CC 2018-11-13_06a Mayors Commendation_Larry DalyItem 6.a. - Page 1 CITY OF In recognition of your vo{unteer work to design am£ construct tlie .Jlnnua{ J-fa{{oween J-fauntec{ Maze. 'Tlie commitment of time anc{ {abor you yrovidec{ over tlie course of two aays to ensure tlie maze was constructec{ safe{y anc{ comy{etec{ on time is very mucli ayyreciatecl Your dedication to tlie City anc{ community is aamiral3Ce! 1Jatea tfiis 13tn day of :Novem6er, 2018 Jim J-{i{{; :M.ayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.a. - Page 2