CC 2018-11-13_09c Resolution Declaring Surplus PropertyMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES BY: WALT CUZICK, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2018 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Disposal of surplus electronic equipment that has been replaced and is no longer used by the City. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The electronic items proposed for disposal through an e-waste recycling firm have reached their end of life and/or have limited or no re-sale value. There will be a minimal impact to personnel resources to arrange for the disposal/recycling of the surplus property and a savings in staff time associated with in-house hard drive destruction. Staff has identified a vendor to perform certified hard drive destruction and equipment disposal at a cost of $1,650 for items the Council has declared as surplus. Funding is available in the Legislative and Information Services budget to cover this expense. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt a Resolution declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing its disposal through an e-waste recycling program. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to City Policy C-006, the City periodically replaces standard equipment based on certain criteria. At the September 9th meeting, the City Council adopted a Resolution declaring certain electronic equipment, including the primary City Hall copier, various computers, monitors, and desktop printers, as surplus property and authorized their sale or disposal. Since that time, the City’s current vendor has notified the City it is no longer accepting electronic equipment over 5 years old. Since the City’s surplus electronic Item 9.c. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION DECLARING SURPLUS PROPERTY NOVEMBER 13, 2018 PAGE 2 equipment is more than five years old, staff needed to identify an e-waste recycling vendor. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Since data and hard drive destruction has historically been performed in-house, there continues to be a backlog of surplus electronic equipment being stored until such time as data and hard drive destruction can be performed prior to authorizing for disposal. Information Technology staff has researched and obtained quotes from e-waste recycling vendors and has identified All Green Electronics Recycling, a nationwide recycling provider, to perform certified data destruction and equipment disposal. By utilizing a recycling method designed specifically for electronic equipment, the City will have the ability to dispose of a larger portion of the backlog at once, and simplify the disposition of surplus electronic equipment moving forward. As a result, Information Technology staff has provided a list of additional electronic equipment that has been replaced, is no longer utilized, and is currently being stored, including older servers, network switches, network firewalls, a backup battery system (UPS), phones, older laptops, and workstations. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution declaring the list of electronic equipment as surplus property and authorizing disposal of all electronic equipment that has been declared as surplus this fiscal year through the e-waste recycling program. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Adopt the Resolution declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing its disposal through an e-waste recycling program; 2. Do not adopt the Resolution; or 3. Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The City will save staff time, gain additional storage space, ensure data security with certified hard drive destruction, and responsibly dispose of e-waste. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 9.c. - Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY AS SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING ITS DISPOSAL WHEREAS, the City has certain electronic equipment (“surplus items”) which has exceeded its useful life or is obsolete and no longer serves the needs of the City; and WHEREAS, City storage space is at a premium and there is a need to dispose of surplus items in order to make available more storage space; and WHEREAS, the items are classified as surplus property and can be made available for disposal/sale. NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the surplus items listed on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, are no longer needed for municipal purposes and the City Council hereby authorizes their disposal/sale. On motion of Council Member ______________, seconded by Council Member _____________, and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of November, 2018. Item 9.c. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 _____________________________________ JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________________ KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APROVED AS TO CONTENT: _______________________________________ JAMES A. BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________________ HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 9.c. - Page 4 Make Model Serial Number Notes Nortel Baystack 5510 SDN14F13WS Switch Nortel Baystack 470‐48T SACC101MU1 Switch Nortel Baystack 470‐48T SACC101MYM Switch HP ProCurve 2530‐48G 2C59E5878440 Switch HP ProCurve 2810 CN629XI3X4 Switch Dell PowerEdge 860 8TYSJF1 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 BYS1RB1 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 307NV91 Server Dell PowerEdge R710 F4J7HS1 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 188P6S1 Server Dell PowerEdge 2950 2WJ0PC1 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 BBRM1B1 Server Dell PowerEdge R510 73LLWQ1 Server Dell PowerEdge R310 CYZ9JQ1 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 C4MK891 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 9YML891 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 7YML891 Server Dell PowerEdge 2850 147NV91 Server Dell PowerEdge 850 41R9VB1 Server Dell PowerEdge 850 71R9VB1 Server Dell PowerEdge 1500SC JDRHW11 Server Tripp Lite SMART 1500SLT 9526ALCSM538800309 UPS Dell Vostro V13 CCJQ0L1 Laptop Dell Latitude D620 6FDNBC1 Laptop Acer G206HL 32101649924 Monitor Dell Optiplex 3010 4M21BY1 Workstation Dell Optiplex 3010 4M1Z9Y1 Workstation Dell Optiplex 380 H6SW1R1 Workstation Asus VH232H C7LMTF172801 Monitor Dell Optiplex 3010 4M2Z9Y1 Workstation Dell Latitude D600 2M5YR61 Laptop Dell Optiplex 3010 5ZKYHX1 Workstation WatchGuard Firebox 1000 203103685 Firewall WatchGuard Firebox 1000 203103671 Firewall WatchGuard XTM510 808002A74‐6E5E Firewall Optiquest Q91b QYJ074803046 Monitor EXHIBIT A Item 9.c. - Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 9.c. - Page 6