R 1945 '!f'~~~r,:'f:'::-r~--:'~. ".... 'i~~~~i~!fZ~_ RESOLUTIOII NO. 1945 '".' , . ;.,_.""'.,,,.;...."".~,.~~.:.;:., . .>~'<~_..~;:~.~~0~l~~i~ A RESOLUTfOi'l OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE "":'.::~ c::: CITY OF ARROYO GR,l\NDE ,l\DOPTINGA--':'~ ,- I CIRCULATION ELEnErJT OF THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, Section 65302 (b) of the California Government Code directs ~ll ~ities and countlcs to prepare a General Plan Circulation Element; Clnd l'lHEREP,S, the. City h~~ dete~mined !hat it is appropriate and necessary to upcla te and revl se prev 1 ous c 1 rcu 1 at lOn plans adopted by the City; and I-IfIEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council have held public hearings on a nc\'/ Circulation Element in accordance ~Iith the California Governmerrt Code and Genera I PI an Amendmen t regu I ati ons of the City; and HHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council have considered public testimony and technical information prepared by staff covering goals, policies, and programs and including analysis of the City's street system, alternative forms of transportation, and a project implementation; ---' and HHEREAS, the City Council has considered alternative modes of travel aimed at encouraging the use of alternative forms of transportation such as bicycles, buses, car pools and walking; and_ HHEREAS,_ the Circulation Element incorporates programs aimed at providing for adequate street mai ntenance ~Ihi 1 e promot i ng the expanded use of alternative forms of transportation; and ~':flEREAS, the City Council intends to reexamine the Circulation Element periodically to evaluate the effects of programs and to consider new information. ! rIO''':, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Counci1 of the City of !Inoyo Grande as follows: l (1) The Circulation Element of the City of Arroyo Grande General Plan, i as required by California Government Code Section 65302 (b) is 1 aJopted. The Text of the said adopted element is available in the j , City Hal1 Planning Department. f I (~) The Planning Department shall publish and make available to the , public said element and shall distribute copies to appropriate mem- I , bers of City government, to the Cali fDrniaOffice of Planning and ! Research, other appropriate agencies and local libraries; I I i (3) The C i rCI) 1 a ti on Element adop ted and the master plan of Streets and I ! Hi gl1\1ays (1966) are rcsc i oded; I (';j [he ddop~.jon of this element sil.)l! ta:,e effect thirty (30) days from ! the date of adoption of this resolution. (;:, . ':0 t i un G f C;;urlcil Newber Gal t ayher , seconded by Council r:~!(;I!-:'-_:r r:oo t s , and on the following roll call vote: LYCS: r'layor Smi th iJnd Council f'12inbers Gc1l1agher, Johnson, I'loots and Porter [;0(_:): nOfl~ ~ P"!. 'jT. r/one J.,'.I'_II t... U", f", "'J0inq resolution \'/as passed and adopted this 11th day of narcrl , 1 '}';r). ..__lZ)_L22'1/I~~/d-r/ux-I., r':i\'iO:~ - u__, -71t? 11~~~ :1,; j:::_ J: : /, ~~, ,..v_w 7Cl../..~ -- -~ r- ....,~,,,,,,,..,-,' ,.""'.~.,,.." ><C....".'--