CC 2018-11-13_06b Mayors Commendation_LifePoint ChurchItem 6.b. - Page 1 CITY OF In recognition of tlie vofunteer efforts by members of LifePoint Cliurcli to defiver, assemb{e, anc[ dlsassembCe 12 carniva{games for tlie .'A.nnua{J-fa{{oween Carniva{ & J-f auntec[ Maze event. 'llie carniva{ games yr011iaec[ by LifePoint Cliurcli offerec[ fun ana entertainment for over 1,000 attenaees at tlie event. Your aedlcation to tlie City ana community is aamirab{e! Vatea tfiis 13t1t day of November, 2018 Jim Jfi{(, :Mayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.b. - Page 2