CC 2018-11-13_06c Mayors Commendation_Nipomo Key ClubItem 6.c. - Page 1 CITY OF In recognition of tlie vofunteer efforts 6y mem6ers of tlie Niyomo J-£igli Sclioo{ :Key C{u6 to assist witli tlie set-uy of tlie ..'A.nnua{ J-[a{{oween Carniva{ & J-£auntet£ :Jvt.aze event. Tlie mem6ers of tliis youtli service grouy went a6ove ant£ 6eyont£ 6y staying an adclitiona{ two liours yast tlieir sclieau{ea sliift to oyerate tlie J-[a{{oween Carniva{ games. 1ne :Key Cfu6's suyyort ant£ wi{Cingness to go tlie extra mife, as we{{ as tlie C{u6's aecCication ant£ commitment to tlie City ant£ community, is at£mira6{e. 'Dated' tfiis 13th day of :Novem6er, 2018 Jim 3fi[(, :M.ayor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 6.c. - Page 2