R 1939 -"",'i~~~~$b~~~~~2C~ . '>':^':> ,":'.....):.,. >";,~,~,,,>':'~"""- :~..,...-...~,",.~.,.<::<;;:.tv:' ", ,.""./;..:.:,.:.,~..., ,. :....,,' -; '~-~,' ;'.: '-.,' /'''' -' :-:'~''<:<?, -::"~~;?;~!~c:::'<'-:'\':~'rf~~;-',~~~~~:~",,> ~.~:if<"{~ - RESOLUTION NO. 1939/, ... ,':B;""';";;;'<;"~~ ,i_ .. ',' .'r!,-~,^:":-\>f':'.,~:;." A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL - ... .'o" '" ....~j OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE""; DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 86-30 WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3,06 of the ~unicipal Code of the City of A~~oyo G~ande p~ovldes fo~ the p~ese~vatlon and p~otection of certain trees in o~de~ top~oduce a mo~e desirable, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community histo~ic, cultu~al and p~operty val ues, as well as to promote th~ pub! IC health, safety, comfort, and vJelfare; and WHEREAS, this t~ee at 345 S. Halcyon Rd" in the City of Ar~oyo Grand~t and as located and identified on the ma~ attached to this ~~soiu ion, has been examined by th~ Pa~ks and ecreation Directo~ of th~ City ot Ar~oyo G~ande and has been found to b~ a Coast Liv~ OaK; and W~EREAS, this tr~e, ~ue ~o its age, speci~s, configuration, and historical value meets criteria fo~ Landma~K t~ee deslonatlon as d~te~mined by the Pa~Ks and Recreation Di~ector and Planning Commission; and I;JHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Ar~oyo G~ande recommends to th~ City Council that this t~~~ should b~ p~~s~~ved and protected and designated as a Landma~K t~ee. NOW THEREFORE, th~ City Council of the City of A~~oyo Grande hereby desionates this tree as a LandmarK Tree and directs that i t shall be monumented as LandmarK Tree Number 86-30; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, preserved and maintained by the tree owner and subsequent tree owne~s and such t~ee shall not be ~emoved or dest~oyed by any pa~ty unless othe~wise authorized by Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of A~royo G~ande, 0,-, mot i on of Counc i ] .~1?mber Galla~her ,-=.ec:Jnded \>Y Counc i I Member Johnson , and on the tollo,,.,ng ~o 1 call vote, to WI t: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: ABSEt'-IT: None None the fo~egoing Resolution was passed and adopt~d the 25th day of Fe~!~, (Q'?86. ., 0 ~ '..A OI/.Jner'(s) 0 ree ATTEST: , ~ U' ~ Cl y '-,-, 1. NANCY A. DA'J1S, Cih' Cle~k'of Hie City of Ar~oyo G~ande, County of San-Luis Obispo, State of Cal ifo~nia, do he~eby ce~tify that the . for'8Qolng Resolution (>10.1939 IS a tr-ue, full_and co~~ect copy_of said Re~or~tion passed and adopted at a ~egula~ m~etlng of said Counc,l on the 5th da>' of February, 1986. I..JITNESS my hand and the Sea1 of the Ci ty of A~royo G~ande affi><ed thi~ 26th ,jay of February, 1986. ~ Clty~ a, "'.__~..O._..__....._...._,_..__~'.~~,,~. . --- ~~._.~.. G ~ q:'-:;> " .. ... .-.' 320 336 327 }~ 1 --- --- ---- --- . 354 - -----.---'"-- 362 370 Z 345 834 o ..: 378 ~ ~ L~:DMARK TREE 86-3D_ i ~~ . ~ 06 I 382 I ,,' ! FAIR OAKS. AVE A ,- II'U . t.. uuu, I 1 403 403.5 885! 879 ! 875 86t__ I J 844 894 890 884 880 876 8 50 ..... T DO LA(\JE 871 867 895 889 883 877 -~f--. 894 888 882 876 866 856 1846