CC 2019-01-08_10a Appointment to Fill Council Vacancy MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO FILL CITY COUNCIL VACANCY DATE: JANUARY 8, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Approval of an appointment to fill the existing vacant City Council seat. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There is no cost impact from making the appointment. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended: 1) the City Council approve an appointment to fill the existing City Council vacancy; and 2) the individual appointed be sworn in by the City Clerk and be seated for the remainder of the meeting. BACKGROUND: At the December 11, 2018 meeting, Caren Ray was sworn in as Mayor creating an immediate vacancy of her City Council seat, which has two years left remaining in the term. Government Code Section 36512 requires the City Council to fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy within sixty (60) days. Other than the sixty-day timeframe, State law does not identify any specific procedure that must be followed to fill a vacancy by appointment. The City Council must take action by February 8, 2019. At the December 11th meeting, the City Council considered options for the process to fill the vacancy. The following was agreed upon:  The City Council vacancy would be filled by City Council appointment.  Application and notice of vacancy forms were approved and a deadline of December 20, 2018 to submit applications was established.  The appointment was scheduled to take place at the January 8, 2019 meeting. The appointment will be preceded by an opportunity for candidate statements, questions from the City Council, and public comment.  Council Members would rank all the applicants. The rankings would be tabulated and presented by the City Clerk. The results would be nonbinding and are meant to assist the City Council in making a motion for the top applicant.  The new City Council Member would be sworn in and be seated for the remainder of the January 8, 2019 meeting. Item 10.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO FILL CITY COUNCIL VACANCY JANUARY 8, 2019 PAGE 2 On December 12, 2018, staff issued a Notice of Intention to Fill a Vacancy for Member of the City Council by Appointment and Application (Attachment 1) and a media news release (Attachment 2). Applications were made available on the City website and at City Hall. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The City received six applications. Staff reviewed the applications and determined that one applicant (Elizabeth Raye) did not live within the incorporated limits of the City of Arroyo Grande nor is she a registered voter of the City of Arroyo Grande. As such, this applicant was determined to be ineligible for the appointment. A second applicant, Bruce Berlin, meets all of the eligibility requirements; however, he did not sign the application. Staff assumes this was inadvertent and his application is included for consideration. Should the Council choose to consider Mr. Berlin for the appointment, we would recommend that he be asked to sign the application. The remaining four applicants (Lan George, Coleen Kubel, Andrea Montes and Jason Telander) meet all eligibility requirements. Copies of the applications are attached. The Brown Act requires that all deliberation regarding the appointment be done in public. A ranking form is attached, which is the same one used in 2010 and 2013. The following process is recommended based on Council direction: 1. Each qualified applicant will be asked to make a statement up to a maximum of 5 minutes, which will include the three most important issues facing the City from the applicant’s perspective. 2. The order in which the applicants will make their statement will be determined by random draw. 3. Each applicant will be asked to respond to questions from the City Council to assess their knowledge, qualifications, and clarify any application details. 4. The public is provided an opportunity for comment. 5. City Council may discuss the applications and/or process. 6. The ranking form is completed by each Council Member. The tabulation will be done openly at the meeting. Once the ranking forms are completed, it is recommended they be submitted to the City Clerk to tabulate the results. As a part of the tabulation process, each Council Member’s individual ranking sheet will be displayed for public review and results will be entered onto a Final Ranking Sheet. Upon tabulation by the City Clerk, the final applicant rankings will be displayed. The City Council may then utilize the nonbinding results as a guide in formulating a motion for the appointment. When an appointment is approved by a majority of the Council, it is recommended the individual appointed be invited to come forward to be sworn in by the City Clerk and be seated for the remainder of the meeting. If for some reason the City Council is not successful in approving an appointment at the meeting, it would still have until February 8, 2019 to take action. Therefore, the appointment could be accomplished by continuing the item to the January 22, 2019 regular meeting or by scheduling a special meeting. Item 10.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO FILL CITY COUNCIL VACANCY JANUARY 8, 2019 PAGE 3 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Make the appointment at the January 8, 2019 meeting pursuant to the process set forth by the Council; 2. Modify the process and make the appointment at the meeting; or 3. Provide staff other direction. ADVANTAGES: The appointment shall fill the vacancy in a timely manner and provide a full City Council to address a number of important City issues that will be coming up in the near future. The process developed by the City Council is fair, objective and provides for public involvement. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Letters received from the public submitted separately from the applications are attached. Attachments: 1. Notice of Intention to Fill Vacancy by Appointment and Application 2. City news release 3. Applications 4. Applicant Ranking Form 5. Correspondence from public Item 10.a. - Page 3 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FILL A VACANCY FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL BY APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arroyo Grande will accept applications for appointment to the City Council to fill the vacancy created by the election of Council Member Ray as Mayor in the November 6, 2018 General Municipal Election. The term of this Council seat is from the date of appointment to December 2020. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, reside within the corporate limits of the City of Arroyo Grande, and be registered to vote in the City of Arroyo Grande at the time of application. To be considered for the position, applicants must attend the City Council meeting on January 8, 2019. Each qualified applicant will be asked to make a statement up to a maximum of 5 minutes, which shall include your thoughts of the three most important issues facing the City. Each applicant will then be asked to respond to questions from the City Council to assess their knowledge, qualifications, and application details. The order in which the applicants will make their presentation will be determined by random draw at the meeting on January 8, 2019. It is the Council’s intent to make an appointment at this meeting. The appointee will be sworn in by the City Clerk and will take his or her place on the dais for the remainder of the meeting. All applicants should read all published materials for the meeting and be prepared to fully participate as a Council Member if selected. It is desirable that the applicant be available to attend the League of California Cities New Mayors & Council Members Academy which will be held Jan. 16 – 18, 2019 in Sacramento. Application Period: 8:00 am on Wednesday, December 12, 2018, through 5:00 pm on Thursday, December 20, 2018 Applications are available from: Office of the City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420; and City’s website: www.arroyogrande.org Applications are available at City Hall during normal business hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. City Hall is closed on Friday, December 14, 2018; however, completed applications can be placed in the payment drop-box in front of City Hall. Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks, email submissions or faxes accepted). Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 20, 2018 (no extensions) For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 805-473-5400. ATTACHMENT 1 e CITY OF • ' ... -~~NIA :/! Item 10.a. - Page 4 • _@.:~~_CITY OF .. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPLICATION TO FILL COUNCIL VACANCY I ctEAR FORM , I '"Jl~L I FOR N i~✓-~ "-b--tn-.n:W""---.."":::--'f J Applicant must be a resident and registered voter of the City of Arroyo Grande Application Deadline: Thursday, December 20, 2018 -5:00 p.m. Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks, email submissions or faxes accepted) NAME: DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE? YesQNoQ Last First Ml ADDRESS: ARE YOU 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? YesQNoQ Number Street City Zip ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? YesONoO TELEPHONE: Hm L_) Wk(_) Are you now serving on a City Commission/Committee? -------------------- If so, which? ___________________________________ _ Have you previously served on a City Board, Commission, or Committee? If yes, which body and dates of service? EDUCATION (Include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) CURRENT EMPLOYER: EMPLOYER ADDRESS: PHONE: ------------------- PO S ITl ON OR TITLE: Explain your reason(s) for wanting to serve: Page 1 of 2 Item 10.a. - Page 5 QUALIFICATIONS OR EXPERIENCE: (Applicable to the purpose and subject matter of this appointment) COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (List organization memberships and committee assignments) List three persons, not relatives, who have knowledge of your character, experience, community involvement, and abilities. You may also attach letters of reference and/or a resume (optional). PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name Address Phone Occupation I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant Signature Date Notice to Applicants: 1) Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2) State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Council Members file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving office (e.g., sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3) This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. FOR USE BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE: (Date Stamp) Received by: __________________ _ Page 2 of 2 Item 1 O.a. -Page 6 Item 10.a. - Page 6 PRESS RELEASE ISSUE DATE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APPLICATIONS FOR COUNCIL VACANCY BEING ACCEPTED ARROYO GRANDE, CA - The City of Arroyo Grande is accepting applications for appointment as City Council Member to fill the vacancy created by the election of Caren Ray as Mayor in the November 6, 2018 General Municipal Election. The term of this office will begin on the date of appointment and end in December, 2020. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, reside within the corporate limits of the City of Arroyo Grande, and be registered to vote in the City of Arroyo Grande. Applications are now available at Arroyo Grande City Hall located at 300 E. Branch Street and on the City’s website at www.arroyogrande.org. Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks, faxes, or email submissions accepted). The Application deadline is 5:00 p.m., Thursday, December 20, 2018. It is the intention of the City Council to make a selection to fill the vacancy at its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. The Council encourages public participation and input in this process and invites members of the community to attend the meeting. For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 805-473-5400. /s/ JAMES BERGMAN, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2018 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK OR JESSICA MATSON, DEPUTY CITY CLERK LEGISLATIVE AND INFORMATION SERVICES (805) 473-5414 ATTACHMENT 2 ,e-CITY OF • "' ~~~: Item 10.a. - Page 7 Item 10.a. - Page 8 Item 10.a. - Page 9 Item 10.a. - Page 10 Item 10.a. - Page 11 Item 10.a. - Page 12 Item 10.a. - Page 13 .... · ;;.; CiTV . . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. APPLICATION TO F.ILL .COUNCIL VACANCY Applicant must be a resident and registered voter of the City of Arroyo Grande ' -.c ' · Application D.eadline: Thursday, December 20, 2018 -s·:oo p.m. Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks, email submissions or fax~s accepted) NAME: .. .i. . DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN,THE CITY LIMITS ·OF THE .CITY ·; KOBEL ··C.,oL~ ~ OF ARROYO GRANDE? · Yes~NoO Last First Ml ADDRESS: " q3L(2.<J ARE YOU 18 YEARS.OF AGE OR OLDER?.· Yes.a(). ~ ftrR-(2,'}_ 0 . &J¼rJ.i>?-;, ·ARE YOU.REGISTERED TOVOTE.? Yes(i)NoO Number Street· . City Zip ; TELEPHONE: Hm (>$DS) Wk (_· . _) ~ ~ f:- Are you how serving on a. Ci~y Commi~sion/Committee?_.-/{_._o ________________ ___:_~---- .• ,f so, which? --'--'-----------------'--------,-----------'--....::.--,;__---------- Have you prevjously served on .a City Boar~; Commission, or Committee? __._R_· ... Q"""-'t}""""'•------,--------- If yes, which bod.y and dates of service? /// 7 To 1~/1& , I EDUC.ATION (in:Clude professional o'r vocational licenses or certificates) EMPLOYER ADDRESS: . POSITIONORTITLE:· ~\.\ ~. ~~/() cb:%i/4£PHONE: ·ow N 60: l (].oa 1 T1s: ocr-oe. . 1 !;:xplain your reason(slfor,wanting to serv~: . . . . I want to be 6n the city council, because I want to represent all the citizens of Arroyo Grande, Whether they voted for me or not. I was runner up to those who did get elected, and I think that is a mandate from over 2300 voters. They wanted me on the City Council. The city co1Jncil needs balance otherwise it just rubberstamps everything that comes before it, without true discussion from both sides of the issues. I wantto be one of five decision makers, who develop the f.uture ofour community, ensure its alignment with our citizens values, and support a vision that ·our citizens have for the future of their family, their business ,1nd · themselv~s.-1 ha~e experien~e in. ~~th the public and private sectors, having worked in Law Enforcement for many; many years, and the p~i~ate se'ctor; owning my owh Construction Business. I have management experience working as the Daily Operation Superiliso~ for ~outh County Transit for 1~:yrs. I h~ve a ge~uine passion forth is community, it is m~ home. I am very familiar · with city staff., and the workings of the various departments within, especially .the building department, planning, and the Architectural Review Committee, which I was a meinber of.until recently. Item 10.a. - Page 14 ti '· . QUALIFICATIONS OR EXPERIENCE: (Applicable to the purpose and subject matter of this.appointment) My qualifications for the appointment as a City Council Member, go back 63 yrs., and as late as November Gth,when over 2300 citizens voted for me in this past election, I was first runner up in the election. That covers how long I have lived in the South County, and my dedication to wanting to serve my community, by running for office. My· working career spans over 40. yrs. in the work force, covers public and private sectors, law enforcement, transportation; and running my own business. I have held jobs ranging from manually building a home, to supervising.my own business, and public transportation. I have held critical jobs in law enforcement in which I held citizens lives in my hands at times,.getting them help in an emergency. I am currently a General Building Contractor. I was a member of the ARC Committee from Jan of 20171to Dec of 2018. I am very familiar with the various departments in the city government of Arroyo Grande, and up to date on an issues fadng the city, now and in the future, by attending.and participating in council meetings for over two years. I .am .also very familiar with the Sanitation District having attended meetings and participated for over two years . . ·coMMUNllYJNVPLVE;M~NT (list organizationme.1J1berships and committee assignments)' I was a volunteer on the Five Cities Youth Football Board, in Arroyo Grande, as the Department of Justice Representative; in charge of running back ground checks for·football yolunteers and coaches. I was aiso the videographer. For overten years I videotaped every game that I could, made .. highlight videos for ec1ch player on the field, which totc1led up tp 200 individual video's per ~eason;. The average 'season total hours videoing was 300 hrs. for 10 teams; totaling over 3,000 hours over the 10 yrs. To this day I still have players come up to me, Grandma Kubel, give me a hug, and thank me for doing thatforthem. Many still watch them even in to.ther~ 20's. I also volunteered to video the Freshman and Jr. Varsity Football games for· several years, at Arroyo Grande High School .. Videos were used for game analysis etc. I also furnished highlight videos for these young men as well, at. the end of each season. l'also volunteered for my church, worked in.the office; and helped with maintenance chores, builtsets for plays thatthe churc was involved in putting on, etc. i have also volunteered my time to assist not only Arroyo Grande, but Grover Beach and Pismo Beach, whenever they needed a special occ.ision trolley or other bus. I drove the bus/trolley mys~lfand volunteered my time. Ha.rvest Fes~ival Parade for the AG Women's Club, Grover·seach for the Christmas Parade and Christ~as Light Judges, Pismo Beach for special events in there city also. , . . • . ? List three persons, ,not relatives,.who have knowledge of your character, experience, communityinvolvement, and abilities. You may also attach letters of reference and/or a resume (optional). PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. .Name Address Phone Occupation I hereby declare• that ~he foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~/~ Applicant Signature )2 /I q/J~ Date r 1 Notice to Applicants: 1) Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2) State law i:ind the Ci_ty's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Council Members file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving ·office (e.g., sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3) This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. FOR USE BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE: (Date s~IVED DEC 2_ 0 2018 CITY CLERK'S OFFIC.E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. Page 2 of2 Item 10.a. - Page 15 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPLICATION TO FILL COUNCIL VACANCY Applicant must be a resident and registered voter of the City of Arroyo Grande Application Deadline: Thursday, December 20, 2018 -5:00 p.m. \ Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks:, email submissions or faxes accepted) NAME: DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY Telander, Jason S. OF ARROYO GRANDE? Yes@NoQ Last First Ml ADDRESS: ARE YOU 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? Yes@NoQ Arroyo Grande 93420 ARE YOU REGISTER.ED TO VOTE? Yes@NoO Number Street City Zip TELEPHONE: Hm (_§Qji) Wk(805 ) Are you how serving on a City Commission/Committee?_N_o ___ -'----------------- lf so, which? _______________________________ ,--_____ _ Have you previously served on a City Board, Commission, or Committee? No ------------- If yes, which body and dates of service? EDUCATION (include professional or vocational licenses or certificates) BA History Grinnell College CURRENT EMPLOYER: VTC Enterprises ---------------------------------- EMPLOYER ADDRESS: 2445 A Street Santa Maria, CA 93456 PHONE: (805) 928-5000 POSITION OR TITLE: CEO Explain your reason(s) for wanting to serve: To ensure efforts are maintained to allow for residents of the city to contribute to various city committees and sub-committees. We build a stronger community when we allow everyone to be heard. · To. improve the quality of life for .the residents and visitors of Arroyo Grande by building stronger partnerships and better coordinating with the surrounding communities to create regional services or when possible eliminate duplicative services. Southern San Luis Obispo County has so much to offer in terms of out door recreation and the opportunities afforded by the Diablo Canyon p~operty and Camp Arroyo Grande could create the chance to create outdoor recreation destinations for the residents of the entire state. I would li.ke to see the city be a leader in these discussions .. To ensure the effective provision and coordination of city services for the residents of Arroyo Grande within the city's current revenues and establish a plan to maintain the financial health of the city. Page 1 of 2 Item 10.a. - Page 16 QUALIFICATIONS OR EXPERIENCE: (Applicable to the purpose and subject matter of this appointment) I feel my twelve years of experience leading two not-for-profit organizations has prepared me well for this opportunity. I feel I've been able to work effectively with board members, stakeholders and members of the public to improve opportunities for individuals with disabilities and believe I would be able to use these same skills as a member of the city council. I feel I could use my experience with strategic planning and budgeting to help establish spending priorities for the city that will provide for the needs of all of us as residents while maintaining the long term fiscal health of the city. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (List organization memberships and committee assignments) California Disability Services Association -Board Vice~President -Central Coast Caucus Chair California Association for Adult Day Services -Board Member Tri-Counties Regional Center (San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties) -HCBS Final Rule Task F_orce Committee Member -WIOA Employment Task Force Committee Member Rotary Club of Santa Maria Member List three per~ons, not relatives, who have knowledge of your character, experience, community involvement, and abilities. You may also attach letters of reference and/or a resume (optional). PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LIST.ING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name Address Phone Occupation Scott Astrosky Arroyo Grande (805) Real Estate Broker . I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ~ {2____, \2-l ~-'20\ "( ApplinSignature Date Notice to Applicants: 1) Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2) State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Council Members file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving office (e.g., sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3) -This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. FOR USE BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE: (Date Stamp) RECEIVED Received by:½IJ/V\.~~ OEC.2 0 2018 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE // ,_53~'('/\-, Item 10.a. - Page 17 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPLICATION TO FILL COUNCIL VACANCY Applicant must be a resident and registered voter of the City of Arroyo Grande I Application Deadline: Thursday, December 20, 2018 -5:00 p.m. Original, signed applications must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk 300 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande (no postmarks, email submissions or faxes accepted) NAME: DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE? Yes@NoO Berlin Bruce Last First Ml ADDRESS: ARE YOU 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? Yes@NoQ Arroyo Grande 93420 Yes®NoO Number Street City Zip ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE? TELEPHONE: Hm (805.1) Wk(805 ) Are you now serving on a City Commission/Committee? Yes ---------------------- If so, which? Architectural Review Committee since May 2014 Have you previously served on a City Board, Commission, or Committee? Yes -See above ---------,----- If yes, which body and dates of service? _A_R_C_fr_o_m_o_s_12_0_1_4_t_o_c_u_rr_e_nt _______________ _ Wil!ing to return to ARC for another 4 year term if not selected to City Council. EDUCATION (include professlonal or vocational licenses or certificates) BS -Environmental Horticulture, CAL POLY SLO CURRENT EMPLOYER: CaliFlora Resources LLC EMPLOYER ADDRESS: PO BOX 1653 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 POSITION OR TITLE: Native Plant Ecologist/ Consultant Explain your reason(s) for wanting to serve: PHONE: (805) 710-3073 yo Grande is a unique city and has great community participation and pride. I feel it is our duty, as American citizens, o find ways to participate in our democracy, including to animate the structures of government-as a representative and xtension of our fellow citizens. I feel strongly that our community has great potential and also has both known and unforeseen challenges , and that with good governance, leadership, intelligence, and communication we can meet those allenges and forge a future that is stable, financially sound, and provides security and confidence for the residents of rroyo Grande. I would want to be a member of a City Council that gathers and processes intelligence and builds a trust, pport, respect and participation from all its citizens, not just the vocal, but also for the benefit of those who traditionally ave not participated or had a "voice" at the table. It would be a greJt honor, and great duty to sit on the City Council and ntribute thoughtful deliberation, dialog, and direction to making good decisions and making meaningful progress. I do ecognize the many significant challenges in the coming years, and am confident my capabilities, commitment and eople-focused approach would be a positive addition to the very capable and well respected currently-seated Council and ayor, as well as working well with the fine City Staff and City Manager. Page 1 of 2 Item 10.a. - Page 18 QUALIFICATIONS OR EXPERIENCE: (Applicable to the purpose and subject matter of this appointment} 19 Year resident of Arroyo Grande-including raising 2 young men (23 & 20) thru local public schools Lived on Central Coast for 26 years. $erved on ARC since May 2014 and enjoy working w ARC as a committee to be constructive and good resource for both the City and for the project owners bringing in projects to review. Constuctive review & criticism. Open-minded and fair; open and respectful to other's perspectives . $at on Jury 3 times in my life, once as Foreman, and able to listen critically, deliberate, and reach consensus on a verdict /\gricultural and environmental background provide needed persepective to AG's agricultural history and future. I follow most meetings either live or on Community TV or via website to stay aware of projects/ activities/ challenges within our City. Feel very strong about our need to serve our community and participate with a focus on improvement & the future. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (List organization memberships and committee assignments) Architectural Review Committee Member -May 2014 thru December 2018- Jim Guthrie _Community Grand Panel-ARC representative -2016 City of Arroyo Grande Public Art Panel -2017-2018 AYSO Socer: Referee 2005-2015-Including 2011 Volunteer of the year 5 Cities Youth Basketball Referee/ Coach -2003 thru 2007 California Native Plant Society-20+ year member Society for Ecological Restoration - 1 O+ year member Rancho Grande HOA -Board of Directors-2003 thru 2006 Small business owner List three persons, not relatives, who have knowledge of your character, experience, community involvement, and abilities. You may also attach letters of reference and/or a resume (optional}. PLEASE OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM INDIVIDUALS BEFORE LISTING THEM AS A REFERENCE. Name Address Phone Occupation Mary Hertel NASA Pilot/ Former EA BOS I hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant Signature Date Notice to Applicants: 1) Applicants appointed by the City Council are required to take an Oath of Office. 2) State law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code requires that Council Members file Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) upon assuming office, annually, and upon leaving office (e.g., sources of income, loans, gifts, investments, interests in real property within the City). 3) This application is a matter of public record and portions thereof are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. FOR USE BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE: (Date Stamp) RECEIVED DEC 2 0 2018 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Page 2 of 2 Item 10.a. - Page 19 MAYOR RAY RUSSOM RANKING SHEET FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Rank the applicants from 1 to 4 1 = High (1st choice) 4 = Low APPLICANT RANKING BRUCE BERLIN LAN GEORGE COLEEN KUBEL ANDREA MONTES JASON TELANDER ____________ ATTACHMENT 4 Item 10.a. - Page 20 MAYOR PRO TEM BARNEICH RANKING SHEET FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Rank the applicants from 1 to 4 1 = High (1st choice) 4 = Low APPLICANT RANKING BRUCE BERLIN LAN GEORGE COLEEN KUBEL ANDREA MONTES JASON TELANDER ____________ Item 10.a. - Page 21 COUNCIL MEMBER PAULDING RANKING SHEET FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Rank the applicants from 1 to 4 1 = High (1st choice) 4 = Low APPLICANT RANKING BRUCE BERLIN LAN GEORGE COLEEN KUBEL ANDREA MONTES JASON TELANDER ____________ Item 10.a. - Page 22 COUNCIL MEMBER STORTON RANKING SHEET FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER Rank the applicants from 1 to 4 1 = High (1st choice) 4 = Low APPLICANT RANKING BRUCE BERLIN LAN GEORGE COLEEN KUBEL ANDREA MONTES JASON TELANDER ____________ Item 10.a. - Page 23 RANKING SHEET - TOTALS FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBER APPLICANT RAY RUSSOM BARNEICH PAULDING STORTON TOTAL BRUCE BERLIN 0 LAN GEORGE 0 COLEEN KUBEL 0 ANDREA MONTES 0 JASON TELANDER 0 Applicants ranked from 1 to 4 1 = High (1st choice)4 = Low Lowest total = Top ranked applicant Item 10.a. - Page 24 Attachment 5 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: J ulie London Kristen Bameich; Keith Storton ; Caren Ray : Jimmy Pauldi ng J im Ber gman Do the right thing Friday, December 14, 2018 10 :20:3 1 AM Please consider appointing the third i n line from ou r past election for Arroyo Grande City Counci l. This would be Coleen Kube l. It is what the voters wanted. It is what YOU would have wanted it you came i n th i rd. j~ Julie London _,AG Item 10.a. - Page 25 Fro m: To : Jimm y Pau ldi ng Jim Bergman Subject: Fwd: Open Cou ncil seat Dat e : Monday, December 17, 2018 8 :37 : 15 AM FYI Begin fo1war ded message: From: "Ellen Gaver, " Date: Decem ber 14, 2018 at 10 :29:32 AM P ST To: <jpaulding@an-oyogrande.org> Subject: Open Council s eat Dear Council Member Paulding, I am writing to voice my concem about the process in place to fill Mayor Ray's s eat on City Council. As I understand it, the Council is accepting applications for the vacant seat and will v ote on and appoint THEIR choice for the open seat. It seems to me that if our Council i s intended to be truly representative of t he people, that the voting citizens of AIToyo Grande should be the on es to fill that seat. We all knew that t here would be a third seat open should M s. Ray win the Mayoral race, which sh e did, but now our ri ght to choose our repres entat ive is being usUiped by the goveming Council. I respecfully request that th e following two options be consid ered: 1. We hold a special election to fill the vacant seat. 2 . The person who receiv ed t he third highest number of votes in the November election be advanced to the open seat. Please, let 's keep our Council repres entative of the citizens of A1rnyo Grande. Thank you for your considerat ion. Health & happiness, Ellen Gav er AIToyo Grande, CA 93420 (home/office) (text only) Item 10.a. - Page 26 Fro m: To : Jimmy Pau lding J im Bergman Subject: Fwd: Open Seat for City Cou ncil Mo nday, December 17, 2 018 8 :37:43 AM Da t e : FYI Begin fo1war ded m essage: From: Sh arlotte Wilson > Date: Decem ber 14, 2018 at 3 :20:52 AM P ST To: <jpaulding@anoyogrande.org> Subject: Open Seat for C ity Council Dear Council Mem ber P aulding , Congratu lations o n your election , I look fo1ward to working w i th you and your fellow Council Mem bers an d Mayor R ay as we m ove fo1war d in m aking o ur City an even better p lace to live in. In r egard s to th e appointm en t of a C ity Council m em ber fo r your op en s eat, I beli eve th e people ah-eady spok e this e lection and Coleen K ubel was th e 3r d highest vote gett er. T h ere is n o n eed for an appo intment a s th er e was 3 open seats an d 3 people voted in fo r those seats . A transp ar ent governmen t wou ld assign this open seat to t h e next highest vote getter. I am out of country so I will n ot be at the December 20 Council m eeting but I h op e fully w i ll return by Januaiy 6. A fter 20 yeai·s away fro m h er n ative city my daughter h as decided to m ove back to A n oyo Gran de fr o m Luxem bourg so I'm h elping h er and her family m ove h om e. Th ank you fo r your consideration of Coleen K ubel fo r th e open Council seat. Regar ds, Sh aifotte Wil son !!!!I Item 10.a. - Page 27 From: T o: Subject: Dat e : Dear Jim Bergman Sharlotte Wilson J im Bergman Open City Council Seat Friday, December 14, 2018 4:52:00 AM In regards to the appointment o f a City Council member for the open seat , I believe the people ah-eady spoken this election and Coleen Kubel was the 3rd highest vote getter. There is no need for an appointment as there was 3 open seats and 3 people voted in for those seat s. A transparent gove1mnent would assign this open seat to the next highest vote getter. Mr Bergman this should be standard procedure now and in future elections. Thank you for yow- consideration. Sharlotte Wilson Arroyo Grande - Item 10.a. - Page 28 1 Subject:Open Seat for City Council >On Dec 14, 2018, at 3:18 AM, Sharlotte Wilson  wrote: > > Dear Council Member Barneich,  >  > Dear Country Member Barneich ,  > I look forward to working with you and your fellow Council Members and Mayor Ray as we move forward in making our City an even better place to live in. In regards to the appointment of a City Council member for your open seat, I believe the people already spoke this election and Coleen Kubel was the 3rd highest vote getter. There is no need for an appointment as there was 3 open seats and 3 people voted in for those seats. A transparent government would assign this open seat to the next highest vote getter. I am out of country so I will not be at the December 20 Council meeting but I hopefully will return by January 6. After 20 years away from her native city my daughter has decided to move back to Arroyo Grande from Luxembourg so I’m helping her and her family move home. Thank you for your consideration of Coleen Kubel for the open Council seat. > > Regards,  >Sharlotte Wilson > >Arroyo Grande > > >  > Item 10.a. - Page 29 From: Marla Bretches To: Jim Bergman; Caren Ray ; Kristen Bameich; Jimmy Pauldi ng Cc: Ke ith Storton Subject: City Coun ci l appointment Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018 9 :04 :09 PM Dear Council Members, I am writing to you to ask you to appoint Coleen Kubel to the open city council seat instead of reviewing mor e applications of interested parties . She came in 3rd in t he voting booth and there is no good reason w hy she sh ould have to go through t he interview process after rnnning her campaign. I voted for her. I cannot attend the next c i ty council meeting on Janmuy 8, hence, I am sending this letter to make m y wish e s known. I hope you w ill all agr ee that the cunen t app lication & interview process needs to be changed. Sincerely , Mrs . Marla J . Bretches Item 10.a. - Page 30 Fro m: To : Jimmy Pau lding J im Bergman Subject: Fwd: Vaca nt Counci l Seat Da t e : Monday, December 17, 2 018 8 :36 :45 AM FYI Begin fo1war ded m essage: From: D evin War d > Date: Decem ber 15 , 2018 at 7 :15:36 PM P ST To: <jpaulding@anoyogrande.org> Subject: Vacant C ouncil Seat Dear Mr. P auld ing, As a r esiden t of A n oyo Gran de, I feel it's impo1tan t fo r voters to decide wh o fills th e c unen t vacant seat rath er t han t h e council. To this en d , it m akes s ens e t o fi ll th e s eat w i th the candidate w ho cam e in third. T o a ll ow peop le to submit application s an d t h en have the counci l appoint som eon e c ircumven ts t h e dem ocratic p rocess, n ot to m ention th e necessity of addition al tim e , e ffo1t an d r e som ces n eeded to reach th e decision . This is n ot a wise ch oice of th e council 's tim e an d taxp ayer m on ey. Sincer ely , Devin Ward Sent from m y iPad Item 10.a. - Page 31 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: juan busby Jim Bergman ; Caren Ray ; Kristen Bameich; Jimmy Pauld i ng ; Keith Storton ARROYO GRANDE CITY COU NO L VACANT POSm ON Monday, December 17, 2 0 18 7 :19:16 AM Dear AG Ci ty Council members, I am w rit ing to you in hopes of obtain ing some transparency w ith t he current s it uat ion of t he vacant c ity counc il posit ion. As a citizen of th is commun ity, i am submitting my request in accordance w it h the current city's o rganizat ional chart w hich ind icat es t hat the Ci t izens of t h is commun ity are first. As you already know , Coleen Kubel ran for a city council posit ion . Although she did not get enough votes t o w in one of t he two vacant posit ions, she did get the t hird most votes . Due t o Ms. Ray w inning the Mayor's post , t he council now has t h e task of filling that vacant post. This is the d ilemma . It is my understand in g t hat , rather t han t o fill t he vacancy w ith Ms. Kubel , t he C ity Counci l is planning a special meeting in January to vote in a member of t he commun ity w ho d id not even ran for t he p ost. if th is is correct , I b e lieve t he citizens of th is community a re ow ed an explanat ion as to w hy th is w ould happen ra t her t han appointing a person l ike Ms . Kube l. She has already demonst rated t h e w ill and desire to serve in t h at capacity, put in countless hours cam pa igning w ith in t he commun ity, and generat ed a considerable amount of votes in her favor. It is clear that t he C it izens have a lready spoken . The Ci t y's admin istrative protocols call fo r new ly e lect ed members to be sw orn in December. It w ou ld seem most appropriate t hat the members of t he counci l acknow ledge t he w ishes of t he c itizens and appoint t h e t hird place w inner of t he election. If t h is shou ld n ot be t he case , a bonafide explanat ion needs t o be given to the commun ity as t o w hy t h is is not possible . Respectfully submitted , Coach Juan Busby Item 10.a. - Page 32 1 Jessica Matson Subject:city council member From: Janice Reid  >   Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 6:06 PM  To: Jim Bergman; Caren Ray; Kristen Barneich; Jimmy Paulding; Keith Storton Subject: city council member  Hello Jim Bergman, Mayor Ray, Jimmy Paulding, Keith Storton, Kristen Barneich Since Coleen Kubel came in third in the race for City Council, I think the people have spoken. In the name of inclusivity and popular support, she should be appointed to the seat vacated by Caren Ray. Thank you, Janice Reid Item 10.a. - Page 33 From: T o: Subject: Dat e : Kelly Reynolds Kristen Bameich; Jim Bergman; Caren Ray Russom City Council Election Monday, December 31, 2018 9 :03 :56 AM I understan d you are looking for input fr o m res iden ces for th e appointmen t fo r the n ext C ity Council mem ber. I suppo1i Colleen Kubel an d as a person wh o ran a fai r race in th e l ast election and who had t h e 3rd high est votes. Th e ot her candidates did n ot feel strongly en ou gh about th eir commitmen t to spend m on ey and n m in an election wh er e th eir voices could be h ear d an d debated an d that says a lot to me. And I feel her issues align with a lot of what I believe AG is all about. Good luck w ith your selection process. An oyo Grande res ident. Kelly Reynolds Item 10.a. - Page 34