R 1942
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RESOLUTI ON NO. 19421;. .~
WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3,06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo
Grande provides for the preservation and protection of certain trees in
order to produce a more desirable, pleasinq and beautiful community and
to maintain and enhance communityhist~ric; cultural and property
values, as well -a-:- to promote the public hea,lth, safety, comfort. and
I.A.!elfa.re; and
t,JHEREA'3, thi's tree at 1500 Bierr'a Dr., in the City of Arroyo
Grande, and as located and identified on the map attached to this
res-olution. has b&en examin&d by the P,,(rks -and Recr&ation Director of
th& Ci ty of Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Coast Live Oak; and
WHEREAS, this tre&, due to its ag&, speci&s, configuration, and
historical valu& m&ets criteria for Landmark tr&e desiqnation as
determined by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Commission;
WHEREAS, th& Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Arroyo
Grande recomn-Iends to the Ci ty Counci 1 that this tree shc.uld be preserved
and protected and designated as a LandmarK tree.
NOW THEREFORE, th& City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby
designates this tree as a Landmark Tree and directs that it shall be
monumented as LandmarK Tree Number 86-33; and
FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, preserved and maintained
by the tree ot>Jner- and subsequent tree owners ,"-Od such tree shall not be
removed or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by
S&c.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande.
On motiorl of Council t'lember- Gallagher ,seconded by Co unci] ,1ember
Johnson , and on the foIl owi og roll call vot", to wi t:
AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter
t~OES: None
AB;;;ENT: None
th" for-egoinq Resolution VJas- passed a,nd -adopted the 25th day of
february:" (~""u 1-986.
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. 1, NANCY A. DA'JIS, Ci t>' Cl "r.fe of the Cit>, of Arroyo Grande, County
ot San LUIs ObiSpO, State of California, do h"reby certify that the. ._
for-e,,,oing Resolution ,10.1942 IS a true, full. and corr,!,ct COPyo+ said
Resor~tion passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on
the 2:Jth d-a;.. of February, 1986.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
t his 26th d.3Y of February, 1986.
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