O 338 C.S.
, .
SECTION 1: 1Jlat Section 9-3.604 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Cede is ror.ended
to read as follows:
Sec. 9-3.604. Tentative ma[:6: Data and design.
An action in connection with the making of a subdivision shall compJy with the rrovisiol1:l
, '
of the SUbdivision Map Act of the State Md, adcUt1cmaJly, with the foJ1owlnr p.'OvfIIonI of thII
A tentative map shall be drawn 1egibJy by a registered rrofessional civil engineer or
licensed land surveyor to scale, and on paper eighteen (18") inches by twenty'"$ix (26") inches.
The following data shall be inchIded on the tentative map.
(a) The name, address, registration or license nwnber aix! signature of the person or
entity which prepared the map;
(b) The name(s) and addrEssees) of the subdivider and all parties having
a record title interest in the property being subdivided;
(c) The name ot. the proposed subdivision, the tract or parcel map number (
of the propc:6ed subdivision and of all adjacent sulxlivlsions; ,
(d) The date, north point (generally up on the map), and scale. The
II'IinimUm scale shall be one inch equals 100 feet;
(e) The contour of the land at intervals of not more than one foot of
elevation up to seven (7%) percent cross sJope, tm (2') foot intervals up to twelve
(12%) percent crem slope, and five (5') foot intervals over twelve (12%) percent
cross slope. Reference shall be made to the source of the topographic infonnation;
(f) A sketch at a miniml.un scale of one inch equaJs 1,000 feet indicating
the location of the propased subdivision in relation to the surrounding area or region
and showing the land use in the SU1TOWJding area;
(g) Sufficient data to deflDe the boundaries of the tract, or legal description of the
tract and blue border on the reverse side of the map to indicate tract botmdaries, (
and the probable units of the final map; (
(h) All lots, mur.bered consecutively throughout the entire development,
and the approxirrllte dimensions of all lots. All lot areas shall be shown in square
(i) 'Ihe location, width, and purpme of Dll existing and propcsed easements, shown by
dashed lines, within and directly adjacent to the sulxlivision.
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. (j) The location, name or designation, am width of adjacent public am
trlvate streets, highways, alleys, path9, ways and other rights-of-way. I\ivate
streets shall be clearly indicated;
(k) The IIPIrOximate radii of all curves;
(I) The location and outline to scale of each existing building or structure within the
...., subdivision, or outside the subdivision and within ten (10') feet of the boundary lines,
( noting thereon whether or not such building or structure Is to be removed from or
remain in the deve]qment of the subdivision, and its existing and pi'OpQSed future
(m) The I!p!:1'OXimIte locatiom of 8l'e8S subject to inundation by starn water overfJow and
the location, width, and direction of f'Jow of all watercourses existing and ~.
and the p.'OpOSed method of p-ovidlng starn water drainage and eraJI.on control;
(n) The approximate size and location of existing and p.'OpOSed sewer am
water lines and uOOetground starn drains, ~ the proposed location of ttlO fire
hydrants and street lights based on inta'lllltion furnished by affected department
( heads;
(0) The location and general description of all trees over three (3") inches in diameter
at the base of the tree, with notations as to their ~ retention or destruction.
C Stands of trees may be shown as a group. In 8l'e8S not occupied by trees, notations
as to general vegetation types shall be indicated;
(p) The location of existing fences, ditches, wells, SI.IlIpI, cesspooJs,
reservoirs, sewers, culverts, drainpipes, underground structures, utility lines, or sand,
gravel, or other excavatiom or fills within 200 feet of 8I'lY portion of the subdivision,
noting thereon whether they 8l'e to be 8b8ndoned or used;
(q) All denial strip!; and
(r) MIIpI for condominium IrOjects shall show the address of the property
and the IIUIIOer, size, location and floor p1an of proposed d\'ieUing units, parking
spaces and public or trlvate open spaces.
SEC'I10N 2: That Section 9-3.605 Is amended to read as folJoM:
Sec. 9-3.605. Tentative MIIpI: Accompanying doct.mefltso
t~ The follo~ shall be submitted with the tentative map:
(a) fteliminary title reports;
(b) Environmental deteminations;
(c) Covenants, if propaged by or required of the deveJoper;
(d) One (l) S-:V2" x 11" overhead transparency;
(e) List of property owners within the area of the propaged subdivision and within three
hundred (300') feet of the boundary, listed by assessor parcel nUlTbet and address;
and the ass esl'Ol' parcel IIJlI;B ,showq the 8l'ea within the three Iumred (300') foot
radius clearly designated;
---- --"~
. . (f) An authorization consenting to the propa;ed subdivision signed by
. parties having a record title interest in the property to be subdivided; and
(g) The following may be required by the Planning Director or the Director of Public
(1) A preliminary grading pJan
(2) An engineering geology report
(3) A soils engineering report (
(4) A noise study
SECTION 3: That Section 9-3.606 is amended to read as folJoVl5:
. .... ,
Sec. 9-3.606. Tentative M8l& Canpleteness: Filing.
(a) Cbo.~ Tr A tentative map shall be considered canplete for the
consideration of the Subdivision Review Board and the Cormission when the map ----.
canplies with the p:ovisiORl ot the Subdivision Map Act of tlJe State and this
chapte1' and v.ben mare and sketches, together witIJ ell the supplementary data, have
been sul::lritted.
(b) ~ Twenty-five. (25) copies of the tentative map shell be filed,
and folded to fit an 11" x 15" envelope. A fee in the 8I1IDUnt of one Iwndred
seventy,fiye ($175.00) dollars and five ($5.00) dollars per lot Is required to cover
the C<XIts of checking. '.
SEC'I10N 4: That Section 9-3.609.1 Is added to the Municipal Code to read in its
entirety as follow8:
Sec. 9-3.609.1. Vesting Tentative M8l&
Whenever a provision of the Subdivision Map Act, as implemented and supplemented
by the Oty Subdivision Ordinance, requires the filing of a tentative map or tentative
parcel map for a residential development, a vesting tentative map may instead be
med. A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same fann and liave the- same
contents,. accompanying data and reports and shall be processed in the same manner
as set fath in the Oty Subdivision Ordinance for a tentative wap, except that at
the time a vesting tentative map is med it Shall have printed conspicuotsly on its
face the ~'iCldS "Vesting Tentative Map."
The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested [
right to proceed with deve10pnent in substantial compliance with the ordinances,
policies, and stan<lards in effect at the date the Oty detem1ines the application to
be complete.
SEC'I10N 5: That Section 9-3.229 Is added to the Municipal Code to read in its
entirety as ColloM:
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Sec. 9-3.229. Vesting Tentative Map. ..:,..-,
A "vesting tentative map" shall mean a "tentative map" for a residential subdivision, as
defined in the Qty Subdivision Ordinance, that shall have printed conspicuolBly OIl its face
the WOI'CS "Vesting Tentative Map" at the time it is filed.
t SECI10N 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty da;ys after its passage,
(. and within fifteen (15) da;ys after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the nB.IreS of the
Council Members voting thereon, in a new;paper of general circulation within the aty.
On motion of CoW1cil Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Johnson,
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYESI Maya- Smith, Mayor Pro Tern GaUagher, Counail Marbers JOhnson,
Moots and Perter , ,
NOESl. None
AJlmNT: None
the foregoing Ordinance was p&$ed and adopted this 10th day ot December, 1985.
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I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 338 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 10th day of
December, 1985.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this
16th day of December, 1985.
11 11. ~