O 342 C.S. Ail ORDIilAI'ICE Or TH.: CITY COUNCIL.__. . _.' ';,~:;;,-,-...:..~..,"~",~,~j.,~~ OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE'.'. . .. .:.:.~:" :::;;:;;;~;,:;:':;~i ESTABLISHING m'lPENSATION FOR COUNCIL I1EMBERS '~:-7:-.,..,.,:".>i,:'5':.'~";::~c HI ACCORDANCE mTH STATE LAW . (Calif. Govt. Code 1136516 (a) (1) and (d),.'~"': 36516.5 and 36516.6 I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G~ANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO\iS: .' n Section 1. Effective December 1,1986, all sections of Title 2 Chapter Y 1, Article 2, "Salaries", of the Municipal Code are repealed in their \ entirety, namely, Sections 2-1.201 through 2-1.206, inclusive. 'j Section 2. Effective December 1, 1986, a new Section 2-1.201 is hereby adopted, reading in full as follows: . - "2-1. 201 Salary Compensati on for Council Nembers -', (a) Population. As of January 1, 1986, the estimated .. population of the City of Arroyo Grande is less than 35,000 .. residents. (b) Council Salaries. The salary for the Mayor, and for \ each City Counci I Member, sha 11 be $300.00 per .\1 month (c) Council Expenses. The salaries set forth herein: are, and shall be, exclusive of any amount payable ! to each member of the Council as reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by the Council Member in the performance of official duties for the City. r- ... (d) Retirement, etc. Any amounts paid by the City for L ret it-ement, hea lth and we Hare, and federal soci a 1 security benefits shall not be included for purposes of determining salary under this section, provided the same benefits are available and paid by the City for its employeas generally. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (301 days after it5 passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its . pas sag~, it shall be pub 1 i shad once, together l'lith the names of Counci 1 Ne:nbers voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation \1ithin the City. r.,~ ..,~I--"....., .,~ r._..., r ..~ '11~'nn' ~r r,::r.ll:I~:";:;'1'" "'ur-""""d~.1 h'l "QI'''C1"1 ."Io.m'o~~ ,_.... f;,~)P.!,.Jn ',' :";.((,CII.,__,, r:;: )f'J..: '-'.:11__, ~'......,..'" ",.l ".J", .... "."., , 1:-.,. C::. " . .....^"'.. II" ,'on .0.'1 ^ojl "o"~ "n "/1'"' '.J;:';'-,.;n~ ..inU.II '.:'-; to .v~TidJ( \...~,., t..._, l.'J. t.. AYES: Counci j t'lemhers Gallagher, Johnson, Noots and Porter r:O[s: t.layor Smi th JiBS!:;1 r: J':one the foregoi ng Ord i nance \1<1S passed and adopted thi 5 25th day t'.~ f.!1rch; 1986. . . . . . r . A aH/YJ'~~-L__ NAYOR \ ' r -'O"T 7Vl U fJr. 0 . . . . . ", ~ '" ' ,. ... "..1 ,I ._.,.. 0.__1/. I. ". " Ii ./. 2<x C tfY CU:Y,YI . .!/ ., . . . .,...':l-.' " ............~'. ~--, '.---- -~~,-,--,-~-,---------..-