R 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ARROYO GRANVE HONORING B'ANN SMITH FOR HER OUTsrANVING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANVE WHEREAS, B'ANN SMITH hM ~vr.ved the City 06 Mftoyo Gltande M a membvr. 06 the City Coanc.a. 60ft eight yeaJr.~ 6ft om 1978 to 1986 and M MayOft 60ft 60Wt yeaJr.~ 6ftom 1982 to 1986, and f.In.6 the 6bt.6t MayOft d.i.Jr.ec.t.f.y mc.ted by the Citizen& 06 the City on Novembvr. 6, 1984; and WHEREAS, ~he fte~e4ented the City 60ft ~i~ yeaJr.~ on the South County Tfta.nl.>.i.t AMOc.iation BOaJr.d M d.i.Jr.e.c.tOft and in vaJr.iou.l> 066ic.e4; and , WHEREAS, ~he. ~vr.ved 60ft ~e.ve.n yeaJr.~ M a membvr. and M an 066ic.vr. , on the Loc.al Agenc.y FOftmation COIllll.i..6.6ion; and i WHEREAS, ~he. hM MAve.d M Cha.i.Jr.man 06 the. League. 06 Cali60Jr.nia C.i.t.i.e~ Sma..U. C-itie4 COlllllitte.e, and WHEREAS, B'ANN SMITH hM bee.n de.e.pty invoived with City ~ojec.t4 inc.lud.i.ng the bua.d.i.ng 06 the. F.i.Jr.e. Station, the. e.xpaMion 06 the. Corrrnunity Centvr., Stltothvr. PaJr.k, Soto SpOftt4 Compte~, the. City' ~ VilVllom! JubUe.e. Counc.U Membvr. Photo GaUvr.y, am! many oth~~; and I WHEREAS, ~he. hM wo/tke.d with youth oftganization& 60ft many YeaJr.~, .i.nc.tud.i.ng ClVllp F.i.Jr.e. Inc.OJr.po/tate.d 60Jr. 14 ye.aJt.4 M a membvr. and ieadvr., Eagie4 Boo~tvr. Club, Little. League, Babe. Ruth Ba4eba..U. and Five.-Citie4 G.i.Jr.t4 S06tbali; and WHEREAS, ~he hM bee.n a ioyal me.mbvr. and hM held many 066ic.e4 and c.ha.i.Jr.man&h.i.p~ .i.n Be.ta Sigma PH Intvr.na.tionai SOftOltity; and WHEREAS, B'ANN SMITH hM /te.c.eived honoft~ .i.nc.luding being named 1981 M/toyo Gltande Chambvr. 06 Commvr.c.e "Woman 06 the. YeaJr.," and being i.i..6te.d in "Out4tanding Young Women .in Amvr.ic.a" in 1973; am! WHEREAS, ~he hM ~vr.ved M a main&ta.y and ~e4ide.nt 6ftom 1973 to 1975 M we..U M 1984 06 the HaJr.ve4t Fe4t.i.val COIllll.i.ttee; and WHEREAS, ~he hM given hvr. iov.i.ng c.aJr.e and attention to .hvr. hu4band, Chuc.k Smith, and c.hitdJr.en, Vavid, Te.Jr.Jty, Bet&y and Tim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEV THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANVE, dOe4 ftec.ognize and ac.knowledge hvr. extltao/tdinaJr.Y c.ontltibution& to the City 06 M/toyo Gltande am! the C.i.tizen& 06 the South County, and c.olllllend~ B'ANN SMITH on hvr. yeaJr.~ 06 dedic.ated c.itizen&hip, and w.i..6he4 hvr. good health and ~UC.C.e.M in hlVt 6utWte endeavoft~. On mot.i.on 06 Counc.a MemblVt MLU.i..6, ~ec.om!e.d by coanC.a Membvr. Moot4, and on the 60Uowing /toU c.a..U. vote, to wit: AYES: Counc.a Me.mbvr.~ MiU.i..6, Moot4, John&on and Po/ttvr., and MayOft I Mank.in& I NOES: None , ABSENT: None - the 60Jtegoing Re4olut.i.on f.In.6 plLMed and adopted th.i..6 23ftd day 06 Vec.e.mblVt, 1986. ATTEST: a.