R 1994 69 RESOLLn10N NO. 1994 A UESOLUTION OF WE Cl1Y COUNCIL OF WE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTIiORIZlNGAPPLlCATlON FOR Sf ATE DISABILITY INSURANCE FOR -SELEcrED CITY EMPLOYEES AND PROVIDING RULES FOR PROGRAM ADMlNISfRATlON WHER~ a majority of Ihose eligible foe IIIClllbenbip I&IId m.:u>beu of Service Employees Iotem..wllw Union AFL-CIO, CLL, Locu 817 (s.EJ.UJ, voting on August H, 19116, ekcccd Scae~ Disabiliey Insurance (SDJ.); and WHF.REAS. S.EJ.U. bas peucioncd the cay of Anoyo Grande for SDJ. applicacion ",l4er ilic: rules of the Seaee of CalifomU; and WHEREAS. ac.ployees of the City of Aaoyo Grande, eligible for representation by S.E.I.U., sha!l pay all SDJ. prcwiuw c,,"to; plus onc-tcnd1of one percent (.001) of their gross annual wages up eo ~21,900 to ilic: City for aw.......ccaU...e CO$ts of the SDJ. program to the cay. !::!Q\Il.. THEREFORE, the cay Council of the City of Arroyo Grande: 1. Aud>ocizes thc Mayor to make applicacion, wider s.:ction 7100.5 of the SDJ. program, for S.DJ. co...erage for d...se employe" of thc CUy of Arroyo Grande elig;)'le for represenc"cion hy S.EJ.U., and 2. Aud>owes thc Finance DepuUIIcDC of the cay of Arroyo Grande to m.&ke deduction.:. from cmpIoyce PiLYchccks as required by SDJ. program adwinistrators plus "" assessment of .001 of geoss wages piLJd to said e.yccs covered by s.DJ. up to thc "",V:n.",\ kvc:l of salaries -, assessed by SDJ., cucrc:nlly ~21.900. SOLid asses:omo:nt sha!1 be retained by ilic: City of Arroyo Grande as rculIbucsClUent for the City's cost of locally adwinistering thc SD.I. program for saJd c..veted cmpIoyees, ",14 3. Aud>owcs thc Finance DcpartmcDt to receive and depo.a.t in thc City ueasLUY checks frwncmploycc.,iu..ruch case, that c:mploycc for,.bi.chan SDJ. checkh.u; been depu.;itcd, shall be credited wirh iIA OlIOOUilt of sick leave equivalent to the dollar vuue of ilic: depo:;itcd check, based upon the employee's cuctent Wilge. No employee sha!1 be required to sub.ni.t a SDJ. bendit check 10 the r;in..nce I)eparru.c:nt, nor shall thc Finance Departwcnt provide any sick Ie..ve credit Wltil deposiung a SDJ. benefit chc:ck for the c:mployc:e \.0 be credited. Onw.>ciolll,f C.ouncil.uanbcr Johnson , seconded by Councilmcn-.ber Moot s , imd on the following roll call ...",c, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ARSENI: Mayor Smith thc fore going Resolution was passed and adopted thia 14 t h day of October , 1986. ~~n,f~M , -- - ---~--~.._----~~--- ---~--~------ -------~--------- -