O 256 C.S.
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AMENDING SECTIONS OF .24, .28, ,38, .39, AND
The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as
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SECTION'I: That Section .24 of Chapter I of Title 6 of the Arroyo
Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Sect i on 6-1. 24, Redemption fees. The owner or person entitled
to the custody of the dog impounded shall pay the following fees, effective
I July I, 1981, to the poundmaster before such dog is released.
I) Registration or 1 icense fee for the then current year unless
I such fee has been previously paid and evidence of paid fee adequately exhibited;
2) Impound fee of fifteen dollars for the first occasion of any
dog impounded within a calendar year;
3) Impound fee of fifty dollars for the second occasion of any
dog impounded w,thin a calendar year;
, 4) Impound fee of one hundred dollars for the third and each
! subsequent occasion of any dog impounded within a calendar year.
! SECTION 2: That Section .28 of Chapter I of Title 6 of the
I Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-1.28. Vicious and dangerous dogs. If any dog within
the city is known to have bitten any person or persons on at least two separate
occasions, the chief animal control officer shall notify the owner or person
having control of such dog to so keep or surrender the dog in such a manner
as the chief animal control officer shall direct. If it is determined by
the chief animal control officer that the dog cannot be properly controlled
in order to ensure public safety, then the chief animal control officer
shall destroy the dog in a humane manner. If any dog within the city is
determined by the chief animal control officer to be vicious and dangerous
to the safety of any person or persons, the chief animal control officer shall
notify the owner or persons having control of such dog to so keep or
surrender the dog in such manner as the chief animal control officer shall
direct. If it is determined by the chief animal control officer, that the
dog cannot be properly controlled in order to ensure public safety, the chief
animal control officer shall destroy the dog in a humane manner. It shall
be the duty of the owner or person having control of a vicious and dangerous
dog, or a dog which has bitten human beings, to surrender the dog as may be
ordered by the chief animal control officer.
[ SECTION 3: That Section .38 of Chapter I of Title 6 of the Arroyo
Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-1.38. License Fees. All license fees shall be set
annually; provided, however, that the fees previously set forth in this chapter
shall be applicable until that date:
1) For licensing each altered dog, male or female, the department
of animal regulation shall collect and receive a fee, and for licensing each
unaltered dog, male or female, it shall collect and receive a fee, unless
the owner or custodian of the dog chooses to place a deposit for the spaying
or neutering of said dog with the department of animal regul at i on. This deposit
shall be forfeited to the department of animal regulation if said operation
is not performed by the expiration date of the license issued;
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I 2) The 1 icense fee shall be paid by March 8th of each year, After
I this date a late penalty shall take effect and the late license fee shall
I be twice the pre-penalty fee;
I 3) Puppies must be licensed upon reaching the age of four months.
A spay-neuter deposit may be placed with the department of animal regulation,
I at which time the lesser fee shall be charged;
i 4) Any dog brought within the city after March 15th of each year
I shall be registered within thirty days or these penalties shall attach
from date of entry into the city; provided, that any dog which has a valid
license from any other county or city within the state of California
I shall be so registered upon a fee of one-half the established fee;
5) Proration of License Fee. Any person acquiring ownership,
I ca re or cus tody of a dog, or hav i ng a dog reach i ng the age of four months '-1'
I between July 1st through December 31st, shall pay a license fee of one-half
the established fee.
SECTION 4: That Section .39 of Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the Arroyo '
Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-1.39, Lost Tag. If the tag issued for any duly registered
dog be lost or accidentally destroyed during the year it is issued, the
owner or custodian of such dog, upon making proof to the satisfaction of the
department of animal regulation of its loss or destruction, shall, upon
payment of a fee of two dollars, receive for such dog another tag; whereupon
the department of animal regulation shall enter the number of the tag so
issued on the register and cancel the tag previously issued for such dog.
SECTION 5: That Section .44 of Chapter 1 of Title 6 of the Arroyo
Grande Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Section 6-1.44. Impounding and Disposition of Stray or Abandoned
Cats. It shall be the duty of the poundmaster to receive and impound all
catS believed to have been abandoned by their owners. The poundmaster shall
provide proper care and attention, food and water, for all cats impounded
and shall keep such cats for a period of three days unless the cats are
sooner reclaimed or redeemed by the owner or person having Gontrol thereof.
Such redemption may be made by paying the poundmaster dny charges ata fee
set annually per day for the care of the cats as imposed thereon. No fees
whatsoever shall be charged or col1ecte,d for or on account of any cat which
has been unlawfully taken up or impounded, At any time after the expiration
of the period of three days, the poundmaster may, without notice and without
advertising in any manner, sell, give away, or dispose of the cats, provided,
however, the poundmaster may not se11 or give away any female cat that has
been spayed, or any male cat that has not,been neutered, unless the cost of
spaying or neutering such cat, as determined and promulgated by the department
of the animal regulation, has been deposited with the pound. Any cat found
tresspassing on any private property in the city may be taken up by the owner
or possessor of the property and delivered to the poundmaster or detained
on the property until picked up by the poundmaster. Every person taking
up any cat under the provisions of this chapter and every person finding any
lost, strayed or solen cat shal I, within twenty-four hours thereafter, ~
give notice thereof to the poundmaster and every such,person in whose
custody such cat may, in the meantime, be placed shall surrender such animal
to the poundmaster wi thout fee or charge and the poundmaster shall thereupon ,"'
hold and dispose of such cat in the above described manner, '
On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council
Member Smith, and on the following roll call/vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope
NOES: None
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 10th
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