R 1982 51 RESOLl1l'ION NO. 1982 A RESOLl1l'ION OF THE Cl'IY COUNCIL OF THE Cl'IY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING LAFCo TO INCLUDE11iE 155 ACRE MAJOR PARCEL (Kvidt) IN OAK PARK ACRES IN THE Cl'IY'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE WITH CONDmONS, Bur TO DELE11! SAID PARCEL FROM THE Cl'IY'S SPHERE OF SER VICE, AND SUPERSEDING ANY AND ALL PORTIONS OF RESOLl1l'ION NO. 1950 IN CONFUcr ORINCONSISI'ENT HEREWITH WHEREAS, on June 19, 1986, the San Luis Obiapo Local Agency Formation c.v....;..iQQ (LAFCo) ap~oved ''''''''''''-nta to the City of Arroyo Grande's and the South San Luis Obiapo Cowty Sanitation District's sphere of 'nfl'l~nce and sphere of service to incJude 155 acres of Oak Park Acres (Kvidt) in both spheres; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 1986, the Oce_ ("____mity Services District adopted Resolution NlDber 1986-4, requesting LAFCo to ameod ita decisioa, and to delete said 155 acres of Oak Park Acres from the City of Arroyo Grande's and South San Luis Obiapo CoIInty Sanitation District's sphere of service; and WHEREAS, the owner of said 155 acre pared bas filed with LAFCo an application for annention to the City of Arroyo Grande for the subject pmperty (Anoention No. 25); and WHEREAS, LAFCo bas currently scheduled a public hearing on August 21, 1986, for reconsideration of ita decision to include the subject pmperty within the spheres of service of the City of Armyo Grande and South San Luis Obispo CoIInty Sanitation District; and WHEREAS, the Oce_ ('____m'.y Services District believes that annention and development of the subject property is deleterious to the ...........mity of Oce_ and that the South San Luis Obiapo County Sanitation District's treatment facilities may be inadequate to serve development upon subject property; and WHEREAS, the City of Grover City bas, on July 22, 1986, ezpr_d a concem that in..I...io1> of the subje ct ~operty within the spheres of service of the City of Arroyo Grande and South San Luis Obiapo Cowty Sanitation District may have an iaq;>act upon South San Luis Obiapo County Sanitation District'sscwcr plant capacity and Grover City's contracted treatment capacity within that plant; and WHEREAS, this City Cowcil shares such concerns that South San Luis Obiapo Cowty Sanitation District may DOt be able to serve all current and projected developments within ita current bo..nil.riu within the DCxt five years; and WHEREAS, this City Cowcil believca there are other urban service concerns in addition to sanitary sewer service concerns which ~UId result from development of the subject property in the imDediate future; and WHEREAS, this City Cowcil believes development of such ~operty should occur in an orderly manner' only aftcrurban service concerns are resolved; and WHEREAS, this City Cowcil further believes that portions of City Resolution No. 1950 may have misled LAFCo as to the City's int~nt1nn. and dcaites for said property, and that the misleading portions of said Resolution should therefore be repealed and superseded by this Resolution and Resolution No. 1985 adopted concurreqtly herewith. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City Cowcilofthe City of Arroyo Grande: 1. Favors the inclusion of the subject property within the spheres of ,nfl"'Wce of the City of Arroyo Grande and the South San Luis Obiapo CoIInty Sanitation District; and 2. Believes it ~cmatute for the iD..I...ion of the subject property within the sphere of service of the City of Arroyo Grande and the South San Luis Obiapo County Sanitation District; and 3. Adopta the following policy and attitudes towards the development of said property: A. WmL No devdopment of the subject ~operty shall be approved by the City,DOr anne:ration sanctioned by the City, Until such time as the applicants produce ~oof of adequate quantities and qualities of water- supplemental to the City's current Lopez and groundwater resources and sufficient to meet the cJ~.niI. of all proposed development for the site. Applicanta for devdopmcnt of the property shall produce evidence of such suppl......."tal waters prior to coomencing an B.I.R. by drilling _c...oary ezploratory wells and pmdudng repom itemizing the quantities and quaJitieo of water available, proposing how these waters are to be ~oduced and proposing a financial plan for development of such waters. . _.._-~._-~._-_.__._---~.- -._----.._---- .-.---..-.-...-.- ~_._----_.__..- .----- -~- -- -- .--._-_..... 52 RE&>LUTION NO. 1982 (continued) Page 2 B. Dramave. AU drlinage plans must confolDl with State Fish and Game's Pisroo Marsh project plans, the City of Grover City's Meadow Creek drainage plan and with Cal Trans' Oak Park Interchange Project drainage plans. " C. Traffic. No development shall be approved, nor annexation sanctioned by the City. until construction completion of the Oak Puk/U.s. 101 interchange improvements. All developments shall preclude future connection of OakPuk Boulevard. to lands west of the subject properties. Oak Park Boulevard sidewalks and street lighting sbaI1 be eztended north along the fuIllcngth of the subje ct properties. Sidewalks sbaI1 meander Tobere possible, thereby creating additional landscaping demands. D. Inn. Eztcnsive grading ,.,bich results in significant native tree removal will not be approved by the City. E. ~nitarv ~ South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District must certify adequate treatment plan and collector line capacity prior to any subdivision approval of the subject property by the City, or City sanction of annexation to the City or District. 4. Intends that this Resolution supersedes and repeals any and all portions or provisions of Resolution No. 1950 in conflict or inconsistent herewith; this Council never intended to request inclusion of the subject property within the City's sphere of service. 5. Adopts this Resolution concurrently with the adoption of Resolution No. 1985 ..mch concerns an adjoining 22 aae parcel for,.,bich the City has pteviouslyhertto agreed to provide limited water and sewer semce only, for private school purposes. It is this Council's desire that, insofar as feasible, LAFCo give separate and independent consideration and decisions" to the applications for each of the two properties. On motion of CouncilmesOOcr Moots, seconded by Councilmember JOhnson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit:- AYES: Councilmembers Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: Mayor Snith ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was paased and adopted this 12th day of August, 1986. ~'OAVU-J ~ MAYOR A~:~!~; {2. ~ I NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of S~n Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No, 1982 is a true, full a~d correc! copy o~ said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of sald Councll on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 14th day of August, 1986, ~AA~(j r2. )(}a~ CI Y CLERK