O 324 C.S. --,,,- __.........m..._ -- , , . '1 - OlIDINI>.Na ro. 324 C. S. AN OlIDINANCE OF '!HE CI1Y illl-<CIL OF 1HE CI1Y OF ARROID GRANJE REPEALING CERTAIN SECTICNS OF O1AP1ER 4 OF 1HE M..NICIPAL crDE REGJLATING SIG'iS IN 1HE CI1Y OF ARlO'xO GRANJE, AN) AMEl'DING GfAP'IER 4, ARTIa.E 24, SECTICN 9-4.2407 REGJLATING SIG'iS IN 1HE CI1Y OF ARROYO GRAN:>E. BE IT OlIDAINID BY 1HE CI1Y <UNCIL OF 1HE CI1Y OF ARIP'i'O GRAN:>E AS fDLWVS : See tion 1: The Municipal COde is hereby mnended by repealing in full each and all of the sections of the present ZOning Ordinance, nmnely, MUnicipal COde Chapter 4, Sections 9-4.402(e), 9-4.404(b). 9-4.504(b), 9- 4.604(c), 9-4.704(c), 9-4.803(d), 9-4.804(c), 9-4.903(f), 9-4.904(C), 9- 4.1104(c), 9-4.1203(d), 9-4.1204(c), 9-4.1303(e), 9-4.1305, 9-4.1403(i), 9- 4.1404(c), 9-4.1503(b), 9-4.1603(i), 9-4.1604(c), 9-4.1703,(i), 9-4.1704(C), 9-4.2005(d), 9-4.2407, 9-4.2910, 9-4.3004(e), and 9-4.3803(c). Section 2. The municipal COde is hereby mnended by adopting a new Section, 9-4.2407, to be referred to as "Sign Regulations", as set forth upon Exhibi t "A" Attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. The Planning Director shall maintain on file in his office a copy of the Exhibi t "A" Sign Ordinance for public inspection during reasonable business hours. - Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, a summary of said Ordinance shall be published once, together with the nmnes of Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. en motion of COuncil Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member MOots and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smi th N::ES: None ABSENT : None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 23rd day of April 1985. Y3'rkJ~ MAIDR A='~ I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande County of San Luis,Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the fore~oing Ordinance No. 324 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 23rd day of April 1985. ! r ~nd the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th ~ - --- -A--_ .~. --..........-..".. .---.-.---- ----.-- ~ 9-4.2407. Signs. Purpose iIDd intent. It is the purpose of this chapter to regulate signs in the City of Arroyo GrandE/, as an information system which expresses the ; character and environment of this community. It is further intended that these regulations ~hasize the ~rtance of business activity to the econanic vitality of the City. standards shall attenpt to encourage communications which aide orientation and identify activities, and to relate signing to basic principles of good design while restricting signs which overload the public's capacity to receive information, violate privacy, or which increase "the probability of accidents by distracting attention or obstructing vision. ])efini tions. For purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: (a) nArea of signn shall mean and be computed as the entire area within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of lettering, representations, emblems, logos, or any figure or integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the background against which it is placed (exclusive of a background panel the same color as the wall to which it is attached). Only one face of a double-faced sign shall be considered in detetmining sign area provided both sides are of essentially similar design and not more than twenty (20) inches apart. The supports, uprights, or structure on which any sign is supported shall not be included in detetmining the sign area unless such supports, uprights or structures are designed in such a manner as to form an integral background of the display. Where a sign consists of a series of individual letters, numerals, or syn'obols or other similar conponents and . is painted or attached flat against the wall of a building or structure, and where such components are without integrated -1- --~ _n -'- background definition and are not within a circumscribed or framed area, the total area of the sign shall be the sum of the area within not more than eight (8) straight lines enclosing such components plus twenty percent (20%) of the area within said lines. (b) "Bench sign" shall mean a sign located on any part of the surface of a bench or seat placed on or adjacent to a public right-of-way. (c) "Billboard" means the same as outdoor offsite free-standing sign. (d) "Building Official" means the chief building inspector or other officer or person charged with the administration and enforcement of City relations pertaining to buildings and structures, or his ,duly authorized representative. ... (e) "Changeable copy sign" means a sign designed so that characters, letters, or illustrations can be changed or rearranged without substantially altering the face or the surface of the sign. (f) "Directory sign" means a sign on which the name, location, symbol, insignia or any combination thereof, of the person, business, USE!, profession or industry occUF.{ingthe premises is given. ~ aign shall not. exceed 1.Q .f!;:et .in area. (g) "Display structures" for pedestrian viewing may include enclosed displays of products sold, bulletin type advertising stands such as racks or directory signs as defined herein. (h) "Display surface" means the area made available by the sign structure for the purpose of making visible the advertising message. (i) "Freestanding sign" or "pole sign" means any sign which is supported by one or more uprights, poles, or braces in or upon the ground which are not a part of any building or enclosed within the exterior walls of any building, and are separated therefrom by a distance of at least six (6) inches. -2- --~----._~..- <i> "Frontage" constitutes, for purposes of computing allowable sign area, the linear measurement in feet of a si te along a public street, coomon use parking lot, courtyard or other public right-of-way to which such sign is oriented. (k) ''Height of a sign"means the greatest vertical distance measured hon the ground level directly beneath the sign to the top of the sign. (1) "Illuminated sign"means a signwhichuses an artificial light source to make the lIIessage readabl e. Light sources shall be steady, stationary, shielded and directed so as to avoid undue glare for pedestrians, motorists and neighboring property. Illuminated signs shall not produce mort than one (1) foot candlepower at four (4') feetfrOlD the sign. (111) ''Marquee''lIltans a permanent roof structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting therefran. A~rquee sign is the copy affixed thereto. (n) ''Momment sign" means a freestanding sign incorporating the design and building materials accenting the architectuul theme of the buildings On the same property. (0) "Outdoor off-s i te freestanding sign" lIIeanS a sign placed for the purpose of advertising products or services that are not produced, stored, or sold on the property or any other subject not related to the property or use of the property, upon which the sign is located. (p) "Projecting sign" or "pedestrian sign" lIltans a sign other than a surface sign which extends outward, suspended fran or supported by a building or structure. Such sign shall not extend above the roof line or parapet. (q) "Roof sign" means a sign erected upon, over, or above the roof of a building or structure, or any sign affixed to the wall of a building so that it projects above the eave line of a roof. The top of any parapet -3- wall shall also be considered the eave line. (r) "Sign" means any medium, including its structure and COITp)eI1t partsl which is primarily used for, or having the effect of attracting attention from streets, parking lots, sidewalks, or other outside public private areas. . (s) "Temporary sign" means any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, paper, or other light materials, with or without frames, intended to be displa.yed for a limited period of time only. (t) "Wall sign" means any sign attached to, erected against or painted upon the wall of a building Or structure, the face of which is in a single plane parallel to the plane of said wall. such sign shall not project from the building more than twelve (12") inches, or extend above the roof line or parapet line. (u) "Wind sign" means banners or objects of plastic or other light material designed to move and attract attention for purposes of advertising upon being subjected to pressure by wind or breeze. (v) "Window sign" means any sign placed inside or upon a window facing the outside and which is intended to be seen from the exterior. -4- ....--- -__0'- -- signs prohibited. The following types of signs are prohibited: 1. Roof signs, except as otherwise provided in this Section. 2. Signs which incorporate, in any manner, any flashing, xroving, pulsating or intermittent lighting, with the exception of approved t,:iroe and temperature displays. 3. Signs in connection with any home occupation. 4. Bench signs or advertising signs located on other similar structures provided for the use of passengers along the route of a bus, not including plaques containing the names of persons or organizations which have made gifts or donations of such street furniture. 5. Signs whichrnake noise, move or rotate in whole or in part, except for barber poles or clocks. 6. Signs placed or displayed on vehicles parked in a conspicuous location to be used for on-site or off-site advertising, with the exception of signs advertising such vehicles for sale and vehicle identification signs. 7. Billboards. 8. Tire stacks. 9. Signs incorporating the words "stop", "look", or "danger". 10. Illmninated signs of red, green or yellow within view of a signalized intersection, or any unofficial sign, signal or device which purports to be or is an imitation of, or resent>les, any official traffic sign or signal or which atteupt.s to direct the movement of traffic, or which interferes with the visibility of any official traffic control device or warning signal. 11. Sandwich board or "An frame signs, and other portable signs or -5- ----.-- posters of a miscellaneous or tellp)rary character which are tacked, painted, pasted, or otherwise affixed and made visible from a public way, on the walls of buildings, on barns, sheds', trees, fences, utility poles or other structures, except as otherwise provided in this Section. Advertising m ~ Pro.pert;y. l\Q person, except a public officer in performance of a public duty shall paste, post, paint, print!, nail, tack, suspend or otherWise affix any card, banner, handbill, sign, poster, flag, advertisement or notice of any kind over any side<.o1alk, alley, street, landl park or other public place, or property of the city, except as may be required by other city, county , state or national. regulations, or without first obtaining the approval of the Planning Director. Application for such approval shall be made in writing, stating the manner of intended use, the method of erection, the purpose of intended use, and the length of time requested. AuxiliaG: fiPecifications. 1. Obstruction, to Exits. l\Q sign shall be erected so as to obstruct any fire escape, required exit!, window, or door opening intended as a means of egress. 2. Obstruction to Ventilation. l\Q sign shall be erected which interferes with any opening required for ventilation. 3. Clearance from electrical power lines and COIIUI1UI1ication lines. Signs shall maintain all clearances from electrical conductors in accordance with the regulations of the California Public utilities Ccmmission and the orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, State of california, and from all COIIIIIJl1ications equipnent or lines located within the City of Arroyo Grande. 4. Clearance from Surface and Underground Facilities. Signs and their supporting structures shall maintain clearance and noninterference -6- with all surface and underground facilities and conduits for water, sewage, gas, electricity, and communications equipnent or lines. Furthermore, placement shall not interfere with natural or artificial drainage or surface or underground water. 5. Drainage. The roofs of canopies exceeding twent;y-five (25) square feet shall be drained to prevent dripping or flow onto public sidewalks or- streets and shall be connected to an approved disposal source of adequate conductors. 6. ,Visible angle iron or other frames supporting projecting signs, canopy signs, as well as chain supports are prohibited, except those structures of an artistic nature which are integral to the sign'li aesthetic design. -7- PERMITS A. Required. No sign shall be erected or altered, including painted signs, without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Building Official, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. . No permit shall be issued . for any sign which does not conform to adopted sections of the uniform Building COde and to other applicable provisions of the Construction Standards of the City of Arroyo Grande. B. Application. Application for a sign pemit shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Planning Department. Such application shall include a sign plan as required herein. C. Fees. Applications for a sign pennit shall be accon-panied by a fee in the amount set by resolution of the City Council. D. Sign plan required. Application fo.r a sign pennit as required by this chapter shall be accompanied by a plan or plans drawn to scale, which includes the following: 1. The proposed design, diIrensions, copy, color lighting methods and location of the sign on the property; including the dimensions of the sign's supporting members, and details of all connections, guy lines, supports and footings, and materials to be used. 2. The, maximum and minimum height of the sign. 3. The method of .attachment to any structure. 4. The position (orientation) of the proposed sign and its relation to adjacent. buildings and structures, property lines and public rights-of-way. 5. The size and color relationships of such sign to the appearance and design of existing or proposed buildings and structures on the property. -8- 6. The location of off-street parking facilities, including najor points of entry and exit for motor vehicles where directional signs are proposed. 7. The sizes and dimensions of all other signs existing on the property. 8. The location and size of any building(s) or structure(s) on the property, both existing and proposed. 9. A statement of sign valuation. 10. Such otherinforwation as the Planning Director nay reasonably require to -secure compliance with this chapter and the ordinances of the'City. ExCE\PI:ions. The following sign roodifications shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign fran the responsibility of its erection and naintenance, and its COItpliance with applicable provisions of this. ordinance or any other law or ordinance regulating same. 1. The changing of the advertising copy or message of a painted, plastic face, or printed sign only. Except for signs specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy, electric signs shall not "be included in this exception. 2. The electrical, repainting, or cleaning naintenance of a sign. 3. The repair of a sign. Revi~ 1:& Architectural Review Conrnittee 5!nQ Planning Commission. Whenever a proposed sign is L'1cluded in the presentation of anew or amended site plan application, the sign permit application shall be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review CoIIImittee and by the Planning ColMIission prior to issuance of a sign permit by the Building Official. -9- ------- --~.__..._-~ -~---- - ------- ---- Minor Exen)ptions. The Planning Director nay permit the use of temporary signs, and may grant, for, either new or existing signs, minor adjustments to sign colors or height!, or authorize deviations from sign area or distance between signs not to exceed twenty percent (20%) ~ and on sloping roofs, the allowance . of roof . signs not to extend above the ridge line, for existing . buildings only, when it is determined that no other possible, reasonable method of sign is available. Planning Commission Interpretation. The Planning CoImdssion shall have authority and duty to interpret the provisions of this chapter at the request of the Planning DirectoI1, or when a written appeal from a decision of the Director is filed with the Planning CoImdssion. Signs ]U1owed.in W Zones. The following types of signs shall not require a permit, and shall be otherwise exempted from the requiranents of this chapter, except those specifically provided herein. The provisions of this section shall apply to such signs in all zoning districts. 1.. Signs not exceeding one square foot in area and bearing only property numbers, post box numbers, or names of the occupants of premises. 2. Flags and insignia of any government, except when displayed in connection-with corrunercial prOll'Otion. 3. Legal notices, identification information, or directional signs erected by governmental bodies. 4. Integral decorative or architectural features of buildings except letters, trademarks, moving parts or lights. 5. Signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on private. property, but bearing no advertising natter. 6. Announcing signs. One sign per street frontage on real property where construction, structural alteration or -10- -- -- repair is to take place, or is taking place, which contains information regarding the purpose for which the building is intended and the individuals connected with the project, including nmnes of architects, engineers, contractors, developers, financers and tenants, provided the area of such 'sign shall not exceed 16 square feet in tesidential districts or 32 square feet in other districts. 7. Real estate and "Open House" signs. During the period which real estate is offered for sale or lease, one sign per frontage nor exceeding four square feet in residential districts, or eight square feet in other districts, advertising the sale, lease, or rent of the property upon which it is located and the identification of the person or firm (agent) handling such sale, lease or rental. One off- si te ''Open House" sign, not to execeed eighteen inches by twenty-four inches (13" x 24") in area for providing direction to real estate which is available for inspection and sale, during daylight hours only, for a period not to to exceed thirty (30) days. 8. Special event displays. Temporary signs and wind signs may be erected on the premises of an establishment having a grand opening or special event, provided that such signs shall be displayed for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days previous to such event. Such signs shall be r~ved within seven (7) days after the event. 9. Subdivision signs. (a) One sign per street frontage, signs not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in aggregate area for the advertising of the sale of a subdivision roay be displayed on the site of the subdivision upon approval of a final map for a period -11- -..--.---.,-- - of one year from the date of erection, which date must be filed with the Planning Director within 30 days after erection. Erection date will be detennined to be the same as the subdivision approval date if not filed within the 3D-day period. The display period may be extended by written approval of the Planning Director for a reasonable period of tUne, not to exceed one. year at anyone tUne. (b) Subdivision or tract name signs. One nonilluninated sign not to exceed 24 square feet 'in area or two nonilluninated signs not to exceed 12 square feet each per exclusive entrance to a subdivision or tract; such signs restricted to the subdivision or tract name. 10. Plaques. COmmemorative plaques placed by historical agencies recognized by the City of ALroyo Grande and County of San Luis Obispo or the State of California. 11. Political campaign signs. Political campaign signs not to exceed 32 square feet in area per site shall be pennitted only on private property, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days preceding an election. Such signs shall be removed within seven (7) days after the election. 12. Signs on awnings, etc. Painted, nonilluminated or indirectly lighted signs may be pennitted on the borders of canopies, awnings, arcades or similar attachments or structures if located and erected in a manner satisfactory to the Director or an authorized representative. Such signs shall be included in the total pennitted sign area. -12- _0"- -~ ------------ ---- l\gricult;l1r.f: Zones. (he lU1lighted sign per street frontage for the purpose of advertising the sale of products grown on the prenises maybe allowed in Agriculture Zones and shall not require a sign permit. The aggtegate area of such signs shall not exceed six (6} square feet per property. Residential Zones. . A. (he wallar roonument sign, for identification purposes, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet in area may be permitted for any apartment house, or condominium c:onplex, or for other allowable. nonresidential uses. Monument signs shall not exceed three feet (3'} in height. B. Signs in residential districts shall not employ letters exceeding eight inches (8") in height. C. One unlighted sign shall be permitted for garage sales, provided such sign shall not exceed three square feet in area and shall be displayed on the propeX'ty wheX'e such sale shall take place and on the day of said sale. Off-site directional signs shall be prohibited. COIIIIlerci al Md Industrial ~.s... Except as pX'ovided herein for the "Village Special Information Arean, the following standaX'ds shall apply in all conuneX'cial and industrial zones: A. Wall signs. 1. Provided no other types of signs are erected on the property, wall signs are permitted to a maxiInum area of 15% of the building face, or one square foot for each linear foot of site frontage, whichever is less. 2. Where wall signs are used in conjlU1ction with other types of signs on the same site, the aggregate area allowed for all -13- signs shall not exceed fifteen tUnes the square root of site frontage (T5Vslte trontage). B. ~onument signs. One monument identification sign not to exceed six feet (6') in height may be permitted per site when located not less than five feet (5') from the property line. Otherwise such signs shall not 'exceed four feet (+') in height and may be placed in required setbaCk areas but must be a min~ of one foot fran the proper.ry line. Such signs shall not obstruct u" visibility of vehicular or pedestrian traffic so as to create a,hazard. c. Proj ecting:signs. One projecting identification sign per , occupancy'not to exceed 450 square inches, in area. Lettering on such signs shall not exceed eight inches (8") in height. Such signs shall have a minUttmn clearance of seven feet (7') over a sidewalk or other pedestrian right-of-way. D. Freestanding or Pole Signs. One pole sign for identification purposes only shall be allowed per single business site or per shopping center or coomerdal complex, subj ect to the following condi dons: 1. The total area of such sign shall not exceed fifteen times the square root of site frontage (15Vsite frontage). Where more than one business occupies a site, no individual pole sign shall be pennitted. 2. Such signs shall not encroach more than twelve (12) inches over a public right-of-way. ~3. Such signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. 4. Where practical such signs shall be placed within a landscaped planter. Additional landscaping of the property may be required Where needed to offset sign appearance with scale and softening effects. ----~ _...n.......-___"4 -..---- scale and softening effects. 5. Freestanding signs and their supporting elements shall be designed so as to be haImOnious with any building or structures on the site, including architectural style, colors and scale. E. Marquee Signs.. Signs may be peIIDitted on the borders of marquis provided that lettering does not exceed eight inches (8n) in ..- heigh\:j, or 40% of the sign face area. Removable copy,may be changed on the face of peIIDitted marquis signs without securing an additional peIIDit. F. Window Signs. 1. Permanent signs on the surface of or inside display windows shall cover no more than ten percent (10%) of the display window area. 2. TEmporary informational signs may be located on the surface of or inside display windows for a period not to exceed thirty .(30) days. Such signs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the display window area. Village S,pecial Information District. This section refers to the geographical area known as The Village, in recognition of its broad public significance as the City's core conrnercial area, and to foster enhancement of its historic character and pedestrian oriented economic activities and amenities. A. Definition of area. The boundary of The Village Special Information District shall be coterminus with the City Parking and Business Improvement Area established by Resolution . B. Signs peIIDitted. Signs in The Village Special Information District may be allowed as provided in this Chapter except as follows: -15- 1. Freestanding signs are prohibited. 2. No IOOre than one surface or wall sign per frontage on a public street or right-of-way of an occup:mcy is permitted. The. total area of such sign shall not exceed fifteen percent 15% of the' building facade. 3. Display structures for pedestrian viewing as defined herein may be permitted, provided such structure does not exceed 50% of the sign area requirements prescribed for the District. 4. Applications for a sign permit in the District will be revie\oled for conformance with the City's Village Design Guidelines in addition to the regulations provided herein. Mobile lJQme. smd Travel Trailer Parks. A.. 'A mobile hane park may be allowed one externally illuminated or non"" illuminated IOOnument identification sign per entrance to a public street. No such sign shall exceed thirty (30) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, or be erected at right angles to the public right-of-way. B. Freestanding signs may be allowed only in connection with a travel trailer park. No such sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area or twelve (12) feet in height. r..rl~oline Service Station Signs. Q1-pranises signs may be permitted as follows: A. Q1e pole or IOOnument sign as provided in this Chapter, not to exceed ty;enty-four (24) square feet in area, or fifteen feet (15') in height, and advertising aHy the name of the o::npany. B. Q1e wall or canopy sign per street frontage advertising the company name and/or operator, not to exceed twelve (12) square feet in area. _11':_ c. One wall, monument or canopy sign including the supporting structure, not exceeding eight (8) square feet in area, advertising the current price per gallon of gasolinE/, autOlOOtive , services and products and convenience products sold on the premises. Maintenance. FNery sign, including ,those signs. for which no pemit is required, together with all supports, braces, guys and anchors shall be maintained in a safe, presentable and good structural condition at all times. '!be display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. '!be owner of property on which the sign is located shall be responsible for the condition of the area in t1f:- ~icinity of the sign, and shall be required to keep this area clear, sanitary, and free from noxious or offensive substances, rubbish. and flanlnable waste materials. }llvtndoned Signs. Any sign which,is located on property that becanes vacant and is unoccupied for a period of three (3) months or longel/, and any sign which was erected for an occupant or business unrelated to the present occupant or business, and any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer exists shall be presumed to be abandoned. Permanent signs applicable to a business temporarily suspended because of a change of ownership or management of such business shall not be deemed abandoned unless the property remains vacant for a period of six (6) months or more. An abandoned sign is prohibited and shall be removed. Existing Nonconforming Signs. Signs existing at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified herein, which do not comply with the provisions hereof shall be regarded as nonconfoming signs, and are subject to the following: A. i'ihenever there occurs a change in the type of business or use with which a sign is associated, such existing signs for the prior business shall be altered, removed or otherwise made to confom -17- to the provisions of this chapter. B. A nonconforming sign may not be expanded, extenped, reconstructed, or . altered in any way in its location or orientation to enable it to be read or viewed from a different direction than its original position, except in the following cases: 1. SUch sign may be removed for puxposes of repair and routine maintenance, including paintingl provided such sign is replaced within sixty (60) days of its removal. 2. Minor sign face changes not involving changes in graphic design or color are permitted. .~.. 3. SUch sign may be removed for the puxpose of remodeling a building provided replacement occurs within thirty (30) days after remodeling is completed. 4. Upon change of ownership of the business advertised by any nonconforming sign, the new owner may change any name or names on such sign provided there is no change in the sign size, configuration or orientation. c. A nonconforming sign destroyed by the elements, fire or other accidental cause, to an extent exceeding sixty percent (60%) of its original valuation shall not be replaced as a nonconforming sign. Penalties m Violation. A. w11enever a sign is found to be erected or maintained in violation of any provision of this chapter or of any other chapter or law, the Planning Director shall order that such sign be altered, repaired, reconstructed, demolished, or removed as may be appropriate to abate such condition. Any work required to be done shall be completed within ten (10) days of the date of such order, unless otherwise specified in writing. B. Failure, neglect Or refusal to COJIply with such order of the Director shall be sufficient basis for the revocation of any permit granted under this chapter. C. The Building Official shall have the power and authority to remove or cause to be removed, at the owner's expense, any sign erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this chapter. .sign Review Criteria. The allowed nunt>er and area of signs as outlined in this chapter are intended to be minimum standards which do not necessarily ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated standards, consideration shall be given to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject property . SilTplicity , and sign effectiveness shall be considered along with the following criteria in review of signs: A. The sign is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Chapter. B. The sign does not constitute a detriment to public health, safety and welfare. c. The size, shapEl, color, materials and location of the sign is compatible with and bears har.monious relationship to all signs on a parcel and to the use, as well as to the neighborhood. D. Signs on all proposed buildings or new additions to existing buildings are designed as an integral part of the total building design. E. The location of the proposed sign and the design of its visual elements (lettering, words, figures, colors, decorative motifs, spacing and proportions) are legible under normal viewing conditions prevailing where the sign is to be installed. -19- , F. ihe location and design of the proposed sign does not obscure from view or unduly detract from existing 'or adjacent signs. G. The location and design of the proposed sign, its sizE/, shapel illumination, and color does not detract fran or interfere with or intrude upon adjacent properties or their occupants. H. The location and design of a proposed sign in close proximity to any residential district does not adversely affect the value or character of the adjacent residential district. -20-