R 1955 , I - . . . . " RESOLUIlOH Ha.. illli. . A RF1)OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CREATING A TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FEES AND ADOPTING A SIGNALIZATION MAP WHEREAS, the aty Council has adopted Ordinance Number 346 c.s. \vhIch establishes n 'Il'affic Signalization Fund; and WHEREAS, the aty Council may adopt a Signalization Map pursunnt to this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Qty CouncU may by resolution establish a tee tomwla pursuant to this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, atter study, the 'Il'atClc and Parking axnnis!don have recoomended a fee fonruJa to be established, and a Signalization Map be prepared; L NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the following fee forrruIa is hereby adopted: , Average QJst of traffic signal installation I the mininun volune warrant = ADT Factor ADT Factor x Independent Varinble = 'Il'atfic Signalization Fee DcCinitions: AVerA~ rhot of trAffie ~icnnl imtnllntion is the average coot of signal installation in OJl'Il'nns, RC(,rion 5, including design unci inspection ca>ts. 'The minimum volulTY' wnrrnnt is mininun amount of trlI:6 required to warrant n traffic signnl as culculutL>d from the uniIonn traCCic control mnnooI. ADT Fn!'tor is the rntio \vhIch expresses the dollar coot per vehicle trip. I'IE UN) mE ([DE I..I\ND mE/FDIIDINJ 'IYFE INIEJ.>J!.NENT V&UN3IJ! AVI!1VG!. mr 030 Truck Terminals 1,000 gross square feet 9.86 100 Industrial 1,000 gross squnre feet 5.43 110 General light industrial 1,000 gross square fcet 5.46 120 General henvy industrial 1,000 gross squure feet 1.5U 130 Industrial Pnrk 1,000 gross square feet 7.UO 140 Manufactur Ing 1,000 gross square fect 3.86 150 Wnrehouse 1,000 gross square feet 4.88 151 Mini Wlirehouse 1,000 gross squllre feet 2.80 210 Single family detached_house DNelling uni t 10.00 220 Apartment -. DNelling uni t 6.10 221 Low rise apartment DNelling uni t 6.60 230 Residential condominium D.Ye 11 i ng un it 5.20 240 Mobilehome DNell ing uni t 4.80 270 Planned unit development D.Yelling unit 7.80 310 Hotel Room 10.50 320 Motel Room 10.14 330 Resort hotel Room 10.20 400 R.ecreationnl Parking space 3.10 430 CoIf course Parking space 5.30 492 Racquet clubs Cour t 44.30 610 Hospital 1,000 gross square teet 16.70 630 Clinic 1,000 gross square feet 23.80 710 General office 1,000 gross square feet 12.30 . . .. . ...o. ___.__.._... "....,._.. - . _........._.. ____.__.".._ .,. ....-.-.--.---.---..,. .--.--.-... --..... .. .... -_... .. ......- ." -------------- . 711 General office under 100,000 gross square feet 1,000 gross square tect 17.70 . ~ 712 General office 100,000 to 199,999 g.s.t. 1,000 gross square feet 14.30 720 Medical officc building 1,000 gross squarc feet 54.60 732 U.S. Post Officc 1,000 gross square fcct 139.70 750 Office Park 1,000 gross squarc fect 20.65 760 Research Center 1,000 gross square fect 5.30 814 . Speciality Retail Center 1,000 gross square feet 40.70 815 Discount store 1,000 gross square feet 70.10 81G liar dwar e /Pa i n t 1,000 gross square feet 51. 30 820 Shopping Center under 50,000 1,000 gross square feet 117.90 821 Shopping Center 50,000 - 99,999 1,000 gross square feet 112.00 ...-. 1122 Shopping Center 1,000 gross square feet 66.70 100,000-199,999 82~ Shopping Centcr 200,000 - 299,999 1,000 gross square feet 50.60 824 Shopping Centcr 300,000 - 399,999 1,000 gross square feet 41. 9 0 825 Shopping Ccnter 400,000 - 499,999 1,000 gross square feet 49.70 826 Shopping Center , 500,000 - 999,999 1,000 gross square feet 37.20 827 Shopping Ccnter 1,000,000 - 1,249,999 1,000 gross square feet 37.10 828 Shopping Ccntcr 1,249,999 &. over 1,000 gross square feet 34.10 831 ~ality restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 74.90 832 High turn over sit down restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 164.40 833 ~ive-in restaurant 1,000 gross square feet 553.00 841 New car sales 1,000 gross squarc feet 47.50 844 Service Stution Pump 133.00 850 Supermarket 1,000 gross square fect 125.50 851 Cbnvenience store 15-16 hour store 1,000 gross square feet 322.60 851 Cbnvenience store 24 hour 1,000 gross square feet 625.20 8GO Wholesale 1,000 gross square feet 6.73 890 Furniturc store 1,000 gross square feet 0.7U 911 Dank (walk-in) 1,000 gross square feet IG9.00 912 Dank (drive-in) 1,000 gross square feet 192.00 913 Savings and Loan (walk-in) 1,000 gross square feet G1. 00 914 Suvings and Loan (drive-in) 1,000 gross square feet 74.00 930 lnsurllnec 1,000 gross square feet 11.50 · Independent variable JLlnd uses not listed shn1l be selected by the Publie Works Director !ran the I'm 'n'ip Generation ManuaL . , ._.. --~---- l' ,) . . SAMPLE CALCOLATlON ! 'n'affic SIgnalization Fee Mininun hourly volume (WarrlUlt 1 uniform traffic devices control) A5:>'UII1e: (2 lanes major street, 2 lanes minor street) . 1. 600 vehicles on approach both directions on major streets. 2. 200 vehicles on approach in one direction. Total vehicles per hoUr required 800 vchicles/hOur Mininun volume required for eight hours 800 vehicles/hOur X 8 hours = 6,400 vehicles Average ccst of traffic signal Is $80,000 $80,000* , = $12.50/vehic1e = ADT Factor 6,400 $12.50 x 10 (sing1e family AD'J"I'*) = $125.00 = Traffic Signalization Fee per Sing1e Family Dwelling *From average construction ccsts of traffic signals and lighting installations wi thin CnlTrans, Region 5 in and around San Luis Obispo County **From ITE Trip Generation, Independent variable from attached list 2. NOW, THEREFORE, it Is hereby resolved that the attached map, dated Ml1I'Ch, 1986, Is hereby adopted os the Signalization Map pursuant to Ordlnw1ce 346 c.s. On rootion of Cbuncil Member Johnson, seconded by Cbuncil Member Moots, and on the fonowIng ron cnll vote, to wit: AYFS: Mayor Snith, Council Members GallDgher, Johnson, Moots, and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None the flX'egoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1986. -A'thw ~~ MAYOR A'I'TEST: '(l(JA,u.M O. fdnJW_:~ CITY CLERK tf . I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No, 1955 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of May, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of May, 1986, CITY CLERK (1, ~ . 0.' .. . . . -.. ~ - , ! rn . CD .."0 i11- ~ ;IJ'o~-8 o "5 0 CD ~ :s;CD ... U;iz c ~ 0 -0 \.f. ~ ~ " t9 ~ c 5 '0 en 1.0 CI) . c= g' ~1 ::>d5i oIP .$. ~~ J e1Z"fI) o . ... c-) ~8' 19~ ~ - 5 .__0 ...0 .((J5 1;) CD 0. t. ~ c= 0 ... - .~ ! 0 '=' 0 .'i2 a- ~~ 'a w ~(.)o(l) 0 N . .~ ?: - .- i (;) ~ - , (/) "- , "- , "- , "- h, ".: '\, "- , > . / /J / I'" / . ~, i . ~ 0 .. ~ "' . . '" .. "' .. .. 0 ~ g ------