R 1990 , ,... RESOLlTfION NO. 1990 JOINT RESOLlTfION AND AGREEMENT OF '!HE CITIES OF ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER CITY AND PISMO BEACH AND '!HE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR TI-IE RECONsrRUCTION OF '!HE OAK PARK BOULEVARD/HIGHWAY 101 INTERCHANGE AND RELATED MATfERS WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo, the City of Arroyo Grande, the City of Grover City and the City of Pismo Beach have a mutual interest and concern in the redesign and reconstruction of the Oak Park Boulevard and Highway 101 Interchange for the promotion of traffic flow and the protection of the general citizenry; and WHEREAS. all parties are in agreement that the alternative design provided by Cal Trans, which enlarges the overpass of Highway 101 to six lanes, retains a diamond on-and-off ramp configuration at Oak Park boulevard, which creates traffic signalization at or near the interchange, and causes the realignment of West Branch Srreet in Arroyo Grande through an existing stoan drainage detention basin; and WHEREAS, the design and reconstruction of the intersection, as heretofore mentioned, necessitates mutual concerns as to jurisdictions for traffic control, liability, maintenance and operations of traffic and drainage facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, parties to this Agreement agree to the following: 1. Upon construction coq>letion of the interchange project by the State of California, the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach shall request the Local Agency Foanation Conmission to adjust the City boundaries of Pismo Beach, Grover City and Arroyo Grande, as identified in the Proposed Boundary Map attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. 2. The Cities of Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande agree to equally share the expenses of installation, design, operation and maintenance of all traffic signalization created at the intersection of West Branch Street and Oak Park Boulevard, as proposed for realignment as part of the Highway 101 interchange construction project. Each City shall approve installation design, operation and maintenance expenditure estimates ptior to actual expenditure, 3. The City of Arroyo Grande and the City of Grover City agree to equally share the expenses of installation, design, operation and maintenance of traffic signalization created at the intersection of EI Camino Real and Oak Park Boulevard. 4. The City of Pismo Beach, the City of Arroyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo agree to equally share in the annual cost of maintenance and operations of any and all stoan drainage facilities constructed by the State of California, as a result of the displacement of the current stoan drainage retention basin at the intersection of West Branch Street and Oak Park Boulevard. Such stoan drainage facilities shall not include those facilities retained by the State of California as part of their property or project. The City of Arroyo Grande shall have the responsibility for administering all maintenance and operations of those facilities referred to in this paragraph which shall be located within the City of Arroyo Grande; however, the City of Arroyo Grande, the City of Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo County shall approve funding of any and all maintenance, operations or improvements, prior to expenditure of funds, except in an emergency caused by flooding or disaster. The City of Arroyo Grande shall bill each City and the County annually, after maintenance, operations and capital expenditures have been incurred. 5. The tean of this Agreement shall continue until unanimously amended by all parties to this Agreement. . .... RESOLlTIlON NO. 1990 (continued) On motion of Councibnember Gallagher, seconded by Councilmember Moots, and on the foJ1owing ron call vote, to wit: A YES: Counc:ilmelroers Gallagher, Johnson md Moots NOES: Mayor S:nith and Cound1member Porter ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th dAY of September, 1986. t6.~~ '~ " ~ MAYOR, crIY OF ARROYO GRANDE . . ATIESf. ~ (j. ~ CI1Y CLE I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1990 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 9th day of September, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 11th day of September, 1986. ~a. ~ CITY CLERK ",-0 () (1'\- ~ ~~ =n Reso1utiOD ~o. 1990 ::r.O 0 :;0 ~ )>- U\ I -I ):> -\ [1'\ ;; G) X ~ j ):> -< ~ C U\ -.--' - :i <# 9. ~. 0 - (O<<i-~'\) g~ ~ '0 (1 i~ 0:. ;0 ~~(")(J)(J)~ ~ 0 (0 ~ ~ 0 oil (0' So 0. C ~()Q -I 90 (J) cr a , )> 111 ~~~ [1'\ ~ ~. So :> <g -a:. =-- fT1 z: :;u z -0 % 0 ~ ~ :;00<5 0 - ~ (J) ')::''='0. N ; :\0.0 ~ , b' W ~ J?.2 .." r<1 0 0, ~ Ci)' gOd:) =i ii> '" o::rG>-;~ -< "*' (1'\ g. a~-o ~ ~g:;)~ 'Ji<. oo.g--- ~ . oil ~ 0 -- ~ ~ ~ " \ ...y .-z. (:) ~ ",-0 A (TI- ~~ ~O S~\'O'<j()~~~ ~ . }.~~'l\,~'O~~'O~t~ ~o 30S ~'8'I6 <;~G~.. 111 U' D'<j-;'O ~., . ~.. .... it(" 111 ~):Io % ):10'" <:) ", ~~ o ;o:E %0 ." 11101 o~ 'Ji<.C g:! ~)> (TIO "'0 ~ _ QZ <:) :z: ~ Q 111 111 <:) ~ ~ -1,: