CC 2018-05-29_05a FCFA_MOAMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: JIM BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER BY: STEPHEN LIEBERMAN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMENDING THE FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL CONFLICT WAIVER DATE: MAY 29, 2018 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and associated General Counsel Conflict Waiver will allow adoption of proposed fiscal year 2018-2019 FCFA operating budget and define a timeline to adopt revisions to the existing Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JPA), including funding allocations, and the potential reorganization of the existing organization. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: No direct financial impact is anticipated with the staff recommendation. The City Manager, Administrative Services Director and City Attorney will likely be engaged in ongoing meetings to support the FCFA Board of Directors and the City Council in adoption of JPA revisions and potential reorganization. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the Memorandum of Agreement and General Counsel Conflict Waiver. BACKGROUND: The Five Cities Fire Authority Board of Directors adopted a five-year strategic plan in 2017 and included several priority components of the plan into the draft budget for fiscal year 2018-19. This information has been included in Arroyo Grande’s draft budget (along with the other member communities). In April of this year, the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) Board of Directors adopted their portion of the proposed budget contingent upon the unanimous approval of the attached Memorandum of Agreement by the three member communities. The OCSD has recognized that projected revenues for the 2018-19 fiscal year will be insufficient to cover their portion of FCFA operating Item 5.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMENDING THE FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL CONFLICT WAIVER MAY 29, 2018 PAGE 2 expenditures and the OCSD will be considering a revenue measure to increase available revenues. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The FCFA “Managers Working Group,” comprised of the two City Managers, District Manager and attorneys, met several times to amend the content of this document to represent the interests of all three communities. As the MOA is considered an amendment to the FCFA JPA, the document requires approval by all three JPA participating agencies. Approval within each agency does not need to be unanimous, but all three agencies must approve the amendment. Key components of the MOA include:  Provision for “good faith” efforts to consider amendments to the JPA including the funding formula  Should efforts to amend the existing JPA not be agreed upon by April 1, 2019, then any member agency may withdraw  If the remaining parties cannot agree upon amendments by April 1, 2019, the JPA shall be terminated by December 31, 2019  Modifications of withdrawal language to release a withdrawing party from future lease payments for apparatus/equipment they will not retain when they leave the organization  Provision allowing two agencies to enter into a new agreement and operate under the trademarked name, Five Cities Fire Authority  Provision for “good faith” efforts to establish a distribution of major assets and future obligations of the parties by April 1, 2019, in preparation of a potential withdrawal or termination.  Provision to allow the current FCFA General Counsel (who also represents Grover Beach) to continue to represent both organizations  Acknowledgement of existing conflict waiver associated with legal representation Mr. David Hale serves in the capacity as both General Counsel for the FCFA and City Attorney for the City of Grover Beach. Mr. Hale has requested that all member communities review and approve the attached conflict waiver document. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the Memorandum of Agreement Amending the Five Cities Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement and General Counsel Conflict Waiver; 2. Do not approve one or both documents; 3. Provide direction to staff. Item 5.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMENDING THE FIVE CITIES FIRE AUTHORITY JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL CONFLICT WAIVER MAY 29, 2018 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: Approval of the proposed documents will define a finite timeline to implement revisions to the existing JPA document, including the funding formula. Should one or more member communities not agree to proposed changes, the timeline provides options for withdrawal or termination of the JPA. In addition, approval of the proposed documents allows the FCFA to move forward with adoption of the budget as envisioned in the Strategic Plan, which enables the FCFA to address significant staffing and service level challenges. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages of approving the MOA and General Counsel Conflict Waiver have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Attachments: 1. Memorandum of Agreement Amending the Five Cities Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement 2. General Counsel Conflict Waiver 3. Five Cities Fire Authority Staff Report – May 18, 2018 4. Oceano Community Services District Staff Report – April 25, 2018 Item 5.a. - Page 3 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Amending the Five Cities Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement This agreement is entered into by the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach, and the Oceano Community Services District, which are hereinafter referred to as the Parties. This amendment to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, dated June 7, 2010 (“Amendment”), includes the following terms and provisions relating to the operations of the Five Cities Fire Authority (“FCFA”), which operations shall continue as provided in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (“JPA” or “JPA Agreement”). 1. Each Parties’ contributions for funding the Fiscal Year 2018/19 FCFA budget shall be: a.City of Arroyo Grande $ 2,523,661 b. City of Grover Beach $ 1,798,108 c.Oceano Community Services District $ 987,362 2. For Fiscal Year 2018/19, staffing shortages shall be operationally managed by the Fire Chief with updates provided to the Board of Directors. Such staffing shortages may result in temporary closure or reduced staffing at fire stations. 3. During Fiscal Year 2018/19, the Parties shall act in good faith to meet and confer for the purpose of considering amendments to the JPA including, but not limited to, modifications to the funding formula contained in Exhibit B of the JPA Agreement (“Funding Formula”), the provisions regarding member withdrawal, and future staffing levels beyond Fiscal Year 2018/19, so that the JPA may be amended to meet the needs of each of the Parties. If the Parties cannot agree upon amendments and a restructured JPA by April 1, 2019, then any member agency may withdraw pursuant to the terms of this Amendment. Notwithstanding the potential withdrawal of a member agency, if the remaining Parties cannot agree upon amendments and a restructured JPA by April 1, 2019, the JPA shall be terminated as of December 31, 2019, and assets and liabilities shall be distributed by and among the Parties pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 below. 4. During Fiscal Year 2018/19, the Parties shall also act in good faith to meet and confer in order to do the following by April 1, 2019, in preparation for the potential withdrawal of a member agency and/or termination of the JPA: a.Establish a distribution of assets currently owned and/or in the possession of the JPA, including, but not limited to major pieces of apparatus and capital ATTACHMENT 1 Item 5.a. - Page 4 equipment, which will allow all three Parties to maintain sufficient apparatus and capital equipment to establish an independent fire service; and b. Establish the obligations of the Parties to pay future obligations that were incurred by the FCFA prior to July 1, 2019, including, but not limited to, those future obligations related to lease payments on Engine 2 and 3 and future pension/PERS obligations. c. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Parties mutually agree and understand that as a result of the withdrawal of a member agency or the termination of the JPA, no Party shall be obligated to future payment lease obligations for any Engine that does not remain in the custody, control, and possession of that agency. 5. If the Parties are unable to agree upon amendments and a restructured JPA by April 1, 2019, then the Parties shall act in good faith to meet and confer to finalize the distribution of all assets currently owned and/or in the possession of the JPA not established for distribution in accordance with Section 4.a above, such as additional tools, machines, parts, supplies, communication devices, computers, office equipment supplies and furnishings, by December 31, 2019. 6. Upon mutual agreement of the City Manager of Grover Beach, the City Manager of Arroyo Grande, and the General Manager of Oceano CSD that the Parties are making progress towards JPA amendments and working in good faith, the April 1 deadlines contained within this Amendment will be extended for a period not to exceed six (6) months and will result in a corresponding extension of time of the December 31, 2019 deadline so as to always allow an eight month wind down for distribution of assets and establishment of new services. This extension may be handled administratively with no requirement of board approval from any of the Parties. 7. Upon termination of the JPA or the withdrawal of an agency, any two agencies subject to the JPA Agreement may agree, without consent of the third agency, to continue operating under the FCFA name and branding and/or reestablish the FCFA under a new agreement and operate under the FCFA name and branding. 8. The Parties understand and acknowledge that consistent with the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement and the conflict waivers contained therein, dated June 7, 2010 and the signed waiver agreement, dated May 18, 2018, between the FCFA Board, the City Council of the City of Grover Beach, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and Board of Directors of the Oceano Community Services District, the Grover Beach City Attorney, David Hale is representing the Five Cities Fire Authority as General Counsel and the City of Grover Beach as City Attorney in regards to the performance of the tasks identified in this Amendment. To the Item 5.a. - Page 5 extent said representation may result in a potential or actual conflict of interest pursuant to Section 4. E. (7) of the JPA Agreement, the Parties hereby waive the requirement that Mr. Hale withdraw from representing either Party and agree to sign the conflict waiver agreement, attached as Exhibit “A”, manifesting the subject waiver to the JPA Agreement Section 4. E. (7) and that the signing by the parties herein of the subject conflict waiver agreement is a representation by the parties the subject conflict waiver is in compliance with the California Rules of Professional Conduct, section 3-310 and has adequately advised them of the potential conflicts contained within the subject representation. Moreover, the City of Arroyo Grande and Oceano Community Services District are represented by independent legal counsel which has reviewed the conflict waiver and advised them regarding said agreement. 9. To the extent there is inconsistency between this Amendment and the JPA, the terms of this Amendment shall control, including but not limited to JPA Sections 4.E.(7), 6.B, 8.B.(3), and Section 17. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers hereunto duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereto affixed, as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: __________________________ By: __________________________ _______________, Mayor _______________, Mayor Attest: Attest: _____________________________ ______________________________ _______________, City Clerk _______________, City Clerk OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Attest: By: ___________________________ ______________________________ _________________, President ______________, Board Secretary Item 5.a. - Page 6 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 5.a. - Page 7 Item 5.a. - Page 8 Item 5.a. - Page 9 Item 5.a. - Page 10 STAFF REPORT TO: Chair and Board Members MEETING DATE: May 18, 2018 FROM: Stephen C. Lieberman, Fire Chief/Executive Officer SUBJECT: Consideration of Board Support for the draft "Memorandum of Agreement Amending the Five Cities Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Power Agreement" and the General Counsel's Conflict Waiver RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Five Cities Fire Authority Board of Directors support the Memorandum of Agreement amending the Five Cities Fire Authority Joint Exercise of Power Agreement and the General Counsel's Waiver and forward the documents to their member communities for approval prior to the adoption of the member community operating budgets. BACKGROUND At the March 16, 2018 Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) board meeting, the "Strategic Plan" version of a draft budget was unanimously selected as the preferred draft to share with the member communities for fiscal year 2018-2019 budget planning. On April 25, 2018, the Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) Board of Directors adopted a resolution approving their community's portion of the "Strategic Plan" draft budget subject to the approval of a Memorandum of Agreement (MCA) with the cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach. The Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) has recognized that projected revenues for the next fiscal year will not cover their portion of planned expenditures and the District Board will need to consider a ballot measure to increase revenues to cover the cost of fire protection. The ballot measure will be presented to the community's voters in November 2018, well after the required deadline to adopt an operating budget. Due to the associated timing issue, the OCSD has conditioned their approval of the fiscal year 2018/2019 "Strategic Plan" budget on the approval of the MCA. The resolution stipulates that if the MCA is not approved by the other member agencies, the OCSD Board would support the "Status Quo" draft budget. The FCFA "Managers Working Group" has met several times to discuss and propose revisions to the original draft MCA document created by the OCSD. Consensus agreement among the group (and legal counsel for each community) was reached on May 10, 2018. As the MCA is considered an amendment to the Joint Exercise of Power Agreement (JPA), the document requires unanimous approval by all three member communities along with their approval of FCFA General Counsel's Conflict Waiver. Key components of the draft MCA include:. •Provision that requires "good faith" efforts to consider amendments to the JPA including the funding formula •Provision to allow the current FCFA General Counsel (and City of Grover Beach City Attorney) to continue to represent both organizations. ATTACHMENT 3 Item 5.a. - Page 11 Item 5.a. - Page 12 ATTACHMENT 4Item 5.a. - Page 13 Item 5.a. - Page 14 Item 5.a. - Page 15 Item 5.a. - Page 16 Item 5.a. - Page 17 Item 5.a. - Page 18 Item 5.a. - Page 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 5.a. - Page 20