R 4876 RESOLUTION NO. 4876 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE UPDATING OPERATING FEES SET FORTH IN THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, in January 2015 the City of Arroyo Grande retained Wohlford Consulting to conduct a User (operating) Fee Study for City services; and WHEREAS, operating fees are intended to be paid by persons utilizing the program or service and to reimburse the City for the actual cost of said program or service; and WHEREAS,the City has established a proposed Master Fee Schedule based on the User Fee Study, which includes fees related to planning, building, engineering, police, recreation, and public works charges; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the question of whether or not to adjust or establish User (operating) Fees for City services to reflect the estimated amount that is required to recover the actual cost to the City of providing such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a methodology to annually update fees in order to reflect the change in the actual cost to the City of providing services and reduce the subsidy of the General Fund for planning related services; and WHEREAS, the amount of the fees does not exceed the cost of providing the City services; and WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public meeting, the City Council considered all verbal and written presentations that were made regarding the proposed fees; and WHEREAS, at least ten days prior to the public meeting, the City made available to the public data indicating the amount of cost, or estimated cost required to provide the services for which the fee or service charge is levied and the revenue sources anticipated to provide the service, including General Fund revenues. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees entitled "Master Fee Schedule" in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, is hereby adopted. 2. Fees shall be adjusted annually by modifying the adopted value up or down in conformance with the annual change in the City's budgeted labor costs. The factor for the adjustment of the fees shall be calculated and established each year by the Director of Administrative Services. RESOLUTION NO. 4876 PAGE 2 3. Additional phased increases of Planning fees shall be implemented at 15% per year for two years, until an overall cost recovery level of 80% is achieved for Planning related fee activities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council that this Resolution shall be effective August 27, 2018. On motion of Council Member Harmon, seconded by Council Member Barneich, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Harmon, Barneich, Brown, Ray, and Mayor Hill NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of June, 2018. RESOLUTION NO. yg7(' PAGE 3 JIVE F-(1 L MAYOR 4 AT ST: .F1/11)-t - KELLY ETd ORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JAMES = MAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: HEATHE- H AM, CITY A TORNEY - Fees effective August 27, 2018 Issued by the Administrative Services Department CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Fiscal Year 2018-19 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT A 1 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 Hourly rates for all City staff positions will be calculated and provided by the Administrative Services Department. In the absence of an established fee for service, the City will recover costs based on the reasonable time and materials required to provide the service, as calculated by the Administrative Services Department 2 FY 2018-19 Fee Budget 40.00$ Financial Statements copy costs Business License Fees: (Basic fees are prorated per the application date: Jan 1-Jun 30, 100%; Jul 1- Dec 31, 50%) Basic Fee--All businesses except Specific License Fees listed below 34.00* >Per Employee, Partner, or Associate (Except those listed below)5.00 Specific License Fees: Contractor 64.00* Motels & Hotels (Basic Fee)34.00* >per room 1.00 Trailer Parks 34.00* >per space 1.00 Hospitals, Sanitariums, Rest or Nursing Homes 44.00* >per bed 3.00 Taxi Cabs 49.00* >per vehicle 15.00 Billboards 129.00* Commercial Auctions - Per Year 89.00* Commercial Auctions - Per Day of Auctioning 29.00* Circuses and similar shows (per day)70.00 + $4 State Fee Bazaars and street fairs: >Small Bazaars (1-4 displays or exhibits) per display per every two (2) days 15.00 + $4 State Fee >Large Bazaars (5 or more displays or exhibits) per day 70.00 + $4 State Fee * Includes $4 per license per State law (AB 1379) Copies, per page (Black and White)0.20 Color copies Actual cost Maps--Chamber of Commerce 1.00 Utility Fees and Penalties: Renter's Deposit 180.00 New Utility Account Set Up Fee 40.00 Past Due Penalty (% of Past Due Total)10% Lock Cut Replacement Fee 15.00 Reconnection Fee (Reconnect by City Personnel)90.00 Unauthorized Reconnection Fee (Reconnect by non-City Personnel)180.00 Returned check fee (NSF) -Per CA Civil Code Section 1719 25.00 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 3 FY 2018-19 Fee City Council Agenda and Minutes Subscription by mail: City Council Agenda Only 20.00$ City Council Agenda and Minutes 35.00 City Council Meeting Audio CD $ 5.00/each City Council Meeting DVD Vendor cost Candidate Filing Fee no charge Candidate Statement actual cost Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition (EC 9202)200.00 Copies, per page (Black and White)0.20 Color copies Actual cost Copies of records sent to a commercial copier Actual cost Document Certification 10.00 Fair Political Practices Commission Forms: Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 (GC 81008).10/page Campaign Statements (GC 81008).10/page Retrieval fee for statements 5 or more years old (GC 81008)5.00/request Municipal Code (w/out binder)150.00 Municipal Code Supplement Subscription 25.00/year Notary (per signature)15.00 Transcript of City Council proceedings Actual cost Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY CLERK/LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES MASTER FEE SCHEDULE 4 Fee Description FY 2018-19 Fee Printing/Copying Charges: 8 1/2" x 11 (per page)0.20$ 18" x 30 (per page)3.00 24" x 36" (per page)4.00 36" x 48" (per page)5.00 Standard Plans 35.00 Land Use Map and Zoning Maps (each) 24x36 3.00 36x48 4.00 Welcome to Arroyo Grande Maps 4.00 Overtime Inspections (per hour- 2 hour min.)153.00 Map Review - Final (LLA, PM, TM 0-2 Lots)5,703.00 Each Additional Lot 136.00 Additional Map Review - After 3 2,716.00 Encroachment Permit - Minor (pod, dumpster)55.00 Encroachment Permit - Standard - per Month 678.00 Encroachment Permit - Franchise Annual 16,966.00 Certificate of Compliance 2,096.00 Certificate of Correction / Merger 758.00 Transporation Permit - each occurance 39.00 Public Improvement Plan - Plan Check (based on Engineer's estimate of construction cost): $0 - 10,000 2,501.00 $10,001 - 50,000 2,875.00 $50,001 - 100,000 3,309.00 $100,001 - 250,000 3,811.00 $250,001 - 500,000 5,300.00 $500,001 - 1.0 Million 6,912.00 Each additional $500,000 (over $1M)2,128.00 Additional Review Public Improvement Plan - Plan Check - After 3 (based on Engineer's estimate of construction cost): $0 - 10,000 607.00 $10,001 - 50,000 681.00 $50,001 - 100,000 756.00 $100,001 - 250,000 904.00 $250,001 - 500,000 1,197.00 $500,001 - 1.0 Million 2,079.00 Each additional $500,000 (over $1M)881.00 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 ENGINEERING 5 Fee Description FY 2018-19 Fee City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 ENGINEERING Grading / Drainage / Erosion Plan Review: 0 - 50 cy 1,239.00$ 50 cy to 100 cy 1,330.00 100 cy to 1,0000 cy 1,502.00 1,000 cy to 10,000 cy 1,674.00 10,000 cy to 100,000 cy 1,845.00 - Hydraulic / Hydrology Report Review 778.00 SWPPP Review 778.00 Stormwater Control Plan Review 778.00 Inspection Agreement, including Subdivision Agreement (based on Engineer's estimate of construction cost): $0 - 10,000 725.00 $10,001 - 50,000 1,886.00 $50,001 - 100,000 3,610.00 $100,001 - 250,000 7,206.00 $250,001 - 500,000 13,860.00 $500,001 - 1.0 Million 26,890.00 Each additional $500,000 (over $1M)13,091.00 Major Project with a Contract Engineer - Actual cost of Contractor passed directly through to Applicant Major Project with a Contract Engineer - City Project Management and Administrative Charge 1,251.00 6 FY 2018-19 Fee COPY FEES Development Code w/out Appendices 50.00$ Appendix 1 15.00 Appendix 2 5.00 Development Code w/Appendices 70.00 General Plan 25.00 Housing Element 2003 35.00 General Plan EIR 12.00 Design Guidelines for Historic Districts 25.00 Design Guidelines for Traffic Way/Station Way 6.00 Design Guidelines for Mixed Use Districts 30.00 East Grand Avenue Enhancement Plan 20.00 Land Use Map and Zoning Maps (each) 24 x 36 3.00 36 x 48 4.00 DVD (Planning Commission meetings)Vendor cost Audio recording copies 5.00 Copies, per page (Black and White)0.20 Color copies Actual cost Arroyo Grande Bike Plan 26.00 IN-LIEU FEES Downtown Parking in lieu fee (per resolution 3994)24,000.00 PROCESSING FEES Notary (per signature)15.00 Annexation - deposit (fee based on actual time at staff at hourly rates)20,000.00 Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Appeals: CD Director to Planning Commission 427.00 Planning Commission to City Council 1,011.00 Certificate of Compliance 3,054.00 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 FY 2018-19 Fee Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Conditional Use Permit: Project - Major (multi building)12,476.00$ Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Project - Minor (routine) - as det'd by CDD 5,402.00 Amendment 2,728.00 Development Agreement - deposit 20,890.00 Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Dev. Code Amendment - Major 14,076.00 Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Dev. Code Amendment - Minor 7,740.00 Environmental Impact Determination: Initial Study Fee 2,967.00 Negative Declaration (in addition to Initial Study Fee)482.00 Mitigated Neg Dec (in addition to Initial Study Fee)2,016.00 General Plan Amendment (Major)14,076.00 Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) General Plan Amendment (Minor)7,740.00 Home Occupation Permit 144.00 Lot Line Adjustment 2,892.00 Lot Merger / Reversion to Acreage 2,846.00 Mailing Label Production 353.00 Request for Meeting Continuance 401.00 Minor Use Permit - Architectural Review Major (e.g. subdivision if PUD or CUP is not concurrently processed)4,474.00 Minor (e.g. single lot)803.00 Minor Use Permit - Historic Resource Designation 1,280.00 Minor Use Permit - Large Family Day Care 488.00 Minor Use Permit - Minor Exception 869.00 Minor Use Permit - Plot Plan Review 639.00 Minor Use Permit - Temporary Use Permit 256.00 Minor Use Permit - Viewshed Review:983.00 8 FY 2018-19 Fee Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planned Unit Development Permit (Major)13,270.00$ Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Planned Unit Development Permit (Minor)6,349.00 Planning Commission lnterpretation or Waiver 1,574.00 Pre-Application 1,068.00 Public Art Permit 806.00 Research (deposit)192.00 Signs: Planned Sign Program 2,079.00 Administrative Sign Permit 298.00 Administrative Sign Program 1,171.00 Specific Plan or Amendment (deposit)20,850.00 Time and Materials (if project exceeds 50 hours of staff time) Tentative Parcel Map (0-4 lots)8,293.00 with Vesting (added to base fee)514.00 Amendment 4,017.00 Tentative Tract Map: 5-20 lots 13,626.00 over 20 lots 15,817.00 with Vesting (added to base fee)1,335.00 Amendment 5,982.00 - Time Extension 2,233.00 Variance 3,159.00 Zoning Compliance Letter 128.00 9 Fee Description FY 2018-19 Fee ANIMAL CONTROL / IMPOUND Dog Impound Fee 1st Impound 22.00$ 2nd Impound 44.00 3rd Impound +66.00 - Cat Impound Fee 1st Impound 22.00 2nd Impound 44.00 3rd Impound +66.00 PERMITS & LICENSES: Alarm Permit Original Application Permit Processing Fee 104.00 Annual Renewal Permit Processing Fee 49.00 False Alarm Response Fourth False Alarm within 12 months 164.00 Fifth False Alarm within 12 months 329.00 Sixth or more false alarm within 12 months (per incident)492.00 - Block Party Permit Block Party Permit 28.00 Cannabis Delivery Service License Application Processing Fee 657.00 Background Investigation Fees 101.00 ID Card / Vehicle Permit Fee 33.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost- Cannabis Delivery Service License Renewal Application Processing Fee 547.00 Background Investigation Fees 38.00 ID Card / Vehicle Permit Fee 33.00 Cannabis Delivery Driver Permit Application Processing Fee 657.00$ Background Investigation Fees 101.00 ID Card / Vehicle Permit Fee 33.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost- Cannabis Delivery Driver Permit Renewal Application Processing Fee 547.00 Background Investigation Fees 101.00 ID Card / Vehicle Permit Fee 33.00 Commercial Filming / Still Photography Permit Permit Processing Fee 55.00 Commercial Filming (per day)274.00 Still Photography (per day)109.00 City Staff Assigned - 4 hour minimum (if applicable)overtime rate Fiscal Year 2018-19 POLICE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE City of Arroyo Grande Fee Description FY 2018-19 Fee Fiscal Year 2018-19 POLICE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE City of Arroyo Grande Concealed Weapons Permit Original Application Police Department Investigation Fee 109.00 Dept of Justice & FBI fingerprint process (DOJ passthrough fee paid by applicant)93.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per penal code section 13300)25.00 Identification Card 22.00 Concealed Weapons Permit Biennial Renewal: Police Department Investigation Fee 28.00 Dept of Justice Renewal Fee (DOJ passthrough fee paid by applicant)52.00 Identification Card 22.00 Mobile Vendor Permit Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost Mobile Vendor Employee Permit Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost Palmreader Fortune Teller Permit - Original Application Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Dept of Justice & FBI fingerprint process (DOJ passthrough fee paid by applicant)actual cost Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per penal code section 13300)25.00 Palmreader Fortune Teller Permit - Annual Renewal Permit Renewal Processing 109.00 - Palmreader Fortune Teller Establishment Permit - Original Application Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per penal code section 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI fingerprint process (DOJ passthrough fee paid by applicant)actual cost Palmreader Fortune Teller Establishment Permit - Renewal Application Permit Processing Fee 109.00 Public Safety and Welfare Permit: Less than 200 Non-Commercial Event 55.00 More than 200 Non-Commercial Event 109.00 Commercial Event 137.00 Second Hand Dealer Permit Original Application Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per penal code section 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint process (DOJ passthrough fee paid by applicant)actual cost Second Hand Dealer Permit Biennial Renewal City Processing Fee 109.00 - Solicitation Permit (per solicitor) Permit Processing Fee 137.00 Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Processing Fee actual cost Fee Description FY 2018-19 Fee Fiscal Year 2018-19 POLICE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE City of Arroyo Grande Taxi Cab Driver Permit Original Application Permit Processing Fee 137.00$ Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost Taxi Cab Driver Permit Annual Renewal Annual Renewal 109.00 Tobacco Retailers License Permit Processing Fee 137.00 OTHER FEES Citation correction certification 28.00 Civil Witness Fee (Deposit)275.00 Copies, per page (Black and White).20 per page Copies - Color copies per page 5.00 Court Ordered Booking 137.00 Criminal history summary examination Live Scan Fingerprint Rolling Fee (per PC 13300)25.00 Dept of Justice & FBI Fingerprint Process actual cost Disturbance 415PC Second Response 164.00 Third Response 329.00 Fourth Response 547.00 Emergency DUI Response -Impaired Driver Accident - Actual Time @ Staff Hourly Rates actual cost Local Records Check 16.00 Photographs per disc 25.00 Property Handling for Mailing / Shipping actual cost Replacement of lost/stolen Permits, Licenses and registration receipts 49.00 Repossessed Vehicle (per GC 41612)15.00 Subpoena Duces Tecum Production of Records for Subpoena deuces Tecum 15.00 .20 per page produced actual cost postage/shipping actual cost Custodian of Records Court Appearance $275 Vehicle Release - Impound/Stored Vehicle Release 55.00 Vehicle Release 30-day Impound Release Review 82.00 Clearance letter 49.00 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 Cellular/Mobile Phone, free-standing NEW 1,079.00$ 1,538.00$ Cellular Tower with Equipment Shelter 1,079.00 1,724.00 Cellular Tower Equipment Demolition 415.00 434.00 Awning (not patio cover) Tents / Canopies / Booths 112.00 169.00 188.00 343.00 Close Existing Openings 112.00 230.00 Compliance Inspections/Reinspections 209.00 282.00 Deck (with Calcs)242.00 302.00 Demolition 112.00 354.00 Demolition - MultiFamily/Commercial 112.00 354.00 Door 112.00 243.00 Fence or Wall (wood, chain link, wrought iron): >6 feet in height, 1st 100 s.f.112.00 310.00 Each additional 100 sf 85.00 112.00 Fence or Freestanding Wall (masonry / garden): City Standard, 1st 100 s.f.112.00 310.00 Each additional 100 sf 85.00 112.00 Engineered Wall, 1st 100 sf 145.00 310.00 Each additional 100 sf 118.00 112.00 Fireplace (masonry or pre-fab)112.00 224.00 Flag pole (greater than 6 feet in height)112.00 224.00 Grading (Cut and Fill): 0-50 Cubic Yards (Cut and Fill)145.00 224.00 Each Add'l 50 CY (or portion thereof)71.00 169.00 Pilaster each 10 112.00 224.00 Lighting pole (each)112.00 191.00 Stucco Applications 70.00 224.00 Retaining Wall (concrete or masonry): First 50 sf 231.00 256.00 Each additional 50 sf 204.00 145.00 Re-roofing: Composition - no tear off 92.00 216.00 Other roofs (first 10 squares)92.00 216.00 Each additional 10 squares 22.00 53.00 Roof Structure Replacement 145.00 256.00 Sauna - steam 112.00 269.00 Change of Occupancy No T.I. w/ plan check & Inspection City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING MISC 13 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING MISC Siding: Stone and Brick Veneer (interior or exterior)92.00$ 269.00$ All Other 70.00 269.00 Signs: Directional / Menu 231.00 269.00 Freeway sign 530.00 296.00 Ground / Roof / Projecting Signs 220.00 256.00 Wall, Illuminated 92.00 269.00 Skylight (Residential each)70.00 237.00 Skylight (Commercial) one 92.00 237.00 Spa or Hot Tub (Pre-fabricated)92.00 269.00 Stairs - per story 338.00 256.00 Storage Racks each set of plans 391.00 321.00 Temporary Utility Connection or Occupancy - 92.00 Window or Sliding Glass Door (first)231.00 256.00 Each additional 204.00 119.00 Board of Appeals 869.00 - Business License Inspection 44.00 67.00 Business License Re-inspection 44.00 35.00 Product Review 653.00 - Disabled Access Compliance Inspection 130.00 87.00 Supplemental Plan Check Fee (first 1/2 hour)118.00 - Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof)107.00 - Supplemental Inspection Fee (first 1/2 hour)- 118.00 Each Additional 1/2 hour (or portion thereof)- 107.00 - 226.00 - 214.00 After Hours Inspection 2 hour minimum - 226.00 Each additional hour - 214.00 After Hours Plan Review 2 hour minimum 226.00 - Each additional hour 214.00 - Copies, per page (Black and White) .20 per page Color copies actual costs Emergency (Non-Scheduled) Call-Out Fee (first hour) 2 hour minimum Emergency (Non-Scheduled) Call-Out Fee (each additional hour) 14 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 Fire Sprinkler Systems - New Construction: 1-50 Heads 215.00$ 235.00$ 51-100 Heads 269.00 334.00 101-200 Heads 485.00 400.00 Every 200 Heads above 200 214.00 153.00 Fire Sprinkler Systems -Tenant Improvements: 1-25 Heads 215.00 235.00 26-100 Heads 324.00 367.00 Every 100 Heads above 100 107.00 246.00 Fire Alarm System (including Sprinkler Monitor System) - New Construction: 1-50 Devices 215.00 235.00 51-100 Devices 269.00 334.00 Every 50 Devices above 100 107.00 220.00 Fire Alarm System (including Sprinkler Monitor System) - Tenant Improvements: 1-50 Devices 215.00 268.00 51-100 Devices 269.00 367.00 Every 50 Devices above 100 162.00 220.00 Other Suppression Systems: Inert Gas Systems 377.00 471.00 Dry Chemical Systems 215.00 471.00 Wet Chemical/Kitchen Hood 322.00 471.00 Foam Systems 215.00 644.00 Paint Spray Booth 484.00 698.00 Other Fire Fees: Hydrants/Underground Fire Service Plan Check 431.00 - Hydrant Flow Test (existing hydrants)- 644.00 Special Event Inspection (e.g., fairs) These are group events, when multiple booths/tents are erected Booth / Tent 57.00 62.00 Booth / Tent with Electricity 82.00 101.00 Booth / Tent with Cooking (includes Electricity)88.00 121.00 - - Special Event Application Review - 23.00 Additional Fire related services are provided by Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA). See the FCFA fee schedule for fees. City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING FIRE 15 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 ADMINISTRATIVE (BASE) FEES: Permit Issuance and Administration 110.00$ -$ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES FAU less than 100,000 Btu/h 54.00 66.00 FAU greater than 100,000 Btu/h 54.00 100.00 Floor furnace (including vent)54.00 133.00 Suspended, wall, or floor-mounted heaters 54.00 100.00 Appliance vents not included in an appliance permit 54.00 100.00 Boiler or compressor, from 15 HP to 30 HP / absorption system from 500,000 Btu/h to 1,000,000 Btu/h.54.00 100.00 Boiler or compressor, from 30 HP to 50 HP, / absorption system from 1,000,000 Btu/h to 1,750,000 Btu/h.107.00 133.00 Boiler or compressor, over 50 HP / absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h.161.00 100.00 Air-handling unit, including attached ducts.107.00 100.00 Air-handling unit over 10,000 CFM 161.00 133.00 Evaporative cooler 54.00 66.00 Ventilation fan connected to a single duct 107.00 100.00 Ventilation system (not a portion of heating or a/c system)161.00 133.00 Incinerator, residential 268.00 198.00 Commercial or Industrial-type incinerator 321.00 198.00 Misc. appliances or equipment.161.00 133.00 Stand Alone Mechanical Plan Check (hourly rate)214.00 - Other Mechanical Inspections (per hour)- 133.00 PLUMBING / GAS PERMIT FEES: Plumbing fixtures 54.00 66.00 Building sewer 107.00 100.00 Rainwater systems (per drain)54.00 66.00 Gray Water system 161.00 165.00 Private sewage disposal system 161.00 165.00 Water Heater 107.00 66.00 Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor 54.00 100.00 Water piping and/or water treating equipment (each)54.00 100.00 Repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture 54.00 100.00 Each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter 54.00 66.00 Backflow devices each unit 107.00 66.00 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 1-5 units 107.00 66.00 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: each unit over 5 units 107.00 66.00 Stand Alone Plumbing Plan Check (hourly rate)214.00 - Other Plumbing and Gas Inspections (per hour)- 133.00 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING MPE 16 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING MPE SYSTEM FEES: Swimming Pools 161.00$ 231.00$ Outdoor Events 161.00 100.00 Electric generator and electrically-driven rides 107.00 100.00 Mechanically-driven rides/ attractions with electrical lighting 161.00 100.00 Each system of area and booth lighting 107.00 100.00 Temporary Power Service 107.00 66.00 Temporary power pole 107.00 66.00 Sub poles (each)54.00 46.00 UNIT FEES: Receptacle, Switch, and Lighting Outlets First 10 107.00 66.00 Each Additional 10 54.00 33.00 Lighting Fixtures: First 10 107.00 66.00 Each additional 10 54.00 33.00 Pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures (each)107.00 100.00 Theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies (each)107.00 133.00 Residential Appliances (each)107.00 66.00 Nonresidential Appliances 161.00 133.00 Residential appliances and self-contained, nonresidential appliances, (each)161.00 133.00 Appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt-ampere (KVA), in rating,(each)214.00 133.00 Power Apparatus: Motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial heating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooking or baking equipment, and other apparatus (all sizes)161.00 66.00 Signs, Outline Lighting, and Marquees: Signs, Outline Lighting, or Marquees supplied from one branch circuit (each)107.00 100.00 Additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting system, or marquee (each)107.00 66.00 Service or Panel: 200 amp or less Electrical Panel (each)161.00 133.00 Over 200 amp up to 1000 amp Electrical Panel (each)268.00 165.00 Over 1000 amp Electrical Panel (each)428.00 198.00 17 Fee Description Plan Check Fee FY 18-19 Inspection Fee FY 18-19 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING MPE UNIT FEES (continued): 107.00$ 100.00$ 107.00 133.00 Photovotaic Systems - each 161.00 198.00 Stand Alone Electrical Plan Check (hourly rate)214.00 - Other Electrical Inspections (per hour)- 133.00 Electrical apparatus, conduits, and conductors for which a permit is required, but for which no fee is herein set forth Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits, and Conductors 18 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF 2,000 4,579$ $0.206 8,000 5,813$ $0.277 1 A-1 Assembly Group - Theaters 20,000 9,136$ $0.300 40,000 15,140$ $0.201 100,000 27,211$ $0.272 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Restaurants, nightclubs 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 250 1,547$ $0.324 1,000 1,790$ $0.393 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 2,380$ $0.430 5,000 3,453$ $0.276 12,500 5,527$ $0.442 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - Complete 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 500 2,109$ $0.287 2,000 2,539$ $0.375 5 R-4 Congregate Care - Complete 5,000 3,665$ $0.408 10,000 5,703$ $0.270 25,000 9,757$ $0.390 250 1,547$ $0.324 1,000 1,790$ $0.393 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI 2,500 2,380$ $0.430 5,000 3,453$ $0.276 12,500 5,527$ $0.442 2,000 3,562$ $0.152 8,000 4,476$ $0.209 7 E Educational Building - Complete 20,000 6,986$ $0.226 40,000 11,514$ $0.153 100,000 20,686$ $0.207 250 1,547$ $0.324 1,000 1,790$ $0.393 8 E Educational Building - TI 2,500 2,380$ $0.430 5,000 3,453$ $0.276 12,500 5,527$ $0.442 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 19 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 500 1,781$ $0.214 2,000 2,102$ $0.271 9 S-2 Parking Garage - Complete 5,000 2,916$ $0.295 10,000 4,391$ $0.193 25,000 7,290$ $0.292 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - Complete 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 1,000 1,735$ $0.101 4,000 2,039$ $0.128 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - Shell 10,000 2,809$ $0.139 20,000 4,203$ $0.091 50,000 6,937$ $0.139 250 1,500$ $0.304 1,000 1,727$ $0.363 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 2,272$ $0.398 5,000 3,266$ $0.254 12,500 5,174$ $0.414 500 2,220$ $0.304 2,000 2,676$ $0.385 13 B Offices, etc. - Complete 5,000 3,830$ $0.419 10,000 5,923$ $0.273 25,000 10,023$ $0.401 1,000 1,524$ $0.078 4,000 1,758$ $0.095 14 B Offices, etc. - Shell 10,000 2,326$ $0.103 20,000 3,360$ $0.066 50,000 5,350$ $0.107 100 1,322$ $0.558 400 1,490$ $0.628 15 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 1,866$ $0.688 2,000 2,555$ $0.427 5,000 3,834$ $0.767 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 16 F Industrial Building - Complete 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 20 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 1,000 2,015$ $0.133 4,000 2,415$ $0.173 17 F Industrial Building - Shell 10,000 3,451$ $0.188 20,000 5,328$ $0.124 50,000 9,052$ $0.181 250 1,500$ $0.304 1,000 1,727$ $0.363 18 F Industrial Building - TI 2,500 2,272$ $0.398 5,000 3,266$ $0.254 12,500 5,174$ $0.414 500 2,015$ $0.266 2,000 2,415$ $0.346 19 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - Complete 5,000 3,451$ $0.375 10,000 5,328$ $0.248 25,000 9,052$ $0.362 500 1,407$ $0.131 2,000 1,602$ $0.152 20 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - Shell 5,000 2,059$ $0.167 10,000 2,892$ $0.105 25,000 4,469$ $0.179 100 1,477$ $0.730 400 1,696$ $0.874 21 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 2,220$ $0.953 2,000 3,173$ $0.608 5,000 4,998$ $1.000 500 2,109$ $0.287 2,000 2,539$ $0.375 22 M Retail Sales - Complete 5,000 3,665$ $0.408 10,000 5,703$ $0.270 25,000 9,757$ $0.390 500 1,407$ $0.131 2,000 1,602$ $0.152 23 M Retail Sales - Shell 5,000 2,059$ $0.167 10,000 2,892$ $0.105 25,000 4,469$ $0.179 100 1,477$ $0.730 400 1,696$ $0.874 24 M Retail Sales - TI 1,000 2,220$ $0.953 2,000 3,173$ $0.608 5,000 4,998$ $1.000 21 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 2,000 2,015$ $0.067 8,000 2,415$ $0.086 25 - Warehouse - Complete 20,000 3,451$ $0.094 40,000 5,328$ $0.062 100,000 9,052$ $0.091 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 26 I Medical/24 Hour Care - Complete 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 1,000 1,781$ $0.107 4,000 2,102$ $0.136 27 I Medical/24 Hour Care - Shell 10,000 2,916$ $0.148 20,000 4,391$ $0.097 50,000 7,290$ $0.146 100 1,688$ $0.963 400 1,977$ $1.208 28 I Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000 2,701$ $1.315 2,000 4,016$ $0.856 5,000 6,585$ $1.317 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 29 B Medical Offices - Complete 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 1,000 1,781$ $0.107 4,000 2,102$ $0.136 30 B Medical Offices - Shell 10,000 2,916$ $0.148 20,000 4,391$ $0.097 50,000 7,290$ $0.146 250 1,688$ $0.385 1,000 1,977$ $0.483 31 B Medical Offices - TI 2,500 2,701$ $0.526 5,000 4,016$ $0.343 12,500 6,585$ $0.527 500 2,249$ $0.318 2,000 2,727$ $0.420 32 - Restaurant - Complete 5,000 3,986$ $0.456 10,000 6,265$ $0.303 25,000 10,816$ $0.433 22 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 500 1,547$ $0.162 2,000 1,790$ $0.197 33 - Restaurant - Shell 5,000 2,380$ $0.215 10,000 3,453$ $0.138 25,000 5,527$ $0.221 250 1,430$ $0.271 1,000 1,633$ $0.320 34 - Restaurant - TI 2,500 2,113$ $0.349 5,000 2,985$ $0.221 12,500 4,645$ $0.372 250 1,969$ $0.509 1,000 2,351$ $0.662 35 I-4 Day Care Facility - Complete 2,500 3,344$ $0.719 5,000 5,141$ $0.474 12,500 8,700$ $0.696 100 1,688$ $0.963 400 1,977$ $1.208 36 I-4 Day Care Facility - TI 1,000 2,701$ $1.315 2,000 4,016$ $0.856 5,000 6,585$ $1.317 500 1,828$ $0.224 2,000 2,164$ $0.286 37 H Hazardous H- Complete 5,000 3,022$ $0.311 10,000 4,579$ $0.204 25,000 7,642$ $0.306 500 2,249$ $0.318 2,000 2,727$ $0.420 38 H Hazardous H- Shell 5,000 3,986$ $0.456 10,000 6,265$ $0.303 25,000 10,816$ $0.433 100 1,688$ $0.963 400 1,977$ $1.208 39 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 2,701$ $1.315 2,000 4,016$ $0.856 5,000 6,585$ $1.317 200 1,312$ $0.274 800 1,477$ $0.306 40 - Commercial Building - Foundation 2,000 1,844$ $0.336 4,000 2,516$ $0.208 10,000 3,764$ $0.376 23 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 200 1,359$ $0.299 800 1,539$ $0.344 41 - Commercial Building - Addition 2,000 1,952$ $0.377 4,000 2,705$ $0.235 10,000 4,117$ $0.412 1,000 2,953$ $0.237 4,000 3,664$ $0.322 42 R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 5,593$ $0.348 20,000 9,076$ $0.234 50,000 16,103$ $0.322 1,000 2,380$ $0.135 2,000 2,514$ $0.696 43 R-3 Single-Family (custom or model)3,000 3,210$ $0.363 5,000 3,937$ $0.515 7,500 5,226$ $0.697 667 1,399$ $0.079 1,333 1,451$ $0.268 44 R-3 Single-Family - Production / Repeat 2,000 1,630$ $0.209 3,333 1,908$ $0.242 5,000 2,312$ $0.462 333 1,333$ $0.141 667 1,380$ $0.430 45 R-3 Moved Building - Residential 1,000 1,524$ $0.371 1,667 1,771$ $0.412 2,500 2,115$ $0.846 800 1,214$ $0.048 1,600 1,252$ $0.097 46 R-3 Manufactured Home - Complete 2,400 1,330$ $0.121 4,000 1,524$ $0.117 6,000 1,758$ $0.293 667 1,214$ $0.057 1,333 1,252$ $0.117 47 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling - Complete 2,000 1,330$ $0.145 3,333 1,524$ $0.141 5,000 1,758$ $0.352 120 1,064$ $0.228 480 1,146$ $0.181 48 - Commercial Coach - Complete 1,200 1,276$ $0.206 2,400 1,524$ $0.103 6,000 1,896$ $0.316 24 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 240 1,064$ $0.114 960 1,146$ $0.090 49 - Modular Building - Complete 2,400 1,276$ $0.103 4,800 1,524$ $0.052 12,000 1,896$ $0.158 500 1,088$ $0.059 2,000 1,177$ $0.051 50 - Manufactured Building - Foundation 5,000 1,330$ $0.057 10,000 1,617$ $0.030 25,000 2,072$ $0.083 167 1,214$ $0.230 333 1,252$ $0.466 51 U Residential Garage 500 1,330$ $0.581 833 1,524$ $0.562 1,250 1,758$ $1.406 40 1,125$ $0.848 160 1,227$ $0.789 52 U Pool/Spa - Standard Plan 400 1,416$ $0.876 800 1,767$ $0.490 2,000 2,354$ $1.177 200 1,688$ $0.482 800 1,977$ $0.604 53 - Commercial Building - Remodel 2,000 2,701$ $0.657 4,000 4,016$ $0.428 10,000 6,585$ $0.658 200 1,641$ $0.456 800 1,914$ $0.566 54 - Commercial Building - Repair 2,000 2,594$ $0.617 4,000 3,829$ $0.401 10,000 6,233$ $0.623 50 1,107$ $0.635 200 1,202$ $0.573 55 U Accessory Building - Commercial 500 1,374$ $0.637 1,000 1,692$ $0.347 2,500 2,213$ $0.885 50 1,107$ $0.635 200 1,202$ $0.573 56 U Commercial Carport 500 1,374$ $0.637 1,000 1,692$ $0.347 2,500 2,213$ $0.885 25 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 167 1,399$ $0.315 333 1,451$ $1.071 57 R-3 Single-Family Residential - Addition 500 1,630$ $0.834 833 1,908$ $0.969 1,250 2,312$ $1.849 333 1,597$ $0.207 667 1,666$ $0.857 58 R-2 Multi-Family Residential - Addition 1,000 1,952$ $0.553 1,667 2,321$ $0.701 2,500 2,905$ $1.162 333 1,201$ $0.112 667 1,238$ $0.213 59 R-3 Single-Family Residential - Remodel 1,000 1,309$ $0.281 1,667 1,496$ $0.267 2,500 1,718$ $0.687 667 1,340$ $0.072 1,333 1,388$ $0.218 60 R-2 Multi-Family Residential - Remodel 2,000 1,534$ $0.188 3,333 1,784$ $0.210 5,000 2,134$ $0.427 333 1,038$ $0.069 667 1,061$ $0.276 61 R-3 Residential Building - Foundation 1,000 1,153$ $0.182 1,667 1,274$ $0.229 2,500 1,465$ $0.586 83 998$ $0.223 167 1,017$ $0.867 62 U Accessory Building - Residential 250 1,089$ $0.617 417 1,192$ $0.741 625 1,346$ $2.154 133 998$ $0.140 267 1,017$ $0.542 63 U Residential Carport 400 1,089$ $0.386 667 1,192$ $0.463 1,000 1,346$ $1.346 83 998$ $0.223 167 1,017$ $0.867 64 U Residential Patio Cover 250 1,089$ $0.617 417 1,192$ $0.741 625 1,346$ $2.154 26 Note:All fees include MPE plan checks. Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 83 1,130$ $0.368 167 1,160$ $1.708 65 U Residential Balcony/Deck 250 1,303$ $0.979 417 1,466$ $1.324 625 1,741$ $2.786 83 1,097$ $0.328 167 1,124$ $1.497 66 U Residential Patio Enclosure 250 1,249$ $0.893 417 1,398$ $1.177 625 1,643$ $2.629 27 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF 2,000 3,174$ $0.388 8,000 5,504$ $0.337 1 A-1 Assembly Group - Theaters 20,000 9,547$ $0.290 40,000 15,337$ $0.328 100,000 35,001$ $0.350 1,000 2,577$ $0.612 4,000 4,413$ $0.635 2 A-2 Assembly Group: Restaurants, nightclubs 10,000 8,226$ $0.524 20,000 13,467$ $0.620 50,000 32,071$ $0.641 250 698$ $0.727 1,000 1,243$ $0.258 3 A Assembly Group - TI 2,500 1,630$ $0.284 5,000 2,339$ $0.253 12,500 4,235$ $0.339 1,000 2,098$ $0.481 4,000 3,542$ $0.605 4 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - Complete 10,000 7,170$ $0.480 20,000 11,970$ $0.592 50,000 29,727$ $0.595 500 1,346$ $0.596 2,000 2,241$ $0.675 5 R-4 Congregate Care - Complete 5,000 4,267$ $0.519 10,000 6,860$ $0.677 25,000 17,021$ $0.681 250 520$ $0.530 1,000 917$ $0.212 6 A-3 Church and Religious Bldg - TI 2,500 1,235$ $0.217 5,000 1,778$ $0.210 12,500 3,355$ $0.268 2,000 3,115$ $0.380 8,000 5,394$ $0.335 7 E Educational Building - Complete 20,000 9,414$ $0.287 40,000 15,150$ $0.326 100,000 34,708$ $0.347 250 520$ $0.530 1,000 917$ $0.212 8 E Educational Building - TI 2,500 1,235$ $0.217 5,000 1,778$ $0.210 12,500 3,355$ $0.268 City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 28 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 500 698$ $0.363 2,000 1,243$ $0.129 9 S-2 Parking Garage - Complete 5,000 1,630$ $0.142 10,000 2,339$ $0.126 25,000 4,235$ $0.169 1,000 2,098$ $0.481 4,000 3,542$ $0.605 10 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - Complete 10,000 7,170$ $0.480 20,000 11,970$ $0.592 50,000 29,727$ $0.595 1,000 747$ $0.195 4,000 1,331$ $0.068 11 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - Shell 10,000 1,736$ $0.075 20,000 2,489$ $0.066 50,000 4,469$ $0.089 250 520$ $0.530 1,000 917$ $0.212 12 R-1 Hotel Low/Mid Rise - TI 2,500 1,235$ $0.217 5,000 1,778$ $0.210 12,500 3,355$ $0.268 500 2,338$ $1.195 2,000 4,130$ $0.767 13 B Offices, etc. - Complete 5,000 6,430$ $0.719 10,000 10,025$ $0.738 25,000 21,096$ $0.844 1,000 424$ $0.106 4,000 742$ $0.047 14 B Offices, etc. - Shell 10,000 1,022$ $0.046 20,000 1,479$ $0.047 50,000 2,886$ $0.058 100 308$ $0.741 400 530$ $0.392 15 B Offices, etc. - TI 1,000 765$ $0.349 2,000 1,114$ $0.400 5,000 2,315$ $0.463 1,000 2,039$ $0.465 4,000 3,434$ $0.601 16 F Industrial Building - Complete 10,000 7,037$ $0.475 20,000 11,783$ $0.588 50,000 29,433$ $0.589 1,000 493$ $0.125 4,000 868$ $0.051 17 F Industrial Building - Shell 10,000 1,174$ $0.052 20,000 1,694$ $0.051 50,000 3,224$ $0.064 29 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 250 672$ $0.698 1,000 1,195$ $0.250 18 F Industrial Building - TI 2,500 1,571$ $0.274 5,000 2,255$ $0.246 12,500 4,102$ $0.328 500 988$ $0.399 2,000 1,587$ $0.629 19 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - Complete 5,000 3,474$ $0.453 10,000 5,738$ $0.635 25,000 15,263$ $0.611 500 463$ $0.234 2,000 813$ $0.099 20 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - Shell 5,000 1,109$ $0.098 10,000 1,600$ $0.098 25,000 3,077$ $0.123 100 308$ $0.741 400 530$ $0.392 21 S-1 Repair Garage & Service St - TI 1,000 765$ $0.349 2,000 1,114$ $0.400 5,000 2,315$ $0.463 500 1,078$ $0.448 2,000 1,750$ $0.641 22 M Retail Sales - Complete 5,000 3,672$ $0.469 10,000 6,018$ $0.646 25,000 15,702$ $0.628 500 567$ $0.291 2,000 1,004$ $0.112 23 M Retail Sales - Shell 5,000 1,340$ $0.118 10,000 1,928$ $0.111 25,000 3,590$ $0.144 100 308$ $0.741 400 530$ $0.392 24 M Retail Sales - TI 1,000 765$ $0.349 2,000 1,114$ $0.400 5,000 2,315$ $0.463 2,000 2,781$ $0.346 8,000 4,854$ $0.215 25 - Warehouse - Complete 20,000 7,437$ $0.196 40,000 11,349$ $0.212 100,000 24,055$ $0.241 1,000 2,098$ $0.481 4,000 3,542$ $0.605 26 I Medical/24 Hour Care - Complete 10,000 7,170$ $0.480 20,000 11,970$ $0.592 50,000 29,727$ $0.595 30 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 1,000 522$ $0.134 4,000 923$ $0.053 27 I Medical/24 Hour Care - Shell 10,000 1,241$ $0.055 20,000 1,787$ $0.053 50,000 3,370$ $0.067 100 277$ $0.664 400 476$ $0.372 28 I Medical/24Hour Care - TI 1,000 699$ $0.321 2,000 1,020$ $0.383 5,000 2,168$ $0.434 1,000 2,098$ $0.481 4,000 3,542$ $0.605 29 B Medical Offices - Complete 10,000 7,170$ $0.480 20,000 11,970$ $0.592 50,000 29,727$ $0.595 1,000 537$ $0.138 4,000 950$ $0.054 30 B Medical Offices - Shell 10,000 1,274$ $0.056 20,000 1,835$ $0.054 50,000 3,444$ $0.069 250 702$ $0.730 1,000 1,249$ $0.259 31 B Medical Offices - TI 2,500 1,637$ $0.285 5,000 2,349$ $0.253 12,500 4,249$ $0.340 500 1,078$ $0.448 2,000 1,750$ $0.641 32 - Restaurant - Complete 5,000 3,672$ $0.469 10,000 6,018$ $0.646 25,000 15,702$ $0.628 500 477$ $0.242 2,000 841$ $0.100 33 - Restaurant - Shell 5,000 1,142$ $0.101 10,000 1,647$ $0.100 25,000 3,150$ $0.126 250 702$ $0.730 1,000 1,249$ $0.259 34 - Restaurant - TI 2,500 1,637$ $0.285 5,000 2,349$ $0.253 12,500 4,249$ $0.340 250 1,078$ $0.896 1,000 1,750$ $1.281 35 I-4 Day Care Facility - Complete 2,500 3,672$ $0.938 5,000 6,018$ $1.291 12,500 15,702$ $1.256 31 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 100 247$ $0.580 400 421$ $0.352 36 I-4 Day Care Facility - TI 1,000 633$ $0.294 2,000 927$ $0.365 5,000 2,022$ $0.404 500 1,078$ $0.448 2,000 1,750$ $0.641 37 H Hazardous H- Complete 5,000 3,672$ $0.469 10,000 6,018$ $0.646 25,000 15,702$ $0.628 500 448$ $0.225 2,000 786$ $0.097 38 H Hazardous H- Shell 5,000 1,076$ $0.095 10,000 1,553$ $0.097 25,000 3,004$ $0.120 100 247$ $0.580 400 421$ $0.352 39 H Hazardous H- T I 1,000 633$ $0.294 2,000 927$ $0.365 5,000 2,022$ $0.404 200 247$ $0.290 800 421$ $0.176 40 - Commercial Building - Foundation 2,000 633$ $0.147 4,000 927$ $0.182 10,000 2,022$ $0.202 200 277$ $0.332 800 476$ $0.186 41 - Commercial Building - Addition 2,000 699$ $0.160 4,000 1,020$ $0.191 10,000 2,168$ $0.217 1,000 2,013$ $0.498 4,000 3,506$ $0.572 42 R-2 Apartment Building 10,000 6,939$ $0.486 20,000 11,794$ $0.545 50,000 28,152$ $0.563 1,000 1,832$ $1.090 2,000 2,923$ $1.113 43 R-3 Single-Family (custom or model) 3,000 4,036$ $0.998 5,000 6,031$ $0.816 7,500 8,071$ $1.076 667 1,154$ $0.969 1,333 1,799$ $0.946 44 R-3 Single-Family - Production / Repeat 2,000 2,430$ $0.813 3,333 3,514$ $0.749 5,000 4,761$ $0.952 32 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 333 199$ $0.374 667 324$ $0.394 45 R-3 Moved Building - Residential 1,000 455$ $0.356 1,667 693$ $0.273 2,500 921$ $0.368 800 151$ $0.125 1,600 251$ $0.131 46 R-3 Manufactured Home - Complete 2,400 356$ $0.122 4,000 552$ $0.088 6,000 728$ $0.121 667 151$ $0.149 1,333 251$ $0.158 47 R-3 Prefabricated Dwelling - Complete 2,000 356$ $0.147 3,333 552$ $0.106 5,000 728$ $0.146 120 121$ $0.198 480 193$ $0.227 48 - Commercial Coach - Complete 1,200 356$ $0.149 2,400 534$ $0.242 6,000 1,407$ $0.234 240 121$ $0.099 960 193$ $0.113 49 - Modular Building - Complete 2,400 356$ $0.074 4,800 534$ $0.121 12,000 1,407$ $0.117 500 121$ $0.047 2,000 193$ $0.054 50 - Manufactured Building - Foundation 5,000 356$ $0.036 10,000 534$ $0.058 25,000 1,407$ $0.056 167 244$ $0.893 333 393$ $0.926 51 U Residential Garage 500 547$ $0.834 833 825$ $0.659 1,250 1,100$ $0.880 40 235$ $1.368 160 400$ $0.862 52 U Pool/Spa - Standard Plan 400 606$ $0.709 800 890$ $0.895 2,000 1,964$ $0.982 200 460$ $0.580 800 808$ $0.245 53 - Commercial Building - Remodel 2,000 1,102$ $0.245 4,000 1,592$ $0.245 10,000 3,063$ $0.306 33 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 200 460$ $0.580 800 808$ $0.245 54 - Commercial Building - Repair 2,000 1,102$ $0.245 4,000 1,592$ $0.245 10,000 3,063$ $0.306 50 146$ $0.606 200 236$ $0.573 55 U Accessory Building - Commercial 500 408$ $0.403 1,000 610$ $0.609 2,500 1,524$ $0.609 50 178$ $0.781 200 296$ $0.620 56 U Commercial Carport 500 482$ $0.462 1,000 713$ $0.648 2,500 1,685$ $0.674 167 292$ $1.051 333 467$ $1.077 57 R-3 Single-Family Residential - Addition 500 647$ $0.959 833 967$ $0.783 1,250 1,293$ $1.034 333 771$ $1.310 667 1,207$ $1.291 58 R-2 Multi-Family Residential - Addition 1,000 1,637$ $1.116 1,667 2,382$ $1.006 2,500 3,220$ $1.288 333 276$ $0.502 667 443$ $0.509 59 R-3 Single-Family Residential - Remodel 1,000 613$ $0.460 1,667 919$ $0.372 2,500 1,229$ $0.492 667 397$ $0.350 1,333 630$ $0.351 60 R-2 Multi-Family Residential - Remodel 2,000 865$ $0.309 3,333 1,277$ $0.264 5,000 1,717$ $0.343 333 244$ $0.447 667 393$ $0.463 61 R-3 Residential Building - Foundation 1,000 547$ $0.417 1,667 825$ $0.330 2,500 1,100$ $0.440 83 167$ $1.287 167 275$ $1.366 62 U Accessory Building - Residential 250 389$ $1.261 417 599$ $0.930 625 792$ $1.268 34 Fee # CBC (ICC) Use Type Occupancy Size Basis (square feet) Base Fee FY 18-19 Each Additional SF BUILDING INSPECTION INSPECTION VARIABLE FEE SCHEDULE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 133 151$ $0.747 267 251$ $0.788 63 U Residential Carport 400 356$ $0.735 667 552$ $0.529 1,000 728$ $0.728 83 151$ $1.195 167 251$ $1.261 64 U Residential Patio Cover 250 356$ $1.176 417 552$ $0.846 625 728$ $1.165 83 151$ $1.195 167 251$ $1.261 65 U Residential Balcony/Deck 250 356$ $1.176 417 552$ $0.846 625 728$ $1.165 83 151$ $1.195 167 251$ $1.261 66 U Residential Patio Enclosure 250 356$ $1.176 417 552$ $0.846 625 728$ $1.165 35 FY 2018-19 Copies, per page (Black and White)0.20$ Park Facility Use Fees: Park Event Fee (over 80 people)per use 248.00 Bounce House per use 25.00 Strother Park-Large Barbecue per use 100.00 Strother Park-Security Deposit per use 50.00 Strother Park-Small Barbecue per use 56.00 Strother Park-Security 1,2,3 per use 100.00 Strother Park Deposit per use 50.00 Elm Street Park-Barbecue per use 100.00 Elm Street Park-Security Deposit per use 50.00 Rancho Grande Park - Large BBQ per use 100.00 Rancho Grande Park - Small BBQ (areas 2 and 3)per use 56.00 Kingo Park per use 56.00 Kingo Park Deposit per use 50.00 Rotary Bandstand Fees: Rent per use 120.00 Deposit per use 50.00 Soto Sports Complex Use Fees: Campbell Field Rental Fee per hour 20.00 Campbell Field Rental Fee (with lights)per hour 46.00 Pilg Field Rental Fee per hour 20.00 Pilg Field Rental Fee (with lights)per hour 46.00 Santos Field Rental Fee per hour 20.00 Volunteer Field Rental Fee per hour 20.00 Volunteer Field with Lights Rental per hour 46.00 Ikeda Field Rental per hour 20.00 Ikeda Field with Lights Rental per hour 46.00 Porter Field Rental Fee per hour 26.00 Porter Field with Lights Rental per hour 54.00 Tennis Court Rental-1 court per hour 12.00 Tennis Courts - 4 courts per day 117.00 Pickleball Club - Annual Fee 110.00 Food Booth Rental Fee (Soto)per day 200.00 Food Vendor Space Rental Fee 15% of Gross Cleaning Deposit per use 325.00 Meeting Room Rental Fee (Jaycee room)per day 26.00 Field Prep Fees (except Porter)per prep 61.00 Field Prep Fees - Porter per prep 91.00 Tournament Sch. & Coordination Fee per tournament 86.00 Tournament Non-Refundable Booking Fee 293.00 Tournament Staff Attendant per hour 24.00 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 RECREATION SERVICES 36 FY 2018-19 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 RECREATION SERVICES Soto Sports Complex Use Fees - APPROVED YOUTH GROUPS: Field Rental (practice and league games) - each field per hour 3.00$ Concession Stand Fee - Buildings per hour 6.00 Concession Stand Fee - Mobile per hour 4.00 Non-resident - per participant 3.00 Fundraiser Event Fee 200.00 Woman's Club Use Fees: Non-Resident Fee Mon-Thur, before 5 pm per hour 66.00 Partial day rental - Mon - Thurs, after 5 pm per hour 66.00 Full day rental - Friday, Saturday, or Sunday 730.00 Second day rental - Friday, Saturday or Sunday 365.00 Security Deposit (No Alcohol/No Band)400.00 Security Deposit (with Alcohol)1,000.00 Building Supervision Fee per hour 24.00 Rental Fee (on-going users): Non-profit groups/Service clubs/Youth groups: (20 or less attendees)per hour 4.00 (21 - 50 attendees)"5.00 (51 or more attendees)"6.00 Groups with reciprocal services "4.00 Private groups or clubs:per hour (20 or less attendees)"13.00 (21 - 50 attendees)"15.00 (51 or more attendees)"16.00 Groups with reciprocal services "7.00 For-profit groups per hour 35.00 Custodial Fee (special event rentals only)150.00 Reservation Cancellation Fees: If cancelled 30 days or more ahead of event 100.00 If cancelled less than 30 days ahead of event 200.00 Amenities Fees: Chairs per chair 0.50 Tables per table 1.50 Audio/Visual system use per day 50.00 Community Garden Deposit 50.00 Community Garden Plot per 6 months 45.00 Elm Street Community Center Use Fees: Rental Fee per hour 40.00 Rental Fee - full day per day 205.00 Building Supervision Fee per hour 24.00 Security deposit 200.00 37 FY 2018-19 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 RECREATION SERVICES Adult Sport League Fees: Adult Softball 500.00$ Adult Basketball 425.00 Non-Resident Fee 10.00 Pre-School Fees: Annual Registration Fee per child 25.00 Play & Learn-Tues & Thur.per hour 6.00 Play & Learn-Mon, Wed & Fri."6.00 Kindergartens in Training "6.00 Summer Play & Learn "6.00 Late Pick-up Fees: First late pick-up per child 5.00 Second late pick-up "10.00 Third late pick-up "20.00 Children In Motion Program: Children In Motion Annual Registration per child 25.00 Branch School - Mornings 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 131.00 4 Days Per Week "113.00 3 Days Per Week "90.00 2 Days Per Week "64.00 Branch School - Afternoons 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 241.00 4 Days Per Week "206.00 3 Days Per Week "165.00 2 Days Per Week "117.00 Extra Day - Branch School Morning per day 10.00 Afternoon "17.00 Late Start Monday per day 5.00 Kindercare - Branch School 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 263.00 4 Days Per Week "225.00 3 Days Per Week "180.00 2 Days Per Week "127.00 Extra Day per day 17.00 38 FY 2018-19 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 RECREATION SERVICES Children In Motion Fees (continued): Ocean View School - Mornings 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 131.00$ 4 Days Per Week "113.00 3 Days Per Week "90.00 2 Days Per Week "64.00 Ocean View School - Afternoons 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 263.00 4 Days Per Week "225.00 3 Days Per Week "180.00 2 Days Per Week "127.00 Extra Day - Ocean View School Morning per day 10.00 Afternoon "16.50 Late Start Monday per day 5.00 Elm Community Center - Mornings 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 372.00 4 Days Per Week "319.00 3 Days Per Week "255.00 2 Days Per Week "181.00 Elm Community Center - Afternoons Care Plan A 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 263.00 4 Days Per Week "225.00 3 Days Per Week "180.00 2 Days Per Week "127.00 Elm Community Center - Afternoons Care Plan B 5 Days Per Week per 4 wks 504.00 4 Days Per Week "431.00 3 Days Per Week "345.00 2 Days Per Week "244.00 Extra Day - Elm Community Center Morning per day 20.00 Care Plan A (12:15 pm - 3:15 pm)"17.00 Care Plan B (12:15 pm - 6:00 pm)"33.00 Winter/Spring/Summer - Full Day 5 Days Per Week per week 200.00 4 Days Per Week "170.00 3 Days Per Week "135.00 Minimum Days (teacher work day/early release) Regular day of attendance per day 13.00 Non-regular day of attendance "23.00 39 FY 2018-19 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 RECREATION SERVICES Children In Motion Fees (continued): Late Pick-up Fees: Children in Motion is open until 6:00 pm. Additional fees apply for children picked up after 6:00 Pickup 6:01 - 6:15 pm per child 10.00$ Pickup 6:16 - 6:30 pm "20.00 Pickup 6:31 - 6:45 pm "30.00 40 FY 2018-19 LABOR COSTS (per hour): DURING REGULAR WORK HOURS: Full Time employee 67.29$ Part Time employee 23.95 AFTER REGULAR WORK HOURS: Full Time employee 100.94 Part Time employee 35.93 MINIMUM CALL-OUT RATE 2 hours at 1.5 times billing rate EQUIPMENT BILLING RATE (per hour) Pickup Truck 17.00 Service Truck 42.00 Backhoe 43.00 CAT Generator 82.00 Loader 50.00 6" Pump 23.00 Dump/Flat Bed Truck (5-7 yds)36.00 Sewer/Vacuum/Jet Truck 125.00 Chipper 44.00 Concrete Saw 10.00 Air Compressor 17.00 5-Ton Roller 30.00 Mini Excavator 60.00 Skid Steer 50.00 MATERIAL COST: (cost plus tax) Concrete (per yard)195.00 Sand (per ton)25.00 Class II Base (per ton)30.00 A/C (per ton)100.00 Fee Description City of Arroyo Grande MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2018-19 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES 41 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Resolution No. 4876 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council • of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 26th day of June,-2018. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 28th day of June, 2018. // //j kitete_/ KELLY WE M. `'E, CITY CLERK