R 1938 -"~"'~"'~"""'1!""'''~~~f''~'~''22''~ .', ...... ;', ..'i'i:"\~;~~"'\:f1"~f,;'"f"~':C(f~'f;.<..,,~j~y!\,.;~'if'~~'''',,;L.-\,~' ;Z.;; RESOlUTI ON NO. 1938:,.'<'!'(j!;::,l' . ...<....'<..,:h A RESOLUTI ON OF THE CITY COUNC I l''-c}';: OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE . DESIGNATING A LANDMARK TREE 86-29 WHEREAS, Sec.l0-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande provides for the preservation and protection of certain trees in orde~ to produce a mo~e desirable, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community historic, cultural and property ~'alues, as vJellas to promote the pub I ic heal th, safet,', comfort, and t.'..Ie 1 +a.re; .and WHEREAS, this tree,~t_169 Pine St" in the City of Arroyo Grande, and as located and Identified on the map attached to this resolution. has been examined by the ParKs and Recreation Director of the City of Arroyo Grande and has been found to be a Coast Live OaK; and WHEREAS, this tree, due to its aQe, species, configu~ation, and historical value meets criteria fo~ LandmarK t~e& designation as dete~mined by the ParKs and Recreation Director and Planning Commission; and l,JHEREAS. the ParKs and Recreation Commission of the C it,' of Arroyo Grande recommends to the City Counc i 1 that th i s tr'ee should be preserved and protected and designat~d as a landmark tree. NOh) THEREFORE, the City Counc i I of the City of A~royo Grande her'eby desi.::)n-ates this t~ee as a landm~_rK Tr'ee ~_nd directs that it sha11 be monumented as Landmark T~ee Numbe~ 86-29; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, prese~ved and maintained bY the t~ee owner and subsequent t~ee owners and such tree sha! J not be removed or destroyed by any party unless otherwise autho~ized by Sec,10-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande. On mo t I on of Counc i] i"lembe~ Gallaqher ,seconded by Counc i 1 Member Johnson , B.nd on the fol Jowing roJ cal J \lote, to wi t: AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 25th do./ of February, 1986. City of Arroyo Grande OI.iJnerC?) 0+ Iree A~TEST: ~~a. ~~ CI r L... .' /~J> ~s an ecp-ea. I on I rec or. I. NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clert~f the City of A~~oyo Grand~, County of San-Luis Obispo, State ~3 Cal ifo~nia, do.herebY certify thatth~ . fo~efoinQ Re-,;oJution No.1 8 12- a true, tul] and correct COPY Of -,;ald R~so ution passed a~ adot-ted at a ~equla~ meetinQ of said Council on tF,e 25th day of ebrua y, 1986. - - WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo G~ande ~ff i xed' th i 2 26th day of February, 1986. a.~ Cdy~1 ;"..,:-c;o..-_," ~J ..-.... '~:.. .. .' ","" '" -~._,."-- ----_._-~._- -- ~~',.,I-.~.~~"\. :-;: ".J;'-22 '/ 1;-: IU) ~ I I ! 1/' I ... ~,;.- . ..~... t:: ~.}- ~-.~: ~1~ '-- r" t~E t;: M"" I{;; ~;~ t ::. .. ~I:. ~-a """ ~-~'- ~.;~ '._;:S t~ i{: ~:- ~ ~ 151 1,... N: : I I t ,- I : I: : : : : . '153 A- E I I L l--------________.1___.J ~'. pJ~ ~:.w lif: H= 157 ~F: ..,. r'- - /.-1 > 010_ t 0 --- W :1_ N 'J~ . J~ j :,~ :; :~ _I, ..... ..... ." . M . " -;,'; ,P . .,:..... I '. I "'..= / " ~ .... ;~ it 172 173 ~LI'75 175.5 - 171 \...... .--