R 1996 71 RESOLUTION NO.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INSTRUCTING POLICE TO WORK WITH SCHOOLS ON A DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE PREVENTION PLAN WHEREAS, research studies show that the use of drugs and alcohol by school aged children is epidemic in our schools and cOlrnnunities; and WHEREAS, the effects of drug and alcohol abuse are devastatin9 to your people's lives and their futures, to their families, to society, and to the educational environment; and WHEREAS, schools are an appropriate place to educate youth about the harmful effects of drug and alcohol abuse and to assist them in learning positive ways to make healthy choices in their lives; and WHEREAS, the schools cannot be expected to shoulder this burden alone because the future of the entire community, indeed of our democracy, depends upon having an educated citizenry able to make ethical and moral choices; and WHEREAS, schools should provide a safe haven for students so that our youth can be safe, and learn effectively. NOW, THEREFDRE, BE IT RESOLVED that, at the request of our Police Ch ief, the Ci ty Counc il of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande app 1 auds the determi nat i on of school districts to make drug and alcohol abuse prevention a highest priority for the 1986-87 school year and beyond, and hereby instructs the Po 1 ice Department to work wi th our conunun i ty' s schoo 1 s to deve 1 op a plan of act i on that wi 11 make school campuses safe havens from drugs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will lend its support to help foster the cooperative relationships amon9 teachers, parents, students, 1 aw enforcement and other coni11unity agencies necessary to accomplish this goal. On motion of Councilmember Johnson, seconded by'Council- member Moots, and on the following roll call vote,. to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Smith the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of October, 1 986. ATTEST: -----------~~~_....- .------ - ---_._..-._...~--_.~---_.~ -.~-