O 346 C.S. -,. ..~., -.' ." - '"'52'" ,. , ,~,'" .. A.. ORDINANCE NO. 346 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'IY OOUNClL OF THE CI'IY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING MUNICIPAL OODE BY ADDING ARTICLE 3, TO CHAP'IER 2, TITLE 3, AND CREATING A TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FUND AND'MEANS TO ASSFSS FEES . '!be aty CowIcil of the aty of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as f01lo\\ll: SECTION 1: Q\8pter 2, 'Iltle 3 of the Arroyo Grande Mwlicipal QxIe is amended by the addition of Article 3 to read as follo\\ll: SECTION 2: Article 3. '!raffic Signalization Fund. I Section 3-2.301. P\a'pc:IIe. } '!be purpose of this article is to estabJish a Traffic Slgna]ization Fund and a mechanism 1 v.bereby fees may be I&:essed on new deve!opments in (XOpOt'tion to the 8CDOII1t of anticipated treffic generated by a given deve10pment for funding the construction of treffic signal systeRB, signing, an4 other traffic control devices. . Section 3-2.302. Definitiolll. Signalization Map: '!be sign81Ization map Is the adopted map of the Oty Council sho~ I locations of proposed and existing signalized Intersections and those signal locations WIder , deve1opment, which map may be amended by the Oty Council from time to time. , ! Trip Generation Handbook: Trip Generation Report published by the Institute to Transportation Engineers, 1982 and on addendUITB and revlsiom. Section 3-2.3D3. Traffic Signalization P\ID:I Oeation. , There Is' hereby created a fWld entitled '!be Treffic Signalization Fund which shall act as , i depository of an fees collected WIder this article. Fees received and Interest eamed as a result of such fees pursuant to this article sholl be paid to the Traffic Slgna]ization Fund and expended. exclusively for instaIJations or nxxIification of traff"lc signal systenB, treff"lc signing and striping, and other associated traffic control devices for locations identified on the Signalization Map as propaied ortJ/or currently WIder study. ApproprIate accounts for revenue and expendit\a'es shall be budgeted by the aty on an annual basis. Section 3-2.304. P\.rpc6e ol 'Inffie SignaJIzatioo F\DI Fee .~ .~Is. I ExIs~ traffic signals and those traff"lc signals WIder development shown on the Slgna]ization Map are determined to be to the benefit of all citizens of Arroyo Grande, all of such citizens ha~ fJl\8llCially contributed to such benefit. 'Ihose traffic signaJs shown on the Signalization Map as i proposed or WIder study are detennined to be necessary for the public health, safety and welfare as a I result of additional anticipated vehicular traffle generated by and resulting from new and additional I I residential, coorretCial and Industrial property development within the aty. I I I I Each new and additional property developments within the aty shallshare In the cart. of thooe ! I traffic signaJs, shown on the Signalization Map as proposed or under study, in direct relatlomhip to the , vehicular traffic estlmnted to be generated by that proposed development. Section 3-2.305. p-.1ntinn Be!Pred for Pee NJs ......Is. '!be aroount of fee 8$essments sholl be detemined by resolution adopted by the aty O>uooil. I Such resolution of the aty CoWICil shall estabJish a fee fot'll1.l1a whlcII bears a reasonable relationship between the ca;t of sign81Ization and the IIIOOWlt of traffic expected to be generated by each 'I development. Fees shall be adjusted annua1ly by roodifying the adopted valve of the average cart. of a traffic signal instaIJation up or down in conformance with the EngIneering NeYB Reca-d Construction Cost Index and the factor for the adjustment of the fees above shall be calculated and established each Jan\IBrY by aty O>uooil resolution as recoomended by the Director of Public Works, by the following fot'll1.l1a: Factor = 1 + nrrrP-nt Toopy - Rltc::P. ImpX' ftM" Date g!. Adoptinn Base Index for Date of Adoption The ENR Index as used above does not guarantee that sufficient fWiC5 will be generated to construct all the traffic control devices necessary. Thc Index itse1f, however, does reflect actual increase in construction cost which have occtaTed and which will apparently continue to OCC\I'. '-- --.---,---,~-,- --------".._~- ----,--,- -- ,,---'--- ____.. .~_.____,_ __ __.J . -. ' . '-: \-, ~ 53 .,' " '. Sectioa 3-2.306. Signal InstaIIatiom oot rep: eo ent.ed on Signalization Map. " ShouJd the Planning ~on or aty Council flllCl that traffic signals or other traffic control devices are necessary at locations other than those shown on the Signalization Map and are a result of a proposed new development, the PJanning 0xmIssi0n or aty Council shall require the proposed development to bear the full and canplete cast of such traffic signal or other traffic control device imta1Iation as a condition to deveJopment and, in addition, to fifty (50) percent of the assessment of fees required by Section 3-2.305. Fees assessed to the deveJopment will be applied to installation of.proposed traffic signal5 identified on the Signalization Map. In the event such development is so conditioned, the appliC8l1t shall empJoy an 8p!rO!X'iately licensed professional to submit to the Public Works Director a plan and cast estirmte fOl' the instoJJation. Prior to issuance of a building pemit 01', in the case of a subdivision, ~or to recordation of a fmal map, the applicant shall enter into an im(:x'ovement agreement with the aty and the perfot'll1!U1Ce by the appliCW1t under said agreement shall be guaranteed by a security or bond found to be adequate by the Director of Public Works to cover casts of construction, inspection, and Jega1 fees expended by the aty to enforce such perfot'll1!U1Ce. Section 3-2.301. 0IDecti0n of Pees. Fees establishecl by this article and outlined in sulxlequently adopted resolutiol6 of the aty Council of the aty of Arroyo Grande shall be considered due and payable prior to issuance of a building pemit for a development. Seetion 3-2.308. Redutrtion and ~ to Pees. 'n'affic signalization fees shall only apply to new developments which increase vehicular traffic. In the event an applicant can deroonstrate a reduction or equivalent amount of vehicular traffic as a result of a new development on a property and the applicant seeks penrit to redeveJop such property, the fees for such redevelopment will be reduced to reflect only the net increase in vehicular traffic fran the property as determined by the 'lHp Generation Handbook. In no case is the applicant entitled to more than the elimination of any or all fees. In addition, if a developer is required by the Public Works Director to upgrade or modify an existing signal or traffic control device, the developer shall be credited for such modification against traffic signalization fees. In no case is the applicant entitled to more than e1inination of any 01' all fees. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council MenDers vo~ thereon, in the Five aties 'l1IIe-Prtss Recorder. On IOOtion of OJuncil Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Jomson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith, and Council Members Gallagher, .Johmon, Moots, j and Porter , NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 198&. ~'~/J1~~ MAYOR ATlFl)T: ~! a. f)-~ Cl'IY CLERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 346 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of May, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of May, 1986. ~ 11. [rlJ>><~ J CI Y CLER i _,,__.. ,_._~,__~__..J ---- -~ ------- " ." . . . - ,. .' . .- '.". . " , , " ~ l'O. . ( ~ , ~ ~ z 0 ~ ~-- . z j ~ , L... . ~ ........ ...~.: t % ~ ~ r Z n ~ <1 ~ Z ;/,- '\ /'..... \ 4~ / "\ /.l ... .., .' V , ~ , , <' r./ , . . ". , " . y '. < . / . < "'\ II. "\( " , \ , \ en , \ - , (j) Z )> r- - (") MEe . N -. ~ - '< (I)(")(")~O~ - So -. 0 c 0 ~ _. 0 ~ -=-- co ::;... CD!.L c 0 g ... ~ 'g --. Z ~ -Q::J",O::J () )> ::r '" ::J - CD ~ CO r- ~ '" -< a. s: N ~ 3: CD 0 (I) . 0 '$ Og)c: a,...cO )> -'< '< ::J . c: (I) ." :g 0 m~~ S. 5- In (j) CD::J CD a i\F Z~(I) ... CD-- ::J CD 0' c 0 0- a.::J~ CD CD 'if! CD _ ~ a... m 6' . '< "0 I - !!: if ~ - .. -- L , 7 '. '-, l' . ,." RESOLUIIDI:I 1:Ia..lill. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TliE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE rnEATING A TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FEES AND ADOPTING A SIGNALIZATION MAP WHEREAS, the aty Council has adopted Ordinance Number 346 c.s. which establishes a 'Il'atfic Si&1Uillzation Fund; and WHEREAS, the aty CoWICll may adopt a Signalization Map pursuont to this ordinance; 8lId WHBREAS, the Qty Q)IIJ1(!U may by resolution establish II fee fOl'll1l1a pursuant to this Ordinancej and WHEREAS, after study, the 'Il'affic and Parking O:xmission have rec<mnended a fee fonrula to be estab1i5hed, 8lId a Signalization Map be (rep8I'e<Ij 1. NOW, THEREFORE, it Is hereby resolved that the followiDg fee fOl'llllla Is hereby adopted: . Average O:6t of traffic signBllnstallation / the mininun volune warrant :: ADT Fector ADT Factor x Independent Variable :: 'Il'atfic Signalization Fee Definitions: Avera~ ChIt of trnffi~ SienA1 Instnlllltinn Is the average cost of signal Installation in OIl'Il'am, Region 5, including design IlI1d Inspection ca>ts. 'The ninimlffi vnlll".." wnrrAnt Is mininun wrount of trips required to WIIITfII'It a traffic signal as cWculLltl.>(J Crom the wUfonn trllffic controlll'lU\ual. AI)T FII.~tor is the ratio which eJqreSSeS the dollar cost per vehicle trip. I'IE LAW mE <:roB LAND mE/WIIDOO 'M'E IHEI'JKIJNT VARJAB[B A'VI!JW!l!. JCJr 030 Truck Terminals 1,000 gross square feet 9.86 100 Industrial 1,000 gross square feet 5.43 110 General light industrial 1,000 gross square feet 5.46 120 General heavy industrial 1,000 gross square Ceet 1.50 130 Industrial Park 1,000 gross square feet 7.00 140 Manufacturing 1,000 gross square feet 3.86 150 Warehouse 1,000 gross square feet 4.88 151 Mini Wurehouse 1,000 gross square feet 2.~0 210 Single fwnily detached house DYelling unit 10.00 220 Apartment DYelllng unit 6.10 221 Low rise apartmmt DYelling unit 6.60 230 ResIdential condominium DYelllng unit 5.20 240 toobilehare DYelling unit 4.80 270 Planned unit development DYelling unit 7.80 310 Hotel Room 10.50 320 tootel Room 10.14 330 Resort hotel Roan 10.20 400 Recreational Parking space 3.10 430 Golf course Parking space 5.30 492 Racquet clubs ())urt 44.30 610 Hospital 1,000 gross square teet 16.70 630 Clinic 1,000 gross square Ceet 23.80 710 General off 1 ce 1,000 gross square feet 12.30 , . , _. .., __~.._._ ."._'... '.._.'. _.. . . _'r'_'.' ,"_'n ..__._ .... '. ,-. ~. ...._._.__.__~._._._., .____.__._ __..... H' .._... . ...__'.._ --_.....- --- - --- --- - ----. ---. i . " .' . ,',711 General office under ,- 100,000 gross square feet 1,000 gross square teet 17.70 . 712 General office 100,000 to 199,999 g.s.f. 1,000 gross square feet 14.30 720 Medical office building 1,000 gross square feet 54.GO 732 U.S. Post Office 1,000 gross square feet 139.70 750 Office Park 1,000 gross square fect 20.65 760 Research Center 1,000 gross square fect 5.30 814 . Speciality Retail Center 1,000 gross square feet 40.70 815 Discount storc 1,000 gross square feet 70.10 81G lIardware/Paint 1,000 gross square fcet 51.30 820 Shopping Center under 50,000 1,000 gross square feet 117.90 821 Shopping Center 50,000 - 99,999 1,000 gross square fect 82.00 822 Shopping Center 1,000 gross square feet 66.70 ...-- 100,000-199,!J99 82~ Shopping Center 200,000 - 299,999 1,000 gross square fect 50.60 824 Shopping Center 300,000 - 399,999 1,000 gross square feet 41. 90 825 Shopping Center 400,000 - 499,999 1,000 gross square feet 49.70 826 Shopping Centcr , 500,000 - 999,999 1,000 gross square fcct 37.20 827 Shopping Center 1,000,000 - 1,249,999 1,000 gross square feet 37.10 828 Shopping Center 1,249,999 & over 1,000 gross square feet 34.10 831 Quality restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 74.90 832 High turn over sit down restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 164.40 833 Drive-in restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 553.00 841 New car sales 1,000 gross square feet 47.50 844 Service Station l'wnp 133.00 850 Supermirket 1,000 gross square feet 125.50 851 Cbnvcnience store 15-16 hour store 1,000 gross square feet 322.60 851 Cbnvcnience store 24 hour 1,000 gross square feet 625.20 860 Wholesale 1,000 gross square feet G.73 890 Furniture store 1,000 gross squarc feet 0.7U 911 Bank (oolk-in) 1,000 gross square feet 169.00 912 Dank (drive-in) 1,000 gross squarc feet 192.00 913 Savings und Loan (walk-in) 1,000 gross square feet 61.00 914 Savings and Loan (drive-in) 1,000 gross square feet 74.00 930 Insurance 1,000 gross square fect 11.50 * Independent variable I8nd uses not listed shaJl be selected by the Public Works Director from UIe ITE '!rip Generation Manual. . . ,--. .. . , .. <} ~ ' " ' . " .: <' 'SAMPLE CALCULATION . .' " " 'Il'atfic Signalization Fee MinimJm hourly volume (WlIlTlII1t 1 unitonn traffic devices control) Asliume: (2 lanes major street, 2 Janes mina' street) . 1. 600 vehicles on approach both directions on major streets. 2. 200 vehicles on approach in one direction. Total vehicles per hour required 800 vehieles/hOur MinirrIJm volume required for eight hours 800 vehicles/hOur x 8 hours = 6,400 vehicles Average cost of traffic signal is $80,000 $80,000* = $12.50/vehic1e = ADT Factor . 6,400 $12.50 x 10 (single famUy AD,....) = $125.00 = '1l'aftic Signalization Fee per Single Family Dwelling .Fran averoge construction coots of traffic signaJs and lighting' imtalJatiom within OJl'1l'WIS, Region 5 in EUld aroWlCl San Luis Obispo GJunty ..From ITE 'll'ip Generation, Independent variable Crom attached list 2. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the attached map, dated March, 1986, is hereby Ildopted lIS the Signalization Map purliWlllt to Ordinance 346 CoS. On rootion of CbWICil Member .bllooon, seconded by CbWlCil Member Moots, and on the fonowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith, CowIcil Members GallDgher, .bhnson, Moots, and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoillg Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1986. .f5'thvtJ ~ MAYOR ATIEST: '11AJAA7 (], {)n,w~~ CITY CLERK 1, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1955 Is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of May, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of May, 1986. 71/IJ/vr~t a, ~ CITY CLERK . .'. +,