O 309 C.S.
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ORDINANCE NO. .3D1 .c..s...
~F'.C'1'TON l.
The municipal Code is hereby amended by adding to the Municipal Code as
Ordinance Title.
This Chapter may be cited as the Nuisance Abatement Or~e of the City
of Arroyo Grande.,
Sfr.'l'TON 4-15.01 Public Nuisances.
Each of the following shall constitute a p.Iblic nuisance which may, at the
sole discretion of the City, be abated in accordance with the abatement
procedures hereinafter set forth in this chapter:
1. 'My structure, as defined in the Building Code, which exists, or which
is mainl:ained or used upon any premises in violation of any require-
men~ of prohibition of 'any law, ordinance or per\1lit, including,
without limitation, requirements or prob.ibitions relatecl to loc.1~.i.on,
construction, condition,' maintenance, uSe, or time period limitA~10n.
2. Any premises upon which there e1P.sts &lrJ condition, thing, or use in
violation of any requirements or prohibitJ.OI) of any law, ordinance or
per\1lit related to the, condition, maintenance, or use of said premises.
3. J\nytbing constituting a public nuisance as specifically defined or
Ck:clar~ by any other law or ordinance.
SRM'TON 4-15.02 Methods of .J\batcment.
Public' nuisances or,3ered to be abated under the proviJIions of this Chapter
may be abated by rehabilitation, repair, demolition, removal, or other
appropriate acuon as deter\1lined by the City' Collr)bll after COIIIpliance by the
City with the prqcedures set forth in the following sect~ons.
SEC'I'TON 4-15.03 Resolution setting Public Hearing.
Whenever the Counc;:il finds, based upon the recamen4ations of the City
Manager or any Deparbnent Hoad,' that a p.Iblic nuisance may exist upon any
premises, the Council may, by rcsoluljion, declare its intent to hold a public
hearing, to ascerta,in whether the same constitljtes a public nuis~ce "hi,ch may
be ab.1ted under' the procedures set foq:h here~n.
Said resolution shall describe sa~d prf;lllises by. street address, referring
to the street by the name under which ~t is officially or ~y known s~l
further d~scribe the pro~rty by giving the lot, block and tract nl.lllber thereof
where applicable and the parcel nW1\ber from. the' assessment roU, shall give a .
brief descr~ption of the facts fopming the bas!s for the finding, and shall
contain a brief statement of the possible methods available to abate the
al~eged nuisance.
~F.CTJON 4-15.04 Posting Notice of Public nearing.
Within thirty days after the passage of said resolution, IInc1 at least
fifteen days before the time fixed for the Public Hearing,' the City Clerk shall
caused to be conspicuously posted on the premises a certified copy of such
resolution, and a notice of the time and place of hearing before the City
Council, which said notice shall be titled -N:1rICE 'OF PUBLIC HEARING" in
letters not less than one inch in height, and shall be substantially in th~
following form:
. (42
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ilt the hour of . . M., the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande will hold a public hearing in the Council Chanbers at 215 E.
. Branch Street, lu:royo Grande, California, to ascertain whether a public
nuisance exists upon certain prenises situated in said City known and
, designated as (st.reet address) ,
I and rrore particularly described as Lot No. ' , Block No. , Tract.
No. , and shown as Parcel No. in Book , Page, _ in the
assessment roll of the County of San Luis Obispo.
If the Council finds upon the evidence presented at. said hearing that a
public nuisance does exist, and if the same is not promptly abated by the
owner o~ said premises, said. nuisance may be abated by municipal
authorities by rehabilitation, repair, demolition, removal or other
appropriate action, the cost of which will constitute a lien upon such
premises until paid.
The alleged nuisance consists of the following:
Possible actions which may be authorized foi ,the. abatement 'of said alleged
nuisance are:
, All persons having any objection to," or interest in said matters are
, hereby notified to appear at said public hearing at the aforesaid tiJre and
, place, when their testimony and evidence will be heard and given due
Dated: .'
, ,City Clerk ,"
SEcrION 4-15.05 Serving Notice of Public Hearing.
At least fifteen days before the tiJre fixed foi: the Public Hearing, the
City Clerk shall cause to be served upon each of the owners thereof ,one copy of
the Notice of Public Hearing and a certified copy of the Resolution of the City , , ,
Council. "Owner" as used herein shall mean any person known to be in
possession and also any person having any legal or equitable interest in said
premises as disclosed by a current title search from an accredited title
! company. " '
Service shall be by personal service uPon 'any owner whose name and address
, appears upon the last equalized assessment roll and who can reasonably be found
, within the city limits. Service upon all other owners may be accomplished by
I depositing a ntamped sealed envelope containing a copy of the Notice and
, Resolution in the u.s. Certified or Registered Hail return receipt requested,
: addressed to each owner at his last known address; and if there is no known
address, then in care of the address of said premises. Service shall be deemed
to be complete at the time of such deposit. The failure of any person to
! receive such notice shall not affect the validity of the abatement proceedings.
SEcrION 4- 15.06 Proof of Posting and Service. . ....
Defore the cOlTll1encement of the Public Hearing, the City Clerk shall verify
that affidavits or declarations establishing proof of posting of the premises
and proof of :::ervice upon all owners within the required time periods have been
filed in his office. '
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. - ,Hearing by City ,CoUncil.' ,
SECl'ION 4-15.07
At the time stated in the Notice, the City CoW'lcil shall hear and consider
all relevant evidence, objections' or protests, and shall receivetestirnony
W'lder oath from owners, witnesses, City Personnel and interested persons
relative to the existence of the alleged public nuisance, the estimated costs
of abating the same, and any other matters which the CoW'lcil deems pertinent
thereto. Said hearing may be continued from time to time by the CoW'lcil.
SEC'l'ION 4-15 ;08 Determination by City Council,.
After the conclusion of the hearing, the Council shall, based upon the
hearing, detecnine whether or not a public nuisance exists upon the said
premises, or any part thereof.
If the Council finds that such public nuisance does exist and that there
is sufficient cause to require the abatement thereof, the CoW'lcil may aqopt a
resolution declaring the existence of said nuisance upon said premises, and
ordering the abatement of the same within thirty days, or within such other
time limit as the CoW'lcil may specify, by the ll'aMer and means specifically set
forth in said J:'esolution. ' .
SECl'ION 4 -15.09' Limitation of' Filing JudiciaJ. ACtion.
Any CMner or 'other interested person having any objections or feeling
aggrieved at any proceeding taken by the City CoW'lcil in ordering the abatement
of atly public nuisance under the provisions of this chapter Jiust bring an
action to contest such decision within thirty (30) days after the adoption by
the Council of the Resolution ordering the abatement. of the nuisance.
Otherwise all objections to such decision shall be deemed waived.
SECTION 4-15.10 SerVice and Recordation of Order.
A copy of the resolution ordering the abatement of said nuisance shall be
served upon the owners of said property in accordance with the provisions of
Section 4- 15-06. Any property owner shall have the right to have any such
premises rehabilitated or to, have such structures ..demolished I removed or,
., repaired in accordance with said Resolution, ,at ~his own expense, provided the
same is done prior to the expiration of the time limit specified in the
Resolution. Upon such abatement in full by the owner, proceediJ:lgs hereunder
shall tecninate. ,If the nuisance has not been. abated as ordered within the
specified time limit, the City Clerk shall file in the office of the Recorder
of San Luis Obispo County a certificate describing the property and cert.i.fying
(1) that the property is a public nuisance and (2) that the owner has been so
notified. Whenever thereafter the public nuisance has been abated as ordered,
the City Clerk shall file a new certificate with the CpW'lty :Recorder certifying
that the property is no longer a public nuisance.
SF.CTION 4-15.11 Abatement by City.
If such nuisance is not completely abated by the owner within the time
limit specified by the City CoW'lcil, the Council may direct the City Manager,
or such other city official as may be designated by him, to cause the name to
be abated by city forces or private contract, and city and contract personnel
are expressly authorized to enter' upon said premises for such purpose. Upon
request of the designated official, other city, departlnents shall cooperate
fully and shall render all reason~e assistance in abating any such nuisance.
SEC'l'TOO 4-15.12 Statement of Abatement'COsts.
The City Finance Director s~l keep an accoW'lt of the costs incurred by
the City in .:\bating the said nuisance, and shall submit to the City Council an
itemized ntatement for each lot or parcel showing all such costs, including
incidental expenses, and noting any salvage value or storage costs Of items
removed from the property; provided that before said statement is considered by
the COW'lcil, a copy of the same shall be posted for at least five (5) days upon
such lot or parcel, together with a notice of the time, and place when said
statement will be considered by the, CoW'lcil for confirmation. A copy of said
statement. and notice shall also be served upon the OInIers of said lot or parcel
in the manner provided elsewhere in this Chapter for IJervinq t.he Notice of
Public lIearing, provided that. the date of service must be at least five (5)
days prior to the date the Council considers ~e statement.. ,Proof of said
posting and service shall be accomplished, as provided in Section 4-15-06.
, ....,
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'450' 'l'he teem "incidental expenses" shall include, but not be limited to, the
actual. expenses and costs of the City in obtaining 'title 'reports, in the
preparation and service of notices, preparation of 'specifications, the prep-
aration nnd award of contracts, all costs of inspecting any work done pursuant
to this Chapter, the cost of printing and mailing required hereunder, the costs
of preparing materials for any hearing held pursuant to this OIapter, and a
reasonable additional sum to cover,the cost of administrative overhead.
.... . .
SF.Cl'ION 4-15.13 Confirmation of the Statement.
At the, time and place for considering the statement, the Council shall
consider the statement together with any objections or protests thereto by the
o.mers or other interested persons. The decision of the COUncil on all
protests shall be final and conclusive, and the Council may approve the
statement as subnitted, or may lIOdify it as the Council deems just and
equitable. Thereafter, the Council shall adopt a resolution confirming the
statement as subnitted or as !TOdified.
SECTION 4-15.14 Assessment of Costs; Notice of Lien; Collection.
a) Both the o.mer of the property on which the nuisance was abated and
all persons who created, caused, COII1IIitted or maintained the nuisance
shall be personally liable to the City for the abatement costs
confirmed by the Resolution. In addition, said abatement costs shall
constitute a special, assessment against'the respective lot or parcel . ,
of land to which it relates, and, upon recordation in the Office of
the County Recorder .of . a Notice of. Lien, shall constitute a lien on
said property for the ~unt. of such assessment. '.
0". .
b) The foem for the said Notice of Lien shall be substantially as
follows: ..,
":, ..... . . '. '.
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(ClaiJII of City 'of Arroyo Grande) . . .-,
Pursuant to the authOrity granted by' the laws of the State of
California and the charter and ordinances Of the City of Arroyo
Grilnde, and in compliance with the proviSions thereof, said City has
expended the. sum' of $.. to abate a public nuisilnce upon' the
hereinafter' described-real property, the City Council of said "City"has'
adopted Resolution No. confirming said sum as the cost of
abatement, and said sum nCl./ constitutes a special assessment and lien
upon said real property until said sum has been paid in full and
discharged of record.
Said real property ,is situated within the city of Arroyo Grande,
County of SiIn Luis Obispo, State of California, !TOre particularly
described as follows;
. , " .
I' .,'
, .. ' ,
Dated: .19__
, ,City Clerk
City of Arroyo Grande
c) After recordation, a certified copy of the Notice of Lien shall be
delivered to the Tax Collector ,end thereafter the ~unt of said Lien
shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary -
municipal taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same
penalties and the same procedure under foreclosure and sale in' case of
delinquency as provided for ordinazy municipal taxesl or, after such
recordation, such lien may be foreclosed by judicial or other sale in
the JllaMer and means provided by law.
SECl'ION 4-15.15 Violations.
, ,
a) It shall be unlawful for any person to renove, deface, or mutilate any
notice, order, statement, or resolution posted as required in this
Ordinance. '. . , . , ;, ., , ., "
. . , .
b) It shall, be unlawful for any person to obstruct, impede, or interfere
with any'o.mer or his agent or with any; representative of the City
when engaged in performing' any act .reasonably necessazy for the'
execution of the order of abatement.
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SEX:TION 4-15.16 Alternative Methods of Abatement or Enforcen-ent.
Nothing in the foregoing sections shall be deemed or construed to prevent
the City from comnencing any civil or criminal proceedings otherwise authorized
by law for the declaration or abatement of a nuisance or for the prosecution of
a criminal offense which may also constitute a nuisance.
. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after
its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be
published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon
in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.
On motion of Council member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Hogan
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYEs: Councilmen Vandeveer, Gallagher, Hogan and Mayor Smith
roES : None
ABSENl': " Councilman Millis
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14 day of February, 1984.
I. Virgi'nia L.Culp.'D~puty City Clerk of the Cit~ of Arroyo Crande,
County of San Luis Obispo. State of California. do here y certify that ~he
foregoing Ordinance No. 309 C.S. Is a true, full and correct copy of saId
Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said' Council on the
14th day of February 1984. . '
\JITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed" ,
this 15th day of February 1984.
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