R 2158 l~U JU!8OL1JTlON No.2l58 A 1I1R\L1JTlON Oll THE aTY enUNco. Oll THE CITY Oll ARBOYO GRANDE EBrAAJ.JlmDfG alABGES FOR ODPIES OF THE ARBOYO GRANDB MUNICIPAL enDB BOOK, INDIVIDUAL PAGES TO THE ARBOYO GRANDB MUNICIPAL enDB AND REI'RODUCl10N alABGES OF 0'l1lER DOCUMENTS AND BH'EALING JU!8OLtmON NO. 1698 WJlRRR~ It would be to the benefit of the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande and others to purchase copies of the Arroyo Grande Municipal code, portions thereof and other docwnents filed with the City of Arroyo Grande; NOW, 'l'IIBRUORB, BE rr JU!8OLVED BY THE aTY enUNCIL OF THE CITY OP AJJ1IOYO GB.ANDB, that Resolution No. 1698 is hereby repealed in its entirety. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE OOUNClL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AS POu.oWS, SECl'ION 11 That the Arroyo Grande City Mlmil!inA] ~ shall be sold for $137.00 a caJtl\ete copy, without blOOer. SECl'ION 21 That the bxnvidual poe-printed pages of the Arroyo Grande Municioal ~ shall be sold at the rate of ~ _ adl ~ SECl'lON 31 That aU~renarts_ tIntoIlI'Ml1tsQt-='shaIl be sold Cor the sum of tn.. ~ On /lX)tIon of Qluncn MeiWer Moots, seconded by Councn Menmer Porter, and on the fo~ roll call vote, to wit; AYES: eouncu Merrbers Moots, Porter, Millis and Mayor MIIJIkim NOESI None ABSENT: Councll MeoW .bMIon the forego~ Resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of Septenber, 1987. ~J-:- . _._~ ~ MAYOR ATl'F8r1 ~ a .~ CITY a.ER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2158 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 22nd day of September, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of September, 1987. 1krrrr a. ~ CI K h_._..._____.._ _..... ... ..- ...- ....,--.-...-...---