O 321 C.S. .' . , ORDINANCE NO. 321 c.s. An Ordinance of the ~, Cbuncil of the aty of Arroyo Grande ~ the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code by ~ Sections 309, 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, and 701 of 01apter 6 of 11tle 6 ~ v.ith Sewer Cbnnections THE CI'IY COUNCIL of THE CI'IY of ARROYO GRANDE Does hereby Qrdain as follow!: SECTION 1: dvipter 6 of 11tle 6 of the Oty of Arroyo Grande MUJieip&l Code is .......dt:d by the additionl, deJetions, and mnendments to its variolB sections III itenized beJow. All ~ text is hereby repealed. SECI'ION 2: Amend section 6-6.309. to read III folloW!: Section 6-6.309. obint tile of ~ Sewer I..eteraI. No group of foW' (4) or IOOre houses on one Jot shall be connected to a m1in sewer without first ha~ the plan of the se\\'el'S to such houses ap(I'Oved by the Director of Public Works. The size of the proposed buil~ sewer and lateral ~ such houses shall not be less than six inches (6") in diameter or of a size detemined by the Director of Public Works. A II1IJ1ho]e shaD. be (rOvided at its jmction v.ith the exis~ IIIIin sewer. The Director of Pub1ic Works my permit IIDre than one condoIIini1.m or pIIImed unit deveJopment unit to connect to a 00IIII10ll ~ sewer subject to inpovement standards adopted by the city. The Director my recpJire 8P(J'O[X'iBte conditions to such an 8P(J'OV8l to becane a pert of the Cbdes, Cbvensnts, and RestrictiOlll for the &lbdivisioo. In confOnIllllCe v.ith Municipal Code Section 6-6,403, alllllllintenance of ~ se\\'el'S discIII8ed in this section are the responilbility of the Jot owners or appI'O(t'iate 0_'1 association. SECI'ION 3: Section 6-6,401. is amended to read III folloW!: Sec. 6-6.401. Permits: Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the city, to make any oomectlon to any plblic or ~ sewer, or to comtruct, perfonn llllintenanee, or alter any public sewer IIIIin or ~ sewer within the Oty without fIrSt ~ a permit from the Oty for such \\Wk. Permits issued ptI'8U8Ilt to the (rOvisions of this chapter shall not be transferable from one person to another v.ithout the coment of the city. SECI'ION 4: Section 6-6.403. is amended to read 8S follow!: Sec. 6-6.403. Permits: Exceptions. No~ contained in this article shall be deemed to require the application for, or the issuance of, a pemit for the purpose of l'eIIX>~ stoppBges or ~ leaks in a ~ sewer, eJCCept MIen it is necessary to replace any pert of such sewer. For the purpose of this 0IIIpter, building sewer is defmed 8S all sewerage excluiive of aty IIIIin line iJtl'll1m~, but not linited to the ~, tees, 'V'~, 1ateral5, and ~. \ __ __u.....__ ---.- - - - ~ --,~-_.-------------- . '.' '. ORDINANCE NO. 321 c.s. Page 2 SECTION 5: Amend Section 6-6.405. to read &'!I folJoWil: Sec. 6-6.405. Permit: Fees. The General Sewer Permit fees shall be &'!I folloWil: (a) Seven and no/100th; Dollars ($7.00) for the sewer pemit and inspections; and (b) Qlnnection charges &'!I adopted by the Governing Board of the South San Luis Obispo COOnty Sanitation District for said sanitation dBtrict. SECTION 6: Amend Section 6-6.406. to read &'!I folloWil: Sec. 6-6.406. Permits: Fees: Dispcsition. Pennit fees collected 1mdel' Section 6-6.405 (a) shall be depcsited in the General Ftmd of the aty. Pennit fees collected WIder Section 6-6.405 (b) shall be disbIned lIIIJlthly to the South San Luis Obispo COOnty Sanitation District. SECTION 7: Amend Section 6-6.407. (b) to read lIS folloWil: Sec. 6-6.407. (b) Seven Hundred Fifty-Four and 10/100th; Dollars ($754.10) per wlit "benefit wlit charge". The charges for connect~ to any public sewer on or after October 24, 1974, shall be detemined by ap(i~ the following fOl'llll!a to the above stated charges: 1 + (C1Jrrent H.NoR. eMf Index) - ("'_6 H.NoR. eMf TMPY) = Multiplier Base E.N oR. Cb:It Index "Base E.NoR. Cb:It Index" shall be the ~ Ne\\B Record Qntruction O:ist Index in effect on October 24, 1974. "Qlrrent E.N oR. Cb:It Index" shall be the ~ NeWil Record Ontruction Cb:It Index at the time of co~ to the public sewer. "Multiplier" shall be the figure \.Bed to lI1J1tiply the charges set forth in subJections (a) and (b) of this section by to adju;;t such charges to the current construction carts. No connection fee will be charged for a Jot, or any portion thereof, that has been (ftvio1Bly assessed in IISSEiBI1eJlt district ~ for said area charges and benefit wlit charges, wIless additional benefit wlits are developed on such lot or in the case of a oom:nercial IX'OpeI'ty, the owner or his agent wishes to increase the mlDber of fiXture wlits developed (ftviolllly. The benefit wlit charge shall be \Wived on any Jot within a developnent for which the developer constructed a public collection system. When any of the Jots in such deveJopmmt front on and connect to an exis~ public sewer, there will be a benefit wlit charge for such lots. I l___ - --- -..------ _m____.___ ---------- . , , . . ,- ORDINANCE NO. 321 c.8. Page 3 Every house and building ~ a seM!!' service shall have an independent connection to the public seM!!', except that more than one building Jooated on a lot tmder one ov.nership, or condcninium, or planned Wlit deveJopment Wlit may be connected to the same building seM!!' in conformance with Section 6-6.309. With the exception of oondcninillD and planned Wlit deveJopments, in the event a lot with a house or building so connected is subdivided, an independent seM!!' connection with IIpI1'O(riate easements shall be II'Ovided for each differently owned (reDIises. With the exception of condcoiniUIIB or planned Wlit deveJopnents, no tIMJ (2) owners of adjacent lots fronting on the same street shall be pemitted to join in the use of the same building seM!!'. For the purpose of calculating the nuntJer of benefit Wlits to be lIIIIe&IIed the following table shall be Uied. Type of DeveJoJ;lIll!nt NII1Der of Benefit Units Siqtle family dwelling 1 Apartment, IOObile home, condcninium or planned Wlit deveJo(Jllt!Ilt 1 per dwelling Wlit Hotel, rrotel, rospital, or resthane 1 per roan Omnercial deveJopment with 15 or less flXture Wlits (as def"med by the Unifonn ~ QxIe) in- cluding retail, restaurants II'Ofeasional office ~ or condcminitIIB 1 per building Omnercialdevelolment with more than 15 fixtureWlits" ~ retail, restaurant, II'Ofessional office ~ or condcminitIIB 1 per building, phil Fifty and 27th/100th; DoD8rs ($50.27) per fIXture Wlit over 15 fIXture Wlits SECTION 8: Airend Section 6-6.701. to read as follo\'l8: Sec. 6-6.701. Omnections. Every building within the aty affected by the II'Ovisions of Section 6-6.301 of Article 3 of this chapter in which ~ fixtures are installed or Jooated shall be separately and independently connected with the public seM!!', except that the aty may ap(X'Ove the connection of rrore than one building on the same lot or condcninium Wlit, or planned Wlit deveJopment to the public seM!!' by a COIIIJDn building seM!!'. l_ -~----_.- -".---...- -----.....,-.- -- ----- -----" 4 - . .., , . , ORDINANCE NO. 321 c.s. Page 4 SECTION 9: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) day.; after its pa$8ge, and within fifteen (15) day.; after its passage, said Ordinance shall be published once, together with the names of the COuncil Members voting thereon, in a neVtBpaper of general circu1ation within the Oty. On IOOtion of COuncil Menber Porter, seconded by coW1Cil Menber Gallagher and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: COuncil Menber Gallagher, Porter and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: COuncil Menbers cbhmon and Moots the forego~ Ordinance was passed and adopted on the 26th day of March, 1985. ~,~~ MAYOR A TIEST: I, Virginia CUlp, Deputy Oty Oerk of the Oty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Ob~, State of California, do hereby certify that . the foregoing Ordinance No. ill c.s. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 26th day of March, 1985. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the Otyof Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of March, 1985. ~~~ DEP. , CITY CLERK