O 320 C.S. . . . ~ ORDINANCE NO. 320 c.B. An Ordinance of the aty COOncil of the aty of Arro)':/ Grande amel1diqr the Arro)':/ GrBllde Municipel 0Jde by ~ Sections 18 and 22 of Ql8pter 7 of TItle 6 dealing with Water Services THE CI'IY COUNCIL of THE CI'IY of ARROYO GRANDE Does hereby a'dain as foUoW!l: SECI10N 1: Ql8pter 7 of TItle 6 of the aty of Arro)':/ Grande Municipel 0Jde is 8III!IIded by the additions, deletions, and lIII'IeIadments to its variolB section! as itsIized beJow. All ~ text is hereby repeaJed. SECTION 2: AIoond Section 6-7.18. to read as folloW!l: Sec.6-7.18. obint \Be of service. 'Ihe Director of Public Worl<s DIIY pemit rrore than one pace of ~, ~ !IIIIIIIl IpIIltities of v.1lter mainly for lavatory and ~ purposes, to be served tmIugh the same meter MIen, in his opinion, special conditions jlltify such service, and in an such cases a ninim.Dn estabIBhed meter rate shall be charged for each seperate pJaee of JJ.JS!-- 80 served of not leas than the established ninim.Dn rate. If any meter readings for such places of business show any excess oW!!' the IIIDOImt of IICCIIIIIIIated nininuIB, a (1'OI'8.ted charge shall be IIIIde of such excess to eaeb pJaee of bIBineE served through such meter. 'Ihe Director of Public Worl<s DIIY pemit rrore than one eoucIooinillD or Planned Unit De\'eJcpnent (P.U.D.) unit to connect to a COIIJII)n meter subject to ~wment standIIrdB adopted by the aty. In such cases connection fees and service charges shall conform to this OI8pter. Furthenmre, the Director DIIY require IIp(K'OIriate conditions to such an IIp(K'Oval to becare a part of the codes, covenants and restrictions for the subdivision. SECTION 3: AIoond Section 6-7.22 (a)(l) to read as folloW!l: Sec. 6-7,22.(a)(1) A charge referred to in this subIection as a "meter ch8rge", Which shall be as foJloW!l: (i) Outside of subdivisions, or locations ~ aty Staff inIItaIIation of v.1lter service and meter. Size of Meter Inside C1ty OUtsideaty 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch $ 650.00 $ 780.00 1 inch 720.00 864.00 1 1/2 inch 1,075.00 1,290.00 2 inch 1,375.00 1,650.00 3 inch 2,740.00 3,288.00 4 inch 3,140.00 3,768.00 (ii) In subdivisions or where the v.1lter service hils been poeviol.lll.y instaJJed, the meter charge for co~ to any public water main on or after March 30, 1985 shall be deternined by aptiying the foJloUrig fOl.'l11lla to the above stated charges: 1 + (OJrrent E.N.R. cn.t lndP.y) - ID_A E.N.R. Owt T....y)=Multij;ii.er \ -_._--"- --..- -- -"._,_._--'.~ -- --- -"~----~"'- . . , ~ ORDINANrn NO. 320 c.s. PIIge 2 Base E.N.R. cmt Index "Bage E.N.R. cmt Index" shall be the Engineering News Record Construction cmt Index in effect on March 30, 1985. "QIlTent E.N.R. cmt Index" shall be the Engineering News Record OJnrtruction cmt Index in effect at the time of co~ to the pJbIic water ~ "Multiplier" shall be the figure used to IIIIltiply the charges set forth in suIBection (i) of this section by to ad)lst such charges to the current comtruction carts. SECI'ION 4: Amend Section 6-7.22.(a)(4) to read lIS foJlows: Sec. 6-7.22.(a) (4) A charge referred to in this subgection lIS a "1WIter supply charge" or "water availability charge". Pursuant to the );I'Ovisiom of Section 38743 of the GoIMhjkk,lIt Cbde of the State, water availability charges shall be levied in accordance with the following schedule: (i) No water a\IAilAl-Olity charge shall be ~ upon any parcel of land 01med by the goYenlllleDt of the United States, or by the State, or by any political. subdivision thereof; );I'Ovided, hol\1!ver, no piece of land sold to the State for deJin<pmt taxes, by operation of law, but not deeded, shall be considered lIS being owned by the State and thereby emq;>t fran the application of the );I'Ovisions of this chapter. (ii) In no case shall the totalllDIlthly water aytlilAl-Olity charge for any one parcel of );I'OpeI'ty exceed Three Hundred Fifty and no/100th; DoJIars ($350.00) per dwelling unit; DDtel, hotel, or hospital roan; or 00II1I1eI'cia1 unit developed. (ill) Water aVAilAhility charges shall be iq)ased upon each parcel of (I'OpeI'ty not served with city water at the sum of Four and 30/100th; DoJIars ($4.30) per JIllDth. (iv) The aty shall collect the JIllDthly water ayJIilAl-Olity charge, lIS );I'Ovided for in this sul:8ection, by ~ the charged lands on an 8I1IIUI1l basis. In the event such standby charges have not been paid at the time a water service connection appIicatian is made for such percel, all 8CC1111111ated water availability charges to the IhDt of 'Dree Hundred Fifty and no/100th; DoJIars ($350.00) per ~lling unit; DDtel, hotel, or hospital roan; or C<AlllIel'cial unit deveJoped shall be paid. (v) In the event the ~ or structures are DDdified by an exirltq water user, an additional water supply charge shall be assessed with the ~ pemit for each additional. dwelling unit; hotel, DDtel, or hospital roan; or COIIi....-cial unit. FIIiJure to pay additional water supply charges with such inp'ovements may result in discontinuance of _ter service to the entire );I'Operty. l --"._--- --- ---- -----~ . . . . . ~ ORDINANCE NO. 320 c.s. Page 3 SECTION 5: A1rend Sec. 6-7.22.(g) to read lIS foJloWi: Sec. 6-7.22. (g) The charges set forth in sublection (f) of this section shall cover the oost of the instalJation of the water meter and shutoff valve. SECTION 6: 'Ibis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) da)'S after its pIIIII8ge, and within fifteen (15) da)'S after its passage, said Ordinance shall be IXJbUshed once, together with the names of the Cbuncil MenDers voting thereon, in a neWipspel' of general circulation within the aty. On JJl)tion of Oxmcil Mesmer R>rter, seconded by council Mesmer Gallagber and on the follo~ roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Oxmcil Mesmer Gallagher, Porter and Mayor Snith NOES: None AmENT: Cbuncil MenDers .bhrllOn and Moots the f~ Ordinance WIIS pessed and adopted on the 26th day of March, 1985. 13'~~ MAYOR A1"IFJ;T: I, Virginia 0Ilp, De(Xrty Oty <Jerk of the aty of Arroyo Grande, QJunty of San IAIis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing 0rdinanC!e No. m c.s. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance pessed and adopted at a regular ~ of said 0:Iuncil on the 26th day of March, 1985. WI'INESS my hand and the Seal of the Otyof Arroyo Grande affiXed this 28th day of March, 1985. ----- . ----..------- ----..- --..- --~.