R 2023 " '102" . . -, RmK>LUTION NO. 2023 - A IW;OLUTION OF' THE CITY <X>UNCIL OF' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE aRCDLATION ELEMENT OF THE <X>MPREHENSlVE GENtmAL PLAN. . WHEREAS, the Planning ConIni$ion of the atyof Arroyo Grande has received a proposed amendnent to the Qrculation Element of the COJq?rehensive General Plan; and WHEREAS, the P1anning ConIni$ion, following public hearing, has fotmd that the reconmended amendnent is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the aty; and WHmtBAS, the P1anning CoInni.!I;ion has found that no env:ironIoontal impact will be created by this amendnent and has issued a Notice of Negative Declaration tmder the provisions of the ... California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the aty Council, upon the reconmendation of the P1anning Conn1isBion has held a public hearing and has found that the proposed amendlrent is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the aty; and WHEREAS, the aty Cotmcil upon reconmendation of theP1anning Corrmission finds that the Negative Decwation tmder the provisions of CEQA is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RmK>L VED that the Qrculation Element of the Comprehensive General Plan is amended as per Exhibit "A" and "B:, attached hereto. On IIDtion by Council Menbel' .bhnson, seconded by Council Merrber Porter, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: Council Menbers .bhnson, Porter, Millis and Moots and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of February, 1987. ~b.~~ MAYOR A1TIm: 7ktrtl ~ CITY CLERK ----- , ' Exhibit "A" Resolution 2023 EXlIIDn' "A" .' GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Exhibits A and B (Text) and (Ma~) A. Text. Below is the text relating to Le Point Street as published in the Circulation Elerrent of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as adopted March, 1986. Text on 1>- 5 - (existing). This element proposes the following streets to be classified as Collector Streets. ....Le Point Street. * (No change). Text on 1>- 14 - (existing). Priority One (bike) routes are; ....Mason Street (north of East Branch Street), Le Point Street and Tally Ho Road to serve Paulding School (No Chmge). Text on 1>- 11 (existing). Priority three (bike) routes are: ....Le Point Street fran Tally Ho Road to Wesley Street (existing). Change - DeJete Wesley Street and Add Nevada Street. *Add to 01"CUlntion EJmmt, ~ Sectioo (pp 19 to 24), hsues , 17 ond Us. Le Point Street: 17. Le Point Street shall tenninate on the west end at Nevada Street. Le Point between Nevada and Miller shall be developed with 40 ft. of parking between curbs with sidewalk and pennitted parking on the south side only. 18. Vehiculnr access to the rear portions of ccmnerciLllly zoned parcels on the north side of BrllJ1ch Street, between Nevada Street and Wesley Street, shall be further developed with twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) feet wide private driveways interconnecting all or roost private properties between Wesley and Nevada Streets. The aligrur~nt llJ1d connection point of such drive(s) to Wesley Street shall be detennined by the Plmming Conmission after a review and study of planned land uses in the aren. Private drives shall connect Wesley Street with Nevada Street, but driveway connection with Wesley Street shall not connect directly with Larchmont Drive. *Add to Circu1Iltion Element, Issues Section (pp. 19 to 24) Lc;sue 119. 19. No bricte construction shall toke place over Tally Ho Creek within the Le Point Street right of way. Text on (>.30 - (existing). Proposed roods. Design propooed City roads, per figure 7.1. Establish per Council direction. DeJete - 7.1. Add Figure 3.1. B.. Map. Shown are existing ma~ relating to Le Point Street with extensions as adopted MlU'ch 1986. Proposed mo.~ do not show any extensions, only the existing Lc Point Street from Tally Ho Road to Nevada Street. roosting and Propooed M8~ shown are: Figure 3.1, p.3, Circulation F'ib1'Ure 3.6, p.12, Pedestrian Circulation for Schools. li'igure 3.7, p.15, Bicycle Circulation. Fir;ure 3.8, p.16, TrMsit/Bm Figure 3.10, p.22, Proposed in the Regional Trnnc:;portntion PInn. Remove dast-ed rifles retween Wesley Sh'eet. ant!~poi.!lt~et. EXHlliI'f "A" Page 2 - Statement ~ibing How the proposed chru1gcs are warranted, by resolution and coomunity desh-es. ~tioo No.. 1984, Augwt 12, 1986 adopted policies regarding Le Point Street. ~ 1. Widen to 40 feet fran Miller Way to Nevada Strt:et with sidewalks and parking on south side only. 2. Improvements per plan. 3. City shiill not extend Le Point Street as public right of way frun Nevada Street to Wesley Street. 4. C001OOrci8l plU'ce:Js shall be developed with through access 20' - 25' dt'iving surf&ce nor1h of Branch Street between Wesley and Nevada per Resolution of the City CoW1cil. 5. Driveway consu'uction sball be private. ATE 'l1'atfic Repcrt tor ArtOyo Gtande 'l"O\ML Coota"', Novt:Dbet 24, 1986. Swnwized, pp.l4 to 11. Regarding the Le Point Street to Le Point Stl-eet bridge ove!' Tally Ho Creek; Given the enactmmt to Resolution No. 1984, we would recoo;lIDend against construction of the Le Point Street bridge over Tally Ho Creek. If the bridge is not constructed, the existing access ~1em to Crown Hill, consisting of Crown Hill Su-eet, Crown Terrace, McKinley Stl-eet and Le Point Street will remain, and would be enfu-ely adequate, since the Hill is nearly built out. The need for construction of the Le Point Street bridge over Tally Ho Creek is considerwly diminished by the deletion of the Le Point Street eA'tension to Wesley Street. In ATE's opinion, the bridge would not be warL'anted by traffic volumes generated from either Crown Hill build out or coome.rciaJ. development of the Arroyo Grande Town Center project. It is noted that the recent im{rovement of the Le Point Street-Tally Ho Street curve placed a temporary asphalt sidewalk and benn in the area where the Le Point street bridge would have been constructed. If it is detennined that the bridge not be constructed, the pennanent concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk could be constructed in this area. .. "\:)' t.x\lib1t . on 2.02.3 Resolutl .._- .- .- 0 ~ .-:. --- - .. ..... ~\ 0 c. ~'o ~ -N-; o~ 9 N:::;. ... ~ ---- -c:.r ~ ~ _ 0 iJ) ~ ~~ 0 - 0 9. ~ ';:: ~ Do :>~.,I)-O ~~.~ 8 &: .~ ':1: 4. - ')::. ~ t\ 1 ~ I.. -: ~ ~ ; -~ '\ . \. \. . ..... . I, .:.:.), . ')~, ~ ... ,.." '.' 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