O 314 C.S. ii'~l'V~h.ili;;'~::':""'i~:;;~~~";~:'~~-:;''. ~'.-' "1:!;i;'~_:-':,'c;~;., :f."".-f.".', '::xt-';?{';~~'fiiS'~~-::': o-::::;'~"-- "'",!,- .~;<.;~.t~iiJr.';L\ ..~ .- .,.- ii'" 1 . . ') " 479 " i , . ORDINANCE NO. 314 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TilE 'ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 9-4.2602, MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (PARKING). THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDl.IN AS FOLLOl-iS: SECTION 1: That Section 9-4.2602 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Section 9~4.2602. Minimum requirements. -- 1'he following garage and off-street parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected and new or extended uses commenced on or after August 23, 1984. \ For any use not specifically set forth in this section, [ the Commission shall determine the amount of parking required. All facilities shall be on the site unless specified differently: Single-family homes 1 2-car garage,with door~per unit; Duplexes 1 garage, with door per unit, plus I open parking space per unit; Apartments and multiple dwellings 1 garage with door per dwelling unit, in the R-G or R-3 District plus I open parking space per unit; Hotels and'inotels 1 parking space perun~t, plus 2 parking spaces for the manager's office; Rooming and boardinghouses and 1 parking space per guest up to 20; for student hou"ing over 20, add 1 space per each 2 guests, plus 2 parking spaces for the office manager; Lodges} clubs} churches} chapels 1 parking space for each 25 square feet and mortuaries of public assembly area of the largest room of the facility; Schools 1 parking space for each classroom and office; General Commercial services and 1 parking space for each 200 square feet offices in the P-C} C-N, of gross leasable area; off site within C-B-D, II-S, ~~d P-D Districts 300 feet where approved by the Commission; Drive-in restaurants in any 1 space for each car to be served, plus dist,rict 1 space for each 3 seats; Restau~ants and bars 1 space for each 100 square feet of public dining area; Automotive sales and service, 2 spaces for each sales employee on the [ including used car lots} and largest shift, plus 2 spaces for each automotive, fann equipment, working or labor bay; and boat sales and service Service stations 3 spaces for each working bay, plus ~'space for each employee on the largest shift; HospitoJ.ls and conval~scent 1 space per bed, plus 2 spaces per doctor, hospi tals plus 1 space for each employee on the largest shift; Sani toriums and rest homes 1 space per each 3 patients or guests, plus 1 space per employee; Public buildings, administrative 1 parking space for each 150 square: feet uf work spaC::8; ~_..- i_:_:~;"';:~;;-::;~' _.. '. :...~......~_~...,-!~;.",,~',1"i'.;I;-, c":,,;.:.,_ "'~"-"-"'.'..".:~~ ;;';' _, ",.' _,.~:~. .."....'P _....... ,",-,',\: .,' "., . ~ ,',:,,:';h"~.,~"Y ,~, ,.,,,,.~,,." ~"...~.."....... ,,,,,,-,-- ";""-,'" :'" .' ..,;,' .A ":;""''''''''~';,;". ;:>'fl:;;.,f-iP"i:'~,-::; ""_":'i~'ii:::;~",:.":.'" -, "t.,~jfr"':" ":;c";':";'-; .:...,.'" ~. - . 4jb~ : ,.' 1 d' h. h I Public bu~ld~ngs, ~nc u ~ng ~g space for each 5 fixed seats or , . , schools and colleges, auditoriums, I space for each 200 square feet of theaters, and assembly halls public area; Public utility buildings I parking space for each 2 employees on the maximum working shift, plus I space for each vehicle permanently assigned to the facility_ When a facility is unmanned, 1 space shall be req~iredj BO',,:J.in9 lanes and billiard parlors 5 spaces per lane; 2 spaces per table, plus I space for each 2 employees: War,.housing and wholesale stores I space for each 800 square feet of gross in any district floor area off site within 500 feet on approval of the Commission, or 1 space per employee, plus I space per company vehicle, whichever produces the greatest 1 number of spaces; I. i Nanufacturing and industrial Minimum of 2 spaces for every 3 employees I uses, bottling plants, on the shift having the largest number distribution centers of employees, but not less than I space for' each 2,000 square feet of ground .... and building used for any of the allowed uses;. off site within 500 feet on approval of the Commission; and Luw~er yards, cabinet shops, I parking space for each 200 square feet of plumbing, heating, and gross leasable area;"off site within 300 electrical shops, data feet where approved by the COIllDission processing, research and development, and administr~tive offices I SECTION 2, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effeet thirty nO} days ! after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be I publ}shed once, together witb. the names of the Council Members voting thereon : in ':l ne'.o1spaper: of general_ circulation. \vi thir. "the City. \ ; On motion by Council Menilier Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, ; and on the following ro1.l call vote" to wit: AYES, Councilmen Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer and Mayor Smith NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gallagher the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 24th day of July 1984. 13~~ MAYOR .~ CLERK - .1 I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County ~ of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing , Ordinance No. 314 C.S. is a true, full and corr~ct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of ,said Council on the 24th day of July 1984. ~II TNESS my hand and the Seal of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande affixed thi s 26th i' day of July 1984. ',' U ~~ ,,' I " " .! '.' f0--4?<'-::.;>L''-G': /.?"'" ~/ , . !JF~ff'-C I TV CLER , /' ' \')\~ , \ ,\' ~<" .-.._",~~:~~j~i-,.~~-, ~;;.~~d:~J:~,-. .>':&11