R 4889 RESOLUTION NO. 4889
WHEREAS, the City and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) are
authorized, pursuant to requirements of Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST
Act) FAST Act § 1109(a), to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for any transportation
purpose within the City; and,
WHEREAS, the SLOCOG Board approved allocation of urban and regional Surface
Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funds for projects within the City of Arroyo
Grande; and,
WHEREAS, SLOCOG intends to exchange its apportionment of Federal Surface
Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds for Regional Surface Transportation Exchange
(RSTP Exchange) funds for the projects within the City, therefore eliminating the non-
federal match and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo
Grande does hereby:
1. Approve Exhibit 1 attached, entitled "San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
RSTP Exchange/STBG Cooperative Agreement No. AG-FAST-01"; and
2. Appoint the Mayor as the official representative authorized to sign San Luis Obispo
Council of Governments RSTP Exchange/STBG Cooperative Agreement No. AG-
On motion of Council Member Brown, seconded by Council Member Harmon, and by the
following roll call vote to wit:
AYES: Council Members Brown, Harmon, Barneich, and Ray
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Hill
The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of November, 2018.
i- i
San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Agreement No. AG-FAST-01
Council of Governments, referred to herein as"SLOCOG", and the
a municipal corporation and
political subdivision of the
State of California, referred
to herein as the "CITY".
WHEREAS, SLOCOG and the CITY are authorized, pursuant to requirements of the Fixing America's
Surface Transportation (FAST Act), FAST Act § 1109(a), to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for any
transportation purpose within the CITY; and
WHEREAS, The FAST Act's Surface Transportation Block Grant Program acknowledging that this
program has the most flexible eligibilities among all Federal-aid highway programs and aligning the
program's name with how FHWA has historically administered it; and
WHEREAS, the SLOCOG Board approved allocation of regional Surface Transportation Block Grant
Program (STBGP) funds for the projects identified on the attached Table 1 (summary table and project
summary sheets) and STBGP Program continues all prior STP eligibilities (see in particular 23 U.S.C.
133(b)(15), as amended, each of the individual project is herein referred to as"PROJECT"; and
WHEREAS, SLOCOG intends to exchange its apportionment of Federal Surface Transportation Block
Grant Program (STBGP)funds for Regional Surface Transportation Exchange (RSTP Exchange)funds for
the PROJECTs, therefore eliminating the non-federal match and compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act(NEPA); and
WHEREAS, all applicable laws, regulations, and policies relating to the use of Regional Surface
Transportation Program Exchange(RSTP Exchange)funds for the PROJECTs,shall apply notwithstanding
any other provisions of this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, all obligations of the CITY under the terms of this Agreement are subject to funding
appropriation by the Legislature, and the receipt and allocation of funding by SLOCOG; and
NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the above noted findings and considerations, the parties agree
as follows.
1) The CITY agrees to administer each PROJECT and conduct the applicable environmental process
required under the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)for each PROJECT.
2) The CITY agrees to advertise, open and review bids, and to award the contract for each applicable
PROJECT (or combination of projects) as needed, in accordance with State laws.
3) The CITY agrees that all phases of each PROJECT will be developed in accordance with policies,
procedures, practices, standards, regulations, and laws that apply to the CITY, Caltrans (where
appropriate), and SLOCOG General Programming Requirements, the 2016 Annual Exchange
Agreement and subsequent STBGP annual exchange agreements between SLOCOG and the State of
California(Department of Transportation). If in the judgment of SLOCOG a project may impact a street,
road or highway owned or controlled by a jurisdiction other than CITY (including without limitation the
County, another city, or the State of California), SLOCOG may require the CITY to establish a project
development team (PDT) composed of representatives of such jurisdictions, as well as SLOCOG.
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 1
4) The CITY agrees to construct each PROJECT in accordance with the plans and specifications of the
CITY (and Caltrans when PROJECT involves state highway facilities), and in accordance with the
conditions of funding adopted by SLOCOG.
5) The CITY agrees to maintain the facilities constructed, improved, or otherwise modified.
6) The CITY agrees to utilize,for each PROJECT, an amount of Regional or Urban RSTP Exchange funds
equal to or less than that adopted by SLOCOG, and that SLOCOG's total obligation shall not exceed
the amounts shown in Table 1 unless a greater amount has been authorized in advance in writing by
7) The CITY agrees to account for all costs for the PROJECTS to be paid by SLOCOG pursuant to this
Agreement and agrees to perform all the reimbursable work for each project according to the billing
period identified in the project summary sheets.
8) After the opening of bids on applicable PROJECTS,the CITY shall notify SLOCOG of any cost overruns
or underruns to the original cost estimate. The following will be assumed and reflected in SLOCOG's
RSTP Exchange accounting spreadsheets:
a) If less funding than what was programmed is required for a PROJECT, the cost savings will be
made available for reprogramming into another CITY project as approved by SLOCOG.
b) If more funding than what was programmed is required for a PROJECT, the CITY will be solely
responsible for providing the additional funding, which can be comprised of various non-regional
funding sources, including cost savings from other CITY RSTP Exchange projects.
9) The CITY may submit an invoice for reimbursement of funds expended for each PROJECT no more
than once a month, using the attached Reimbursement Request Form (Exhibit A). All Payments will
be prorated between CITY and SLOCOG based on the agreed percentages of funding, as adopted by
SLOCOG and listed on each project summary sheet. All invoices must contain the following:
a. RSTP Exchange PROJECT number and name
b. A brief description of work accomplished during the billing period.
c. A copy of the consultant's bill to the CITY(if applicable).
d. Amount expended by the CITY during the billing period,with evidence of funds expended (e.g.
a copy of a CITY check to consultant or accounting documentation, etc.)
e. Amount requested for reimbursement for the billing period
10) SLOCOG agrees to reimburse the CITY within 30 days of receipt of a completed reimbursement
request form (Exhibit A)with all applicable attachments and signatures or as funds become available
on a"1st come, 1st served" basis, an amount expended by the CITY during the invoices' billing period
less the aforesaid proration. If a PROJECT receives both Regional and Urban Regional Surface
Transportation Exchange funding (referred to in Exhibits hereto as "Regional" and "Urban"
respectively), reimbursements shall be made on a pro rata basis from each source for SLOCOG's
share.SLOCOG's total obligation for each PROJECT cost shall not exceed the amount shown in Table
1," unless SLOCOG has in writing authorized a greater amount per adopted SLOCOG policy.
11) Within two months of either the execution of this agreement or each PROJECT's completion and all
work incidental thereto, whichever comes later, the CITY must provide SLOCOG certification in the
form provided in Exhibit B hereto, of completion in accordance with the provisions in this Agreement,
and a final invoice containing those items listed above. In the event that final project costs are less than
those listed on Table 1, hereto, the funds shall be reallocated in accordance with SLOCOG RSTP
Exchange policy Exhibit C.
12) If this project has been paid for either entirely, or in part with Regional RSTP Exchange funds, and
CITY,or any of its officials,chooses to publicly memorialize participation in said project,then CITY shall
also memorialize SLOCOG's financial participation in said project in a manner agreeable to SLOCOG.
This paragraph shall apply to, but is not limited to, signage during construction, representation at
dedications and placement of plaques or other objects of memorialization,whether at or near the project
site or not.
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 2
13) The CITY grants to the State of California and/or SLOCOG access to the CITY's books and records
for the purpose of verifying that RSTP Exchange funds paid are properly accounted for and the
proceeds are expended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. All documents shall be
available for inspection by authorized Caltrans and/or SLOCOG agents at any time during the
PROJECT development and for a four-year period from the date of completion, or for one year after
the audit is completed or waived by Caltrans and/or SLOCOG, whichever is later.
14) Upon completion of all work under this Agreement,ownership and title to all materials will automatically
be vested in the CITY and no further agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership to the CITY.
15) If existing public and/or private utilities conflict with the PROJECT construction or violate the CITY's
encroachment policy(as applicable),the CITY shall make all necessary arrangements with the owners
of such utilities for their protection,relocation or removal. The CITY shall review the plans for protection,
relocation or removal. If there are costs of such protection, relocation, or removal which the CITY must
legally pay, the CITY shall pay the cost of said protection, relocation or removal, plus cost of
engineering, overhead and inspection. If any protection, relocation or removal of utilities is required,
such work shall be performed in accordance with CITY policies and procedures.
16) The CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless SLOCOG, its officers and employees from all and
any claims,demands, damages, costs, expenses,judgments, attorneys'fees or any liability arising out
of this Cooperative Agreement to the performance or attempted performance of the provisions hereof,
or any project referred to in the Exhibits hereto. Nothing contained in the foregoing indemnity provision
shall be construed to require CITY to indemnify SLOCOG against any responsibility of liability in
contravention of Civil Code section 2782.
17) If the CITY transfers its risk connected with design or construction of this project to independent
contractors, CITY agrees to use its best efforts to obtain the independent contractor's inclusion of
SLOCOG as an indemnitee and in any insurance procured by such independent contractor(s) for the
project,to name SLOCOG as an additional insured.
18) Both the CITY and SLOCOG shall designate a Project Coordinator who shall represent the respective
agencies and through whom all communications between the parties to this agreement shall occur.
19) Both parties agree that if, in the course of carrying out the PROJECT, there is a disagreement among
the Project Coordinators over the direction of the project, the matter will be forwarded through a three
step conflict resolution process. First, resolution will be attempted between the CITY Manager and
SLOCOG Executive Director. If a dispute continues, a determination shall be made by the SLOCOG
Executive Committee, and, if required,final determination by the full SLOCOG Board.
20) Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties, obligations, or rights for third
parties not signatories to this Agreement or affect the legal liability of either party of the Agreement by
imposing any standard of care with respect to the maintenance of local roads different from the standard
of care imposed by law.
21) No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed
by the parties thereto, and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein or in the
attached Table 1 shall be binding on any of the parties thereto.
22) This Agreement may be terminated or provisions contained therein may be altered, changed, or
amended by mutual consent, in writing, of the parties hereto.
23) Prior to award of a contract for any PROJECT, SLOCOG may terminate the applicable PROJECT in
the Cooperative Agreement by written notice, provided SLOCOG pays the CITY for all PROJECT-
related costs reasonably incurred by the CITY prior to termination. Also, prior to award of a contract
for any PROJECT,the CITY may terminate the applicable PROJECT in the Cooperative Agreement by
written notice, provided the CITY pays SLOCOG for all costs reasonably incurred by SLOCOG prior to
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 3
By: By:
Jim Hill, Mayor Peter Rodgers, Executive Director
Date: Date:
Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk
By: By:
Heather K.Whitham, City Attorney Timothy McNulty, SLOCOG Counsel
Date: Date:
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 4
Agreement No. AG-FAST-01
SLOCOG# Community Project Name Funding Balance
Urban Area Apportionment
SMAPAGOIU City of FY 17/18-20/21; $271,000 $201,000
Arroyo Grande Pavement Maintenance
and Rehabilitation
City of East Branch Street
SMAPAGOIR Arroyo Grande Streetscape Improvements, Mason $390,000 $390,000
Street to Paulding Circle
Harloe Elementary Pedestrian Access
Enhancements $50,000 $0
City of (SRTS Cycle 1)
SMAPAGO2R Arroyo Grande
Harloe Elementary Pedestrian Access
Enhancements $100,000 $100,000
(SRTS Cycle 2
Mini-Grant 06/06/18)
SMAPCG2IR City of Systemic Safety Analysis Report $25,000 $25,000
Arroyo Grande
Active Transportation Partnership
SMAPCGI3R City of Program— $10,000 $0
Arroyo Grande Grant Application Support
Halcyon Complete Streets (06/06/18)
STLAGOIR City of Brisco Road Interchange $30,000* $30,000
Arroyo Grande (FY 08/09 carryover)
Total $876,000 $746,000
*Funding available pending approval of environmental certification
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 5
San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange (RSTP Exchange)
Agency Name: Date:
Contact Person:
Project Number(s): Regional: Urban:
Project Title:
This Invoice Covers Work Completed from: / / to:
Project Budget Information: (complete box below-refer to cooperative agreement
"Table 1"for budget information)
Total SPENT This invoice $ - When using electronic format:fill in unshaded areas only
Other Sources TOTAL
Regional Urban Non Regional (must equal 100%)
Reimbursement Rate by Fund
Source(must be consistent with Exhibit 0%
A Project Sheet) •
Pro-rata Reimbursement by
Funding Source $ - $ - $ - $
Please send a check for$
Total RSTP Exchange share due this invoice (total of heavier shaded
boxes above)
Attachments: 1) A brief description of work completed; and
2) Consultant invoices
3) Proof of payment (e.g. copy of CITY check to consultant).
(Agency Rep.)
Shaded boxes below for SLOCOG Use
Regional Planner Approval Accounting Initials
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 6
RSTP Exchange Projects
This form notifies SLOCOG of project completion in accordance with the provisions in the Cooperative
Agreement noted below. Our records indicate that the project listed below, funded all or in part with RSTP
Exchange funds, has been completed:
Project Name:
Project Number(s):
Cooperative Agreement Date(Recipient Agency):
Approved RSTP amount:
I certify, on behalf of the CITY/County
name of authorized official
of , that the project named above was completed
name of jurisdiction
on in accordance with the provisions set forth in the cooperative
approximate date of completion
agreement dated . It is my understanding that all savings
date jurisdiction representative signed
from a cost underrun will be returned to for
CIT(/county or SLOCOG
reprogramming in accordance with the cooperative agreement.
Signed: Date:
signature of authorized official date signed
Return completed and signed Project Completion Forms within 2 months of the completion of each project
1114 Marsh Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Attn: Stephen Hanamaikai
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 7
Project Eligibility by Fund Program - Project eligibility requirements by funding program are
summarized below.
I. Regional Surface Transportation Program. The Surface Transportation Program (STP)
provides flexible funding that may be used by States and localities for projects to preserve
and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway, bridge and tunnel
projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital
projects, including intercity bus terminals. SLOCOG's 2014 RTP will provide guidance on
priority routes for regional funding consideration.
The STP program supports national performance goals as defined in FAST-Act, but there
are no measures tied specifically to this program. Eligible costs for funds under these
programs include pre-project initiation documents (Pre-PID), project study reports (PSR),
preliminary engineering (PE), right-of-way acquisition (RW), capital costs, and construction
costs associated with an eligible activity.
Eligible Project Activities:
• Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing, restoration, preservation, or
operational improvements for highways, streets, and roads; bikeways and other surface
transportation improvements.
• Replacement, rehabilitation, and preservation of bridges on any public road, including
construction or reconstruction necessary to accommodate other modes.
• Construction of new bridges on a Federal-aid highway.
• Capital costs for transit projects eligible for assistance under chapter 53 of title 49,
including vehicles and facilities used to provide intercity passenger bus service.
• Carpool projects, fringe and corridor parking facilities and programs, including electric
and natural gas vehicle charging infrastructure, bicycle transportation and pedestrian
walkways, and ADA sidewalk modification.
• Highway and transit safety infrastructure improvements and programs, installation of
safety barriers and nets on bridges, hazard eliminations, mitigation of hazards caused by
wildlife, railway-highway grade crossings.
• Highway and transit plans research and development.
• Capital and operating costs for traffic monitoring, management and control facilities and
programs, including advanced truck stop electrification.
• Surface transportation planning.
• Transportation Alternatives; newly defined, includes most transportation enhancement
eligibilities with the exception of landscaping.
• Transportation control measures (e.g. as defined by region's APCD Clean Air Plan)
• Development and establishment of transportation management systems.
• Environmental mitigation efforts
• Modifications to intersections with high accident rates or levels of congestion.
• Infrastructure-based ITS capital improvements consistent with the Central Coast ITS
Implementation Plan.
• Environmental restoration and pollution abatement.
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 8
• Control of noxious weeds and establishment of native species.
• Congestion pricing projects and strategies, including electric toll collection and travel
demand management strategies and programs.
• Recreational trails projects.
• Construction of marine terminals.
• Truck parking facilities.
• Surface transportation infrastructure modifications within port terminal boundaries, only if
necessary to facilitate direct intermodal interchange, transfer, and access into and out of
the port.
• Construction and operational improvements for a minor collector in the same corridor and
in proximity to an NHS route if the improvement is more cost-effective(as determined by
a benefit-cost analysis)than an NHS improvement and will enhance NHS level of service
and regional traffic flow.
Available Funding
• Direct urban and rural apportionment up to minimum required equal to 110%, plus 15%,
of the FY 1990/91 allocation of Federal Aid Secondary(FAS) based upon 2010 census
data (initiated in 2015). Final apportionment tables will be developed for the August
2017 Board meeting.
• Regional discretionary funds of$5.0M through FY 2021.
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 9
General Programming Policies -All Fund Programs
SLOCOG's 2014 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy identifies an
overall goal to develop a multi-modal transportation system which is balanced, coordinated, safe,
cost effective, environmentally sound, economically supportive, meeting all the financially
reasonable transportation needs of all citizens in San Luis Obispo County. General programming
policies affecting the decision making and project selection of the surface transportation system
are summarized as follows:
1. SLOCOG will strive to be fair and equitable in the allocation of funding between the various
subregions in the county and among member jurisdictions.
2. SLOCOG will adhere to the federal and state statutes, policies, regulations and guidelines
applicable to each fund being allocated, and require recipients of grants to do the same.
3. SLOCOG will recommend projects for funding that are:
• Deliverable
• Consistent with the goals, policies, and programs of the 2014 Regional Transportation
• Regionally Significant
• Responsive to immediate funding and project needs
• Consistent with specific criteria of a particular funding program
• High likelihood of leveraging other funding (state, federal and/or local)
4. SLOCOG will seek to implement all programs in a timely and efficient manner.
5. SLOCOG will seek to maximize the use of the funds for general public benefit, and will marshal
other funds when possible to complete funded projects by prioritizing joint-funded projects.
6. SLOCOG will integrate social equity factors in to the decision making process by applying the
findings generated from the Disadvantaged Communities Assessment that is now amended
in to the 2014 RTP/SCS.
7. SLOCOG will, to the extent feasible, assure the integration of all projects with jurisdiction,
region and statewide transportation plans, providing a comprehensive, systematic approach
to resolving transportation problems in the region.
8. SLOCOG will retain maximum flexibility of federal programs under FAST ACT,where feasible,
and will also seek to exchange Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP)
(federal)funds for Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Exchange(state)funds,
for reasons of cost efficiency and simplicity in administration. Through the RSTP Exchange
funds ultimately become(local) funds.
9. SLOCOG will retain a continuing commitment to emphasize quality and promote excellence
in the development of competitive proposals, seeking to fund the best possible projects in
terms of cost effectiveness, public benefit and regional and local significance.
10. SLOCOG will reserve discretionary funds for advance development work to ensure regionally
significant projects are well scoped, alternatives assessed, accurate estimates prepared, and
a finance plan for implementation is developed.
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 10
11. SLOCOG will reserve off-the-top funding for programs identified in the 2014 RTP/SCS,
including Transportation Demand Management (i.e. Rideshare), Active Transportation
Partnership Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program and Safe Routes to School.
12. SLOCOG will maintain funding commitments for existing programmed projects as long as
those projects have achieved the project delivery milestones set out at the time of
programming. Unavoidable delays to the project delivery milestones will be considered on a
case by case basis.
13. SLOCOG will commit a portion of discretionary funding to match and leverage other
competitive state-wide grant programs (e.g. new SB1 programs, State of CA Active
Transportation Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for projects of
regional significance.)
14. SLOCOG may consider using the above referenced fund sources to address surface
transportation needs as identified in the June 7th 2017 SLCOOG Board Staff Report item B-3
2018 RTIP Fund Assumptions Programming Approach - Table 2 Sections 1, 2, and 3, and
defer the programming of funds on needs identified in Section 4 (Other Multi-Modal Needs,
including bicycle, pedestrian, and public transit related needs).
SLOCOG RSTP Exchange/STBG General Cooperative Agreement Page 11
I, KELLY WETMORE, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached
Resolution No. 4889 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 13th day of November, 2018.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of
November, 2018.