R 1936
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. RESOLUTI ON'-NO .1936"", ',-,-- - "._...",,~,- ",-',,--,'
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A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI L ":::.;;~1"~,~,', '!,;'~,'
"_0 }JHEREAf'_~<9o:::.10-3.06 of th~ ~1unicipal Code of thE' City of Ar'ro 0
G, _Tlu~ pro'J,d"" Tor the preser-~'atlorl and protection of certain tree; in
ord~r_ to produc<9 a more d~sirable, pleasinQ and beautiful community and
to ma~nta~n and enhance community-historic; cultural and property
value", a~ well as to promote the pub I IC health safety comfort and
f..\h?lta.re; and ' . , ,.
, WHEREAS, this tree at the Southeast Corn~r of Ash St. & Walnut St
In the CIty of , Arroyo Grand~, and as locat~d and id~ntifjed on th~ map"
attached to this r~solutlon"has b~~n ~xamined by the Parks and '
Recre~t.on D'r'ector of the City of Arroyo Grande and has been found to
be a Loast Live Uak; and
WHEREAS, this tree, due to its aQe, species. confiQuration. and
historical value meets criteria for Landmark tree desiQnation as
determined by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Commission;
:.,-.IHEREAS~ th~ P.ar-KS and RE'creation Commis-:.ion of the City of Ar'r-oyo
Gr3.nde recommends to the C i b' Counc i 1 that th i -;; tr-ee shou 1 d be pre-5er-\.led
and protected and designated as a Landmark tree.
NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande her~by
desianates this t~ee as a LandmarK Tree and directs that it shall b~
monumented as Landmark Tree Number 86-27; and
FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, preserved and maintained
b;.' the tr-E'e ol.....mer' and subsequent tr-ee own€'r'=. and such tree- :;.hal) not be
removed or destroyed bY any party un1ess otherwise authorized by
Se=.10-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the C~ty of Arroyo G~ande.
On motion of Council r1ember Gallagher ,seconded by Council M~mber
Johnson . a_nd on the fol] OIN; ng roll call - vote, to wi t:
AYES: Mayor Smith and Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots and Porter
NOES: None
tr1€' for-eqoing Resolution ~"'Ja';;:, p.3.ssed and .B:dopted the 25th da:;.--' of
February, - 1 <;'86.
City of Arroyo Grande
u"Jt\er"~-) of Iree ,a,yor/;:i-, 'f{:."7 ~1
ATTE:~cT: ~ a.~ '~J" t/lG_/T'&<::!-q<- -
CI y", . ~)<s .,nd Re;7"e1;,tlon lJlrector
_ I, N~NC:( f?t. DAt....'I:=;, Ci t%' Cie\,~~l6f. the Ci t}~ ot Ar'rOY9~Gr'.ar,dt?, ~()unt;.."
of ~.~n LUIs UbISPO, St-3.te nt Callfor-nla, do hereby certlt>' tnat tne: .
fCi,'eqoing F:e';;,olution I".JD. 1936 is a t,'ue-, fu11 and cC1rrect COPy ot said
Resofution passed and adopted at ~ regular meeting of said Council on
the 25th . da,y of February, 1 ''':36.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande affixed
th i s 26th dav Df February, 1 '~86,
C:ty~ a. ~
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