O 317 C.S. f .:- '. '. ii, OIIDINANCE 00. 317 C.S. ,':~ ' ;,.~ AN OIIDINANCE OF 'DIE CI'lY OF ARlaO GRANDE AMENDOO SECTIOO 2 OF OIIDINANCE 221 C.S., I' A IEVEWPMERr OIIDINANCE FOR DEYEIDI'MENr IDENl'IFIED AS wOI\K mLJ.Sw (ORIGINALLY I SOBMI'l'TI!D AS wmLUiCCJ)W). 1 'DIE CI'lY <XXJNCIL OF 'DIE CITY OF ARlaO GRANDE OOES OIIDIUN AS Fa:.ILWS: I I I:W..T.l.OO 1: Section 2 of Ordinance No. 221 c. S. wOak Knollsw is hereby amended to I read in full as follows: 1 wSECTIOO 2: DEVEI.DPMEM' PR:WISIOOS. '!be following provisions sball I ..y to any planned deve1opDe1lt of the property described in bbibit wAw attad1ed bereto: 1. Planned developoent is bereby awroved with a density of 233 dIielling units. 2. All grading sball conform to the requirements of the Grading Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande. 3. '!be subdivider shall ~ify, exonerate, and bold baImleu the City of Arroyo Grande and all officers andenployees thereof "9"inAt all cla1JE, '"I ..., and causes of action arising out of ~ts constructed within this subdivision. Also, subdivider shall provide Certificate of InsuraDCe to cover employees and agent. 4. The subdivider shall provide all necessuy <:n11i nts for streets, alleys, Bellers, water facilities, utilitiee, drainage facilities, aod other facilities as required by the City. In the event such 9"11 1 'ts a8DDOlbeGtJt_in..rl frail the property owner involved by negotiation, the City -.y acquire ~ at the expense of the subdivider by exercise of the poNer of -~-t "'-~n. '!be subdivider shall bear all costs of awraisal, acquisition, attorney's fees, and court costs. 5. '!be subdivider shall be responsible for all actions of his contractors and subcOntractors until such tilDe as the 1DpIv. ,La have ~ accepted by the City and maintenance period bas expired. 6. All requirements of any other law or agency of the State of Califomia and any other goYerrllllel1tal entity, ..icable to this deve1OJ. .t, sba11 be met. 7. No request for occupancy shall be awroved unill all ocnditions are OCIIIpleted and accepted or awroved. 8. All BMmoned irrigation lines, trees (except trees to be pre8erved) and obstructions in the project site shall be 1..........<1 or properly "i"lpll8a of frail the site. Proper backfill and """P'ction of voids shall be 8'lII:inquently a~l isbed to provide protection against settlement. 9. ~rd specifications for Public Works COnatruct.ion, latest edition, and all ..icable City ~rd Plates shall be the project specifications, except as noted otherwise on the awroved iJIIpA). LL plans. 10. '!be subdivider or bis agents or employees shall be Lt:8); -"i\:\1e for removal and clean-up of any spill on public or private streets during his entire construction operations and maintenance period. 11. Ornamental street lights as aR;)roved by the City shall be inst:alled in accordance with the street lighting plan prepared by the subdivider and -=--_...4 by the City and P. G. and E. 12. '!be iDl>rovea.&nt plans for this subdivision sball be prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer and shall be awroved by the Public WOrks DepartIIB!.t prior to the filing of the final map. 'lbese plans shall be sutmitted ooncurrently aod sball include, but not be limited to grading, street drainage, Beller, water I and ~ ~o). Its. In addition, a master utility plan shall be sutmitted sbJwiDg the layout and location of all the on-site and off-site uillity facility illlptv. .1..8 of the i subdivision. (see Gas, Electric and Cr-mication utilities ocndit1ona). '!be , plan subDittal shall also include construction cost estimtes, plan c:Deck fees, soils report, and all pertinent engineering design calculations. '!be final 1Bp1llllY not be filed with the City COuncil unless all said iDpLO._t plans have been ~'Oye..1 by the Public WOrks Department. , L__ ------. , " ORDINANCE 00. 317 C. S. Page 2 13. No grading, vegetation removal , or other substantial side distrubances shall be allowed until the grading and drainage plans required by Condition No. 12 are awroved by the Public WOrks Department. No _jor grading will be permitted during NoveI'Iber 30th to April 15th. An erosion control plan to be approved by the Public WOrks Depa~Lw.:.lt in confoIllBllce with City grading ordinance. 14. All trash disposal areas shall' be screened fran view with a solid wall or solid fencing. Sul:mit drawings of screening structures prior to issuance of a building permit and install said awroved screening prior to final building inspection. 15. No outdoor storage, or any accumulation of trash, debris, or pacldnq materials sba11 be permitted, except in areas entirely enclosed by six foot solid wood or masonry fencing. Materials so stored shall not be stacked higher than the fence. 16. In the event that archaeological resources (e.g., artifacts, human r......ins) are discovered on the subject site during CO.DStruct.ion of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery, oonstruetion activities sba11 cease iDmediately, and the City Planning Department is to be notified so that proper disposition of the archaeological resources may be a~ isbed. Construction may resume only upon authorization by the Planning Department. 17. Site deve10pDent to be consistent with the approved revised Master Plan, prOllided that minor boundary and area adjustments to lots may be ~, if determined to be required as part of the approval of tentative srbiivision maps. lB. Any proposal that will change any portion of the land use or the conceptual master plan shall be de -...:1 a change in the approval of this ordiDance. Said .. changes will require reconsideration of the undeveloped portions of the project through the full and proper ZOne Qlange procedure with the public retaining all of their rights regarding said zone changes. 19. CUt and fill banks along all public roads will be within slope eas-ents, width of slope easenents to be determined through approval of improvement plans prior to approval of Final Map. GtlmAral r..ir~t1'af-inn ~: The following sections describe the miniDuR improvenent requirements required with deve1opD11nt in the project by areas outliDed on the concepI:ual plan: 1IM_ 1. - Construct West Branch street, pave at least bIo lanes adjacent to the freeway with concrete curb and gutter, between Brisco Road and East Branch street. 'D1is improvement is required with any resubdivision subsequent to recordation of the parcel map. ArM la. - Construct Halcyon Way between its northem terminus (on County property) and James Way. - Connect Miller way fran its westerly termintJS to Halcyon Rd., including standard cul-de-sac. - Connect James Way between oak Park Acres and 'rally So Road. ArM 1 - Construct Halcyon Way between its northerly terminus (on County property) and James Way. - Connect Miller Way between its westerly terminus and Halcyon Road. - Connect James Way between oak Park Acres and Tally So Road. ArM 1 - Construct Halcyon Way between its northerly terminus and -A- street. RArt ~ - ANI deve10pnent shall require further study and ordinance II1IeJlDent, with circulation to be addressed at the time of such review. -- ___ _______ .._,_ ___...___ - __...~ ,___..____ ..n__ _________...J -- (;8)INANCE 1'1). 317 C. S. Page 3 ~AT. ...,...."",. . I,I~:'> p,I~, I srANMRDS:: The folla.ring sections generally outline IIIinimum improvements required by category and specific street names: Interior str@et:g - streets located within a parcel to be re-subdivided shall be developed to their ultimate width with all a~t sub and super structures. General l\N"Aa" ReZuirements - streets constructed as general access to a parcel which is beinq subdivided shall be graded to full width with appropriate substructures and paved with two center lanes, with awroPriate mrilMlt:e Rna~;y Sect:.ians _ drainage facilities. Halcyon ~ - 40 ft. curb to curb, 6 ft. sidewalksl both sides 52 ft. right of way; IIIinimum road section - 2- of asPJalt over 8- of base. James Way - 44 ft. curb to curb, with 6 ft. sidewalks, both sides. 64 ft. right of way; IIIinimum road section - 2- of asPJalt over 8- of base. Miller Way - 52 ft. right of way; 28 ft. concrete curb and gutter, plus standard cul-de-sac. -A- street - 52 ft. right of way, 28 ft. concrete curb to concrete curb. No sidewalks. -B- street - 52 ft. right of way; 40 ft. curb to curb; 6 ft. sidewalks on Area 3 side only. Private A"""'"" R:!iI&1 - 28 ft. wide, drainage control, concrete curbs on at least one side; IIIinimum 2- of 8S);iIa1t over 6- of base, subject to final design approval of the Public Works Director. lJ.Ag. !.,..,.....,,, ~ !IQm 1'.ban ~ ~ - 2S ft. mininI.mt width with drainage control. WaMr 1. All lots shall be provided with setvioe from City water sUIPlY. Master plan for. the water system shall be sul:mitted for approval prior to reoordation of any map recorded for this project. '!'his system may tie into the bar'.kbone water system proposed for construction with Assessment District No. 81-1. ABr!!'l nls to reiDblrse the City for said construction will be required. 2. The developers will be required to participate fi......cj..lly in the construction of a water tank to be built on the Rancho Grande site, sized and built to adopted standards and specifications and approved by the City of Arroyo Grande Public Works Department. 3. The subdivider shall install water mains, fire hydrants, servioe and storage facilities in conformance with the Water ~rtment St'..~rd Design and Specifications and approved plans. 4. A miniDaJm fire fla.r of 1,000 gallons per minute, 2 mur miniDaJm will be required. Adequate fire protection as detexmined by the City sba1l be available prior to obtaining any building permits. SE!!lMr A1llots shall be served with City sewer. Master collection system shall be presented to the City prior to recordation of any map for this project. pnhlic TJtiHties 1. A six-foot or ten-foot public utility ~~'1t on the private property along the perimeter of collector and local streets respectively. ,- -- -.----.----' . OBDINANCE 00. 317 C. S. Page 4 Drainage 1. CaDplete drainage calculations for the purposes of deteminin9 width of drainage right of way, sizing of atom drains and required retention basins will be sutm!tted to (and approved by) the City Engineering office prior to awroval of the parcel map. All culverts, atom drains, drainage basins, etc., shall be designed. by a civil engineer and smwn on subsequent impro.....-t plans. These plans to be awroved by the City Engineer prior to any construction on the project. 2. An erosion control plan shall be developed with all developaent plans unless waived by the City Public Works Department. said plan shall address pemanent and temporary conditions including, but not limited to, protection of newly graded slopes, prevention of siltation of downstreaJB drainage courses, planting, etc. 3. 'ft)e developer of the Oak Knoll project may be required to participate in the construction of the retention basin awroved for the SOuth County Citi Z<<IA center site adjacent to the subject site to the southwest. A contract outlining the extent and procedure for participation will be entered into aSId signed by the developers and the COunty and approved by the City of Arroyo Grande prior to awroval of the parcel map. 4. Lots over 15\ slope shall be required to sutm!t a site plan prepared by a Civil Engineer showing all proposed grading prior to any grading on the lot and prior to issuance of a building peIlllit. J)nh1ic JilAl"!i1it.ieg In view of the concerns expressed by the Parks aDd Recreation <:'1-i '''"ion, it is reo -...... ded that as developnent plans or rezoning applications for the ""1>' anned -P-I)" area are sutmitted, that consideration for pd:>lic or private recreation facilities be reviewed by the City for the residents of the 0Ik Knoll project. T JOrv'laro"'pi "!l 1. A detailed landscaping plan, including materials and irrigation plans, shall be sutmitted for review and final approval of the Parks aDd Recreation Director. 2. Master fencing plan to be sutm!tted for review and awroval of the Planning Director prior to recordation of the parcel map. 3. 'ft)e Planning CallDission finds that r&-planning of the circulation system minimizes potential cuts and fills for not only right of way developBlt, but also individual accesses to be developed with future subdivision. 'ft)e o-~-ion finds that there will be tree remvals neceli'sary to implElllent the attac::8ed revised circulation plan. 'ft)e following steps shall be taken to minimize the iqact of tree removal within the developnent: a. After construction staking, but prior to road grading and tree reuoval, the developers shall mark each tree to be rE!lOOved in the field for review and approval by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Director. b. Prior to issuance of any building peIlllits for any tract developed within the project, an inventory of existing trees and/or groves shall be made by a ocudttee appointed by the Parks and Recreation f"nmIi Asion. SUCh ~ttee shall prepare a reo .......ndation to the 0--" -ion for designation and preservation of historic and speciman trees as provided in the Municipal COde, Title 10, Chapter 3, Sec. lQ-3.03(d). Upon receipt of such reo,...~"iwtion by the Parks and Recreation n-ie<<ioo, designated historic and specimen trees sball be ""'l",ed by the developer as to size aDd location with respect to lot lines created by the tract. SUch map sball be forwarded to the Building Department for consideration prior to issuance of building or grading permits. c. Major groves of oak trees shall be identified on separate parcels to be held in COIIIIIOn and maintained by a HoaIeOwners' Association in perpetuity. -- -- ------------ '. . '. ORDINANCE W. 317 C. S. Page 5 a..---_fo District Developers a.cknc7.rledge that Assessment District No. 81-1 may proceed with construction prior to developnent of this project. In the ewnt this occurSI the asses-.t district will construct James Way, two lanes wide to the property from Bancho Parkway to the westerly property line of this project. 'ftm JJy.~. .t will include appropriate grading and drainage facilities, but will not include water and sewer improvements between Rancho Parkway and the easterly project boundary. In exchange for receiving this benefit, the developers of Oak IDoll will pro'lide widening of James Way to ultimate width throughout the project boundaries. 1Idditionally, the developers of Oak Knoll will be required to install awropriate ptIblic utilities between the project and Rancho Parkway along with a 1- Oftrlay on the previously constructed portions of James Way between ~ncm Parkway and the westerly project boW1dary. ']he developers of oak. Knoll sball also be required to participate financially in any reilllbursements for back""-' utilities constructed with the District of benefit to the property.- ~.LON 2: 'l'bis ordinance sball be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passagel it sba11 be ptIblisbed once, together with the names of the Council Melllbers voting thereoo in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On motion of Council MeBa!r Gallagher, seconded by Council M8I1ber Porter and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Melllbers Gallagher, Johnson, Porter and Mayor Smith lItES: None ABSmiT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted on the 11th day of DeoeIItIer 1984. i3'~~/ MAYOR -.,~-~ I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 317 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 11th day of December 1984. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this '12th day of December 1984. ~~~~ L___ ._-~.__...- - ~.~ t }'~.~,'- '. ' ,.-- y: PA'" ...._.. /;/.._~~~c.. ".ACA p_'C< /-""../' -----.-. ---- A~~~O /.-/' .' u ,,"'~ /.~ / . ./if/ ".TOP "",..ySO..... .":'-.-" f'l.. AN ..... 0/ _ p_'C; A~A~AO ..- OF " ,/i;~~......~'- , ( \ 1"" ",'T~ " .' ~~ ~~, '-Y ; OAK K.NOLL ,.;..,-:,'~~ .. . ~ .. ;\' _K....'~ l?77-, .... . D'V6LOPMENT . ~.","..... . . " ' . '\ .. .L- I . . ..,' p,' I ,. ~ p.~ GtC IoIP6i cA " ~. I~'<jf ip, \ \" IP l' 1 .' 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