CC 2018-11-13_10a Preliminary CDBG Funding for Year 2019
Preliminary 2019 CDBG funding recommendations include allocating $7,500 to 5Cities
Homeless Coalition for subsistence payments for eviction prevention and security
deposits, $56,148 for City barrier removal projects on Castillo Del Mar and other areas
near schools, and $5,569 for administration costs. Preliminary funding
recommendations from the City will assist the County of San Luis Obispo (the “County”)
with its 2019 Action Plan process.
The County has estimated that $79,560 in CDBG funds will be available to the City in
the Fall of 2019. Overall, the amount of CDBG funding the City has received over the
last fifteen (15) years has consistently decreased due to Federal budget cutbacks to the
CDBG program. Similar to last year, the County will help administer the CDBG program
for the City which will reduce City staff time involved. County staff will be paid through
the CDBG program funds allocated to the City. Per the Cooperation Agreement
between the County and the City entered into on July 11, 2017 (Attachment 1), 65% of
the total available administration funds, or $10,343, will be deducted by the County to
meet its obligations under the terms of the agreement for administrative costs. The
remaining 35% of the total available administration funds, or $5,569 is recommended to
be allocated for City administration.
It is recommended the City Council provide preliminary approval of proposed projects to
be funded with the City’s allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
funds for the Year 2019 as shown in Table 1 below. Final City approval of the CDBG
allocation will tentatively occur in March 2019.
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Table 1: Recommended 2019 CDBG Allocations
Project and Category
Public Services (15% Cap - $11,934)
5Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC) $0 $7,500 $7,500
Subtotal $0 $7,500 $7,500
Public Facilities (No Cap)
City of Arroyo Grande – Curb Ramp
Installation – Castillo Del Mar $0 $56,148 $56,148
Subtotal $0 $56,148 $56,148
Economic Development (No Cap)
Subtotal $0 $0 $0
Area Benefit (30% Cap - $22,860)
Subtotal $0 $0 $0
Housing Rehabilitation (No Cap)
Family Care Network, Inc. $70,000 $0 $0
Administration (20% Cap - $15,912)
City Administration $1,000 $5,569 $5,569
County Administration $9,906 $10,343 $10,343
Subtotal $10,906 $15,912 $15,912
Total $79,560
As mentioned above, the City Council approved a Cooperation Agreement with the
County in July 2017 for the joint participation in the CDBG Program for fiscal years 2018
through 2020. The City, as a participant in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
designated Urban County program, receives an annual formula-based allocation of
CDBG funds. These funds are available for a variety of Community Development
activities as long as the activities meet at least one of three national objectives. The
objectives are:
1. Benefit low- and moderate-income persons;
2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or
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NOVEMBER 13, 2018
3. Address urgent community development needs that pose a serious or immediate
threat to public health or welfare.
The County distributed a Request for Proposals (RFP) and notified the public that the
County and participating cities would accept applications for funding until October 19,
2018. In addition, County staff held a “Needs Assessment Workshop” to gather input
from the public regarding the allocation of CDBG funds. The second CDBG public
workshop will be scheduled sometime within the next two (months). In total, three (3)
requests were submitted for funding from the City’s allocation of CDBG funds, including
two (2) applications from the City itself.
The following criteria set forth by the County in the RFP are used to make funding
1. Consistency with Federal regulations and laws;
2. Community support (for example, approval of project by a City Council);
3. Seriousness of community development need proposed to be addressed by
4. Degree to which project benefits low-income and very low-income families or
5. Feasibility of the project to be completed as budgeted and by December 31,
6. Cost effectiveness of funds requested and leveraging of other funds; and
7. Organization's experience or knowledge regarding CDBG or HOME
The Cooperation Agreement between the County and the City gives discretion
regarding allocation of funds. Unless the City’s recommendation to the County for
funding is clearly in conflict with CDBG regulations, the County will approve the
recommendation. The County Board of Supervisors will make its final decision for
funding priority in the spring of 2019.
Public Services
The competitiveness for public service funds, which is capped at 15 percent, has
historically been strong with requests far exceeding available funds. As discussed in
recent years regarding CDBG allocations, HUD has significantly increased its
monitoring efforts of jurisdictions participating in the CDBG program, which means that
local jurisdictions must increase their monitoring efforts of recipients as well. As stated
in the Cooperative Agreement, only activities that can either individually or cumulatively
receive more than $8,000 in CDBG funding will be considered due to the staff cost of
processing such awards in compliance with federal requirements.
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Because public service organizations are more aware of the stricter CDBG regulations,
funding opportunity through the City’s Jim Guthrie Community Service Grant Program
(JGCSGP), and because the City Council had previously directed to apply CDBG funds
toward Public Facility projects, the City has received very few applications over the past
several years for CDBG funding. This year, the City received one (1) CDBG public
service application from the 5Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC) for a program that
provides subsistence payments for eviction prevention and security deposits
(Attachment 2). This program would assist those who are homeless and those at risk of
homelessness by developing a housing stability plan and providing short-term
emergency eviction prevention grants or move-in deposits. The program will be
augmented by other services provided by 5CHC. The total amount of CDBG public
service funds that 5CHC has requested from local agencies is provided in Table 2
Table 2: 2019 CDBG Public Service Funds Requested from 5CHC
Agency Amount Requested
City of Arroyo Grande $7,500
City of Pismo Beach $5,500
County of San Luis Obispo $37,000
Total: $50,000
For reference, the City has funded 5CHC in the past through the JGCSGP for various
homeless related services as provided in Table 3 below.
Table 3: JGCSGP Allocations to 5CHC
Program Year Amount Allocated
2015 $1,500
2016 $2,000
2017 $2,500
2018 $2,500
Total: $8,500
Based on previous City Council direction and action to fund public service programs
through the JGCSGP, it is recommended that the City allocate CDBG public service
funds to 5CHC for this final year, and direct staff to focus CDBG funds back toward
public facilities in future years. It is assumed that other non-profit organizations did not
apply for CDBG funding in good faith, knowing that the City offers public service funding
instead through the JGCSGP. Additional information about the JGCSGP is provided on
Page 7 of this staff report.
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Public Facilities
One of the City’s highest priorities is addressing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
accessibility deficiencies. During the last several years, with Year 2018 being the
exception, the City Council has allocated the majority of CDBG funds to help pay for
disabled access barrier removal projects throughout the City. These projects include
Hoosegow Park ADA improvements, mid-block crosswalk ADA improvements, the
Arroyo Grande Woman’s Club building barrier removal project, and various barrier
removal projects at the Soto Sports Complex. In an effort to prioritize future ADA
compliance projects, City staff is pursuing financial assistance through the California
Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) to update the City’s ADA Transitions Plan in
2019. However, opportunities exist for utilizing CDBG funds for curb ramps along
Castillo Del Mar and other areas adjacent to schools. This will not only address ADA
barriers, but will have an added benefit of contributing to providing safe routes to
Housing Rehabilitation
The City did not receive any requests for housing rehabilitation projects.
Economic Development
The City did not receive any requests for economic development projects.
Area Benefit
Projects qualifying under the area benefit category are limited to a 30 percent cap
($22,860). Area benefit refers to activities that are available to benefit all residents of an
area that is primarily residential where at least 51 percent of the residents are low or
moderate income persons. In the past, the City considered efforts to eliminate slums
and blight, such as code enforcement activities to remove illegal signs and providing
funds for façade improvements, as valid activities. HUD determined in 2013 that the
City’s code enforcement and façade improvement programs are invalid based on the
lack of blight, and therefore these programs have been discontinued. The City did not
receive any funding requests for this category.
Jim Guthrie Community Service Grant Program (JGCSGP)
In response to CDBG funding limitations and restrictions, the City established the
Arroyo Grande Community Service Grant Program in 2014 separate and apart from the
CDBG program (the City Council renamed this program as the “Jim Guthrie Community
Service Grant Program” last March to recognize former Council Member Jim Guthrie,
who initially envisioned the program). This local grant program provides $20,000 to
eligible non-profit organizations that offer specialized social service, educational,
cultural, beautification and recreational programs and projects benefitting Arroyo
Grande citizens. Last year, the City received a total of sixteen (16) applications totaling
$56,850. The deadline this year to submit a completed application is Friday, November
30, 2018.
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A six-member Community Service Grant Review Panel will convene early next year to
review the applications, and a recommendation for funding will be brought to Council at
the same time as the final CDBG allocations are considered, which will likely be in
March 2019.
The recommended 2019 CDBG allocations fund important City priorities and are
consistent with the Cooperation Agreement between the County and City. The City’s
JGCSGP provides a funding opportunity, separate from CDBG, for local public service
programs that address unmet needs in the community.
Providing CDBG funding for 5CHC under the public services category may continue to
encourage applications for CDBG funds rather than encouraging groups to apply for
funds through the JGCSGP. For this reason, it is recommended the Council direct staff
to reprioritize CDBG funds for potential architectural barrier removal projects in Year
The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration:
1. Approve preliminary funding for the CDBG programs for the Year 2019 as
2. Modify and approve preliminary funding for the CDBG programs for the Year
2019; or
3. Provide other direction to staff.
The allocation of CDBG funds is not considered a project under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Specific projects that may have environmental impacts will be reviewed under CEQA
and NEPA prior to implementation.
A public hearing notice was published in The Tribune on Friday, October 26, 2018. The
Agenda was posted in front of City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with
Government Code Section 54954.2.
1. Cooperation Agreement between the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of
Arroyo Grande for the joint participation in the CDBG program, the HOME
Investment Partnerships Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program for
Fiscal Years 2018 through 2020
2. 5CHC 2019 CDBG Application
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Item 10.a. - Page 7
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 10!!_ day of ,T' ,
2017, by and between the County of San Luis Obispo, a political subdivision of
the State of California, hereinafter called "County," and the City of Arroyo
Grande, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located in the County
of San Luis Obispo, hereinafter called "City;" jointly referred to as "Parties."
WHEREAS, in 1974, the U.S. Congress enacted and the President signed
a law entitled, The Housing and Community Development Act of 197 4, herein
called the "Act" The Act is omnibus legislation relating to federal involvement in
a wide range of housing and community development activities and contains
eight separate titles; and
WHEREAS, Title I of the Act is entitled "Community Development" and
governs programs for housing and community development within metropolitan
cities and urban counties or communities by providing financial assistance
annually for area-wide plans and for housing, public services and public works
programs; and
WHEREAS, the Community Development Block Grant Program
(hereinafter referred to as "CDBG"), the HOME Investment Partnerships Act
Program (hereinafter referred to as "HOME"), and the Emergency Solutions
Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as "ESG") are consolidated under Title I of
the Act; and
WHEREAS, the County has requested of the federal Department of
Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as "HUD," designate
the County as an "urban county;" and
WHEREAS, the County needs to requalify as an urban county and will be
eligible to receive CDBG funds provided that the County's entitled cities defer
their entitlement to the County to enable both the County and the entitlement
cities to jointly participate in the program; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to participate jointly with the County in said
program; and
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WHEREAS, if HUD redesignates the County as an urban county, then the
County may also be eligible to receive funds from the HOME Program and the
ESG Program; and
WHEREAS, the CDBG Regulations issued pursuant to the Act provide
qualified urban counties must submit an application to the HUD for funds, and
cities and smaller communities within the metropolitan area not qualifying as
metropolitan cities may join the County in said application and thereby become a
part of a more comprehensive County effort; and
WHEREAS, as the urban county applicant, the County must take
responsibility and assume all obligations of an applicant under federal statues,
including: the analysis of needs, the setting of objectives, the development of
community development and housing assistance plans, the consolidated plan,
and the assurances of certifications; and
WHEREAS, by executing this Agreement, the Parties hereby give notice
of their intention to participate in the urban county CDBG, HOME, and ESG
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, recitals and
other provisions hereof, the Parties agree as follows:
SECTION I. General.
A. Responsible Officers. The Director of the County of San Luis Obispo
Department of Planning and Building (hereinafter referred to as "Director")
is hereby authorized to act as applicant for the CDBG, HOME, and ESG
Programs and to administer funding and activities under the programs.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to act as the responsible officer of
the City under the programs.
8. Full Cooperation. Parties agree to fully cooperate and to assist each
other in undertaking eligible grant programs or projects, including but not
limited to community renewal and lower income housing assistance
activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly-assisted housing; public
services; and economic development.
C. Term of Agreement -Automatic Renewal Provision. The term of this
Agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years commencing July 1,
2018 through June 30, 2021. In addition, this Agreement provides for
automatic renewal for participation in successive three-year qualification
periods, unless the City provides written notice at least 60 days prior to the
end of the term that it elects not to participate in a new qualification period.
Before the end of the first three-year term, the County will notify the City in
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writing of its right not to participate in the urban county for a successive
three-year term.
The Parties agree to adopt amendments to this Agreement incorporating
changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements
set forth in an Urban County Qualification Notice by HUD for a subsequent
three-year urban County qualification period, prior to the subsequent
three-year extension of the term. Any amendment to this Agreement shall
be submitted to HUD as required by the regulations and any failure to
adopt required amendments will void the automatic renewal of this
Agreement for the relevant qualification period.
This Agreement remains in effect until the CDBG, HOME, and ESG
Program funds and income received with respect to the three-year
qualification period, and the subsequent three-year renewals are
expended and the funded activities are completed. The Parties may not
terminate or withdraw from this Agreement while this Agreement remains
in effect.
D. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement covers the following formula
funding programs administered by HUD where the County is awarded and
accepts funding directly from HUD: the CDBG Program, the HOME
Program, and the ESG Program.
SECTION II. Preparation and Submittal of CDBG Funding Applications.
A Inclusion of City as Applicant. The Parties agree the City shall be
included in the application the County shall submit to HUD for Title I
Housing and Community Development Block funds under the Act.
B. Consolidated Plan. The City shall assist the County by preparing a
community development plan, for the period of this Agreement, which
identifies community development and housing needs, projects and
programs for the City; and specifies both short and long-term City
objectives, consistent with requirements of the Act. County agrees to:
(1) include the City plan in the program application, and (2) include
City's desired housing and community development objectives,
policies, programs, projects and plans as submitted by the City in the
County's consolidated plan.
C. Application Submittal. The County agrees to commit sufficient
resources to completing and submitting the Consolidated Plan and
supporting documents to HUD in time for the Parties to be eligible to
receive funding beginning July 1, 2018, and to hold public hearings as
required to meet HUD requirements.
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D. County Responsibility. Parties agree the County shall, as applicant,
be responsible for holding public hearings and preparing and
submitting the COBG funding application and supporting materials in a
timely and thorough manner, as required by the Act and the federal
regulations established by HUD to secure entitlement grant funding
beginning July 1, 2018.
E. Grant Eligibility. In executing this Agreement, the Parties understand
they shall not be eligible to apply for grants under the Small Cities or
State CDBG Programs for appropriations for fiscal years during the
period in which the Parties are participating in the urban county CDBG
entitlement program; and further, the City shall not be eligible to
participate in the HOME, or ESG Programs except through the urban
SECTION Ill. Program Administration.
A. Program Authorization. The Director is hereby authorized to carry out
activities that will be funded from the annual CDBG, HOME, and ESG
Programs from fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020 appropriations and
from any program income generated from the expenditure of such
B. Responsibilities of Parties. The Parties agree the County shall be
the governmental entity required to execute any grant agreement
received pursuant to the CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications, and
subject to the limitations set out in this Agreement, the County shall
thereby become liable and responsible thereunder for the proper
performance of the plan and CDBG, HOME, and ESG under County
programs. County agrees to perform program administrative tasks
such as environmental clearance under the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), subrecipient agreements and monitoring of
subrecipients. The City agrees to act in good faith and with due
diligence in performance of the City obligations and responsibilities
under this Agreement and under all subrecipient agreements. The City
further agrees that it shall fully cooperate with the County in all things
required and appropriate to comply with the provisions of any Grant
Agreement received by the County pursuant to the Act and its
C. City Assistance. The City agrees to undertake, conduct, perform or
assist the County in performing the essential community development
and housing assistance activities identified in the City's community
development plan. Pursuant to the Act and pursuant to 24 CFR
570.501 (b), the City is subject to the same requirements applicable to
subrecipients, including the requirement of a written agreement with
the County as set forth in 24 CFR 570.503.
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SECTION IV. Use of Program Funds.
A. Allocation of CDBG funds. All funds received by the County
pursuant to this Agreement shall be identified and allocated, as
described below, to the specific projects or activities set out in the
application, and such allocated amounts shall be expended exclusively
for such projects or activities; provided, however, that a different
distribution may be made when required by HUD to comply with Title I
of the Housing and Community Development Act of 197 4, as
1) Metropolitan Cities' Allocation. The Parties agree the County
shall make available to the City a total amount of CDBG funds
equal to that which the City would have been entitled had it applied
separately as a "metropolitan city," using HUD allocation formulas
as applied by the County, except that an amount equal to thirteen
(13) percent of the Metropolitan Cities' allocations of CDBG funds
will be deducted by the County to meet its obligations under the
terms of this Agreement and/or HUD requirements for
administrative costs. Further, with respect to the availability of the
funds, the County agrees to fully cooperate and assist the City in
expending such funds.
2) Non~Metropolitan Cities' Allocation. The County agrees to
allocate a portion of CDBG program funds to the non-Metropolitan,
incorporated cities participating in the program. The amount of
allocation per city shall be equal to that which the urban county
formula award from HUD increases as a result of the HUD
allocation formulas as applied by the County, except that an
amount equal to thirteen (13) percent of the Non-Metropolitan
Cities' allocations of CDBG funds will be deducted by the County to
meet its obligations under the terms of this Agreement and/or HUD
requirements for administrative costs.
3) Urban County. Parties shall not recommend a CDBG award of less
than $8,000 for any one project or program due to the staff cost of
processing such awards in compliance with federal requirements.
A project or program recommended to receive an amount less
$8,000 can still receive an award if any other Party or Parties make
an award, which is aggregated to be greater than $8,000.
8. Availability of Funds. The County agrees to make CDBG funds
available to all participating incorporated cities as set out here when
HUD makes the CDBG funds available to it. The County shall
immediately notify the participating incorporated cities of the availability
of the funds.
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It is understood by the Parties, hereto, the CDBG funds, being used for
the purposes of this Agreement are funds furnished to the County,
through HUD, pursuant to the provisions of the Act. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this Agreement, the liability of the County shall
be limited to CDBG funds available for the Project. The City
understands that the County must wait for release of CDBG funds from
HUD before CDBG funds may be advanced or reimbursed. The
County shall incur no liability to the City, its officers, agents,
employees, suppliers, or contractors for any delay in making any such
C. Administrative and Public Services Costs. The County hereby
acknowledges the City, as subrecipient, incurs certain administrative
costs in preparing housing and economic development plans, program
planning, management and accounting, professional support services,
and other reasonable and necessary expenses to carry out the City's
plan; and further, the County agrees that after the availability of CDBG
program funds to the City, the County shall not use its remaining
balance of funds in any way that would limit the City's ability to use its
CDBG funds to the maximum extent allowed by HUD for
administrative, public service, or program purposes.
D. Income Generated. The City shall notify the County of any income
generated by the expenditure of CDBG funds received by the City.
Such program income may be retained by the City subject to the
provisions of this Agreement, the Act and its Regulations. Any
program income retained must only be used for eligible activities in
accordance with all CDBG requirements as they apply.
E. Use of Program Income. The County shall monitor the use of any
program income, requiring appropriate record-keeping and reporting by
the City as may be needed for this purpose, and shall report the use of
such program income to HUD. In the event of close-out or change of
status of the City, all program income on hand or received by the City
subsequent to the close-out or change of status shall be paid to the
County. In the event that the City withdraws from the urban county to
become an entitlement grantee, as provided under 24 CFR 570.504,
all program income on hand or received by the City from urban county
activities shall be retained by the City to be used as additional CDBG
funds subject to all applicable requirements governing the use of
CDBG funds.
F. Change in Use of Property. The City shall notify the County of any
modification or change in the use of real property acquired or improved
in whole or in part using CDBG funds that is within the control of the
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City, from that use planned at the time of acquisition or improvement
including disposition. Such notification shall be made within thirty (30)
calendar days of such change of use and comply with the provisions of
24 CFR 570.505.
G. Fair Housing Implementation. The Parties agree no urban county
funding shall be allocated or expended for activities in or in support of
any cooperating unit of general local government that does not
affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction or that
impedes the County's actions to comply with its fair housing
H. Conflict Resolution. In the event of disagreement between the
County and the City as to the allocations, disbursement, use, or
reimbursement of CDBG funds, the Parties agree to accept HUD's
written determination as to the appropriate resolution or disposition of
funds to the extent HUD is willing to resolve such disagreement.
I. Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. The City
may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer all of any portion of CDBG
funds to another metropolitan city, urban county, unit of general local
government, or Indian tribe, or insular area that directly or indirectly
receives COBG funds in exchange for any other funds, credits or non-
Federal considerations, but must use such funds for activities eligible
under Title I of the Act.
J. Special Provisions for the Urban County.
(1) To affirmatively further fair housing and implement the Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Housing Choice or better known as the Fair
Housing Plan, the cities are encouraged to contribute CDBG funds to
affordable housing projects when there is an eligible CDBG component
in the proposal that is located within the city's jurisdiction.
(2) The County will enforce remedies for noncompliance pursuant to 2
CFR Part 200.338 and allowed per 2 CFR Part 200.207 by pulling
CDBG funds for underperforming projects or programs not
implemented during agreed timeframe identified in the subrecipient
SECTION V. Amendment or Extension of Agreement.
A. Subrecipient Agreement. For each fiscal year during the term of this
Agreement, the County and the City shall enter into a Subrecipient
Agreement, prepared jointly by the County and the City, which
identifies a project or program that the County will administer with the
City's CDBG entitlement funds during that program year. The
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Subrecipient Agreement will set forth the project changes, time
schedule for completion of the project(s), deliverable checklist, and
additional funding sources, if any. If substantial compliance with the
completion schedule cannot be met by the City due to unforeseen or
uncontrollable circumstances, then the County may extend the
schedule for project completion, as allowed by federal regulations.
B. Amendments. Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing.
Parties agree any such fully executed amendment or amendments to
this Agreement may be entered into at any time if required or
necessary to implement the plans contemplated hereunder, or to
comply with any grant agreement or the regulations issued pursuant to
the Act.
SECTION VI. Compliance with Federal Regulations.
A. General. The Parties agree to take all actions necessary to assure
compliance with the urban county's certifications required by section
104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of
1974, as amended, regarding Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
the Fair Housing Act, affirmatively furthering fair housing, Section 109
of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; the Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970; and other
applicable laws.
8. Citizen Participation. The Parties agree to comply with federal citizen
participation requirements of 24 CFR Part 91, and provide citizens
1) An estimate of the amount of CDBG funds proposed to be used for
activities that will benefit persons of low and moderate income; and
2) A plan for minimizing displacement of persons as a result of CDBG-
assisted activities and programs, and to provide assistance to such
C. Citizen Participation Plan. The Parties agree to follow a citizen
participation plan which:
1) Provide for and encourages citizen participation, particularly those
of low or moderate income who reside in slum or blighted areas
where CDBG funds are proposed to be used;
2) Provide citizens with reasonable and timely access to local
meetings, staff reports, and other information relating to grantee's
proposed use of funds, as required by HUD regulations related to
the actual use of funds under the Act;
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3) Provides for public hearings to obtain citizen views and to respond
to proposals and questions at all stages of the community
development program, including at least: 1) formulation of needs; 2)
review of proposed grant activities; and 3) review of program
performance; for which public hearings shall be held after adequate
notice, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual
beneficiaries, and with accommodation of handicapped persons;
4) Provides for a timely written answer to written complaints and
grievances, within 15 working days where practicable;
5) Identifies how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be
met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of
non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to
6) Identifies the use of non-traditional methods of community
outreach, including the provision of CDBG documents in a user-
friendly format, including but not limited to Braille, large print, oral
format, and delivering copies to homebound individuals.
D. The Parties hereby certify, to the best of their knowledge and
belief, that:
1) Conflict of Interest. No federal grant monies have been paid or
will be paid, by or on behalf of the Parties, to any officer or
employee or any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or
employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress
in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making
of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering
into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,
renewal, amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant,
loan, or cooperative agreement.
2) Influence. If any funds other than federally appropriated funds
have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal
contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned
shall complete and submit standard form LLL, "Disclosure Form to
Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.
3) Certifications Disclosure. Parties agree to include this
certification in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers
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(including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants,
loans, and cooperative agreements), and that all grant
subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This
certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance
was placed when this transaction was entered into.
E. Certification Regarding Policies Prohibiting Use of Excessive
Force and Regarding Enforcement of State and local Laws
Barring Entrances.
In accordance with Section 519 Public Law 101-144 (the 1990 HUD
Appropriations Act), the City certifies that it has adopted and is
1) A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement
agencies within their respective jurisdictions against any individuals
engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and
2) A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against
physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which
is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within
their jurisdictions.
SECTION VII. Execution of Agreement and Recordkeeping.
A. HUD Certification. The Director is hereby authorized to execute and
submit to the County the HUD Certification Form with respect to the
community development activities carried out within the boundaries of
the City. It is further understood that the County will rely upon the
certification executed by the Director for purposes of executing a
certification form for submission to HUD.
B. Maintenance of Records. The City shall maintain records of activities
for any projects undertaken pursuant to the program, and said records
shall be open and available for inspection by auditors assigned by
HUD and/or the County on reasonable notice during the normal
business hours of the City.
Page 10
Item 10.a. - Page 17
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed and attested by their proper officer thereunder duly authorized, and their
official seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day first above written.
County Counsel Certification
The Office of the County Counsel hereby certifies that the terms and provisions of
this Agreement are fully authorized under State and local laws, and that the
Agreement provides full legal authority for the County to undertake or assist in
undertaking essential community development and housing assistance activities,
specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing.
County Counsel
BY~u DepuCounty Counsel
DATED: 7. fo. l7
B\/: = ~ 1 °Der:ui"U Ued::2 Tom Gong, CountyClerk
County Clerkand Ex-Officio Cl rk 8 County of San Luis Obisp~ Stat~~ 8J,Wirnr~isor:J
Date: m:,"' ll I :Z.013-
Page 11
Item 10.a. - Page 18
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed and attested by their proper officer thereunder duly authorized, and
their official seals to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day first above written.
Date: U -I 3 -I ]
Date: -~U'---'--'-{_3_-_I____,].___ ___ _
Date: (.z • t 5 • ZOl7
4~ --:Z'?L~~6z--
Page 12
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program Year 2019 Application
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 1 OF 22 |
The County of San Luis Obispo is pleased to announce the availability of funds for the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Applications MUST address one of the three national objectives
set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or they will NOT be considered for
CDBG funding (see the section on Qualifying Criteria for detailed information on the objectives).
Furthermore, completed applications should provide the necessary exhibits, budgets, or requested
information on targeted populations. Please email grant applications to by the
application deadline of 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 19, 2018. Please label your email subject with the grant
program name and the agency name (Example: CDBG – CAPSLO). *Note: Supplemental documents and
information or answers which exceed the allotted space or character limit may be added as attachments.
(1-1) Organization Name
DUNS Number
Project Manager/Title
Phone/Fax Numbers
City, State, Zip
(2-1) Project/Program Title
Project/Program Address
Jurisdiction/Area Served
Targeted clientele
Project type (select one):
Public Service Public Facilities Economic Development Housing
(2-2) Brief Project Description:
(2-3) Total CDBG Funding Requested
Total Cost to Complete Project
Anticipated Start Date: Anticipated End Date:
5Cities Homeless Coalition
Janna Nichols, Executive Director
805-574-1638 P; 805-668-2380 F
P.O. Box 558
Grover Beach, CA 93483
Subsistence Payments for Eviction Prevention and Security Deposits
1566 W. Grand Ave.
South County - Avila to Nipomo, excluding Grover Beach
50% or Less AMI - those who are homeless, without financial resources and those at risk o
This program will assist those who are homeless, without financial resources and those at risk of homelessness to develop a
housing stability plan, and provide short-term emergency eviction prevention grants or move-in deposits. This program will
be augmented by other services also provided by 5CHC. With the support and guidance of case management homeless
residents and those facing homelessness will be assisted in finding new housing and maintaining their housing. Clients
receive coaching, financial literacy, advice on credit repair, and life and job skill guidance coupled with short-term financial
assistance for move-in expenses or homeless prevention rental assistance.
1/1/2020 12/31/2020
Item 10.a. - Page 19
□ □ □ □
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 2 OF 22 |
(3-1) Type of Agency 501 (c)(3) For Profit Gov’t/Public Faith-based Other:
Date of Incorporation Annual Operating Budget
Number of Paid Staff Number of Volunteers
(3-2) Agency Mission Statement:
(3-3) Please describe your organization’s capacity to implement the proposed project/program. Who will
be involved in the project/program? (In-house employees, contractors, other agency partners, etc.) List
projects of similar size and type that your organization has completed.
3/3/2009 1,005,00
9 200
Organization’s Mission:
5Cities Homeless Coalition strengthens the southern San Luis Obispo County, California, community by mobilizing
resources, fostering hope, and advocating for the homeless and those facing homelessness. Through collaboration and
leadership, we are building an engaged community that fully understands the complexities of homelessness and actively
shares the responsibility of creating and implementing solutions to reduce it.
Our work goes beyond the immediate, to ensure that clients have the plan, skills, education and financial means to be
successful and self-sufficient. We are proud to share that more than 93% of the more than two hundred households that we
have helped to house (or prevented from eviction) remain in their home.
5Cities Homeless Coalition is transforming the lives of those who are homeless or facing homelessness in Southern San
Luis Obispo County. Our efforts focus on helping the most vulnerable in our community maintain dignity while working
toward a new home (or retaining their home). Through a standardized Coordinated Entry assessment we work to prioritize
services; prevent duplication of repetitive client assessments and services; identify immediate needs (particularly focused on
physical and behavioral health needs); and develop a “progressive engagement” plan with short- and long-term goals
ultimately leading to stable housing and increased economic stability. In this process, services may take the form of limited
direct financial assistance, advocacy, financial literacy counseling, and linkages to needed community support services to
ensure that clients plan for stability and have the resources and support to succeed and maintain their success.
The Coalition is now considered the "goto" agency for housing and supportive services for those who are homeless or facing
homelessness in Southern San Luis Obispo County. Under the guidance of a 15-member board of directors representative
of our service area, the agency has a dedicated staff working to address the challenges of homelessness on an individual
basis, meeting each client “where they’re at.” The 5CHC governing board includes public officials, business leaders,
professionals providing services to homeless, formerly homeless, and other local residents.
5CHC's nine-member staff is actively engaged in providing client services in South County thanks to more than a score of
private and government grant programs specifically targeting veterans, families with children, homeless youth and the
medically fragile, in addition to housing support for eviction prevention and rapid rehousing.
As a coalition, the organization is also a convener, bringing dozens of community-based organizations, schools,
congregations, businesses and civic groups together to work collaboratively on homeless issues, and contributing to a more
comprehensive, coordinated regional system.
Program activities are managed by the Coalition’s agency’s Program Manager, with support of staff trained in Coordinated
Entry, HMIS, Housing First Principles and Rapid Re-Housing services . Each has received extensive cultural competency
and special needs training including LGTBQƈ Trauma-Informed careƈ Mental Health First Aidƈ and skill development in key
case management principles. Together they share more than 10 years experience in serving vulnerable families on the
Central Coast, including 8 years managing housing.
Item 10.a. - Page 20
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 3 OF 22 |
(3-4) Briefly describe your agency’s record keeping system with relevance to the proposed project/program:
(3-5) Briefly describe your agency’s auditing requirements, including those for the proposed
project/program, and attach a copy of your most recent audit:
Clients initially are asked to complete a coordinated intake that is documented through ClientTrack. Referrals and client files
are formatted in specific order to ensure all forms are completed and accounted for, detailing client housing stability plan,
income verification, etc.
Lastly all enrolled clients are tracked through the County's Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), both at
intake and program exit.
All funding requests are dual tracked through the agency's financial accounting process by class and grant and a
program-based master assistance file. All expenditures for the program are verified for eligibility against program budget and
HUD requirements and CDBG regulations with appropriate back-up documentation, copies of which are maintained
separately for review and monitoring. Matching responsibilities are tracked concurrently against grant expenditures.
5CHC staff have received training in the requirements of Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit
Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200) and Community Development Block Grants (24 CFR Part 570).
5CHC has established policies and procedures (including record retention) for use and allocation of CDBG funds - including
program participant records, such as homeless or at-risk of homeless status; income status, coordinated entry assessment;
housing habitability, services provided, rental assistance, etc.
All requests for expenditures for this program are reviewed by the Executive Director, and accounted for separately by class
and income source from other 5CHC activities. Monthly financials are reviewed by staff and Board. All billings are provided
with appropriate back-up and are reviewed by both the Operations Manager and the Executive Director prior to submittal.
Additionally 5CHC annually reviews its conflict of interest policy and conducts an independent financial audit by an outside
CPA. The agency's audit report and IRS 990 for our most recent year (2017) can be found on our website at:
Item 10.a. - Page 21
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 4 OF 22 |
(3-6) Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand
as a result of CDBG assistance? If YES, please answer the following two
Yes No
What new programs or services will be provided?
Describe how existing programs or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is
(3-7) If your program serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with
other homeless service providers to connect homeless individuals and families to resources.
We are anxious to begin services through CDBG with funding that was awarded last year, with services beginning in
January 2019. The funds requested here will continue this program set to begin in January 2019.
5CHC regularly meets with area providers, landlords, government and other service agencies, to maximize use of funds and
minimize duplication. 5CHC braids funding from several sources (for example ESG, CDBG entitlement and non-entitlement,
private contributions) to maximize the resources available and leverage matching dollars to the greatest extent.
5CHC's strategic plan follows the Federal Plan, especially focused on preventing and ending homelessness for families,
youth and children, by striving to build an engaged community that understands the complexities of homelessness and that
actively works on implementing solutions to reduce it. To this end, 5CHC is guided by a diverse base of leaders working to
broaden our community's understanding. 5CHC is actively involved in HSOC and collaborative CoC efforts; works with
schools, law enforcement, health agencies and others to improve coordinated services and maximize resources; and is
actively working with landlords and property managers to expand client housing options.
5CHC is a partner with CAPSLO and ECHO in providing Coordinated Entry services county-wide. 5CHC has developed a
specialty niche as the county's rapid re-housing provider, and routinely receives referrals for such services from these and
other providers throughout the county,
Item 10.a. - Page 22
C ~
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 5 OF 22 |
The Community Development Block Grant program was established by Congress in 1974 with
passage of the Housing and Community Development Act and is administered by the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This program provides funds to
municipalities and other units of government around the country to develop viable urban
communities. This is accomplished by providing affordable, decent housing, a suitable living
environment and by expanding economic opportunities principally for low and moderate income
persons. Although local units of government develop their own programs and funding priorities,
all activities must be consistent with one or more of the following HUD national objectives:
x Principally benefits low- and moderate-income persons
x Prevents or eliminates slum or blight
x Addresses an urgent need or problem in the community (e.g., natural disaster)
As an entitlement Urban County under the CDBG program, the County of San Luis Obispo receives
annual funding allocations from the federal government to fund activities to address these
national objectives.
As a funding recipient, San Luis Obispo County is required to submit an Annual Action Plan that
describes how the Urban County will utilize federal funds to address the national objectives in a
manner that will produce the greatest measurable impact on the Urban County communities. The
lead agency responsible for submission of this Plan to HUD is the Planning and Building
Department of the County of San Luis Obispo.
(4-1) Please identify the appropriate CDBG objective that applies to the proposed
project/program by checking the box next to A, B, or C. In addition, please provide a
corresponding explanation of how the proposed activity meets the national objective.
A. Objective One – Low/Moderate Income (check one):
Note: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or
residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, of which at least 51 percent are low-
and moderate-income persons.
Select one:
Area Benefit – The project serves only a limited geographic area which is proven by 2010 Census
data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing
this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income
Clientele – The project benefits a specific group of people, at least 51% of whom are
low/moderate-income persons. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this
category; however, the following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children;
Item 10.a. - Page 23
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 6 OF 22 |
elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; illiterate adults; adults meeting census
definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers.
Housing – The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are
occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion.
Jobs – The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by
low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/moderate-income persons.
Assistance to Microenterprises – The project provides technical assistance to microenterprises
owned by low/moderate-income persons.
B. Objective Two – Slums or Blight
Assists in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Note: To meet this national objective, the
proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address
one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area.
Select one:
Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis
Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis - This project will prevent or eliminate specific
conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation,
rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to
public health and safety.
C. Objective Three – Urgent Need
Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a
serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources
are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Note: To meet this national
objective, the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or
Please explain how the proposed activity meets the selected National Objective:
The income of each client served with these funds will be verified to ensure the household income is at 50% or less of AMI.
Item 10.a. - Page 24
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 7 OF 22 |
(4-2) Which of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan goal(s) does your project/program plan to
address? Check all that apply.
Create housing opportunities for residents
Preserve and maintain existing affordable housing
Reduce and end homelessness
Create a suitable living environment through public services
Stabilize and revitalize diverse neighborhoods (public facility improvements)
Improve educational and job readiness
(4-3) Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed
project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and )
Acquisition of real property*
Disposition of real property
Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or
Privately owned utilities
Public services
Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms
Removal of architectural barriers
Housing rehabilitation†
Homeownership assistance
Technical assistance to businesses/micro-enterprise development
Administrative technical assistance and planning studies (specified)
(5-1) Targeted Clientele: Individuals or households? Identify the projected target population your
proposed activity will serve. (Include age, race, residency, handicap status, income level or other unit
characteristics or subgroup information)
* See relocation provisions in Exhibit A
† See lead-based paint provisions in Exhibit A
This program will assist those who are homeless, without financial resources and those at risk of homelessness who earn
30% or less AMI to develop a housing stability plan, and provide short-term emergency eviction prevention grants or move-in
deposits. This program will be augmented by other services also provided by the Coalition and community partners to help
strengthen the household stability, including budget counseling, support with job search and skill development, identification
of community resources (such as food pantries), benefits assistance (SSI, SSDI, CalFresh, Cash-Aid, etc.).
Item 10.a. - Page 25
□ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 8 OF 22 |
(5-2) If the project or program is designed specifically to provide benefit to low- and
moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated persons (or
households) to benefit from the project, and break that estimate down by income group.
Note: Unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in
preschool – not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks = 6,500.
(Check box if project serves households or individual
Number Households Persons
TOTAL Number of Persons or Households
(regardless of income):
Of the total number of persons or households entered above,
how many will be low-income:
(earning 51% - 80% or less of the County median-income)
Of the total number of persons or households entered above,
how many will be very low-income:
(earning 50% or less of the County median-income)
(5-3) Please describe the proposed project or program in detail. Make a case for why your project
should be funded. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What
would the consequences be if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Please attach
a timeline of the project/program milestones.
10 ✔
Addressing homelessness has been identified as one of the County's important goals. San Luis Obispo County is
consistently one of the least affordable housing markets in California and the nation. The National Association of Home
Builders found that this county was the 10th least affordable out of 229 metropolitan housing markets in the nation for the
fourth quarter of 2016. The 2010 Census found that 35.8% of the renters in San Luis Obispo County had a severe housing
cost burden. This was a higher percentage than in either San Francisco and Los Angeles County. Based on HUD data, our
county also had a higher incidence of homelessness than both.
As noted, with rental rates increasing at double-digit rates annually, and limited new housing units expected on the market,
those who's income qualifies them for this program (very-low and low) are especially challenged, and oftentimes lack the
awareness of community resources, budgeting expertise, and financial ability to pay deposit and move-in expenses. Living
homeless is financially expensive, with much of one's income spent on motel, prepared food, etc. which makes saving for
deposit and move-in virtually impossible.
Following the Housing First model, and goals of the 2015-19 Consolitated Plan, an investment in housing subsidies for
deposit, and rent for eviction prevention is the most effective method of addressing the challenges of homelessness, and
preventing homelessness. 5CHC has a demonstrated 96% success rate for housing retention over the past four years.
However increased efforts are needed in this time of rising rental rates. Recent evidence has demonstrated that those
enrolled in our housing programs are spending longer periods homeless with many living in their vehicle. The Community
Foundation provided support through the Klaproad bequest of more than $325,000 annually for three years to provide
housing support, such as those requested through this program. The Klaproad funds are now exhausted, and we seek to
maintain the housing services and demonstrate on-going success, with the support of CDBG funds.
Item 10.a. - Page 26
□ □
□ □
□ □
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 9 OF 22 |
(5-4) Does the project require the issuance of a permit? (State, local, or federal)
Yes No
If YES, please respond to the following:
Identify the permits necessary:
Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of issuance:
If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued?
Item 10.a. - Page 27
□ Ii]
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 10 OF 22 |
Organizations will be asked to provide detailed beneficiary data regarding race, ethnicity, gender,
income, etc. If they cannot provide data, they may not be eligible for funding.
(6-1) How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with
HUD regulations? (Example: very low (≤50% AMI) and low (≤80% AMI) Area Median Income (AMI). Please
provide a sample of your intake process as an attachment if possible.
(6-2) How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or
program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) Please provide a sample of your intake process as an
attachment if possible.
Below are our current policies regarding income verification for our current programs. A household’s income is any money
that goes to, or on behalf of, the head of household or spouse (even if temporarily absent) or to any other household
member. When calculating income for eligibility, annual income includes the current gross income of all adult household
members and unearned income attributable of a minor (e.g., child support, TANF payments, SSI payment, and other benefits
paid on behalf of a minor). Gross income is the amount of income earned before any deductions (such as taxes and health
premiums) are made. Current Gross Income is the income that the household is currently receiving at the time of application
for assistance. Income recently terminated should not be included. The attached calculation form is used to determine the
applicant's income eligibility.
Utilizing the attached Coordinated Intake Form, applicants are asked to self-disclose their demographic data, including race
and ethnicity
Item 10.a. - Page 28
Income Calculation
Documentation Attached (check all that apply)
Pay Stubs Profit from Self-Employment Tips In Kind Support
TANF Child Support Spousal Support Rental Income
Taxable Interest Dividend Veteran’s Compensation Award Letter State/Private
Disability Insurance Award Letter Workers Compensation Award Letter
Social Security Administration (SSA) Award Letter Lump Sum Inheritance or insurance Settlements
Grants and Scholarships not insured by state or federal agency or that does not preclude use for current living cost
Non-countable Income Verified (Attach to Income Calculation)
Example: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Award Letter, Section 8 Housing, CAL Fresh, and Financial Aid that is funded by
the state or Federal Government
Weekly:Average out gross amount of the pay stubs – divided the gross amount by the number of pay stubs. Gross
amount multiplied by 52 weeks, divided by 12 and equals the gross monthly amount. If only one pay stub multiply
weekly income by 4.333 to arrive at monthly income.
Formula Gross Amount - $
divided by
# of Pay Stubs
Gross Amount - $
multiply by 52 =
Annual Gross divided
by 12
Monthly Gross
Bi-weekly(Every Other Week): Add the gross amount of pay stubs, divided by the number of pay stubs, multiply by
26 weeks, divided by 12 equals the Average Gross monthly amount. If only one pay stub multiply bi-weekly income
by 2.167 for average monthly income.
Formula Gross Amount - $
divided by
# of Pay Stubs
Gross Amount - $
multiply by 26 =
Annual Gross divided
by 12
Monthly Gross
Twice Monthly (2x Per Month): Add the Gross amounts on the two pay stubs, divided by the amount by 2, this
equals one pay stub, multiply by 2 to get the gross monthly amount.
Formula Gross Amount - $
divided by
# of Pay Stubs
Gross Amount - $
multiply by 2 =
Monthly Gross
Monthly: (1xPer Month)
Formula Gross Amount - $ Monthly Gross
Applicants meet income eligibility requirements per SLO County AMI Yes No
Completed by:__________________________________
Approved by:____________________________________
Primary Adult (A):
Secondary Adult (B):
Item 10.a. - Page 29
Item 10.a. - Page 30
Coordinated Entry O Basic Eligibility Screening Tool
San Luis Obispo County Homeless Services Providers
Person Completing Screening: Date:
[If the person asks for homeless assistance help, let them know you have a release of information form you'd like
them to sign. Ask them if they'd like you to read the release of information form or if they'd like to read it. Read it
verbatim or have them read it. Then ask them to sign it. Then use the script below.]
Now I have a few questions to ask you to see if you might qualify for assistance. This will take about 10 minutes.
You have the right to refuse to answer any of these questions and I'll still try to help you, but the more questions
you answer, the more I can determine if you might qualify for any available programs. All information provided wi!I
be shared between CAPSLO, 5 Cities Homeless Coalition, ECHO, The Link, arid Department of Social Services
Initials of staff verifying that the above actions were completed (include verification of verbal consent if needed)
1. First Name: Ml:
Phone: ----------
2. Are you or a family member a registered sex offender?
3. Are you currently homeless? 0No
First time being homeless? D No
Number of times homeless in past 3 years:
Number of months homeless in past 3 years:
last Name:
3a If C.URRENTL Y HOMELESS, where did you sleep last night?
(If response is not listed below, client does not c:urrently meet the definition. of homeless)
Os1eeping in an emergency shelter
Osieeping in a place riot meant for human habitation
Ostaying in a hospital or other institution for up to 90 days AND was homeless immediately
prior to entering the hospital or institution
Ostaying in transitional housing program for homeless persons
Ovictim of domestic violence
3b. lf NOT currently homeless. do you currently reside in permanent housing: 0Yes
If yes, please indicate which of the following applies to help determine if the person/household is
in imminent risk for losing their housing.
03 day pay or quit notice Date received:
D Eviction within two weeks from a private dwel!ing (eviction notice) Expires: ------
□Discharge within two weeks from an institution in which the person has been a resident for
more than 90 days (including prison, MH instituflon, and hospital)
0Place where person/family is living has been condemned by housing officials and is no longer
mearit for human habitation.
Osudden and significant loss of income
0 Physical or behavioral health conditions which are barriers to employment and result in
extremely low income (less than 30% AM!)
D Recent traumatic life event has prevented household from meeting its financial responslbilities
Revised 06/29/2018 1
Item 10.a. - Page 31
Coordinated Entry" Basic Eligibility Screening Tool
San Luis Obispo County Homeless Services Providers
D Pending foreclosure of housing
4. Do you have any type of housing subsidy? D No
If yes, type:
5. Address (if homeless, use last permanent address)
Street Address:
Apt#: City: ----------~--~~-~~--
If homeless, last city/state stayed in for 90+ days:
6. Date of Birth:
If ages 18-24, have you ever been in foster care? 0No 0Yes
Gender: □Female 0Male 0Transgender male to female Orransgender female to male
Oauestioning/unsure of gender identity 0Genderqueer/gender non-binary
D Declined/not stated 0Not listed, please specify:_~------------
7. What is your household size?
Anyone in household pregnant: D No
Name of spouse/significant other:
Spouse/significant other date of birth:
7a. Number of children under the age of 18:
Number of children over the age of 18:
Schoo!(s) attended:
7b. Number of other adults in the family:
Pets: 0No 0Yes
If yes, type:
8. Have you or a current family member ever been on active duty in the US Military?
If yes, STOP here and refer to SSVF.
9. App!icant(s} would be homeless "but for" this assistance. To meet the "but for" criteria,
applications must demonstrate all of the following:
0 No other housing options are available (family, friends)
D Household lacks the financial resources to obtain immediate housing or remain in its existing housing
D Household lacks support networks needed to obtain immediate housing or remain in its
existing housing
10. Special Needs -Does anyone in your household have any of the following:
Substance abuse problen,: . tJ No . t]Al~ohol.;buse . . [jorug abuse .
0Both alcohol and drug abuse Ooon't know □Refused
If Yes: Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: D No 0Yes Ooon't know □Refused
Currently receivinw treatment or services:. 0No. 0Ye$ ... O09,~'t kn?w . . O~~fused .
Revised 06/29/2018 2
Item 10.a. - Page 32
Coordinated Entry -Basic Eligibility Screening Tool
San Luis Obispo County Homeless Services Prnviders
Physlcal disability: 0No 0Yes Ooon't know 0Refused
If Yes: Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: 0No 0Yes 0Don't know □Refused
Currently receiving trnatment or services: 0No 0Yes Qoon't kno'-V 0Refus~d
Developmental disability: · 0No · [Jy~; [jD~n't know .. · · □Refused · · ..
If Yes: Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: 0No 0Yes 0Don't know □Refused
Currently receivin9 treatment or services: 0No 0Yes 0Don't know □Refused
Chronic health condition: · QNo 0Yes []Don't know t]Refu~;d · · · · ·
If Yes: Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: 0No 0Yes D Don't know D Refused
Currently receiving treatment or services: 0No 0Yes Ooon't know 0Refused ..
HIV/AIDS:... .. . .·• ... t]No .· .. □v~~· . [jDon•t know ... []Refused .. · ......... .
If Yes; Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: 0No 0Yes Ooon't know 0Refused
Currently receiving treatment or services: 0No . 0Yes 0Don't know . 0Refused ..
Mental health proble~: · QNo· Oves. · Oci~n't know······ · · LJR~fui~d · ·· · · ··
If Yes: Is condition expected to be of long and indefinite duration and impairs ability to live
independently: 0No 0Yes Ooon't know 0Refused
. Currently receiving treatment or services: 0No 0Yes D Don't know .. ORE:fLJsed
Domestic violence survivor or:fo . 0Yes . [J6;n't know... 0Refu~~d . . ...
If Yes: When did the most recent domestic violence experience occur:
11. Are you employed? 0No . 0Part-time .. . 0Full-ti~-~· .. .. Ol{~ti~~d
Total household income types and amounts, including all children's benefits:
□Employment -----Ossr ,.,.------OssDI
□Retirement ..,,,.,.,..,,,....,.,,,,.,=== 0TANF =-=----,--==-Oother
.. · ... .... .. ... ... >: .. · i .. PpfJl:le l:o/6:k)tihlV:•. · '.• :·· ·. /;,. •·. i:•F ;; ,.:;:::i:/}{J
Household Size 1 Person. Z Person 3. Pers.on 4 Persori. 5. Person 6 Person
-/1M.J{[~\(~:,·~>·rn_~"y/G"fj'~·q!g•¢.·;.-\s$J{:)\Mr;afJitli;ii-1/.VNff/JMMQ"µ!tei\b{Q/Pii1M~.1/~~ia~~\-$/:i_l{ht.rrJJ.!· .. :. , .. •,·•·· ··••,·,,:•.,~ .. •,~-· ·.-.
12. What other agencies have you worked with or are working with you now?
How did you hear about us?
If referred, what is the referring agency?
Caseworker or referring person name:
Phone: Email: ___________ Fax: _______ _
Staff Signature Client Signature (If available) Date
Revised 06/29/2018 3
Item 10.a. - Page 33
Coordinated Entry" Referral Form
San Luis Obispo County Homeless Services Providers
This referral is not a guarantee of services. Based upon the information provided on the Coordinat~d Entry
Screening Tool, you may be eligible for services through the agency/program listed below.
Final eli~ibi(i~y for services will be determined by the agency you are beinq referred to.
Client First Name: Ml:
Contact Phone: ---------------,--
Referring Agency:
Agency Phone:
Did client si!;Jn a Release of lnformaflon? . QNo
Reason for Referral
Last Name:
Worker: ---------------
Em a i I:
If yes, date signed: . .,...,.,,,.,~~.,...,....,~,,..,,-~~
Referred to:
05Cities Homeless Coalition
1566 West Grand Avenue
Grover Beach, CA 93433
(805) 574-1638
0Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter {CAPSLO)
750 Orcutt Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 781-3993
Hours: Opens at 5pm, must check in by 7pm.
Clients must leave by 7:30am.
DT-MHA -Transitions Mental Health Association
D 50Now D Permanent Supportive Housing
784 High Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 592-2888
Hours: 8am -5pm
0ECHO -El Camino Homeless Organization
6370 Atascadero Avenue
Atascadero, CA 93424
(805} 462-3663
Hours; 11 am -7pm
□Prado Day Center (CAPSLO)
43 Prado Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 786-0617
Hours: 8:30am -4:30pm
0The Link Family Resource Center
6500 Morro Road #A
Atascadero, CA 93422
(805) 466-5404
Type of Referral to Client: □Telephone Ocopy of Form Provided
Referred Agency/Agencies Contacted: Orelephone 0Faxed Form □Email D C!ientTrack
Client Signature Date
Staff Signature Date
Revised 06/29/2017 4
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 11 OF 22 |
For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction, or
rehabilitation projects, the County will require additional information on financial source and use
of funds and other budget details prior to the draft Action Plan funding recommendations.
(7-1) How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with
this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? Will the
project be required to pay a prevailing wage?
(7-2) Do you have any CDBG funds remaining from prior Fiscal Year allocations?
Yes No If YES, answer the following:
What fiscal year did you receive funding?
What project did you receive funding for?
How much is remaining?
Subsistence Payments for EP and Security Deposits
61463 services to begin 1/1/2019
Item 10.a. - Page 34
[i] □
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(7-3) Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available for each category, if applicable
(please include commitment letters if available):
CDBG Funds Requested
Other Federal Fund(s)
State Source(s)
Local Source(s)
Title 29 Requested
Applicants Matching Funds
(7-4) Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds from other sources? List below
funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources.
Source(s): Amount:
(7-5) Identify all jurisdictions you are applying to for CDBG funds. Indicate the amount
applied for at each jurisdiction, and the total amount requested. Note: Any project/program
being recommended less than $8,000 total will not be funded per the Cooperation Agreement.
City of Arroyo Grande
City of Atascadero
City of Morro Bay
City of Paso Robles
City of Pismo Beach
City of San Luis Obispo
County of San Luis Obispo
ESG 50,000
Item 10.a. - Page 35
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
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(7-6) Please list expenditures under CDBG by item or cost category, and attach a timeline of
the expenditures.
Every person or Agency awarded a 2019 CDBG Contract or grant by San Luis Obispo County for the
provision of services shall be required to certify to the County that they will comply with federal and local
requirements including, but not limited to, those listed below. Please initial each certification listed to
indicate you or your agency can and will comply with these requirements if funded.
Federal Requirements Initials
Affirmative Marketing Quarterly and annual reports shall be submitted by the
project/program manager to the County for CDBG-funded public
services and housing projects. Each report shall include the total
number of project/program applicants and clients served with
respect to race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status. Affirmative
marketing efforts shall be taken to increase the participation of any
underserved groups.
Americans with
Disabilities Act
Certify that this agency has reviewed its projects, programs and
services for compliance with all applicable regulations contained in
Title II, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Audits Agrees to have an annual audit conducted in accordance with
current San Luis Obispo County policy regarding audits and 2 CFR
200.501 audit requirements. Shall comply with current San Luis
Obispo County policy concerning the purchase of equipment and
shall maintain inventory records of all non-expendable personal
property as defined by such policy as may be procured with funds
provided through the grant.
Civil Rights Act Certify that it complies with and prohibits discrimination in
accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
DEPOSIT $4,000 @ 5 20,000
Homeless Prevention Subsistence (Max of $7,000 per houshold limied to 3 months)21,000
Case Management 9,000
Item 10.a. - Page 36
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Conflict of Interest (2 CFR 200.112, 200.318, and 570.611) Certify and agree that no
covered persons who exercise or have exercised any functions or
responsibilities with respect to CDBG-assisted activity, or who are in
a position to participate in a decision-making process or gain inside
information with regard to such activities, may obtain a financial
interest in any contract, or have a financial interest in any contract,
subcontract, or agreement with respect to the CDBG-assisted
activity, either for themselves or those with whom they have
business or immediate family ties, during their tenure or for a period
of one (1) year thereafter. A “covered person” includes any person
who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or
appointed official of the agency
Debarment Status of
Certify that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its
principals will not knowingly enter into any subcontract with a
person who is, or organization that is, debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible from award of
contracts by any Federal agency
Drug-Free Workplace Certify that it will provide a drug-free workplace.
Prior to HUD’s release of grant conditions and/or funds for the
CDBG-funded project, a review of the project’s potential impact on
the environment must be conducted and approved by the County of
San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The
County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable
environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs
be obligated or incurred prior to the completion of the necessary
environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal
funds. The level of environmental review required depends on the
nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at
Accounting Standards: Agrees to comply with 2 CFR 200(E)(F) and
agrees to adhere to the accounting principles and procedures
required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain
necessary source documentation for all costs incurred.
Cost Principles: Shall administer its program in conformance with 2
CFR 200(E), “Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations,” or 2 CFR
225, “Cost Principles for State and Local Governments,” as applicable.
These principles shall be applied for all costs incurred whether
charged on a direct or indirect basis.
Procurement Policies: Certify and agree to procure all materials,
property, or services in accordance with the requirements of 2 CFR
Item 10.a. - Page 37
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HMIS Reporting All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,
house, or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate the
capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless
Management Information System (HMIS) to provide: personnel for
data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for
compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system
that stores client level information about persons who access the
homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports
aggregate data for the County as per HUD’s Data Standards. HUD
updated its data standards in 2014, and the new standards are in
effect as of October 1, 2014. More information can be found at
Standards-Manual.pdf and
Liability The County and cities require all grant recipients to maintain general
liability, automobile and workman’s compensation insurance with
limits of not less than $1 million (may vary by jurisdiction). If you are
successful in obtaining a reward, you will be asked to provide
documentation regarding your ability to provide the required
Lobbying Activities Certify that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid, by or on behalf of the agency, to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding
of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making
of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement,
and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or
modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative
Lobbying Disclosure The undersigned certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and
belief, that:
A. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by
or on behalf of the Subrecipient, to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding
of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making
of any Federal loan, the entering into a cooperative agreement, and
the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of
Item 10.a. - Page 38
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any Federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement in
accordance with the Department of Interior and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act, known as the Byrd Amendments, and HUD'S 24
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 87.
B. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid
or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a
member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant,
loan, or cooperative agreement, the Subrecipient shall complete and
submit Standard Form LL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,” in
accordance with its instructions, and other federal disclosure forms
as requested.
C. The Subrecipient shall require that the language of this
certification be included in the award documents for all subawards
at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under
grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients
shall certify and disclose accordingly.
This certification is a material representation of fact upon which
reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.
Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or
entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S.
Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be
subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than
$100,000 for each such failure.
Mandatory Disclosure The non-Federal entity or applicant for a Federal award must
disclose, in a timely manner*, in writing to the Federal awarding
agency or pass-through entity all violations of Federal criminal law
involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations, potentially affecting
the Federal award. Failure to make required disclosures can result in
any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.338 (Remedies for
Noncompliance), including suspension or debarment. (See also 2 CFR
Part 180 and 31 USC 3321). Limit one violation per form. The
subrecipient acknowledges that the completion and submission of
this form will satisfy the requirement in 2 CFR 200.113 (Mandatory
Disclosure) and will be done at the time of subrecipient agreement
execution with the County.
Minority Business
Enterprise (MBE),
Women’s Business
Certify that it will comply with 2 CFR 200.321 to take all necessary
affirmative steps to assure that minority firms, women business
enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible.
Item 10.a. - Page 39
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Enterprise (WBE),
Small Business
Further certify that it will submit to San Luis Obispo County at the
time of project completion a report of the MBE and WBE status of all
subcontractors to be paid with CDBG funds with contracts of $10,000
or greater, in a format that will be provided by the County.
Real Property Certify that it will comply with real property standards (24 CFR Part
570.505) applicable to any property within the owner’s control that is
acquired or improved in whole or in part using CDBG funds in excess
of $25,000.
Religious Activities Certify and agree that funds provided to the agency will not be
utilized for inherently religious activities prohibited by 24 CFR
570.200(j), such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization.
Relocation Any project that involves the acquisition of property, construction,
and/or rehabilitation and that is funded in whole or in part with
federal CDBG funds is subject to federal relocation requirements. In
general, any property owner, commercial business, or residential
occupant who is displaced by a HUD-funded project may be eligible
for relocation benefits. A project cannot be broken into separate
“projects” in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with
property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning the
relocation regulations for a specific property acquisition project
should be directed to the County Housing and Economic
Development staff before any action is taken on the project.
Section 3 Certify and agree to ensure that opportunities for training and
employment arising in connection with contracts or subcontracts for
a housing rehabilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead-
based paint hazards), housing construction, or other public
construction project are given to low- and very low-income persons
residing within the metropolitan area in which the CDBG-funded
project is located; where feasible, priority should be given to low-
and very low-income persons within the service area of the project
or the neighborhood in which the project is located, and to low- and
very low-income participants in other HUD programs; and award
contracts for work undertaken in connection with a housing
rehabilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead-based
paint hazards), housing construction, or other public construction
project to business concerns that provide economic opportunities
for low- and very low-income persons residing within the
metropolitan area in which the CDBG-funded project is located;
where feasible, priority should be given to business concerns that
provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income
residents within the service area or the neighborhood in which the
project is located, and to low- and very low-income participants in
other HUD programs.
Item 10.a. - Page 40
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Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Certify that it has read
and understands all of its obligations under Section 504 to prohibit
discrimination against persons with disabilities in the operation of
programs receiving federal financial assistance.
Do not hesitate to contact Tony Navarro at:, or by phone at 805-781-5787 if
you have any questions.
I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Signature DATE
Printed or Typed Name Title
Digitally signed by
Date: 2018.10.19 12:06:58 -08'00'10/19/18
Janna Nichols
Executive Director
Item 10.a. - Page 41
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 19 OF 22 |
Exhibit A – Housing Rehab and Construction Projects
Will the affordable housing project be applying for tax credits? Yes No
If yes, what round? March June
If March was selected and if your project is identified to receive funds, will your
project require a Reservation Letter for the state tax creditors Yes No
Has NEPA been completed on this project? Yes No
What is the age of the property/building in years?
Has a property inspection report been completed if undertaking rehab? Yes No
For buildings/structures constructed prior to 1978:
Have asbestos and lead hazard risk assessment reports been issued for the facility? Yes No
Has the facility been abated for asbestos and lead paint? Yes No
Will children occupy the facility? Yes No
If yes, indicate the age range of children:
Has a Phase I or Phase II environmental assessment been conducted for the
property? If so, please provide a copy.
Yes No
List and describe any known hazards (e.g. asbestos, storage tanks – underground, aboveground):
Item 10.a. - Page 42
a a
a C
a C
C □
□ C
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 20 OF 22 |
Has the property been designated or been determined to be potentially eligible
for designation as a local, state, or national historic site? If Yes, describe below: Yes No
Is the building/structure located on a Historic Site? Yes No
Is the building/structure located in a Historic District? Yes No
Is the building/structure in a Flood Zone? Yes No
Is the building/structure in a Flood Plain? Yes No
Does your agency have flood insurance? Yes No
Will there be demolition required? Yes No
The questions below ask about zoning. If zoning information is not known, contact the local municipality
to request assistance.
What is the project structure type?
Residential Commercial Public facility Public right-of-way
What is the current zoning of the project site?
Is the project site zoned correctly for the proposed
activity? Yes No
If no, provide below an explanation of efforts and a timetable to change the zoning or obtain a variance:
Item 10.a. - Page 43
C □
C IO a C
a C
C C a C a □
□ I □ □ ID
976 OSOS STREET, ROOM 300 | SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93408 | (805) 781-5600 | TTY/TRS 7-1-1 PAGE 21 OF 22 |
B.15. Does the project require temporary/permanent relocation of occupants?Yes No
If yes, this project is subject to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Policies Act (URA). Describe the relocation plans, including timetable and notifications to occupants.
List how many of the occupied units are: (a) owner-occupied; (b) renter-occupied; or (c) businesses.
Indicate whether temporary and/or permanent displacement is required. [NOTE: This will be for site
information only. Relocation activities will not be eligible for funding with Fiscal Year 2018 CDBG
Item 10.a. - Page 44
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Federal regulations require that all facilities and/or services assisted with CDBG funds be accessible to the
disabled. Accessibility includes such things as: entrance ramps, parking with universal logo signage,
grab bars around commodes and showers, top of toilet seats that meet required height from the
floor, drain lines under lavatory sink either wrapped or insulated, space for wheelchair
maneuverability, accessible water fountains, access between floors (elevators, ramps, lifts), and
other improvements needed to assure full access to funded facilities/programs, including serving
the blind and deaf.
Describe below whether the project currently meets ADA standards for accessibility by the disabled. If
not, describe the accessibility problems and methods to be utilized to address the problems,
including funding and timetable.
Item 10.a. - Page 45
Item 10.a. - Page 46