 2.0 Alt Elevator 6.1002041 Re Structure Floor & Roof 300.00 SF $6.30 $1,590.16 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 6.1406041 Sleet New Walls 1.20 IVISF $2,052.43 $2,462.91 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 6.1406061 Sheet Roof 0.14 IVISF $2,715.10 $380.11 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 6.2004011 Install E t Siding 1.00 IVISF $4,960.67 $4,960.67 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 6.5002021 Rebuild Stairs 15.00 RISER $246.10 $3,721.46 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 6.5004021 Stair Handrails 40.00 LF $16.14 $725.43 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 6.1001051 Frame New Walls 1100.00 SF $4.97 $5,466.62 Phase. 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 6.1406641 Sheet New Walls 1.20 IVISF $2,062.43 $2,462.91 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 6.5002021 Rebuild Stair's 16.00 RISER $246.10 $3,721.46 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.1001051 Frame New Falls 90.00 SF $4.97 $447.43 Phase. 3.0 Bridge 6.1405031 Sheet New falls 0.09 IVISF $3,030.44 $272.74 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.1406061 Sheet Floor 0.11 IVISF $2,715.10 $293.66 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.3001011 GIB, -Lam Beams 0.50 IVIBF $2,759.72 $1,379.86 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 6.5004021 Hall Cap 44.00 LF $16.14 $796.03 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 6.1001021 Frame In For Door 0 1.00 SF $219.60 $219.60 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 6.1406031 Sheet Floor 0.54 IVISF $2,716.10 $1,466.16 7 Moisture Protection 1,177.26 Agenda Item 4. Page 48 Work Dude Description Quantity U 1 M Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 7.2004081 Insulation Bound 1340.00 BF $0.88 $1,177.20 Doors Windows / Glass $718-12 Work Code Description Quantity U ! M Emit Cost Total Dust Phase. 4.0 Convert Storage 8.1005001 Install New Door 1.00 E $713.12 $718.12 09. Finishes $40,1 10.38 Work Dude Description (quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 9.2007031 Drywall 125.00 SF $2.77 $346.67 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 9.2008001 D W Repair & Replace a Ceiling 1200.00 SF $1.96 $2,354.35 Phase: 1.0 Open mice Area 9.8003051 Prime & Repaint 1300.00 SF $1.05 $1,394.41 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 9.2007031 Drywall 0.00 SIF $0.00 $0.00 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 2000.00 SF $1.05 $2,104.90 Phase: .0 Alt Elevator 9.8003171 Paint Stain Et 1000.00 SF $1.03 $1,025.20 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 9.2007031 Drywall 4. 1200.00 SF $2.77 $3,327.98 Phase: 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 9.8003081 Prime & Paint 2000.00 SIF $1.05 $2,104.90 Phase: 2.2 Replace Int Stairs 9.8003051 Prime & Repaint 2000.00 BF $1.05 $2,104.90 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 91007031 Drywall 400.00 SF $2.77 $1 ,109.33 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 400.00 SF $1.05 $420.93 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9.2007031 Drywall 300.00 BF $2.77 $2,218.60 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 49 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9.2003061 D1111Ceiling 540.00 SF $1.96 $1,059.46 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 1400.00 SF $1.05 $1,473.43 Phase, Update Bldg 1 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 17640.00 SF $1.05 $18,565.22 12.Furnishings $48,175.45 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 12.4003031 Carpet 134.00 SY $33.65 $4,609.10 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 12.8001171 Modular Furnature Allow 180.00 if $125.00 $22,500 -00 Phase* 3.0 Bridge 12.4003031 Carpet 13.00 SY $33.65 $437.45 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 12.4003031 Carpet 60.00 SY $33.65 $2,019.00 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 12.6001171 Modular Furnature Allover 35.00 if $125.00 $4,378.00 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 12.4003031 Carpet 426.00 SY $33.68 $14,334.90 14. Conveying Systems $62,000.00 Work Code Description quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dolt Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 14.1006011 Elevator 1.00 EA $62,000.00 $62,000.00 15. Plumbing / Mechanical $40,213.76 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 1 200.00 S F $4.13 $5,020.32 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 15.1007011 Elev Well Sump Pump 1.00 EA $1,374.21 $1,374.21 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 15.3001151 H V A C Modification 540.00 SF $15.25 $8,235.36 Phase: 8.0 Update Bldg 15.5503021 Fire Sprinklers 6000.00 sf $6.16 $34,583.36 Agenda Item 4. Page 50 1 . Electrical / Low Voltage $50 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Opera Office Area 16.0101011 Remove Electrical 1200.00 SF $2.16 $2,619.12 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 1000.00 SF $0.98 $962.17 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 1$.0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution 1200.00 SF $5.37 $6,438.24 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.160101 Remove Lighting 1200.00 SF $0.61 $73135 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 40.00 EA $86.02 $3,476.75 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 36.00 EA $78.18 $2,814.4 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16,7001061 Switches 12.00 f $115.26 $1,383.15 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 40.00 E $44.58 $1,783-16 Phase: 2.0 Alt Elevator 1.1102041 Electrical To Elevator 1.00 EA $4,762.62 $4,2.62 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16.0101011 Electrical Work 110.00 SF $12.69 $1,895.74 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16,190101 1 Duplex Outlet 6.00 EA $86.02 $521.51 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 6.00 EA $78.18 $469.08 Phase: 3.0 Bridge 16.7001061 Switches 2.00 EA $115.26 $230.53 Phase. 4.0 Convert Storage 16,0101011 Electrical Work 540.00 BF $11.21 $6,052.63 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.00 EA $86.92 $1,390.70 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 6.00 E $78.18 $625.44 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.7001061 Switches 2.00 EA $115.26 $230.53 Agenda Item 4. Page 51 Phase: 4.0 Convert Storage 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 8.00 EA $44.58 $356.53 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 16.0101011 Up Grade Electrical 5660.00 SF $2.64 $14,714.18 Estimate Provided by: A C & E Support Srvices 805 349 9049 3203 Lightning St. Suite 114 Santa Maria, Ca. 93458 44 Agenda Item 4. Page 52 ALTER AT Report 4 Phase Detail 4 -March -2010 DAG -1 Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $330,310.30 0.0 General Conditions $58 7 413.77 1.9 Open Office Area $74,868.95 2.9 Alt Elevator. $102,920.23 2.1 R & R Front Stairs 2.2 Replace a fret Stairs 3.0 Bridge 4.9 5.0 Convert Storage Update Bldg 45 $ 2,594.74 $15,902.28 $8,202.57 $31 $85,789.59 Agenda Item 4. Page 53 ALTEFNAT Report 6 Tab Pages 4 -Marc h-2010 CAG -'I Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Coat $390,310-90 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 0.0 General Conditions sub Total $58,413.77 01. General Condition 4 $58,413.77 Agenda Item 4. Page 54 ALTERNAT Report 3 Phase Work Code Detail 24- March -2010 CAC -'l Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $390 Mork Area 0.0 General Conditions Sub Total $58 9 413.77 01. General Conditions $58 Work Code Description Quantity U f Unit Cost Total Cost 1.9222222 Design n Contingency 331897.09 % $9.05 $16,594.85 1 .9999999 Overhead & Profit 348491.60 % $0.12 $41,818.92 Agenda Item 4. Page 55 Work Area Modification f "'Farm Credit Building' 1.0 Open Office Area Sub Total 92. Site Work / Demolition $19,138.34 05. Metals $41266.98 06 Carpentry $3,609.24 99. Finishes $4,595.43 12.Furnishings $27,099.1 15. Plumbing ! Mechanical $5 16. Electrical / Lour Voltage $29,230.44 J. 4 $74,666.95 Agenda Item 4. Page 56 Work Area 1.0 open Office Area Sub Total $74,858.9 o. Site Work 1 Demolition $10,138.34 Quantity U/M Unit Dust Total Cost Work Dods Description Quantity U/M Unit Cost Total Dust 2.1 202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 sf $0.71 $1.426.32 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary } 1200.00 sf $3.27 $3,923.74 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts 60.00 inldp $6.88 $344.00 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4.00 ea $179.26 $716.99 2.1208031 Remove falls 1000.00 sf $1.02 $1,023.55 2.1209021 Open Slab For Columns 32.00 sf $14.77 $472.49 2.1 209091 Remove Carpet And Paid 1 200.00 Sf $0.94 $1,122.61 2.1301071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 If $29.67 $966.70 2.1401041 Remove Bar Sink 1.00 ea $163.06 $153.06 05. Metal $4,266.08 } Work Code Description Quantity U/M Unit Dust Total Cost 6.6001111 Install Column Anchors 1 Groute 24.00 ea $30.74 $737.69 6.6013031 4 Steel Columns Base & Caps 300.00 # $4.41 $3,623.39 06 Carpentry $3,503.24 Work Code Description quantity U I M Unit Cost Total Cost 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support Walls 800.00 sf $3.26 $ 2,600 . 34 4 Agenda Item 4. Page 57 6.1 001051 Frame Around Columns 6.3001021 lu-Lam Beam f. 09. Finishes $4,595. Work Code 9.2007031 9.2008061 9.8008051 4 Description Drywall D W Repair & Replace Ceiling Prime & Repaint 1 .Furnishings ,009.1 Work Code Description 12.4003031 Carpet V 12.8001171 Modular Furnature Allow 15. Plumbing 1 Mechanical $5,020.32 Work Code Description 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 160-00 sf 0.40 mbf Quantity U f 125.00 sf 1 200.00 Sf 1800.00 Sf Quantity U I 184.00 Sy 180.00 If 15. Electrical I Low Voltage $20,230.44 Work Code Description 16.0101011 Remove Electrical 16.0101011 Remove Love Voltage Phone Data f 16.0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution Quantity U I M 1200.00 Sf Quantity U 1 1200.00 Sf 1000.00 sf 1200.00 Sf 5 $4.97 $795.44 $538.67 $213.47 Unit Cost Total Cost $2.77 $346.67 $1.96 $2,354.35 $1.05 $1,894,41 Unit Cost Total Cost $33.65 $4,509.10 $125.00 $22,500.00 Unit Cost Total Cost $4.18 $5,020.32 Unit Cost Total Cost $2.18 $2,619.12 $0.98 $952.17 $5.37 $6,438.24 Agenda Item 4. Page 58 16.1601061 Remove Lighting 1200.00 Sf $0.61 $733,35 16,1901011 Duplex Outlet 40.00 a $66.92 $3,47615 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 36.00 ea $73.18 $2,814.49 16.7001061 SvAtches 12.00 ea $115.26 $1,383.15 16.7006061 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 40.00 ea $44.66 $1,783.16 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 59 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 2.0 Alt Elevator Sub Total w 2. Site Work I Demolition $4 03. Concrete $82859.19 08. Metals $3,978.73 08 Carpentry $14,862.07 0. Finishes $3,130.10 14. Conveying Systems $62,000.00 15. Plumbing / Mechanical $1,374.21 16. Electrical l Low Voltage $4,762-62 .52 $102,920.23 Agenda Item 4. Page 60 Work Area 2.0 Alt Elevator 02. Site Work I Demolition $4,'154.71 Work Code Description 2.1201011 Structural Demolition 2.2004021 Hand Excavate Elev Well 03. Concrete ,65.'1 Work Code Description 3.0501021 Column Footings 3.0502011 4' Conc Wall Elev Well 3.0504021 Elev Well Conc Floor 05. Metals $3,376.73 Work Code Description 8.1107031 Steel Frame For Elevator 06 Carpentr $'14,662. Work Code 6.1001051 6.100204'1 6.140604'1 6 Description Frame New Walls Re Structure Floor & Roof Sheet New Halls Sub Total $102 Quantity U I M Unit Cost Total Cost 1.00 I $2,674.1 $2,674.51 20.00 o $74.01 $1,480.20 Quantity U I M Unit Cost Total Cost 5.00 c $636.24 $3,181-19 4.00 o $946.26 $3,784.98 2.50 o $677.21 $1,693.03 Quantity U 1 M Unit Cost Total Cost 140.00 Sf $28.41 $3,976.73 Quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Coat 1100.00 Sf $4.97 $5,466.62 300.00 Sf $5.30 $1,590.16 1.20 rnsf $2,052.43 $2,462.91 Agenda Item 4. Page 61 6.140 6081 Sheet Roof 0.14 I l i f $2,715-10 80-11 6.2004011 install Et Siding 1.00 mf $4,960.87 $4,960.87 09. Finishes $3,130.1 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Dust 9.2007031 Drywall 0.00 Sf $0.00 $0.00 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 2000.00 sf $1.05 $2,104.90 9.6003171 Paint Stain Ext 1000.00 Sf $1.0 $1,025.20 14. Conveying System $62,060.00 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost 1 4.1 006011 Elevator k 1.00 ea $62,000-00 $62,000.00 f 15. Plumbing I Mechanical $1,374.21 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Dust 15.1007011 El v Well Sump Pump 1.00 ea $1,374.21 $1,374.21 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $4 Work Dude Description quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Dust 16.1102041 Electrical To Elevator 1.00 ea $4,762.62 $4,762.62 Agenda Item 4. Page 62 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 2.1 R & R Front Stairs Sub Total 02. Site Work / Demolition $2,714.92 Carpentry $4,446.94 9. Finishes $5,432.88 55 $12 Agenda Item 4. Page 63 Work Area 2.1 R & R Front stairs sub Total $12 2. Site Work 1 Demolition $2,714.92 Work Code Description Quantity U / M Unit Dust Total Cost .1201011 Remove Stairs 100.00 sf $12.89 1 ,238.60 2,1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 sf $0.71 $1,426.32 66 Carpentry 4 # 446.94 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust 6.6002021 Rebuild Stairs 15.00 riser $248.10 $3,721.46 6.5004021 Stair Handrails 40.00 if $13.14 $725.48 09. Finishes $5,432.66 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Coat 9.2007031 Drywall 1200.00 sf $2.77 $3,327.98 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 2000.00 sf $1.06 $2,104.90 6 Agenda Item 4. Page 64 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building"' 2.2 Replace a Int Stairs Sub Total 02. Site Work 1 Demolition $2 06 Carpentry $11 09. Finishes $21104.90 5 $15,902.28 Agenda Item 4. Page 65 Work Area 2.2 Replace a Int Stairs Sub Total $15 2. Site Work ! Demolition $2j 44.39 Work Code Description 2.1201011 Remove ove Stairs 2.1 02021 Remove Dry Wall 6 Carpentry $11 ,652. Work Code 6.1001051 .140041 6.5002021 99 Description Frame New Walls Sheet New Walls Rebuild Stairs f 9. Finishes $2 Work Code Description 9.8003051 Prime & Repaint Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1 00.00 Sf $12.89 $1,288.60 1200.00 Sf $0.71 $868.79 Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1100.90 sf $4.97 $8,468.62 1.20 mf $2,052.43 $2,462.91 15.00 riser $248.10 $3,721.46 Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 2000.00 sf $1.95 $2,104.90 Agenda Item 4. Page 66 Work Area Modification of "Farm Credit Building" 3.0 Bridge Sub Total $6,202.67 05. Metals $421.22 06 Carpentry $3,106.72 0. Finishes $1,530.31 12.Furnishings $437.45 16. electrical Lo w Voltage $2,616.86 5 Agenda Item 4. Page 67 Work Area 3.0 Bridge Sub Total $8,202.57 05. Metals $421,22 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 5.6001111 Rough Hardware 1.00 ea $421.22 $421.22 6 Carpentry $3 Work Code Description .quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Coat 6.1601061 Frame New falls 90.09 sf $4.97 $447.43 6.1405031 Sheet New Walls 0.09 mf $3,030.44 $272.74 6.1466031 Sleet Floor 0.11 rn f $2,715.10 $296.66 6.3001011 l u-Lam Beams 0.50 mbf $2,759.72 $1,379.86 r 6.5604921 Wall Cap 44.60 If $16.14 $793.03 03. Finishes $1, 530.3' Work Code Description Quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost 9.2007031 Drywall 460.06 sf $2.77 $1,109.33 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 490.00 Sf $1.9 $420.93 1 .Furni hing $437.45 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit best Total best 12.4003031 Carpet 13.00 sy $3166 $437.45 .6 Agenda Item 4. Page 68 16. Electrical / Lover Voltage $2,616.66 Work Code Description 16.0101011 Electrical) or 16.1 901011 Duplex Outlet 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 16.7001061 Switches Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 1 10.00 Sf $12.69 $1,9.7 6.00 ea $66.92 $521.51 6.00 ea $78.18 $469.08 2.00 ea $115.26 $230.53 61 Agenda Item 4. Page 69 Work Area Modification of "Farm Credit Building'' 4.0 Convert Storage Sub Total $31,8'18.67 96 qarpentry $1,685-96 07 Moisture Protection $1,177.26 08 Doors / Windows / Glass $718.12 99. Finishes $4 12.Furni ping $6,394.90 15. Plumbing Mechanical $8,236.86 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $8,656.93 Agenda Item 4. Page 70 Work Area 4.0 Convert storage Sub Total $31 9 618.67 06 Carpentry $1,685.98 Work Code Description quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost 6.1001021 Fra me in For Door 1.00 Sf $219.80 $219.60 6.1406081 Sheet Floor 0.64 rnsf $2,715.10 $1,466.16 7 Moisture Protection t. $1,177.26 Work Code Description Quantity U ! M Unit Cost Total Cost 7.2004051 Insulation Sound 1340.00 sf $0. $1,177.26 Doors / Windows I Glas: $7"18.12 Work Code Description Quantity U ! M Unit Cast Total Cast 6.1006061 Install New Door 1.00 ea $718.12 $716.12 09. Finishes $4,781.55 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost r 9.2007031 Df wall 600.00 sf $2.77 $2,218.66 9.20{ 8061 D W- Ceiling 540.00 Sf $1.96 $1,059.46 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 1400.00 sf $1.05 $1,473.43 12.Furnishings $8,394.00 Work Dude Description Quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost 3 Agenda Item 4. Page 71 12.4003031 Carpet 60.00 sir $33.65 $2,019.00 12.3001171 Modular Fumature Allow 35.00 If $126.00 $4,375.00 16. Plumbing / Mechanical $8 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 15.3001151 H V A C Modification 640.00 sf $15.25 $8,235-86 16. Electrical / Low Voltage $8,955.93 Work Code Description Quantity EJ I CIA Unit Dust Total Cost 16.0101011 Electrical Work 640.00 Sf $11.21 $6,082.63 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.00 ea $36.92 $1,390.70 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 8.00 ea $78.18 $625.44 161001061 Switches 2.00 ea $116.26 $230.63 16,7005081 Low Voltage plod Phone Data Outlets 8.00 ea $44.63 $356.63 4 Agenda Item 4. Page 72 Work Area Modification of "Farm Credit Building "' 5.0 Update Bldg Sub Total $86,789.69 2. Site Work / Demolition $3,592.03 09. Finishes $18 12.Furni hings $14,334.9 15. Plumbing Mechanical $34,533 -3 16. Electrical Lour Volta $14 Agenda Item 4. Page 73 work Area 6.0 Update Bldg sub Total $85 02. site Work / Demolition $3,592.03 Work Dude Description quantity U 1 m Unit Cost Total Cast 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 3340.00 Sf $0.04 $3,502.03 09. Finishes $18 t 565. Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 9.8003051 Prime & Paint 17640.00 sf $1.05 $18,565.22 1 .Furnihing $14,334.90 Work Code Description Quantity U / M Unit Cost Total Cost 12.4003031 Carpet y 426.00 SY $33.65 $14,334.90 15. Plumbing / Mechanical $34,533.36 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 15.5503021 Fire Sprinklers 5600.00 Sf $6.16 $34,533.36 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $14,714.13 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 16.0101011 Up Grade Electrical 5580.00 sf $2.64 $14,714.18 .* *, Agenda Item 4. Page 74 ATTACHMENT City of Arroyo Grande 111 South Mason Arroyo Grande, Ca Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Concept Estimate Alternate #3 25 March 2010 For: City O f Arroyo Grande 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 Estimate Produced by A C & E Support Services 805 349 -0049 3203 Lightning St. Santa Maria, Ca 93455 Agenda Item 4. Page 75 Table Of Contents Alternate Estimate ##3 Page Summary Section 1-6 Estimate Phases 7-15 0.0 General Conditions - 1.0 Open Office area 10-13 5.0 Update Building Paint /Carpet Electrical 14-15 Note: items 2.0 to 4.0 Not Used in Qlt #3 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 76 0.0 General Conditions 1.0 Open Office Area 5.0 Update Building Paint /Carpet / Electrical Note: Items 2.0 to 4.0 Not Used in Alt #3 I Total: r,� Alternate Estimate $33,336.55 $74,868.95 $85,789.69 $193,995.19 Agenda Item 4. Page 77 Report rt 1 Work Code Detail CAG -1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $193,995-19 AALT 26-M h- 010 01. General Conditions 4. 02. Site Work / Demolition 05. Metal 06 Carpentry 09. Finishes 12. Furnishings 16. Plumbing Mechanical 16. Electrical Low V oltage } f $33,336.55 $13,730.37 $4,266.08 $3,609.24 $ 160-65 $41 * 344.00 $39,603.68 $34 Agenda Item 4. Page 78 x AALT3 Report 1 Work Dude Detail 6- March -2010 DAG -1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cast $193995-19 1. General Conditions $33,336.55 Agenda Item 4. Page 79 Work Dude Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.9222222 Design Contingency 160658.00 % $0.06 $8,032.90 Phase: 0.0 General Conditions 1.9999990 Overhead & Profit 168691.00 % $0.16 $25,303.65 02. Site Word / Demolition $13 Work Dude Description (quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202021 Remove Dry Hall 2000.00 SF $0.71 $1,426.32 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary 1200.00 SF $3.27 $3,923.74 Phase: 1.9 Open Office Area 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts 50.00 IIJDP $6.36 $344.09 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4.00 EA $179.25 $716.99 Phase: 1.0 Open mice Area 2.1208031 Remove Walls 1000.00 SF $1.02 $1,023.55 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1209021 Open Slab For C olumns 32.00 SF $14.77 $472.4 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Paid 1200.00 SF $0.94 $1,122.51 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1391 071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 LF $29.87 $955.70 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 2.1401041 Remove Barr Sink 1.00 EA $153.06 $183.06 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 3840.00 SF $0.94 $3,592.03 05. Metals $4 Agenda Item 4. Page 79 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 5.5001111 Install Column Anchors 1 Oroute 24.00 E $30.74 $737.69 Pease: 1.0 Open Office Area 5.5013031 4 Steel Columns Base & Caps 300.00 # $4.41 $3,523.39 06 Carpentry $3,609.24 Work Code Description 0. Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.1001021 Construct Temp Support Halls 500.00 BF $3.26 $2,600.34 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 6.1001051 Frame Around Columns 160.00 SF $4.97 $795.44 Phase 1.0 Open Office Area 6.3001021 Olu -Lam Beams 0.40 MBF $533.67 $213.47 0. Finishes $23 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Coat Total Cost Phase. 1.0 Open Of oe Area 9.2007031 Drywall 125.00 SF $2.77 $346.67 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 9.2003061 D W Repair & Replace a Ceiling 1200.00 SF $1.96 $2,354.35 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 9.8003061 Prime & Repaint 1300.00 SF $1.05 $1,3$4.41 Phase. 5.0 1 Update Bldg 9.3003061 Prime & Paint 17640.00 SF $1.05 $18,565.22 12. Furnishings $41,344.00 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Dust Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 12.4003031 Carpet 134.00 SY $33.65 $4,609.10 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 12.6041171 Modular Furnature Allow 130.00 if $126.00 $22,500.00 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 12.4003031 Carpet 426.00 SY $33.65 $14,334.90 15. Plumbing Mechanical $30,603.68 Agenda Item 4. Page 80 Work Cods Phase: 1.0 1 5.3001131 Phase. 6.0 15.5503021 a Description Open office Area H V A C Modification Update Bldg Fire Sprinklers Quantity 1200.00 5600.00 U I M SF sf Unit Cost $4.18 $6.18 Total Dust $5,020.32 $34,633.36 16. Electrical / Low Voltage $34 Work Code Description Quantity U 1 M Emit Dust Total Cost Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.0101011 Remove Electrical 1200.00 SF $2.18 $2,619.12 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 1000.00 SF $0.98 $982.17 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.0101011 Modify Electrical Distribution 1200.00 S F $5.37 $6,438.24 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 15.1501061 Remove Lighting 1200.00 SF $0.61 $733.35 Phase: 1.0 4. Opera Office Area 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 40.00 E $68.92 $3,476.75 Phase. 1.0 Open Office Area 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 36.00 E $78.18 $2,814.49 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 16.7001061 Switches 1 2.00 E $115.26 $1,38115 Phase: 1.0 Open Office Area 1$.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 40.00 EA $44.58 $1,783.16 Phase: 5.0 Update Bldg 16.0101011 Up Grade Electrical 5680.00 SF $2.64 $14,714.18 Estimate Provided y: A C & E Support S r v ices 805 343 0049 3203 Lightning St. Suite 114 Santa Maria, Ca 93455 0 Agenda Item 4. Page 81 Deport 4 Phase Detail CAG -'l Modification of "Farm Credit Building" Estimated Project Cost $193,995.'19 AALT 26- 0 0.0 General Conditions 1.0 Open ffi a Area 5.0 Update Bldg $33,336.55 $74,868.95 $85,789.69 Agenda Item 4. Page 82 AALT Report 6 Tab Pages - lurch -2010 CAG -1 Modification f "Farm Credit Building's Estimated Project Cost $193,995-19 Work Area Modification f "'Farm Credit Building" 0.0 General Conditions Sulu Total $33,338.66 1. General Conditions $33,336.55 Agenda Item 4. Page 83 AALTB Report 3 Phase Work Code Detail 2- March -2010 CAG -1 Modification of "Farm Credit Building's Estimated Project Cost $'193,395.'1 Work Area 0.0 General Conditions Sub Total $33,388.55 1. General Conditions $33,335.56 Work Core Description 1.9222222 Design Contingency 1.9999990 Overhead & Profit Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 160658.00 % $0.05 $8,032.90 168691.00 % $0.16 $26,303.66 0 Agenda Item 4. Page 84 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building's 1.0 Open Office Area Sulu Total $74 9 868.95 92. Site Work / Demolition $19,138.34 95. Metals $4 06 Carpentry $3,699.24 99. Finishes $4,595.43 12.Furnishings $27,999.19 15. Plumbing Mechanical $5,929.32 } 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $20,239.44 10 Agenda Item 4. Page 85 Work Area 1. Open Office Area Sub Total $74,868.96 02. Site Work / Demolition $10,138.34 Work Dods Description (quantity 1 M Unit Cost Total Cost 2.1202021 Remove Dry Wall 2000.00 sf $0.71 $1,426.32 2.1 202031 Remove Ceiling As Necessary 1200.00 Sf $3.27 $3,923.74 2.1206031 Drill For Column Anchor Bolts 50.00 in /dp $0.88 $344.00 2.1207041 Remove Doors 4.00 ea $179.25 $716.99 2.1203031 Remove Walls lls 1000.00 sf $1.02 $1,023.5 2.1209021 Open Slab For Columns 32.00 Sf $14.77 $472.49 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Pad 1200.00 sf $0.94 $1,122.51 2.1301071 Remove Cabinets 32.00 If $29.37 $955.70 2.1401041 Remove Bar Sink 1.00 ea $153.06 $153.06 05. Metal $4,266.08 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 5.5001111 Install Column Anchors ! Groute 24.00 ea $30.74 $737.69 5.5013031 4 Steel Columns Base & Caps 300.00 # $4.41 $3,528.39 06 Carpentry $3 Work Code Description Quantity X11 M knit Cost Total Dust 0.1001021 Construct Temp Support Walls 300.00 Sf $3.25 $2,600.34 11 Agenda Item 4. Page 86 6.1001061 Frame Around Columns 4 160-00 sf $4.97 $798.44 6.3001021 lu -Larrn Bears 0.40 mbf $633.07 $213.47 9. Finishes $4 $20,230.44 Work Code Description Quantity U / m Unit Dust Total Cost 9.2007031 Drywall 126.00 S f $2.77 $346.67 9.2008061 0 W Repair & Replace Ceiling 1200.00 sf $1.96 $2,354.36 9.8003081 Prime & Repaint 1800.00 sf $1.06 $1,894.41 1 .Furni ping $7,9.1} } Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 12.4003031 Carpet 134.00 SY $33.65 $4,509.10 12-8001171 Modular Furnature Allow 130.00 If $125.00 $22,500.00 15. Plumbing / Mechanical $5,020.32 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 15.3001131 H V A C Modification 1200.00 sf $4.18 $5,020.32 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $20,230.44 Work Dude Description Quantity U 1 M Unit Dust Total Cost 16-0101011 Remove Electrical 1 200.00 sf $2.18 $2,61 9.12 16.0101011 Remove Low Voltage Phone Data 1000.00 Sf $0.98 $932.17 16.0101011 modify Electrical Distribution 1200.00 sf $5.37 $6,438.24 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 87 1.160101 Remove Lighting 16.1901011 Duplex Outlet 16.6002021 New Lighting Fixtures 16.7001061 SvAtches 16.7005081 Low Voltage Mod Phone Data Outlets 1200.00 sf $0.61 $733. 40.00 ea $86.92 $3,476.76 86.00 ea $78.18 $2,814.49 1 2.00 ea $115.26 $1,383.15 40.00 ea $44.58 $1,783.16 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 88 Work Area Modification f "Farm Credit Building" 5.0 Update Bldg Sub Total $85,789.69 02. Site Work 1 Demolition $3,592.03 09. Finishes $18,555.22 12. Furnishings $14 15. Plumbing Mechanical $34,583.36 16. Electrical 1 Low Voltage $14 14 Agenda Item 4. Page 89 Work Area 6.0 Update Bldg sub Total $85 0. Site Work I Demolition $3,692.03 Work Code Description quantity Ulm Unit Dust Total Cost 2.1209091 Remove Carpet And Paid 3640.00 sf $0.94 $3,592.03 09. Finishes $18,566.22 Work Cade Description Quantity U / All Unit Cost Total Cost 9.6003051 Prime & Paint 17640.00 Sf $1.05 $18,565.22 1.Furnishings $14,334.90 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 12.4003031 Carpet 426.00 sir $33.65 $14,334.90 15. Plumbing 1 Mechanical $34,583.36 Work Code Description Quantity Ulm Unit Cost Total Cost 15.5503021 Fire Sprinklers 5600.00 sf $6.16 $34,663.36 IS. Electrical / Low Voltage 14,714.1 Work Dude Description Quantity U 1 M Unit Cost Total Cost 16.0101011 Up Grade Electrical 5580.00 Sf $2.64 $14,7'4.18 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 90 ATTACHMENT Quotation For: Account City of Arroyo Grande Contact Kelly Wetmore Phone (805) 473 -5414 Fax (805) 473 -0386 Email 3720 Sunnyside brie, Ste. #200 Riverside, CA 92506 Main Phone (877) 790 -1600 Main Fax (951) 77 -0831 ECS Scanning Services ECS Project Consulting and Setup ECS Document Scanning Services up to " x 14" size ECS Document Scanning Services up to a -size maps ECS Document Pickup & Deliverer Charge (round trip) Cost of each DVD Set -1 data DVD & 1 plus DVD Bldg- Additional Indexes at.02/per index /per document Planning- Additional Indexes at .02 /per index /per document Engineering- Add itionaI Induces at .0 /per index /peg document Boxes and !mane Count E tlmate Boxes for Finance Boxes for Planning Binders for Planning and 2 are Traffic Commission Bones for Building Bones for Engineering - Regular Size Doc Total Regular Size Boxes for Engineering - Large Maps Total IapE -Size 12,0 Document Count Estimate Files Per Box Boxes Total Documents Boxes for Planning 250 70 17,500 Bones for Building 250 40 10 Boxes for Engineering - Regular and-ESi e D cs 250 80 20,000 Finance Dept, Document has been estirated with 2 indexes which is included in the scan price. All other departments get the 2 induces at no charge, and additional index fields are estimated as shown. Prepared bar: Debbi Bodewin Account Rep Phone: 951 - 787 -8768 x109 Email: debbi ecsima in .corn Quote Title: Quotation Quote : 62166 Date: 3/26/2010 Valid through: 8/30/2010 Terms: *20° deposit & Net 20 Amount Quan i Total 500.00 2 1 0.12 475,000 57 1.40 12,000 16,800.00 250.00 9 2,250.00 100.00 800.00 0.08 10 800.00 0.08 17 1,400.00 0.08 2 0, 000 1,600.00 Sub -Total 76,850.00 Tax @ 8.75% 6 Grand Total 83,574.38 xis peaes Total Ima ue 0 2,500 75,000 0 2,500 175,000 25 10000 25,000 40 2500 100 40 2500 100,000 475,000 40 300 12 3/26/2010 1 Agenda Item 4. Page 91 Pricing Per Image Includes: Light Document Preparation: De- stapling, unfolding, organizing, and quality control Scanning: Documents are generally put back in their original box. Re- filling or putting back in folders subject to additional charge. Consulting of folder template and volume set ups fields of index up to 20 characters Unique Document Name. Additional indexes are .05 each document. intense searching for index info is /hour. Originals returned no charge Documents are generally put back in their original box. Re-filling or putting back in folders subject to additional charge. Folders can have different size documents within at no extra charge ie maps and letters e- Copies provided via email when at our site. No charge up to requests a month. Dotes: All prices listed above are for estimating purposes only. Actual prices may Crary *Payment Terms: A 2 0% deposit to be received at order pI ace ment and deducted from first batch. Net 2 0 after each batch returned. Pick up Deliverer charges (pricing varies). $150 for 30 #ranker boxes, plus miI eage charge. O fling can be done during scan process at a rate of .01. Any verification time is hour Boxes are destroyed at customers request at $12.00 a box. includes destruction certificate. Bones can be held for a couple of weeks until data is verified by customer. DVD Set = 1 Data DVD, 1 Plus DVD $100.00 per set - Plus DVD has retrieval engine on DVD. Regular size documents fit approximately 90,000 images D Set =1 Data CD, 1 Plus CD $50.00 per set - Plus CD has retrieval engine on CD. Regular size documents fit approximatel 10,000 pages. Maps fit approximately 2,000 -4,000 Master CD or DVD will be charged at a rate of $75.00 per set 3/e6/201 0 2 Agenda em 4. Page 92 Quotati For. Account Cit of A rro yo G rande Contact Kelly Wetmore Phone (S) 473 -5414 Fax (805) 473 -0386 Email 62 162 3720 Sunnyside Drive, Ste. #700 Riverside, CA 92506 Main Phone (877) 790 -1600 Main Fax (95 1) 787 - AVANTE 'NAI IED USER' LICENSING PRICIN IN Product De Software: Laserfiche SQL Express Avante includes Wor Laserfiche Named Full User (including: E - Marl & Snapshot) La Plus Plug -in Trade -in Sub -Total of s oftware P repared by: Debbi Bod ewin Account Rep Phone: 951 787 - 8768 x109 E mail: debbi(cD-ecsimaging.com $ 3 Q uote Title: Avante Quote w Weblink Quote #. 62 162 D ate. 3/24/2010 Valid through. 5/24/7010 T erms. N et 20 Amount Quantity Total 1,500.00 1 1,500.00 500.00 7 3,500.00 $ 3 1 3 (8, OO.00) 1 $ (8,200.00) 1 Annual S oftware Maintenance & Support: Laserfiche Nis SQL Avante LSAP $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 Laserfiche Named Full laser (incl: E- Mail & Snapshot) LAP $ 100.00 7 700.00 Laserfiche Plus Plug -in LAP 1 1 $ 1,590.00 *ECS Annual Priority Support Contract 1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 Annual ECS Priority S upport /Consulting including o hours on -site, remote and phone ,support for installed Laserfiche version - 1 year .su pport. Serb -Total of 1st Year Ann uals $ ECS educational training ors -site $ 1,500.00 1 $ 1 Moterials, instructor, acrd follow up telephone ,support. For each purchased day of train in : Ors -.site for scary operators, retrieval persons & system administrator. Train the Trainer Approach Sub - Total of Services Sub -Total ECS Turn -key Solution Total *Configuration of workflow will require a systems engineer contract. 6,385.00 T @ 8.751 $ 558.69 , 943. 9 Agenda/�te/m 4? 1 Page 93 Weblink Option_ Laserfiche Webllnk Starter Public Mortal w/10 Retrieval Users 15,000.00 1 15,OOO.00 La se rfiche 1 eblin k Starter Public Portal w 10 R tr evaI Users 3,000.00 1 3 1 000.00 Configuration Services: 1 1 500.00 1 1,500.00 Consulting, and Project Monagement. Option Total 19,500.00 3/26/2010 'I Agenda Item 4. Page 94 DECK i L MAN RESOURCES ADMI N I TRA"nVE M ANAGER � ER 1 E � a� � w�iu�c'"E" o"F C'� D TOR I Acc cT' I rrlAll;;; F1LES E cme 3RJp'[M4+l� I I T iv Irm , , .,, , . , *4� F GROUP I I M aai � ACT. I N E on Tmom I RAMMIIo mou> M3 cl) F1L6li1 Ar1E fitES'sm WI I Ih17EnN } �! tA,E l T ENG CORRIDOR F14ES F 1LES I I I '8 � [DICE C OUNCIL ATT 14 1 3% W ' E3 E3 fsroc- i m �, � rUNyLR I I f Co►]iAO, so%VCN OFFICE - C4 QFMg ASOHMANT I I AWNT I I RI!EC ASSW wrr 0 CC] neMIN- 1 A sWrAmr W KFA new FINANCIAL, +7 Tf11R I CORRIDOR / cam+ Ih+Llu1l91J1 - CLERK CONFERENCE DEVELOPME cn #F4C€ 1 3'4"x 16'8" BREAK/MT I O MA LL � 13'4"x 1 18'1 * x 818" LOBBY J 12'3"x S',3' Ho T I FR i m a a� — .� m o 51 10 toy CONCE PLAN 1 922 0 Z ic m z IM AA MW A t"ITECU INC. AIecNITIIECT8: IjIC14AkL C. PEA CFIEV wAyWj IL 9T LIAR T gas ftNDo Nom. 3 NM a sAN LUIS OBISPO.r�A934DI tEL:IIOE } #4# -4134 FAX: 1I105� $44.4330 Z � Z "m 0.Q O m O t- wQ W U 7� M� A1.22 xx 0 AA MW ARC UCTS INC. NICI4AEL C.PE ACMtY W*VNIE IL 9TUART 226 PRA00 RuAb. WN O 3AN LW1i 40 912P0,CA81401 TIL :S106) 644 -.2541 VAX- {505} 541 -4374 a_ i� (D o r CONCEPT SECOND FLOOR LEvEL �r�J 0 z �d a� w m o Ix 13U U4 NIL A2.1 xx JR. DATE; 3.1 B_ 1 ',RROy INCORPORATE 2 V R JULY 10. 1P11 44 iF ORN \ P MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL • FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: MARCH 29, 2010 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION DATE: MARCH 28, 2010 • Please find attached supplemental information for the March 29` Council meeting, including comments from Mark Vasquez and information regarding the appraisal that Council Member Fellows requested be distributed. In addition, I discovered an error in the cost analysis of the staff report. The net cost of the property acquisition is $1,146,000 rather than $1,171,000. identified in the report, which did not take into account the $25,000 to be paid for the outdoor dining area easement on Short Street. • I will clarify the error in my presentation. Thank you. attachments • • Steve Adams From: Mark Vasquez [Design_Graphics @sbcglobal.net) Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:51 AM To: Tony Ferrara; Jim Guthrie; Ed Arnold; Joe Costello; Chuck & Linda Fellows Cc: Teresa McClish; Steve Adams Subject: Farm Credit Building proposal Categories: Red Category Good Day, I have briefly reviewed the proposed office space remodel for the Farm credit building. My first impression regarding the departments with which I work most ( Community Development, Engineering and Building Department) is that the space requirements are not met for efficient operations. I offer the following concerns & issues: The customer interface (lobby area) is very small. It is significantly smaller that the existing lobby at City Hall and is now expected to serve the customers of three more departments. I believe it will be very congested and user unfriendly. The Building, Community Development and Engineering departments deal daily with large sized documents which are regularly referred to during processing. The current layout does not seem provide for efficient storage, access or handling of those documents. The Plans do not seem to match regarding the elevator location (upper vs lower floor). The working support staff seems to have been crammed into small cubicles while department heads, while needing private office space, have seemingly excess space in their offices. Not enough space is alloted.to the customer interface, i.e. one conference area for Building, Engineering & Community Development. If more than one customer is needing service at the same time, that need is not accomodated by this design. In short, while the goal of saving money is admirable, this is too much activity in too small a space to work efficiently. I would encourage you to look at other options including utilization of at least part of the existing City Hall facility for Staff. I would be available for discussion at your convenience. Sincerely, Mark Vasquez 1 PODIUM COMMENTS TO COUNCIL 3 -23 -2010 The City Attorney occasionally reminds me that I didn't give up my rights as a citizen when I was elected to the Council so I am speaking as a member of the public. For the record, I am Chuck Fellows and I reside at 202 Canyon Way in A. G. and I am taking this opportunity to share with the Council some information brought to my attention by members of the community regarding the proposed purchase by the City of the building located at the SE comer of Mason Street and East Branch. It's owned by NKT Commercial, LLC so I'm going to refer to it as the NKT building. I feel its important that the Council and the members of the public who are here and also those watching at home have this information for their consideration well before the Council's next meeting. I'll remind the public that the Council's next meeting will be just six days from now on Monday the 29 and will start at 6:00 PM. The Council will be considering the proposal to pay NKT $1.2M in cash (to be borrowed by the City from the USDA) as well as to give NKT the City's properties located at 200 E. Branch, 208 E. Branch and the parking lot in between. All Council members now have a copy of the latest appraisal which values the NKT Building at 52,020,000, 200 E. Branch at 5350,000, the parking lot at 5260,000 and 208 E. Branch at 5239,000 and also a copy of an email sent to the City by Joe Linneman. It was sent February 8 but got lost in the shuffle. In his email he states that 1) Short Street should remain open, 2) Public moneys should not be used for the benefit of the private sector, 3) The existing City buildings can easily be upgraded and 4) the NKT building is valued too high while the City's properties are too low. In the last month or so three local real estate professionals have contacted me regarding the values arrived at, and the method used to determine the values, in the latest appraisal. The first to contact me was Frank Lindner who, according to his letter of the 19 has been a Realtor specializing in commercial real estate for 39 years. He feels strongly that the use of the market approach, and especially the manner in which it was used, should invalidate the appraisal. He states that the income approach should have been used and that a new appraiser should appraise the NKT building using potential income which would likely yield a value of about one million dollars. I believe you all have a copy of Mr. Lindner's letter, the second page of which gives some current rents in order to back up his assertions (I blacked out some wording at the bottom of the page that reflected his frustration with the appraisal). The next Realtor does not want his name disclosed as he is concerned about repercussions and/or loss of business but, at the same time, he does not want to see the City waste tax payer's money by overpaying for the NKT building. This agent has over 30 years experience in the local market and also faults the appraisal's methods and conclusions. He stated that "all my clients want to know is the cap rate." (Cap rate = the amount of debt that can be serviced by the income). The market approach, based upon comparable sales, does not interest them. He further stated that several years ago, when the market was much better than it is now, a three to four capitalization rate was alright because commercial real estate was appreciating. At the start of the decline investor/buyers were OK with a 5 -6 cap rate, but now that commercial real estate is in serious decline (some are predicting a collapse) buyers will only accept a 7 or higher cap rate. Another local real estate professional who has been selling all types of properties and appraising them since 1978, bent my ear for over an hour recently regarding the appraisal — he feels that $2M is way too much to pay, that some or all of the city's three properties are undervalued and that there should be at least one new appraisal (he suggested Bruce Beaudoin') and that the income method should be used. He feels that trading the city's three properties straight across for the NKT property would be fair (no new loan, no $58,000 to $78,000 yearly debt service).(• Schenberger/Taylor was also mentioned.) He particularly questions the present appraiser's market approach in which he chose two comparable sales in San Luis Obispo, one in Santa Maria and one in Arroyo Grande, but then stated, on the bottom of page 41, "...the fairly recent sale transaction involving the subject property, adjusted downward for time, is the best indication of value." So he based the value of the NKT building on the price paid when NKT bought it. In my 28 years as a Realtor (I have been retired since 2006) I have reviewed hundreds of appraisals on behalf of clients and I have never seen the property that is been valued used as a comparable sale. I asked this Realtor /appraiser if he had ever seen this done or if he had ever done it himself; his response was NEVER in 32 years. He said "price paid does not make value, that's Appraisal 10I!" Also, his opinion was that the appraiser should have researched how the original $2.4M October, 2008 purchase price was set if he was going to rely on that price in order to arrive at today's value. NKT may have paid too much, for example, if under pressure to close escrow due to being involved in a time - sensitive IRS section 1031 tax deferred exchange. After hearing from these three Realtors (that I have just been referring to) I asked my old business partner John Goodell to give me his opinion on the City's potential real estate deal, the appraisal and so on — that is, to "fact check" it for me. John provided me with a packet of information including local comparable listings for lease, for sale and three sold comparables (I'll give this information to the City Clerk so everyone on the Council can have a copy). His comments beyond what he wrote were as follows: 1) Using the property being evaluated as a basis for the appraisal is questionable because NKT could have paid too much for a number of reasons. 2) Because of fraudulent appraisals contributing to the recent real estate melt -down it is now required that appraisers be chosen from a list of three supplied by a "clearing house." This serves to maintain more of an arms length transaction.,1ohn also wondered why the current appraiser did not use 3) (- ) the closed comparable Arroyo Grande sales data that are included in his information packet. Also in that packet John gives a brief explanation of how cap rate relates to value. Based on local rents ( rents that are actually being realized today: from somewhat under one dollar per square foot to somewhat over one dollar) and cap rates that seasoned investors are demanding in today's declining commercial real estate market, he feels the NKT building should appraise at just over one million dollars ($1,080,000) using a cap rate of seven. Some local rents are listed on the second page of Frank Lindner's letter. I also called around just to be sure that Frank's rent information was current. Here's what I learned: 1) There is an office building on the same side of East Branch Street and a little east of the NKT building. The owner tells me that it rents for $2300 a month, triple net for the 2400 square foot building. Triple net means the tenants pay the taxes, insurance and maintenance, so the owner realizes about $1.30 per square foot. As John Goodell notes, the larger the building, the Tess rent per square foot. Also, as one of the other Realtors (the appraiser) points out, the upstairs space at the NKT building is worth considerably less than that on the ground floor (his opinion was about half as much). Based on that, the NKT building might bring a dollar a square foot, maybe even less. 2) Gordon and Manetta Bennett's building at 122 E. Branch is rented for $1970 per month. The building encloses 1248 square feet and there is a 1040 square foot patio. The patio must be given a considerable lower rent value than the interior space and the Bennetts, not the tenant, pay the taxes and other costs (often estimated to be 28 to 38 cents per square foot per month), so it looks as if they are also getting around one dollar a square foot. The NKT building, being larger and two stories, would likely bring less. So I have a rhetorical question for the Council (a "food for thought" kind of a question): say five guys were getting together to form an investment group, using their own money (not tax payer's money) and this group was considering buying the NKT building. And say they were represented by a real estate agent who specialized in commercial real estate and really knew her stuff, and say that, in spite of the fact that the commercial real estate market was in trouble, they were willing to work with a cap rate of 7 -- would they make an offer of $1,080,000 as in John Goodell's example or would they pay nearly twice that much, say $2,020,0007 It may be OK, even in this declining commercial real estate market, for the City to buy the NKT building and even to pay something over market value because of its proximity to our present City Hall, but the true market value needs to be determined by a second appraisal by a new appraiser using the income approach. The Council owes that to the tax payers of Arroyo Grande. (3) 0 March 19, 2010 TO: Councilman Chuck Fellows, Arroyo Grande, Ca. FROM: Frank G. Lindner, El Camino Realty, P.O. Bx 1048, Arroyo Grande, Ca. SUBJECT: Centennial Project REFERENCE: Fann,Building Appraisal The writer has lived in Arroyo Grande since 1975 and owned and operated same for 39 years in general Real Estate with corporate clients in four western states buying and selling commercial land for motels, restaurants mobile home parks including commercial a residential tract development. The appraisal for the Centennial project is based on the COST APPROACH. Two Comparable sales in this report do not qualify as "COMPS ". The Farm building sale date is outdated and would not be accepted by any banking institution. Thw Willis & Bennett sale was purchased by a USER CLIENT who willingly and knowlingly overpay to protect their well established business against future rent increases. Therefore, the current appraisal should be deemed invalid and replaced with a new appraisal based on THE. INCOME APPROACH. . The current appraisal values the Farm building about $2,000,000.00. A new "INCOME APPROACH" appraisal would utilize the existing rents on East Branch Street and note that the Farm building's value is closer to one million dollars. In essence, the city is giving a one million dollar gift to finance this project. A more simple approach is for you to buy a new car for $40,000.00 and then find out that your neighbors only paid $20,000.00. If this project is approved I do believe its an act of "MISFEASANCE IN OFFICE." Please get a new appraisal. Thank nu. FRANK G. LINDNER Cl Camino �eai� P.O. BOX 1048 • ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 `� 805748F-92M MIS I HAVE THE ONLY COPY OF THIS REPORT. - March 19, 2009 TO Chuck Fellows FROM: Frank Lindner SUBJECT: Centennial Protect SUBJECT: Existing street rents Baxters /Saddlery: asking $1.50 s.f. for 1,780 s.f. of space. Eclair Bakery: pays $1.10 per s.f. 611 s.f.+ 600 s.f. useable yard Alphies Bldg ask $1.75 to $2.25 NNN per s.f. with vavancies. E1 Taco Loco on FOR SALE MKT for 2+ years starting At 3 Million and now down to 1.3 11i1 and no takers. Owned free & clear. wants a cash out, no carryback TD available. This site can be split into 3 storefronts totalling 4,000 s.f. The Farm Bldg with 6300 s.f. The loft area has litte rental value which again displays a FLAWED asking price. There are vacancies on East Branch which are not discussed. From the #101 to the ocean along Grande Avenue there are many more vacancies. Restaurants now have signs, "OPEN FOR BREAKFAST" and they now will add another in Centennial. There are vacancies in the heart of Higuera St. College enrollments are down with major student vacancies. S approach is DAM THE TORPEDOS, FULL SPEED AHEAD to financial instability. He has improved the city but this one is off the wall and needs to be stopped. His ego is more important. If he loses he may not run again. 1 0 (2:_ Chuck Fellows From: Joe Linnemann 0d1851@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 7:41 AM To: Joe Costello Cc: Chuck Fellows; Jim Guthrie Subject: PROPERTY TRADE. Dear Mr. Costello, I live at 509 Ide St. and also own a business in the Creekside Village Plaza. I would like to add some comments regarding the two recent commentaries in the Tribune about the Centennial Square project. 1) Short street should not be dosed. Ingress and egress are of the utmost importance. I drive Mason St. numerous times daily, closing Short St. would only increase the logjam that already exists. The more ways out of Olahan Alley the better. 2) Public money should not used for the benefit of the private sector. 3) The existing city buildings are adequate and can easily be upgraded /modified for future growth If even needed. 4) The Farm Credit building has been empty for years. The overall office /commerical rental market Is at its highest vacancy rate in years with more to come. A good example of this is the abundant space available in the Ceeekside Village Plaza. The non existent rental income, requires the valuator to estimate the market rent to form an opinion of value. I can guarantee that the rent estimate is too high and does not support a $2.400,000. price for the Farm Credit building. The agreed to price apperars to be highly inflated. I also think the city properties are under priced. The • exchange equities do not balance equally. It would be a huge mistake for the city to pursue the transaction at those numbers. • This would only benefit the developer not the city. The underlining values of all the properties needs to updated to reflect true market • value. I urge you to give this your upmost attention before any vote is made. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. • Joe Linnemann 748 1312 • • _ 1 nea J CU4) Cr70p 6L L /cola- 4 t- us y >la ac t 2c7",.-./7 re vii= ban )14 k.E.r c_s:ff) wA at eta Act C r (sfe w¢ J / D �? h "w7.0c0.-e-revl moo ohs aficime boo /s; SA Owner of , A,i40, n&!i r s_ 't 1 X n Xg,.a'° . c _ ' 4Setina. - .6 • ` . a46,ol ° W = ,s'/.2f t>00 L y r _ $ / OO a . 2 4CY 82 •r= COCO Q0C2 ea — c2c:7 ats / C2(V _.� c . �............,t,....�. -...� [// C \07 6 Agent Detail Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:23am Active 12/23109 Listing a 161238 995 E Grand Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2502 Listing Price: $1,800,000 Coun : San Luis Obis .o Cross St: Alder Street Ma . : 714, H5 Prop Type ComMlnd/BusOp -Sale Prop Subtype(s) ResiCm,ORice Area Arroyo Grande Sub-area Arroyo Grande Year Built Unknown Approx SqFt 18000 Seller ti. • - - =:. APN 077 - 223 -061 PriceISq Ft 5100.00 rr —cm% - ' t 11 1 - " :. Lot Sq Ft (approx) 37109 ((Other)) •..- _:. .. Lot Acres ( approx) 0.852 . DOM/CDOM 82/82 4300 X HOC �1`�32 0 0 [7 Public Remark Property is close to high volume intersection of Grand and Halcyon and is zoned high density com erciaVresidential. Outstanding vistility and exposure. Current improvements indude 9000sf retail, 8000sf warehouse and a 1 000sf 2 bd/1 ba residence. A comer location with frontage on Grand Avenue and Alder Street Possrbiities include office,residential or warehouse applications. Currently 10 parking spaces. An unimproved lot in bade of property is almost a half acre and also for sale. Agent -Only Rmrke Contact listing office for showings. Owner looking to sell property along with vacant land (listed separately). Listing Agent Dennis Allan (ID:PC612730) Primary:805-473 -7500, FAX: 805-473 -2753 Listing Office Allan Real Estate Investments (ID:PC2124) Phone: 805-473-7500, FAX: 805-473-2753 Listing Co-Agent Vincent Allan (ID:01421798) Pri ary:805-473 -7500 Listing Co -Office Alan Real Estate Invesbnenls (ID:PC2124) Phone: 805. 473 -7500, FAX: 805-473-2753 Listing Type Exd. Right to Sell Listing Dab 1223/09 Expiration Date 04/23/10 Commission 2% Variable Rata C No Property Use Free Standing Bldg, Street Retail Lock Box No Showing Do Not Disturb Reports Avaitebis Other Instructions Listing Detail None Tenns Cash, Cash New Loan Possession CloselEsaow Zorn Description ComlResidentlal, Commercial Story/Type/Level 1 Story Location Corner, Business Distrid, Free S1 Bldg Financials Scheduled Gross 214800.00 Net Oper Income 139220.00 Inc. Tenant Information Laundry Oder Exterior Stucco, Other Roof Description Metal, Flat Sewer and Water Water-Cty/Util, Sewer Heating Natural Gas Air Conditioning None Land Lord Pays Other Presented By: John Goodell Lic: 00649206/ Jones, Goodel & Associates, Inc. Phone: 805-441-4242 Lie: 00846931 Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change. Copyright 0 2010 by the following Assodations of REALTORS® - Atasiadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010 Rapattoni Corporation. All rights reserved. • http:// ccrmis .rapmis.com/scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 ••ares.• rlsa.rrr U LLrrrrrr6rj' rA.Lpur r ic.Jr7 .. Agent Summary Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:32am ( Active 07/01109f Listing 0 156988 415 E Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 -2802 Listing Price: $950,000 I t6sleyw:re'r l County: San Luis Obispo Cross St: Crown Hill Map :715, AS Property Type CommtindfBusop -Sale Prop Subtype Retail-Commercial Area Arroyo Grande Subarea Arroyo Grande Illi Year Built Unknown Sq Ft (approx) 5880 Other APN 007- 203 -018 PricelSq Ft 5161.56 O /7Q Lot Acres (approx) ,-/ DOMICDOM 257257 Lock Box Location Public Remark Lot 3, Portion of APN 007- 203 -018 -Phase 1 of Tentative Tract Map 2346. Please DO NOT DISTURB Tenants. Agent -Only Rivets Old Looms Feed Store. Now Chameleon. Zoned Village Mixed Use.Subjed to map recording. Commission 2.5% Variable Rate C Yes Listing Agent Byron Grant (1.0:00985985) Prmary:805- 481-4297 Listing Office South Cary Realty (ID:PC2326) Plane: 805- 481 -4297, FAX: 805-481 -0273 I'/0 Listing 0117244 125 Traffic Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Listing Price: 51,294,8001 tkiB Couny: San Luis Obispo Cross St: Nelson Map :715, AS Property Type CommandlBusOp-Sale Prop Subtype Retail-Commercial Area Arroyo Grande Subarea Arroyo Grande Ok 1r Year Built Unknown Sq Ft ( approx) 3900 List Agent APN 007 -481 -011 Price/Sq Ft 5332.00 WA/ ' Lot Acres ( approx) 1.170 ../l . DOMICDOM 783/783 d , a c 63oo X 332- 3 d o 0 Lock Box Location Public Remark Old STEELE Property . Village Mixed Use Zoning. Sewer and W a t e r available. (Not Hooked u p ) Property includes Moto Grande Creek Second building is an old wood sided building that is approximately 740 sq. 8. Approx. 17,000 sq. 8 of useable land. Commission 2.5% Variable Rate CYes Listing Agent Byron Grays (10:00985985) Primary:805-481 -4297 Listing Office South Cony Realty (ID:PC2326) Phone: 805- 481 -4297, FAX: 805-481 -0273 Resented By: John Goodin Lt'' 00649206 /Jones Goodell 6 Associates, Inc. Phone: 605-441.4242 tic 00846931 Featured properties may not be fisted by the officdagent presenting this brodare. Information has not been vented, is not guaranteed, and is subject to charge. Copyright 02010 by the latching Associations of REALTORSO- Atasadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast, San Luis Obispo, Piamo Clem, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. M rights reserved. CWY^Vt 2010 Rapettori Corporation. All rights reserved. http:// ccrmis .rapmis.com/scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 .. .-a. A .5..u1. .rulluLaly at111U1 r \.C-.7 r) 1..E...... Agent Summary Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:32am Active .11 J Listing 1 141040 106 E Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2702 Listing Price: 51.399.000 v°ii Colin : San Luis Obis • • Cross St: Grid •e Street Ma. :714 H4 ' Properly Type Area ComrMnd/Busop -Sale Prop Subtype Arroyo Grande Sub -area ResiCm Busopp . 11,4; G Arroyo Grande l f/ Year Built Unknown Sq Ft (approx) 3929 Appraiser fl� _ • _ APN 007-491-003 PriceRq Ft 5356.07 gain/ !Sig! Lot Sq Ft (approx) 4356 ((fax Records» Lot Acres (approx) 0.100 DOMPCDOM 721/721 Lock Box Location Directions Heart of Arroyo Grande Village Public Remark Located in the Charring and (Maira Vlage of Arroyo Grande you an own your own business and your own building. What a great place for your business! Currently the building is home to a Mexican food restaurant that has been in business for 20 years. This location often high foot traffic. excellent exposure with high traffic volume through the Village. City says its possible that building an be divided into 3 separate stores..so you an occupy, rent or both. Agent -Only Rmrks Restaurant is Taw Law. Please go and see, but do not disturb the employees. Building has been retrofitted. Cherie with City re: Possible to divide building inb 3 stare fronts for more intone. Separate gas meters, elec. meters already Mere. Commission 2% Variable Rats C Yes Listing Agent Sheila Handy (10:01136266) Primary:805 - 235-0328 Secondary:805473 -2121 Listing Office Century 21 Hometown Realty AG (ID:PC2016) Phone: 805489 -2100. FAX: 805-489-6753 Pa Listing 1 156707 134 E Branch St Arroyo Greeds, CA 93420 Listing Price: 5649,000 I County: San Luis Obispo Cron St Short St. Map :715, AS ."._: Property Type Com mAnd/BmsOp-Sale Prop Subtype Retail - Commercial Grande Area Arroyo Gra Subarea Arroyo Grande Year Built 1946 Sq Ft (approx) 2900 Ober f) . _ APN 007-491-051 PrIcs/Sq Ft 5267.24 keuA r Lot Sq Ft (approx) 4000 ((Other)) • - re . _ - Lot Acs(approx) 0.092 - _ __ DOWCDOM 135/135 . 6 3p° x ' Z 7- A t IF3. 6/. Lock Box Location Directions E. Branch into the Village- between Bridge & Short streets Public Remark Downtown Arroyo Grande Village retaN commercial. Central to shopping, dining. cultural events, Farmer's Market and midi more. Potential for two store*onts, now occupied by one tenant Call your agent today for showing. Great perking. Steps to swngirg bridge. Agent -Only Rmrks 550K price reduction-Co-listed w /Jdm R- Tenants are the one exception for commission to be paid- Tents lease Ihni Feb. 2010 w/ 3- 1 yr. lease extensions-tture rents yet to be set Seller will look at all offers Commission 2% Variable Rate C Yes Comments one exception Listing Agent Jens P Wapner (ID: 01237698) Primary:805473-0554 Sec ndary:8054714485 Listing Office Robeadog & Wagner Real Estate (ID:PC2331) Phone: 805473 -0551, FAX: 805-473-8094 Listing Co -Agent John Robeinotti (ID:PC236940) Primary:805473 -0554 Listing Co -Office Robnda5 & Wagner Real Estate (ID:PC2331) Phone: 805-473-0554, FAX: 805-473-8094 Selling Price 5775,000 SsHing Dab 12122/09 Selling Agent Jens P Wagner (ID: 01237698) Phone: 805-473-0554 Selling Office Robesdotti & Wagner Real Estate (ID: PC2331) Phone: 805-473-0554 Selling Co -Agent Selling Co-Office Financing Cash Selling Comments No agents invoved- for oxnps only- no comniraion Dad Original Price 1,050,000 SP % LP 91.28 Presented By: John Goode/ Lic 00649206 /Jones, Goodell 8 Associates, Inc. Phone: 8054414242 Lic: 00846931 Information has not been verifed, not guaranteed. ararteed, and is subject to change. Copyright 020 presenting by the blowing Ass: dation of REALTORSO- Atasodero, Paso Robes, Sr Coast, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast Santa Maris, Same Ynez Valley. M rights reserved. Copyriyt 2010 Rapetbl i M — Xlf yi(sa- / Corporation. All rights reserved. 0 9 49° /y = � x /2 1 ,9+ 1 3 , 0 G3 = * ;a. 75w ) `/.«9 2a- httpJ/ terml s .rapmis.com /scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 •U V 4 15,.. All V MILLIJIY J .. l.a/l • V - . • j Agent Summary Report Property Type CommAnd/BusOp -Sale Include Property Subtypes Retail - Commercial. Office City Arroyo Grande Status Sold (3/15/2009 or after) Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:39am j liggana Listing 8139705 219 S Halcyon Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 -3117 Listing Price: 5469,000 • County: San Luis Obispo Cross St: Grand Avenue Map :714,116 1 Property Type Comnvtrd/Busop -Sale Prop Subtype Office I , Area Arroyo Grande Sub -area Arroyo Grande Year Built 1950 Sq Ft (spores) 2162 Appraise I i 1 APN 006- 543-039 Price/Sq Ft $193.49 re-C� n c i 1 J _ - Lot Sq Ft ( approx) 10454 ((Appraiser)) JJ • Lot Acres (appros) 0.240 + , f DOMICDOM 516/516 / ' . gi 43 0 X /, , 2 ✓4; 987 Lock Box Locatio 'JA i .r,i.Z� q rr - y/gj,.36 It ..2Se Directions Heading S. on 101, exit Halcyon Rd. Heading N. on 101, eat Grand Avenue. Take Grand to Halcyon. Public Remark Office building with beautiful setting. Lots of parking in rear. 11 oft street parking spaces and street parking for 2 in front of building. Current use is as a Real Estate Office. New exterior paint. New root Well kept office bldg. Perfect for real estate, doctor, CPA other office uses. Close to A.G. Hospital. Agent -Only Rmrks Show cuing open office Inn or cat John at 441 -4242. Has security alarm Lock box on back door. Commission 2% Variable Rate C No Listing Agent John Goodell (10:00649206) Primary:805-441 -4242 Secondary:805 -473 -3300 Listing Office Jones, Goodell 8 Associates, Inc. (ID:PC2463) Phere: 805-481.1000, FAX: 805 -481 -1191 Selling Pries $418,336 Selling Date 08/21/09 Selling Agent John Goodel (ID: 00649206) Phone: 805-441 -4242 Selling Office Jones, Goodell 8 Associates, Inc. (Its PC2463) PMie: 805-481 -1000 Selling Co -Agent Selling CaOffies Financing Cash Selling Comments listing agendowner Original Price 649,900 SP % LP 89.20 Listing $ 153586 180 Ls Point St 8A-D Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Listing Price: $835,000 I County: San Luis Obispo Cross St: Nevada :715, A4 Property Type CommAnd/BusOp-Sale Prop Subtype ResiCm Office - • -Or,' / Area Arroyo Grande Sub-area Arroyo Grande ' u, I Year Built 2006 Sq Ft ( approx) 3600 hwfS APN 007- 193-008 Price/Sq Ft 5215.25 rte/ T y y � � , Lot Sq Ft (approx) 5401 ((fax Records)) - . Lot Acres (spores) 0.124 —_ DOM/CDOM 2424 — - - 6 .e °/ .73 - 6 ,.24' Lock Box Locatlon3 6,50 .t./2 y3�R . « 7 0X0 = rSS7 op ..w. Directions Take HWY 101 eat Grand go east & Grand becomes Brandy SL into Wage of Arroyo Grande tum eft on Nevada to Le Print and tum left again, buck ng is straight ahead. Public Remark Bank -Owned Newer/Immaculate Fully Leased Mixed -Use Building. Great Location in Village of AG. Commercial & Residential. OIBcMietaiI -Two 900SF (Nits reconfigured as One large 1800SF led seperaed by door. Office Units have 2 reception areas, 6 office rooms, 2 bath, sewage areas,elc One Office Unit has Nee kitchen 8 veranda. Upstairs are Two well cared for Residential 900 SF Urns - 2 bedrooms 1 bath each, Ocean/Dune views, balcony patio Mown laundry. Total Mo.lnoone- $5405. Good investment! Agent-Only Rmrks Bads up offers welcome. Units may be viewed upon accepted offer. M Units well maMtaied and newer. Can Listing Agent for more information. May be able ee set 24 Iw. appt to see upstairs residential units Full operating/ estabinhed Me6e+l Dr Business w/ Medical rtail store. HOA feet (Canal area mainlennrs/ upkeep) 5164/no managed prulessioreny. Insurance is $129/mo. At this time it's understood that 1 Residential Unit is rent controlled S905hno. Verifying INS. Tenants prefer to stay. • Commission 2.5% Varlet Rae CYes Listing Agent Ericke A Brewster (ID:01365276) Primary:805 -489.2229 x351 Secondary:805 -459 -05 Listing Office Prudential Califomia Really (ID:PC2011) Phone: 805489 -2229, FAX: 805-489 -1880 Selling Price 5775,000 Selling Date 06/12/09 Selling Agent Nonmember Nonmember (ID: PC123) Selling (Mice Non -member Office (ID: PC1) Selling Co-Agent Selling Co-Office Financing CTNL Selling Comments Original Price 835,000 SP % LP 92.81 Presented By John Goodd/ Lk: 00649206 /Jones, Goodell 8 Associates, Inc. Phone: 805 Lic: 00846931 Featured properties may not be fisted by the office/agent presenting this brochure. ALTOR50 - Irdanetion has Rd been vented. IS roe guaranteed, and is subject to dw dRE gs. Copyright O 2010 by the following Associatiam 2010 RS Atascadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast. San Luis Obispo. Pismo Coast, Sante Maria. Santa Yrez valley. M rve fiat resed. Copyniys Corporation. M rights reserved. http:// ccrmis. rapmis.corn/scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 w1L s Agent Detail lteporl(29i) � / ease _ °6� /v i� Agent Detail Report ze Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:25am Active 10/21/09 Listing a 159677 260 Station Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Listing Price: 57,600 Coun : San Luis Obis • • Cross St: Traffic Wa Ma •:715, A5 Prop Type Comm/lnd/BusOp -Sale Prop Subtype(s) Office,ResiCm Area Arroyo Grande Sub-area Arroyo Grande ` - • S ,. Year Built 2002 Approx SqFt 4622 Other APN 007-482 -030 Price /Sq Ft $1.64 1 -- Lot Sq Ft (approx) 42899 ((Other)) _. .. Lot Acres ( approx) 0.985 ,,,..,_ air- DOM/CDOM 145/788 Directions 101 to Arroyo Grande. Exit Grande Avenue and tum inland (away for the ocean). Take first right on Traffic Way and first right on station Way. Go to 260 Station Way, Suite A. Public Remark Village Creek Promenade in Arroyo Grande. Highly improved medical suite. 10 exam rooms, 3 dodor offices, nurses station, 3 receptions, tons of parking, dass Al Near Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, Ace Hardware, United Stales Post Office Main Branch, and Arroyo Grande High Sdrod. 11 allowance available and Architectural design available for qualified tenant. Great restaurant a retail space. Note: we also have 1468 SF suite avaltable at 290 Station Way Suite C. This is • NNN (.38) lease. Listing Agent Winfield Shiras (ID:00962240) Primary:805 -898 -9779, FAX: 805-898-9789 Listing Office DaumCormreric l Real Estate (ID:PC2485) Phone: 805- 898 -9779, FAX: 805-898 -9789 Listing Type Exd. Right to Set Listing Date 10/21/09 Expiration Date 10/21/10 Commission 2.5% Variable Rats C No Comments On first 5 yrs. then 1.25% on 2nd five Commission Detail Paid only on original tens Property Use Restaurant/Bar, Retail- Other, Health Care/Acu Care Lock Box No Lock Box Location Cab agent Showing Vacant Reports Available Other Instructions Listing Detail None Terms Other Possession Other Zone Description Commercial Story/Type/Level 1 Story Location Profess Cent Financials Annual Oper 0.38 NNN Expenses 0.38 Expenses if Parking Spaces 100 Building Information Foundation Slab Tenant Information Total Rant 9500.00 Allowable Uses Highly improved medical Laundry Other Roof Description Other Sewer and Water Water- Cty/Util Heating Forced Air Air Condkioning Central Air Land Lord Pays Other Presented By John Goode/ Lk: 00649206 /Jones, Goode/ & Associates, Inc. Phone: 805-441-4242 Lic: 00846931 Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Information has not been verified, Is not guaranteed, and is subject to charge. Copyright O 2010 by the following Associations of REALTORS® - Atascadere, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. All lights reserved. �T� �J/_ CCopyr r AM Copyright 2010 Rapalonii Corporation. AP nights reserved. /� � -� �� �L ,.� re-9; �C l/ �/�7'f Ain-P /et Our / efoeskt / Y J[.(.fota C2S Y ° gtivl o or /eetse jne e. 4).17 e/a 0_J set IcAat his ChG (e/g ii-se weak_ - Vas Q "Pr http:// ccrmis. rapmis.com/scripts/mp_ruispi.dll 3/15/2010 IVIL.J etgent 1Jet311 tcepont � a • .n Agent Detail Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:26am Active 05/13/08 Listing # 143059 290 Station Way SC Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3359 Listing Price: $2,400 Coun : San Luis Obis • • Cross St: Fair Oaks Ma •:715, A5 • - - - Prop Type Comm/Ind/BusOp -Sale Prop Subtype(s) ResiCm,OFice,Lease • . Area Arroyo Grande Subarea Arroyo Grande lea y Year Built 2002 Approx SqFt 1466 Other _ • % APN 007 -482 -030 PricelSq Ft $1.64 I Lot Sq Ft (approx) 42907 ((Tax Records)) Lot Acres (approx) 0.985 DOM/CDOM 671/671 Directions Take 101 to Grand Ave. Exit and go inland (away from the ocean). Take first right on Traffic Way. Take another first right on Station Way. Last building on left. Former Ataseadero Glass showroom. Public Remark Most visrb!e suite in the prestigious Village Creek Promenade. 1466 SF retail/office space has lots of windows and great visblity from Station Way, Traffic Way, and Fair Oaks. Lots of drive -by traffic generated by Am (Miners) Harware, FORD dealship, and the New Anoyo Grande United States Post Office. Pride of Ownership. Office, Coffee Shop, medical, or retai.11 allowance! Offer NOWT This is a NNN (.38) lease. Agent -Only Rmrks Bring your clients who need office space, showroom space, or high visibiky. Perfect for coffee shop! Proximity of high school and hospital make this a winner! Conveniently located next to Me 101 between Grand Ave and Traffic Way olhamps. Listing Agent Winfield Shires (ID:00962240) Primary:805 -898 -9779, FM: 805 - 898 -9789 Listing Office Daum Commerical Real Estate (ID:PC2485) Phone: 805-898.9779, FAX: 805 -898 -9789 Listing Type Exd. Right to Sell Listing Date 05/13/08 Expiration Date 06/30/10 Commission 2.5% Variable Rate C No Comments Based on first 5 year tens Property Use Post Office, Restaurant/Bar, Street Retail, Retail- Lock Box No Other, Special Purpose Lock Box Location Go look in windows - Calf Agent Showing Vacant, Appt Listing Office Instructions Reports Available None Listing Detail None Teens Submit Possession Negotiable Zone Description Comm Retail, Commercial Story/fype8.evet 1 Story Lot Characteristics Corner Location Comer, Business District, Strip Retai Freeway Access Yes Railroad Siding No Fenced Yard No Well Installed No Ground Lease No Sit Improvements Paved Streets, Curbs/Gutter, Sidewalks, Street Lights, Cable Available Financials Offering Type Lease Annual Oper 0.38 Expenses NNN Expenses 0.38 a Parking Spaces 100 Building Information Building SIaISF 1466 Foundation Slab Stabs to Entry No Sprinklers Yes Lighting Track Tenant Information Allowable Uses Zoned VMU = Vilage Multiple Use (City of Laundry Other Anoyo Grande) Interior Features Fir Sprinklers, Other Exterior Wood Siding Roof Description Metal Sewer and Water Water- CtyAltk Heating Forced Ale Air Conditioning Central Air Land Lord Pays Other Tenant Pays Gas, Electric, Trash, Water, Gardener, Association Fees, Cable TV, Taxes, Insurance Separate Meters Electric, Gas Operating Expense PRP Tx/Asses, Insurance, Utilises, MaintlRepair, Management Water, Elecbicky Presented By. John Goodell tic: 00649208/ Jones, Goodell & Associates, Inc Phone: 805 - 441 -4242 Lic: 00846931 Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is subject to change. Copyright O 2010 by be fokowing Associations of REALTORS® - Atascadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. M rights reserved. Copyright 2010 Rapakoni Corporation. All rights reserved. http:// carols .rapmis.com /scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 1VLLJ HgCLI LIeta111CeporL LYJ) "b • Agent Detail Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10:29am Active 10/13/09 Listing 1 159449 354 S Halcyon Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 -3876 Listing Price: 53,623 Coun : San Luis Obis • • Cross St: Fair Oaks Ma • :714, F4 Prop Type Comm/IndBusOp -Sale Prop Subtype(s) Lease Area Arroyo Grande Subarea Arroyo Grande R — Year Built 1990 Approx SqFt 4263 Seller ;--,; -; APN 077 - 204 -029 Price/Sq Ft 50.85 l! Lot Sq Ft ( approx) 16030 ((Tax Records)) • Lot Acres ( approx) 0.368 DOM/CDOM 153/153 Public Remark Attractive medial office building located directly across the street from Arroyo Grande Hospital. Suites of 855, 855, 798 and 917 SF available for $1.50 NNN, or take the entire downstairs for a total of 4.263 SF for only 50.85 NNN for the 1st year and 1 month of free rent. This free standing bolding has a large common waiting area with 2 ADA restrooms. A 813 SF 1- bedroom apartment on second floor also available for $900/mo. Owner wi entertain a lease option or purchase and may carry. Agent-Only Rmrks Attractive medical office bulldig located directly across the street from Arroyo Grande Hospital. Suites of 855, 855, 798 and 917 SF available for $1.50 NNN, or take to entire downstairs fora total of 4,263 SF for only $0.85 NNN for the 1st year and 1 month of free rent This free standing butidtng has a bge cannon waiting area with 2 ADA reaboans. A 813 SF 1-bedroom apartment on second floor also avalable for $900/mo. Owner wig entertain a lease option or purchase and may arty. Listing Agent Jason Hart (ID:01334694) Pri ary805481 -9010, FAX: 8059804745 Listing Office Hart Commerical Real Estate (ID:PC2540) Phone: 805-481-9010, FAX: 805-980-4745 • Listing Type Exd. Right to Sell Listing Date 10/13/09 Expiration Date 10/09/10 Commission 2.5% Variable Rate C Yes Property Use Free Standing Bldg, Health Care/Acu Care, Lock Box No Special Purpose Showing Appointment Only Reports Available Leases Instructions Listing Detail None Terms Lease Option, OMC 1st, Submit Possession Negotiable Zone Description General Comm Story/Type/Level 2 Story Lot Characteristics Level Location Profess Cent, Free St Bldg Site improvements Paved Streets, Curbs/Gutter, Sidewalks, Street Lights, Telephone Financials Annual Oper 0.35 Expenses Tenant Information Laundry Other Interior Features Wide Doors, Skylights Exterior Stucco Exterior Features Fenced Yard, Patio Rod Description Carp Shingle Sewer and Water Water-CV/UK Sewer Heating Forced M Air Conditioning Other Land Lord Pays Other Tenant Pays Gas, Electric, Trash, Water, Gardener, Parking, Taxes, Insurance Separate Meters Eledrie Operating Expense PRP Tx/Asses, Insurance, Utilities, MaintRepair, Water, Electricity, Gas, Trash Eating Lease Month to Month Teens 0 0 8 4 9 2 0 8 1 ' By 931 Featured properties may not be %rated by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Information has not been verified, Is not guaranteed, and is subjed to change. Copyright O 2010 by the following Associations of REALTORS® - Atascadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. M rights reserved. Copyright 2010 Rapadoni Corporation. AN rights reserved. http:// ccrmis .rapmis.com/scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 avi i..v 4 L./G144 i3O..JUIrtc»/ .. Agent Detail Report Listings as of 03/15/10 at 10•27am Active 05/21/09 Listing # 155073 530 -532 Traffic Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 -3357 Listing Price: $1,800 Coun : San Luis Obis • • Cross St: E Che Ma •:715,A5 . '1,:)4ItVeji Prop Type Comm/Ind/BusOp -Sale Prop Subtype(s) Lease,Ofce • v ' . ";5. �" Area Arroyo Grande Sub-area Arroyo Grande Year Built Unknown Approx SciFt 1568 Seller APN 007 - 595-002 Price/Sq Ft 51.15 Lot Sq Ft (approx) 1568 ((Seller)) Lot Acres (approx) 0.036 - DOMICDOM 298/298 Public Remark Two freestanding office buildings at one affordable prix. Great visibility and access to downtown Arroyo Grande and Hwy 101.6+ on -site parking spaces. The front freestanding office building may be leased separately at $1,350 and the rear building may be leased for 5450 Listing Agent Mark Anderson (ID:00944530) Primary:805 -543 -1400, FAX: 805 - 543 -1401 Listing Office Anderson Commercial RE Services (ID:SL762) Phone: 805- 543 -1400• FAX: 805 - 543 -1401 Listing Type Exd Right wlExdsns Listing Date 0521109 Expiration Date 0521/10 Commission 2.5% Variable Rate C No Lock Box No Showing Appointment Onty Instructions Reports Available None Listing Detail None Terms Other Possession Other Story/Typo/Level 1 Story Financials Annual Oper 0.30 Expenses Tenant Information Total Rent 1900.00 Laundry Other Roof Description Other Sewer and Water Other Heating Forced Air Air Conditioning Central Air Land Lord Pays Other Presented BY John Goodell Lie: 00649208/ Jones, Goodell & Associate* Ina Phone: 805. 441.4242 Lic: 00846931 Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Information has not been verified, is not guaranteed, and is wb)ect to change. Copyright 0 2010 by the following Associations of REALTORS® - Atascadero, Paso Robles, Scenic Coast San Luis Obispo, Pismo Coast, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez Valley. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010 Rapattoni Corporation. All rights reserved. http:// ccrmis .rapmis.com/scripts/mgrgispi.dll 3/15/2010 ceAnl-re. 3/2-',1/0 • . • -• , • • • • • II . • . • 14/.....1'..v:. '1 .- • ..,'. . .. , • • - 7'''''' CTY I ....„ • ..OF . ". . . . . . ,.. ... .. ... ., ...,... _ :,... ..., ... - .,,, GRA. „•Ai. 04. .. . ....,.., , v• . .,..., .. . ... .. ,. ..„. NI- - vr0- - • • ' -- . , -. vpio, • - - . - -.4,i:4c :Amok ---,---- -------- ---------4-•"***=1 ...H..,..:.... .Ti:. . ..„,:.,:,-..-7;.,;,,,a5.-.,- ,:f:-.rrrre• -.,i,r4.•&,_.;, 411....i • • - •cl.,:":../././7i, I i 7'. ..i‘,.,;„ ..,<,- ,(;„,..•,••• ••:i i.Y, \,,,:',... .i.•0- • . If7ii • - ,kAot,i . •ok. . .. . rtrilrnt, 0) • C A L 1 F.0 R N'l A-111 - .. . . . - • • • • • . City of Arroyo Grande . . EAST 300 . . 11 Li . . . . • BRANCH STREET AC • • . QUISITION • • • • . • • • • • •• . . , • . . • • • II ContingencyIssues . . ,.. i . . . . . .. .. . ■ Feasibilityof relocatin all CityH.all com lex gp staff into the former Farm- Credit building . . • Future of City Hall building Sell . , ,./,-, ,,,,.„..„...),,,,. ,„,„„,. . , ,, ,„,.,,,„,.... ,i,„„,,,,„..„,,,A,... .". .,, , , , ,„., !.../.,,,,„,-,,,,,,:„..„,,,,..,.„.., +;^ '�°5 s# i, r'!✓$ .rte „.....,...,....,.,„, A4 `...1 -- El Maintain staff o e ,,.„,:„ .,7, „, , ,,..„.,, •,- „a,,,,,,,„• :„„..-- ,:.....• ._ ....„,•,..... nri- ,•,• . . rat0 Lease ion ”, � ,▪ - s-: 3 " 44 ® • Funding• source k zm wri- .‘ ,,,,,„,,, ,,,..„.„,-... .. . .,, , ,,,..,„,._,,,- , ..„ r 1 ,i., f<> • Council subgroup e�. . .. , --4...,-t,-,- -,-�� k qtr mayMa or P.ro Tem Guthrie o. MemberArnold 4 r • 300 East Branch Street Interior Design VY _ , , AA. Hut DECK ' ow=WYK=NC. _ I —PI_ loam- I ram 1 JNter Ato l- w ." lira minim, J - ItacxSir - 6RAI `I a � nf• ISI ®� ®R .----- l— E ®® ' 7 NAZE • rjECri y �1�! ...tea. I I 1J *i I �Igp - g - Ef, 14 it I I ° FQ ; 1 .. ATTORNEY CORRIDOR sr�1r` ����mr��;no ®®® Jcotmturait' Ill d - t y >f fl ar+�tc/nrt>z I ■ 1 1 al tQwxw^ J I taai" Q WWI.c i1,41412.4.i# 0 t Ps t'Ir r �.� �III o � o 0 0 � � �w au 1 a 1 to s 9 2 w o w mw 44oti A1122 CONCEPT PLAN 1.22 a ! s Second Floor II . •. . Wr m Nur me -- -1.� u rAk(II 1 geza N MIK `` 7 IIT-1 II b . , . I jt0Mwr� t� �,ca I 79@8' .-1441110' �• '\\ I$ 44Cw AS72C. . ...• §9 \-1A / .nomm . , o • atq f— ammAGE— i , A a, a F • x • nII. ' . AO . 0 0. 10' t 7' . AL I CONCEPT I ..SECOND FLOOR LEVEL >a J. ..R*1R1O IIIII • 4 II Costs • Purchase $1, 146, 000 • Improvements $335, 000 • Document Imaging System $90, 000 • Addition Rent $40, 000 • Total $1, 611, 000 II Revenues ■ Available ▪ USDA Low- Interest Loan $1, 200,000 ▪ Local Sales Tax $300,000 • Subtotal $1, 500,000 ■ Additional Local Sales Tax $60,000 Water and Sewer Funds $41,000 ▪ Subtotal 111,000 • Total $1, 611, 000 II Alternate Plan • Purchase $1, 146, 000 • Improvements X195, 000 • Document Imaging System $90, 000 • Addition Rent $30, 000 • Total $1, 461, 000 II City Hall Building ■ Lease ■ Flexibility to reoccupy if necessary ■ Potential for future Council Chambers ■ Additional revenue ■ Privately financed improvements ■ 3 5 .sj ?i'.. 4 ¶t7.. q t ,,.' : .syr #�• �e 1•y i ke . °:11..r, ' '•-•:- 11-14 4:J ..e ° t % II Other Issues • Station Way Property . Meets operation needs ▪ Cost effective ▪ Outside Village Core • Appraisal • Single occupant building 0 Overall economics demonstrated to be efficiento . Cost of appraisal $7,500 o Time constraints II Options ■ Utilize existing buildings ▪ Minimize modifications to the Village • Most expensive ▪ No additional commercial development ■ Pursue alternate sites • Least expensive ▪ Moves City Hall complex outside Village core • Reduce control of historic buildings v � No additional commercial development ■ Former Farm Credit Building • Balances cost with maintaining City Hall in Village Core ▪ New commercial development Il Council Subgroup Recommendations ■ Relocation of staff to former Farm Credit building ■ Solicit proposals to lease City Hall building ■ Approve USDA loan ■ Approve funding from Local Sales Tax funds