Minutes 1999-03-09 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1999 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The Honorable City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7 :35 p,m, 2, ROLL CALL Council: X Lady -X-Ferrara Absent Runels X Dickens -X..... Tolley STAFF PRESENT -1LCity Manager -1LCity Attorney _City Clerk/Director of Administrative Services _Chief of Police _Director of Building and Fire -1LDirector of Community Development -1LDirector of Public Works _Director of Parks and Recreation _Director of Financial Services 3, FLAG SALUTE Kathy Cohon, (epresenting the American Association of University Women, led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4, INVOCATION Pastor Robert Banker, Open Door Church, Oceano, delivered the invocation. 5, SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Proclamation - II Absolutely Incredible Kid Day" 6, AGENDA REVIEW None. 6A, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY On motion by Council Member Tolley, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara, and carried unanimously, all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived, 7,PUBLlC HEARING None. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 1999 8. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS John Clark, 224 McKinley, spoke to the Council concerning an editorial on the Village of Arroyo Grande that had appeared recently in the Telearam Tribune. The article outlined what the Village Association was trying to do to save the rural character of the Village, He hoped that the Council would read the article and would agree with the efforts of the Village Association. 9. CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Tolley moved and Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a, through 9,j. with the recommended courses of action. 9.a, Statement of Investments Deposits, Approved 9,b, Cash Disbursement Ratification, Approved 9,c, Cash Flow Analysis/ Approval of Interfund Advance from the Sewer Facility Fund, Approved 9.d, Cost Allocation Plan Update, Approved 9,e, Minutes of Special Meeting of February 9 and City Council Meeting ,of February 23, 1999, Approved 9,f. Temporary Use Permits for Easter. in the Village/Strawberry Festival/Fourth of July. Resolutions Adopted. - 9,g. Approval of Parcel Map AG 95-060, Approved 9.h. Authorization to Solicit Bids - Bikeway Project One - Paulding Middle School, Project No, 90-98-1, Approved 9,i. Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road - Program Supplement Agreement for No. M003. Approved 9,j, Appointment to Planning Commission, Approved V oice Vote -X..RolI'Call Vote Ave Lady Ave Ferrara Absent Runels Ave Tolley Ave Dickens There being 4 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 2 -- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 1999 10.a, AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CURBSIDE RECYCLING SERVICE Jim Hamilton, Community Development Director, stated that the current contract for curbside recycling with RALCCO was due to expirt;! on March 31, 1999. He recommended that Council authorize RFPs be solicited for curbside recycling services. RALCCO would be eligible to compete for the contract. He explained, due to ongoing contract compliance problems, it is in the best interest of the City to explore all options for curbside recycling, Greg Shipley, representing RALCCO, spoke to the Council. He reminded the Council that weeks ago they had reviewed the Green Waste collection service. There had been some correspondence between the City and RALCCO concerning the following three (3) complaints: 1. Compliance 2. Twenty bundles that had not been picked up. 3, JJ's Market needed to work out a solution with RALCCO that included an exemption for its trash pick up. Each of these problems had been work on and resolved. Mr. Shipley went on to say that when servicing 4,200 homes and businesses there are bound to be some problems, He would disagree that RALCCO is giving poor service to Arroyo Grande. He stated that RALCCO would be willing to get together with staff to solve any problems, RALCCO wanted to do a good job and needed information concerning problems to facilitate that. Mayor Pro T em Ferrara asked Mr. Hamilton if RALCCO was willing to continue on a month to month basis. Mr. Hamilton directed the question to Mr. Shipley. Mr. Shipley answered that RALCCO was willing to work on a month to month basis, RALCCO was interested in working hard to continue the service and they will do what is necessary to achieve that goal, City Manager Hunt informed the Council that he had spoken to the City Manager of Pismo Beach. If the Council proceeds with the Request For Proposal he has asked Mr. Hunt to contact him. He will then go to the Pismo Beach City Council and ask if they would be interested in a joint venture with the City of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Tolley stated that he wanted to proceed with the Request For Proposal. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 1999 Mayor Lady was in agreement with Council Member Tolley and stated that RALCCO was entitled to present a proposal. Council Member Tolley moved and Council Member Dickens seconded a motion to prepare a Request for Proposal for Curbside Recycling Service and. continue the current contract with RALCCO ona month to month basis, Voice Vote .lLRolI Call Vote Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Absent Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 A YES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed, 10,b. FINAL MAP APPROVAL PROCESS - FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE Don Spagnolo, Public Works Director, stated that upon direction from the Council staff prepared an ordinance designating the City Engineer as the official with the authority - to approve final subdivision maps, accept offers of dedication, and enter into agreements to construct subdivision improvements. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked if this would be saving time in the administrative process to proceed in this way and if, as this becomes routine, will the process be easier? Mr. Spagnolo replied that the Final Map approval process will become routine after the process is established and .it should save time. He explained that the process the City uses noW is: 1, Approval by the City Council of a tentative or vesting tentative map. During the tentative map process conceptual review is performed and conditions of , approval are set, 2. Approval of the Final Map. At this point if there are any substantial changes to the Final Map they are brought back to the Planning Commission for consideration. 4 ----- , . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9, 1999 Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked who makes the judgement whether the changes are substantial or not. Mr. Spagnolo replied that the City Engineer and Public Works Director make the decision together. Council Member Tolley asked how often the Final Map is different from the Tentative Tract Map. Mr, Spagnolo answered that it is the same 97% of the time. He explained that developers do not want to have changes and have to go through another approval process. Mayor Lady thanked Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara for raising the preceding issues with regards to the Final Map process. Mayor Lady read the, Ordinance for the Final Map Approval Process and moved to recommend approval. Council Member Tolley seconded the motion. Voice Vote - .lL-RolI Call Vote - Aye Lady Aye Ferrara Absent Runels Aye Tolley Aye Dickens There being 4 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 11 , ,NEW BUSINESS None. 12. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS The Council discussed the date for the Joint City Council Meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara stated that he had a conflict on March 22nd and requested the Council consider another date. S ---_._--~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 9,1999 Mayor Lady discussed the following issues that had been brought to this attention: 1. The owner of the Fair Oaks Theater was concerned about the future closing of Grand Avenue for repairs during the summer. Mayor Lady will c.liscuss this with staff and see if any compromise can be made, 2. He has received calls recently about vandalism in the cemetery. This has never happened before. He will ask Chief TerBorch for help in this matter. 3. Jim McGillis has asked the Council to consider hearing a General Plan Amendment for two (2) properties on Farroll Road instead of having this matter decided as part of the General Plan Update. Mayor Lady asked staff to put the General Plan Amendment item on a future City Council Agenda Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara had received a follow up call from Chris. Ivy about the documents from Santa Maria regarding the issue of retaining non-taxable sales percentages in "big box" stores. Mr, Ivy had been in contact with Mr. Hamifton and told him that his staff was working on the documents he wanted to present to Arroyo Grande. 13. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. - 14. ADJOURNMENT - Council Member Tolley moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting, Time: 8:15 p,m, M'CHAA{~ ATTEST: Vt.JL- , , RE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK 6