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Agenda Packet 2010-08-24
���� �� • • i i � � � � � n o c � e a � � .��� �.�. . �� ��,,�� ��� � � � � �,;� . � � Tony Ferrara, Mayor �'� �������� � ��� Steven Adams, City Manager Jim Guthrie, Mayor Pro Tem `���� ��� � I'��� � ���...�� '��� ����� Timothy J. Carmel , City Attorney Joe Costello, Council Member �-��~ �'.,��������`����`,�;�� Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk �„�.��� ;,��,4, Chuck Fellows, Council Member �� W Caren Ray, Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2010 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East B ra n c h Street, Arroyo G ra n d e 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE ROTARY CLUB 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR DAVID BURGESON FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AG E N DA REVI EW: 6a. Move that all ordinances presented for introduction or adoption be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY— AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period Aug ust 1, 2010 th roug h Aug ust 15, 2010. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of J u ly 31, 2010. 8.c. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Ferravanti Gradinq & Pavinq for Construction of the Myrtle Street Rehabilitation Project, PW 2010-09 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the Myrtle Street Rehabilitation Project to Ferravanti Grading & Paving in the amount of$52,999.00; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $5,300, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 8.d. Consideration of an Aqreement with Garinq Taylor & Associates for Desiqn of the Well No. 11 Proiect, PW 2010-07 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Approve a consultant services agreement with Garing Taylor & Associates in the amount of $56,480 for the Well No. 11 Project; and 2) Authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Garing, Taylor & Associates. AGENDA SUMMARY— AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd): 8.e. Consideration of an Award of Contract to Whittle Fire Protection for Desiqn and Installation of Fire Sprinklers for the Citv Hall Annex Pro�ect, PW 2009-08 (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the design and installation of fire sprinklers to Whittle Fire Protection in the amount of $37,100; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders for 10% of the contract amount, $3,710, for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Vestinq Tentative Parcel Map Case No. 10-002; Conditional Use Permit Case No. 10-002; Final Desiqn Review of the Full Architectural, Site, Floor, and Landscapinq Plans of a Previously Approved Commercial Buildinq at 200 and 208 East Branch Street; Applicant - NKT Commercial C/O Nick Tompkins (McCLISH) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002 and Conditional Use Permit 10-002 with alternative exterior design; and 2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement with NKT Commercial. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Consideration of Centennial Park Pro�ect (ADAMS) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the preliminary design for the Centennial Park project; and 2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a consultant services agreement with RRM Design Group to prepare final design and bid documents in the amount of$17,800. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of the Reorqanization Plan for the Recreation Division (PERRI N) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the reorganization plan for the Recreation Division; and 2) Approve cost and use of the PERS Golden Handshake Program for the Facilities Coordinator. AGENDA SUMMARY— AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 4 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYO R F E RRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Brisco/Halcyon/Hwy 101 Interchange Project Subcommittee (4) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM GUTHRIE: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO) (3) Homeless Services Coordinating Council (HSOC) (4) Tourism Committee (5) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER FELLOWS: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER RAY: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action ca n be ta ke n. None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be ta ke n. None. AGENDA SUMMARY— AUGUST 24, 2010 PAGE 5 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT ************************* All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office, 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. Agenda reports can be accessed and downloaded from the City's website at www.arroyoqrande.orq ************************** City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meetings are cablecast live and videotaped for replay on Arroyo Grande's Government Access Channel 20. The rebroadcast schedule is published at www.slo-span.orq. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � ������ � �� � il�#��RP�RATED �� � � � � � .�u��r �o, �e�� ,� � � MEM�I�A�V Dl�ll� �������� T�: ��Tl� ��IJIV�IL. 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PAYME�1� Ti�e �it a r�e� �� ���r�h� ��ns��ta�� i� a���or�arrr� v�rith ��e ��yrr��r�� r��e� �n� Y � , . . #�rr�r�� ��t f�r#�.�r� E�I�i�'rt "�'�, ����I��� ��r�t� �r�� rr���rp�r���d f��r���r ��r ���s r�����r���, �'a��e 1 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 5 �. �u���r����r� �������r����o� o� �������n���r����������� ��� Th� �ity rn��,a� an� �ir�n�, ��� ��� re���r�, v+rith �r vv��l���� ca�r�et ��sp�n� �r ��rr�ir��t� tl��� ��r��rrr�n�t �r ���r ��rt��r� �r�re�f, ��r ��rv�n� �p�� �h� ��r���1t�r�� �� ��ast t�n �1�}day� prior wri�t�n no�i��. ��or� rec��pt of saFd n�ti�e, t�� ��ns��tar�t sl�ail ir�nrx���i���l� �a�� a�l �nr���C ��r��r��t��� ��re�r�en�, u��e�s ��r� r��t�� p���rid�� �tfi�erwi�e. 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I� ���� ���I�r� b� th� ��r�sult�nt�o m�ke pro�r�s� in �I�e ��rfor�n��c� �f work he�e��der arises o�� o��aus�s ������ ��� �J���ti.IL����w7 �������� ��� �����L+1� ����� �l� ���I������ �� 4��i .�./��i�7�.l11��4t �C ��"1�11 r��t b� �orlsl��red � d�faul�, {�� If�I�e �ity M�r��ger or hisll�er�ele�a�te det�nmir�es t�at �he �or���lta�r�t �� in ����ul� ir� �I�e �erf���n2�r��� �� �r�� �� �I�� #�rrr�� �r �o����i��s �� �I�i� �gre��nn��t, h����r� ���*� ���� �� �� ���V��A ���� ��� ��/������� � �*����� ������/ �� ��� ���M���■ ��#� � �����*�M�� ����� ���� �il� ���� ���� #���� ��7����R ���� �� �� ���� ������ �� ■����� �� ���� ��� ������� � �������� M ��A�L������I� ���������■ �� ��� 1/���� ���r4� ��� �V�������� � � ` ■/y ��I�� �� V��� ��� �����.RI� �I��I�-��#�/� ������ V� ���V# �1��/ ���� ��1r��� ���� ��� ��1���� � 1/ �������������� ��� ����� ����I���� �� ��R� ��������� �� ��������� ���� ��������� ������� ������ ���R� ��� ��*���� ������I� �� ��� ����� ������ �� ����� �� ��� �� �n������1 �� Is�nr, �n e�ui�y �r �r���r tl�i�A�r��r�en�. P��� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 6 9, � LA11V�"T"� B� �B��#�11��, ���su�tar�t s��ll: � ��� ��`��U�'� ��� �}�ft�'�1�� �fIC� �I��fl���, �3��1 ��� ��"1�1'��� ��1� ����, ��{:� ��11� ��� �1��1�� 1�1I�IC�"1 �1'1�]� �� I"���Sa��]I �I'�� I��IC��f1��� �� ��1� �U� ��I� ��1N��� �7f����U���� ����� s�rvices t� �e perf�rm�d by �an�u�t�r�� t�r���r th�s Agr�err�e�tf {k�� l�e�� i�s�l� fu�ll�r �r���rm�� �f �II e�c���ir�� �rr� �r������ �e���a�l� ����� �n� I�c�l I��►�r�, �r�ir��n�es, re��la���r�s, �rd�r�, �r�� ���r��s w�ri�� nn�� �ff��t tho�� �r����e�! �� er��l��re� �nd�r ��i� ��r������, ��� �a�er�al� ���d ir� �����I�a�r��'� p�rf�rrr�a�r��e ��de� #�i� �����r�e��, �r ��� �arr�u��� �� �he s�rv��es u�rr��r ��i� ��r��rr��r�t; . ��} �t �II t���� ��s�rv� �rr� ��r����r v���h� a�n� �a�s� ��I �� it� ���I�y��s �� ���erv� �r�� oorr��l�r �nrit� �I� �f sa�d la�v�r�, �r��r��r��es, r��u���i�r��, �r��r�, �nd ���r��s +�entianed abo��; . �d� Irx�rn��i���l� re��rt #� �I�� �it�'s ����r��� �1�r����r ir� �nrriti�g a��r ����re��r���r �r ir�co���s#en�� it disco�r�r� �n ��i� lav�rs, ������n��s� r�gul����rr�, �rd�rs, �r�c� d��r��� r�n�n�i�r�ed �b��e �n r�lati�� t� �n� �larrst �r��nr�r��s� ��e�if��a�i�r��, �r �r��risi�r�� ��t�i���r��r��r��, ��� Th� �it�r, ��� i�� ��fice�s, ���r��s �r�� �rr��l�����t ���II n�� be �i�b�e �t ��v�r �r ir� e���t�r��cas��n�d ���a�il�re�f t�e ��r��ul�a�� t� �or��l�r�nr�t� t��� ����i�n. 1�. �I�V�V�F��HIP �� D��UIV���T� {a� �or���ltant s�a��� m�i�rt�ir� �or��l��� ��d ac�����e record� with re�p��t t� ��1��, �o���, ��c��r��e�, re��i��s, ���i ���er ���I� in���rrr��t��� r���i�ed b� �ity ���� r�l��e t� �he p��f�rr���� �f ��rvi��� ur�der th�s �gr���mer��. ��r�s��tar�� �h�ll �a��n�ai� �d�qt��te re�ards of se�vi�� �r�vid�d i� suf�i���nt �et�i� t� p��mit �n ev�lu�t��r� af ��r►�i�e�. A�I su�F� r��or�s ��al� �� rx�a�irr�a�r�e� i� a����r��r��� �v��� ��r��ra��� �����t�� ���a�nt��� �r�r��i�l�� ��� s���� �� �I��r�� id�n�ifie� �r�� r���il� ����s�ib��, ��n��lta�� �I���I �r��rid� fr�� ����� �� t�� r��r������ti�r�� �� �i�� �r it� ��si�r���� �� �re���r���l� �ir�n�� �� ��� ����C� and ���or�s� �h�l� �i�r� ���� ��e r���� �� ��c�r�ir�� �r��i �u�i� ���� b��l�s �r��i r��ords; ���I! ���r�ni� �it�r �� r�n��Ce tra�s�r�p�� t��re�r�r� �� �n�o��sa��y; �n� s�all ��I��nr �rr��e��i�r� ��a�� v��r�C, ����� d�����r��s, �r�����ings, �n� ��ti�r�#��� r�l�t�� �� ���� ��r��r����. ���h re�or��, ���e�t�er�vi�� su����r�ir�g d���r��nts, s��ll t�� rr�ainta�r��d fa� a p�ri�d of t��ee ���years afiter r��i�t of final ��ymer�t. ��� �..���#1 ��"1�������i ��, �� I�1 ��1� �V��1� �� ��'.I'�'1���1��1��1 �f �lrl��3�1'l�l�f� �� ��'11a A�r��r��n�, a�l� ��-��inal ���u�rx��rr��t ����gr��, �ra�vir�g�, rr����, �n���ls� corr����er �les, �u�veys, n�t��, a�nd ot�er d��u��r��� �repar�d ir� t�r� �o�rrse of prov��in� t�e servi�es to �� �e�f�r�ned ��rsu�a�n��� ��i� ��r��rrrer�� sh�ll ����nn� �h� s��e �rc���rt���th� ���y a�r�d rr��� b� ����, r�u���i, �r�tl���wi�� dis��s�� �� b���� ��t�vrri�l��ut �h� �err�ni��i�r� ����� ���su�l�ar��. VI���� �espe�� �� cor��uter fi�es, �����It�r�� sl���� rr���C� �u�ila��� �� th� ��t�r, �� tl�� ��r��ulta�r��'� �ffi�� �nd �p�r� r����na�l� �rvrit��n r����s� �� �I�� �ity, ��� Pa�e � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 7 �����s��y ���p�t�r ��fhr+r�r� �r�� h�rdv�r�r� ��r �c�r����� �� ����s�i��, ���n �I�r� , tran�f�rr��g, ar�d pr�int��g �omp�r��r f��e�. � � 'i'I. 11V��II�I��Fi���`I�N ��F� P,R�F�����NAL,_L�A�I,.L_Tl� T� �h� ful��s� ��ct�r�t ��rrr��tt�� �y l��v# ��r�suftar�t ���If ir���r�nr�ify, �r�t��t, ��f�r�d a�r�� h��ci ��rrr����� �'rty ��� �r�� �r��l al� �f it� �ifi�i�ls, �r��l�y��s �nd � en�s ##Inc#�r�nifi�cf . „ � � Part��� } fr�rr� �r�cf ��a�fn�t ar�� a�r�d �IJ I�����, I�a��i�i����, ��r�����, ����� ��� �� �n��� � ■ � + � � ���I���n� �t��rr���� ���� �n�1 ��st� v�rl�i�h ari�� ��� �fr ���t��r� t�, �r r�lar�� �� tl�� r���li��r���, �-���Cl���n��s, �r v�ri����,� r�����r�duc� ��t�e ��n��rtant. ��. I���RA�V�� ��r���fta�n� ����I r��in��ir� �ri�r t� t�� b��ir�r�in� �� a�n� f�r t�� d�r�t��n �f t�i� A�t���r��n� �����-��n�� ���r�r��� �� sp��ifi�d ir� �����i� ���„ a�tta�l��� h�r�t� ��� ir���r��r�t��i h�r��n a�� �����h s�t��rt� �r� f�l�, 1�. ��I��PE�1��h�T' ��IV�IJLTA�� {�} ��r���l���� is a�nd ���II a�� �I� tir��s r�rr�arin �� t� t�� ��ty a vrr��l�� �n����r�d�nt ��n���t�r�t. Th� ��r���n�� ��rf�rrr�ir�g �h� ��rvi��� �r�d�r this ��r��rr��r�t �n b�h��f �� ��n��r�t��� sh�l� a�� �I� tir��� b� �,nd�r ��ns�lt�r�t�� ��c��u�'rv� dir��ti�n a��� ����r��. I��it��r ��ty n�r �r�� �f Nts �ff'r��r�, �rr�pl�����, �� a���r��s �ha��l F�a��r� ��r�tr�l ��r�r th� con���� �f ��r�s�lt�r�� �r a���r �f ��r���lta�r��'� �f�i�er�, �r�pl��r���: �r a��r�t�} �����t �� ��# ��rtl� ir� tF��� Agr��rn�nt. ��ns�lta�r�# sh��l n�t a� an� tir�n� �r ir� ��� r�arrr��r r��r���t�� th�t �t �r ��� �f it� �fif��er�t �r�pl�����, �r ���r�t� ar� ir� a�r�� r�n��r��r �ffi��r�, �r�pl�����, �r �g�nt� �f t�� ��ty, ��r�su�l��n# s�a�ll r��t �n��,r �r f���� tl�� ��vrr�r �� �n��r �r�� ��b�, �bfi�a��i�r�, �r li��ilr#�v�rh��ev�r ���ir��t �ity, �r �ir�� �ity ir� a��� r��r�r��r. {b� IV� �r�pr���� b�n�fi�s s��ll �� a��ra�ila�bl� �� ��n�����n� in ��r�r������n ��rr�t� p�rf�rrr��r��e �� tl�i� A�r��r����. E�c��p� f�r �h� f��s p�i� t� ��r�s��#�r�t a�� pr��rid�d ir� �#�� A�r��rn�ntt �ity �h�ll n�t �a�� s��a�ri�s, �v����, �� �t��� ��r�n����a���n t� ��r��ul��nt ��r p�rf�rr�in� ��rv���� h�r��n��r ��r �ity. �ity ����I r��� �� li�bl� f�r ��rr�p��sa�ti�r� �r ir���r�n�fi�a��i�n t� ���������� ��r in��r�y �r �i�kr��s� a�ri�ing ��� �f ��rf�rr�i�� ��rvi��� k�����r�d�r. ��• ����� I�������� ��n����arnt �������� �r�� �nra�rrar��� �h�� r�� ��du� ir�flu��n�� �r �r����r� r��ra�s �r i� ���� a���i��� �r ir� ��n��rt �nrit� �r��r �ifi��r �r �r��l���� �� th� �i#y ��Arr��� �r��d� �n ��n����i�� �nr�t� th� �v�r�r�, t�rr�n� �r ir�pN�r��r����i�r� �f t�is ��r��rr���t� �n�iudir�g ��� r������ �� ���r�i�n, ��nfi��r�ti�l fi��r��ia�l a�rra�r���r��n�, �r fir�a�n�i�l i�����r��r�t. �V� ��fi��r �r �r�n�l���� �f t�� �ity �� l�rr��� ��a�nd� �vill r���i�r� ��r���r�sati�r�, �ir����� �r in��r��tly# ���r�n ��r���rlt��t, �� fr�r�n an� �fifi��r: �r��l���� �r ���r�# �f ��n�ul��r��, in ���r����i�r� �itl� t�� a�v�ra�rd �f th�� A�r��rn�r�� �r a�r�� �+�r�r�c t� b� ���nci��t�d a�� a� re��lt �� P�ge 4 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 8 tF�i� �4greern�r��. ll��l��i�� �f t�i� ����i�� �#��II b� � r����ri�l �re��� �f ���s A�reerr�e�� �rr�it�ir�g �I�� ��ty t��r��r a�r��i a��l r�r�n����� ���a�v��r ir� ��u�t}�. ��. N� �ElJ�F1T�� �#�I�E �'� L��1�� �II�I���1fE�� I'V� r��rn��r, �ff��r, �r��r�n�l��e� �� �i#�, �r t��ir �e�i�r��e� �r a��rr��, �nd rr� p�b�i� o�fi�i�l wl�o ��c�rcise� ���k�or��y ov�� or r�spor�sibilit�es wit� res���t to th� p�oj��t �u�rir�� I�i��F�er��n�r� �r f�r��� ����th�r��ft�r, �h�f� ��v� �r�� ir�ter���, ��r��� �r i�dir���, in ar��r ��reerr�e�� �r �c��-��r�er�er�t, �r th� �r��eed� tl��r���, ��r v�r�r�c t� b� �e�f�r�n�� . in �anne�tior��n►�th �h� pra��ct perf�rr�ed �rrder t��s A�reemer�t. ■�■ ������� �� ��������������������� �� �������� �a� ��� inf�rrx�����r� �ain�� �y ��r��u���r�� ir� ��r�����r..e �� �hi� ��re�rx�en� sl��ll b� ��n�i��r�� ��nfi��r��ial a�d s��ll n�� �� r�l�a�s�d b�r ��nsu�lt�n� v�ri�F��ut �ity'� pri�r ������ ���������I��r �����*�\r4��� ��� �,*7���� ����4/����� ������� �� ���/�V���������� � ��#�1� �������#�/������� ����V������� ���1■1 ��V ���� ���4���� �� ������ ��������� �� •�� � ���* ������/]� ���������� ���/���� ����������*R�! ������� �� ������# �������f�� �� { � � � d��osit�on�, �espor��e t� interr��atori�s, or ot�r�r in�orrn�ti�r� �onoe�r�in� tfi�� wor�c p�r��rrx��c� u��er�I�i� A�r��rr��n� �r t��l���r�� t� ar�� �r����� �r �r����t�r I��te�l v�ri��i� tl�� �rty. F���p�n�� �� a su�b���r�a �r ���rt ��d�r s�rall r��t �� ��n�id�r�� "�r�lunt�ry� �r��ri��cf ��r���ltar�#�i�re� �i��r r��ti�e ���u�l� �o�rr� �r����r ������r��. �k�� ��r��ult�n� s��ll �r�rr��tl�r n��ify �i�}r s��u�lt� ���nsu��ta���, i�� �f���rst �r�n�l��ree�, �����s, �r �u����r�tr��t�r� b� serv�d �vi�� an�r ��rr�r�n�ns,. c�rn��ai��, ��b���r��, r��tice �f ����si�i��, ��qu��� ��r ����rr�n�r�t�, ir�t�rr��at�ri��} rec����t ��� a�r�nissi�r��, �r ����r d�s�ov�ry r����s#, ���rt �r��r� �r s�b���r�� �r�r� ar��r p�rs�r� �r p�rty re��rd�r�� t�i� Agr��r�ner�t ��nd t�� w�rk �erformed t��r�ur�d�r ��r v�r�t� r��pe�t to �n� p��je�# �r �r���rt� I��t�� �nr�#hin t�e �i��. ���� ret�ir�� �I�e r����, �u�� h�� r�� ��li���i�r�, �� r��r�s�r�� ��r���r�tar�t and��r �� �r�s�n� a� �r�� �����iti�r�, I���ri��, ��r �ir�i��r �r�c�e�ir�g. ���n��1t�n� ��r��s �� �o��er��� ��II� �nrit� �it�r �r�� t� �r��ride th� o�par�u���y �o �e�iev�r �r�y res�on�e t� d�s�av��y req���ts prov�d�d by �ons�lta�t. l--f�v�r��r�r� �ity#s righ� �� r��ri�vrr �r�� �u��l� r�s��ns� ���s r��� �r•r�ply �r r�n��r� t�� rigl�� ��r �i��r�� �or�#r�l, �iir��#, �r r�v�r��� s�i� re�p�ns�, 1�, ���'I�E� A�� n�tic�e v�r�i�� e��h�r ���t� r�n��r ��sir� �� �i�re t� th� ��I�er p�r#� u�r���r thi� ��r��rx��r�t r�n�s� b� ir� �nrri��r�g �n� rr�a� b� �i�er� ��ther �� {�� �ers�r�a�l s�rvi�;e, �ii� d����rer`y b�r a� r��u�ta��le ����r��r�t d�li�r��y ���`v��e, ���� as ��� r��t lirx����� ��, �����r�l E��r��s, �vl���h �r��i�e� � ����ipt �I��v�rir�� d��� �r�c� �ir�n� �� ���i���y, ��r �iii} r�n�i�ir�� ir� ��� l�r�it�� ��a��� 11���i�� �ertifie� rr�ai�, �����g� �r��a�c�, re��rn r���i�� re���st��, a���re�s�� �� t�e a�c�r��� ��th� ��rt� as �����r�l� ��I��nr �r a� ���r �t��r ad�r��� a� �F��� ��rt� rr��� �ater���i�r�a�e �y��tice: P��� � Agenda Item 8.d. Page 9 T� �i�y: T�r�sa �I����sl� � ��rx��mur�ity ��v�ropm�r�t Dir��tor �ity of Arroyo ����de ��� E, B�ar��l� ��r��t A�r�}r� �rar���, �� ���� T� ��r��u�t�r�t: ��ff E�n�ri��C� P.�,, �.I.�, �res���r�t ��rin� T��rl�� ������i��e� �4� �o�t� ��m �tre�t Arrayo �r�r�de� �A ��4�� �18. A���CI�IV��NT TF�e ��r�sult�r�� ��al� r��� as�i��n �h� ��r#�rrr��n�� ����is �A�r��rx��nt, n�r an�r �a�rt ��''1�����, 1Nf��'1��.J� ��1� ��I��`INI't���'I'� C�I'��GI'�� ����1� ���]I. ��. ���r��r�rr�� �.��r�r T�e ��ty �nd �o��u�t�r�t ����rst�r�� �n� ��r�� tl��� ��r� �aws o� ��� �t�t� o� ��lif�rnia� si�a�l� ���rerr� �#�� ri�ht�, �bli��ti�r��, �u��ie�, ��� li�bil��i�� �� th� ��rti�� �� t�r�� �g���r�er�� �r�� ���� ���rer� th� ir���r�r�t��i�r� �� �F�is ��r�er��n�. ��� liti�a�t��r� �nc�rr�i�� t�i� ��r��r��r�� �I��II ���Ce �I��e ��r �#�� ���eri�r �r �ed�r�l �i�tri�� �ourt �nr��F� �uris�i�ti�� ��er�h� ��ty��Arr��r� �r�r���. ��. �I�TiF�E A�RE��I�N� T�i������r��r�� �or�t�ir�� �h� �r��ire �r►��r�tan�ir�� b�tweer� th� ��r�i�s r���t�r�g �� th� ���i���i�r�� ��tt�� ���ti�� ��s��i�e� �r� �I��s ��r��r�n�r��, ��� �ri�r �r con��r���r����u� a��eer�r�����, �,r���r�t�n�ir���, r��r��er��a�i�ns, an� �tat�r������ �r �nr�;tt�r�, ar� rr��rged ir��� �I�i� ��reer�ner�� a�� ����I �� �� n� �u�rtl��r��rc� �r effe��, ���� ��rt� i� �r�ter�n� ��#� �hi� A�r�e�nne�� ba�� ����ly �pon th� repr�s�r�tation� ��t fort� h�r�i� ar�� up�n �ac� �arty's own ind����rd�nt�n�resti��tiorr of any ar�d a�l fa�t� su�h ��r�y deem� r�nateria�i. ��, �_ �ity�nd �or�suft�r�t����� t��t time i�o�th� ��s�nc� N� tl���Agr���rr�r�t. ��. ��1V����`� �� �t� IJE�T F�F� P�����AL AN� �I������L. ��r�����ant i� ���r�� b�r ��� �nt�r�t� �f �I�� ���rx�itte� �� �I�e ��n�u�����, ��chi�it "��# atta����� ������ �r�� i�n��rp�ra�t�� he��i� �� t�i� r���r�r���. 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T�� v�r�ll v�rc�s c�ril��c� �r� ��� ���� �r� Nlc��r �f � 1��� c�r�c� c� �c�k���c�t�ry r���r# alc���c� Ivlc��r �, ���� ���r�c� �t I�����r fil�c�t �I�� v�r�t�r�nril# � r�n��t ���� v�r���r �r���Cir�� ���r�ci�r�i�. TI�� �nr��� ���,I� r����r� �dc�iti�r�c��+ I����� � c��rc�ti�r� t��tin� t� ������ �iak�i�i��r. T�� �rv�ll ��t� i� I��c���� rr��� t�� �r�fi�r���t��r� �f � L� ��r��c�c� ��r��� �r�� f�t�r� Bl����rr� 11��1�� ��acl. T�� f�ll�v�rit�� t� c� ��te��l�c� � ����� �� ��rvi�e� �� ta� �r��i�l�ci k��r ���. � � � � Pl��S� � � IN�LL A�f� �ITE�IIALl������ � � ������r��� t#�� ��r�����r��� �� c� �ric��� I�� �f ��� ��ci��ir�� v,���l 11 t� � �I��err�ni�n� #I�� ���rc�l� ��nd�t��� �� tF�� �rv��! ���'rr�� c�r�� t� �r�r�fy � � ��� ��r��r� I��c��i�r-��. � • �� ��ri�� �nr�l� ��rr���r� ���t �� ��r�r��c�t� ���r�r�t ���c��i��r. �11Vc���r � � i * � + � �c�c�l��� fi��t�r�� k��r ��� ��t�r �� Arr�y� ��c�r�c���, T��t��r� ��a�! �n�l�d� r� �rti� ��r t�� �r� c��t I�V��I 1 1 vv�tf� �c��r� c�r� �tF��� c�r�c� v�r�l��. A � � � l� c� � . ! ��� ��l#f�l E�����'�@�•�f���l��F�fl��, ��1�����•�������-���� ���l(������������ � Page 12 � ���e�vi�� v�r��� ��r���r�� t��� t� ��c����#� ���r�r�t ���c���t�, �1►��I�,t�r c��c����� #���ir�� �� �I�� �it�r �f Arr��� �rc�r����, ���tirr� �I�c�ll ir����.rc�� r���r��r�� �r� t�e i����� 1��1��� 11 �nri�h hc��r� �r� ����r c�r�a �nr��l�. � ������r� tr�,���l���r ���� ���g�r v��ll k�� it��tc��l�c� ar�al �ti�i���l irr �e��ir��Jr�po�t�n�. � P���ial� Fi�l�f ��r�r��r �f ��ci���r�� t����r����r, � �r��ric�� t�� �i#�r �nr�th c� �it� Ar�c�l�r��� crr�� c� �������ci I��c�ti�r� ��r ��� Tr�c�trner�t P��nt. • �T� i� �f t�� ��i�i��► #I��t c�r� A�����i�c�� �r���y�i� anci I����� ��t�r��c�ti�r� �t�c�y������nr�n�r�d�t��r�s ����rt c�r� r��� r�c��ir�c� ��r #l�i� �r�j��t. T���� �rv�l� [�� r�� c�rilfin� ���rc�ti�r� ��c� �I�� p��pl�otor�r� sut�rr��r�ak���. • �r���r� ��c� r��i�� ��C�A Ir�i���l �#��ly r���rt� c�� �����r�ci �� ��tc�ir� c� 1�1��c����r� ����c�r�#i�rr �r �i#�c�c�t��l �I��c�#iv� D��Ic�rc��i��, � Pr��icl� tl�� ��t� v�it� ���rr�, t��l�rri�c�l irr#�r�mc�ti�r� c��c� �f��c��n�n��ti�rr �� r�c���r�� ��� t�� �t�t� C�e�c�rtr�n�rrt �� H�alt� ��rvi�es p�rmi� ��pii�c�t�or�. • Pr��ri�i� tl�� ���� �nri��r c� ��I�r k��c�rc� v�ritl� �rf��c����r��r�te�t�rc�� ��chi�i�� ��� �rv�ll ���i�r�n�r�t ��il��r��.c�r�c� ��r�n� �r��l���r� ��r ��#y r�vi�v�r �nd ap�r��a�. P�A�� II — �'�Ivll� �I�C� I�VAT�#� T��A�Iv��N� EC��11P1vl�NT �N���IEE�IN� � ���rcli���� v�ri�� ��� l,��ilit� ��r���ni�� �������� l��r #I�� �r�����, • �ro�rid� �oi�� ��st�r�g �s reqc�ir�d for t�� �or�sfru��i�r� of �he v�r�fl �c��ipm�r�tl�nr���r t��atrr��nt bu��d�n�. • �r���r� �r�j��� Prc�r��, ����ifi��ti�r��. �r��ir���r'� E��ir�r�c�t� f�r tl�� ���i���r�� �f V��II # 11, t�� �r�c�tr�r���� �lc�r�� ���Id�n� c�na1 �c��i�rr��r�t, �r�� t� �r�vid� for��n�tr��ti�r� �f��t� �l�, � � ���I���r�. ��r� �Ic�r�� ���r�! ir������ ����I�v�r�t�r rr�c�ir� �� �I�� �i�-ir-� ��r�t c��rc� c� p�ar� for rout�r�g �F�� v�raste �vat�r �o the e�cist��� se�v�r m�in. ����#r���i�r� al���r��r��� ���fl i������ ���Ir��r�� c�,nc� ��nn� ��e��ri��l - v�ri�F� ����A ��st�r�n ���i�r�r��n� c��c� �r���r���rir�� ���v��l�ci k��r �t��r�. �T� �rvill ���rc�ir�c�t�v�rit� t�►e �s�is#c�rr# ��t�r �r��i���r� fil�� �v1�ir���r����� ��rvi��� ����r�r���r c�r�c� �II �it�r ��rxrr��r���y De�r�lopm�r�t c�r�d P�an��rrg per��r�r��� �i�ring t�e ���r�nir�g ar�d - ���I��1 ������5 �� �#'l�l�f� �CJ�1������� ���IJ���, ��1� V'll��� ��YI�� ��1� Plc�r�sf ����if��c��i�r�� c�r��i Bi�i ���I�c��e ar� ����s�c�ry k����� �r� r��rie�v �omrr�er�t� fror� t�e �i��. � P���ri�f� c�r� �r�-�i#� k��r��h rr��rl� �c���c� �r� �ity �i�t�rr�. � A enda Item 8.d. Page 13 • Pro�r��l� t�� ���y�rv��h or�e s�t of fir�a� ar��ir�a� P�ar�s ��d ��d � ������r�t� ��r ��k�li�c�ti�n c�r�c� d���r��a�t��r� �}r t�� ��t�. �T� v�riil �r��ri�l� �����r�r-�i� ���i�� �� c��i k��a1 al���r�n�r�t�. • �����r��i t� k�ic���r c��������� �n �vri#ir�� �,r�� ��r�i�i��t� ir� c� �r�-bNC� �or�f�rer��� c��c�jok� �rv�lk �it�r��� ��re b�� �a�no�i. • R�viev�r an� ap�ro�� c�n�rr��tor s�#�rn�tfic��s d�rin� �I�� cor���r�ctio� �ha�e f�r all �y���� �o�npor��nt� s�bmitted by th� �ont�ac��r. A�� cor�por��r�t� sl�all i�e ��pr�v�d �r�ar to �r��#a�l��ior�. • P����re ��-k��i���r����� c�r�v�rxn�� ��th� ���������f ���j��#. � Pr��ri�e ir�����t�orr �r�c� ��o�dir�ate �les��r� �h�r���s, sho��d ti�ey o�cur, ar�d a� rec�u�r��i. � ���r�l�r���� v�ritl� c�ll ����i�� ��r���lt�rrt�. • Pr��are adc����a �� r�c�u�r�d du�ir�g th� bic���n� proc�s� � Pr�v�ci� c�civ��� �r�c� r���r�r�n�r�c�c�ti��r� ��r�h����r�� a� r����r��il�I� c�r��ra��o�. � � ��t��d t�� Pr����r�s�r��t��� ��r�f�r�r���, � � Pr��r��i� ��r���r��t��r� ����ir��. • ����r��i� ��r���r���i�� ��r���ld��i�r� i���c���r��. - � Parti�i�c��� �rr �t�rt-�� ��� v�rc�lk �#�r���� �� ��r����n ���rc��i���, ���5 TI�� �rr�i�r��rirr� ���� ��� �h�� �r�j��t �rvi�f !�� �iCl�a1 t�� �it� rn�r�t���r ��r t�� �TA h��r� v�r�rl��ci �kac���c� ���r� ���'� ��r���t f�� ��I��c��le�. TI�� f��s c�r� f�� tl�� r�s��rr��, c���i�r�, r��a�r��, �����f��c��i�r��, �r��ir���r'� ��t�rr�a�t�� a�r�ci ���rcl�r�c����r� v�itl� th� �i��r�� t��t ��� �r�j��t �c�r� t�� k�icl. ���iti��c�l v�r��l� �� r�c����t�c� k��th� �i�� c�r�c���r �t� r��r���nt�#i�res k���r�rrc� ��is ����� �� ��r�r���� �r ����r �r��ir�nir�c�ry �����r� �c�� k���r� c���r�v��� v�i�� �� ��r��ic��r�� ��c�r� �nr�r�C �nci bM�l��i ��r t�� c�t���l��cJ ��� �����f�l� �rr�l��� ��h�r c�rr�r���nn�r�t� c�r� ��c�� v�ritl� ���. V�fe ���k f�rv�r��d to �rvorkin� v�rit� you i� th� f���he� im�r��rer�er�� of ��� Ar���r� �r���� 1v1�ni�i��� 1�Ic���� ��rs��r�r. �I�a�� ��r�t��t r�n� i� �r�� I���� c�r�� c�����i�n� �r n��c� c�cic�i���r�c�� inf�rr�r-���i�r� r��c�rc�ir�� t�i� ������t. ��tir�nc�t�� �rr�ir����ir�� ���t� ��r�irr �r� ��r��i��r�c! �� �� r����r�r�� ��� �r�l� c� lir�n�t�c� �i�n�. R�s���tf��ly ��k�rr�itt�d, �ARIN�. TAYI.�R 8� A�����AT��, ��J�. � �R��� ������� ���s� �i�s�• ��������� � Agenda Item 8.d. 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P���-r�r� T��� �1�,��.� �. �*��� �■ �■ � �r ��� �������i�� �i�l���� � �. ��rv��r ��►�! ��r��trr���i�r� ����Cir�� � ��,���.� �. �����r��c�� �r���r���� ���s��tc�r�t �����•� � �. ���A �o���e�►�s , �����.� ����� �������i� � 1 �:�J��a�������1��Jf��3�$�f.��� � - I � � # � ,..� .-� � �`. � i N A enda Item 8.d. � Page 15 i � � � � � � � � F�� ����D�LE �UNE 1, ���8 Fee �har�es by �ARI�V�, TAYL��t & A���CIATES, INC. de�end on the per�on �r p�er�o�� perfor�n�rr� t�t�work. ,�1�4SS�FI�A�IOhi �I� �FF��� Pr-�n���l, ��c��rt 1Ni�n��s/I��r�����a�i�r� ���,��1�3�.� �i�ri! �n��n��c �1�.�����7,C3�* [.�ar�d ��rveyor ���.�D ��rv��r���ni�i�r� �I ��.Q� - F��ld A�i s�a nt ��.� De�i��er ���,�� � Plar�ner - 1��.�� �i�ri� �r�gi��erir��Assi�t�r�#�II ��.���1��.�� �i�i� Er�gin���ir��Assistar�t�I 8�,�0 ���►il E��i�eeri�g As���tant� 7�.� , ��y�n��r�n�T��nis�.i�n �II ��.�0 En��r���nn�T��hnicia� �I � 7�.� �r���r�eerin� Te�hn���a�r � �1.� ��e��f��tior���e�ni��ar� I 77.�0 Pro���t�����r�ator ��.�� Dr�f�sp�rsorr �� �9.�� Draf�spersvn I 5�.�� ��i�� M�n�y�r/A��unt�r►� 77,�� �ldrr►�r�i�tr����r�A�is�����I �`�.�� Adr�in�str�tiv�A����ta��� �0.�0 �- F���D � Canstru�t�or� Ir��pector 11�.��/i i7.D0� �e�rv�y�rew 14�.��115�.�* T�� ����r� f��� ir��lude �!�`i�� �r�d fi�l� �qu�pr�rw�r�� �n� �r�#�i�l��. Tr��r�l ��r�n� �a�r b� �h��-g�d for pr�je�ts I�ca��d �� a �i�r�i�i�ar�� di�tar�ce �r�r� ��r ��fi�. Ar��r ��sts ��r po�ta��, s�ippin�, �ouri�r servi���, �hotoao�ie�� blue��ir�t,s, t�lephon� �nd fax ��ar��s, fil�r�� fee�� �u��t r�i����e �ha�e5�� �e� ��r ��� �r���n��r� F��rr�r�u� ���v�ce# r'���rdir�� �e�s# out�i�� pro�`�ss��nsl ��rv���, sp�ia� ���ipr�r��t�t �r�d o��er mis�el$�ne�o�����r��s�re�dditiorr�l �r�l����t�t� o��rwis��y�g�e�xr�n�. Pre�rail�n� r+va�� ra��� fo� fi��d p�rs��nel v�ril� b� �re�r�ili�� INa��� b�ll�� �� th� �i����t r��� �#rowr�. Pr`��r�ii��� v�ra�e bi�li�� rat���ub�ect t� �f�an��� in vrra�� d���rrnir�a�i�r�s ��r C��i��rn�a �i�ris��n ��I��or �rrd��d�r�l V11��e��te�. �V�RT�h�E �1�tl��ri��d ��r�rti�n� i� �F��rg�d �� �n� �nd �n�-�al��h� n��r�n�! r��e ��r���� �� �t��rwis� pro�rid�d ��r s�a�� �nd �e��ral favr►. Bil��r�gs sl���l �� ��it� ��r�����. B�li�ngs �np��c# af��r �� ���s �nr�ll �rav� � s��v�� ��r�� �� �.���'a ��r r�r����� ���� p�r��ar� �dd��. A enda Item 8.d. Page 16 �������� �������I� �� ��������� ����� �� ���i ���1��1�� �� ��� ���������� ��� �������� �! ��� ���� �����.�i����� ���� rr���r�t�ir� �n�u�r�r��:e ir� �or�f�rrr�ar�ce �nrit� t�� r���,���rr��r�ts ��t ��r�l� �����r. ��r���l��r�� v�ill �s� e�cis�ir�� ���r�r�g� �� �o�m�l� �rit� t�e�e re�����nn�r�t�. I� ���� e�c��t�r�� ���er��� d��� n�# r�-�e�t #�� re��irerr��n�� s�t ��rtl� I��r�, ��r���ltar�t ��r��� t� a�rn�r��, ��rp���rx�e�� �r ��d�rs� �I�� ��ci�ti�g co�rer��e t� d� ��. ��r�sul��n� ���Crr�v�r��dge� ���� t�e �n��rr�r�c� �:o��r�g� �nd ��li�� ��r�ni�� s�� ��r�� ir� �I�i� s���i�n con��i��te tl�� �i��r�n�r� ar�n�ur�t �f co�rera�� r��u�ir��. �r�� ins���n� �r��eeds ��r��f���� �� ���� ir� �����s�f�h� I�mits �nd c�v�r��e requ���� irr t�i� �gr�e�ne�nt ar�d �nr���h �s �pp���bi� t� a g�ver� �os�, v�r��� be ��r�i��bl� to �ity. ��r�s���ar�� s�ali ���vi�i� t�� f����vrrir�g t�r��� arr� �r�n�ur��� �� ins�r�r���; ���►rr��r���l ��r��r�l L������ty �r���f���� u�ir�� I�s�ra��n�� ��rvi��� �ffi�e "��r�r��r�i�l ��r��ra� Lia��ility� ���i��fr�rr� �� �� �'� �r �I�� ��u�i�ra�ler�t, ������� c���� r���� �� p��� ir� ���i�i�r� �� lir�its, ���r� ����I �� n� �r��� �i��ilit� e�c�l�si�r� ��r cl��r�� ��- s���� b�r �r�� }���/�1��� ������� 7�������■ ������ ��� �����#/� �� ������ ��il� !� 7■� ����� ���� �f!�� � �'�,������� p�r����rr�r��e, ���ir���s Au�t� ���r�r��� �n I�� Bu��ir�e�� A��� ���rer��� �r�r�n �� �� ��I �r��l��ir�g s�r�b�l � ��r��r�►���} �r t�� �qu���ral�r��. �irr�i#s ar� ������� �� r��i��r►►� �u� �r� r�� ��rer�t���e l�`i�7�7���� i��#������� �����.+�.rl��r��. ���J���7����� �■���7 �� Y��1�l���7t ���� ����1��`r���� �GI� �� �7����711�� �� Q ��������� �LI�� ������G���l l� ��� ����i��� �1����1�� ��I��� ��������� �b���, �� �����It�r�� �r ���su��a�nt'� �r��l����s v�r�11 u�� ��r��r�a�l ��t�� ir� an� �r�� �� ��11� �I'�����t ���Sl.�����1� �f"1��� ���II�C�� �111{��f��� �� ���'a��I�� ���� �I��}��1�]1 �ll�f��� ��� ����1 �U��1 ��f���l. 11V�rk�r� ��r�r���r���ti�� �n a �tat�-a��r��re� ���i�� f�rrr� �r��ri��r�g �����t�ry ����fi�� �� r�q�ired t�y I�v�r �i�� �rr��l����'� I�a��i��ty I�r�ni�s r�� ���� t��r� �1,���,��� ��r a��i��r�� �r d�seas�. Pr�f�s���r��l Li����i�� �r �rr�r� �r�� �rr�i����r�� Ir�su��r��e �� ���r�pr��t� ����I �� v�ri���n �� a ��1��� ��rr�n r..��rera�� ��e��fir�al�� desigr�at�� t� �r�te�t ��a�ir��� r�e�����n� a���, e�ror� or o��s�iorrs o� th� �ons�ltant �nd "�av�red Prof�ssiona� ��rvices� �s ���i�nat�� in ��� ��fii��r rx���� ����ifi�all� in�lu�� v�r�rl� ��rf�rrr��d ur��er��is ��ree��r��, T�� p�li��r lir�r�i� ���II b� n� ���� �h�r� �'I,���,��� �er �rairr� �r�d in tF�� ���re�a��. Th� ��I���r �u�� "p��r �rr b�ha�� ��' ��� �ns�r�d �n� rr�u�� ir��lud� � pr��ri���r� ��t��li�t�i�� tl�� 1��41��r�r� �J�� 4� ��r��i��.+l. ���i ��I��i� ��i�����L���. �C�L�r .��C��� �� �� �� ��r���.�i L��. �r�l�i�r ���. �#���i ����������.r�i����. �a�� 'I� . Agenda Item 8.d. Page 17 Ir���r�r�c:e �r��ur�� p��sua�r�t �� �I�e�� r���irer�n�r�t� ���II b� �ri���r� �� in�u�r�r ��a�t a�r� ������� ������ �� ��� ����� ���������� ��L! *���� �A� �i�• ����� �L4���� V��! �/� ��44�� ��� � mir�irr��m fir�ar���al size 1lII. ��n�r�l �:on�f�i�r�� pert�i�in� �� �r��i�i�r� �f ir��u�r�r��e �o�r��a�� k�}� ��rr��lt�r��, � ��n��l���� �r��l ��t�r ��r�� �� �I�e ��il��rv��� v�rit� r������ t� i�ns�ra�� �r��ri��d �� �����it�r��: 1. �or�sult�r�t a�rees t� h��e its ��s�rer e�nd�r�� t[�e �hird �ar#y ��en�r�� li�t�i���y �:o�r����e ��q�ir�� I���eir► �� ir�����e �� a�di���r��l ins�r��� �i��r� ��s ��fi�i�l� ��n�l����s ��� ���r���, ��ir�� ���r���r� I�� en��rs�r�er�� ��. �� ��'�� v�r�tk� �rr ��it��rr �r��r �� 1���. ��nsu�ta�n� a�l�� ��re�� t� r�q��r� �II ��r�s�ltar�t�, �n� s�b��r�tra�c�t�r� t� �i� I i�e�vi�e. �, �f� lia�����#y ir�����r�� ��r�ra�� �r�vi��d �� ��rr����r w��l� t�i� A�r�err���� �ha�ll �r�F�i�i� ��r��ult�r�#� �� �����I��r���s �rr������e�, �r �g�r��s, �r�r� ��►r���r�r�� �1�� r��l�� �� s�t�r��a�ti�r� �rM�r t� � I��s. ��ns�l�a��� ��ree� �� �r�i�re �����g�ti�r� ri���s ���in�� �it� re��rdles� of the �p�lic�b�lity of any Ens�r�r�c� pro�e�s, a�d �a r�q�ir� all �on�ult�r�t� �nd s�b�or�tractors to do ��kev�ris�. �. �II ��su�ran�� co�r�ra�� �n� �irr���� ����i��d ��r ��n�u�l�a�r�� �n� a�v�il�ble �r ' ����*����R �� ���� ��������� ��� I������� �� ����� �� ��� ��I� #/����� �/� ��V ��7��I��■ w� � � � ������� ���I��� �� ���� ��������� �� ��� ����� ��������� ��*��I�� �� ��� �I�� �� 1�� � ��er�ti�r�� firr�its �I�� ���li�at��r� �f�u�� ir��ur�n�e co�r��a��. �. �fon� o� t�r� �a�r�r��e� requir�d �rereirr wili �� in �om��i�r��e w�th �he�e r��uirer�n���� i��h��r �r��l�,de ��� �ir���ir�g �r�d�r��r��n� �f ar�y �Cin� tl��# �as ��� b�en firs� su�r�it�e�i �� �i��2�r�c� ���r��re� �f �r�v�rr���r��. �. IV� li�bil�ty ���i��r ����� �or�tairr a��r �r��r�si�� �r ��fi�i�i�r� #h�t v�r���d ��rv� �� ��ir�nirra�t� ������I�� ���i�d �ar#y ��t��r� ��r�r�' �la�ir�n�, in�l��ir�� �r�� ��c�l��i�r� ��r b���l� �r��ury�� �� �r������� ���f�e �r�sur�� �r���n� ��r���1��nt�r �u��cor�tra�t�r, �. ��I �o��r�g� ��r��s �n� lirni�s ����ir�� �re su�bj��� �� ���r��r�l, rx�odifica�i�r� ar�c� ��i�ii�i�r��� re��i�er���nt� �� ��� �i#�r, �� #h� rre�� ari�e�. ��r�sur�tar�� ���II r��� r���C� a��� r�c�u���i��s �n ��op� �� ���rer��e {�,�. �lir�nir���i�r� �# ��r�tr��tt��f lia�bil�#�r �r r�����a�r� �R��������� �1�I����� ������� ����/� �I.��� �������1��������� ���1� ����/�����V� �������■ � � � �. Pr��f �# �orr����ar��e vrr��l� �I���e �r���rar��e �e���r�rx��n�s, cor��i�t�r�� �f �rt�fi�t�� �f ��sur�r�� e�r;a��ci�� �II o� tn� covera���s r�q��r�� ar�� �n �����;�r�ai �rr��r�� �r�d�r��rr��r��t� ��rr�ul�a�n�'� ��r��r�l lia��ility p��i�y, ����� �� ��li�r�r�� t� �ity �� �r ��i�� �� �I�� ��c���ti�n �� ��i� ��reerx��r�t. Ir� th� ��r�r�� ���� ����� �� a�r��r fn�u�ar��e is n�� d�li��r�d �� re��ir��, �r ir� ��e ��r��t �u�� in�u�r�r��e i� �n����l �� �r��tir�� �r�� �� r���a��rx��r�� �o�r�r��� 'r� �r��i���, �it�r t�a�s tl�� ri�ht, ��� r��� �I�e ����r, t� ��t��r� ar�� ir��ur�n� it d��r�s r���essar� �� pr����� i�� �r�t�r�s�� �n��r th�� �r��rr� �tl�er ��re�r�n��t Pa�e �4 Agenda Item 8.d. Page 18 �n� t� ������ �r��niu�rr�. ���r ��erni�� �� ��i� b� �i�� s���l k�� ���r��� �� ��� �r�rx�p�E}� pa�id b� ���n�u��ar�t�r d�d���e� �r�r�n ��r�rr�s �u� ��r�sul��r�t, �t �i�y���i�n. �. ��r#i�i�;at���� �r� t� r�fi��� ��at th� �r�sur��� v�ril� �r��r��� �� �a�r� r��ti� �� �#�� �� ��� ���I!#�Mt�l�� �� ������MV■ �V��Mi�#r��� MIM�V\/� #� ■�/}l�I�� I�� ���M�V� �� ��Ll�� V V � ���� ��I„���� �� ������ ��� ���������� ������� ������� ���� ����M�� �� ��� ���Y��� �� � � ���I v�rri�t�r� r���i�e �f �n���l��i�� ��p��e� n� ��li�a�i�r�, �� ���t �r��r �art� �nr�ll "er�dea��ror� �as o�po�ed �o be�r�� requir�d� to ���ply �r�th �I�e ��qui�e�n���s �f t�� �ert�fic�t�. �; It i� a���cr��v�r�e���� �� t�� parti�� �� �t�i� agr���n��t �h�� �I� ir���,r�nc� c:o�rer��� r���ir�� �� �� ����r�d�� �� ��r�s�l#�n� �r ar�� �u�����ra���r, i� �r�ter�d�� �� �p��y first ar�d on � p����ry, ��r��or���ib�t��g ba�i� �r� �re��tion to any other ��n�urar�� or s����n�ur�n� ��r�il�k�le �� ��t�. �V■ ��������■!� ������ �� \/��4��� ���� ��������������� 4A�� ��� ����� ���� w� • ����I��� �I�� ��� ������ ��� �� ������� ���� �� �������� �� ��� ������� �� ����������� � ������� ��� ��M4�� ���I��� ��������/�/ ����M�� ��/������ �� �����I�M��■ �����I���� � a���e�s �� rx��ni��r ar�� r��ri�v�r �I� s��� ���r�ra�� ��d ���ur��� all r����nsib�l�t�r ��r �n�urir�� �h�� su�h �o�r�rag� is �r��r��ed in ����rrni��r v�ri�l� ��e rec���r�rn�r��s �f t��� �e�ti�r�. ��r��u�E�ar�t agr�e� �I��� �p�n r��u���# �II ��re���nt� �vit� ��b����r��t�r� �nd ather� en�a�ed in t�� ��oj�ct will be �ub�itted to �ity�or re�ri��v. �[�. ���sul�a�t ��r�es r��t �� ���f�ir�s�r� �� �� ��� �r�� ��If-i���red re��r��i�ns �r ���u���i�le� ����e ���,��� �r� ar�� ���t��r� �� ��� ir�sur�r��e re��ir�d h�r�ir� a�r�d f�rt��r ��re�� ���t it v�rill n�t �I��� �r�� �f �t� ��r������r��, ��b��n�������, �r�hi����, �n��n�e� o� ����r �ntity �r persor� in any way invo�v�d in ��� �e�For�m�r�� �f wor�C on �I�e pr�j��t �or��er�n�l��e� �� t��s ��r��rrr�r�� �� sel�-ir��ur� ��s ��lig�ti�r�s �� �i�}r. I� ������t�r�t'� e�i�tir�� ����r��� irr�l�d�� a� de����il�l� �� ����-i�n��re� r����ti�n, �I�e �f������bE� �r sel�-�r���r�� r��er����r� r�r���� be ���l�r�� t� t�� �ity. �� #�� �irr�� �I�e �ity s��ll r��ri�w ��ti�r�� v�ri�h th� ��r�s�r�ant, �v�i��► rrr�� ir��l��e r�d��ti�� �r eli�i������ �� #t�� �e������1� �r ���f-irr����� ���er�t��r�, su�b�tituti�r� �� �t#�er �o�r�r���, �r ���er s�lu�i���, � 1�, ��� �i#� r���rve� �I�� �'i��� �� �r�� ti�� ���in� �I�e t���rn �f �h� �o��r��� t� ��ar�ge the amo���� and �y�e� of �r��ura�n�e r�q�ir�d b� g�v�r�g the �onsultant n�r�ety ���� �a�s �d�r�nce v�rrit�en ����� �f su��� �h�r���, I� ���� �[�ar��e ���ul�� ir� �u��s��r��ial ���ii���r��l ��s� �� �I�� ��r�su�ltar�t, tf�e �it� v�i�l n����i��e ���i�i�r�a� ��rr���nsa�i�� �r�p�rti�r��� �� tl�e in�r�a�� b�r��fi�t� ��t�r. �I�. F�r �u�r���e� �f ���r�in� ir��u�r���e c.:o��ra�� �nl�, ��i� Agr���ner���vill �e d�err�ed t� �a�re b��r� e�c���ted immed�ately upo� ar�y �a�ty �e�e�o #a�Cin� any ��eps �I��� �� �� d�er�e� �� �� �n f��#�r���n�e ���r t��vards �����rr��n� �f��is �►���e�rren�, P��e 1� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 19 ��■ +�V��Y*���� ��I�C�V•���/� �� ��� ����V� ���� M�* #�Mt����� V� ����M�� ���I��\/ �� � � f V #h� �art �f �i�� t� in���m ��r���l�r���f r��r�-oorr�p�iar�ce v�rit� ��ny �r��ur�nce r���i��r�en�� �r� n� �►�ray i���se� ar�� a��ft��nal ������ti�n� �r� �i�y ��r ���s it wa'r�r� �r�� �i�ht� ��������� 71■ ���� ��#�+������V����M��■ # 1�. ����ult�r�t �nrill r�r�e� ��� r���ire� �o�r�r��� �r��nu����� �� I�n� �� �i�}r, �r its e�playees or ag��n�s fac� ar� ��cposu�re �rom op�r�t�or�� of a�r�Y tY�e ��r�uar�t to th�� �g���r��n�. Thi� �bli���i�� �p�l��s �nrl��tl��r �r r��� �I�e �gr��r��nt i� �n����� �r tert�Mr���e� f�r �r�� re���n. T��r�in��i�n �� t#�i� �b�����i�� �s rr�� �f������re �r��il �i�� ��c��ut�s a v�r�i���r� �t�t�rr������t�a� �ff���, 'i�. ��n�ul�a�t ���li pr��r��e �r��f tl��� ��li�i�s �f �r��u�r�r��e r���ire� I�er�in ��c�irir�g durirr� ��� �ert�n �� #�is ��r��rr�er�� ha�r� t�e�r� r���w��i �r re�la�ce� �r�r��h �t��r ��li�i�� ��-��r��ir�g �t leas� ��� �a�r�rr�� �o�rer���. Pr��� ��a�� ���I� cover��e t��� be�r� �r���e� ���II �e s�br�nitted �r��r �� ���ira�i��, A ���r�r��� �ir���� �r I�t��r fr�rn . �J���1.�1����1� I�w7������r ����� �� ����7 ����� 1� ����������. � �f�1l1��� �� ��+7�����+ �r�d��r a�����i�r��l in��r��l er������r�ner�t �� r�quir�� ir� t���e spe�ifi�ti�r�s ���[i��l� �� tl�� rer�e�in� o�- n�w coverage rr�u�t be �r��id�d t� �i�y�rvithrn five ��ys of th� �x���-at�ar� ����� co�r�����s. 1�. �u��je�� �� ��►� i�d�nnr�i�� �r��ri�i�r�� �� ��i� �gr��r�n��t, ��r� �r��ri�i��s �f �r�� �nr�r�C�r�' ��rr�p�r��a�i�r� �r �ir�nil�r ��� will r��� lit��# ��� ��li��ti�n� �� ��n�u���an� un��r �I�i� �gr��rx��r��, ��n��rl#��� ���������r a��r��� r��� t� us� �r�� s��t�#�ry �r�rr�ur�i�� � d��et�s�� �n��r su���I�v�r�v�ri�� r�����# #� �ity, i�s �r�����e�s, ��Fi���1s an� ���r���. ��. �e�u��r��ents �� �����f�� ���r�ra�� �����res �r lir�i#� �o�ntair��� in t�is section are r�ot i�t�nde� as I�rnitation� or� �ov�r�g�, limit� or ot#��r r�quire��r�t� ��r a� � w�i�rer �� ����r �►rera�� r��rr�r�all� pr��id�d b�r a�n� �i�r�r� p��i��. ��e�ifi� referer�oe t� a� �i�r�� �o�r�r��e fe�t�r� �� ��r�ur���es ���I�rifi�:ati�� ��l�r a� i� ���t�ir�s�� � �i�r�n i���e, �r�d �� r��� ir�t��n��� b��r�}� ��rt��r in�u�r�� t� �� �ir�n��i�� �r all-i�������r�, . 'I�, T#�es� ir�s�r�n�e re��ir�rr����� �re ir�t�n��� �� �� s�p���te ar��t di��i��� ���r�r� �n�r ����r �r��ri���r� in �his ��reer�r��nt �n� �re ir���nd�d �� �h� �ar�ie� ��r� t� b� ir�terp���ed �s su�l�. ��. T�e r���iret�n�nts in t�i� ���t��r� �u��rs�d� ��I ��I��r ����i�r�s �n� �r��r�si��s �� ��is Agre����t t� �1�� e�ct�n� �I��� ��� �t���r ������r� �r pr��ri�i�n �or��li��s v�ri�l� �r rrr���ir� �I�� �r�vis��r�s ��tl��� ������r�, ��, ��n�u���a��t �����s t� b� r�sp���i�l� f�r �r���ri�n� t#��� r�� co��ra�t u��e� b�r ��r�s�rl��r�� a�r�� i�� ��boor��r��t�r� �r�� �ar#�r ir��r��ve� in �n� v�r��r w��� �h� �r����t r���rv�s �I�e �igl�t �� �h�r�� �it� �r ��r��ul�ant ��r t�� �ost �� ���iti���� �nsur�n�e �o�r�ra�� re��ir�� ��r �h�s a�re�r�nerr�. �n� ���� �r��risi�r�� �r� �� �� c��let�� �rith r��er��� �� ��ty, I� i� n�� ��� ir�t�r�# �f �it� t� r�irx��urs� ar��r tl��r� ��rty ��� �I�e �o�� �f �or��l�i�g v�r��� ����� r��uir�r�n�n��. �u��e�t �� P�r��ra�h �� �� ��i� E�I�i��� �, t��re � ���e 'l� Agenda Item 8.d. Page 20 ���II �� n� r��ou�r�e �g�i��� �it� ��r ���rr��n# �� �rer�ni�,r�n� �� �tF��r �r���r��� v�it� r��pe�t t�er�t�. . ��. ��r�sul��nt �gr��� t� �r��rid� i�nr�ned�ate rr��i�� �� �ity �� ��� �lai�.�r ���� a��ir��� ����ul��r�t a�is�r�� �ut �� ��e �nr�r�C �erf�rrr��� t�n��r �his ��ree��r�t. �i�� a�s�r�n�� r�� ��I���ti�r� �� li���l�#�r b� su��h n�ti�e, �u� ��s t�� ri��� {bu� r��� ��� ���y} �� rn�ni��r��� l��ndl�r�g ��an�r �u��i� �I�ir� �r�I�ir�n� �f#���a�re li�cel�r t� ���r�l�r� �i��r, F'a�� �7 Agenda Item 8.d. � Page 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 8.d. Page 22 � ������ � �� �` �r�CO�P���TE� �� F� � - � � � ��������� � ,��►��r �o, t��� ,� C��� ��� ��0� T�: �I�lf ����V�IL � ��`' � FF��II�I: T�F�E�� M��LI�I�I, ��IU�rIIIl.11�IT1� ��11�1.r�PI1�I�N� �I������ �1�: .J�HN Hl1��T, �IJfL��IV� ��FI�IA� ��1��IE��: ��IV�I�El��TI��V �F AI� A1111AF�� �� �C�NTF�A�T T� 1IVF�ITTLE FI�� F�F��TE�TI�I� F�� �3��I��V �I�� �IV�T�LL��I�IV �F F�F�E �P�I�V�CLEF�� F�F� T�I� ���lf F�AL.E� ��I�E�C PF�C3�E�T, �1111 ������8 D�TE: ��.lC�J�T ��, ���I� F�E��M IIII E�V��►�I�N� I� �� r���rr�r�n�r�d�� �h� �it�r ��un�il: �, �v�rar� a ��n�ra��t ��r tl�� ���i�r� �r�d in�tallati�n �f �ir� ��rir�k��r� �� V1lhittl� �ir� Pr�������r� ir� ��� �r���r�� �����,'f��; �. A�tf�ori�e t�e �i�y M�r�ag�r to ���ro�re �h�r��e orders f�r 1�°lo o� tf�� ��r�tr��� �rr���r�t, ��,���� ��r �r����i�ip���� ����� d�t-ir�� �h� �����r���i�r� �l���� �� �I�� �r����� ���ta�! ��rr�tru�ti�r� ��s�s � ���,��� + ��,�'I� = ���,�'C�}t FIN�I��IAL IIIA�A��: �`h� ���ita�l Ir�npr�v�r�n�r�t Pr���ra�r�n i������� �p�r��cir��t��� ��'I�,��� ��r ir�n��r��r�r��r��s �� tl�� ��t� H�II �r�d��rf�rr�n�r F�rr� �r��i� ��il�ir��. �A��C���31J I'�1�: Ir� �r��i��p�ti�n �f �s� ��tl�� �uil�ir�� ��r ��ty �t�ff ��fi���, t�� �ity I�����i �h� k��il�ir�� �t ��� �a��� �r�r��l� �tr��t �r� Illl�r�h 'I, ����. �l����s�ry ��il�i�� ir�n�r��r��n�r�t� ir��lu�d� �nd�rgr��n��n� ��� �ir� lin� fr�r�n t�� �ity r��in ��r���� � d��bl� d�t��ti�r� �I���� ����r� �� �I�� ��t���n �� �h� �u��ur� �ir� ��rinkl��- r���r�. Th� fir� ��ri�kl�r ��r��r����r�nr��l ���n��� v►r�t�r I�r��s ���� �h� ris�r�. �� A�gu�t 'I�, ��'i�, tF�� �ity ��ur��i� �uth��i��d sta�#f t� s�li�it ��d� ��r �h� �ir� ��rin�Cl�r Pr�j��� ar�� ��r�rr��r�i�a����r�� ���ip�n�r�t ��r �I�� r���r �ity H��� bu�ildin�, �u� d�l��r�� ����r ir��r��r�r��r�t� ��r�dir�g t�� I���� �f �h� ��ci�tir�� �it� H�I I �u i�d i r�� �t �'i� E a��t �ra�n�� �tr���. I��V�1LY�1� �� ����.l��: T�� �ity'� B�il�ing �f#i�i�l d���rrr�i��d ��� �f ��� ��rr��r ��rr� �r��it b�ild��r� f�� �i�� �ff���s r��u�ir�� ir�s#��f��i�r� �f�i�� s�rir��cJ�rs. Thi� r��c�ir�rr��n� is t�rig��r�� �rir��r�f�r �u�� t� t�� �i�t�r��� l��t�rv��r� ��it�. �r� Vll�dn��d��r, A����� ��, ����, tv�r� I�id� �v�re c���r��c� f�r t�� �ir� �prir��Cl�r �r�j��t, �f�� f����� r����r�sibl� bi�, fr�r� Ul�hit��� �ir� �'r�t��ti�rr, Agenda Item 8.e. Page 1 �i� ������� ��N�I�EF�ATI��V �� �l�l �11�V�F�� �F ��I�T�A�T TC3 1NHI�TL�� �IF�� �F���E�1�1��! ��� �����IV �IV� �I��T�LLATI��f �� FIF�� �PF�I�V�CL�F�� ��� �`H� �ITY I-�AL� �NN�� F�F���1��T, �VI� ����-�� A U C�J�T �4, ��'f� PA�� � v�ra�� ir� tl�� �r�n��r�t �� ���,'I��, �t�ff ha�s ��t�rrr�ir��� tl�� b�d �� �� r�sp��si�� �r�d r���r�nrr��nd� ��� �v�r�rd ��� ��n�tr��ti�r� ���tr��� t� I�Il�ittl� ��r� F�r�����i�n. 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Pr�apo�ed Buildir�� T�� ��ct��i�r �� �h� pr������ b���di�� ir���r��r���� �n�t�r��l� �u�l� �� ��r�E-�idi�g, bri��c ��r���r, �n� �r���t�r ��r�n�r�t pl�s��r �nr��l� d���ra�#i�r� p�ra��� ��pir�g ��d �rirr�. �fh� b�il�in� ha� th� �bili�y t� �h���� a�r�� ��a�pt �� t�r�a�r��� u��� ��nd si��. �I�� ��i��ir�� i� ��rr�p���� �� � fl�t r���� a�l�n� th� �a��t �r�n�l� �#r��� fr�r��a�� v�r��� ����r����r� �����d �a���p���. ������� ��� ��r����� �i�� �I���� �� t�� ���th, �h� ��b�fl��r �� v��ibl� fr�� ��� r��r �I�r�� �v��l� ��li� �nra��� �nd r����l�n� �r������,r�s �r�� �t�r��� �p����. �u��l��r�� I��i�F�t �r�r�n ���# �r�rr�l� ������ �nri�� �ra�ry b�t�nr��� �'i'�" �n� ��''I�". Fr�r�n t1�� r��r, t�� Agenda Item 9.a. 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T�� r��r �� t�� �uil�ir�� f��r�t��r� �I�I��r� All�� v�r�fl �r��i�� ��c��� ��� ��li� rrv���� ���I�����n a�r�d r���r�lir�� �� �n���sur�s ��� �n���r���d ir��� t�� f����di��'� ������. A����� t� tl�� �r��l�su�r� �� gain�� fr�rr� ���ir� �r�r�tir�� �I�fi��r� �II��. A pa��hv�ra���rar�p i� u���l���d �� a�l��rr�r v�r�r�c�r� �� d������ �arba�� int� t�� �r��l���r� vrri����t a������ir�� #I�� ��r�� d��r� ���in� �I�h�� AI���. ���I���r� r��t�ri��� ir��l�,�� � f�r��� �r�� ��r�rh�ar� v�r��� tr�ll�s �I�r���#. T�v� addi�i�r��� ���r��� a�r��s �r� ����rid�� �t ��� r��r �� #I�� ��il�i�� uti�i�ir�g ��rr� ���rl� �li�ir�g d��rs. A s��ll rr�a�ir���r�an�� ��I��r v�ri�l �r�v��� ��c��� t� ��� ����C �f�#�� �u��i� ����r��r�n�fr�r� �I�h�n A�I��. � A ����li�� I��� b��� ���r��i��d v�rith th� �r���s�d �tr���ur� �r�� �h� ��j���r�� ��,�li� r�s#r��r�, �� a� r�����, a� ��r�di�i�n ��� b��r� i���u��� th�� v�rill r����r� tl�� ����i�a�r�� �� �i�t��r ��r��tru�t r�n��l�fi���i�r�s #� th� �t�bl�� r���r��r� f���liti�� �r rr���r� tl�� �nr��t�rl}� �r���rty �in�� a� �ni�i�nur� �f � ���t fr�� th� pu��1i� r��tr��r� ���il���. l�`I�� a��li�a�nt �r������ �� rr���� ��� vrr����r�� �r�p�r�y lir��� � ����. �orrr�d�fouse A �c�� ��r�p�n��� ��th� pr���s�� �r�j��t r� tl�� �r�����ti�r�, r����ili�����r� �nd �����i�r� r���� of the �or��a� F-�ou�e. �`his �tru�tur� is th� �urr�rrt �or�� of t�� ��ty'� �r��ir�eerir�� ���r��i�n {���-r�na��l� #h� ��bli� 1lV�r�C� �����t�n�r�t�, �r�� v�r�l1 �� u��� t� ����r�n�n����� � ���a�il, �f�i�� �r ��r�rr��r�i�l �,��. A ����r-�d pa�ti�, �f �p�r��i��t�l� 'I,��� s��ra�r� ���t, i� I���#�d ir� �r��# �� th� ���rr�� I--I����. T�� ��ti� i� pr�����d t� b� ���I���� �� � v�r��d �i��c�� f�n� v�ri�h b�r��k �r�r���r pi���t�rs ����i�n ��t�rn�tiv� r���r�rr��n��d b� th� �r�l�it��tur�l F���ri��nr ��r�nr�itt���. T'h� �r�r��ry �r�un� r�r����ri�l u��� ��r �f�� ����� i� � �����a�ti�r� ��i�kc. Vll�lllf��n�� ��I�r� �r�ri�l r�na�t�l� �k�� ��I�rs ��t�� ��r�ra�d I--�����, TI�� ����� �v�l� b� ���� f�� b��l� t�� ��r�arrt� �f t�� ��r�r�� �--I��,�� �n� �h� t�r��r��� �� �h� ���t�rr� �r�� �� ��� �r������ ���Idi��. Th� ��ti� �rvi�l ir��l��� t��1�� a�n� ���i�s, �������-t�� ��r���r��, ��d rr��r �I�r���r�. T�� �����rn �n� �f �1�� pr������ bui���n� fr�n��n� ���� �r�r��� ��r��� I��� ���r� ��� ���k �r�r�n �h� �id���►r�lk �� �I���nr f�r � �ri��r�r ���nr�r� �1�� ��nr�d �-I�u��. TI�� ��ci�tir�� �����tria�� ��th�nr�y ���uv��r� t�� ��n��� H��s� �n� �i�� F���I v�ri�l �� r�t�in��, Ped�s�riarr �r�d�1u�orr�obile �ircul��ior� P�d��tr�a�� ��d �i��bl�� a������ t� t�� �r����� �r� �I��n� E��t �3ra���k� �tr��t ��� ���� �tr��t a�nd v�ri�l uti�i�� ��ci�ti�g, ��# ir��r��r��, ����i� ��c���r�l�C� ��� �r� in��rr��l ��r��r��� �va�l�cv�r�� b�tv�r��rr th� �r�����d b��ldin� an� th� ��r�r�d H�u��. �'�t��r�� �rri�rir�g b� �r��i�l� v►ri�l ��ili�� th� r��r ��r�Cir�� ir� �I��ra�r� �I��� a�r�� ���h�r �r�t�r �I�� pr�j��t ��r�u��� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 3 �l�Y ����l�f L ALJ�L��T ��4, ��'1� 1�E�T11�� TE��A��11� ��#1��EL I��P 'I��-���; ���V�I���h�A� 1��� ��F�IIIIIT '������; PA�� 4 ���r# �tr��� �r ���r�u�� � ��nr���ti�g ���h��r�����r�� ���vv��� �1�� �������� ��ildir�� �r�� th� ��nr�d I--�����. Par�cing �i.�,: ��ci��ir�� �r�rs�� �r�����d: ���r�n�r�t �f ir� �i�� f���: ���.� I�a�� ���r� pr��ri��� ir� � rr�a�r�r��r ��t�s�st�r�t �nri�h ��� �gr��rr��r�t. T�� ��c��ti�� ��r�Ci�� ���n� �l���r� A�I�� �vill b� �n���fi�d �� ��co�rr��d��� ���c ��� ��r�cir�g ��a���� I���t�� a�� th� r�ar �� �1�� pr���rty. ����d �p�r� th� ��r�fi�ur�ti�n �# �f�� "n�v�r" pa�r�Cir�� ���r���# ��� ��pl���r�� h�� �gr��d �� p�� ��r �r�� �rd��#i�r��l i� I��� �p���, �nr1n��� r���ir�� �r� a�n���ir�r��n��� ��� A�r��r��r�t. � . TF�� ��Il�b�ra�i�r� �ff�r� b�t���n th� ����r a�c� t�� �p�li��n� �I�� ir��l���� t�� r�d��i�� �� �f���t �tr��t �� � �n�-�nra� i�gr��� �r�l� a�����. P���i� i�n�r��r��n��� ��a�n� v�r�l� �n�fud� � r���nfi��r����n �f �h�rt �����t �� a� ;`��r�i���" �li�nr�n�r�t, n�v�r �id��nr�i�c�, ��d r�t�nti�� �� ��� ��ci��ing L���id�r�ba�� �r��� �k�a�t �la��C t�� �tr��t. A����s t� ��� �����in� p�bl�� r���r��r� ���il����� �nril� r�r�r���r� �� �urr�r�tl� ��r�figur��. Lar�d�capir��r A t�t�l �� � tr��s v�ill b� r�r��v�� #� a�ll�u� ��r th� ����tr��t��r� �r�� ����er���r# �f ��� �r������ ��il�ir��. TI�� �r�g�nal d��i�n ��� ��� ��i��ir�g b���c t� �r���nr� ��ci��ir�� �r���, I--���v���r, aft�r ��n��lt�ti�r� v�ri�h r�pr���r���t���� �f th� Tr�� �u�i��, ��r� ���fi����, ���y ���f� a��d �h� Tr�� ����d �����C� ���� r1'1�IIl�1C� ��1� ��l1I�1�1� �� ��1� �3���C �� �I�� �I��1�V�I�C v�r��l� h��r� �r� ��r�r�ll ��r��t���p� ��t��ft. F��rn���� �� tr��� ����r� pr���rr�ina�r���� �ri�F�in tl��-���v �uildir�� �i�� �I�ng Ea��� �ra�n�� ��r��� �rr� �I�n� th� v�r��t �a��in� ���r����� - �� �h��# �tr��t, La�n�����i�� ��r �I�� �r�p���d b�il�ir�� �rill �til��� ��ci���n� #r��s ����r �� th� Prur��� �Vurr��r�u�� "T��rrd�r����,�" �r�� �iq�i��rr���r ��yr��ifl�a ;#�.i�uid�r�k��r" ���n� th� �a�t fa��r�� �ort�o� of th� �k��rt �t���t. Nev�r F'I�r�t�rs �nri�l �e si��a�t�d alo�g th� r���ir��ng v�ra�11 ��j��r��t� th� ����� �1��� ���rt �#����. . T'�� ��nd�r�pi�� b�tv�r��n t#�� �������d n�v�r �uildir�� a�nd�#�� ���rra� ��u�� ��rrili r�r�n�ir� th� �a�r��, a�� ��I� �� �f�� I�r��s�a�pin� ���uv��r� ��� ���r�� �--la���� �nc� ��t� I�-I�II. h���nr� plar�t�rs �vi�! b� �I���� �I�r�� t�� �val��f��� v�rithin �h� �a��i� �� th� ��r�ra�d I-��u�� ����� �k�� �ide�nr�l�C ���n�in� E�st �r�n�� �tr��t, �f�ar� ��ree��rrr�rov�rr��r��� ������t�� ar�d �ir�ul�ti�� i�n�r���r��nt #� ��r�rt �tr��� ir��l��� ��r�i����nin� �n� r��rr��v�n� ����t�� '�� f��t ��r� �� ��,rb a�r�d ��r��r��tir�� th� ���fi��������►�� �r�� �nray in �nl�r. �rr��r��r�r��r�t� ����t�� t� tl�i� r�a��i�r�r-r��nt in���d� ��n�tr���i�� �� ��rb� arr�d ��tt�rs ���� . lir���r �����, �id��nra�l�c� {'I,��� ����r� f���� �nd ��A r�r�p �r��r��r�r���t� �r�� �t��d�rd s�r��� ��r���ru��ti�r� i���udir�� A1� ���r��� ��,�'�� �q��r� ���#�. ���t����� �rr��r�v�r��rr�� ir��l��� �,��� ����r� f��� �f ��r�ds��pir�� �vl�i�l� �n��ud�� ����r��iv� �I�r-���r��� ir� ��� ri�l�� �� v�r�� ������nt t� ���r�'� F������r�nt, ���r��r� ���nrr�� �r�t� ���f��r� Af��� ��� � pl�r���r ���w��� #h� �i��v�r�11� �r�� ��� ���i� ��s��ia�#�d v►r�t� t�� rr��rv ������� r��t��ra�nt ��r�in� �r��. T#�e�e c�st� ar� to �� pa�d by t�� �ity as � r�tmbur��r�n�nt �o ��� pro��rty d��r�����r; ���►��r�r, ��r��#�ru��i�� ����� �r� �r�a�t��r �r��u��d �r�r�r a� �t�r���r� �i�y pr����t due to �oordir�atian anc� rr�ar�a��er�e�t as part of a bi���r con�tructi�n proje�t. � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 4 �i�� �i����i�� ������ ��� ���� 11E�Tl�I� T��V��T111E �'�1F���L �III�� 'I�����; ��hlDl���hl�#L LJ�� �EF��IIII�` '1�-���; PA�E 5 _ 11ill�ge Desigr� �ur'd�lir�e� � �ta��f ��li��r�� tl�� pr������ �����n ��r��l��� v�r��h �h� l�e�i�r� ��icf�lir�e� �rr� ���r��l�r�� �or l�is�ori� �r'��rr��s a� d���r�bed on ���es� �0 �r�d �'I {ll�l���e �ore �ov�rr�tov�rr� ��i��lir��� ��d ������rd��: �it� ���� r� ���r�d�r�� ���n lia�r��� A�I n��r pr������ �r r�r���ra�ti�n� �1��11 ��r� ��i�din� ���i�n ��r��li�� urri�� ��I adh�r� t� #!�� �f�� �������r�n�r�� s��r��ard�. ���r�l��rrr�r�t �t�n��r�s �� #I�� �11[�r�i�i�a�t � ��d�. T�� ��cis�ir�� �r�r�t �������cs �f ��r� t� T�� r��v�r b�i���n� h�� � ��r� ���� ��t���k �ft��r� f��� {�' t� ��'} ��all �� ����ir�� �v��� � t� ��r� ����v►r�lk �nd rr��irr b�i��ir�� �n�r��s r��in �r��ri�� �a��ir�� t�� �tr���. A r��j�r��� �f f��� �h� ��r���. All �� th� b��ldi�� �r�n��g� th� b��ldin� �r�nta��� ����I ���� tl�� ��r��t f���� t�� �tr��� a�n� in�l�d�� p�d���ri�n �r�� i�corp�r�t� d��i�r� f����r�s �ri�nt�d �r��r���� f����r�s s��� a� �t�r� �r�n� �� tl�� ����tri�r�. vrrin��v�r� �n� ��i� a�r�a�s. �tr����cap� �r�n�r��r�rr��r�ts �I��II �i���a���c d�si�r�s �� �h� �������� �r�j��� � ��rrr�#�rn�nt th� ��ci��ir�� ��s��� �i���nra��c r-r����� tf�� ��ci���r�� ��cp���d �ggr����� � �a��rir�a�, I���tir�� ����rr��� a�n� ��r��� ��n�r�t� v�r�rk �f �f�� �il���� �r�� str��t f�r�n���r� �ithir� �1�� d��t�i�t. ��rr�i��r� �n���di�g ����r�ti�r� I��I�� ����� ��� f��ct�r�� v�rill rna���� ��r� ��i��in ll�l�� �. AI� �r��l���r�� f�r ��rvi�� a����s, ����� �r Th� �����r� f��t�r�� ��r��n�d tr��h �n� � �����lir�� ��n��in�r� �h�ll b� ����gr��� �� r�����i�� a�r��� �h�� i� i���gr���� �nri�� tl�� ���t �f �k�� ��r�r�ll ���j��� �r �uil�ing. ����r �� tk�� ��r��t�r�. ��r� ��r��n�� � IVI��t�r��l�, t���ct�r�� a�r�d ��I�r� ����I� b� �r��l���r�� f����r� a �rr���i �r�ll�� �r�d � ��n�i����t v�ri�� �h��� �� th� p��p���d ���r�. �r�j��t �r�� ��rnpatibl� v�r��� ��j�r�er�t �u�l�l�n �. La�rrd��ap�n� �h��i r�t�ir�.��isti�� �r��� a�r�d T�� �ri��r��l ���ign ���t�� ���Idi�� �a���c t� pla��ts a�� r�n��� a� ����ib1�. �tr��� #�-��s �r����v� ��ci��ir�g �����. F-��v�r��r�� �ft�r a�r�d ��d��nr��1� �l�r���r� �h��l b� ��r���l���i�n v�ri�h r��r���nta�ti�r�� �� th� ir���r��r���� v�rh�r� ��a���bl� �r�� Tr�� ���i�, �k�� �p��i��nt, ��t� �t��f a�r�d ��� ������ri�r� �i���ia�ti�n �nri�� ��� �� Tr�� �ui�� a��r��c� tha�t rr���ri�� t�� bui��ir�g �b��r�,�t�c�. {�tr�������� �I�r����� vrr���ir� �� th� b���c �� ��� �����rva��k v►r��ld h��r� �� tl�� ������ ri�l��-vrr��, r����r� - a�r� ��r�r�ll ��r�������� ��r��fi�. ���r���f�r�r��r�t P�rr��t fr��n tl�� P�,�Ci� 11V�r�c� ����rtr��r�t�. L�r��s��p�rr� ir� parkir�� area� �hal� �onforrn to t1�� ��c�uir�r�n���s �� T��I� 'I� �f �h� �111ur�i�ip�1 �ode ��v�io ment �ode . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 5 ��TY ��1J�1�IL AL��IJ�T ��, ��'�� 11��TII�C T�IV�A��11E ��4F��E� I�IAP 'I�-���� ����IT��N�►l� Ll�E P��I�I�T 'I�-���; PA�E � �u��c�ir� ���i n � �tan��rd� � ��r�n �i�r��� T�� fi��i�ht �� r���r b�ild�n�� ���l� ��� T�� pr������ bui�dir�� h�s ������ ��c���� ���r����r�n�r�� �t�n��r�� �11��r�� ir� ���r�n�rrt� t1�a� rar�g� fr�r� ��' t� ��''I}� T1tl� '�� �� �h� Il��r�i�i��l ����. ��a�l� a��d �b��r� ��� �i��v��l�c. TI���� I��i��t� �r� rn�ssi�� �f ar��r ��i�dir�� v�ritl�ir� �1�i� ���� �ir�n�l�r �� r��s� sin�l� �nd tv�r� �t�ry � ���II �� ��������n� v�rit� t�at �� ��� ��i��ing� �n �1�� llilla��� ��r�, T��r� ar� r��i��b�ri�g ���I��n��, �� �����i��d ���v� r���� b��l��n�s v�rithir� ��� llil���� ���� in #`��r�r�i��rity ir� �I�ig�rt, ���1� �r-�d �hi�l� �r� #��I�r, M����n �, � TI�� ��c��tir�� ��tt�rr� �f �u�il��rrg ���a���� Th� ���p���� buiE�ir�� ��wl���� ���r��r�r�ts _ �ha�l� b� irr��r��r���� ir��� r���nr �i�ni��r �� ��� ��i���r�� �u�l� ���t�rn �r� ��� ���r�l���n�r�� p��j�ct�, ��rr�ir��nt f����� 11iEl��� ��r�. �h� �ui��ir�� �#ifi��� �ri��C ������� ir���r��r��� �i���r bri�1� fr�rrt ��n��� ��� f��t�r�� � �r�r��ty �f p�r���� �I�rr��n�� �� p���p�� �����r��. F���f �����r�s, Tk�� ��ildir�� �til���� �la�� ����� �rr pa�t�r�� ����r�ll� �����i�t�� �r�►it� �1�� �r��t ar�d ���d r���� ir� I��i��d n�,r���r� r�����r����� ��ildin�� ���� a�� ���1�, I��� �r �r� ��� r��r���v����n. ��rr�br�l �r� g�r��ra�l�� n�t ��pr�pria�t� ��r - ��r�r�n�r�ia�l b��ldi�g fr�r������ in �1�� 11M1�� e ��re �ownt�w� �istri��. � F�r �r����l ��r�nrn�r���� ��ildir�g�, ����I�y T�� b�i��ir�� f����r�� �i��l�� v�r�n���nr� ur��rrc���vs �k��u�l� ��r�n�l��n�r�t �I�� e��e�i�n �� �inni��r i� ����� �nd ���� �� ����r ��ildi�g� ��rr��r��ir�� I�i���r�� h�il�ir��� �n� �I��II �� �r� t�� 1lil�a�g� ���� �r�� a�r� �r��r�t�d t� #�� �ri�r���d �� ����tri�r� �r�i�i�. �����ria�� r��lr�n. Transorr�s are ���nrnon ov�� d���l�y Tr��sorn v+rir�d�v�r� �r� �t�l��ed �r� t�e fror�# v�r�n���rv�, �n� �nr�r� ���d f�r I�gl�t ��d �r�� �i�� �I��r�ti�r�� ��th� fi��ildir��. �r�n�i��ti�r-�. V11h�r� ���si�l�, #ra�ns�r�� �I���I� b� in��r��r���� i��� ���nr bui��in� ��s��r�, �r�d ��ci��ir�g �r�r����n� �h��1� b� u��� in bui���r� �-�r���a�ti�n�. IV��► ��r���������n ����I� in�l�d� �I��-r��r�t� �h� ���Idi�g �tili��� �I�d�in� r����ri�l ���h �� �I���ir��, r��� �tr��t�r� and �ir�ila�r �� b�il�ir�g� ���n� �r� t�r� lli�l��� �rn�rr��r�t��i�� ��r�r��r� t� �h� di��ri�t. All ���h �� �ir�ula���d �nr��d h�r������� ����n�, n��nr pr�j��t� sh�ll ��� rn���ri�l� — br���C �r����r a�d sr����f� p�����r. �`h� �n�lu�ing r��� r��t�ria�l� � �f��t f�t �it��rr �h� �naj��it� �f r��f rx��t��i�l i� r��t �ri�i�E� c��� ��a�ra��t�r �� �h� 11i�1��� ��r� ���v����vr� t� ��r� fla� r��� a�d para��t d����r�, IIV1��r� �i�tr��t. �� u��n� �ir�il�r r�a����i��� �r ����in� i� �i�ib��, ���n����ti�r-� ��ir�g��� �r� � r��ii��t�r�� ����� rn����ial� �n �I� �r�j��t� ����. �r�� r��t�r�ti�r��, �k�� ����tir�� �I��r��t�r�il� b� r��r�f�r�d �n� ��ct�r���d. ����ra�ti�r� �i�����, ir��l�dir�� a�nrn�r���, �`h� ��i��i�� ��at���� �v�rr�ir�g� �r��� I���� si�n�, a�r�d ligl�ti�r�, �h��l b� i�t��ra�t�d �v�tl� �r���n��s, ����r����� �i��rtir�� �i�ct�r�� a��� �th�r d��i r� �f��n���� ����� ��ru���r��. �� r� �����i��� ��r�ila�r��th� r��i h��rh��d. � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 6 ��� �i������ ������ ��� ���� 11��T��� TE�V�"��lV� �����L I�AP '1�-���; ���fD�Tr��V�L L1�� ��F��IA1T 'I�-���� PA�� � _ ��nstru�t�or� 1Vlat�r���s �#ar��ia�ds � �ar� �i�n�e . . �ri��c �r�� ���r�� � �a�s�nry �r� tk�� rn��t �h� ��.ildir�� f��t�r�� t�ri�ic�v����r �s v�r��l � ��r�r�n��n ���a�d� r�n���ri�l� u��d �r� l�i���r�� �� �t��r r�at�ri��� ���r�d in ��I�� llill�g� �I��ra�t�r ��r����r�� in �1�� llil��g� ��r� ��r� ���h �� l��ri��nt�l-�id�r�� �r�d �r�r���th - ��v�r����rr� �i�t�i�t, ar�d �r� a������a�bl� p���t�r. . � - f����� r�r��t�r����. ���n� �ri��cv�r�r�c ��� . . b��r� p�ir-����, ��d ���� i� ��n������t �nritk� ���i�n �ty�� �f ��� ����-'I��� ��ri�d. ��#��r �����t���� f����� r����rral� i��l��� � _ . �r��lovrr ���dst�r�e ����1� �s t��t or� tl�e �.�.�.F. ��ildir��}, ��� ���� ���d�i��. � 11V��� �l��dir�� �I�a�l b� �f paint�d � � - �I����a�rd, ��ir�t�d v�r���1��rb�ard: �r ���r� � � � �r�� �a��#�n ���I��. �Ill����i��� �� ��r����r - �����r�, co�or ��d t��ct�r� may b� � ���r����r�d. �r���t� ��yw��� ��r��l� a�r� �- . ��t �ppr��ri��� �nl�s� d��ail�d � f�r �h� . . �r��tori� ��iod. � 1IVi�d�v�r s����� �1�a�1� �� �f �v��� �r �h� bu�l��n� �ti�i��� ���rr�����n .���r��r�nt ��i���d ����I, �n� ��r��i�t�r�# �r�ri�� th� v�ri�d��v� �r�r�i�� ��rr �� r�r���uf����,r�� �n a� h��t�ri� p�ri��. Il�la�t�r���� �h�� ��pr��cir�n��� �ni���it��� �f ��E�r�. ��� �vin���nr� ���t�r� � ti�� �����r���� �f �r��i�n�l r�a���ri�C� r�r��� �k�a�p�� a�nd ���i�� �I�r�r��r��� �ir�ni��r t� b� �ubs��tut�� ��bj��t t� �h� ��pr��r�l �f �i�t�ri� �v�r���v�r� ���h a�s d���r�ti�r� �h� A���it��tu�r�l ���r���nr ���r�nitt��, ��t �r�r�ins��� b���� ��� �I��vrr diff��r�r�tia�ti��n �n��ni�h�� �lur�r��n�r� i� r��t a�l���v��. fr��n ��� �ri ir��l. ���r r�n�t�ri�l� �nr��� tra�diti�r�all�r ��rr��� Alth��r�h �h� d���� -��d v�rir�d�v�r� �r� ����I a��n� �1a��s, �i��r�r ��r��l� �� d��bl�. a��ur�r�i�ur-��, tl��}� �r� pr�p���d t� �� � ��r�c �V��r �r r�pl���rx���� ����� �h�ll �� �r��� �n�di��� ��I��, T'�r� �����ti�r� �� �hi� �r a�n a��pr��r�d ��b�t�t��� r����ri�l �ha�t r�a�t�ri�l �I��v�� t�e ��il��ri�� �� I���� ��� ��pr���rn���� th� �����r�nce �� �rigir�a�l ����C �f ��r� �urr� �� �I�� ��nt�ry but ��# r����ri�l�. Al�rx�i�u�rx� �r��ry d��r� �nri�k� r��r���r�� �fi�� bu�i�din� �� �� ��d ��r�c#�r�, I�r�� �la�� p���l� �r� in�p��r��r��t� ���r tl�� In r�a�n�� ����� th� d��r� ���tu�r� 11i�1� � ��r� ���vr����rr� �i��ri�t. d���r�ti�� �ci��c ��t��. - �ri�i��l � ����r�ti�� �����I� ��r��i� b� I��� ��������1�: . - r�t�i��� �u�in r�r��u��i�n. . . . F���I��tiv� �I��� i� r��# ���r��ri��� ir� ��� �V� ���t��ti�r� �1�s� �� pr������. lli�i�g� ��r� ���v���v�r� D��t����t. ���ir��� . �I��� r��� �� ���d a�� a�� ����n� r�r�at�ri�l i� . i� i� ��n�i����n� v�ri��r t�� �i���r�� ���i�� �f the b�i�dir� . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 7 �iTY ����V�1L � AU��l�T ��, �0'�� ������� ��������� ������ ��� ��i���� ������I���� ��� ������ ������ ���� � B�Ild�n ����r� �ta����rds � ��r� �ia�n�� T�� r��,r���� �f ��I�r� ���d �n a� bu�l��r�� T�� f��,�ldir�� �,t��i��� ���r rr���r� ������ t� �k����d �� k����� � r�inir�nur�n. dr�f�r�n�iat� �t�r�fr�r�t�. ��r����r��r���ry accer�t �a�ors ar� �til���d �o en��r�� th� b�i�dir� �r��it��t�r�. � IfVh��� �ri�h� ��I�r� rr�a�� b� ���d,��r lirr�i��d N� bri�l�� ��I�r� �r� �r������. ����n�: th�i� ��� is �ub���� t� r��ri��v�r �� . tl�� �r�l�it��t�r�I F���ri��r ��r�n r�n itt�� AI�� . ��I�r ��r�r����� �I�a�l� �� �u�r�itt�� �s p�rt ��I�r . �a��pl�� �r� ���il�bl� i�r #�� �� �I�t Pla�r� F���ri��v �r ��n�it����l IJ�� ��r�r�rurrity ���r�l��r���t ����rt��rr� �r�� P�rr�nit r�����. � � �� �bl�� h�ar�� �. - T�� u�� �f f1��r����r�t: s�r���n" ��r "���-g��" IV� n��� �r d��-�I� ��I��� ��� pr�p����. ���or� �r� b�ildir�� fa����s is �ot a���r�pria�t�, �i�t�ri� b��� ��I�r� �h��l� b� us�� ir�st�ad. ���r�t ����r� �.,��d f�� �rr��rr��nt�ti�r�, ��r����r��r�t�r� ����r�t ��I�r�. �r� u�tiii��� . ��nrr��ng�, ���ti��, �r����� �r �th��r ��t�i1� t� �rr�r�r��� t�� b�ildir�� �r��it����r�, �I�a��l I���r��ni�� v�ri#h � tl�� �r���rnir�ar�� ��ild�n ��I�r. � � . . ����r ��I�tt�� �1��1� ��rr��l�r��nt �h� �'I�� ����r� �r���s��� �r� sir��l�r t� ��I��r r�n���r�ty �f �h� r��i�h��r�n� �ui��i��� �n� b�i���r�g� in ��� �lil�a�� ��r�. � �� ��t��i�t�nt�v�t� t�� �i����i� �r���. Parkir�� � � `�h�� �r-r�����r�rrr-��nt �f t�� pa�r�c�n� I�� a�r�� ��tvrr��r� th� ��ildi�� �r�d L��� �a���ty �ivi�i�r� �r�d En��rr��rir�� I�ivi�i�rr. b�i�di�r�� v�rill ��ir�n�r���� '!� ��ci���r�� ������. T'h� c����l�p�r �r������ �� ��r��tr��t � ������. �h�r���r�, �h-�r� v�ri�l b� � r��t ���� �� � �pa����. ���� �f ��r�Cir�� i� ��i�� a�dr����d ��r���l� ��� ���i�E�n �� ��bl�� p�r�in� �� �h� ��r��r F�rr� ���dit t�u�l�in� ��rd� r�d�v�l��rr��r�� ��� ����r����r� �� ��� L� ��ir�� ��r��� ��r�cin� I��. �`�� pr����� �ri�i�i�l�� �r�����d ��� �d���i�r� �� � ��a����, ��� d��ign h�d �� �� nn��ifi�� ��� �� ir��d��u�t� ri��t ���r�r�� ����la��l� ���r�r�hi��l�r ������, A� � r�su�l�, th� d��r�l�p�r v�ri�l ��� �r� in-�i�� f�� f�r �n �ddi�i�n�� p�rkin� �p���, �v�i�h i� r�f�����d in th� r��ri�i�n� � t� th� �ur����� ��� ���� ��� Irnpr���rx��r�t��r��r��r��, Pa���cir�g ir�-li�� ��� r��r�r��� v�rifl b� i�����r-r������ i� fur�di�� ��cp�r����r� �� th� L� P�ir�� �tr��t p�r�cir�� I��. F�ia�h�-�f-v�r�� ���tri��i�r�� ���� r����r�d t�� ���i�n t� �n�lud� tvrr� �a�r��l�l ����� ���r�n ��r��r ����r�tial � irr����� �r� �r�hi��� a�r�d ��d�str��rr ������, �f`k�� ���n�i� s�r��rld rr���C� � d�t�rr�r�r�a��i�rr �nrh��l��r t���� ���c�� a�r� �f b�n�fi�. I�-I��v�v�r} �lir�in�#i�r� �f t���� ������ ����� rr�� i��r���� pa�rkin� ir�-li�� ��� r��r�rr��. . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 8 ����r �o���i� �u�+u�� ��, ���a VE����V� T�N�A�I11E P�F��EL I�IA� �I������ ��I��ITI���#L Ll�E PEF�I�I�� '1�-���; �'A�� � �u�door�irrin��4rea P���i� ri�h�-��vrra�y v�rill �� ut��i��d ��r ������r ��ni��, �rrrl�i�k� �� ��n�i���r�t v�ri�l� t�� �ity'� ���i�� t�r��g���� �h� llilla�� ��r-r-�r-��r�i�l �r�a.v�r��r� f�a���i�. �--I�v�r��r�r, �i��� th� �r�a .. v�ri�l k���r� ���tr�i���� ��bl�� a������ ir� �rd�r t� ��rr��[�r �nri�h �I��h�� �n� B���r��� ��r�tr�l r�g����i�r��, �k�� Agr��r�n�n� in������ ��r�p�ns��i�r� ��r �I��� ri�ht-��-v�ra��. lJn��r ��� �urr�r�t �greerr��nt, �u����t �o �ny appli�abl� ���h� ���nray aba�donrnent pro��d����, th� a�p�l��a�r�t �v�ll �i�k��� h�v� �k�� ��g�� t� �������� �r� ��c�l��i�r� ����r�r��nt f�r ������r r��t��r�nt ���tir�� u�� v�rit� a� t�rr� �� �i�ct�y �r��r� ��r �. ��,������ �ri�� �� ���,��� �r �I�� ri��rt �� p�r����� � �f�� ��rr���� ir�t�r��� ��r ���,���. TI�� �p�i�r� v�r��ld !�� �t ��r� �i��r�ti�r� ���h� �it�r ���r��i� �� ����r�in� � �r�f�r�r��� f�r��� ����r�r���#. F�I��nr���r, ��r��� t�rr�� r���l��� ir� a� �i�r�i�i�a�r�t �r��C�rr� in �b#a�r�irr� �r�����ary ir���r�n��. A� a� r��ult ��� a�p��i�ar�� ��� ��br�r��tt�d �r� ��t�rn�ti�� �f ���,��� ��r ��r�h�s� �� tF�� ri��t-���v�r��, �nr���l� i� r���r�r�r�r��r�d�� ��r ����f. �'hi� �nril� r�qu�ir� an ���n�r�n��n� t� �1�� ��r��r����, l.�r���r �f�� �I���r��ti�r�, � d��� r���ri��i�n ��bj�c� t� ���r��r�� b� th� ����r Att�r��� �nr�u�d b� pla���� �� th� ��rti�� �f �r���rty t��t i� pr�p���� �� �� ����ir�d fr�� �h� �it� a��� ir��i�a�t�d �t� pr�j�c# ��a��� �� ���i� �inir��, r��uirir�g �t �� �� ���� ��c�l�s��r�l� ��r ��td��r di�ir�g �urp����. �# �� �I�� �������� ���� t�� ���d r��tri�ti�r� �n��l� ��� ��#�, a�t �it� ����, �� �n�d�fy tk�� �r��� �r ���i�n �f ��� �r����ty ��r th� p�r��s�� �� ir��t�lli�� ������ ir��r���r��n�s �� I�r�� a� ��� ir�pr��r�r���t� . d� r��t r���c� t�� ��� �f tl�� �u����r �ir��r�g inf���i���, �� ����rr�nit��� �� tl�� ��r�r��r�i�� ���r�l��rr��nt �ir�����. �r� ��r�, th� pr���s�� ��r��rr��r�� ���n�r��nts ��r� f�r a���it��r�a�� ir��li�� �a��c�n� ���� �r�� �r� in�r���� �n th� ��r�l��s� pri�� ��r #�r� ��� ���� �f ri��� �� �nr��. . . ll���ir�g T�rr�a�iv� Par���! �rl�� T�� ����i��nt pr������ t� di�rid� th� 'I'I,'I�� ����r� f��� pr�p�rt� in�� tv�r� p�r��l�. P�r��l 'l i� pr�p����� �t �,'��� s���r� f��t �r�� �rrrill ir��lu�� �h� rr��v ����� ���r�r� f��� buil�ir��, vrrfi�i�� ��ufd ��rt��r b� d��ri��� a�� � ��n��r�ir�i�r� b���c� u���� 'I s��a�r� ���� � �rid �r��t� f�r u� t� � ���a�ra�� ��nrr��r�k�i��. Th� ����nd par��l i� �,��� ���,a�r� ���� �r�� �rv��l ��nt�in t�� ��r�r�� ��u��. Th��� I�t �i��s ��� ��r��i���nt �nrith �Illl�r�i�ip�l ���l� . ���r�i���n�nt �ttri��t�� f�r ��� 11��1��� ��r� ��v�rnt���rrn ��r�ir�� �i�tr���, �`h� �r������ pa�r��l r�a�� al�� ir��l�d�s ��s�rx���t� ��r ��I �,�ilr�i�� �r�d id�nti�i��� ar�a�� v�r���F� ��r�r��� b� ���r������ �� �r����� ��r�n�li���� �r��fi� b�i��i�g �r�� f�r� �����, F����r��i�� i����� r�l���� �� undefir��d �ond��i�i�r� ��it� is ��at tl�� floor p��� �nd use rnay �ot cor���po�d �nr�tf� �h� ��ct�ri�r �r�1��t��tu�r� �r�����n�� ������ri�r� ������, A rc1�i��c�r��a!Re vie w �orrr�ri#�ee �n .lu��� �, ��'I�, #1�� �r��i����ur�l I���ri�� ��rnr�it��� r��r���nr�� �h� pr�j��� �n� r����nn�r�d�� ��� pr�j���f�r a�p�r���l �v�#� tk�� ��Il�v�rir�g ��n�it���������r�r�n��d����r��; � I r��t�l1 art�b���d d���r �n t�r� �a�t��l� v�r��l �� ��p�s���t�fa��c vrrir�d�v�r�. � ���ng� ��nc� �r� fr�r�� �f ��r�ra�d �-I�u�� t� ��r���h�n� r���� "p�r��� ������i�" �1.�. ��r�n�tk�ir�� r�r��r� tran���r��t ��� ir� iir�� v�i�h �r�i���� �rcfi��t��#ur�}, ���� �s � p��ke�fer���. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 9 ��� �����i� ����J�T ��, ��'1� 11��T�CV� T�I�����11� �I�F���L �IA�P '1�-���� ��N��TI�N�#� lJ�� �E�AA�T '��-���; - P��� '�� • �r���rp�r�te I��s� �ra�l�r���� int� ��r���� d��igr�, � _ �II �i�n��� �� �� pr���nt�� t� �F�� �n� t�na�nt� �r� �Crr��n. �fis�oric Resor�r��� �orrrrrrit�ee � . A �r�j����r`r�l� ��� �if��t ti�a�t �ma�� �a�u�� a ��bst�n#i�f �dv�r�� �h�r��� in ��� s� r���i����� � �� arr I�i���ri��l r�����r�� i� � �r�j��� th�� r�a�r I��v� � �i�nif���nt ei`f��t �r� �I�� �n�r�r�nr��nt. �h� �r�j��� �r�a� i� in ����� �r��ir�it� t� � I���I hi���ri� �tr���u�� ���r��a�d I--�����} �n� h�� ��� p�t�ntia�� �� ir�n���t tl��� r����r��, ����t���i�l ��1�r�r�� �I��r��� ir� t�� �i�r�ifi�a�r��e �f ar� ��st�ri�a�l re��ur���rr���n� �I���i�al ��r��liti�r�, ���tr���i�r�, r�������n, �r �It�r�ti�r� �f t�� r����r�� �r its ��r�n�di�t� ��rr��,ndi�r��� �u��l� t��t �h� �i�ni�i��r��� �f �n I�i���ri��� r������� �n►�u�l� k�� r�at�ri�l�� trnpair�d. � T�� �i�r�i�icar��� �f�r� hi���ri��l ����c�r�� i� r�na��r��l��r �rr���ir�� �rh�n a pr�j��: � C��rr��lish�� �r r��t�riall� �It��r� ir� �n �d�r�r�� �n��r��r th��� pl��r����� ��ra�r����ris�i�� �f �r� f�i�t�ri�al r���ur�� �h�� r..or��r�� i#� ��st�ri�a�l �i�ni�i��r��� arn� . t���� ju��ify i�� ir��l��i�r� �r�, �r ��i�ibilit� ���r, in�l�,���r� ir� ��r� ��I�f�rn�� I��gi�t�� �� H i���ri�a�! F�����r���; �r � ��rx���i�fi��� �r r����ri�ll� ��t�rs �n a�t� ����r�� r-��nr��r ���s� ���r�i��� �f��r����ri�ti�� ��a�t a�����n� ��r i�� �r����,si�r� ir� a� I���I r����t�r �� �i�t�ri��C r����r��� �ur�u�r�� t� ���ti�r� ����,'I{�c� �� �I�� Pu�li� �����r��� ��d� �r it� ic���ti�i��ti�r� �r� an I�i�t�ri��l �����r��s �u���r r����in� th� �����r���nt� �f ���t��r� ����.'I��} �� #1�� P�b�i� F����urc�� ����, �nl��� t�r� �u��li� ���r��� r��ri�v�ri�� ��� �f���#� �� �h� pr�j�� ��t�bli�l��s b� � �r���n��ra�r�ce �f ��ri��r��� tl����I�� r����r�� �� n�t hi�t�ri��l�y �r �ultura�ll� �i��ifi��r��; �r � ��rrr��i���� �r rr�a���r��ll� �I��r� ir� �n �d�r�r�� rr�anr��r th��� �h��i��l �F��r��t��i��i�s �f �a I�i�t�ri�a�l r���ur�� th�t ��r��r�� ��� �i�t�rir�l �i�r�i�i�anc� a��� ���� ����i�y i#� �I��ib�lity f�r i��iu����n ir� ��� �a�l�f�rni� F���i�t�r �f I�i���ri��l 1�����r��� �� d�t�r�ni��� �� � ��a�d ���r���f�r �u�p���s �� ����. ��r��ra��l�,� � pr�j��t tk�a�� ���I�v�r� t�� ���r�t�ry �f �I�� In��ri�r'� �t����r�� ��r th� �r���r��r�� �f �--I����ri� Pr���rti�� �nri�l� �u����ir��� #��r Pr���rvir��, F��h�b�l�t�tir��, F�����rirr�, �r�d F����nstr��t�rr� Hi�t�ri� �u��l�i��� �r .th� ���r�t�ry �� �h� 1�t�ri�r�� �t�r������-f�r F���[���i��t�#i�� �r�d ��id�l�n�� f�r F��I��bi�it���r�g I�i���ri� ��il�ir��� ��3��}, V�1��k� �n� �rir�r���, �C��lI �� ��rr�i��r�� �� r-r��ti����d t� a I��r�l �f I��� �l��n � �i��if����� ir��a��� �r� t�� �ri�t�ri��l r����.,r��. B����r�� in r��n� �h�t ��� h��t�r���l �tru��ur� ir� qu��ti�� �� ��� ��r�r�d �--I�u��, �t�i# b�l���r�� tl�at ��� r���nr str��t�r� d��� rr�� r��ul� i� a ��b�t�nti�i �d�r�r�� �har��� t� ��� r��our��. T��� opir��o� �� ba��� �por� t�� �r�j��t p�a�n� that propo�� m��or v�r�rk � ���������� v�ri�� �I�� ��r�r�� I--I��,�� {lir�it�� �� I�r�d����in� �� t�� fr��� �r�r� �r�� � r���nr ��r��� ������n� t� t�� �i���+ra�l�c�. IV� �k�a����� �r� �r������ t� ��r��l��k� �r r��t�r��l�� a�l��r ��r� �����, �� ��#f��tl� �� �h� ��id�lir��� f�r ��� ���if�r�ia� ���rir�r��nn�nta�l ���lity Agenda Item 9.a. Page 10 ��� ��1J�1�IL � �4�l���T �4� ��'I� 11E�T��V� �`�IV�`��`�11� F��I����. �II�1� 'I�-���� ��I�L�IT��IV�L ��� ��F�II��T '��-���; PAC� 1'1 ���, �f���� ��t �hap��� �; Art��l� �; ���ti�n �����.�. T�� �r�j��� ��� ���r� r�vi��r�r�d ��r tl�� F���t��i� ����ur��� ��r�r�it��� ��� t�� A����t��t�r�l ��r�r�i��� t� ����rr��r�� if �h����� t� th� ��r���� H�u�� ��� ��nsi�t�r�t �nri#h th� ���r�t�r� �� tl�� �r���ri�r'� �ta�n�a�r�� ��r t1�� �r���r��r�� �f Hist�ri� I�r���rti�� �n� t�� ��t�r's ��si�r� ������i��s �n� �t����r�s ��r �-�1i�t�ri� �i�tri�t�. T�� F�i���r�� F��s���r��� ��rr�rr�i#��� r��ri��rv�� ��r� ���j��� ar�� rr���� ar�� ����t�� ��� f�l���vir�� r���i�� ��-��: � T�� i--�F�� r���r�r�r��nd� t����h� P� �r�� �� rr���c� t�� f��l��nrir�� �i�di�g�; . . 'I, �h� �r���r�� li�� �nri�hir� ��� 1li�l�g� ��r� ��v�rnt��nrn p�rti�n �� ��� F�1i���r�� ��ar��t�r ��r��l��r �i��ri�t {�-�.�� �r�d �� ���h �h� ���r�t�ry �f t�� Int�ri�r's �tar�d�rd� �r�� �uid��i��� �h�uld �p���; . �. A� r��orr�rr��r�ded by �t�n�ard #� th� pro�e�t is corr�patibl� �nrith th� r�r�����n�, �i��, �n� �r�hi���t�r�1 ��a�t�r�� ���h� ���rla� �i��ri��; �. �F�� �r����t �� ��t di�f�r�r�ti���d �r�r�n th� �!d �� r���r7r�rr��n��d b� ���r�d�rd #� tl��� ����tir�� � fal�� ��n�� �� �i�t�ry. �h� �p�li��r�� ����,Id ��br�nit �r� �I��r�n��� d���g� tl��t r�fl���� �h� #ir�� ir� �nr�i�� ��r� �r�j����i� b�il� i� �u�� � �nr�� �I��� �h� ����gr�, v�r�i�� r��na�ir�ir�� ��r�npa�tibl� uv�t� th� ���� ����r��� ��rt �f#h� f��rE� ��#I�� �i��ri�t, rr��r�Ci r�� ��a�n��� i r� ��� �i�y �v�r , ��rr��; . �. �h� ��i��rn� �� d�si�n�� i� �n� b�i��in� v�rit�r ��� �p���r�r�� �f � ���r�� �i�r� ����r�t� ��i1�ir�g� �� �a���� fr�nt� n�� n������ril}� ����t�d t� �tr���r�r� �r �����h�Ed�. �h�r� i� r�� d�#�rr�nir�a��i�n �� t� �nrh�r� ���ni�ir�� �nr�l�� �nri�i �����, Tl�i� i� ����i���r�� �jt� ��d��r� ����ir�� �r������� ��t r��� � ��n�i���n� v�ri�l� �fi�� ci��i�r� �r�s�r�t��. ��i���r�g c����gr�� ���i� a� �1�� �I �`��� L��� vrr���� �va�� ���� t�r�� �t���� �r� rr���r� ����r�pr��#�. N1��� M��s�l��l�� ir� �I���lli����� a�� �nr��l� �ui��in��. . . � �. ����� �f�h� �t�r��r�nt� a�r� ir�a�ppr�pria�t� �� t�r� 11�1����. Irr ���i�i�r� �h� H�� nna�k�� th� ��Il�v�rir�g r����rn�r�d��i�r��; �. �uri�g ��� ��rt��v�r�C, ��a�dir�� �r�� ��c����ti�rr �r����� �� t�� ��n��r��ti�r� �fi�� �i�� b� ��r�f�El�r r��r�E��r�� f�� �r�l���l�����1 fir��� ir��l���n� f���d�ti�r� �f �r��ri�u� �������r�s, pr��r� ���s, �t�. If ���n� v�r�u�ld ���uld ���� ��� t�� �i#y'� ��r�r�nurr�ty [���r�f��r��r�t ��p�rtr��r�� r��t�fi��. �, ����rn��r�d �h�� �I�� pi�k�� f�r�r� ����rr��tive �� ���� �r� �r�rrt ��tl�� . ��r���� H�u���, �k�� �l��rna�t� d��i�r� �ri�� ��� r�ut�d ��lu�nr�� rr��t�1��r�� ��� �r��,�� p�r�h �ril1 ����a�r t� b� �r��ir��� t� #�� ����� �r�a�#ir�� a ��1�� ��n�� �f I�i����y. A� r���r�r��n��� ��� �h� Ir-li�t�r�� F�����r��� ��r�r�r�i�t�� ��� ��I��v�r�n� r�it���t��r� - t��a�u�� E� propo��d to �t�sur� �or����t�r��y vrri�h the �e�retary �f �I�e �nt�rior�s ��a�n�l�r�l� ��� ��� �r��tr��r�t �f I--�i�t�r�� Pr�p�r���� �r�r�t� �uid�lir��� f�r Pr���rv�n�, F�����i�����in�, F���t�rir��, �nd F����r���ru��irrg F�i���ri� Buildin�� �r t�� ���r����y �� #i�� . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 11 ��� �����i� ������ ��, ���� �r����ru� �r�r������r� ������. n��� ��-���; ��r����i���� ��� ���nni� ������; - ���� �� Ir������r'� �t�r���rd� f�r F��I�a�ili���i�r-r �r-�� �uid�lin�� f�r F���a�i����tir�� I--�i���ri� ��ri���n�� �1����, VI����C� ar�� �rir�nr��r: MIII1-1l-'�: �h� �i��C����r��� a�l��rrta����� ���I� �� �,��d i� fr�n� ����� ��nra�� I--���r��. A� r���r�rr��nd�� t�� th� Hi���ri� F�����,r�� ���rni#���, �I�� ��Il�vrrir�� rr�i��ga�ti�r� r����ur� �� pr�p���� r������ t� �r�k�a��c����i��� r����r��� �r�� I��r��r� r�r��ir��. illl�lll-ll-�; ��r��� �h� ��rt��v�rk, �r�dir�� ar�� �����r�#i�� pr����� �f�h� ��r��tr��t��n, �I�� �i�� �k��ll b� ��r�f�,l��r rn��it���� f�r ar��r��l��i��l �ind� in�lu��r�g ��un�a�i�r� �� �r��r��u�� �tru��ur��, �rivy �it�, �t�, If ���r�� v�r�r�c �h�rl ���p and ��� �r#�r'� ��r��nr�r���ity ���r�l��rr��r�t ����rtrr��n� r��tifi�� �nd � ��,���fi�� �r���������t �h�ll 1�� r�t��n�� �t ��� a���li�a�r�t� ���c��n�� t� pr��id� �r���s�i�r��E r���r�nr��r�d��t��� �� tl�� ��r�r�n���ty ���r�l�pr�n�r�� �ir��t�r. � �'�arrrrir�g �orr�rr�i��ior� � Th� ���r��ir�� ��r���s�i�n �r�f� � v���l a�#���d�d pu�Ci� h��ring �� ��g�,�t �, ��'I� t��t ��r��ra���� �i��u�����r� �f ������ r�l�t�� t� ��� �r�j��� ��r �I�r�r�i�� ��r�r.�i��i�r���� �nd � th� p�bl��. I��u�� �i������� in�l�d��: . � Fir� ������ �r�� �������� �f�h��t �tr��� b��r�� na�rr��v�� t� '�� ���� ��r� �� ��rb; • Pr��r��� �f�h� L�P�i�t ��r��t ��r�cin� I��; � �[�� �p��a�d�� ��th� �ubl�� r��#�r��rr��; • ADA�p��kir�� spa��s a�d acc���; � F�r�j��t ��nditi�n� ��a���r��r�l; � ��nra�� �I���� ��r��� d��i��; . � E�ct�ri�r r�na���ri�l� �r� ��n� ��rr��r �f t�� �r�����d �uiidi��; � Th� difif�r�n��� b�fi�v��n t�r� ���ign ��id�lir��� �n� ���n��rd� f�r �I�� Fl��t�ri� � ��r�rl�}� ����ri�t �nd �I�� �e�re��r�r ���r��e�i�r'� �c�i��lir��� �r�c� ���r��f�r�f� ��� �1�e Tr�a�mer��of His�ori� Buildirrg�s; . � Th� ���rdi�ati�r� �� �h� v�r�r����r� �r�d ���r� �� tF�� pr������ b�il�Eng ar�� tl�� ����ci��� �l��r �la�r� �r������; � �`r�� r�rn��r�! a��d pla���r�n��t �f tr��� in th� �id��r�lk; � ��������r ��t��ri�t ��r�cir��; . � �������� �� t�� �.� ���t ���b���c �f�h� �r�����d b�ild�n� n��r�st t� �h� ���r�d ����e: � ���1��r�ti�it��r��r�d���� hi�t�ry��i�r���l�nd �pp��r�n�� �� #�r� �r���s�d ���ad� �r�d build�ng; . � ���r��� ����� �t#f�� r��r �f tf�� �r�p���� �ui�ding� � ����� a�r�� r�n�s� �f�h� �r�p���d buil�ir�g; � ��I�ipl� fa�a�� ��r�u� � ��r��l� �r���bl� ������;. � .� � T�� d i�h�t�r�}� b�firv��rr �I�� ��� ��� W F�� r���rr�rr��������r�. � - ��t�r ���������nr tl�� Pl�r�n�r�� �������i�r� �d����� � F����I�#i�r� ����r�r�n�n�in� �fn�� �it� ���,r��i� ����� � �111�ti�at�d IV���t��r� ���lar��i�n a�r�� ���r��� ll��tin� T�n��ti�r� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 12 �i� ������� � �u���� ��� ���o �r���in�� ��ru���r��r� ������ ��� ������; ��r����r��r���. ��� ������ ��-���; ���� �� Par��! 11��p ����� I��. 'I�--��� �r�d ��r���ti�r��l 1.��� ��rr��� �a��� �1�. ��-��� �� r����fii�d �vi�l� th� alt�rn�t� d��i�r� �h�a� �r�vid�� � bri��c f����� �� �I�� �r�r���. .��rr��r �� tl�� �r�����d b��ldir��. � �n a�c��iti�r�, ��� a���li��nt v�r�� �tr�r��l�r �r���ur���d t� p����r�t �r� �It��r���i�r� �����r� �f � �r�if��� fa���d� �� �I�� �it�r ���n�il. � . ��11A1�1'��E�: � - - . �ppr�v�l �� th� 1l��tir�� T�r���tiv� P�r��� IIII�� �r�d ��r�di�i�r�a�l lJs��P��r�ni� v�r�ll �r��bl� � ��rr�tru��i�n t� pr����� �n � �ir��l� r��r�rr�r, v�rl���h �r�ll r���l� i� � �r�j��t tl��t pr��id�� �n ir���rta�n# ���r��r�n�� ���r�l��r��n� ��p�rt�rr�ty �� ir��r���� b��i����s,��j��s, �����r�n�r�, �ri�i��r� �rr�! �ity r��r�r����. I� �v�l� ��cpar�� lliil��� ��ti�rity, ��������n�r�ts �r�� b�a��ti�i���i�r� ��r�si�t�r�� v�ri�� th� �h�ra�t�r �� �F�� 11�I1a��� �r�d r���c� t�� �r�� ���� p������i�r� fri�r��1�. I� v�ril� a���� r���lt in t�� up�rad� �nd �d��ti�� r���� �f �h� ��nra� I--�����: �rvl���I� �vill ������li�� hi���ri��l �����rva�t��r� ��a��� �f t�� �i��r; +- . ����1�11��VTA���: � � � T�� ��t��� f���r pf�n �# ur�d��in�� ro�d�rr�i�iu� �r�its rn�� r��t corr����r�d i�riti� ��� �xt�ri�r �r��it��t�r� �r���igr��d ��d���ri�rr a�ce�� ��tl�� ���I�i�� �r pu�l�� infr���r�i��,r�. 1���`���V�T111��: . � � � T�� ��I���r�r�� alt�rr��ti�r�s �r� pr��ri��� ��r�h� ��ur��i!'� ��n��d�rati�r�; � - - �d�p� � F��s�l�t��r� ���r��rir�� ll���ir�g T�n���i�r� P�r��l IIII��.� 'I�-��� �r�d ��r�di�i�r��l �J�� P��r�n�t 'I�-���: � . �,- � M�dify �rr� ����� � F����luti�n �ppr�vin� ll����ng. T��t�ti�r� P����� N1�� '������ �r�d ��r���ti�r��l ��� ��rrr�i� 'I�-���; � � - �a��c� ��n���i�r� ���i�n t� d�n� 11�stir�� T��t�ti�r� P�r��l �Il�p;- 'I����� ��� � ��r��i�i�n�1 L]�� P�rr�ni� ������ �rrd �lir��t �t�ff �� r��r�rn �ritf� �i�� a��r��r��t� �upp�r�in� I����I��i�n; � �*� - -�. - �r��ri�� �ir��t��n t� ����f. � . ���I��������� ������i ' Ir� ��rn�l��n�� �r�ri�l� th� ������rr�ia� Er��rir�r�r�r��r���l ����ity ��t ������, tl�� ��r�r�r�r��r��t�r D���I����nt �����t�n�r�� ��� ���n�����d arr� ��r����t�d � �1�1�ti����d I���a��v� �����r��i�t�. P���I� ���VI�IIIE�fT� IV�ti��s �r�r�r� s�nt �� '��� bu�i���s ��vn�.rs �nri��ir� �k�� ll�ll��� �n� r���i�� v��� pu��i�#��� �r� ��� �rib�rr� ��rc� ���t�d �rr �r�r�# �f �it�r I--��11 �n Fri�ay, Augu�t ��, ��'��, �h� Ag�r��� vrr�� ������ �� �ity I--[��I �r� V11��n��d��, Au��u�� 1�, ��'�� �r�� �� t�� �ity'� �v�b�i�� �� Fr���� �►u����� ��, ��'1�. An �I��rr��ti�r� d��i�n t��t ��dr����� �I�� r��#r��r�, �a�r�cir�� a�r�d tra���r ���I���r� �a�� ���r�itt�d �� st�ff �n� th� �pp�E��r�� b� N1a���C lla�����. �`�r� ���i�n �r������ �� r�l����� ��� r�s�r��rr� t� #1�� ���# ���� �f th� �uil�ir�g �r�� .I���� i� ��r�� �� � pu��i� r���r��� �nd th� r���,ir�� ����r���n f�� tl�� n��r�r. bu�ldin�.� �"�� r�l����i�n �r��ric��� 'I�� ����r� f��� �f �dditi�n�1 n�v�r ��r�r��r�i�l I���� ���� vrr�i�F� ��ul� fa��� ���t�r��i�l ��r�c a�d �h� �r��k V1���lc �r�d �uv� �dditi���l �a���in� ������. �u� . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 13 �i�r �o����� �u���-� ��, �o�� 1�E�T�IV� �ENT�TIIIE I��F��E� I�I�� '������; ��N��T���AL IJ�E �E�II��T '��-���; �A�� '�4 �� � r�q��r�d �� f��� b���C�up �r��, ��� �id����l� �n th� f�r. �id� �� ���I��r� �Ile� ��� ���� r���c�� t� � ���� �nri�� �r�d r����a�t�d. A I�tt�r vrr�� �ubrr�itt�� b� ��ry ����r��i�� t��t �n��u��d � �r�v�rir�� irl���r�tin� ��� ��n���ts di����s�� in ��r� ��rr����r���r��, �tta��f�r��r���; �. Fi��t Arr��r��rr��r�t t� �I�� P�r����� a�r�� ���� �nd Irr��r���rr��nt A��-��rn�nt �. Proj��� plar�s �. �ni�ial �tu��� �r�� Il�li���a���� [V���tiv� D����ra�ti�r� �. ��t�rr��#i�r� ���ign �y IVl�rk lla������ �. Alt�rn�tiv� ���i�r� b� ��ry ����r��,��t �. �r�## r��n����fr�r� t�� �I�nr�i�� ��r7r�r�r�i����r� rr���t�r�� �f A�g��t �, ��'I� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 14 _ ���������� ��. A F�����Ll�1�� �F THE �ITI� ���I�IV��L �F THE �ITY �� �#F�F��1�� � � � ��AI�DE A���T��V� �l -11�11�I��T�� �1����`�11E C����Al�ATI�IV Al�� � A�PF��VII�� 11E��I�V� �'�IVTAT111� ��F���L� II�I�P T �A�� �V�. 1�-��� � . Ah�� ��IV�ITI��VAL l.l�E ���Il�ll� �A�E ��1�. 'I�-���; FII�J4►� ���i�l� � - . . 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Page 15 F����L�lTI�N �[�. PA�� � � . INH�����, t�� �it� ���n�il fin��, ��t�r ��� �t���, ��lib�r�ti�r� �n� ��b�i� I��a�rin�, ��� ��Il�v�r��� �i���r�n���n��� ��c���: FIIV���1�� ��F�A�P��11�� �ent�t�ve Pa�rce� Map F�r���n�s 'I. T�� p��p���� ��r����i�r� ��r��� rr��p i� ��n�i���r�t v�rj�� ��a���� ����c�i�r��} ��li�i��, �.��n�, �r��r�r�s, irr��rr� �n� r���ir�rr��r�ts �� t�r� Arr��� �r��d� ��rr�r�l �lar�� �� �v�l� �� �r�� ���lir���� �p��i�i� P��n, �r�d ��� r������rx��n�� �f��i����1�. The �levelo rr���� of a s�ar�d �lorre corr�rr�er�ial ��ru��ure� is c�r��i���r�� �nri�� po�ic�r . .� L�16o���e L�rrd �1�� ��err�er��o��h� ��r��r�I Plar� wr�ri�h s�����: Tl�e-i�is�ori� IIiII��re �or� �11�� area �hall b� �r����ir��d� errhar��ed �r�� ���ar��led as �he ��rr�bo�i�, fur�c�ior�a� �r�d ur�ique �u�ir�e�� ��r���r a� �l�e �i�y� u�ri�� �Iiv�r�� r�ri��d use� �rr�p�a�i�ir��p�d���ri�rr-orr'er��ed a��ivi�ie� �rr�pro�idir�� �or�he r�eec�� o�r����f�rr�� �rrd��uris�s. �, T�� �it� i� �t��si�a�ll� ��i��bl� f���h� typ� �f d�v�l��r�r��n� pr���s��. . Tf�e ro��� �i�e i� loca#ed �nri��rir� ��re core �or�r��r�i�I ar�a ����re lIr'!l��e �r�d ��e � 1 � �i��, s��l� arr�l u�e of ��� prapo�e�f �uil�irr� is carr�i���r�� �nr���r pr��r�ou� d�velopmerr�irr �f�� ar�ea. . �. Th� ��� i� ���sica��� ��i��k�l� ����I�� �r������ d��sit� ��d��r�l��r�r���t. The �r�e o� �h� �rop��ed �orrrrrr�r�cia! I�� i� �f�y�r'c�l�y sui�a�Ie far� �h� pro�o�ed . ��velopmer���Iu� �o e�ci��ir�g �rr��r�i�ie�su��r a��hare�l a�ces� �r�d��rkir�gr. �, T�� ���igr� �� �I��� t�r�t��i�r�� �a�r��� r��p �r th� �r�����d ir�r��r���r�n�r�t� ar� n�# lik�l� t� ����� ��b��a�n���l �n�rir�r��n�r�t�l ��rn��� �r s�b�t��ti��l� �nd ���i����� I�l�l.l�� ���"1 �I"IN1��I1�� C����1�1�' I'1��1���. _ T�e �err�a�i�re ��r��1 rrrap v�rill r�o� �au�e su����r��ial err�r�ror�mer���l d�rrr��e ar ��r����r��ia!!�r ar�d avoid�bly irr��rre fi�f� or �rvi��flr'�� or�i��ir-h��i��� du� �o i�� 1�ca�r'or� wi�hr'r� ��e cf�velo�ed villa��. �. ��� d��ig� �f th� ��1�di�ri�i�r� ��r ty�� �� ���r���rr���t� �� n�� lik�l�t� �a���� ��ri��� p�bli� h�a�lth �r��l�r��. Tf�� d��ig� o� �he s�bdivi�i�r� v�rill r�o� cau�� �u�li� h��l�l� pro�Ierr�s �r�e �� �i�e r�a�ur� of�he �fevelo�rr�err� arr�I �arrdi�ior�� o��ppr��ra1 �ha� addre�� i��ue� �r��� � ���f���rr'�r� �rr�f�re�i��l�r��irc�l��i�rr. �. T�r� d����n ���I�� ��n���i�r� ��r��� rr�a� �r tk�� ty�� �� irn����r�r��r��� v�rill r��� ��nf��c� ��� vrri�h ������r�t� ��q�ir�� b� th� ��b��� a�� I�r�� ��r ����� �h��ugk�, �r us� ��, �r���rty �rvi�l��r� �I�� ���p���� �er��ati�r� ��r��l �n�p �r t�ra�t alt��na��� �a���rx��r��� f�r ����� �r f�r ��� v�riEl b� �r��rid��, �r�� �1��� �I��s� �1��rr���irr� ����r-�n�r�t� v�r��� b� �ubst�r��i�il����i�r���r�t t� �r��� ��r�vr�u�l� ��qu�ir�� b��1�� publi�. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 16 �������i�r� r��. ���� � Tl�� ��r����iv� p�r�e1 rrr�p wa� de�r�r�ed �o avaiaf �orrf�i��s u�ri�h �r��li� ar�d �rr'v��e � ����rr�err�� � . �, �`�r� �i��1��r�� ���nr��t� �r�r� th� pr������ ����i�ri�i�r-� int� �n ��ci��ir�� �r�r���i�y ���r�r ���t�rr� v�ri�l r��� r��ult in vi�l�t��n �f ��cisti�� r��uir���r�t� �� pr���ri��� �� �i�r��i�� � ���r�r��n�in� �nri�l� ���ti�� �����} �f t�� ��lif�rn�� VIIa���� ����. Dr'��l��r�re o� v�r����� frorr� ��� ��o���ed sr��dr'visior� ir��o �he ��cis�irr� �orr�rr�urrit� sev�rer��s��rrr v�ri1l r�o� r�sul� irr �rio�a�iorr of��is�ir�g r��uir�rrrerr�� �� pre��rib�c� �y �ivisi�r� � ��orr�rr��r��ir�� �ri�h ����i�r� ������ o��he �a�iforr�i� V11a�er �ode �ue �o ���r�dard c���r���prr��r��r�gul��ior�� �rrr�Ierr��r��ed �hrougi� ��e �it�of�lrr-o�ro �r�r�de 1I��1c�r�r'�i������Ie, �. A�i����t� ��t���� ��rvi��_ �r��l f��ili�i�� ��ci�� �r�rvill �� ����rid��i �� �I�� ����I� �f th� . pr�p���� t��ta�ti�r� p�r��� r�na�� t� ��p��rt �r�j��t��v���p��r��. A�e�ua�e pr��lic ��rvi��� ar�d �acili�i�� ��i�� f�r �h� dev��oprr�er�� of�he �r�po�ed ��rr�rr��r�i����r��!cic�� �� i�������i�rr irr ��re �rill��e ���e ��e�. � ��nditi�r��� 1��� P�r�it Fi��ir���: � . '�. TI�� pr������ �s� i� ��rrnitt�� v�rith�� �h� �u�j��t ���tri�� pur���rr�t �� th� �r�vi���n� ��#�is ���t��� a�r�� ��r��li�� v�r��1� �II t�� app�i��b�� �r��ri�i��� �f t�i� ���1�, tl�� �����, �n� ��j���i�r�� �f �h� Ar�r��� �r�r�d� g�n�r�l �I�r�, �n� #l�� ��v�1�p�n�r�t ��li�i�� �r�d ��a�nd�r�� �f��� �ity, The ��rr��r�u��ior� o�� 5,8�� s�u�re fao�g�r�er�I cornrrrer�r'aI��r�c�ure i� �or��i���r�� v�ri�h �r�� rr����� alI per�irrer�� 1�1ur�icipa� �ode ��v��oprr��r�� ���rrd�rds. The fi�a! d�si�rrr reviev�r of �he ful� �r��i��c�r�r��� si�e� floar� arrc� 1�nalscapir��r p1�r�� �� �he �p�rov�d �orr�rr�ercial �u�Id�r��, �f�� �orrrr�! l���f divisior� �f�he rrev�r develapr��r��, ar��1�r��d���p� irr�prover�rer�#� of��� Io��1Iy Ii��ed r�sour�e �r�o�nrrr a� �h� "�ar�r�d l�ou�e'� r'� ��rrsr's��rr� v�ri�h applicabl� pr��rr'sior�s o��he �rlur�i�ip�! �ode� �f�e gaa1�, �r�d o�}���iv�s o��he Arroyo �r�rrd� ��r��r�! F'1�rr, arrd �f�� d�v�l�prrr�r����Ir'ci�� �r��f s�arrdar�l� ����r� �i�y. �. ��� ��-�����d ��� ���i� r��� ir����� t�� in��grity a��� ��r�r��t�r �f �h� di�tri�t i� �nr1�i�#� i� is t� b� ����bEtsl��d �r I�����. �h��ro�osed corr�rr�ercia!b�ilafir�gr i� sirr�r'!a�ir� �hara���r, ��ale ar�d�ur���ior� �o �he ��is�irr�r��rrrrrr�r�cia!��ildir��� irr �i�e Ili�l���. �. �`h� �it�� i� s�it�bl� ��r �h� t��� a�nd �r���n�ity �f u�� �r ���r�1��r��r�t ���# is propo�ed. Ti�� �i�e i� �ur'����� for�h� cor���ru��ior� of a ��8�� s�uare foo��orr�rr�er�i�!�uildrrr�r #���ec�c���r� �i�� cf��r����rr��r�����rrc��rc�����f�e 1�1c�r�i�i��! ��cfe. �. T��r� �r� ���c�ua�t� �r���ri�i�r�� ��r �nr����, ��r�rt�t��r�, �r�d p�k�li� �t��iti�s �n� ���-�ri��s t� �n��r� p�bli� I��a���l� a�r�� ����ty. Due �a �re�ior��l�r ir���alled irr�ra��r�u��ure v�rr`�hirr ��re Villa�re area �s v�r�!! a� Agenda Item 9.a. � Page 17 ���������� ��. ���� � �r�po��� up�rades �o �u��i� ir��r�s�ruc�ure �rorr� ��r� si�e as de�ermir�ed �y ��e �'r�g�ir�eer�rr�r Divi�iorr, �here are ad�qu��� provi�iorrs f�r wa��r, �arri�a�ior�, ar�d �ubli� u�ili�ie� arrd servi��� �o err�ure�ubli��e�I�h arrd s�fe��r. �. TI�� pr�����d u�����vill ��t �� ��trir��r���E �� tl�� p�bli� ���I�h, ��f�ty �r v�r�l��r� �r rn���r�a�l� ir���,ri�u� �� �r���rti�� ar��d ir-r��r��r�rx��r��� ir� tl�� �r��in�ty. T�e propo�e�u�� uvi!!r�o��e �le�rirr�er���!�a �i�e pu�li�f�e�l��, �af��y, �r�nrelfare, or rr����r��11� ir�jurious �a pr�o�er�ie� ar��f irr��roverr��r��� ir� t�e vi�irri�y be��r�se �he prop���d proje�� ��rr�pli�� �nri�f� a���i���le p�r�F�rm�r��e ��ar�c�ards �r�� �ev�lopmer���rr'�e�i� ���h� 1li!la�e �ore ��wrr�o�vr� ��rrir��dis�rr'��. �1�1N, TI�IEF�E����� �E 1T ���C�L11�D ���t t�� �ity �����i� �� ��� �ity �f Ar���� �r�r�d� h�r��� �d�pt� � IVli�i�a�t�d �V���ti�r� D��la�r�ti�r� �r�d ��pr��r�� fi��l �r�l�i#��tura��, �i��, ���r, �rrd I�n���a�i�� ���n� f�r th� ��rnr��r�i�l ���Idir�g �� 2�� ar�� ��� ���t �r�r�c1� ��r��t �uhi�� irr���d�� ��� ��1��rna����r� bri�k ���a��� f�r th� s�����r� �� t�� ��`rl�in� �t�h� ��r��r �f E��t ���n�� ������ �r�� �I��rt ��r���. �r� a� r���i�n by ���n�ilr��r�n1��r � , ����n��� b� ��ur��ilr��r�n��r } �r�d b�t�r� #�Il��nr�r�� r�l� ca�l �r�t���v�ri�: AYE�: - I`�����: . AB���V�: . t�r� ��r� �ir� F�������i�n �rva�� a��� ��d thi� ����' �� �f�u ��t���f�. � � � Y � Agenda Item 9.a. � Page 18 ���������� ��. � ���� � ���� ������ ����� , �����. • ������L..������ C�I� C�����C - �#��F��V�� J�� T� ��IVfiE1�T: �T�V�I� A�AII��, ��TY �III��VA��� � A�P��11 E� �#� T� F�F��III: � T�11���HY�� �A�F�IVIEL� ���A�T�F�I�E1� � � - � r Agenda Item 9.a. Page 19 F����L[JT��[V N�. - �A�E � � ��HI�IT "�" ��N��`�I�N� �� A�PI��IIA� 11E�1'�N� �'EIV�'ATI11E �AI���L l��P '��-��� � ����1�1�1��4L 1.��� F��F�rIIIIT '��-��� TH� �H��� �T ��I��T �T��E�' ��� AIV� 2�� E1��T BR�#��F� �TF�EE� ���ERAL ��N�I���IV� T��� �r�j��� ���r���ti���1 �.1�� P�rrr��t �a�� iVur�b�r '��-��� �r�d ll������ T�r�t��i�� �'ar��r �111a�p 1�-���} i� �I�� fir��l d��i�rr ��vi��v �f��� full a�r������t�r�l, �i��, fl���, �r�� �ar����pir�� pl��� ����� ��pr��r�� co�nr�n�r���l b�ild��� �� �r��rid�d in ���ti�r� 'I'�{b}iii ��th� ��r��a�� �r�d �a�l� a�n� �r�r��r��r�rr��n� A����rrr���, th� f�rrr��l ��r�� di�i�i�� ��th� n�� c���r�l�pr��n�, a�nd I������� ir��r��r�r��nt� ���h� I��all� li�t�d r����r� krr��nrn �� �h� ii��nr�� F-��u��.,' '�. ��� ���li���t ���II a��rt�ir� �r�� ��rr��l� v►r��h ��I F���ra�l, �t���, ���r-� �n� �� � � r���ir�r�r��nt� a� �r� ���li�bl� �� t�is �r�j���. �. TI�� ���li��r�t �I�a�ll connpl� �vi�#� a��� ��r��i�i�r�s �� ���r��r�l ��� ll���ir�� �`�ntat��r� P�rce� Il�la�� I��. 'I����� a��c� ��r��iti�n�l I.1�� ��rr�i� 'I�-���. �. Th�� T�n���i�r� N1a� �rrd ��r��i�i��a�l lJ�� P�rrn�# �I��II ��t�r�n�ti�ll� ��c�ir� ��n . Aug��� ��, ��'I� �r�l��� ��� fin�l r�na�� �� r���rd�� �r �� ���ct���i�r� i� gr�nt�� �����ant t� ���ti�r� 'I�.'I�.1�� ��t�� ����I��rr���� ��d�. � �, C���r�l�prr��n� �h�ll ����,r ir� ����t�r�ti�� ��nf�rr�n�r�ce v�ri�h �h� �I�r�� pr���n��� t� th� Pl�r�n�r�� ���r�ni����r� rr����in� �f A��us� �, ��'I� �nd rr��r�c�d ��cl�i��ts ����� �r� f�l� ir� ��r�nr�nu��i�y ���r���p��r�t ����rtr��r�t. �LAI�hf��V� � �. Th� ��plir..�r�t �I�a�ll �o�npl� v�rit� �II ���I���I� r������tr��r�t� �� �h� ����� �r�� �ity Ill��r�i�i��l ���� r�l���d �� �����r�n�r�i��n� �� th� �a�t��f��ti�r� ���h� ��ty A�t�rn��. �. Th� ���li��r�� �h�ll �r���r ir�t� �� �gr��rr��nt �� d����rr�ir��� n���s��ry b� �r�� �ub���t #a ��� ��ti�f����on of th� �ity�ttorney and �ay ��8,��0 ��� pu��hase �f��� ���ti�r� �f��� r���t-�f-�v�r��. �. TI�� ���li��r�t �1�a�11 r���r� � ���� r���r�cti�r�: s��j��t t� ��pr��r�l �� t�� �i�y �tt�rr���, �la��� �r� th� p��i�n �� �r����ty �ha# i� �r�����d #� b� a��ir�� ��r�r� ��� �i#y �r�� i��i��t�d �n pr�j��t �I��� a�� pa��i� d�n�r��, v�rk�i�i� li�r�n��� i�� u��, �nd �r��ur�� E�� ��n�i���d ��� f�r ���d��r dir��r�� p�r��s�� ��I�; �r�� �r���l�� ��� �ity, � at �ity cast� �o r�o��fy tk�� gr�d� or d��ign of th� prop�rty f�r �h� pur�o�e� of ir�s#���i�� p����� ir��r��r�rr��n�� �� I��rg a� t�r� irn�r��r�r��nts d� rr�t rr���C� tl�� u�� �f �h� �r���rty ��r ������r din��g ir�f��si�l�, �� ��t��r�ir��� �� �h� ��r�nn�r�ity ���r����r�n�r-�� ��r����r. _ �. �i�r� ����err��n� ��d ���i�t� a�i#r�but�� ���If k�� ���ri��r�d �y t�� Ar���t��tu�a�l F���r�ev�r �orr�rrritte�. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 20 ���������� ��. ���� � �. ��� f�t�r� t�r��r�� �k�a�n��� t� ��� fun�ti�r�ir�� �� �i�pl��r �rvir����r� �r d��r� �h��l t�� at �h�� d���r��i�n �� th� �ir����r �f ��r�r�rnu�it�r ����I��r�r���t �rrri�� #h� � ����r�r�r��r�d�ti�n �f t��Ar�f��t����r�l F�����v�r ��rr�rr�rtt��. E�V�II�EEF���VC ��I cor�d�t��r�� �f ���r��r�1 �� lis��� ����v� ��� t� �� ��r�n�li�d v�ith �ri�r t� r���r�ir�� �I�� r�na�p, �nl��� ����ifi�all� r��t�� ��h�n�v���. ��I��R�L ��I��ITI�I�� � � 1�. ����n a��� �tr��t�, �u�b�, �u�tt�r� �n� s����nr�lk� ��th� ��� ���h� ���'s �p�ra�ti��� �r a� dir��t�� by th� �]ir�ctor of �or�rnu��ty D��r�lo�rn��t or the �ir��tor of P��ks: ���r��ti�� �nd N1�i�t���r���. 'i�. ��r-��rrn ��n��r���i�rr ��tiui�i�� ��rir�g r��rr��� �u��r���� ���r� �Ill��rrd�� ��rr���� Fr�da��, � �.II�I. �� � F�.111�.� f�r n�is� �r�d insp��ti�r� ��r�����. T'�� ����I�p�� �r ����r����r �f��ll r��r��r� fr�r� ��r��rr�n��� �r�� �rv�r�c �th�r th�n �i�� r�n�int����� ��t���� �f�f���� ���r�, �r�l��� �r� �r��rg����r �ri��� �r a�����r�� t���h� �ir��t�r �� P�,bli� Vl���k�. �k�� �ity r��}� ��Id ��� ���r�����r �r ���tr��t�r r����n�i��� f�r ��� ��c�er���s i���rr�d by�I�e �i#�y du� t��var�c ou��id� af th��� �o�rs. � �N1 PF��11EM E�VT PLAI�� 'I�. �II pr�j��t ir�pr��r�rr��r�t� �h�ll b� d�si�r��� a�n� ��n�tru��� �r� ����r�a�n�;e�vitl� th� �ity���r�oyo �ran�� �t��dard Dra�ir��� ar�d �peci�c�tior��. ��, ��b��t t�r�� ��} f��E��i�� �a��r �o�i�� �r�d �r�� �'I} f�ll-��i�� r��l�r ���� �f���r��r�� irn�r��r�r�r�nt �I�ns ��r �rr����ti�r� p�r����� d�rir�� ror��tr��t��r�. ��. �ubr�ni� ��-bu��t �I�r�� �t �I�� �or��l��i�r� ��tF�� �r����� �� ��n�r��r�rr��r�t� �s dir��t�d �� tl�� ��rr�rr��r���y ��v����rrr�nt L�ir��t�r. ��r� �1� ��� �f rr��rlar ��ir�t� a�d ar� �I�ctr�r�i��r�r�i�� �r� �� in ��t���C� ��rr��t �f��l� �� r���,ir�d. �I�. �h� ��Il��vir�� I��r��r��n��t p��r�� �1���1 b� pr�pa�r�� b� � r��i�t�r�d ���ril ��rgi���r _ ar�d app�oved by the �or�r�u�i�y l���re��p��nt D���rtr��nt: �. �ra���n�, dra�na�� �n� �r��i�� ��r��rc�l, �, ��r��� ���rin�, �urb, ��t��r a�nd �i���nra�l�C, �. ����i� �tili�i��, � � �. 1111�t�r �n� s��nr�r, �. �..�r�d���pin� ��� irri�a��i�n, f. �r�� ��I��r ���r���r��r��� �� r���ir�d �� t�r� ��r�r�r�r�unity ��rr�l�pr�n�nt �ir���r. - 1�. TI�� s�t� �la�n �h�ll i����,�� t�� ���I��nr�r��: Agenda Item 9.a. Page 21 ���������ru �uo. ���� � � �. Th� I���#i�r� �r�� �i�� �f ��� ��i�t�n� �r�� �r�p����1 �nr���r, s��r�r��, �r�� �t��rr�r� dr�i��g� f���li���� urr�tl�ir� t�� �r����� s�t� ��d ���tt'rrrg �tr��t� �r a�l��ys, �r, ��r� Ic��a��i�n, q�a�r��ity and �i�� ��a�ll ��ci�tin� ��� pr�����d ����r I���r�l�, �. �F�� I������r�, �i�� ar�d �ri�r���ti�r� ���II tr��h �n�����r��, j, All ��cis��r�� �n� pr�����d ��r��� lin�� �r�d ����r��nt� �r�s�in� t�� pr�p�rty, �c. �`I�� ���a��i�n ar�� �ir��n�i�r� �f�II ��c��tir�� �r�d �r�����d p��r�� �r�as. I. Th� I���ti��r ���II ��c����r�g �nd pr������ pu���� �r �ri�r��� �tiliti��. 'i 7". Ir�pr��r���n� �f�r�� �h�ll i��l��� p��r� �r�� p���l� �f ��c��tin� �nd pr�����d �tr��ts, ��ili�i�� �nd r���i�ir�� �r�ll�. � . 'l�. ��r����a��� �r�� irri�����n �I�r�� a�r� r����r�d �rvi�h�r� ��� ���f�� ���h� �f v�ra��, �r�d ���II b� �ppr��r�d �� t�� ��rnr�nur�ity ��v������r�� �r�� ��rl��, F���r��ti�r� a�n� IVI��r���na�r�� ����rtrn�r�ts. 1fV�TEI� � - 'I�. AII vrr�t�r r�n�in� �I�a�l� b� I��p�d t� pr��r�r�� d��d �rrds. Th� �ir��t�r �� Pa�r�C�, F���r��ti�r� �r�� Ill�a�irr��r�a�n�� r��r�t�r�r�t ���r�r�i��i�rr �� ���d �r�� v�r���r r�a��n�. ��. ��r���r���i�n urr���r #� ��r�il�bl� a# th� ��r��r�t� ��r�. Tf�� �ity ��Arr��� �r�n�� ���� ��t �Il��v��r� u�� ����r�rar�� rr��t�r�. �1. E��� ��rc�l �I���� h��r� � s���r�t� �r�r�t�� r����r. 1ndi�rid�a� ��rr��r�rir�i��r� �r�i�� can b� �u������r�d.���,pl�� ��rv��� lin�� �I�a�11 b� ���� i���a��i�l�, ��. L�t� ��r�ll �av� �n���r����l s�rvi�e ��n��ct��ns ��r fir� �pr�r��c��r�. A �r� ����r��C��r �r��in��r �h�ll.d�t�rr�in� th� si�� ��th� �va���r��t���. ��. ��ci��i�� �nr�ter �erv���� to be �band�r��d ��ail �� proper�y ab�ndo�ed ar�d �pped at tl�� rx�a�ir� p�r t�r� r�q�ir�r��r��� �� th� �ir��t�r �f P�rl��, F������ti�r� �r�d . �'Vl�����n�n��. - ��, TI�� ����i��r�t sh�ll ��r��l�t� t�n����r�s #� n���ra�li�� �h� ��tirr�a�t�d ir��r���� in v�rat�r d���n� �r�����.��r��� pr�j��� ��r�i���r: r�. Ir�n�l�nn�r�� �� ���i�ri���� �v���r ����r�r� ��r��i��in� �f r��r�fit#ir�� ��i��it�� k�i�l�-fl��nr ���rr��in� f���ct�r�� �nr��l� I��nr fl�v�r ���r����. �`�� �I�ula�ti��s s��ll b� ���r�i��d t� ��� �ir����r �f ��r�c�, ���r���i�r� an� IIll�ir���r�a�r��� f�r r��r��v�r �r�d �ppr��ra��. Th� pr�����d �ndi�ridu��l �nr���r ����r�rr� sh�ll �� s��rr��tt�d �� �h� ���y ��u���l f�r ��pr��r�l �ri�r t� ir�pl�r��t���ti�n; �I�, r�. Th� a����i�arr� rrr�y ��� ar� i� li�� f�� f�r���h r��v�r �or�rr��r�i�� �,r���. ��. T�� �r�-�i�� �nr�t�r �����rr�� t�a�� �u�p�l� �v�t�r t� fir� �r�dr�r�t� �I�a�ll b� a� publi� fa�i�ity. Thi� �nrill r�c���r� ��k�1i� i�pr�v�r��r�t �l�r�� �nd d��i�ti�� ��� 'I� �����r�ri�i� �aserr�er�t. � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 22 ���������� ��r ���� � ��. TI�� �����ir�� �" v�r�t�r li�� �n t�� ���rt ��r��t ri�l�t-��v�ra�� �h�ll b� r�l�c���� in�� tl�� n�v�r pa�re� �tre�t �e�t��r� an� pe�forrn�� ir� acc�rd�r��e v�rit� a �o�t �harin� a�ree�ent �r�p�r�d to t�e sat��fa�tion of the ��ity Attorney. �EV11�� ��. A r��v�r 8rr ��bli� ��urr�r rx�a�in ����1 b� ��r���r�,�t�d in �I��a�n Af����� ��rv� �r�p���d �r�� ��i�tin� �uildEn��. �`�r� ��ci��ir�� �" ��v�r�r I�t�ra1 �fi�a�1� �� ���r���r��d in � ��n��r�a�r�ce�i�� �ity�t��d�r��.. ��. �a�� par��l ��a�ll b� pr��rid�� � ����r��� ���rv�r I�t�ra�l, ��. �II r��v�r ���nr�r��i�� r�n��� b� � r�i�ir�urn �iarr��t�r���", . ��. All ��v�r�� �a�t�r�l��rvith�n tl�� p�b1i� ri�l�����r�� r�u�t �a��� � r���ir��r� �I��� ���°lo. �'I, ��� ���nr�r r�n��r�� �r ����r�l� �r���ir�� �r pa�ra�ll�l �� pu�l�� �v���r fa�iliti�� ���II �� ��r��t���#�� �r� a���r��n��v�ri�h ���if�rrr�a� �ta��� �I��I�h �►����� �t�r�da�r��. ��. ��ci�tin� ���nr�r �a��ral� t� �� abar�d�r��� �I�a�ll �� p����rl� ���r�d�r��d �n� c��p�� �� t�� r���r� ��r ��� r���,ir�r��r�t� �f ��� �ir��t�� �f ��r�cs, ���r�a��i�r� a�nd �Ila�r�t�r�ar�c�. ��. �����r� ���r��r�� fr�rr� t�n� ����h ��u�t� ���it�ti�� ���tr��� f�r ��� d��r�����n��t'� ir"1''������ �I���I�����1I��1�� ��`I�I"�����I �'����'�I���C��1 ����1� f1"1��J. ��. �t�t�in ���r���l fr�r�r� t�� ��ut� ���r�ty ��r�i��t��n Di�tri�� ��i�r�� ��I���ti�r� �f �r�y �i�t�i�t f��i��ti��. � PI�B�.�� UTI�.i�l�� ��, lJr���r���ur�� ��1 r��v�r ��b�i� ut��i��i�� i� a����r�a�n�� �nr�t� ���ti�t� 'I�,6�.��� �� t�� I��v�f��r��n� ����. � - . . . ��. lJ�d�r�r�un� ir�npr��r�r��r��� �ha�l b� in��all�d p�i�r�� ��r��� �a�in�. ��. ����i� t�� Fin�l �VI�� �r����r ����i���i�r� �r�n�r���rr���t F'��n� �� ��� ��,bli� �,�i��ty . ��r��a�t�i�� ��r r�vi��v �r�d ��r�r��r�t-. I..1�����y ��r�r��r�t� �l�a�ll b� f��vva�rd�� t� �I�� ��r�rr��r�ity D��r�l��r�r��rr� �ir�����f�����r��r�l. ��. �r��r t� �ppr��rir�� �n�i �u��id�r�� ��r�nit v�ri���� ��� �r����� f�r ���u��r��y, �II ��,���� u#ili���� sh�ll b� ���rati�r��l. �T��ET� Agenda Item 9.a. Page 23 �������I�� ��i ���� �� ��. �b#�ir� ��pr��r�l �r�r-r-� �I�� C�ir��t�r �� P�rk�, ���r��ti�� �r�� �111���t�rr�r��� �ri�r t� ��c�a�r�tir�� in �r�� �tr��� r���nti� ��r�r-I�i� �r ���rry �����d. Th� �ir�c��r ����� ��pr�v� ��� rr������ �f �r���ir �f an�r ���I� tr�n�F���, �u� �hall rr�� �� li�nit�d t� arr ��r�r�a��r �I�rry ���l, �r f�� ���I, �4�. �II �r�r����n� in ��i�y �tr��t� ����I �r�ili�� ��v�r ��t#in�. Ar�� ��r�r ��t� ����� �� ����n�d a�n� fil��d �i�h ���xy. �'�, All ��r��t r�pair� sh��l �� ��rr�tr����� t� �ity ����d�r��. ��. ��r��t �truc��r�� ����i�n� �h�ll b� d���rr-�i��d b� arr F��lla��� ���i ����, b�t sh�ll ��� �� ���s th�� �" �f���1�a�1� a�nd 6" �f�la��� �I ��. ��. �verl�y, slurry ��a�, or #o� �ea� �f ar�y road� d��i�at�� to tl�e �it� ��i�r to accepta��e by th� �it� r�a� �� req�ired a� de��rmir�ed b� th� D�rector of Pa�r�c�, R��r����or� �r�d M�ir�ter��r��. ��. . Th� pr�����d r�1������ ���rt ��r��� �n� r�l�t�d i��r�v���r��s ��a�ll �� ��r��tru�:t�� �� ���v�r� �r� �h��t �� �� tf�� ��p1����#'� �u�r�r�itt�� ir� a����r��n� �� tfi�e A�r��r�r�e�t. . �l�F��, �IJI�El�, A�V� �ID�VI�AL� � ��. Inst��l n��v ��r��r��� ���b, ��t��r, �nd �i���nr�lk ��� ������� ��g������ v�rit� �il� ��r��� ��r�s�st�nt �nritk� ��� �rilla�a�� ��r��������} �r� ��� �r������ r�l��t�� �n� � r�����tru�t�� ���rt �tr��� �r�j�ct fr�r����� �� dir��t�d ��r ��� ��r�r�unity ���r����rn�n� ��r��t�r�r�� ���-�h�A�r�����t. � ��. ��I�r �r�]� ����1 �1�IN�������1�� �� C�l���t�d ����� ��r�1r+rlur��ty ���r�l��r�1�r�� �������. ��. L�tili�� ��v►r �ut� ��r �II r��a��r� rr��d� i� ��,r�, �ufit�r, �r�� �i��v�r���c. ��. F��I������I����II A��► ��r�r��l��r�t���ili�i�� �nr���� ��������y. . ��. Ir����l! �r�� �v��l� f�� ��I tr��� �I�r�t�� ������nt t� ��r�,� ��t��r �r�d �i���nr�l�c �� - pr��r�r�t dar��g� d u� t� r����r�v►rth. � ��. IVI��c� �r�y r���i��, n����it���d-by �1�� �r�p���d �r�j���, �� �1�� sid��r���c a�r�� tk�� n�v�rl� ��n��r�c��� �l�A rar�p� �r�d �r�s�v�rai�c fa�ili�i�� �� �Y�� int�r����i�r� �� �a��� ���r��� �tr��� �nd ���r# �tr��t �� �1�� ���i�������r� �f tl�� ���n��r��ty C3��r�l��r��r�t �ir����r. ���II�C - �1. ��rf�rnr� �II �r�c�ir�� �n ��nf�rrn�r��� v�r��� tk�� ��ty �r�d�r�g �r�ir��n��. ��. �u�r�n�� � �r�l�r-r-��n�ry ����� r����t �r�p�r�d �� � r�gi���r�� ���ril Er���r���r �r�ci Agenda Item 9.a. Page 24 �����.��i�r� ��. . ���� �� . ������t�d ��r �������� t��� b�rjn��. �II ��rtF��v�rk ���igr� �n� gr��ing ���II �� �p��f�rr�n�� �r� a���rdanc� v►ritk� ��� ��pr���d ��il� r���r#. � . ��. ���rr�rt a�ll r���ir�in� �r�r��� �I��I��i�r�s ��r r��i��r �r�d ��pr��r�l b� ��� ��r�r�r�ur�ity ��������n�t�# �ir��t�r f�r v►r�ll� r��t c�on��ru�t�� ��r �ity s��r���r��, � ��AI NA�E . � . . ��. ��I �r�ir���� f��ili�i�� �I���! �� �������� �� ����r�nr�n����� ��1��-�r��r����rnn fl�v�r. ��. A�� ���ina�g� ����l�t��s �h�ll b� �r� a����r�a�n�� v�r�t� �1�� �r�in��� �Il��t�r P���� �ity �t�rr� V11�t�r IVl��na����n��t Pl�r� �r�� ��I ���li��bl� ��st r��n����n�r�� pr��ti�s ����� b� in���r���r�t�� �nt� ��nstr��t��n �n� ���rati���� p�����. �- ��. �ra�ir���� fr�r�n tl�� �������� �r�j����I��ll �� ���i�r��d �����r�r����ci�tin� �t��ct�r��. �r��s�tr�p� �r�t��r �r���c�t��� m�a��r�� �n��r �� r���,ir��. . ���I�ATI�����V� E.A�E1111�N�f� � � � � � ��. AI� ����r�n�n��, ���n��nr��r�t�, �r ��rr���a�r ����r��r�t� t� � b� r�cor��� �s � � d���r��r�� ��p����� fr�r�n � r���, ��a�l I b� pr���r�� �� tl�� �����c�n� �n � 'I�� � 'I'� � �i�y ��a�n��rd ��rr�r��, �r�� �ha�ll in�l��� I���I �����ipti�rr�, s�C����r��, �I��ur� ��I�ul��i�r��, � �r�d � ��trr�n� �r�lir-r�ir���y t��l� r�p�rt. Th� �����c�n� �h�ll b� � r��p�����1� f�r �II ���uir�� ����, in�lu��i�� �r�� a�ddit��na�l r��uir�� �ity �r�ce��ir��. . ��. �bar���r�r��r�� �f ��b�i� �tr���� �r�d p�bli� ����r��r��� sh�l� b� �i���� �n �I�� f�r��� rrra� �f ��r��� r���, �� �c��rd�r��� �r�ri�h ���ti�r� �����.�� �� t��.�u�ci��rr�i�n M�� A�t. � . � ��. ��� �pp��car�� �h�l� d�d���t� p����tr��r� a������ ����r��r��� �� �h� ba�� �f �h� � �r������ sid��r�r�lk� �r�d pr�����d ���1i�v�r��kw���. � �� � � ��. �tr��t tr�� p�a�n�ir�� �r�� rr��i�t�r��r��� ��s�r�r-��nt� �hall �� ��di�t�� �d���er�t t� ��� ���r��� rig�t ��v�ra��. ��r��� �r�� ����r��r��� sl��11 b� .� rr�inirr��r� ���'I� f��� b���r�d �h� ri�ht �� v�ra�� �r �� ���� �� ��r���r�, ��c��� �I��t ��r��� tr��� ��������� ���II ��c�l��� t�� �r�� ���r�r�d ��r p��li� ��i��ty ����r�r�����. . _ ��. . A ����1� l�t��ity E���r��r�� �F'�JE� �h�ll �� r���rv�� �a� r��ni�ur� � ���t v�ri�� ��ja�c�n# �� �II ��r��� right �f �r��� �r t� ��� �f ��r�,�#�,r�. T�� �lJ� �h�ll 1�� �rvi��r v�r1��r� r�������ry �f�r� tk�� ir�st�lE��i�r� �r r���r���r��r��� �f �h� ��bl�� �tility���ra��lts� ����, �r �ir�il�r f��ili�i�s. � i��F��1111�� � . ��. �l�t�'rr� �n �n�r���hr�r��r�t p�rrr�i# pr��r t� ��r�F�rr�n�r�� �n� �f th� #�Il��nrir��: �. P�rf��rr�ir�� �nr���c ir� �I�� ��ty r��h� �f v�ra��, - Agenda Item 9.a. Page 25 ���������� ��. ���� �� � � �, ��a��ir�g v�r�rk �r� ��� �ity r��h� ���v��, . �. �����Cpir�n� r��t�ria�l in �h� �i�y rig�t �f vrra�}�} r. ���rin� ���,i��ent in t�e �i#y ri�h����r��. � ��. ��t�in � �r��irr� ��rrr�it �ri�r#� ��r�rr��r���r��nt�f��� gr����� ���r��i�r�� �r� ��t�. FE�� � ��, P���II r���i�r�� �ity���� ��tl�� t��n� ���� a�r� ���. � . ��. F����� �� pa�d ����r t� �I�rr �ppr��r��; � s, Il�lla�� �����C f�� �. �'I�r� �h���c��r g���in� �I��� ����� �� �� ���r���d �art�v�r�rk ���ir�a�t�. u. Plan �h��k f�r �mpr�vemen� plan� ���ed on ar� ap�r.��r�d �o�stru�t�o� �o�t ��������■ ' �r, P�rr�i� F����r�ra��ir�g ���r�� �a���� �� �r� a�p�r�v�� ��rt��nr�r�c ��tirr����. �v. Ir�������rr f�� �f �u�di���i�r� �r ��,bli� �nr�r�c� �o��tr��t���n ����n� �a���� �� � �n a�����r�d ��n�tr��ti�� �������ir����. � � ��. Ir����t f��� �� �p��ifi� �a�p���l irn�r��r���r��. �r����#� a� ����rr�r�ir��� b� ��� ���n��nity ���r�l��r��r�� �ir��t�r. A�R��IVIENT� � . ��". Ir�����ti�r� A�r��rr����: Pri��r t� a������r�l �f �r� ir�rpr��r�r�r�r�t ��a�r�, �h� �p�����r�t � ����I �n��r �r�t� �rr ��r��rr��n� vrri�� th�. ��ty ��r in�����i�n �� �h� r���i��� i rr��r��r��-r-��r�t�. ��. ��b�i�i���n ���r�v�r�r�����r���n�r��: Tk�� ��b���rid�� �ha�ll �r�t�r �r��� � ���d�vi���n � ��r��r�n�n� ��r ��� ��r��l�ti�� ��� ���r�r���� �� irr��r�v�rr��r��� r���i�r�c�. �I�� ��b�i���i�r� �gr��r�n�r�t sh�l! b� �n � ��rrr� a����p#�bl� t���� �ity. ��. ���r�r��r�t�} ��n�iti�r��, �n� ���tri�ti�n� f�r ��r�r�r��r� ir���r��t ��v�l��r�n�r�� �� r���ir�� ��r#�� �ity.�r�� ���r��r�d k�y tf�� ��ty Att�rr��� �IIIIPF��IIEIII��IVT ����.1F���1�� � ��. A�� ir�pro�rerr��r�t s��ur�tie� �ha�l �� o� � forrr� �s s�t f�r�h �n �evelop��r�t �od� ���ti�n ��.��,���; Ir��r��r�rr��nt ����riti��. , . �1. ���r�i� �n �ngir���r'� ���irr�a�t� �f �u�r���ti�� f�r ����i� irr��r��r�rr��r��� f�r �-��i�v�r b� �l�� ��rn�ur�i� ���r����r��r�t �E.r�����. ��. Pr��r�d� fina�rr�F�l ����rity f�r �fi�� ��I���in�, �� b� b���ci ���rr � ��r��#r�cti�� ���� ��tir���� ����r��r�d ��t�� ��r���r��ty [����l��rr��nt �ir��t�r: Agenda Item 9.a. Page 26 ���������� ��i ���� �� F �c. Fa�i���u�� Perf��r�n�n�e� 'I����o �� tl�� ��pr�v�� ���ir�r����d ��s� �� a�ll � ��I��ivi���r� i�n�r��r�rx��r��s, �. ��b�r �r�d Il�a��ria��: ����� �f t�� ap�r���d ��t�rr��t�� ���# �� �I� ����iv����r� ir��r�v�rr��n�s �. �r�� l��a�r �u�r�r�rr�#�e: �1��1� �f tl�� ���r��r�� ��tirn�t�� ��st �� �II � �����v����r� ir��r��r�r��r�#�. T�i� b�r�� i� r���ir�� pri�r t� ��������r� ����� ������ri�i�r� irr��r��r�r��r-���, �a�. Illl�r��r�r��r�t��i��� 'I���1� ��t�r� ����r��t�d ���� �f���tir�� ���v�}� r��n�rr���nt�. ��r�� �i��rr�ia�� ����ri�y ��� b� �nr���r�d if��� d��r�l�p�r'� s�rv���r��ubrr�i�� t� �h� ��r��t�r �� Pu��li� 11V�rk� � I�tt�r a���rir�� t�ra�t �II r��n�r�n��t��i�n ��� b��r� se�. �TH�F� ���Ll�IIIEIVTAT-I��V ��. ���c ���t�fi���: T�� �r��li��nt ���II f�,rr�i�� a ��rti���t� ���r� th� ta��c ��Il��t�r'� . �ffi�e ir�di����r�� #�r�t �h�r� �r� r�� un�a�id t���� �r ������I a�s��s�r7r��n�� �g�in�� ��� pr�p��rt�y. �h� �p�lica�� t�na�� b� ����ir�d t� b�r�� ��r �n� �n���� ���c�� �� ���n� ���in�t th� �r���rty. Thi� sl��ll �� s��r�nftt�d �r��r t� p�a��i�� ��� r��� �r� th� �ity ��u�n�il ����rd� ��r ��pr��r�l. . ��, �r��ir�nir��ry Ti�l� F����rt: � ��rr�r�t �r�lir�ni��ry �it�� r�p�r# �f�a�ll �� ��,br-r�it��� �� th� �ir���r �f��t-r-�rr��rtity ���r�l��r���# pr��r tc� �I����t��g ��� rx��p. � ��. ��b���ri�i�r� ��a�ra��t��: A ����r�r�� ��bdi�r��i�� �u�r�nt�� �I��il b� ��br�i��� t� th� �i���t��r����r�r�n�nity ���r�l��rx��r���rr�i�� tl�� f�r-��� �ub�itt�l �f#1�� Il��a��. P���� �� I��L�IIVC A �l.lILD�N� �EF�II�IET ��. Th� �i��� N1�p �hall b� ���c�rd�d �rvi#h a�ll ��r#ir��r�� ��r����i�r�� ��a�����r�! �����fi�d. � ����� T� I���!!N� �# �EF�TIFI�A�� �� ����lPAIV�Y ��. A�I utili���� ��a��l b� ���r����rral, ��. �il ����ntial �r����t ir�n�r��r�r�n�n�� ���I! �� ����t�u�t�� ��i�� �� ���up�r���. ��rr- ����r����l ir�r�pr��r�r�r��r��s, ����a�n���� b}� �n a�r��r��n� ��d ���r��ia�� ���uri����, rr��y b� �or��t�u�t�d �fter oc�upa��� �s direc#ed �� tl�e �o�nr�n�n�ty De�re�oprn�nt �������r. ��. ��i�r��� ��� fir��l '����� �� �����a�rr���� ��r ti�� �r�j��� ��r� �����d, �li irrr�r��r��n�r�t� �h�ll b� ��II� ����tr��t�d �r�� a����t�d by tl�� �ity. ��JIL��I�� ��11I����V ��ll� F�F�� �EPAF�N��IV� ��. �r�vi�� �ir� ��ri��c��r� ��r NF�A '�3 �ta�n�a�r�s. A r��p�r��ibl� �rrt�ty s��ll b� �d�r�t�f��� ir� t�� ���F�'� f�r ��� �r����r�� r�n��nt�r��r��� �f ��� ir����rity �� tl��� fir� ��r���C1����r�t��r-r-�. 8'�. ��r-r�pl�v�rit� t�� �����t ����t�� ��ri��r�i� ��d��. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 27 ����LIJ�I�� �V�. F�A�� '�4 ��. ��rr�tr��t rr��difi�ti�r�� an� r��a�ir� t� ��� ��b�r� r���r��r� #��ilit��� n�����t�t�d �� � - �h� �r�j��t ir� ����rd��c� v�rith th� ��lif�rr��a� ��il�in� ��d�. D�si�n �I��rn������ rr�a�� in�l��� in�l��i�r� �f �h� ������ r��t�r���n� ir�t� ��� ��r�r�r��r� in��r��� d��r�l��r�n�n� �r r�r���ir�� th� �nr����r�� �r���rty E�r�� a� r���irx��rr� �� � f��� �r�r� #h� p�bli� r��tr��r�n f��ility. F�E�F�EA�`I�IV �IV� FA��LITI�� . ��. I���a�ll str��t �r��� p�r �i#y ����d�r�� �n� t� t�� ���i�f��t��r� �� th� �i�r���r o� F���r���i�r� �r�d ���i�iti��. ��. F��I���t� �rri�a�ti�n cor��r�il�r� �� �I��rt ��r��� if ��t��r�in�� r��c.:e��a�ry �� �h� D�r�c��r �� F���r��ti�r� �n� �Ulair�t����ce ���vi���. �►F��F-�IT��TI.�RAL� F��11�EV11 ��1111�1111�TE� � ��, Ir���r��r�t� I������r�l�n�� i�n���a�n�p� d��i�rr, IUI ITI��T��IV I�I EA��J F�E� � IVIN1�11-�: T�� ����c�� #�n�� �It�r�a�tiv� ���r�tifi�d ��r t�� A�� �I�a�11 �� �,��� �r� fr��� �f��� ��r�r�d �I����. N1N1�11-�: [��ri�� tl�� ��r���r�r�rk, gra�ing a��rd ��c���r�t'r�n pr����� �� �I�� ��n�tr�r��i�n #�r� �i�� ��a�ll b� ��r������ r��nit�r�� ��r �r�l���l�gi��l fir�d� 'rn�l���r�� f�ur��ati�n �� pr����u� � . ������ur��, �ri�ry pi��, ���. If f��nd vrr�uid �I�a�l� s��p �n� t�� ����r� ���nr��,r��t�r C���r����r7r��n� �����tr-��n� ���i���d �r�� � ���I'rfi�d �r�l���I.��i�t �f��ll b� r�t�i��� a�t �h� a��li����� ����r��� �� �r��ri�� �r���s�i�r��� r���r-r�rr��r�d��i�r�� �� t�r� ��r�rx��r-�ity ���r�l��rr��n� �ir�����, N��111-1l-�: Th� r���� b�l�v�r ���I� �� �la���d �n �I�� �r�di�g �r�d irn�r��r�rr���t �I�r�� f�r tl�� �r�j��#: . . "If hur�r��r� r�r-r���n� �buria��� ar� �r����r���r��, t�� ������ ��r�r���r �h�l� b� ��nt����� irr�rr��d��t�ly. Irr ��� ��r�r�t ���t pr��r���,��y �nid�r�ti��d ����r�ti�l�� �i�n�fi�a�r�� ���t�,r�� r������� �r� di����r�r��, �n �r�h������i�� ���I� �a�r� ��� ��th�rity t� ���r�rt �r ��r�n��r�ril� F��1� gr��nd ���t�rba�r��� ���ra����r�� in ��� �r�a �f ��s����ry �� all��v �����,��i�� �f ��t�nti�ll� ���r�i�i��r�t ��l���a�� r����r��� i� ��nsult�ti�� ���C� CV�r�l���r� ��r�r�r���1� Tr�b�� ���n�il. ��r �i�ni�i�a�nt �ul�ur�� r����r���, � F����a�r�h ���i�r� �r�d ��t� f�����r�ry �r��r�rr� t� r�i������ �r�n����� �hall b� �ar���r�� b�r t�� ���r��ltir�� �r�����l��i�# �r�� ���r���� b� tk�� �i��, ��I��n ��rr��� �ut u��ir�� �r�f���i�rr�� �r�h���l��i��l rr��t��d�. I� it ��n �� ��r�r���#ra���� �I��� � �r�j��� �vil� �a��� ���m��� t� � ��i�u�� �r�ha���l��i��� r���ur��, th� �ity rr��� r���,ir� r�a����bl� ��f�rt� �� �� r�a�d� �� ��r�i� an� �r �II �f�h��� r���ur��� �� �� �r���rv�� ir� ����� �r ��ft ir� �n un�i���,r��� stat�." . . Agenda Item 9.a. Page 28 ATTACHMENT 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT This FIRST AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AND IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "First Amendment") is made and entered into this 24t" of August, 2010, by and between the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California ("City") and NKT Commercial, LLC, a California limited liability company ("NKT"). WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement dated April 27, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, City and NKT now mutually agree and desire to amend certain portions of the Ag reement. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Section 2 (d) of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: As further consideration under this Agreement, City shall modify and restrict Short Street between East Branch Street and Olohan Alley (hereinafter the "Short Property") to provide for one-way ingress only. Subject to compliance with abandonment procedures, NKT shall have the right to purchase a fee simple interest in an approximate five hundred (500) square foot portion of the Short Property, as generally depicted in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to be used exclusively for outdoor restaurant seating, for a purchase price of THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($38,000.00). The purchase price shall be added to the Parcel 1 Purchase Price and be deposited by NKT in the Escrow described in Section 4 below, and distributed in accordance therewith. 2. Section 3 (a)(v) of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: Entitlement Process: NKT shall provide full architectural, site, floor, and landscaping plans for the improvement of Parcel 1 by June 1, 2010. Once a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") is issued by City, NKT shall submit comprehensive plans and specifications for the Improvements to the City within two (2) months. NKT shall pay to City ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($104,000.00) in parking in-lieu fees with respect to the division and development of Parcel 1 as herein contemplated. NKT shall be responsible for all building and development fees in the normal course of business. However all such building and development fees, exclusive of parking in-lieu, school district, and South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District fees, shall not exceed an aggregate total of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($168,000). Payment of said fees shall be made prior to issuance of building permits. City shall issue building permits prior to Closing. The above fees may be added to the Parcel 1 Purchase Price and paid as a part thereof prior to Closing. Agenda Item 9.a. Page 29 3. Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and affect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY and NKT have executed this First Amendment on the day and year first set forth above. CITY: NKT Commercial LLC: STEVEN ADAMS, City Manager NICHOLAS TOMPKINS ATTEST: Its Managing Member KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, City Attorney Agenda Item 9.a. Page 30 i i i i i A l�i��Y D�Y�LOP1Vi�l�iT F'Ol�: I�iKT COIViNi�F�CIAL � [+tlY�i ARCHIT�CT3�Il+t� ' ARROYO C RAI�i D�, GA ,�������� ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS ����R����� � �,� �����.�t�� � AT FJ FLOORJOIST PVC POLVVINVLCHLORIDE � e� REN_12739t1i > ANGLE FO FACEOF PREFAB PREFABRICATED y�' $ , ft CENTERLINE FLR FLOOR R RADIUS/RISER '� �Q� 0 DIAMETER FLUOR FLUORESCENT RD ROOFDRAIN ;(7��A�1.. FND FOUNDATION RDWD REDWOOD PROJECT DESCRIPTION A8 ANCHORBOLT FTG FOOTING REFR REFRIGERATOR FHWS FLATHEADWOOD REINF REINFORCEMENT A/C AIR CONDITIONING �� � AC ASPHALTCONCRETE SCREW REQD REaUIRED - THE PROPOSED PROJECT CONSISTS OF A 5,757 SQUARE-FOOT RETAIL COMMERCIAL ARCHtTEGTS: ADJ ADJACENT FURR FURRED RM RooM ' \ ' �� DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL REPLACE THE EXISTING"LIFE/SAFEN BUILDING"AND THE EXISTING ���.MICHAEL,.G.FEACH�Y - Ro qoUGH oPENING ��� � - �°�--�R ...... .. .... � SURFACE PARKING LOT.THE EXISTING PUBLIC RESTROOMS WILL BE RETAINED.THE NEW - StifiAYNE R.STiIART� AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR �' \ \ ' � �"R . . � ALUM ALUMINUM GA GAUGE RS RouGHSAWN �. � �,� ��\� � �.�y � DEVELOPMENT IS DESIGNED TO REFLECT THE EXISTING CHARACTER AND RHYTHM OF THE .` , �,.���\��\���` ����.225 p�.400 Rutin,s[nTE'� ���. GD GARBAGEDISPOSAL RWD IzEDWOOD '� ����� � � � �������� � ��.�� . HISTORIC PATTERN OF GROWTH WITHIN THE VILLAGE CORE. THE DESIGN OF THE FACADES gp,N LU[S Y?BISFO,CA 99 i01 GLB GLU LAM BEAM �' ��� ' �� � � BD BOARD \�� �,.�� ��� �-�;. ������., ���������`^�\ �-�� AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES ARE BASED UPON GUIDANCE FROM THE CITY'S DESIGN BLDG 6L11LDING GS GALVANIZED STEEL SF SQUARE FEET - ��\��\\���������\�\ �\�� �^, . ���TEL:�(8OS)S4A��A�3i7 ,��� � GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS OF THE HISTORIC CHARACTER OVERLY DISTRICT. \ � BLK BLOCK GBP GVPSUMBOARD SHLV SHELF \\ � � `\\\\\\\\�\\��\�\\� .���\��\��\.: .\\,... ��FAX:I&Q5}.SQ����3'3Q SHELVING a .�.� ���\�����\�`�\�\��� \��\ ���\� Er"MAILt&IWA�MWA.S'�' BLKO BLOCKINO �°�, �,. p BM BEAM HB HOSE BIBB • '�..; �\\\���y� �����\� �\\���\\\��\\ ' 55 STAINLESSSTEEL � � > ��\� � � � HDR HEADER ��� �\\�� S&P SHELFANDPOLE � oF \\ ��� � \\�� BO 60TTOM OF � . � *^' SEL SELECT ��- �-:_���.. � „��� ��.- _..,�.. ������ �� _-_ VIGINITY MAP BOF BOTTOM OFFRAMING � a BO BOTTOM OF HGT HEIGHT SH SINGLE HUNG ,- - ��.� ` HTR HEATER SHT SHEET � i ��` �� BOBM BOTTOM OF BEAM SHTG SHEATHING :�- ��\- ��--. ° ' �...�., ��� � HVAC HEATINGNENTILATING/ ��'��� �� � � , . -- � AIR CONDITIONING - �� �� �.�- � �a �I '�-� � - � ° i i i i i � CLOFCLMN CLOFCLMN CLOFCLMN REFERENGE NOTES .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 8.2 .... �1 COLUMN.REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 2 GAS METERS.REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 51'5�" 81/2 3 HANDRAIL.REFER TO: 22 23 n�oo� n�oo� 11'10" 4'-2�' 4 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.REFER TO ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. [�A}�T 14RGHITF,C+T.�S�II�IG. ... 3'-6"2'-8"3'-4"I2,_$„3,_ I � �0'-1/2" � 5 CONCRETE CURBNVALL.REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS. 2,_�i�� s,�2�_4„2'-10"2�_g" 6,4„ 1'-101/2„ E 2,-2" 2_8„2-10" 4,_8�, � '-8" q�_8�� 6 FIRE RISER � .�, A D 7 ROOF ACCESS LADDER.REFER TO:e t�����R����� ;L 2�_2�� o�ooi ,T���c* ^O A6.00 6.OD � �,�� �� �; 1.5 8 EXISTING CIN RESTROOM BUILDING TO REMAIN ����,�.��f 1�� 0 � � � � � � � � � � 'L 4` 9 EXTERIORSTAIRS.REFERTO: �� �REN_12739t1i � � ,aio 00 7+�,,;: 2. K °� 11 117 13 113 13 10 HANDRAIL/GUARD RAIL.REFER TO: 1�c cc �,Q��A���.Q� 119 11 1 8 6 11 RAMP HANDRAIL.REFER TO:F24 � '' ��� ���� 12 LINE OF POTENTIAL FUTURE MEZZANINE AREAABOVE ^ � ioe �� '� 116 . 114 1 � 111 � �� _._ � ARCHtTEGTS: (,��_ � . O _ ._. —� � 52 MICHAEG G.FEACH�Y — �/ _ Otos 109 �10 0 — K 13 CORNERSTOREFRONTCONNECTION.REFERTO:�1ee1 — y{rgyNE R.STUART� -- 115 ioa -� 110 � qgpVE — 105 13 2�25 PRAUC?RDAD SUITE S�3 � 1S �� A80VE-�FIRERISER 107 103 ��N EL�(80S?4dAJ3�7��� � ROOM 86° m ���.FAX:t33Q5}.544�433Q . .. _ _ . GENERAL NOTES . �o� ,,. ,,,,. ,, ,, . ��106 ���� F'rMA1L:MWA�MWA.S'L' 104 102 �_ � �'� A. ALL EQUIPMENT CLEARANCES SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURERS LISTINGS.CMC CHAPTER 9. � � ...., ...., ........ ...., ...., ...., 105 �oz � ����.�. - _ � , B. THE ANNULAR SPACE AROUND GAS VENTS AND NON-COMBUSTIBLE PIPING IN WALLS � 1 1 1 1 ABOVE SHALL BE FILLE�AT EACH FLOOR OR CEILING WITH NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS.C8C � N 101 712.3.1 �, CL OF CLMN ��� ���� ���� �� ���� ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� 101 � CL OF CLMN C. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STl1D,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. �, i"�� u� � ABOVE � D. GROUNDANDFLOORSURFACESALONGACCESSIBLEROUTESANDINACCESSIBLE I4 �w� ROOMS AND SPACES,INCLUDING FLOORS,WALKS.RAMPS,STAIRS,AND CURB RAMPS. "j� 1D8 SHALL BE STABLE,FIRM,AN�SLIP-RESISTANT 34 ����� �9 E. ALL DDORS SHALL HAVE LANDINGS AND CLEARANCES AS SHOWN ON � � o n�aai a�=xa� � ° � v ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ���...��,.�. 109 �����. io A 00 � .... � ... 101 � � ,. A 00 y n�i�w�. � .... � ..... ...UNFINISHED.�..... ._.. ..... � ��.�'�� . .. — — ..... ..... . _ SPACE s ..._ _ ..._ — .. CL OF CLMN � CL OF CLMN � � 110 � N � � � .,. ',. ',. ',. ',. ',. N � N I I I I I , I I � �` � . . . . . . . O � �. r N 111 � v � ',, ',, ',, ',, ',, ',, ',, ',,. v ' , ',, ',, ',, ',, ',, ',, ',,. � � 120 12 —�— � , WALL LEGEND , il� (V • - - _-.._.._.._-_ -.._ ,,, .._..-_ _.._.._s_ _.._..-_-.._..e.._..-_- ,, ,, , ,, , . 0 2x8 STUDS FO CLMN - ',,. ',,. ',,. ',,. ',,. ',,. FO CLMN � � � 0 2x10 STUDS � . STAIR CALCS � �, _ �' FLRTOFLR 2-11'VIF ' 41 •• �— — �.' R�SERHGT 7»..... ..... ..... . ._.. ..... 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'TOP � \ \.� ,, +20'8"AFF _�� \��OO\\\\ �" � +20'_8"HFF +20-2 AFF ...,...�� � � TOP 11"AFF � _:,. \�\\\\\�� �., �....�� \\�\� ��....�� �'.:� \ � :`2 \�v�.': �, � TOP ;ti\\�����\:.�. TOP +19,_5��AFF � �-. . . ,,. -...� ...,._ , � � - ;��.., � �....- �� .�� .�� �,._,.�_ .a\��.�`.. TOP . \��� � �.,� .�� �:� :...,x>. 1 ti��-�����:. ��., o���� ,„ . „ \�.��,�� TOTRIM ��.� �`4;�` \\ -� ��.:����\..� ��\�\\\�\\\\\��������.. \\\\�\ +19-2 AFF +17-11 AFF :�\\\� +T��RIMF �4\ � ���� `� ``�:\� , roP TO TRIM �� : o NIY�t AR�HIT�CTS,IftC +15,_6"AFF �'� '�' \\\ �� �-1 \�\\~� +18�_�"AFF .�\ �� � ' +1T0 TRIM TU TRIM � .. __ .��. _ _ .` T TRIM ��O '\ �-, .. �.....:,...�.....�. - ,...,_, ....... ......_.,,.�_.�,..;. � � , .,� +14._4„AFF ......... ,�.... ,..-...: � ; � \\�: � �� \\�� \ � ..f �� ' ��'�I'�,,�'' �'� TOTRIM ,. ,.. ,.� �� � +14-10 AF ����: :,.\ ° �_:� � _ fl A '� _..:�. \�� � �.�._ � TO TRIM ,O,:: ,.� � - ;. , r.,n .� z..=����. �. R�,* . .� ��� :. .:3 � ' �� �_�\� �\�. .e � a � �� ... �.. . . .-��� \\. i�... �,. :�.� � �_ ... n , __ . . ..:.�\�//-�:� �S`:� a°_�;_,' .�. � _ �. . ... ,, ��� Kt. �.:'�, ,� .. ��;---�-.�.r..�--..,,���� _......_.��,,...,.� �''y_�,�'_��--,=� ��� � U...�a� "�{t<` ,'"��-��-� � .- ..� �a..._,� � ,a -.�_..e.-�'�-'..: �... - �:�� �'- � .,i� �� � .... - � '--� �. - s�G.41.$27� :. .,_ .� __��' �_� ��� N.92f31t11 a ` � � � ��� � �,_ _d _ `�_ � - � - � r __ � �, N_ � s t�� \ � +3'-2"AFF � �� : '� .. =-m°�' +3'_2"AFF ° TOWAINSCOT A��¢�� P� TO WAIN T � �: "��T "� � TO WAINSCOT �� � - - _ - � � � � l�. �,_Q„ � ° � ��_Q„ � ,: _. .. ....�.� �� m.,r :��:t Q�_��� ��_��� � �� - - - FF �F� FF -� � ��� ' FF FF ������ � - . � \� � \�� �` � � ARCHIT6CT9: - _�� ...\�.....�_E..�.,.�.\��..I����..��:ti��� � � \\�����,� MICHAEL C.FERCI-IEY. �;.q - WAYNE R,9TUAR'f� �.:^u`25 PRAI?i3 RiiAD��:SUIT�Ca: a"AN GU75���1?BTSPU��.tCR�93AQt �T�.,L;����.{8U5}544-4�34.,; FaX:.:(S45)Stk'4-4331?.: ��3+�IAli.:MWA@i�IW�A.B� � WEST EAST � � � �.��w.�. ����� z o���� ����� COLOR DESIGNATIONS A ROBINSON BICK jCITY HALL) �LI,��m:yQ.. B ROBINSON BRICK(TOWN SQUARE) �'�' �III'� +22'-8"AFF � TO2P"AFF +20'T�P FF C ROBINSON BRICK(CHESAPEAKEj ��,����� {� D PACIFIC BLAY(BROWNVILLE) ����. � .. ._... �Z�,_8,.AFF w���. �- \\..... , .^:.- .\.. :, TOP E SPLIT FACED RED r W. TOP AFF �� .��_\� .. +20-8"AFF r ���� \ „ __ F US ALUMINUM 395C395(TEAL) im^, � - � � :�. � +20-8"AFF ��� �. _ 1� : oo.` �,-.. � .,,� TU TRIM G US ALUMINUM 396B819(MILITARY BLUE) - .� .,,... �.: 1. .�.� .,- __.. ___...,,. � `� ,, ��= �� �. H USALUMINUM399A845(MEDIUMBROWN] � ��� (' r � �� �� �' ` I ICI#20YY 221129(HHLE VILLHGE) � -�-' �� � �� ����� m � � '� ' J Iq#20YY 49/271(GRAND CANYONj �.....�:,., � ' ...'. �;��. � _..° .'�.., � ��� \- K Iq#90YR 26I250(OCHRE TAN) � �. .. _-. ' �. +3'-2"AFF : ..-a -��:���. -� +20'-8"AFF L ICI#30BG 321115(AQUATIC BLUE) � TO WAINSCOT ���� �����p��Fj����� TO WAINSCOT M ICI#90BG 221141(BENTON HARBOR) � k 0,_Q„ E q 0�_Q„ FF FF N Iq#50YR 13I032 jMIDNITE HOUR) �, O Iq#30YR 14I365(DOWNING STREET) � P ICI#50BG 38I011(WEST COAST GREY) � C? ICI#30YY 52I207(BOULDER) � NO RTH R ICI#30YY 52I207(DESTER VALLEY) � — S Iq#SOYR 21I318(CLAY POT) � T Iq#90YR 22/454(OXFORD INN) w����. � }- � U ICI#70BG 28I060(GENTRY BLUE) �' w � V ICI#30YY 46I036(ZEPPELIN) ��� Ti � W Iq#20YY 39I130(PALM SPRINGS TAN) X Iq#90YR 58/202(FAIRHAVEN PEACH) ��� �� ��� �z3•_Q"AFF �. �. �. TOP . .... ..... Bp�:�M1NArcYutectslns„all cnmmnntaaarcupp�iqhta�d ���. ��� �.��..�....�... +20'-6"AFF �- +20'-8"AFF Y ICI#20YY221129(HALEVILLAGE) cadl'erpropfstydghtsreservedt�listlt+awnent�san TOP �.�..-.... .�.a��...., m.......�� TO TRIM ari�inal�.rdunp�ali&hed,w+�ik product O.�MW +17'-11"AFF Z TAMPCO(NATUALTIMBER) A{chitech+re,antlthisw�Ikshailnatkaedu�hcated ���. - TO TRI �'c �� - ; � �y� `...�..y„y.,.�y....��..,..�-.�. �.�...-,,�..�...�..,_.� ..��. �...���..�� iscinsed,or used in GUnnechan�aith .. .��..�.�.�.���.,�..� cnpied.d �.:.any - AA FACTORYFINISH LL�}katpmjeGtotherthanth6speGificpttidt�e�ttf�r w�iGfi it has Geen{�raPar�d er ass�9nerl h�aro�thirtl �� BB NATURALFINISH P�+�withoutfirstrbtai�figtttee�ressugriiten:: \ eansent ot MW f�rchitecW�e.Uisusl cranfact with il�is � �\ .�.�..:.� ��...�_:. +TOTRINIF CC BLACK a�Ce tattceoftlthe��restri�t�iansu�Cantr�aicto-rs hall �.,W..� .�............. ,� .� � � ..,..._, ,� o .� . u@€ify and lte tespans[6ie ior all dimensiopg and' � -.�.-.� �- � '- ....V`���•'°�.' _ ca�dit�Ups�?#theJuG.UEwn���.discovey af s�ny na��atiQn,dis�jrancy er nmmis(�ns,please nntity' z� \� \ � '�.... ; _ - MViE Arch�ecfure @nd prior m pmcaedl�q vdtth telzted' F� �� � O,_O„ \\\\\O\\`\\ o'-o" wmrk,ahta�wnYten resotutian feam MW Arch�aetw'e. R � - FF �� .. ��. � '��. � FF �. � � �;. :. ; ° ?. � RE�I�S�C?NS ..�.����..\\\���� �,��..,: ° . SOUTH ,J{?@�NSIMBER: SHEET NUi�BER' ���.���Q� �. O �4' 8' 16' ��.:D.a7� {�$.'��,."�,Q ��i�� ����. BUILDING ELEVATIONS SCALE:i I8"=1`-0" �pp'-TM1° Agenda Item 9.a. Page 35 \� � I � _- _- � - �- �-�_� 3427 MIGUELITO COURT SAN LUIS OBISPO BRANCH STREET --�-�_ CALIFORNIA 93ao, P 805.541.4509 � F 805.546-0525 RLA 2248 CLARB#907 �=`\ �hNDSCqP \ _ �'(,OGroel�.c.F F I -- 9 � �F m(�Z Lic.No2248 ___ w ti -- 1 PICKET FENCE W/ •��� � � -�� _-- 11/30/11 L-1 BRICK PILASTERS � � CONC.SIDEWALK _ --_ s� a/�3no �� PER CIVIL PLANS SOLDIER BOND BRICK Z BRICK BANDS,TYP. --- --- TF�`�A��F�� BAND FROM EDGE OF L-I T- - I _ -���� BUILDING FACE � 2 CONC.W/EXPOSED I '� -- LANDSCAPEARCHITECT'SSEAL -�-�j �� --- L-1 AGGREGATE . - + e 22�-8" These drawings are instruments of I � � '? .I service and are the property of Oasis `= � � -- `r i� Associates Inc.All designs and other I I ����� .�. --_ � information on the drawings are for use CONC.FINISH LEGEND 9 9� o, ���__ onthespecifiedpro�ecfandsna��not 9�-Q" �_= be used otherwise without the � � ° �� I - 21�- ��9-9p ex ressed written C O N C.FI NI SH* INTE GR AL C OL OR** w b a p permission of . � .-6 ��tv �� OasisAssociates,lnc. I � I_ - qs,� i � � � �� � D�� 6�� � _ ` EI7GE O�XISTING Project: �A A G G R E G�T E*** S T,�N D A R D G R E Y H � a 1 2 W I D E S M O O T H I � I f,'r 0. .. ❑4 � B R I C K P,�L � a TROWEL BAND �� '4 � �� � � �B S,�LT FlNISH S,4NDSTONE BUFF � � ❑ AROUND OUTER I � . 5'-2^ � � o g EDGE OF P?,TIO � p � THE SHOPS 6 �C PER CIVIL PER CIVIL O ° ° 3 D 1' ' (L�+ "' �` �� o a �-, I II 6 „� ° � AT � � � INTEGRAL-COLORED � tO , �� 9 RADIUS POINSp * HE,�VY BROOM FlNISH TO BE USED ON,�LL CONCRETE ❑� CONCRETE PATIO I � � h� �' I I SHORT STREET Q �a CENTER OFEX TREE SURFACES WITH A SLOPE GREATER THAN S%� a o 5�-1"�- � ** INTEGR,�L CONC.COLOR BY BRICI<FORM � 12 WIDE SM(�nTH I � f 5� I� ***AGGREGATE SHALL BE"SALMON BAY"3/8"SIZE FROM � TROWEL BAND C EXISTING PORCH fXISTING BRICK DECORATIVE STONE SOLUTIONS 800-699-1878 OR a ° MIDPOINT OF P,�TIOI I RADIUS� PATH ��I I �PPROVEOEC�u,a� a � NEW BUILDING 0 I PoiNT --- --� I a �jg I EDGEPARALLELTO EXISTING �� � N � J PUBLIC SIDEWALK STAIRS � � I I I � �� I THE VILLAGE g RETAINING�VALL NEW CONC.S�V o I PER CIVIL DWGS. I I OF o ,aN�sTniFS sv I ARROYO GRANDE OTHERS -� I I I I I CALIFORNIA � ��I � i I I EX.BUILDING � II I ���ent: I �❑ I � I I I N KT COMMERCIAL SITE PLAN � SG4LE:1"=10' 0' 10' 20' 30' 684 HIGUERA ST SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93401 Sheet Contents: LANDSCAPE ADJ.GRADE TO BE 2"BELOW F.S. REFER TO PUW FOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR GROUND WYER,1°FOR SURFACE FlNISH N� ALL WOOD&HARDWARE SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH NEW BLDG.COLOR. 4°THK.CONCREIE PQt PUW g DETAILS NRF,k RUSH AT PANNG PROVIUE JOIN15 AT 20 FL O.C.MAX. CONTROL 20°SQ.BRICK PILASTER ATTACH 2x4 TO PILASfER&POST WITH 6°SQ.REDWOOD POST Rm BRICK PAVER AT EDGE OF CONCRETE 1/2"RADIUS IYP. ,pINT 10'O.C. WITH 2�"COLLAR(2nd COURSE GALV.BRACKET(PAINTED),iYP.(SIMPSON PF24) WITH 1/2°CHAMFER ANU INTERIOR 6MlDS AS SHOWN ON PIAN. ��Z. �4X�y gqR ppN,ps �{'-1�-8" 3"W.WOOD PICKET 3/8'GROUf WIDTH IN BE7WEQJ BRICKS. � O�R��� (SMOO7H/GRFASED ON TOOL EDGE,1/4'RPDIUS,IYP. I a �-9� WITH POINTED TIP,6"O.C. ONE END 3'O.C. O.C. IXPANSION JOINT AS REQ'D °a a , Q MID-SlAB � �HOGHT OF PICKET VARIES �� HEIGHT OF TIP VARIES � 4' -I I I ' • ' D.EIASfOMEPoC SFNANT 2�° - -- - -- --- (CURVED AT 20�RADIUS) � ���- < a�, a,/ #a enH corrr.,�. i/z. . .. �.�.4°DEEP SAND BASE �!4 REBPlt,18'O.C. 1/�2'1HK.IXPANSIIXJ JOIM �4 REBAR,12"O.C. 2x4 D.F.ON EDGE SCREW TO ~ MIN.('SOILS REPORY EACH WAY F CONC ° •�� PDJACQJf SURFACE 4' III III� � ° a AS DESIGN4TED '�'��I � i I 1-1 I I I I ��� �I I I I I I I I I I I I (HORIZ.dc VERT.) � - - PREVNLS) < . 0�RETE T X DEPfH � o PICKET)W/2�GALV.DECK SCREWS I I I i I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I !I I I-1 I 1=1 I LI I1- 4. 95R COMPACTm °�°' ��� STD.RED BRICK ;.� I I II I II I II I II I I I I II I II I II I II I I I I I I I II 3"CONC.UNDQt MORTAR 8 BRICK II I li I I I II I I I II�' �4 RE&�R CONT.��I-�� Date: PRIME AND PAINT ALL WOOD TO li i i_i i i-i i iI I Ii i i_i i i-i i il I i i il li i c 3° SUBGRADE 4"DEEP SNJD 84SE 3 4' (SOLID GROUT INTERIOR) - - �� BASE MIN.('SOILS - -�� H/'I$/'I O 61ATCH NEW BLDG.COLOR . 4° 4" THICKENm EDGE IXPANSION JqNT,SEE -I i� ' FlNISH GRADE DETAIL 4 THIS SHEET. �I I I I �� �. �-- _ _ -II IIII� 95X WMPACfED SOIL Revised: 4'OEEP MINIMUM COMPACfm SAND H4SE I I - I I I I I I I I � _a,.i l,. I I � �--Wd�l I I — y�; I I BPoCK SET ONTO 1 MORTAR BASE AMENDm SOIL AT PIANTERS �E Ill�il I� li II _�III I- No. DATE DESCRIPTION -��_�_° I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ° I I� � 1. IXPANSION JOIMS SW�LL BE SPACm EVERY 20'O.C.CONTROL JOINTS 1�2'I I I � _ CONC.FOOTING CONC.FfG. � 6°SQ.H.D.POST BRACKET �` SW�LL BE SPACm EVERY 10'O.C.UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. � CONPACTED OR I I (SIMPSON�C866) 1. BRICKS SHALL BE SET IN SOLDIER BOND PAITERN,IYPICPI. 2• CON1R0�JOIN15 TO BE 1/6'WIDE X 1/4 DEP7H OF CONC.JOIN15 4° 6' 6' 4" � TO OCIX1R AT ALL fWiDSCAPE CORNERS. - ��I I I I I UNDISTURBED SOIL�I I-^ 3. APPLY 7HICKEND EOGE AT ALL PERIMEIERS AND WHERE NOTEU. I I 2-8� �, 4. IIAX CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT IXCEm 7%. Job No.: 09-0072 Sheet: 1 PICKET FENCE W/BRICK PILASTERS sca�e3is��=,�_o�� Z CONC.PAVING WITH BRICK BANDS sc,��E: �_��� 4 EXPANSION JOINT sca�E:,iz��=,�_a� L�1 No. 1 of s Agenda Item 9.a. Page 36 PLANT LEGEND , SHRUBS/VINES/PERENNIALS BOT,4NICAL/COi�IMON NAME QTY. SIZE NOTES ACQ Acer palmatum'Crimson Queen' 1 15 GAL DETAIL 1 � J,4PANESE NIAPLE � ATI Agapanthus'Tinkerbell' 40 1 GAL DETAIL 1 LILY-OF-THE-NILE 3427 MIGUELITO COURT BSE Begoniasempertlorenc 16 1 GAL DETAILI SAN LUIS OBISPO W,4X BEGONIA CALIFORNIA 93401 P 805.541.4509 BGB Buxus microphylla jap.'Green Beauty' 12 5 GAL DETAIL 1 F 805.546-0525 I _— JAPANESE BOXWOOD R�n 2zne c�nRa#90� --� _� � �—� DTV Dianella tasmanica'Variegata' 10 5 GAL DETAIL 1 �——�_— FLAX LILY �o�tie osc,yP 9 F _� �� ,� —�_ 6's Bp^n��u cTDCCT � HEU Heuchera'Canyon Pink' 33 1 GAL DETAILI h�u�.NO.zzae � I\Tll V I I J I I\LL I �—�_ CORAL BELLS w � � i iisoii i � � HFP Hydrangea'Forever Pinl<' 2 5 GAL DETAIL 1 s� sn3iio �� GARDEN HYDR,�NGE,4 TFacp,��F°� _�\ _/_� NR Nandina domesLica'Fire Power' 26 1 GAL DETAIL 1 �ANOSCnPEnRCHiTECrssEn� —�\ DW,�RFHE,�VENLYBAMBOO Thesedrawingsareinstrumentsof \ service and are the property of Oasis � � )\� RAL Rosd'Altissimo' 2 1 GAL DETAIL 1,3b Associates Inc.All designs and other I informafion on ihe drawings are for use �� � � ---- ___ CLIMBING ROSE TRAIN TO FENCE on me specified projeci and sha��noi � I ��� \��i . . �`i ——--__ be used othenvise without}he � �� :� ���� (40)ATI ———___-_——___——— expressed written permission of � � (26)NFl Oasis Associates,Inc. � — :. AL 1 CAL (�16GALE (10)DTV (2)RAL T — — I _J — 5 GAL I � — Project: ..______ --_ 1 GAL — � � � — — _—-- _ � r, � _— _ � � i w ��� �`-� THE SHOPS I ��.z �� t_1,, � ,, _ GROUNDCOVER ( a � �, � — _ I �I I � � �1� �� '����' �, � �— BOTANICAL/CONINiON NAME QTY. SIZE NOTES AT I r. � a I / � ��`^ � EXISTING +++ TJA Tr�chelospermumj�sminoides 10 1 CAL DETAIL3a @uOpT @TpCCT LANDSCAPING ST,�R J,45MINE +7f7 R 1 J 1 RCC 1 Q � D / (5)TJA TO REiV�AIN = 1 GAL � �I o� I � . . 1 � —� a � �� v i � � — �- — o a° (s�Tln ;� � � / � �\ THE VILLAGE � � I �cn� T' �a / � � � OF \I .. o � / a I �'"/ � \ ARROYO GRANDE (33)HEU (z>HFP / (�)"c� I�❑ � / CALIFORNIA —I I �� (1 Z)GB�GAL —5 CAL /� 15 CAL ; i�_\I // __i � aa � � NEW BUILDING � o � s�A�� —,�� � � \ i Client: , � J I , ) o �I ` � I �—� \---��° ) � �—�j`� ,I� �� � � C_. II / � l I I �� Ex�sr�NC TREES �— I I NKT \I ���ro aEnnniN,rvP.��—� I _ I COMMERCIAL I �� ———� \�.. — PLACE DURING � � 1 I I// � / —� I �Y CONSTRUCTION � I 1 I —� EX.BUILDING � �AN�s�APN I � ����I I� / i I TO REMAIN \��/O I � I � CLEAN UP ADJACENT PLANTERS ` � FROM nNV oEBRis,�EnvES,ETC. I/� �I � 684 HIGUERA ST I I _ �TRIM TREES AND SHRUBS,REMOVE� I I \—I SAN LUIS OBISPO II / �� I I I DEAD BRANCHES.INSTALL NEW 2" I �� LANDSCAPING CA 9340� I � �I COVER OF BARCK�VIULCH I\ � �� I TO REMAIN I li I � � � o / � � ��_ � � I I I o I �� � �� �� � � ��----�irr-ri—� �� I � I �' I I il � I �I I�� / � ) ' Sheet Contents: I � ��—�' �! I � � PLANTING PLAN a — �I�I�_- I j ' /� � , � I I I I I \--� I � I I I i I PLANTING NOTES I I � I 1. INSTALL B,4RK MULCH IN ALL PLANTING,�RE,�S.NIULCH SH,�LL BE A MINIMUNI 2"THICK Date: � IN SHRUB,�REAS AND 1"THICK IN,�LL FLATTED GROUND COVER ARE,qs. 8/13/10 I � � I � Revised: 2. QUANTITIES/SIZES SHOVVN IN THE PL?,NT LEGEND?,RE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.IN THE No. DATE DESCRIPTION EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES,THE ACTUAL PLAN COUNT/SIZE SH,4LL PREVAIL. 3. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION.IF NOT PROVIDED, CONTACT THE L?,NDSC?,PE ARCHITECT. Job No.: 09-0072 SCALE:1"=10'_0" Sheet: 0' 10' 20' 30' �-� No. 2 of 6 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 37 C 5133H5 � �o OL6L5'3;�2/ 95£8 S7 � 11 ��,8,,9 � �M � .oz=.,:�d�s Q ��, 133HS �n0���Q`I ° °i a {Ndl-f�SS �.ca a�irvans ao orov � � �Ma �o nro�,�3bro 3fu�oron o3bvd3bd I I ° � f�SS00'll - orv eor � � M�/�,� �/ '! �/ �i �1``'ry ^ 0 nMVaa //��C7��Q/Y�� �.1�410[7 y AZ.l 37Y�S � �oHS Sd ,68s� �r�za r�nr�rrx�oQnro,� � 31tl75 �[jy',9F'[ 3„00,6[.Z9N llOZ! 3„80,bL6SN 3„£!,lZ6SN �' Ol/8l/9 ° 31tld rr�^ � � V, � I I I I b'32/Y NO{N{NO� w - I W002/7V�R[L,�373 � °o �)V2K71S "' 1/X3 0 � � _1_�--- y a � � � � �� � �� � � �'����� � ��� �� y � (� L� 1;�� '�nxronna�a �1 � Ae srvoisin3a � `� �� 3Nl7 2Kl/2/3LX I hy � oH,/POSl o luaasuo� I I I / I \ 1 � I ` 1/X3 y � ��^����ia�uo,io�o daa�'� q^• I � � � \ � �dllJ 7d 1/X3 � ov � ,r�v e an,a � u� �j \ [LVd u 4 aa,�,��'ae o��road � (✓ �.-/ l.J ��� I � I � � �'��� � , � 1/X3 � aVluluo n J�qua I . . s�41��Panaasab�s146 Uoll r � � �. �: J ssy s wl4H/PO��l� � // r � � � �d. �� it/!i//� �c�o�oa C�J�6.�.fCoJ �J/� �����I `� �(� M'....nw`eKi:J Ot2L7 0 � �� �� �� �� �j'1 1/X3 0 Li6H�U645�(509) iowx� I I I � I �` I �1 � a o°acs o=otid°sieooimuHVS 1 1/X3 s 4�SSS � o4,�oao� � � � � � � � i o°cis,uisz��a� oue � �� I //� I �� I I � y 1/X3 I �— �� asai�e�a�w.,o�io��varrv L_ �� � c�s H6Z0�H9£�C059) �Wxol � I ��W I� I � � r-\. b'32/b'NO{N{NO� � i 9LZ0 99�t(059) auo4tl L�9046 I.LIJ dOONq321 � I I I I I N � 1/X3 yns'P+aP!sPOarn LLL ���o�i�ao�s�a i - �� bZ09�tL8(09L) 1 � ��Zb-fL9 CO9L) auoytl � OSSefins'le u�ow�dOH£L9 .�,ou,�ao„� �,ow_a � i w I I I �� ����I� ��s�� I � i y ,L,�,�ZI,LS H,�t�IT��IB,LST�,� 6195�b£6(09L1 •ol fV H95L-4f6 CO9L) ��oyd 96Si6 aa 53NV1 H10WNtlW5 � /(J ��/ J � //�/.�J � O�LSIa�xoGVloaai��o Plo�coE r� ` �\�/� � (./ ✓ F � Bul.tan�ns puo� � N 6uueeui6ue�inio � �" I N U I 1N3/Y3SV3.o�ina I 70550 S2U1��p01J� � I b oN.o�o�sodobd � I 0 � . 1N3{M35V3 St�`J N . ----------- -------------- -- .s o�ssodobd ----------- ---------- -i o y y - - ___ za s�s���,vo�vrvbo�ror obo,�3b nro � ---------------------------------- -�z_ o3svao�v�n��r�roo�vrvbo�ror,�bvaNrma � � i �w ,Ob'Z£� 3„b£',0�95N OIOZ 7/2/dV NO S,13�12//1S ONV7 I I �� � -�-� _ I n�3�,ca o3bud3bd,c�bns�n�dubsodol —�— � �i o q � � ��o� �2L�fPl[+7�SIQ 1N3W3SV3 2/3N3S � � �° w ,o�o3sodoad ^' I -�fY'S8 3„9£'.OLLSN- -�!�Y£' _� v o"'�, ,OF •0£ 03LV32/'J I I I �£"!S I -{- c„v Sl1/N/115673/Y[LIV-N0lL37diY0�l03/Y!L 03LVW[LS3/VOII�/klLSNO,� I 300�.(H 032///lb32/�/NOlL V32/,�1/N/1 7V/lOG1/ON/!O 3{M!L 1 V 03L,�/kILS/JO,�39 01 SN000 2/Okl3LX3'V32/V OIUJ 3HL NlHL4N NO/SN/08/1S 1N3W3SV3 NVRfLS3Q3d �O9 1/N/1 32//ll/L-1 2/O!SLN3iY3102/d{M/9N/07//7H 2/O/2/3LN/03SOd02/d 'F �17H/)d 03SOd02/d I�, �N/7/3,�3HL .O£ V I „Y�£S95N S�l/N��1V/!L ST/3µ3F[L.(9 03N/!30 39/77Nf A�02/31�HL�'!O 03S/Shc/t� OF .(17V32/S1N3�S3�1N�Rl�3S�W02/!Sl� 6l Fl 5107�O S1SlX31N3W3SV3 b3N3S w� I I � h'2/3�5'NV2lL!O 3{M!L 3HL 1V 03h5/7HV1S3 3&77Vh51/N/1 O/2NJ fl,�V3 Z 09 3LVi1k/d 31/S/17,�X3-NON 13NNV78 V 3LON Z �� � I dVW 73,�2/Vd 7VNL-/HLdN 030NO2/d 3B 77iN ONV 0£l'Ol'9l!0 SNO/SNOHd 77V HL4N�JNVl7d/l�Nl 38 77V1�1S 1�3'02/d 3HL 2/0!S,2FY� Y I I I ^ �N I µ I I 7,�,��I6'd I I SNO/1 b'�1373 NO/�131X3-f d0 I NY7d 2/007�1Sl-£d0 � Nb'7d 3L/S 7b'Nn1�31/H,��lb'-Zd0 � I 133HS 3ZL11-ld0 � �, b'Zb'7d`NY7d 3db'�SONb'7 7b'/2Ld3�N0�-Z7 I I e I ti 77b'b3�10%Vb'7d 3db'�SONb'7 7b'l71d3�N0�-l7 o I o xsr=z�3�avd x�e=��bvd :�vb�oo lo� SNO/1�35 31/S ONb'Nb'7d 2/�Y13S,(2/b'N/i�Y/732/d-�'� I I I xvrr suron oi�s sliron oonro�o3sodobd Nb'7d.(1/7/1�.(21b'N/i�Y/7321d-Z� up��1��3�� z s�bvd o3sodobd s� rv�sv3,un�n I l�rv�votr�n� l '573,�2/Vd 9NlLS/X3 NY7d 3`JYN/Y�/O ONY`JN/Ob'2/`J.(�/b'N/{N/732/d-l� ,Ol 03SOd02/d I I 2l0!V32/V 03SOd02/d 3�N2/3S.(2/Vl/NYS.(IN/10�HL//OS 3LSNM O!/OS db'{N 3�1LLY1N31-ll I I ���� 1d30 32//!30NVtp CMO2R/V �ND(L�3L02/d 32/L! 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TEL:(805)544-4334 FAX: (805)544-4330 • � � �' J � � o� � w � w o � ,� � � x � o v1 � � � � � � zp � x � � � � � � �' w� � w � �� RAM P I-- uP � ���i _ J Q Q� �, � U � O O O � �z 0C Qi � W I, � U " ~ _� '� Qzo�c � -o- w x �c� o � mo � Ww�O � r� � '� °o� �,� A � L � Y �o �� � � �� � `� Rr� � � w� `��' S IT� �XH I B IT A A �N: 08306 DATE:9�Z9��O THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 40 ATTAC H M E N T 3 ��� °��... I .... i �i ,::.�i/�%/ , ,, .:... � ���:: . .. �.� ���.. . ���� ,. ...� . . ... . ����'� � . "����� ww �,�..��::n�/'m��i„���>�,,,,,,�,�9Y/om g ...„N p ..^�„' ... .... ... ....�,&...- �.... ����•�,�m� ��»�;�����'i���l��r��l�� , �,��.�� .�,�� � ��.�m� �M S, Pf, „����r��v� � �� �, ,D, �� ���r�����, �.��^����� ��"� ^�,��,� '�� 1�. „�,W ���1 � �r� �" �y��w��i ':, � . „ '�'�i+�G Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002 and Conditional Use Permit Case Number 10-002 The Corner of East Branch Street and Short Street J u ly 201Q Agenda Item 9.a. Page 41 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Project: Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002 and Conditional Use Permit Case Number 10-002 �ead Agency: City ofi Arroyo Grande Document Availability: � City ofi Arroyo Grande Community Development Department 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 • Arroyo Grande Library 800 West Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 • http://www.arroyo�rande.or�/(keyword search) Project Background: The project is the fiinal design review, through the Conditional Use Permit process, ofi maintenance and development requirements ofi a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement ("agreement") entered into by the City Council on February 23, 2010 afiter consideration and adoption ofi Resolution 4262 and a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement and Mitigated Negative Declaration addressed a project that included: This Conditional Use Permit application is consistent with the Purchase and Sale Improvement Agreement ("Agreement") entered into by the City Council on February 23, 2010 (Resolution 4262). The Agreement, approved afiter several public hearings and adoption ofi a Mitigated Negative Declaration, included the fiollowing: • The creation ofi a lot with approximate dimensions ofi 92 fieet wide by 79 fieet deep; • Demolition ofi the Building Division building (200 East Branch Street); • The construction ofi a single-story 5,800 square fioot multi-tenant commercial building within the Village Core, which is designed to be compatible with existing turn ofi the 19th Century commercial storefiront and residential architecture ofi the Village Core; • Upgrade and adaptive reuse ofi the current Public Works Division building (Conrad House, 208 East Branch Street)which is designated as a local historic resource; • Development ofi an Administrative or Planned Sign Program fior signs associated with new commercial uses. Project Description: This project (Conditional Use Permit Case Number 10-002 and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002) is the fiinal design review ofi the fiull architectural, site, filoor, and landscaping plans ofi the approved commercial building as required in Section 11(b)iii ofi the Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement, the fiormal land division ofi the new development, and landscape improvements ofi the locally listed resource known as the "Public Works building." P ge 2 f 27 Agenda I�em �.a. Page 42 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Document Preparation: Pursuant to Section 21082.1 ofi the Califiornia Environmental Quality Act, the City ofi Arroyo Grande (the City) has independently reviewed and analyzed the Initial Study and Negative Declaration fior the proposed project and fiinds that these documents refilect the independent judgment ofi the City. The City, as lead agency, also confiirms that the project mitigation measures detailed in these documents are fieasible and will be implemented as stated in the Negative Declaration. Teresa McClish, AICP Date Community Development Director Jim Bergman Date Planning Manager P ge 3 f 27 Agenda I�em �.a. Page 43 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Table of Contents: Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................6 Introduction and Regulatory Guidance.....................................................................................................6 LeadAgency..............................................................................................................................................6 Purpose and Document Organization.......................................................................................................6 Summaryofi Findings.................................................................................................................................7 ProjectDescription .......................................................................................................................................8 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................8 Background and Need fior Project.............................................................................................................8 ProjectDescription....................................................................................................................................8 Other Required Public Agency Approvals.................................................................................................8 RelatedProjects........................................................................................................................................8 EnvironmentalChecklist ...............................................................................................................................9 ProjectInfiormation...................................................................................................................................9 Environmental Factors Potentially Afifiected........................................................................................... 10 Determination.........................................................................................................................................10 Evaluation ofi Environmental Impacts..................................................................................................... 11 EnvironmentalIssues..................................................................................................................................12 I.Aesthetics.............................................................................................................................................12 II. Agriculture and Forestry Resources.................................................................................................... 12 III. Air Quality ..........................................................................................................................................13 IV. Biological Resources .......................................................................................................................... 14 V. Cultural Resources.............................................................................................................................. 15 VI. Geology and Soils............................................................................................................................... 16 VII. Greenhouse Gas Emissions............................................................................................................... 17 VIII Hazards and Hazardous Materials.................................................................................................... 18 IXHydrology and Water Quality............................................................................................................. 19 X. Land Use and Planning........................................................................................................................20 XI. Mineral Resources .............................................................................................................................20 XII. Noise .................................................................................................................................................21 XIII. Population and Housing...................................................................................................................21 XIV. Public Services .................................................................................................................................22 XV. Recreation.........................................................................................................................................22 XVI.Transportation/Trafifiic.....................................................................................................................23 P ge 4 f 27 Agenda I�em �.a. Page 44 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 XVII. Utilities and Service Systems..........................................................................................................24 Mandatory Findings ofi Signifiicance............................................................................................................25 Summary ofi Mitigation Measures ..............................................................................................................26 Refierences ..................................................................................................................................................27 P ge 5 f 27 Agenda I�em �.a. Page 45 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Introduction Introduction and Regulatory Guidance The Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) has been prepared by the City ofi Arroyo Grande (the City) to evaluate the potential environmental efifiects ofi the proposed project. This document has been prepared in accordance with the Califiornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code §21000 et seq., and the State CEQA Guidelines, Califiornia Code ofi Regulations (CCR) §15000 et seq. An Initial Study is conducted by a lead agency to determine ifi a project may have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment [CEQA Guidelines §15063(a)]. Ifi there is substantial evidence that a project may have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15064(a). However, ifi the lead agency determines that revisions in the project plans or proposals made by or agreed to by the applicant mitigate the potentially signifiicant efifiects to a less-than-signifiicant level, a Mitigated Negative Declaration may be prepared instead ofi an EIR [CEQA Guidelines §15070(b)]. The lead agency prepares a written statement describing the reasons a proposed project would not have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment and, therefiore, why an EIR need not be prepared. This IS/MND confiorms to the content requirements under CEQA Guidelines §15071. Lead Agency The lead agency is the public agency with primary approval authority over the proposed project. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15051(b)(1), "the lead agency will normally be an agency with general governmental powers, such as a city or county, rather than an agency with a single or limited purpose." The lead agency fior the proposed project is the City ofi Arroyo Grande.The contact person fior the lead agency is: Jim Bergman, Planning Manager City ofi Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805)473-5420 Purpose and Document Organization The purpose ofi this document is to evaluate the potential environmental efifiects ofi the proposed project. Mitigation measures have been identifiied and incorporated into the project to eliminate any potentially signifiicant impacts or reduce them to a less-than-signifiicant level. This document is organized as fiollows: • Introduction This chapter provides an introduction to the project and describes the purpose and organization ofi this document. • Project Description This chapter describes the reasons fior the project, scope ofi the project, and project objectives. Pa e 6 ofi 27 A enda �em 9.a. g Page 46 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 � Environmental Setting, Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures This chapter identifiies the signifiicance ofi potential environmental impacts, explains the environmental setting fior each environmental issue, and evaluates the potential impacts identifiied in the CEQA Environmental (Initial Study) Checklist. Mitigation measures are incorporated, where appropriate, to reduce potentially signifiicant impacts to a less-than- signifiicant level. • Mandatory Findings ofi Signifiicance This chapter identifiies and summarizes the overall signifiicance ofi any potential impacts to natural and cultural resources, cumulative impacts, and impact to humans, as identifiied in the Initial Study. • Summary ofi Mitigation Measures This chapter summarizes the mitigation measures incorporated into the project as a result ofi the Initial Study. • Refierences This chapter identifiies the refierences and sources used in the preparation ofi this IS/MND. It also provides a list ofi those involved in the preparation ofi this document. Summary of Findings Section 3 ofi this document contains the Environmental (Initial Study) Checklist that identifiies the potential environmental impacts (by environmental issue) and a briefi discussion ofi each impact resulting firom implementation ofi the proposed project. In accordance with §15064(fi) ofi the CEQA Guidelines, a Mitigated Negative Declaration shall be prepared ifi the proposed project will not have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment afiter the inclusion ofi mitigation measures in the project. Based on the available project infiormation and the environmental analysis presented in this document, there is no substantial evidence that, afiter the incorporation ofi mitigation measures, the proposed project would have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment. It is proposed that a Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines. P ge 7 f 27 Agenda I�em �.a. Page 47 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Project Background and Description Introduction This Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) has been prepared by the City ofi Arroyo Grande (the City) to evaluate the potential environmental efifiects ofi the proposed project. The project site is located in the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and totals approximately 0.38 acres in size. Existing at the site is the City ofi Arroyo Grande's Building Department ofifiice (825 square fieet) and parking lot (15 spaces and the City's Public Works building). The site is surrounded on all sides by existing development: commercial to the north and west and Public Facilities to the east and south. Background and Need for Proj ect The project is the fiinal design review, through the Conditional Use Permit process, ofi maintenance and development requirements ofi a Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement ("agreement") entered into by the City Council on February 23, 2010 afiter consideration and adoption ofi Resolution 4262 and a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement and Mitigated Negative Declaration addressed a project that included: This Conditional Use Permit application is consistent with the Purchase and Sale Improvement Agreement ("Agreement") entered into by the City Council on February 23, 2010 (Resolution 4262). The Agreement, approved afiter several public hearings and adoption ofi a Mitigated Negative Declaration, included the fiollowing: • The creation ofi a lot with approximate dimensions ofi 92 fieet wide by 79 fieet deep; • Demolition ofi the Building Division building (200 East Branch Street); • The construction ofi a single-story 5,800 square fioot multi-tenant commercial building within the Village Core, which is designed to be compatible with existing turn ofi the 19th Century commercial storefiront and residential architecture ofi the Village Core; • Upgrade and adaptive reuse ofi the current Public Works Division building (Conrad House, 208 East Branch Street)which is designated as a local historic resource; • Development ofi an Administrative or Planned Sign Program fior signs associated with new commercial uses. Project Description: This project (Conditional Use Permit Case Number 10-002 and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002) is the fiinal design review ofi the fiull architectural, site, filoor, and landscaping plans ofi the approved commercial building as required in Section 11(b)iii ofi the Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement, the fiormal land division ofi the new development, and landscape improvements ofi the locally listed resource known as the "Conrad House." Other Required Public Agency Approvals No other public agency approvals are required fior the proposed project. Related Proj ects None Pa e 8 ofi 27 A enda �em 9.a. g Page 48 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Environmental Checklist Proj ect Information Project Title: TPM 10-002 and CUP 10-002 Lead Agency Name &Address: City ofi Arroyo Grande 214 East Brach Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Contact Person &Telephone Number: Jim Bergman, Planning Manager (805)473-5420 Project Location: Corner ofi East Branch Street and Short Street, Arroyo Grande, Califiornia Project Sponsor Name &Address: NKT Commercial 684 Higuera Street, Suite B San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 General Plan Designation: Village Core Zoning: Village Core Downtown; D-2.4 Description ofi Project: Refier to page 8 Surrounding Land Uses &Setting: The site is surrounded on all sides by existing development: commercial to the north and west and Public Facilities to the east and south. Approval Required firom Other Public Agencies: None Pa e 9 ofi 27 A enda �em 9.a. g Page 49 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Environmental Factors Potentially Affected The environmental fiactors checked below would be potentially afifiected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Signifiicant Impact", as indicated by the checklist on the fiollowing pages: ❑Aesthetics ❑Agricultural Resources ❑Air Quality ❑ Biological Resources ❑Cultural Resources ❑Geology/Soils ❑Greenhouse Gas Emissions ❑ Hazards&Hazardous Materials ❑ Hydrology/Water Quality ❑ l.and Use/Planning ❑ Mineral Resources ❑ Noise ❑ Population/Housing ❑ Public Services ❑ Recreation ❑Transportation/Traffic ❑ Utilities/Service Systems ❑ Mandatory Findings of Significance Determination On the basis ofi this initial evaluation: ❑ I fiind that the proposed project COU�D NOT have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DEC�ARATION will be prepared. � I fiind that, although the original scope ofi the proposed project COU�D have had a signifiicant efifiect on the environment, there WI�� NOT be a signifiicant efifiect because revisions/mitigations to the project have been made by or agreed to by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC�ARATION will be prepared. ❑ I fiind that the proposed project MAY have a signifiicant efifiect on the environment and an ENVIRONMENTA�IMPACT REPORT or its fiunctional equivalent will be prepared. ❑ I fiind that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially signifiicant impact" or "potentially signifiicant unless mitigated impact" on the environment. However, at least one impact has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document, pursuant to applicable legal standards, and has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis, as described in the report's attachments. An ENVIRONMENTA� IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the impacts not sufifiiciently addressed in previous documents. ❑ I fiind that, although the proposed project could have had a signifiicant efifiect on the environment, because all potentially signifiicant efifiects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration, pursuant to applicable standards, and have been avoided or mitigated, pursuant to an earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, all impacts have been avoided or mitigated to a less-than- signifiicant level and no fiurther action is required. Jim Bergman Date Planning Manager A enda��em�f a: g Page 50 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Evaluation of Environmental Impacts 1. A briefi explanation is required fior all answers, except "No Impact", that are adequately supported by the infiormation sources cited. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported ifi the refierenced infiormation sources show that the impact does not apply to the project being evaluated (e.g., the project fialls outside a fiault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on general or project-specifiic fiactors (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specifiic screening analysis). 2. All answers must consider the whole ofi the project-related efifiects, both direct and indirect, including ofifi-site, cumulative, construction, and operational impacts. 3. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, the checklist answers must indicate whether that impact is potentially signifiicant, less than signifiicant with mitigation, or less than signifiicant. "Potentially Signifiicant Impact" is appropriate when there is sufifiicient evidence that a substantial or potentially substantial adverse change may occur in any ofi the physical conditions within the area afifiected by the project that cannot be mitigated below a level ofi signifiicance. Ifi there are one or more "Potentially Signifiicant Impact" entries, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required. 4. A "Mitigated Negative Declaration" (Negative Declaration: Less Than Signifiicant with Mitigation Incorporated) applies where the incorporation ofi mitigation measures, prior to declaration ofi project approval, has reduced an efifiect firom "Potentially Signifiicant Impact" to a "Less Than Signifiicant Impact with Mitigation." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures and briefily explain how they reduce the efifiect to a less than signifiicant level. 5. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an efifiect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR (including a General Plan) or Negative Declaration [CCR, Guidelines fior the Implementation ofi CEQA, § 15063(c)(3)(D)]. Refierences to an earlier analysis should: a) Identifiy the earlier analysis and state where it is available fior review. b) Indicate which efifiects firom the environmental checklist were adequately analyzed in the earlier document, pursuant to applicable legal standards, and whether these efifiects were adequately addressed by mitigation measures included in that analysis. c) Describe the mitigation measures in this document that were incorporated or refiined firom the earlier document and indicate to what extent they address site-specifiic conditions fior this project. 6. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate refierences to infiormation sources fior potential impacts into the checklist or appendix (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances, biological assessments). Refierence to a previously prepared or outside document should include an indication ofi the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7. A source list should be appended to this document. Sources used or individuals contacted should be listed in the source list and cited in the discussion. 8. Explanation(s) ofi each issue should identifiy: a) the criteria or threshold, ifi any, used to evaluate the signifiicance ofi the impact addressed by each question and b) the mitigation measures, ifi any, prescribed to reduce the impact below the level ofi signifiicance. A enda��em�f a: g Page 51 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Environmental Issues I.Aesthetics Environmental Setting The project site is located within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and is inclusive ofi and is surrounded by development (buildings and paved surfiace parking or streets on all sides). The Arroyo Grande Creek and associated riparian areas are 108 fieet to the south across a paved surfiace parking fiacility and public open space. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Have a substantial adverse afifiect on a scenic vista? ❑ ❑ ❑ � b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and ❑ ❑ ❑ � historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or . � ❑ ❑ � ❑ quality ofi the site and its surroundings. d) Create a new source ofi substantial light or glare which would adversely afifiect day or nighttime views in ❑ ❑ ❑ � the area? Discussion a, b, and d: No impacts based upon project description and location. c: Less than signifiicant impacts. The project is consistent with the Design Guidelines and Standards based upon size, scale, mass and materials. The project as described and conditioned will meet the Secretary ofi Interior's Standards fior the treatment ofi Historic Properties. II.Agriculture and Forestry Resources Environmental Setting The project site is located within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and is surrounded by development (buildings and paved surfiace parking on all sides). There is no record ofi agricultural production occurring on the project site and the site does is not zoned fior agriculture nor is eligible fior a Williamson Act contract. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland ofi Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the ❑ ❑ ❑ � Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program ofi the Califiornia Resources Agency,to non-agricultural use? b) Confilict with existing zoning fior agricultural use or a � ❑ ❑ ❑ � Williamson Act contract. Page 12 ofi 27 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 52 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 c) Confilict with existing zoning fior, or cause rezoning ofi, fiorest land (as defiined in Public Resources Code section 12220)g)), timberland (as defiined by Public Resources Code section 4526), or timberland zoned ❑ ❑ ❑ � Timberland Production (as defiined by Government Code section 51104(g))? d) Result in the loss ofi fiorest land or conversion ofi _ � ❑ ❑ ❑ � fiorest land to non fiorest use. e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in ❑ ❑ ❑ � conversion ofi Farmland to non-agricultural use? *In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997), prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model for use in assessing impacts on agricultural and farmland. Discussion a-e: No impacts based upon project description. The project is not located within or adjacent to any agricultural land. III.Air Quality Environmental Setting The project site is located in the existing Village Commercial Core along the City's main commercial corridor (East Branch Street). The Village Core was mainly developed prior to WWII and is a compact, pedestrian oriented area with shared parking fiacilities. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Confilict with or obstruct implementation ofi the � ❑ ❑ ❑ � applicable air quality plan. b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality ❑ ❑ ❑ � violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase ofi any criteria pollutant fior which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable fiederal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing ❑ ❑ ❑ � emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds fior ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant . � ❑ ❑ ❑ � concentrations. e) Create objectionable odors afifiecting a substantial � ❑ ❑ ❑ � number ofi people. *Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied on to make these determinations. A enda��em�f a: g Page 53 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Discussion a-e: No impacts based upon project description. IV. Biological Resources Environmental Setting The project site is located in the heart ofi the downtown core and is completely developed with structures, parking infirastructure and decorative landscaping. The proposed project will include adding The Liquidambar Styracifilua Sweetgum, Buxus Japonica Microphylla Japanese boxwood, Phorumium `Maori Queen', New Zealand Flax, Rosa `filower carpet' Flower carpet rose, Cuphea hyssopifiolia `rosea' fialse heather. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Have a substantial adverse efifiect, either directly or through habitat modifiication, on any species identifiied as a sensitive, candidate, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by ❑ ❑ ❑ � the Califiornia Department ofi Fish and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlifie Service? b) Have a substantial adverse efifiect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identifiied in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by ❑ ❑ ❑ � the Califiornia Department ofi Fish and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlifie Service? c) Have a substantial adverse efifiect on fiederally protected wetlands, as defiined by §404 ofi the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal ❑ ❑ ❑ � pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, fiilling, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfiere substantially with the movement ofi any native resident or migratory fiish or wildlifie species or with established native resident or migratory wildlifie ❑ ❑ ❑ � corridors, or impede the use ofi native wildlifie nursery sites? e) Confilict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree ❑ ❑ ❑ � preservation policy or ordinance? fi) Confilict with the provisions ofi an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat ❑ ❑ ❑ � conservation plan? Discussion a-fi: No impacts based upon project description. A enda��em�f a: g Page 54 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 V. Cultural Resources Environmental Setting The project site is located in the existing Village Commercial Core along the City's main commercial corridor (East Branch Street). The Village Core was mainly developed prior to WWII and is a compact, pedestrian oriented area with shared parking fiacilities. The site includes the "Conrad House" which has been designated as a local historic resource. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the signifiicance ofi a historical resource, as defiined in ❑ ❑ � ❑ §15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the signifiicance ofi an archaeological resource, pursuant to ❑ ❑ ❑ � §15064.5? c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred . � ❑ ❑ ❑ � outside ofi fiormal cemeteries. Discussion a: Less than Signifiicant Impact. The project area is in close proximity to a local historic structure (Conrad House)and has the potential to impact that resource. Substantial adverse change in the signifiicance ofi an historical resource means physical demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration ofi the resource or its immediate surroundings such that the signifiicance ofi an historical resource would be materially impaired. The signifiicance ofi an historical resource is materially impaired when a project: • Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics ofi an historical resource that convey its historical signifiicance and that justifiy its inclusion in, or eligibility fior, inclusion in the Califiornia Register ofi Historical Resources; or • Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account fior its inclusion in a local register ofi historical resources pursuant to section 5020.1(k) ofi the Public Resources Code or its identifiication in an historical resources survey meeting the requirements ofi section 5024.1(g) ofi the Public Resources Code, unless the public agency reviewing the efifiects ofi the project establishes by a preponderance ofi evidence that the resource is not historically or culturally signifiicant; or • Demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics ofi a historical resource that convey its historical signifiicance and that justifiy its eligibility fior inclusion in the Califiornia Register ofi Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency fior purposes ofi CEQA. Generally, a project that fiollows the Secretary ofi the Interior's Standards fior the Treatment ofi Historic Properties with Guidelines fior Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings or the Secretary ofi the Interior's Standards fior Rehabilitation and Guidelines fior Rehabilitating Historic Buildings (1995), Weeks and Grimmer, shall be considered as mitigated to a level ofi less than a signifiicant impact on the historical resource. A enda��em�f a: g Page 55 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 The project has been reviewed by Historic Resources Committee and the Architectural Committee to determine ifi changes to the Conrad House are consistent with the Secretary ofi the Interior's Standards fior the Treatment ofi Historic Properties and the City's Design Guidelines and Standards fior Historic Districts.The Historic Resources Committee reviewed the project and made and adopted the fiollowing motion fiindings directed at the architecture ofi the new building. Based upon the project plans minor work is being proposed associated with the Conrad House (limited to landscaping ofi the firont yard and a new fience adjacent to the sidewalk. No changes are proposed to demolish or materially alter the house as listed in Califiornia Environmental Quality Act Title 14; Chapter 3; Article 5; Section 15064.5. As recommended by the Historic Resources Committee the fiollowing mitigation measure is proposed to ensure consistency with the Secretary ofi the Interior's Standards fior the Treatment ofi Historic Properties with Guidelines fior Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings or the Secretary ofi the Interior's Standards fior Rehabilitation and Guidelines fior Rehabilitating Historic Buildings (1995), Weeks and Grimmer: MM-V-1:The picket fience alternative shall be used in firont ofi the Conrad House. b and c: Less than signifiicant impact with mitigation measures. As included in the City's standard conditions ofi approval and as recommended by the Historic Resources Committee the fiollowing mitigation measures are proposed related to archaeological resources and human remains. MM-V-2: During the earthwork, grading and excavation process ofi the construction the site shall be carefiully monitored fior archeological fiinds including fioundation ofi previous structures, privy pits, etc. Ifi fiound would shall stop and the City's Community Development Department notifiied and a qualifiied archeologist shall be retained at the applicants expense to provide profiessional recommendations to the Community Development Director. MM-V-3: The note below shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans fior the project: "Ifi human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner shall be contacted immediately. In the event that previously unidentifiied potentially signifiicant cultural resources are discovered, an archaeologist shall have the authority to divert or temporarily halt ground disturbance operations in the area ofi discovery to allow evaluation ofi potentially signifiicant cultural resources in consultation with Northern Chumash Tribal Council. For signifiicant cultural resources, a Research Design and Data Recovery Program to mitigate impacts shall be prepared by the consulting archaeologist and approved by the City, then carried out using profiessional archaeological methods. Ifi it can be demonstrated that a project will cause damage to a unique archaeological resource, the City may require reasonable efifiorts to be made to permit any or all ofi these resources to be preserved in place or lefit in an undisturbed state." VI. Geology and Soils Environmental Setting The project site is located in the existing Village Commercial Core along the City's main commercial corridor (East Branch Street).The Village Core was mainly developed prior to WWII and is a compact, A enda��em�f a: g Page 56 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 pedestrian oriented area with shared parking fiacilities.The site houses two buildings and a parking lot. There are no known geological or soil issues within the Village. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse efifiects, including the risk ofi loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture ofi a known earthquake fiault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map, issued by the State Geologist fior the area, or based on other � ❑ ❑ ❑ � substantial evidence ofi a known fiault. (Refier to Division ofi Mines and Geology Special Publication 42.) ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? iii) Seismic-related ground fiailure, including liquefiaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss ofi . � ❑ ❑ ❑ � topsoil. c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable, as a result ofi the project and potentially result in on- or ofifi-site ❑ ❑ ❑ � landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefiaction, or collapse? d) Be located on expansive soil, as defiined in Table 18- 1-B ofi the Unifiorm Building Code (1994), creating ❑ ❑ ❑ � substantial risks to lifie or property? e) Have soils incapable ofi adequately supporting the use ofi septic tanks or alternative waste disposal systems, where sewers are not available fior the ❑ ❑ ❑ � disposal ofi waste water? Discussion a-e: No impacts based upon project description. VII. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Environmental Setting The project site is located in the existing Village Commercial Core along the City's main commercial corridor (East Branch Street). The Village Core was developed prior to WWII and is a compact, pedestrian oriented area with shared parking fiacilities. Infiill development in this area exemplifiies wise land use as related to Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A enda��em�f a: g Page 57 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a signifiicant efifiect on the ❑ ❑ ❑ � environment? b) Confilict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted fior the purpose ofi reducing the emissions ofi ❑ ❑ ❑ � greenhouse gases? Discussion a-b: No impacts based upon project description. VIII Hazards and Hazardous Materials Environmental Setting There are no known hazards or hazardous materials associated with the project site since the property has been developed with residential and commercial buildings and a surfiace parking lot. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Create a signifiicant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or ❑ ❑ ❑ � disposal ofi hazardous materials? b) Create a signifiicant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably fioreseeable upset and/or accident conditions involving the release ofi ❑ ❑ ❑ � hazardous materials, substances, or waste into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile ofi an existing or proposed ❑ ❑ ❑ � school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list ofi hazardous materials sites, compiled pursuant to Government Code §65962.5, and, as a result, create a ❑ ❑ ❑ � signifiicant hazard to the public or environment? e) Be located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles ofi a public airport or public use airport? Ifi so, would the ❑ ❑ ❑ � project result in a safiety hazard fior people residing or working in the project area? fi) Be located i n the vici n ity ofi a private a i rstri p? Ifi so, would the project result in a safiety hazard fior people ❑ ❑ ❑ � residing or working in the project area? A enda��em�f a: g Page 58 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 g) Impair implementation ofi or physically interfiere with an adopted emergency response plan or ❑ ❑ ❑ � emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a signifiicant risk ofi loss, injury, or death firom wildland fiires, including areas where wildlands are ad�acent to urbanized areas ❑ ❑ ❑ � or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? Discussion a-h: No impacts based upon project description. IX Hydrology and Water Quality Environmental Setting The project site is located in the existing Village Commercial Core along the City's main commercial corridor (East Branch Street).The Village Core was developed prior to WWII and is a compact, pedestrian oriented area with shared parking fiacilities. Infiill development in this area exemplifiies wise land use as related to hydrology and water quality. �ess Than Potentially �ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Violate any water quality standards or waste � ❑ ❑ ❑ � discharge requirements. b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfiere substantially with groundwater recharge, such that there would be a net defiicit in aquifier volume or a lowering ofi the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate ofi pre-existing nearby ❑ ❑ ❑ � wells would drop to a level that would not support existing land uses or planned uses fior which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ofi the site or area, including through alteration ofi the course ofi a stream or river, in a manner which would ❑ ❑ ❑ � result in substantial on-or ofifi-site erosion or siltation? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ofi the site or area, including through alteration ofi the course ofi a stream or river, or substantially increase ❑ ❑ ❑ � the rate or amount ofi surfiace runofifi in a manner which would result in on-or ofifi-site filooding? e) Create or contribute runofifi water which would exceed the capacity ofi existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional ❑ ❑ ❑ � sources ofi polluted runofifi? fi)Substantially degrade water quality? ❑ ❑ ❑ � A enda��em�f a: g Page 59 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 g) Place housing within a 100-year filood hazard area, as mapped on a fiederal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map, or other filood hazard ❑ ❑ ❑ � delineation map? h) Place structures that would impede or redirect filood _ � ❑ ❑ ❑ � filows within a 100 year filood hazard area. i) Expose people or structures to a signifiicant risk ofi loss, injury, or death firom filooding, including filooding ❑ ❑ ❑ � resulting firom the fiailure ofi a levee or dam? j) Result in inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudfilow? ❑ ❑ ❑ � Discussion a-j: No impacts based upon project description. X. Land Use and Planning Environmental Setting The project site is designated as Village Core (VC) in the City's Land Use Element and zoned Village Core Downtown (VCD). The proposed type and scale ofi development is consistent with both the land use category and zoning district. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Physically divide an established community? ❑ ❑ ❑ � b) Confilict with the applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation ofi any agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to, a general plan, specifiic plan, local coastal program, or zoning ❑ ❑ ❑ � ordinance) adopted fior the purpose ofi avoiding or mitigating an environmental efifiect? c) Confilict with any applicable habitat conservation � ❑ ❑ ❑ � plan or natural community conservation plan. Discussion a -c: No impacts based upon project description. XI. Mineral Resources Environmental Setting The project site is a developed parcel within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and does not contain any known mineral resources. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Result in the loss ofi availability ofi a known mineral resource that is or would be ofi value to the region and ❑ ❑ ❑ � the residents ofithe state? A enda��em�f a: g Page 60 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 b) Result in the loss ofi availability ofi a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specifiic plan, or other land use ❑ ❑ ❑ � plan? Discussion a-b: No impacts based upon project description. XII. Noise Environmental Setting The project site is a developed parcel within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and proposes commercial uses within a commercial area. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Generate or expose people to noise levels in excess ofi standards established in a local general plan or noise ordinance, or in other applicable local, state, or ❑ ❑ ❑ � fiederal standards? b) Generate or expose people to excessive � ❑ ❑ ❑ � groundborne vibrations or groundborne noise levels. c) Create a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity ofi the project (above levels ❑ ❑ ❑ � without the project)? d) Create a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity ofi the project, in ❑ ❑ ❑ � excess ofi noise levels existing without the project? e) Be located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles ofi a public airport or public use airport? Ifi so, would the ❑ ❑ ❑ � project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? fi) Be in the vicinity ofi a private airstrip? Ifi so, would the project expose people residing or working in the ❑ ❑ ❑ � project area to excessive noise levels? Discussion a-fi: No impacts based upon project description. XIII. Population and Housing Environmental Setting The project site is a developed parcel within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and proposes commercial uses within a commercial area. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact A enda��em�f a: g Page 61 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (fior example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (fior example, through ❑ ❑ ❑ � extension ofi roads or other infirastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers ofi existing housing, necessitating the construction ofi replacement housing ❑ ❑ ❑ � elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers ofi people, necessitating the construction ofi replacement housing ❑ ❑ ❑ � elsewhere? Discussion a-c: No impacts based upon project description. XIV. Public Services Environmental Setting Public services to the project site are readily provided by the City ofi Arroyo Grande and the Lucia Mar School District (LMSD). l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Result in signifiicant environmental impacts firom construction associated with the provision ofi new or physically altered governmental fiacilities, or the need fior new or physically altered governmental fiacilities, to ❑ ❑ ❑ � maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other perfiormance objectives fior any ofi the public services: Fire protection? ❑ ❑ ❑ � Police protection: ❑ ❑ ❑ � schools? ❑ ❑ ❑ � Pa rks? ❑ ❑ ❑ � Other public fiacilities? ❑ ❑ ❑ � Discussion a: No impacts based upon project description. XV. Recreation Environmental Setting Adequate parks and recreational fiacilities exist in the community to support the proposed project including three nearby parks (Hoosegow Park, Kiwanis Park and Heritage Square Park) that adequately provide recreational activities fior the Village area. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact A enda��em�f a: g Page 62 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 a) Increase the use ofi existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational fiacilities, such that substantial physical deterioration ofi the fiacility would ❑ ❑ ❑ � occur or be accelerated? b) Include recreational fiacilities or require the construction or expansion ofi recreational fiacilities that might have an adverse physical efifiect on the ❑ ❑ ❑ � environment? Discussion a-b: No impacts based upon project description. XVI. Transportation/Traffic Environmental Setting The project site is a developed parcel within the Village ofi Arroyo Grande and proposes commercial uses within a commercial area. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Cause a substantial increase in trafifiic, in relation to existing trafifiic and the capacity ofi the street system (i.e., a substantial increase in either the number ofi ❑ ❑ ❑ � vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, individually or cumulatively, the level ofi service standards established by the county congestion management agency fior designated roads or ❑ ❑ ❑ � h ighways? c) Cause a change in air trafifiic patterns, including either an increase in trafifiic levels or a change in ❑ ❑ ❑ � location, that results in substantial safiety risks? d) Contain a design fieature (e.g., sharp curves or a dangerous intersection) or incompatible uses (e.g., fiarm equipment) that would substantially increase ❑ ❑ ❑ � hazards? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? ❑ ❑ ❑ � fi) Result in inadequate parking capacity? ❑ ❑ ❑ � g) Confilict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus ❑ ❑ ❑ � turnouts, bicycle racks)? Discussion a-g: No impacts based upon project description. A enda��em�f a: g Page 63 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 XVII. Utilities and Service Systems Environmental Setting The project site is located within the incorporated City Limits ofi Arroyo Grande. Utilities will be served by both the City and other regional entities. l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Exceed wastewater treatment restrictions or standards ofi the applicable Regional Water Quality ❑ ❑ ❑ � Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction ofi new water or wastewater treatment fiacilities or expansion ofi ❑ ❑ ❑ � existing fiacilities? Would the construction ofi these fiacilities cause � ❑ ❑ ❑ � signifiicant environmental efifiects. c) Require or result in the construction ofi new storm water drainage fiacilities or expansion ofi existing ❑ ❑ ❑ � fiacilities? d) Have sufifiicient water supplies available to serve the project firom existing entitlements and resources or ❑ ❑ ❑ � are new or expanded entitlements needed? e) Result in a determination, by the wastewater treatment provider that serves or may serve the project, that it has adequate capacity to service the ❑ ❑ ❑ � project's anticipated demand, in addition to the provider's existing commitments? fi) Be served by a landfiill with sufifiicient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste ❑ ❑ ❑ � disposal needs? g) Comply with fiederal, state, and local statutes and � ❑ ❑ ❑ � regulations as they relate to solid waste. Discussion a-g: No impacts based upon project description. A enda��em�f a: g Page 64 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Mandatory Findings of Significance l.ess Than Potentially l.ess Than Significant Significant Significant No Impact with Would the project: Impact Mitigation �mpact a) Substantially degrade the quality ofi the environment, substantially reduce the habitat ofi a fiish or wildlifie species; cause a fiish or wildlifie population to drop below selfi-sustaining levels; threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community; substantially ❑ ❑ ❑ � reduce the number or restrict the range ofi an endangered, rare or threatened species; or eliminate examples ofi the major periods ofi Califiornia history or prehistory? b) Have the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage ofi long-term ❑ ❑ ❑ � environmental goals? c) Have possible environmental efifiects that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable? "Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental efifiects ofi an individual project are ❑ ❑ ❑ � signifiicant when viewed in connection with the efifiects ofi past projects, the efifiects ofi other current projects, and the efifiects ofi possible fiuture projects. d) Cause substantial adverse efifiects on human beings, � ❑ ❑ ❑ � either directly or indirectly. Discussion a-d: Based upon the project description (fiinal design review ofi the fiull architectural, site, filoor, and landscaping plans ofi the approved commercial building as required in Section 11(b)iii ofi the Purchase and Sale and Improvement Agreement) no impacts will result related to mandatory fiindings ofi signifiicance. Page 25 ofi 27 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 65 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 Summary of Mitigation Measures 1. MM V-1: The picket fience alternative shall be used in firont ofi the Conrad House. 2. MM-V-2: During the earthwork, grading and excavation process ofi the construction the site shall be carefiully monitored fior archeological fiinds including fioundation ofi previous structures, privy pits, etc. Ifi fiound would shall stop and the City's Community Development Department notifiied and a qualifiied archeologist shall be retained at the applicants expense to provide profiessional recommendations to the Community Development Director. 3. MM-V-3:The note below shall be placed on the grading and improvement plans fior the project: "Ifi human remains (burials) are encountered, the County Coroner shall be contacted immediately. In the event that previously unidentifiied potentially signifiicant cultural resources are discovered, an archaeologist shall have the authority to divert or temporarily halt ground disturbance operations in the area ofi discovery to allow evaluation ofi potentially signifiicant cultural resources in consultation with Northern Chumash Tribal Council. For signifiicant cultural resources, a Research Design and Data Recovery Program to mitigate impacts shall be prepared by the consulting archaeologist and approved by the City, then carried out using profiessional archaeological methods. Ifi it can be demonstrated that a project will cause damage to a unique archaeological resource, the City may require reasonable efifiorts to be made to permit any or all ofi these resources to be preserved in place or lefit in an undisturbed state." Page 26 ofi 27 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 66 INITIAI.STUDY MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECI.ARATION �uly 2010 TPM 10-002 AND CUP 10-002 References • 2001 Arroyo Grande General Plan, as amended • Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, Title 16, as amended � Design Guidelines fior Historic Districts, Amended February 10, 2009 • CEQA& Climate Change White Paper(CAPCOA) • Air Quality Handbook(SLO APCD) • Mitigated Negative Declaration, Development Agreement Case No. 09-001 • Historic Assessment Report, Historic Resources Group, December 2008 � Project Plans, MW Architecture, Inc. • Site I nspection • Archeological / Cultural Resource Survey, Creek Protection Study Project, Central Coast I nfiormation Center, 2007 • Historic Resources Committee Minutes,July 16, 2010 • Arch itectu ra I Review Com m ittee M i n utes,J u ly 6, 2010 Page 27 ofi 27 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 67 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 68 �1 i rn Ber rr��n �r�nn: Illl�r�C 1la��u�� [Desi�n��r��hi��c��b�g��b�l,r���] �er�t: 1111����}�, �u�u�t�2, ���� 'I�;�� �IIII ��: ,��r� ��rgr��r�; T�r�sa Ill���li�h; ����r�Ada�r-n� �ubje��: A� �hart�treet Proj��t ��ty �� �Ir�r���� �r��n�� Pl�r�r��n� ��rnmi��i�n, ��I�� ��f11� ��S�I^V��l��l� ����C� l.l���1 t11� C�U1��C f"�V1�1+� �� ��� ����� 1^����''� � �}C�11�1��. I ar� rrot rna�kir�g �om�n�rr� or� th� p�o��ct via�ilitY� a�propriat�n�ss �o� prop�rty exehar�g�� rn�ppir�g, ���r�a�l� �r�j��� d���gr� a� �#���� i����� ha�v� b��r� pr��vi�u��.� ����d��. � a�m �r�l� addressing the �xter��r �r�hite��ure �nd ��ce�� issues for t�� �roj�ct. 1. � a��n di��pp�in��� ��r t�� ��n�ur�t �� ��a���r� ��^������ �r� �h� ��r���ur�� a� �I��wn ir� �h� ��c�ibi��, In th� 1lill��� ���i�n �ui���ir��� ,�� i� �t���d "A�1 n�w pr��j���� ����1 ��� r����ri�l� that fit v�i��ir� ��� �h�r���t�r �� th� Vill�g�". I f��l t��� �hi� n�� �nly lirnit� �th� rn���ri���, b�� de�crib�� th� us� of �na��rials a�propr�ia�� fo� sp�ci�ic �ty�.e o� a�rchit���u�re. ��apb��rd �idir��, Bri�k and �t��� �r� �h� �i���r�� r�a��ria�l� u��� �r� t�� ��1����d �t�l�� �ithin th� v�llage. T�ese s�ru��ures a�� a�pa��ntly �����rred to rnimic�C the ��r�y 'rvillag� ��r��" ��}�1�� ��r� �r�n�h ��r����t �r�� �nd th��� �� n�t ir►�lud� pl�����^ a�� pr������. Th�� propos�� seer�s �o l�a�n rnor�e to+�a�^� th� �en��r at the 4��st �nd o� tt�� villag� which w�� not ��11 r����iv�d #��r ��� �iti��n� �f �r�r���� �r�n�� a� a�pr�pr�i.��� ��r� �h� �illa���. 1�hi1� I d� t��� ���r� th� ��ca�� l�n�t�� �nd h�ight� �� ��►� v�����, i� app�ar� t��t �p�r���i�aa���l�r �� � �� tt�� ��ru��ur� i� �1����r� ��c��ri�r�, 2� � br�i�l� v����r� �n� 2�9� w��� ����n�. ��il� �F►� color� ��e� to be u�ed to soft�rr th� str���ur�, ��e p��s�e�^ wi�l stil� b� ��er� as plast�r by ��� ���u�� ����r�r�r an� r��t tY�� "�i�t�ri�" m���r����� ���� in �h� �ar�l�r �r�11���. T �h�n� �h� ��r��i����ur� i� ��rnp��ibl� �� far a� ���i�n lin��, but �h� m���r��l� �r�� �n�� ir� �C��pin� wi�� �h� d���grr th��n�. ���� �i��n� �� �f�� ��1�� �i�� ����.d �� m�r�� a��pr�pr��t� �� k��p wi�h �h� hi���ri� ��yl� "�a��l� �� �h� ����r�", �h��� the �orner f�cad� app�a�s to m�mick th� s�y�� o� th� ���lding� at Sridg� �r�d �rar��h s�r��ts, th� �I�oi�� o� �last�� for ��e f����e wi11 r�or� r�pl����� t�� il� fat�d d�sig�► �� Branch & 4��s��y. Brick pattern or bri�k �.s what is on th� �tru�tures �t bridge �t�^��� on th� s�re�t f��ades and waurld b� mare appro�ri�t�. �►�di�i�r��l�,�r, �l��ul� t�� pla��t�r� ��r�r��r� r��na�i�n, �h� "1li����� an�i����" ���r��r��nt �h�u�d b� b�^�.�I� �r ���n�� n�� �1����r �� a� �i�����n� ��1.�r� t� b� in I���p�r�� �i�h �h� �r������� "v�llag� ���"'�Rr C��Sl�C15 @�C].S�l�'1�. � will �gr�� t�r�� ���r�� �r�� ��m� �la�����^ �a���d�� withi.r� tF�� villa��� b�� r��� ir� th� hi����r�� s�orefrant styles dep,��t�d �n �h� plans. �. A� pr��v����l� ������ �r� �hi� �r������, t�� ����r���� �h��l� b� d�r���i�h��! arrd ��bu�lt a�� � part of �his �ork. T�� ��r�u���r� d��� n�� bl�nd �i�h �h� ar��l�it��t�r� �r�d �ill ����� � r���n��r �f ���u�� r���r�ing m�����r��r��� � �r��ina�g� a� �t�� ��c���ing r��f. �4�di���n�l�.�, t�� ��r�r��nt r���r��r�� ar� ��t �4�� ��r�pli�nt and n��d t� b� rn��ifi�d �i��i�i.��r��I�r �� a��i�v� ��r��������. N��r ���1� �� ��� tirn� ��r� t�� �m�dif��a�i�n� w��r� t�� �ntri�� �r�� �r����n� ���n b� m��i�i�d �� ��r�r��t a������ i��u�� �u���i�� a� w�ll a� �h� a����� i����� in�i�� ��� ��ru��ur�, 3. Th� pla�n do�� no� app�ar to addr��� disable� acc�ss requir�r��nts suc� as ac�e�s to t rash �r��a�, ��rlcin� a�rail�bl� ��r �i��bl�d ir�di�ri�u��.�, ���. � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 69 ���r��l, I ��i�� ��� pr����t ���u�� ��n �� w�r��� �u�, b�� �h��� i����� ���ul� b� ��������d in order to �ak� t�� pro�ec� � goo� fit �or the villag�. �h�n1� Y�u ��r� t��cir�g �irn� �� r��r��w rn� ��rn�n�n�� �n �f�i� pr������. �a�k Va�squ�� � Agenda Item 9.a. Page 70 ' ' �'_�' �- _ �= �" _ . ����\ . • ��� _ . • } � . . • ��� �- � - ��- ', . .9� � i°��i���� �� - . �. �`}°'�• � �'�� � - ��°`'� �°°'� `�'''l������ �� };� �� � -- .- - ����:- _,� - =i '�- - ��. � - � � � � E ..� - 3 95 .' .. � �.: • --- ' � �. \ = � .} } � �-- { �en��b[E� . � �or�e��ubli� � = � � �. - _ ��- � �� � o THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 72 GARY L. SCHERQUIST • ARCHITECT 134 Corralitos Road,Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 tt :// r i t. email: garyscherquist@att.net tel: (805)481 2721 August 18, 2010 City Council, City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Street Arroyo G rande, CA 93420 RE: Case Number: Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002; Conditional Use Permit 10-002 (Shops at Short Street) Date of Hearing: August 24, 2010 Mr. Mayor, Members of the City Council First I want to say that I support a project of this size and scope on this property. While I have had alternate visions of the project I believe the developer, Mr. Nick Tompkins, truly intends to build a good project for the Village. I have served with Mike Peachy on the ARC and have considerable respect for Mike and his abi I ities. I am in agreement with the staff report that the Project complies with our Design Guidelines. The design picks up the rhythms and lines of the commercial structures in our Village and the proportions and massing compliment the older Village commercial buildings. I do have some concerns with the scale in relationship to other buildings in the Village. I am writing because I have two primary concerns about the project's design. First, this project will have a major presence in our Historic Village and will influence the design concepts of future projects in the Village. We need to take care to get this one right. Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 73 August 18, 2010 City Council, City of Arroyo Grande RE: Case Number: Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002; Conditional Use Permit 10-002 (Shops at Short Street) Page 2 of 3 Since the property lies within the Village Core Downtown portion of the Historic Character Overlay District (D-2.4), I believe the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines should apply to all infill projects and not just to the existi ng h istoric structu res. The Secretary's Standard # 9 reads i n part that "The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment." The projects design is not sufficiently differentiated from the old and thereby creates a false sense of history. In at least in seven places within its Guidelines, the Secretary of the Interior recommends a ainst creating a false sense of history. Other City's that have had Historic Preservation Ordinances in place longer than Arroyo Grande have dealt with this issue directly. The Historic Downtown Los Angeles Design Guidelines for Infill Construction states i n part "New construction should both respect the authentic character of the existing building stock and place its own contemporary stamp on the urban setting." The City of Pasadena states in their guidelines that "lt is important to note that compatibility is not necessarily the repetition of existing or historical design patterns, but is the interpretation of these pa tterns" and the City of San Luis Obispo in their Preservation Guidelines states in part that - "New structures shall not copy or imitate historic structures, or seek to create the illusion that a new building is historic." My second concern is that the fa�ades of the building are broken up to make it appear to be five building while in fact it is only one. As it states in your staff report: Agenda Item 9.a. Page 74 August 18, 2010 City Council, City of Arroyo Grande RE: Case Number: Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10-002; Conditional Use Permit 10-002 (Shops at Short Street) Page 3 of 3 "The future floor plan of undefined condominium units may not correspond with the exterior architecture or designed pedestrian access of the building or public infrastructure." The origin of this design put forth at the later part of last year showed individual shops that related to the various store fronts. These party walls are now gone and their locations will be market driven. Carol Florence representing NKT stated at the HRC meeting that the building may have 1 or 2 occupants. Mike Peachy stated that the design could handle up to 8 occupants. This project has five storefronts appeari ng to be five separate bu i Id i ngs. We shou Id be seeki ng authenticity in our Village Downtown Core not illusion. I believe a simpler more uniform facade design would better serve the flexibility necessary to provide for authenticity and the future, market driven, condominium break up of the building. I am attaching drawings which are intended to illustrate the concepts that I am addressing here. These drawings are not intended as an actual design for this or any other project. The concepts I am proposing can be expressed in many different ways. Thank you for your consideration. Gary L. Scherquist Copies: Steve Adams, City Manager Teresa McLish, Community Development Director Jim Bergman, Project Planner Agenda Item 9.a. Page 75 Painted metal coping(powder coated) Terra Cotta colored 6"x 12" Cement board siding sandstone tile Canvas awnin Exposed steel beam,painted 9 similar to"Gather" -- ��-� �_=�� ���� �� r � ,� - _ � � �YL ����t ., �. _ �� =' , ����,� ;� �, � � � �� - ����... ,\� �� � �__; �. `: >: ; y > �a.�..��. ��.��.���..��.,� ..,, :: ..' ��� � ���.� �:� \�: �� �.���� �� ��.� � � .. \: � �.� �ti�����\` ��` �� ��������� \ \�� \�" ��' � ���\. �\�\� � \�\_\\ �\- �\ � � � � �\ �� \\� �\ ��\ �� \ ��� �� `� � � �._� .�\� � \ � ��. �; � � \�������''�.���� �.��� ����.��.�' �\' ��� . ����\��\������ �������\\�� \������ - �. - -- \\ ti\ � \ . � � l � `�.�::�oo�o....�.��. .. �...::�: ,� _ � �„- _ , � _ Square steel columns painted BRANCH STREET ELEVATION For flexibility single doors are 1/8 —1-0 interchangeable at each end and double doors between each column Painted metal coping(powder coated) Terra Cotta colored 6"x 12" sandstone tile Exposed steel beam,painted similar to"Gather" �. �, ,,.,,. Bi-fold Patio doors SHORT STREET ELEVATION Square steel columns painted 1/8 =1-0 Retractable canvas awning This Drawing Prepared by Gary L.Scherquist,Architect, in lieu of trellis is for the sole purpose of expressing the concepts proposed in his City Council letter of Aug.18,2010.This drawing is not intended as an actual design for this or any other project. August 18,201 o Agenda Item 9.a. Page 76 �,...�. � - � _�� '�_`a:- `-�-'s �.� t€� _ __ � �, ._ ...... ,s,. �� � �� \�-�.�''�� �\`\ �°\ �' .\ �� '..:..�:.: ., - \\\......\\�� \�o�\\\\\`\\\ `�\�'..O\ CLASSICAL HORSEMAN ELEVATION BRANCH STREET ELEVATION 1/16"=1'-0" 1/16"=1'-0" e �s. 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EL TACO LOCO ELEVATION 1/16"=1'-0" August 18,2010 Agenda Item 9.a. Page 77 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Agenda Item 9.a. Page 78 �������� �./��������� ������ ���������� V ������ �� ���� �• ������� ��������� ������ ��� �I��� ��. ��'"��� ����I������ ��� ������ �i��� ��r 1�"���.� ����I���� "� ��� ���������� �I�� ���� ��������* �������� ". ������ �� +����� ������ ��� ���� �����i� ! �T����. ���ff r� �r� r� ��e� � F'I�nr�in� 11�1�r��g�r Jirr� B�r��n�r�. Tl�e P��nrrir�g � � � Y ���r������rr c����d�r�d rr�a�C�r� a� ��c�rr�mend�ti�r� t� t�� �ity �o�r���l re��r��n� t�e � . - fina! �d��� r� r��ri�� �� ��� �u�l� �r�h�t��tu�ra�l, ����t f1��rt �r�� I��d�����r�� ���r�� �o� ��� � # . , . . � r��r�d ��m�nn�r���i �u��l��r� , t�� ���r��l la�r�d ���r�s�or� �� tl�� r��evwr d��r�loprn�r��, ar�� . �� � . i[ . 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Tl�e :��p���a�n�'s r��r���nt��i�r� �r����t�d a�n �v�rv���r ����� r�`����v�th d�t�il� r�la���� �� t�� �1�� �I�r�, �I��r �l�r�, ��r�t�t��r� ��r��� � � . . . . rx��� ��d �xt�ri�r ��I��� �r��1 r��t�r�a��, P��li� ��r�rr�er�� �va�� �a�lc�r►� f��rr� T'�rr� �Ill�or�, �� ����r ��s#, �a��t�,r Vll�l�ln, �1�i�l��r �i�sor�, �i�l.:�'1�I���n�, �or��r� ��r�r��tt, �u���� �Y �l Flor��, �Il�i��tt�r ��r�r��tt: Nii1�� M��or��ril��, �r�� ���� �t�in��r��r, I���a�� di��u���� ��rir� ��li� ��rx�r�r��n��r�� � ������r�r�ni��i�� �rr��u�e�: � � . . _ : � . • ��re ��c��s and�ade u�� of�I�o�t �tr�et�e�r� narr��nre� to 1� fe�t �c��b t���r�t � Y . � � Pr������ ���t��. ���'�ir�� ��r��t ����Cir�� I��� . • �►�A �,p���d�����f t�� �u��MC �estroo�s; �� � �DA ��ar�cir�� s����� �n� ������� � � • Pr�j��� c��di�i�r�����f a��ro��l; . • ���r�d �--io���� f�r��� �ie�i�r�# : �, , .► ���ct�ri�vr r����ri��� �n tl�� �c�rr��r ������ pr������ ��ildir��; �► Tl�e �iif�r����� ���v��r� ��� ���� r� ��i�elin�� a�n� ��a�nd�r�s f�r tl�� l�is��r�� � �ver�ay �i�tri�t an� �h� ���re��►�y �f�rr#�r�or�s ��ric�e�ir�e� ar�d ��arrd�ra�� for�f�� Tr�a�r��r��o�I�is�o�r�c�uilclin��; � �I�e ����r��r���i�n �af �I�� �vind�v�rs a�r�� ����s �f �1�� ����c���d ��i�dir�� �n� th� f�e�ibl� �I���- �lar� �r�p���d; � 1`r�� r�r�rr���r�r1����� ������r�n�r�t��t���� i� ��r� �i�e�rva���; � Adequ�acy o�t�our��t�p�rk���; � A�e��r��� �� th� ��,� ���� s�t����C �o� t�� �r������ b�il�ing r���r��� �o the ��r���� F-����e; . � �u�#�er��i�i�y�r��r������ �����ry�D�i�n��l��n� a��p�ara�rr�� �o� tf�� �r�p���� f����e . �nd b�i�din�; • �t�rar�� s�ace �t th� r�ar a�t�� prt�p�se� b���ding: • ��a1� �r�d ma�� �f�Y�� �ro�ased buildir��# • M�lti��e fa�ad� v�r��� a �ir�g�e or d�r�bl�fa��de; • �he d��hotorr�y b�tw��r� th�e AR� a�r�d HR� r�cor�rr��n�atia�n: Agenda Item 9.a. Page 79 ����r�ir�� �o�rn����i�n� ���r��� �u���� �, ���� _ I� �nr�s ���r�d �� ���rr�i��i�r��r F��tl�, ����r���d �y �or��i����r��r 11�1a�rt�r�# ���# t�� Plar�rr�r� �or�nr����i�r� ��� t � r�����#��r� re��r�r��r��in� ���� ��t�r ���r��i� � � . ��� t � �I�li�� �rt�� N�g�tiv� D��lar��i�� a�r�� a�p�r�o�re ll���i�� T�������r� ��r��l � 9 �� ��s� fV�, 'i�-��� �r�� ��r��iti�r�a�� lJ�� F��rr�it +C��� �I�. ��-��� #��a�� ���i�� � * + r • r��r���r�r �f ��� ���I ar�1�������ra�l s�t�, ���r� ��n� ��r�d�����r�� ����rs o� �r��rio��l� .a� ro�r�� ����m�r��a�� ����dir�� �t ��� �r�d ��8 �. �r�r��l� ��, ��p1i�� ��r �y I`�I�T �� �or�nr��r�i��, a�� r�n�di�i�� �rv��� �l�� �I���r�a�� �����r�. ���ir �r��nrr� �or�r��r�t�� ��a�� �ity ��u��n�il �i� �i�re ��r���i�r�, �u� t�r��r ��s� �er�r� �t tl�� ����u�e �o��h� ��rr�rnu�rrity a��� �h� ��r�nr�nur��ty ha�s �u�li� ���r�r���. 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SITE, FLOOR. AND LANDSCAPING PLANS OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 200 AND 208 EAST BRANCH STREET: APPLICANT-NKT COMMERCIAL C/O NICK TOMPKINS DATE: AUGUST 24, 2010 Staff recommends page 4 of the Resolution (page 18 of the staff report) be replaced with the attached revised page 4. Additionally, Staff is recommending amending condition of approval no. 4 and that conditions nos. 86-90 be added to Exhibit"A" of the Resolution as follows: 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented at the City Council meeting of August 24, 2010 and marked "Attachment 2" on file in the Community Development Department. 86.Provide van accessible parking space adjacent to the building. 87.Provide fire rating analysis for the existing restroom building walis, parapets and ventilation. 88.Provide a remote Fire Department connection to be located near the north east corner of the new property lines and screened by decorative fencing and landscaping. 89.Final landscape plan shall be approved by the Director of Recreation and Maintenance Services. 90.The applicant shall, as a condition of approval of this vesting tentative tract map application, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande, its present or former agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its past or present agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul City's approval of this subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for by law. This condition is subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 66474.9, which are incorporated by reference herein as though set forth in full. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 proposed upgrades to public infrastructure from the site as determined by the Engineering Division, there are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure public health and safety. 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public hea/th, safety, or we/fare, or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity because the proposed project complies with applicab/e performance standards and development criteria of the Village Core Downtown zoning district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approves Vesting Tentative Parcel Map Case No. 10-002 and Conditional Use Permit Case No. 10-002, including final architectural, site, floor, and landscaping plans for the commercial building at 200 and 208 East Branch Street (attachment 2 to staff report) which includes the alternative brick fa�ade for the section of the building at the corner of East Branch Street and Short Street, subject to the Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. On a motion by Councilmember , seconded by Councilmember , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24`h day of August 2010. Agenda Item 9.a. 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T�� p�rk �'rt� �r��ri��� � ��c���tr'ra�r� ��nr����i�n t� �a�rl�ir�� ���� ��rvin� T�r� Vil�a►�� �n� �� t�� ��ci��i�� �v�r��g��� bri�g� �h�t �p��� t�� �r��l�. TI�� �ity�rrr��,lc� �i�� t� r�n��ra��� �h� �rrr��t�rn ��rti�n �f�h� p�r�, a�r� �r�a� �� r�u��l�r �,��� �c��a�r� ����. F�FtM pr��a�r�c� a� ��n��p� �la�n {��n���� P12►n} �nrhi�� ha�� ���n a�ppr�v�cl by t�� ��ty �nd wrhi�h �rrrfll ��ru� �� th� ba��i� f�r ��t���q��n� d��i�n, �tt����d �� Exh�bi� �. IC��r ���n��n�nt� �f�I�i� ��r���p� Pla�n �r��lu�d� a� ��n��r�ni�l rr��►r�C�r��r�►ti�� ����u��, ���a�r�����nt� �� tk�� g�►z�b�� i��r �i�� v�r�l�� t� s�rv� �� �1�►nt��'� a��d pr��r�c�� ���t�n�, �t�p� �� a►���r�r�rx��d�t� �r�de �h�ng��, a�r���r�nr� r��rr��ri�l a�n� fl����l�, ���red �rva�l�� �� ir�pr�v� p�d��tri�� ��r�ul�ti�r�, I�nd���p�r�� �►nc� irrig2►ti�r�. Th� ��Il�v�rir�� ����� �f��rvi��� ��dr����� �h� r��p�n�ibili�i�� �#'F��II�� D���gn �r�up a��� id�t��i�i�� tk�� �����r���c� s�����i� ���k�. ���PE �F �E�VICE� �`��k A: Si�e �urv�y I�RN1 �nril� ��ndu�t � ��p�l�rir��n��l �i�� ���v�y�� ��ta�bli�� ����tin� h�ri��nt�l 2�nd v�rti��� ����r�l f�r�h� �r�j��t. T�� �r�d��� �f thi� �rv�rlc rnrill ��rv� a�� �h� bas� rr�a�p ��r th� pr�j��t �i��i�n. ��1r"��r��f���.s: �u�pl�r-��nta�� s��� �urv�y Fix�c#Fe�+ $�,�0� �s�� footn�te} ��M�IUIVITIf � �1111�8���BLl�S�AF�TY � F�E�F�EATI�IV � �RBA�V AR�HfT�CT�� ENCi�1�EFtS � �AfVDS�APE AR�H�TE�T� � PLAl+I�IER� � SURVEYORS A�al"rfania Cdparabnn�1�icior Mantg�xnery,�4rchi#�c#�C110�9�D�Jerry Michael,Pf#k3689�,L�#6�76�Jeff Ferber.I�4�2844 Agenda Item 10.a. � Page 5 ��� � . , ��� � � �'����rr►��u�Pc�rk Cor�s�r�ctio�r'Dacumer��s ������r��onr+�ts����y .��ap� o f�'ervr'�es �4 u�crs� �9� �01� Pa�e � of� T��k B: Cons�ru�t1o� �o��m�r�t� �J�ing th� �►��r��r�d ��n��pt P12�r� �t� � �ta►rtin� p�in�, I�Ft� v�r�il �r��a►r� ��r��tr��t��� D�cur���t� f�� ��br�nit�a� t� th� �i�� �� th� ���6�n�l fir��� �bid ��t� I��r�l�. � li�t �f�n���ip�t�d d���r��nt� ���I�w� t�����nr. All �ra�r�rir�g� v�rill b� pr�p�r��i ��r F�I�N1'� �ta�n�l�►rd ��r���ru�ti�n d��unn�nt �r����� �nd v�rill b� a�t � ���►I� �p�r��ria�� t� ��r�v��r th� d��i��. ��rta�in f����,r�� �f th� ��n��pt P�a►n in�lu�� d��igr� it�rr�� t�a�t a�r� �x�lud�d fr�r�rr� t#�i� ����� �f s�r�����. TI���� �x���,d�d it�r�� rn�lu�l� th� r�n�r�vria�l pl��u� a�r�d �na�r��r a��th� 11���ra►n� h��m�ri�� �nd t�� ti�n� �a►p�u�� a�nd �rra►r�C�r �la�q�a� �t th� ��r�t�nnia�l rr��r��r. l�FtIU1'� �nr�r�C ir��lu��� �i��fg� a�nc� d�t�ilin� �f th� rr��nu�rr��r��� �r�r�'r�h ir��luc��� �I�� f�rr�, �i��, rr�a►t�r�a�l ������i�r� ��ci I��r��t ��th� rn�r�n�ri�►I�. f�F�ll� �nrill ���rdir��►t� �rith tl�� �ity �►r�� I-•l�����'i��►I ���i��y �n ��� d����n ��th� pl��u�� �►r�� tir�r�� �a►p�ul� �nd �nri�l �r�vid� I����i�r�� ��r tl���� it�r�r�� a�� p�rt ��th� d����r� �f�a��h m�r��ri�i���r���rr��ra�ti�r� a�r��. �`h� plaqu��� �►r�d �ir-r�� ��►p�u��, in�ludir�� �I� v��rdir��, n�r�r���, ir-na���ry �►r�d c���i�n, �nr�ll b� pr��id�d by �th�r�. F��-�h� n��rrr b�i�� �r���rr�r�l�C a��r��� �I�h�� All�y, thi� ���p� �f��r�i��� �r�ti�ip���� r-r-w���F�ing �h� ��ci��in� r��t�ria�l, d��ign �r�d �n���ll�ti�n �f�h� �r���v�r�ll� �n th� �pp��it� �id� �f th� i���r����'r�n. Thi� ���p� i� b����i �n t�r� �ity pr�vidir�� th� d��igr� a��n� rr�a���ri�l �����fi��ti�rr� �r�rr� �h� pl�►n� u��d t� ��n�tru��th� ��ci�tin� �r���v�r��k I���t�d a�dja���r�� t� th� pub�i� �estroo rr�. R��erer��e ��tee�s F�F�N1 �rwr�ll �r�p�►r� r���r�n�� �h��ts th�t pr��rid� ��n�r�l inf��r�r��ti�n ��rt�►ini�� �� ��� �r�j��t. �h��� �m�� �n�lu�� it�r�t� su�� �� � �E�I� �h��t, ��n�r�� r��t��, �bb�'�via�t��n�� pr�j��� i�►f�rr�n�ti�n a�n d v��i r��ty r�r��p�. Si�� Surv�y �Ft�+1 v�ri�l �r�pa�r� � ��t� ��rv�� p��n �k�a►t �i���rik��s �h� ��ci�t�n� ��n�it��n�. �`his v�ril� �� t#�� pr�clu�� �f T�►��C A �►� �1���r�b�d a�b��r�. Derr�o�i�ior� P��r� FtFtl� �nr�11 pr�pa�r� a� �it� d�rrr����ti�n pl�►n t� ���rdi�a��� t�� pr������1 d��i�n �nri�� th�-��c���ir�� �i�� ��n�i�i�ns. In ��n�ra�l, i� i� ����rr��d th�►� i��rr�� t� �� d�rr���i���d �n��ud� ��ci��in� ��r��r�t� p�►�ir�g, bi��k v�ra��l�, ra�il� �dj���r�� brid�� �a�bl��, irri��ti�r� a�nd turf. �� 'r� a���urx��d tha�t �h��� a�r� r�� t�r�d�r�r�und ���tur�� �r �tiliti�� t� �� �l�r�t�l��h�� �r�d��r r�l�����e�. �t �� �►��ur��d th�t �I� ��ci�tir�� �urb� �r�d �u�t�r� v�r�ll r��a�in. �'or�s������or� La�ro�� Plarr ��N1 �vill pr�pa�r� ��n�tr�,�ti�r� la�y�ut pl�n� ��r�h� a�ppr�v�d c���ic�n. Th� pla�ns v�rill �a��r ��t a�n� dir��n�i�r� p�d��tr�a�� �����, �it� f�rr�i�F�in��, �ite wra►II� a�d �tf��r �i�� f�a�tur��. Th� ��r��t�r���i�n la�y�u� �la�n� �nril� b� a����rx�pa�n'r�d �nr�t� ��pr��ria�t� c��ta�il� f�r ����tru�tF�n. Cor���r�c�ior� D��c��l� A� a� ��rr�p�n��n �� �h� ��n�tru�ti�n la►�r�ut �I���, Ftf�l��l �nrill �r�vid� ��n�tru�ti�r� d�ta�il� f�r th� d��i�r�. �h� c����il� �nr��l �p���fy r�r�a��ri�ls, dir�n�n�i�n�, ����r�, �nd fini�k���. �����r�g Pl�r� FtF�IVI �r�ril� �r���r� a► �i�� gr�►din� �I�r� th�t �r��i��� �p�t �I��r�►ti�r�� �t k�y I��a►t��n� t���t�l�� irrt� a►���unt A�A r��uir�rr��r�t� a�nd ti� k���� �� ��Ija��nt ��c���in� ��n�l��i�r�� �u�� a�� ��� a�c�j�►��r�t �u rb �� �� r�ta►i n�d. Agenda Item 10.a. Page 6 ��� �� � ����� Cer���r�r�r'a!Park Cor�s�r�c�ion D�cum�rr�s cr��t.�rg�n�ron�n�s�eo���Oy Scope of.��rvr��s A�g�rs� T 9, ��T� Page � o�� Thi� ���p� a�r�ti��pa���� I��vir�g ��� ��ci���ng ��rb� ��� ���t�r� in pla��� a►r��l rr���ting ��ci�tir�� �ra�d�� a�� �I� ��v�n�, ��rb� �r�d �u���r�. #�riyu���rr ���r� Th� irrig�ti�n pla�r� v�ri�l �r��r��� I��r�ut �n��rr�r�a�ti�� f�r �u�l� i��rr�� �►� r��in ��n� r��t'rr�g, I����i�� �f t�� a►u��ma�t�� ��n�r��l�r, v�l�r� I����f�n�, �►��� I��r�ut, pi�ir��, �n� ba��l�fl��r�r pr�v�r�ti�r� d��ri��. f�f��l �nrill pr���r� irri�a�ti�r� d���il� i�n �up��r� �f��� irri��►ti�r� pl�►r�. �hi� ����� i� b�s�d �r� u��in� �h� �x��tin� irrig�t��r� ���t�r� ��nn��ti�n�, r�n�difi�d t� �u�t th� r��v�r d�si�r� ��� r�r���i�� � ��nn���i�r� t� rr�air�t��r� �h� ��ci���ng �rri���i�rt �y�t�rr� f�r��� p�rt��n �f th� pa�rk�� r�tr��in. �hi� ���p� ���r�rr��� tha�t tl�� ��ci��in� irr���ti�r� ��rv��� s�pp�y �� ��,ffi���r��t� ��rv� �h� d�rr��r�d �f t�� pr�p���d d���gn a�� v�r�ll �� th�t �f th� ��cis�ir�g d�rr�a�r�� �f ��� �y���r�n t� r�r�n�ir�. ��tN1 �ril� ���rdi�a�t� v�rit� th� �ity r���►��iin� r�quir�r��n�� �f�� 1��1 �n� t� r�l��a��� th� ��ci�t�n� ���k�'I�vrr �r���nti�r� ��vi��. Th�� ����� an�i�ip�t�� u��n� t#�� �xi��in� ��r��r�ll�r��r t�� ��r� �r�� t��t th�r� f� �u�fi���r�t ��p��;�� �n th� ��ntr�l��r t� r-r���t t�� n��d� �f�h� pa�rl�. P�ar��i►�g Plar� �1�IVI �ril� p�r���r� ���►nti�� pl�►r�� f�r �►II pl�r�tin� �r�a��. T�� �I�ns �rwr�ll ���v�r th� I��r�u� �f�II p�a�r�tir�� indi��t�n� �la�nt �p��i�s, ��a�ntity, �iz� �nd I��a�ti�r� ���►II �I�r�b�, �r��,r�c# ��v�r a�r�� tr���. In �u�p�rt �f th� pla�ntir�g �la�n�, v�r� �nrill ���pa�r� �la�ntir�� d�t�il� t��� �p��ify t�� r�r��t��c� ����n��r�,��i�n a�nd �r�p�r �la�nt�n� pr���dur��. �pec�#�ca�ions I���UI v�r��l �r�p�r� �h��t ����if���ti�n� ���I �ivi�i�r� �� ��r���h 1� �� �►p�li�a�bl�}. fV� "b��� ty��„ ����ifi���'r�r�� a�r� �n�l�d�c� a�� p�rt �f�hi� ���p� ����rv����. ���i���ah���: ��r�� {�} ���i�����t� a�t ���a�r�d fina�l �bi� ��t} ���r�l ��n�tr��ti�n D��ur��nt pa��a�es ��xed Fe�� ���,��� {s�e footr�ote} F�� F���r���� F��c�d ��� ta���C� v�ri�E �� k�il��d a�� ��� v�r�r�C �r��r����� �r�til tl�� �a►��C i� ��rr��l�t��i �r�d th� t�ta�l a�r��unt �ta����# ir� �h� ��r�tra������-th� �a���c i� �n�r�i���, ���rr�b�r���l� E�c��n��� , In�ic���t�►I �x������ in�ur��� by Ft�tll�l ���ign �r�u�r �r �n�r ��b��n��l�a�nt it rr��� hir� �� ��r-f�rrr� ��r`►ri��� ��t'thi� pr�j���, a�r� r�irt�bur��d by t�� �i��r a�t ��tu�►� ���t ��u� 1��6 �� ���r�r it� �v�r��a��i �r��i �dr�r�ir���tra��iv� ��p�r����. I���r�bu�r��bl� �xp�n��� ir��lu�l�, but a►r� n�t li�m����i t� r��r�d���i�n �����, p��t�►g�t ��ipp�n� �nd ha�n�llin� �f�r�v�r��g� �nd d���r��r�t�� I�r�� di���►r��� ��r-r�rr�ur�i���i�r��, f��� p�i� t� ��th�riti�s ��vir����ri��t��i�n ��r�r th� �r'����t, �h� ��cp�n�� of �ny �c�diti�r�a�l �n��r���� r�qu�st�d by �i��r in ��c���� �f tha�� n�rrx�a�ll�r �a�r�-i�� b�r �tF�ll� ���ign �r��p �r i�s ��b��rr��l��n��, tr�v�� ��cp�r���� {tr�n���rta�t��n�ac���rr��t�il��l���ir���rr��a�f�}, r�n��rin��, a�rrd rr��d�l�. �t�ir-r��ur��b�� a��t���b�l� �r�►�r�� r�nil���� wil# h� ��Il�d �� �h� ��,�r�nt �l�� �u�in��� �ta�nda�rd rn�l���� ra�t�. E,s�irrru������:���� Agenda Item 10.a. Page 7 ��� � +� � � ����� �'�r�ter�r�r'c�l Park �orrs�ruc�r'on Docur�r��n�s cr�a�rr��nv�ro�r�re�ts����Oy S�op� of Serv�ces �4u��s� T9, ���� Pa�e� o�'4 �1 D,�IJ�T�VI�f�1T�`� �-�I�lJ�Ll� �I L L�N� F�A�'�� Ft�M r���r�r�� t�� r�gl�t�� a��j��� h�ur�y rat�� �n ar� a��r�u�►I ���i�. E�C��I.��l��� Pl�a��� n��� th�� t�� ta�l�� t� #�� ��rf�rrx��d by th� I��th� ��a�r� a�r� Iirr�Rt�d p�r���r t� tk���� ��tlin�cl a�#���r�. ��k����►ntiv� ���r���� r��u����c� by th� �ity �r �h�►r�g�� ir� t�� �it�r'� �r��r�rr� �r�ir��ti�r� tl��t �r� �r���n�i�t�n��rrr�th �ri�r �ppr�v2�l� �r� suk�j��� t� �►�diti�n�l ��rv���� f���. Ar�y a��di�i�r��1 ��r�ri��� �ha�t F�Ftll►I ���i�r� ���up i� a��i��d �� p�r-��rrr� ��r�r a�nd �b�v� �h��� d�s�r�b�d �b�v� v�rill be #�i�lec� ar� a rregotiated and Ci�y approv�d f��c�d �'ee or hourly basis. �1`�r� f�ll�wir�� ��r�r���� �r ta���C� �►r� �p����F�a�lly ��c�lud�cl fr�rn �h� �����: � �it� ligh��n� a�nd �I��tri�a�! �f'r�ct�r�� �� r�r�n�in i� pl���} � ���I� �ngin��ring �nci �tr����,ra�l ��girr��rin� {��c��pt a�� �n����� ��r�la�� p���� • Irr�pr��r�r��n�� t� �h�rt �tr��t �nd �I��ra�n �Il�y • Irx�pr�v�r-r��n�� �r r��difE��►�i�n� t� s�rrrin�in� bri�g� * In��rp��tiv� ��c�i�it d����n � F��� �n�l ��rrr�it� • ��r����`I.��t���1 �dI�U11�1l�t�'�ti�T1 • M���ir��� ���c���t f�r��r�� ��� r����in�� with ���y ����f� • P�rir��ir�� �nd pl�t�ing f�r bidd�rr����n�tru�ti�n IN� I��I� ��rwa�rd t� t�� �pp�rtuni�y�� v�r�rk v�ritk� t�� �ity �f Arr�y� �r��d� �r� �h� ��nt�nr�ia�l P�rk pr�,���t. �ir���r�l�r, �R11� DES�GN �R�IJP f�e b r, S LA P�-ir-w�ip�l �l�nr��Apo�lo�o�a-site�X-�ftE.51�'�-�r`�es-�0)0�T.3-�4��►'e���o�a�JC 1.3�D���-�e�atenrria!-�'ark-C'or�-�ot��P�'o�rosul�j��L�r-5'cope-��-�9-��.d�e Agenda Item 10.a. Page 8 � ������ � �� � IIV��RPQR�TED �� � � �3 rr� � ���� ��, ��„ ,� M�EVI�RA�I�]UM ��� ��� ���� T�: ��TY ��l.lhl�IL FF��II�: ���l� P�F�F���V, �I�E���� �F �E��EATI�IV �►IV� ��I�VT�IV�1fi��� �El�VI�E� � . � �I��JE��': ��N�I��F��#TI�fiV �� TF�� F�E��CA�11�ATl�N ��AI� F�F� THE l���RE1�#TE�h! �111E�I��V ���E: Al.lClJ�� ��, ��'�� ��������������i 1� i� r���r�nr�r����ed t�e �ity ���n�E!# '�� ��pr��r� t�� r��r��rr'r�����rr p��r� f�r th� F���r��t��n D��ri�i��r; �r�� �� ���r��r� ���t �n� u��� �f ��� P�F�� ��f��r� H�r���l���� Pr�gr�rr� f�r ��� F���liti�� ����-�i n���r. �INAN���#L �IVIP��`�: Tf�� �urr��t ���ir����� F1� ����-�1� �u��i�� �f �h� �hi��r�r� Ir� N1�t��r� ��Illl��pr��ra�r�r� h�� ���r� �dju���d ����d �r� upd�t�� fi��r�� t� �� ���,��� - . ���,���. ���i�r�� �r���r�r�n�r���� b�r �h� �111� �ub��rr�rr��tte�, �r�d �r��ri���l� �ppr��r�d ��r t�� ����r ���r��il �r� �r�j��t�� t� ��r��r�t� �1�,��� �� �'��,��� �f r���r�u�� �� �ffs�� ��� �i�}r'� ����i�}r �� th� �IN1 �r��r�rr�, In �d�i�i�n, ��I�ry ���er��it�r�� �h�u�ld b� r��u��d by ��'I,��� ir� F1� ����-'I'I �r�� ���,��� ir� �1� ���1���, ��� t� r��r��n������r� �f �h� F���r��ti�n �ivi�i�r�. I� �h� r�����r�����i�r� ���rr �� ���r��r��, � ����id�r �f ���r��i�n���l�r ������� i� ��c�e�t�� ir� ������ 1, T�� pr����t�� ���t �f ��� ��F�� ��fd�n �-I��d�h��C� pr�g��� v�rill �� ���r��ir����l�r ���,���, v�rhi�h v►r�ul� b� �a�id ��er � �� y��r ��r��d, � ���t ��r��ma�ry �f t�� P�F�� ���� i� ir��lu��� �� A#t��l�r��r�t �. �A��C���1.lIV�: A� it� N1�r�� ��, ��'I� �-r-r��tir��, th� �ity ��ur��il ��n�i��r�� r���r�rr��n��t��r�� �r�rr� ���� t� b�E�n�� #h� �1� ��1�-�1 k�ud��t. �n� �f th� rr����ur�� r���r�nr��r�d�d #� r��u�� th� bu���� �[��r�f�l� v�r�� �I�rr�irt����r� �� ��� �h�l�r�r� I n N1�ti�rr ��ild ��r� ���rdirra���r p��Eti�n. Aft�r r�nu�� t��t�r��r��r �r�d �i��u��i�r�, t�� �i�� ��u�n�rl �I��t�� �� ���r��re ��I �f �t�f�'� r���rr�r�n�r���� ����ur�� �r�t� tl�� �����ti�r� �f �lir�ir��ti�� �f � �hil� ��r� ���rdi����r p��iti�n. �t�ff vu�� �ir����d �� f�rr-r� � ��,���r�r�rr�i�#�� t� in�r��ti��t� rr������� �� in�r���irr� r�v�r�u��� �rr� r��u���� ��p���i����� t� k��lp t�� �IN1 �r��r�rx� b���r�n� r�n��� ��If-�uff'r�i���, �� �v�« �� �t�� ��t��n �f tr�n�f�rrin� t�� pr��r�r�r� t� th� 1�IIII�A. Agenda Item 11.a. Page 1 �ir� �����i� �������F�A���11� �F �I�PF��11�►L �F �H� �H�L�F��N ��1 II���`��1� �L����IIAII���'TEE'� F�E��I�A�IIEND��'I�N� T� ��IIVII�AT� �H� ��TY'� �L1��I�Y �F fi�E �F�IL��E�1 I�1 IIIf�TI�IV PI���RAII� A�JCI��T �4� 2�10 ���E 2 A� it� A�ril ��, ��1� r���t�n�$ t�� �i#�r ���n��� �p�r��r�� ��rr��ti�r� �f �I�� ��b��rr�r�ift�� �r�� i�� r��r���r���p, �vh��� in�lu��� ���n�i� Ill���nb�r� ���t�l�� �r�d ��Il�v��, �f�n� �nri�� v��i�u� ��t� �t�ff �r�� ��-I�r�� rr��rr�h�r�. T�� �i�� ������� �I�� ����t�� � ����luti�r� �rx��r��ir�� ��� rx���ter f�� s�F����l�, ���r���'rr�� f��� ��r �h� �i��rr� �����n�l �f��r�r�un� pr��r��� t� �� rr���� ��rrr��r���� t� �I�� ���� ���r��� ��r tl�� ��II� pr��r�r�n, �r� �d�i�`r�r�, �in�� �i���r��r�� �t�� �r� ir�t�r���n���b�� v�r�tl� �1�1 �ta�ff �n� �r� �II ��i� �u� �f �#�� ��II� ��rt-�'rr-r�� ��I�r��� ����un�, the t�nr� pr�gr�rr�� h��r� ���r� ���n�in�d t� r��r� a����r�#�I}r r�fl��# t�t�� ���t� �r�� r�v�r����, �t it� ,J�I� ��, ��'f� nn��#ir��, �h� ��ty ��un�il ��pr��r�d r���r�rn�nda�ti��� fr�r� tl�� �I II�II �u���r��rtt�� t� �dd���� t�� }r��r-�r�d ��b�Fd� �� �h� �i��'� �f[II� �r��r��n. T�� �r��r��r�d �u��sid�r ��r F1� ����-�1� i� �ppr��c��n�t�f�r ���,��� - ���,���. F��cor�r���d�ti��� ���r��r�� by #h� �it}r ��urr���l in�lud��: �� ��rs�it �f �ra�r��u� ��,r��r�i�ir�g ��r�r��� �nd ��n�ti�r�� ��r�u��� � "�r��n�� �� �hil�r�� I� �f�t��r�" �r�u��; �� ��c��r��i�r� ������i�li��d �i��r-��h��l �nri�hrr��r�t pr��r�r�� �r�� ����t� �r��r�rr��; �} ����r���� �n�r�C�tin� �ff�rt� �� in�r�a��� �n��ll��nt; �� r��u����r� ��fur�urr� �o��� �}� �Ifr�in��ir�g �i��c �nd ����ti�n ��r���i�� ��r �u�t�r� p�rt- �ir�� �e���e�� ��� ��d��; �nd �� r��tru�turin� �� ��p�rt��nt �ta��in� �r�� �h� ��r��r�rr� �it��, Th� ��t� ��urr�il �I����d #� ��I��r � f�r�a�i ���i�i�r� r���rd�r�� �t�� �I�iE� ���r� ���r�ina�t�r p��'rti�n t� �I���r �#�f� tirr�� #� ��r��i���- � r��r��r�i��t��r� ����r��r���� �r���r�t�� �� � p���i��� r��fr�rn����ri�F�ir� t�� ���r��t��n D�vi���r�. At �k�� �u�}r 'l�, ��'I� r���tir��, ���ff ���� r�p�rt�� �I��� �u� t� �����r�� ���u� �I�� ��r�tir�u�d �p�r��i�r� �f �h� �11111 �r��r�rr�, t�� ��ir���p�l �f �IJ1�r��r�t ��r��� �i�r�r�����ry ��h��l ����d�d t� tr�n���r� ���r�ti�rr �� its �rig1�� F��ur��� pr��r�rr�� t� #�� �'11��A. ��rir�� initi�l di�������rr� �nr��h ��� �'rin�'r���, it �r�� �r�d�r�t��d t��# th� �111� �r��r�rx� �r�r�ul� ��n�in�� �p�r���rr� ��� �pti�r��l ��i� �r��r�r� �r� �i��. �--I��nr��rer, ��������r�� t� tl�� J�ly �I�, ���� ��ty ���r��il r���tirr�, �t�ff �nr�� �r�t�fie� t��� �II �I�i�d ��r� ����r�ti�n� �t N1��r�a�r�t H��I�� �����I �r�ul� �e ���r��f�rr�� t� th� l��l��, ���4�1��l� �F I���.l��: ��F��r t��n �r��ri�i�g r�n��� r���d�d k����r� �r��i ��t�r ��h��l ��il� ��r�, tl�� ��II� pr��r�rx� I�a�� a��it��r��l ��r��fit�, ir��l�dir�� pr��r���n� � p��l �� �taf� f�r �����n�� �I��rgr��,r�� pr��r�r�s, pr��r��i�� �u����tut� �r�-�����I t�a��h�r�f �r��i�ir�� �u����r� �#�f� f�r ����i�l ��r�n�� �r�� �r��r���n� t�� ����rtur�i�� t� �r����� p�rt����a��in� �h�l�r��n ��d t���r f����i�s �r� ��f��r �it� r��r��ti�n ���'r�riti�s. TI�� ��il� ��r� ����-�in�t�r ���i�i�� i� �ur���� ��t�r�l� b� th� �hildr�n �r� ���i�r� �r��r�r�r�, �nr�t� a �urr��t �nnu�l ����ry �r�d ��r���i# ���t �f �p�r��c�rr��t�l� ���,���. ��i� p��i�i�r� ���� �r��i�i�� �����#�n�e �ri�f� ����i�� ��r�r-�t�. !r� �c�d��i�n, ����� �� � F���r���i�r� ���ervi��r ����ti�r� i� �pp�i�� t� ��� ��il�r�r� Ir� N1��i�n pr�g��� �� �� Agenda Item 11.a. Page 2 �i� ��uru��� �������F��4����V �F ��P��11�� �F THE �HI���iEN I�V 11��1'��� ��E���II�IIIIII�TE��� I�E��IIIII�IIE���IT'I�N� T� ELIIIIIII��T� THE ��TY'� �lJ��l�l� �� ��E �FrIILD��N �1V II��TI��I PF���RArll� A�l�I��T �4, ��1� P�#C� � �r�r���� ���t �f ���,���. T�i� �►v�� r���rrtf}� ��du��� �r�r�n ����� t� ��r� ����r���l}� r�fi���t th� tir�r�� ���r�# ��thi� �r��l�y�� in��l��d �it� th� �illll �r��r�rr�, �� �rv�ll �� ��� �r����t�� ��r��i�� �� th� �r��r�r�. T��r�f�r�, ��ir�tir��ti�n �f�F�� �IIIII �r��r�rr� �rv��l� �I�r�in�t� t�� ��i��'rr�� �ub�i�y, b�t rr���t �f th� ���rir��� �nr�u�l� �� �lir•r�ir��t�� ��r �r�a�tir�� �r� ir��r����� ���� �� ���,��� �� ��� ��r��r�l ���d ��r t�� ���r��ti�r� ����rv'r��r t� ��,��rv��� ��h�r r��r��ti�n pr��r��n� unl��� ����� pr�gr�r�� �n� t�� ����ti�n ��r� a���� �I�rr�i�a�t��, �t its .�u�l� '!�, ���� rr����in�, t�� �ity ���r���� �nr�� ir���rrr��d t��t �r�� �f t�� �����a�ti�r� ���r��i�n st��f �r�r�� ����i��rin� r���r��n���, A� �r� i��ent��r�� ���ff r���rr�r�n�n�� ��� �it�r ��u��i� �p�r��� � ��I��� H�r�����1�� Pr��ra�r�n f�r �h�� F���liti�� ����-��n�t�r, �hi�h �vill �r��i�� tv�r� ���r� �f �ddit��n�! ��rvi�� �r��it �� r�tir�rr���� ��r���i�� i� th� ��pl�}r�� ��r��� �� r�tir�. �'h� ���t ��r tl�� F���liti�� ���rdir��t�r �nr��l� �� ��pr��cir��t�l�r ���,��� ���r � t�nr�nt� ���r ��ri��, �� v�r�uld �� ir���rp�r�t�� 'rnt� t�� �i��'� PEF�� r��ir�rr��nt r�t��f bu�� �rv�u�� r��� �� ir����d�d ��r�I�� �ir�� t�rr� �r��r�. Th�� ���t i� r-�-��nir-�-��� �vh�n ��r-���r�� t� �h� ��vi�n�� �� t�� v���r�� p���t��r�, ��i� pr��r�rr� �r�ra�� ���r�� ���t �r��r �� rr���� ����rtr��r�t� �r�d �nr�� ir��trur�n�r���� ir� �r��tir�� �a���r��i�� t� r����e t�� r��r�nb�r �� I���f�� r-�������ry t� i����rr���� t�� �r�a�r�i��ti�n�l r��tr��tu�r�r�� r����rnrx������i�r��. T�i� ��ti�r� �v��lc� �i����r ���n� th� �r��r�r-r� f�r ��i� ���iti�r� �r��! �rv��l�! r���rr� ������u�rrt �p�r��r�� �f � PEF�� F����I����r� �y th� �it� ���n�i�. �t�� ������r�� �r� ���� ����t��r� h�� �n�i��t�� ��� �r��ld r��fr� �r���r tl��� �r��ra�r�. I� �r��r t� r��li�� t�� d��ir�� ��v�n��, ���� re��rr�rr��r��� tF�� F��ili���� ���r������r ���iti�n �� �lirr�ina�t�� �n� �h� indi�ri���l �uti�� �f tha�� p��iti�r� b� r�� ���i�n�� �r�n��n� �h� r�rx���rrir�� �t�ff, in�l�din� th� ��i�� ��r� ���rdir��t�r, th� ��rt�tir�� ��r�'rr�i��r�t��r� ���r�t�r�, �r�d th� F���r�a�#i�n �u��rvi��r�, D��i�� �� ��r� Fa���liti�� ���r�i����r in�l��� ������lin� �f �II r��r���i�r� f��ili#��� i�r�lu�dir�� f�ur ��rk�, ���r�r� ��C� �r���, fi�� ��nrri� ��urt�, tv►r� ��r�r�rr�t�r�it}� ��r�t�r� �n� ��v�r� ���r�� �i�ld�. �rr ���i�i�n, #��� p���ti�� ���i��� t�� F������ti�r� ��p�rv���r� �vitl� ����i�l ��r�r�t�, �l��I���r�, �r�� �r�ri��� ����t� �r�g��r�n�, ��� ������� �� t�� F���r��ti�r� �i�ri�i�r� �f�i�� �� �r���nr�r�n� �h�r���, ���Cin� �r��r�rr� r��i�tr�#i�n� �r�d ir��uttir�� d�il� �-���ip�� �r��� �#�� �it}�'� �u��r�r�� ��r�t�rr�. T�ti� ���i�i�r� �� �I�� r�sp�r��i�1� f�r ��h���Eir�� �nd �up�rvi�in� ���t�tir�� ���r�����n ��il�in� ����rv'r��r�. �� n�� r��l��i�� t�� F��j�iti�� ���rdi�a�t�r �����i�n, t�e F�����a�i�r� ���i�i�n sl����d r��l«� ��1�ry a�n� ��r��fit ���r���s �� ��'I,��� ir� F1� ��'I�-'I'I �r�� ���,��� i r� F�' ��'I'�-'!�. A� ���j��t�d �����, �t�ff r���rr��rr�n�� r�����i��nin� �I�� F��iliti�� ���rdir��t�r�� r�����n�ik�iliti�� t� th� �hild ��r� ���rd�n�t�r, th� �c�r-r��ni�tr�t��r� ���r�t�r-�r �r�d ��� �� F���r��t��n �up��v���r�. Th� �I�il� ��r� ���rdir����r v�rill ����rr�� r��p�n���ilit� f�r ��F��dulir�� b�th ��rr�r�r�u�ni�y ��r���r�, vrrh��l� ir��lu��� ��-�p�r�ti�n �� ��ntr��t�, ��Il���i�r� �� p��r�-��r�t�, pr�����ir�� d�p��'rt r�func��, �n��rirt� tl��t �li Agenda Item 11.a. Page 3 ���� ������� �.i������������ �� �������� �� ��� �.i�l����� I� ������ �������������� ��������������� �� ��������� ��� ����� ����r��r �� ��� ��������u ��u ��Ti��u ������n� ������ ��� ���� ���� � ��������y ����,�t� ��,� ��,���-��,�� ��������,��t� ��� �,�tt �������,� tr��t ����,�-�ty �� ������led �� r�qu�����, b�ICi��, ����-dir��t�n� r�r��'rr���na�n��, ��he�urlir�� p�rt-tir�� �t�ff, �r�� �a��rr�l� �r��a�r�ti�n. ��� ���rt� �n� ���i��t��� �u����vi��r �nril! ����r�� r��p�n���ili�� f�r ��I�ed�lir�� tl�� ��t� ���rt� ��r�n�l��, vrrhi�h ir��E���� ���r�n ��I! �i�l�� �f�v� I'r�ht��} �r�d �i�� I�����d t�r�ni� ��ur-t�. I�utr�� ir������ ���r�rr-��tir-�� u��� �f �II �I�� ���rt� �r�u��, in�l�dEn� ����� f��t����, ���r �r��t� �n� ���It �����r �r���r«��i���, �ir!'� ��ft�a�ll, Li#t�� L���u� ����b�l�, ���� ��th ������I�, t�r�ni�, �d�,f� ���k��ll, ���It ba�����1�, �n� ���rt� ��r���. T�i� �u���rv���r�vil� �I�� tr��� ���il�t�r u�� r�����t�� �vil� ���I��t p�}rrr��nt�, v�r�ll er���r� ��r�� i��ur���� r�q�,ir�r��r�t� �r� r�r���, �r�d v�r��� ���r�in�t� �nri�� �#�� ���rk� F��i�i���� ���r�ir����r��r f��l� �r�p�r�ti�r��. ��� ��r�i�r���r��iv� ���r�t�ryt ��r��� ��r� ���r���n���r ��n� ���I�r�r�'� ��rvi��� ����rvi��r �nrill �r��r�d� ��i�� ��v�r��� a�r�� �nrill ��h�d�l� ��� ����r� ����� ��� a�����. ��fi�� ���r�r��e ir��lu��� v�r�i��r�g �r� �u���r�n�r�, t��Cir�� r�gi�t�a�ti��r� f��- �r�ri�u�� r�����ti�� �r��r�r�r�� and fa�ili����, an��r�r�rir�� �h�n��, �nt�r�r�g �a��r�n�r�t� irr#� tl�� �i��r'� C��r��r�r�# ��r�t�r�f �r�d b���n�ir�g �h� �a��� r������� ��i�}r, �����ulin� t�� �r�up ��� �r��� irr�lu��� �r������r�� f��il��� u��� �r��u�����# ��Il��tir�� ����, ����in� �e��, ���r�ir��tir�� �rrit� r�r���nt�r��r��� �t�ff, ��� i���i�� r��u�r�d�. 1!1lit� �����i�r��, fundr�i�i�g# �n�r���e� �r�r��l�n�nt ��� ��I��y ���rir�g� tl�� ����rx��t�� ��t� �u���id�r �f t�� �II�I� �r��r�� v�r���d ���r� ���n re����� �� ���r��jrr��t�l� ���,��� ��r F1� ��1�-�'�, �i�v�r��r�r, v�r�t� �h� ���� �f th� H�r��� ��h��l �i��, t�� ��tir��t�� ��b�id� i� r-��v�r ���r��cirr��t��� ���,���. �`hi� rx���r �r�crea�� on � or�� �im� b�sis d�� �o ur��mpl�y��r�t cos�� �������t�d �r�t� tf�� I���ff �� �r��rpl����� i� r��p�r��� t� th� I��� �� �h� H�r��� ��I���I Pr��ra�rx� �n� ����-��t �� r��v� ��r �h� �rx�p����� r�tirir��. 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