Agenda Packet 2001-05-08 CITY COUNCIL 6^& 'l/' AGENDA ~/7~ Michael A. Lady Mayor Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member . Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Sandy Lubin Council Member NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday MAY 8, 2001 6:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 21 5 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT on Special Meeting Agenda Items. Members of the public wishing to address the Council on any item described in this Notice may do so when recognized by the Presiding Officer. 3. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Steven Adams, City Manager Unrepresented Employees: Management and Part-time Employees b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Initiation of'litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) involving one (1) potential case. c. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) involving one (1) potential case. (OVER) NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2001 - 6:00 P.M. PAGE 2 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: Announcement of reportable action from closed session, if any, 5. ADJOURNMENT. c:closedsession.agenda.050801. CITY COUNCIL 8"& if AGENDA ~/7~ Michael A. Lady Mayor Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tem Steven Adams City Manager Thomas A. Runels Council Member Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore Director, Administrative Services Sandy Lubin Council Member AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 8,2001 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE: BOY SCOUT TROOP 432 LEADER TERRY BEITLER 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT BANKER OPEN DOOR CHURCH, OCEANO 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinan.ces presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 2 . 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS: Persons in the audience may discuss business not scheduled on this agenda regarding any item of interest within the jurisdiction of the Council. The Council will listen to all communication; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, will not take any action on items that are not on the agenda. Upon completing your comments: . You may be directed to staff for assistance; . A Council Member may indicate an interest in discussing your issue with you subsequent to the Council meeting; . The Council may direct staff to research the issue and subsequently report back to the Council (generally in the form of a memorandum or staff report); or . No action is required or taken. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The. following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a, Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period April 16, 2001 through April 30, 2001. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of April 30, 2001. 8.c. Minutes of Special Joint City Councils/Board Meeting of March 26. 2001 (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve minutes as submitted. 8.d. Appointments to Parks and Recreation Commission (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve 1) Mayor Lady's appointment of Bruce Lewis to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and 2) Council Member Dickens' appointment of Pamela lanneo to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 8.e. Landmark Tree Desianation - 406 Golden West Place (HERNANDEZ) Recommended Action: Approve Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation and adopt Resolution designating Landmark Tree #01-63 located at 406 Golden West Place. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 3 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.f. Scenic Creekside Walk Throuah the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande. Phase II. Proaress Payment No.4 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Authorize progress payment in the amount of $41,986.39 to R. Simons Company, Inc. 8.g. Resolution Opposino National Fire Protection Association tN.F.P.A.) Standard 1710 (FIBICH) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution opposing N.F.P.A. Standard 1710. 8.h. Proposed Stop Signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve Traffic Commission's recommendation to adopt Resolution approving stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. 8.i. State Declared Disaster - March 2001 Winter Storms (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution identifying individuals authorized to execute Office of Emergency Services (OES) documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance; and 2) Appropriate $50,000 of the City's Urban State Highway Account (USHA) funds for the 25% local contribution to remove and replace the damaged sidewalk on Rodeo Drive. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and N~cessity - Grover Beach Taxi ("GBT") (WETMORE/TerBORCH) Recommended Action: 1) Conduct the required public hearing; 2) Determine whether the public convenience and necessity require an additional taxicab service within the City limits of Arroyo Grande; and 3) If such determination is made, adopt Resolution granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity subject to full compliance with all conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 10.a. Reauest for Speed Reduction on Huasna Road (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. 10.b. Resolution Establishina a Standard Schedule for Development lmpact Fees (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution establishing a standard schedule for development impact fees. AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Modification to California Public Employees' Retirement System CCaIPERS) Contract (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: 1) Introduce for first reading an Ordinance amending the contract with the CaIPERS; and 2) Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City a Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with CaIPERS; and 3) Approve the Side Letter of Agreement amending the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers Association (AGPOA). 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR MICHAEL A. LADY: (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (2) . Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM TONY M. FERRARA: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Long-Range Planning Committee (4) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (3) Other (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORT A) (2) Community Recreation Center Subcommittee (3) Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) (4) South County Youth Coalition (5) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (3) Other ..~ ~ -------...- AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 5 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared c;lnd the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. (a) Consideration of additional potential transient occupancy revenue options. (MAYOR PRO TEM FERRARA) 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. (a) None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY - MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 6 * * * * * * * Copies of the staff reports or other written materials relating to each item of business referred to on this agenda are on file with the Director of Administrative Services and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If you have questions regarding any agenda item, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473- 5414. * * * * * * * In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Director of Administrative Services at the number listed above at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. * * * * * * * Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovoqrande.ora CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - ABBREVIATIONS revised 08104/00 A Agricultural Preserve AB Assembly Bill LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act LOCC League of Califomia Cities AG General Agriculture LLA Lot Line Adjustment AGMC Arroyo Grande Municipal Code LUE Land Use Element AGPOA Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association MER Lot Merger APN Assessor's Parcel Number MF CondominiumITownhouse APCB Air Pollution Control Board MFA Apartments APCD Air Pollution Control District MHP Mobile Home Parks ARC Architectural Review Committee 0 Office Professional ASCE American Society Civil Engineers OCSD Oceano Community Services District ASD Administrative Services Department OSCE Open Space and Conservation Element AWWA American Water Works Association PC Planning Commission BD Building Division PD Police Department CA City Attorney PF Public/Quasi Public CC City Council PPR Plot Plan Review CCC Califomia Conservation Corps PRD Parks & Recreation Department CCCSIF Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund PRE-APP Pre-application CD Community Development PSHHC Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corp. CDBG Community Development Block Grant PSP Planned Sign Program CE Circulation Element PUD Planned Unit Development CEC California Energy Commission PW Public Works Department CEQA California Environmental Quality Act RDA Redevelopment Agency CIP Capital Improvement Program RE Residential Estate CIWMP California Integrated Waste Management Plan RFP Request for Proposals CM City Manager's Office RFQ Request for Qualifications CMC Califomia Men's Colony RH Hillside Residential CMP Congestion Management Plan RHNP Regional Housing Needs Plan COC Certificate of Compliance RR Rural Residential CPI Consumer Price Index RS Suburban Residential CUP Conditional Use Permit RTA Reversion to Acreage DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board DC Development Code SAC Staff Advisory Committee DEA Drug Enforcement Administration SB Senate Bill E.C. Election Code SCAT South County Area Transit EDD Economic Development Department SEIU Service Employees Intemational Union EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit SF Single Family EIR Environmental Impact Report SLO San Luis Obispo EIS Environmental Impact Statement SLOCOG San Luis Obispo Council of Governments EOC Economic Opportunity Commission SLOHA San Luis Obispo Housing Authority EVC Economic Vitality Corporation SLONTF San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force FAU Federal Aid Urban SLORTA San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority FD Fire DiVision SLOWRAC San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration Committee FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency SR Senior Housing FID Financial Services Department SSLOCOWA South San Luis Obispo County Water Association FPPC Fair Political Practices Commission SSLOCSD South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District FTA Federal Transit Administration SRRE Source Reduction & Recycling Element FY Fiscal Year SWRCD State Water Resources Control Board G.C. Govemment Code TPM Tentative Parcel Map GC General Commercial TT Tentative Tract Map GF General Fund TTAC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee GP General Plan TUP Temporary Use Permit GPA General Plan Amendment UBC Uniform Building Code HCD California Department of Housing and Community UFC Uniform Fire Code Development USA Underground Service Alert HOP Home Occupancy Permit VAR Variance HUD Housing and Urban Development Dept. VC Village Commercial I Industrial and Business Park VCB SLO County Visitors & Conference Bureau ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation VSR View Shed Review JPA Joint Powers Authority ZONE 3 San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Zone 3 (Lopez Project) I 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICESo/ BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR CJlI- SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: MAY 8, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period April 16 - April 30, 2001. FUNDING: There is a $505,346.07 fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing ATTACHMENT 2 -April 20, 2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 3 - April 20, 2001 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks ATTACHMENT 4 -April 27, 2001 Accounts Payable Check Register ._--~-'.- ._._-_.~ -~---..- ATTACHMENTl CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS For the Period of Apri1 16 Through Apri1 30, 2001 May 8, 2001 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period April 16 to April 30, 2001. Shown are cash disbursements by week. of occurrence and type of payment. April 20, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 100282-100376 2 202,706.47 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 3 247,315.19 450,021.66 April 27, 2001 Accounts Payable Cks 100398-100494 4 239,649.22 Less Payroll Cks included in Attachment 3 (184,324.81) 55,324.41 Two Week Total $ 505.346.07 ~_...._-_..~~- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUI'ER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010\ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4145 - Non Deparbnental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety (Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works (Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street lighting 4710 - Water Administration 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance DepL Index for Council.xls ATTACHMENT 2 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 376 04/12/01 074178 SLO CNTY CLERK-RECORDER NOTICE OF EXEMPT-PAULDING BIKE 010.4002.5201 25.00 25.00 377 04/17/01 101073 KELLY WETMORE CCAC CONF-WETMORE 010.4002.5501 108.00 108.00 100282 04/20/01 000234 A & R WELDING SUPPLY OXY & ACETYLENE GASES 010.4305.5303 14.00 14.00 100283 04/20/01 000468 A T & T.-L/DIST SVC. MIS L/DIST 473-0379 010.4140.5303 33.76 33.76 100284 04/20/01 102311 CLIFF ADELHELM B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ADELHELM 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100285 04/20/01 100584 AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA COR OXY/ACET.GAS 010.4305.5603 28.88 28.88 100286 04/20/01 102281 STACI AMBLER REF.C/B.DEPOSIT-AMBLER 010.0000.2206 250.00 250.00 100287 04/20/01 003744 AMER.PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC MICROPAVER ANNUAL USER'S FEE 350.5613.7701 500.00 500.00 100288 04/20/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-4/7 220.4303.5303 703.20 100288 04/20/01 100897 AMERICAN TEMPS RHINEHART SVCS-3/31 220.4303.5303 703.20 1,406.40 100289 U4/20/01 102326 SALLY BAUGHMAN REF. PARK DEPOSIT-BAUGHMAN 010.0000.4354 53.00 53.00 100290 04/20/01 102'278 MICAH BENEVEDO B/BALL LGE.SCORER-BENEVEDO 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100251 04/20/01 102259 CHESSIE BREHM B/BALL LGE.SCORER-BREHM 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100292 04/20/01 101619 ROB BURT B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROB BURT 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100293 04/20/01 017202 CA.ST.BOARD OF EQUALIZA DIESEL FUEL TAX 3Q-00/Ol 010.0000.1202 444.24 444.24 100294 04/20/01 101739 LUKE CAYWOOD B/BALL LGE.SCORER-CAYWOOD 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100295 04/20/01 022632 CHAPARRAL COPIER MAINT & USEAGE TO 5/3 010.4421.5602 13 8.82 138.82 100296 04/20/01 101856 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CABLE MODEM LEASE-MIS 4/8-5/7 010.4140.5303 227.90 227.90 100297 04/20/01 023946 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BER WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 360.00 360.00 100298 04/20/01 024142 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT REPR.BACKHOE 640.4712.5603 504.30 100298 04/20/01 024142 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT REPR.BACKHOE 612.4610.5603 504.29 1,008.59 100299 04/20/01 024832 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS REPL.PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 612.4610.5610 225.00 225.00 100300 04/20/01 102263 MARCUS CONAWAY B/BALL LGE.SCORER-CONAWAY 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100301 04/20/01 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL CLOCK MOTOR 010.4213.5604 19.10 100301 04/20/01 025428 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL BALLASTS 010.4213.5604 34.24 53.34 100302 04/20/01 026286 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 60.00 60.00 100303 04/20/01 101910 JEREMY DE LOS SANTOS S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-DE LOS 010.4424.5352 15.00 15.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100304 04/20/01 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100305 04/20/01 029250 J.B. DEWAR,INC. MOTOR OIL 010.4420.5603 24.05 24.05 100306 04/20/01 029562 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY TOYS & SUPPLIES 010.4425.5255 20.28 20.28 100307 04/20/01 030584 DEBI DYKZEUL S/BALL SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 30.00 30.00 100308 04/20/01 032138 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SVCS. EMT REFRESHER COURSE-JULY/DEC 010.4211.5501 783.00 783.00 100309 04/20/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN ADAPTERS 640.4712.5610 38.52 100309 04/20/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN METER GASKETS 640.4712.5610 98.44 100309 04/20/01 101379 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,IN VALVE/COUPLING 640.4712.5610 789.83 926.79 100310 04/20/01 034320 FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE FIREHOUSE SUBSCRIPTION 010.4211.5503 28.97 28.97 100311 04/20/01 101924 J.A. FISCHER,INC. DIESEL FUEL 010.0000.1202 2,005.80 100311 04/20/01 101924 J.A. FISCHER, INC. DIESEL POWER CONDITIONER 010.4305.5603 16.95 2,022.75 100312 04/20/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 87336 010.4002.5301 33.00 33.00 100313 04/20/01 102325 BETTY FROST REF. PARK DEPOSIT-FROST 010.0000.B54 80.00 80.00 100314 04/20/01 102319 DAN FURLONG B/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-FURLONG 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100315 04/20/01 102320 JOSH GOTTLIEB S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-GOTTLIEB 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 100316 04/20/01 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS BULBS 220.4303.5603 41. 84 100316 04/20/01 038376 GRAND AUTO PARTS RED MARKER 612.4610.5603 6.29 48.13 100317 04/20/01 039312 CITY OF GROVER BEACH DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS 010.4424.5351 60.20 60.20 100318 04/20/01 102161 GT DISTRIBUTORS,INC FLASHLIGHT SWITCHES/LENS 010.4201. 5255 129 . 45 129.45 100319 04/20/01 102280 CHUCK HARE B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-HARE 010.4424.5352 96.00 96.00 100320 04/20/01 102260 BRYCEN IKEDA B/BALL LGE.SCORER-IKEDA 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100321 04/20/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES MIS CONTRACT SVCS-MARCH 010.4140.5303 441. 00 441. 00 100322 04/20/01 045162 INTL CONF OF BUILDING 0 NEC HANDBOOKS/QUICK TABS 010.4212.5503 119.04 119.04 100323 04/20/01 046176 J J'S FOOD COMPANY CMC SUPPLIES 220.4303.5613 48.17 48.17 100324 04/20/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-JO~S 010.4425.5259 163.67 100324 04/20/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5255 105.76 100324 04/20/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.TRANS-JONES 010.4425.5303 35.36 304.79 100325 04/20/01 102289 TED JORGENSON WRESTLING T-SHIRTS BALANCE 010.4424.5257 700.58 700.58 100326 04/20/01 050894 LAWSON PRODUCTS,INC. MISC. VEHICLE PARTS 010.4211.5601 368.76 368.76 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100327 04/20/01 102291 LEGAL BOOKS DISTRIBUTIN SALES TAX-CA. LAW 2001 MINORS 010.4201.5255 1. 99 1.99 100328 04/20/01 100985 DOUG LINTNER B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 48.00 100328 04/20/01 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 32.00 80.00 100329 04/20/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE/CUSTODIAL B/BALL-FEB 010.4424.5257 468.00 468.00 100330 04/20/01 053274 LYON & CARMEL PROF. LEGAL SERVICE 010.4003.5304 12,020.07 12,020.07 100331 04/20/01 101999 MAINLINE VIDEO SEWER 612.4610.5610 300.00 300.00 100332 04/20/01 102329 MARCH OF DIMES REF. TEMP. USE PERM-MARCH OF 010.0000.4164 101.00 101.00 100333 04/20/01 102261 KIMBERLY MARSALEK B/BALL LGE.SCORER-MARSALEK 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100334 04/20/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE INSTL.FUEL FILTER 640.4712.5601 62.04 100334 04/20/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTER/SAFETY INSPECT 010.4301. 5601 25.69 87.73 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE STOPPER KIT/FLEX SPOUT 010.4430.5605 31. 93 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE CEMENT MIX/MORTAR MIX 612.4610.5610 39.69 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLES/PAINTBRUSHES 010.4211.5601 13.54 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC. HARDWARE 010.4211.5255 3.08 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ELECT. SUPPLIES 010.4211.5601 16.05 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PIPE INSULATION/SPRAY GLUE 010.4211.5601 7.47 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ROPE 612.4610.5603 3.21 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE STRIKE FLINT 220.4303.5255 5.97 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BULBS 010.4420.5605 23.53 100335 04/20/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PIPE NIPPLES/ELBOW/COUPLER 010.4420.5605 22.10 166.57 100336 04/20/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4421. 5201 7.31 7.31 100337 04/20/01 102262 KATHRYN MONTGOMERY B/BALL LGE.SCORER-MONTGOMERY 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100338 04/20/01 058578 MULLAHEY FORD FLOOR MATS 640.4712.5601 57.92 57.92 100339 04/20/01 058890 RICHARD MUNOZ S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-MUNOZ 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 100340 04/20/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE PICK HAMMER 640.4712.5273 35.50 100340 04/20/01 062712 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE COPPER PIPE SUPPORT 640.4712.5610 1.47 36.97 100341 04/20/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL RADIO 451-0183 010.4145.5403 185.77 100341 04/20/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3953 010.4211.5403 31. 83 100341 04/20/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3956 220.4303.5403 31. 83 100341 04/20/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3959 640.4710.5403 31. 83 100341 04/20/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 841-3960 010.4211.5403 31. 83 313.09 100342 04/20/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 5,410.38 100342 04/20/01 064194 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 010.4304.5402 508.47 5,918.85 100343 04/20/01 065832 PESTICIDE APPLIC.PROF.A REGIS-JOHNSON/MCCLURE PAPA CHE 010.4420.5501 110.00 110.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NeMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100344 04/20/01 066690 PITNEY BOWES RENTAL POSTAGE MACHINE TO 8-16 010.4201.5602 174.68 174.68 100345 04/20/01 101610 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' ACTUARIAL STUDIES-CALPERS 010.0000.2203 200.00 200.00 100346 04/20/01 069014 R & B AUTO BODY REPR.DOOR HANDLE 640.4712.5601 90.00 90.00 100347 04/20/01 071682 GREG ROSE B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 48.00 100347 04/20/01 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 32.00 80.00 100348 04/20/01 072852 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. SERVICE PARTS WASHER 010.4305.5303 102.90 102.90 100349 04/20/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE LEGAL 599 010.4002.5301 49.74 100349 04/20/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE JOB AD-MAINT WORKER/ENG 010.4301.5301 156.75 100349 04/20/01 075130 SAN LUIS OBISPO CNTY.NE AD ADJUS'IMENT 010.4002.5301 42.56- 163.93 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4001.5141 66.79 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4101. 5141 658.32 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4102.5141 133.57 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4120.5141 610.61 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4002.5141 152.65 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4130.5141 753.73 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4201. 5141 53,915.20 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4211.5141 8,758.48 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4212.5141 1,202.14 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4301. 5141 1,593.32 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4213.5141 1,144.90 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4305.5141 1,545.61 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4420.5141 6,382.81 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4421. 5141 171.73 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4423.5141 276.68 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4425.5141 2,394.75 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4430.5141 1,459.75 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 220.4303.5141 6,144.29 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 284.4103.5141 276.68 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 612.4610.5141 2,232.55 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 640.4710.5141 1,211. 68 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 640.4711.5141 801.45 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 640.4712.5141 3,033.98 100350 04/20/01 073554 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WORKERS COMP INS-4TH QTR 00/01 010.4422.5141 486.58 95,408.25 100351 04/20/01 075816 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE REPL.CLOCK 010.4211.5603 390.11 390.11 100352 04i20/01 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 67.50 67.50 100353 04/20/01 078156 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. DIESEL/GASOLINE 010.4212.5608 279.98 279.98 100354 04/20/01 078234 SECURED STORAGE STORAGE CHARGES 010.4002.5303 24.00 24.00 100355 04/20/01 101621 TOM SHIFFRAR B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-SHIFFRAR 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100356 04/20/01 102216 R. SIMONS COMPANY,INC. CREEKSIDE WALK #3 350.5607.7001 34,381. 35 34,381. 35 ~_.._--~- VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100357 04/20/01 080106 SMITH AND LOVELESS,INC SEALS/GASKETS/CHECK VALVES 612.4610.5610 332.28 332.28 100358 04/20/01 102264 STEVEN SORENSON B/BALL LGE.SCORER-SORENSON 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY OIL 010.4201. 5601 5.34 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY PAINT 640.4712.5603 8.88 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CAP SCREWS 640.4712.5603 2.05 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FUEL CLEANER/SCREWS/CARPET CLN 640.4712.5610 12.06 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY COLE HERSEE 010.4211.5601 4.47 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY BATTERY 010.4211.5601 73.78 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY OIL 010.4201.5601 3.82 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY MINATURE LAMP 010.4305.5601 6.96 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY STARTER/BATIERY 010.4211.5601 234.70 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY POWER OUTLET/ANTI-SEIZE 010.4211. 5601 28.93 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY ANTENNA 220.4303.5601 10.15 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY AA BATTERY 010.4305.5601 10.10 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CR : SEALED BEAM 010.4211. 5601 26.02- 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CR : ANTI FOG 010.4211.5601 8.45- 100359 04/20/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CR : ADJUSTMENT- SOUTHERN AUTO 010.4211.5601 42.49- 324.28 100360 04/20/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 118.92 100360 04/20/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 9.53 100360 04/20/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 153.51 100360 04/20/01 080964 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS GAS SERVICES 010.4145.5401 347.08 629.04 100361 04/20/01 081432 BOB SPEAR S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-SPEAR 010.4424.5352 16.00 16.00 100362 04/20/01 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO SUPPLIES 010.4211. 5603 269.64 269.64 100363 04/20/01 102328 NORM STEWART REF. PARK DEPOSIT-STEWART 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100364 04/20/01 102318 DENNIS THURMAN S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-THURMAN 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 100365 04/20/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX SLURRY 640.4712.5610 254.66 254.66 100366 04/20/01 086736 DOTIIE TRULOCK DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES 010.4424.5351 369.60 369.60 100367 04/20/01 102327 SHERRI TRUPPA REF.PARK DEPOSIT-TRUPPA 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100368 04/20/01 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 56.89 56.89 100369 04/20/01 087750 US SLO-PITCH S/BALL ASS S/BALL LGE.REGIS 010.4424.5257 663.00 100369 04/20/01 087750 US SLO-PITCH S/BALL ASS S/BALL LGE.UMPIRE REGIS 010.4424.5257 350.00 1,013.00 100370 04/20/01 088826 PEGGY VALKO ART CLASSES-VALKO 010.4424.5351 291.20 100370 04/20/01 088826 PEGGY VALKO ART CLASSES-VALKO 010.4424.5351 182.40 473.60 100371 04/20/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-WATER/PW DIR/SHOP 612.4610.5403 92 .00 100371 04/20/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-WATER/PW DIR/SHOP 640.4710.5403 56.04 100371 04/20/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-WATER/PW DIR/SHOP 010.4305.5403 61. 41 209.45 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE . PAGE 6 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100372 04/20/01 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG PAGERS-F.D 010.4211.5403 76.74 76.74 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GENERAL CONSULTING SVCS 010.4301.5303 7,999.90 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CREEKSIDE PATH 350.5607.7301 3,542.09 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BRIDGE ST.BRIDGE DECK REHAB. 350.5608.7301 32.50 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. OAK PARK BLVD.WIDENING 350.5609.7301 601.00 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 350.5613.7701 257.50 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BRISCO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5615.7301 146.25 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. EL CAMPO/101 INTERCHANGE ALTS 350.5616.7301 162.50 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. CENTRAL COAST TOWN CENTER 350.5617.7301 16.25 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. ROUTE 227 RELINQUISHMENT STUDY 350.5628.7701 715.00 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. TALLY HO RECON/227 TO LE POINT 350.5631.7301 689.40 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. F.OAKS/VLY RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL 350.5636.7301 81.12 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. TRAFFIC LIGHT AT HALCYON 350.5637.7501 125.95 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. BIKEWAY ONE,PHASES 2 & 3 350.5643.7501 1,706.25 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. TRAFFIC WAY BRIDGE RAIL REPL. 350.5644.7501 195.00 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. NEWSOM SPRINGS 350.5754.7501 751.40 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. GRAND RECON/PH 3, ELM/OAK PARK 350.5812.7501 948.30 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. SEWER MASTER PLAN 350.5814.7701 14,637.74 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. RESERVOIR NO.1 DESIGN 350.5903.7501 1,670.46 100374 04/20/01 090246 JOHN WALLACE & ASSOC. LIERLY LN/MYRTLE WATER MAIN 350.5906.7501 378.57 34,657.18 100375 04/20/01 092586 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COM REPR.IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS 010.4430.5605 211.28 100375 04/20/01 092586 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COM REPL.LAMPS FIRE DEPT/HALCYON 010.4304.5303 431.97 643.25 100376 04/20/01 093210 WORKRITE NOMEX PANTS 010.4211.5272 501.77 501.77 TOTAL CHECKS 202,706.47 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 04/18/01 08:18 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 121,899.66 220 STREETS FUND 7,745.54 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 276.68 350 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 61,538.63 612 SEWER FUND 3,735.31 640 WATER FUND 7,510.65 TOTAL 202,706.47 ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 3/30101 TO 4/12/01 04/20101 FUND 010 217,992.47 Salaries Full time 151,786.69 FUND 220 9,555.59 Salaries Part-Time 20,216.04 FUND 284 4,765.97 Salaries Over-Time 8,900.74 FUND 612 4,264.01 Holiday Pay 432.46 FUND 640 10,737.15 Sick Pay 4,681.03 247,315.19 Annual Leave Pay - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 2,675.93 Comp Pay 2,181.82 Annual Leave Pay 1,649.46 PERS Retirement 14,806.22 Social Security 13,577.08 PARS Retirement 216.31 State Disability Ins. 646.63 Health Insurance 19,390.76 Dental Insurance 3,367.53 Vision Insurance 719.46 Life Insurance 542.50 Long Term Disability 779.81 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 400.00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance 244.72 Uniform Allowance - Motor Pay 100.00 Total: 247,315.19 . ATTACHMENT 4 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 1 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 378 04/19/01 005616 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE G.A.REIMB.4-12-01 P/R 011.0000.1015 184,324.81 184,324.81 379 04/18/01 100758 DON SPAGNOLO AWWA CONF-SPAGNOLO 640.4710.5501 154.00 154.00 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE POSTAGE 010.4201.5201 4.37 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CLEARS MEETING-S.PRYOR 010.4201.5501 24.00 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRAINING/TRAVEL EXPENSES 010.4201.5501 159.59 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WPOA/SO INVEST/RUSSIANS MEET IN 010.4201. 5501 44.89 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BIKE LIC/KITCHEN SUPPLIES/WIPE 010.4201. 5255 58.36 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4201.5501 13.75 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DARE GRAD.SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5504 6.39 380 04/19/01 101771 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RANGE SUPPLIES 010.4201. 5605 4.50 315.85 381 04/19/01 054482 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND MSA MEETING 220.4303.5501 75.00 75.00 100398 04/27/01 100882 ADVANCE MARKING SYSTEMS NAME TAGS/PASSPORT SYSTEM 010.4211.5324 33.61 33.61 100399 04/27/01 001300 AGRI-TURF SUPPLIES, INC. DOLMARK LIME 010.4430.5255 796.40 796.40 100400 04/27/01 003276 AMERICAN LASERTEK,INC. LASER JET CARTRIDGES 010.4201.5201 216.49 216.49 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PHOTOS 010.4130.5201 9.79 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 12.80 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 5.34 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4101.5501 11.10 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ZONE 3 MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001. 5504 18.24 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FILM DEV 010.4301. 5255 5.45 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5201 31. 33 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEP-AMP.REPR 010.4424.5252 10.00 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4301.5201 10.53 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4301. 5201 35.00 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEETING SUPPLIES 010.4001.5501 33.50 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER MEETING 284.4103.5505 15.00 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AWWA CONF-TAYLOR 640.4712.5501 40.00 100401 04/27/01 101044 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ASCE MEETING 010.4301. 5503 30.00 268.08 100402 04/27/01 101617 AUTO GLASS CENTRAL REPL.WINDSHIELD 220.4303.5601 186.24 186.24 100403 04/27/01 007722 AVILA SIGN & DESIGN 100 ORANGE PARKING PERMITS 010.4201. 5255 122.00 122.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MICROSOFT/EXCEL CLASS 640.4712.5501 139.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CONF.FEES/MOTEL 010.4301. 5501 1,111.52 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER GAS/MEALS 640.4710.5501 285.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MISC. EXPENSES 010.4301. 5201 177.13 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ECONOMY HANDICRAFTS 010.4425.5255 42.37 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER HYATT SACRAMENTO 010.4421. 5501 463.50 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ECONOMY HANDICRAFTS 010.4425.5255 7.98 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ORIENTAL TRADING CO 010.4425.5255 62.45 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER ORIENTAL TRADING CO 010.4424.5252 271.25 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE STAFF MEETING SPLYS 010.4211.5501 30.86 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LODGING-MAJOR IND. COMMAND 010.4211. 5501 123.25 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 2 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER AMERICAN AIRL!NE TICKET 284.4103.5501 132.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER K MCCANTS REGIS 010.4130.5501 350.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE CHAIR 010.4130.6001 90.89 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER CR:OFFICE CHAIR 010.4130.6001 90.89- 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER MAKING GOOD DESIGN-SLIDES 010.4130.5503 86.00 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER 2 SURVEYS-l VIDEO-LGC 010.4130.5503 61. 25 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER EXTENSION COURSE-HEFFERNON 010.4130.5501 109.89 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4001. 5201 13.81 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4002.5201 26.74 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4140.5602 106.99 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4101. 5201 100.78 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER UNITED AIR-FERRARA 010.4001. 5501 402.50 100404 04/27/01 009008 BANKCARD CENTER LOCC-STANDARD CODE 010.4001. 5201 98.00 4,202.27 100405 04/27/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW FILM DEV-SPECIAL EVENT 010.4424.5252 25.29 100405 04/27/01 009750 BRENDA BARROW PLAYGROUND CRAFT SUPPLIES 010.4422.5256 19.52 44.81 '100406 04/27/01 102343 BERNARD BENJAMIN REF.0/PMT-l016 MEADOW WAY 640.0000.4751 6.42 6.42 100407 04/27/01 101987 BERNARD'S H.D. SPECIALT REPL.STARTER 010.4201.5601 962.53 962.53 100408 04/27/01 101782 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH CAR WASH 010.4201.5601 36.00 36.00 100409 04/27/01 101723 BARBARA BRITT REF. PARK DEPOSIT-BRITT 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100410 04/27/01 013806 BURKE AND PACE OF AG RELAY TIES 010.4201.5605 68.27 68.27 100411 04/27/01 101619 ROB BURT B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-ROB BURT 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100412 04/27/01 021940 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVIC TAXI SVS-APRIL 1-14 225.4553.5507 1,634.50 1,634.50 100413 04/27/01 016926 CA. SEX ASSAULT INVESTI CSAIA MEMBERSHIP-IANNEO 010.4201.5503 30.00 30.00 100414 04/27/01 101094 CA.REDEVELOPMENT ASSOC CRA MEMBERSHIP-SHEELEY 284.4103.5503 826.00 826.00 100415 04/27/01 018330 CA.ST.DEPT.OF JUSTICE FINGERPRINTS CHECKS 010.4201. 5324 110.00 110.00 100416 04/27/01 102332 DAVE CASE REF.WTR.DEP-516 ALDER 640.0000.2302 180.00 100416 04/27/01 102332 DAVE CASE CLOSING BILL-516 ALDER 640.0000.4751 13.25- 100416 04/27/01 102332 DAVE CASE PREVIOUS BALANCE-516 ALDER 640.0000.4751 54.80- 111. 95 100417 04/27/01 021918 CENTRAL COAST SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 010.4213.5604 688.33 688.33 100418 04/27/01 022658 CHAPPELL INS.AGENCY,INC FIELD OWNERS LIABILITY INS. 010.4424.5257 500.00 500.00 100419 04/27/01 102339 GUADALUPE CHAVEZ REF.PARK DEPOSIT-CHAVEZ 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100420 04/27/01 023010 RICHARD CHECANSKY REIMB.TUITION-CHECANSKY 010.4201.5502 865.00 865.00 100421 04/27/01 102282 CINGULAR WIRELESS CELL PHONE-CROCKETT 010.4130.5201 32.67 32.67 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 3 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 12.00 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 12.00 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 12.00 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 62.75 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 12.00 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 61.25 100422 04/27/01 024492 COLD CANYON LAND FILL GREEN WASTE DUMP 220.4303.5307 12.25 184.25 100423 04/27/01 102341 COMADE 50 SPIT MESH HOODS 010.4201.5272 165.33 165.33 100424 04/27/01 102263 MARCUS CONAWAY B/BALL LGE.SCORER-CONAWAY 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100425 04/27/01 101638 TYLER COON S/BALL LEAGUE SCORER-COON 010.4424.5352 37.50 37.50 100426 04/27/01 101716 JIM DECECCO S/BALL LEAGUE UMP-DECECCO 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100427 04/27/01 016302 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIO CMC CREW-MARCH 220.4303.5303 2,560.94 2,560.94 100428 04/27/01 029484 DIESELRO INC. BULB 220.4303.5603 9.91 100428 04/27/01 029484 DIESELRO INC. BULB 220.4303.5603 9.91 100428 04/27/01 029484 DIESELRO INC. SVC.AIR COMPRESSOR 220.4303.5603 217.85 237.67 100429 04/27/01 029562 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY PIPE CLEANERS 010.4425.5255 5.76 5.76 100430 04/27/01 030584 DEBI DYKZEUL S/BALL SCORER-DYKZEUL 010.4424.5352 45.00 45.00 100431 04/27/01 033424 FENCE FACTORY REPR. SAFETY EDGE-GATE 010.4201.5605 297.59 297.59 100432 04/27/01 101924 J.A. FISCHER,INC. UNLEADED GASOLINE 010.0000.1202 1,409.45 1,409.45 100433 04/27/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 88610 010.4002.5301 46.50 100433 04/27/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 88611 010.4002.5301 48.00 100433 04/27/01 100691 FIVE CITIES-TIMES LEGAL 88612 010.4002.5301 46.50 141. 00 100434 04/27/01 102337 MELISSA GIOVANAZZI REF. PARK DEPOSIT-GIOVANAZZI 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100435 04/27/01 102320 JOSH GOTTLIEB S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-GOTTLIEB 010.4424.5352 64.00 64.00 100436 04/27/01 100907 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH REF. PARK DEPOSIT-GRACE BIBLE 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100437 04/27/01 101881 GREATAMERlCAN LEASING C COPIER-LEASE PAYMENT 010.4130.5303 319.07 319.07 100438 04/27/01 102225 GTS MOTOROLA MT1000 VHF 16 CH 010.4211.5603 1,050.00 1,050.00 100439 04/27/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 280.94 100439 04/27/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 197.92 100439 04/27/01 101088 HANSON AGGREGATES ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 200.57 679.43 100440 04/27/01 100348 JAMIE HEINZE B/BALL LGE.SCORER-HEINZE 010.4424.5352 22.50 22.50 100441 04/27/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES DP-ON-LINE-TRANS MARCH 01 010.4201.5606 83.13 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 4 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100441 04/27/01 044496 INFORMATION SERVICES CITATION PROC.FEE 1/01-3/01 010.4201. 5303 310.00 393.13 100442 04/27/01 046410 J.W.ENTERPRISES TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 91.70 91. 70 100443 04/27/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SNACK SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5259 166.23 100443 04/27/01 101604 BARBIE JONES REIMB.SUPPLIES-JONES 010.4425.5255 11.71 177 . 94 100444 04/27/01 102336 REGINA LEATHERS REF.WATER DEP-1245 NEWPORT 640.0000.2302 180.00 100444 04/27/01 102336 REGINA LEATHERS CLOSING BILL-1245 NEWPORT 640.0000.4751 9.27- 100444 04/27/01 102336 REGINA LEATHERS PREVIOUS BALANCE-1245 NEWPORT 640.0000.4751 69.36- 101.37 100445 04/27/01 100985 DOUG LINTNER B/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 48.00 100445 04/27/01 100985 DOUG LINTNER S/BALL LGE.OFFICIAL-LINTNER 010.4424.5352 32.00 80.00 100446 04/27/01 102338 CONSUELO LOPEZ REF. PARK DEPOSIT-LOPEZ 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. TRANS-HARLOE/OCEAN VIEW 010.4425.5303 300.00 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES B/BALL 010.4426.5553 406.11 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES 010.4426.5553 150.84 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE/CUSTODIAL CHARGES 010.4424.5257 468.00 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. GYM USE/CUSTODIAL CHARGES 010.4424.5257 1,214.47 100447 04/27/01 053118 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST. CUSTODIAL CHARGES 010.4426.5553 301. 67 2,841.09 100448 04/27/01 102334 MARILYN OR RON MARTIN CLOSING BILL-998 MAGNOLIA DR 640.0000.4751 18.85- 100448 04/27/01 102334 MARILYN OR RON MARTIN PREVIOUS BALANCE-998 MAGNOLIA 640.0000.4751 40.20 21. 35 100449 04/27/01 101252 MCI WORLDCOM L/DIST PHONE CHARGES 010.4145.5403 226.72 100449 04/27/01 101252 MCI WORLDCOM PD CALLING CARDS 010.4145.5403 6.68 233.40 100450 04/27/01 056580 MID STATE BANK ACH DISTRIB-4/06/01 010.4145.5319 50.00 50.00 100451 04/27/01 056706 MID STATE CONCRETE PROD MANHOLE FRAME/COVER/GRADE 612.4610.5610 729.66 729.66 100452 04/27/01 056394 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE LUBE/OIL/FILTERS 010.4201. 5601 36.87 36.87 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE MISC.BLDG.MATERIALS 640.4712.5604 13.32 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BATTERIES/DUP.KEYS/BOLTS/SCREW 010.4420.5605 31. 95 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE SANDPAPER 640.4712.5604 18.15 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LAG SCREWS/DRILL BIT 010.4420.5605 7.48 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE BLEACH 640.4712.5274 1.92 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE NIPPLES 010.4420.5605 5.83 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE PADLOCKS 010.4201. 5605 32.08 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE ROOF PAINT/GLOVES 010.4201. 5605 49.08 100453 04/27/01 057096 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE LEVER 010.4420.5605 16.04 175.85 100454 04/27/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 45.34 100454 04/27/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4130.5201 5.87 100454 04/27/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 74.46 100454 04/27/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4421. 5201 119.12 100454 04/27/01 057174 MISSION OFFICE PLUS CR:TONER 010.4211.5201 180.83- 63.96 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 5 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100455 04/27/01 102340 PATTY MORALES REF. PARK DEPOSIT-MORALES 010.0000.4354 25.00 25.00 100456 04/27/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN CHAIR MATS 010.4201.5201 168.57 100456 04/27/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 10.60 100456 04/27/01 101750 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 24.90 204.07 100457 04/27/01 102298 ORCO CONSTRUCTION SUPPL GENERATOR 010.4303.6201 1,038.53 100457' 04/27/01 102298 ORCO CONSTRUCTION SUPPL CR: GENERATOR 010.4303.6201 12.39- 1,026.14 100458 04/27/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-1935 640.4710.5403 33.34 100458 04/27/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL ALARM 473-2041 010.4145.5403 18.44 100458 04/27/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 489-2345 010.4145.5403 38.12 100458 04/27/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PHONE 473-5400 010.4145.5403 1,472.79 100458 04/27/01 063960 PACIFIC BELL PAY PHONE-489-9816 010.4145.5403 51.85 1,614.54 100459 04/27/01 102333 EVELYN OR DON PIEPER REF.0/PMT-509 E.CHERRYAVE 640.0000.4751 72.72 72.72 100460 04/27/01 066320 PIONEER EQUIPMENT CO. REPL.SWITCH/BREAKER 220.4303.5603 171.12 171 . 12 100461 04/27/01 063726 PJ'S TOP SHOP UNIFORM T-SHIRTS 010.4211.5272 89.88 89.88 100462 04/27/01 066924 PLAQUE SHAQUE ENGRAVE PAGERS/RADIO 010.4211.5255 15.00 15.00 100463 04/27/01 067782 DENNIS PORTE PUppy PLAY SCHOOL CLASSES 010.4424.5351 586.25 586.25 100464 04/27/01 090284 SHAWN PRYOR REIMB.MILEAGE-S.PRYOR 010.4201.5608 30.72 30.72 100465 04/27/01 069148 R & T EMBROIDERY,INC NAVY WOOL HATS 010.4201.5255 119.41 119.41 100466 04/27/01 071682 GREG ROSE S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-ROSE 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 100467 04/27/01 069496 RXLASER BLANK PERF. PAPER 010.4120.5201 383.85 383.85 100468 04/27/01 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 220.4303.5255 74.85 100468 04/27/01 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 612.4610.5255 74.85 100468 04/27/01 072638 S & L SAFETY PRODUCTS SHOP TOWELS 640.4712.5255 74.84 224.54 100469 04/27/01 100192 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC WATER BILL MAILING-MARCH 640.4710.5201 1,046.05 1,046.05 100470 04/27/01 077024 ANN SARMIENTO S/BALL SCORER-SARMIENTO 010.4424.5352 52.50 52.50 100471 04/27/01 101556 DIANE SHEELEY REIMB.CALEO'S CONF-SHEELEY 284.4103.5501 107.30 107.30 100472 04/27/01 074490 SLO CNTY DEPT. HEALTH CROSS CONNECTION-1/1-2/28 640.4710.5303 1,370.24 1,370.24 100473 04/27/01 100124 SLO CNTY OFFICE OF EDUC LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTING 010.4201. 5324 36.00 36.00 100474 04/27/01 098680 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF BOOKING FEES-JAN/MARCH 010.4201. 5323 6,382.50 6,382.50 100475 04/27/01 081120 SO CALIF MUNI ATHL FED S/BALL LGE.TEAM REGIS 010.4424.5257 468.00 468.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 6 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100476 04/27/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY FLAT FIXERS FOR TRAILER 010.4201.5605 47.64 100476 04/27/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY CR:FLAT FIXERS 010.4201.5605 32.29- 100476 04/27/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY OIL 640.4712.5608 10.02 100476 04/27/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY OIL 220.4303.5608 10.01 100476 04/27/01 080886 SOUTHERN AUTO SUPPLY OIL 010.4212.5608 43.66 79.04 100477 04/27/01 081432 BOB SPEAR S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-SPEAR 010.4424.5352 48.00 48.00 100478 04/27/01 082328 STERLING COMMUNICATIONS REMOUNT RADIO IN UNIT 981 010.4201. 5601 76.00 76.00 100479 04/27/01 082836 STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY PIPE 640.4712.5610 83.22 83.22 100480 04/27/01 102171 STRONG PLANNING SVCS,IN CONTRACT PLANNING SVCS-FEB/MAR 010.4130.5318 13,200.00 13,200.00 100481 04/27/01 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4201.5601 75.70 100481 04/27/01 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4305.5601 25.90 100481 04/27/01 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 640.4712.5601 63.80 100481 04/27/01 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 220.4303.5601 16.95 100481 04/27/01 083226 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH CAR WASHES 010.4301.5601 15.97 198.32 100482 04/27/01 102335 BONNIE TEVELDE REF.LATE FEE-278 SPRUCE ST 640.0000.4759 30.00 30.00 100483 04/27/01 102318 DENNIS THURMAN S/BALL LEAGUE OFFICIAL-THURMAN 010.4424.5352 64.00 64.00 100484 04/27/01 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL BANDAGES 010.4201. 5272 11.81 100484 04/27/01 102244 TITAN INDUSTRIAL DISPOSABLE GLOVES 010.4201. 5272 36.92 48.73 100485 04/27/01 085664 TOM TOTH S/BALL LEAGUE UMPIRE-TOTH 010.4424.5352 32.00 32.00 100486 04/27/01 102344 THE TRIBUNE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE#5446365 010.4002.5301 49.74 49.74 100487 04/27/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX ASPHALT WASTE 220.4303.5307 124 . 06 100487 04/27/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX CLASS #2 BASE 220.4303.5613 168.59 100487 04/27/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX ASPHALT 220.4303.5307 45.34 100487 04/27/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX CLASS #2 BASE 220.4303.5613 318.62 100487 04/27/01 086346 TROESH READY MIX SAND SLURRY 612.4610.5610 218.28 874.89 100488 04/27/01 088062 UNION ASPHALT INC ASPHALT 220.4303.5613 146.58 146.58 100489 04/27/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. HUNTER SPRINKLERS 010.4430.5605 43.84 100489 04/27/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK,INC. IRRIGATION FITTINGS 010.4430.5605 8.86 100489 04/27/01 088084 UNITED GREEN MARK, INC. RAINBIRD SPRINKLERS 010.4420.5605 21. 94 74.64 100490 04/27/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS PROPANE 220.4303.5603 40.50 100490 04/27/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS DISCHARGE HOSE 010.4430.5605 102.41 100490 04/27/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS RENTAL- KUBOTA TRACTOR 010.4420.5605 435.65 100490 04/27/01 087672 UNITED RENTALS PROPANE 220.4303.5603 7.88 586.44 100491 04/27/01 102007 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE-SHEELEY 284.4103.5403 43.36 43.36 100492 04/27/01 101866 VERIZON WIRELESS MESSAG GOV'T BLDG. PAGERS 010.4213.5303 21. 21 21.21 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 7 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 100493 04/27/01 090480 WAYNE'S TIRE TIRES/LUBE/OIL/FILTER/STEMS 220.4303.5601 164.68 164.68 100494 04/27/01 101820 ROGER WIGHTMAN ADVANCE-STATE TOUR. EXPENSES 010.4424.5257 700.00 700.00 TOTAL CHECKS 239,649.22 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PAGE 8 04/25/01 08:33 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR PERIOD 10 FUND TITLE AMOUNT 010 GENERAL FUND 42,562.34 011 PAYROLL CLEARING FUND 184,324.81 220 STREETS FUND 5,304.41 225 TRANSPORTATION FUND 1,634.50 284 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 1,123.66 612 SEWER FUND 1,022.79 640 WATER FUND 3,676.71 TOTAL 239,649.22 I I 8.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES q BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR 9/J SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: MAY 8, 2001 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of April 30, 2001, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT As of April 30, 2001 May 8, 2001 This report presents the City's investments as of April 30, 2001. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of April 30, 2001, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of April 30, 2001 compared with the prior month and the prior year. Date: April 2001 March 2001 April 2000 Amount: $10,350,000 9,050,000 7,510,000 Interest Rate: 6.16% 6.52% 5.8% B.c. MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCILS OF ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER BEACH, PISMO BEACH and OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Monday, March 26, 2001 - 6:30 p.m. Woman's Club Community Center - 211 Vernon Street Arroyo Grande, California 1. CALL TO ORDER Arroyo Grande Mayor Michael Lady called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Arroyo Grande Mayor Lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Arroyo Grande City Council Present Grover Beach City Council Present Michael A. Lady, Mayor Richard Neufeld, Mayor Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Lieberman, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas A. Runels, Council Member Ronald Arnoldsen, Council Member Jim Dickens, Council Member David Ekbom, Council Member Sandy Lubin, Council Member Dee Santos, Council Member Pismo Beach City Council Present O.C.S.D. Board Members Present Rudy Natoli, Mayor Rick P. Searcy, President Joe Crescione, Mayor Pro T em Anthony J. Gallardo, Vice President Terry Henlin, Council Member David C. Angello, Board Member Bill Rabenaldt, Council Member Barbara J. Mann, Board Member Mary Ann Reiss, Council Member Bill Senna, Board Member 4. BUSINESS ITEMS The purpose of the joint meeting was to determine if there is interest from the agencies to study the potential for joint effort opportunities related to fire services. A. Presentations by fire officials on current service levels and ongoing planning efforts. i. Arroyo Grande Fire Chief Terrv Fibich gave a brief overview of the City of Arroyo Grande's existing services, citing statistics on population (16,426), square milage (5.58 sq. miles), total operating budget ($798,850), per capita expense ($48.63); full-time (4) and volunteer/part-time (44) staffing; response volume (1248) and type; average response time (5 minutes, 28 seconds); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory; explained that response time is calculated from the time a 911 call is received to the time the first fire emergency vehicle arrives at the scene; clarified that response call volume is tracked on a calendar year basis; and explained that the ._-",,-,,---._,,--,~- ----,..--,.-.--.. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCilS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 2 City of Arroyo Grande City Council had authorized a Fire Staffing and Facilities Update Study that had been placed on hold pending future consideration of the agencies for providing joint services. ii. Grover Beach Fire Chief Jack Criswell gave a brief overview of the City of Grover Beach's existing services; citing statistics on population (12,767), total operating budget ($346,538), per capita expense ($27.14); full-time (2) and volunteer/part-time staffing (35+); response volume (832) and type; average response time (3 minutes, 45 seconds); the Department's ISO rating (4); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory. iii. Pismo Beach.lnterim Fire Chief Vern Hamilton gave a brief overview of the City of Pismo Beach's existing services, citing statistics on population (8,500); total operating budget ($992,566), per capita expense ($107.83); full-time (6) and volunteer/part-time staffing; response volume (1122) and type; average response time (4 minutes, 32 seconds); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory. iv. Oceano Community Services District Fire Chief Chris Marshall gave a brief overview of the District's existing services, citing statistics on population (6,700); total operating budget ($120,620 + 91 ,163 administrative support), per capita expense ($35.86); part-time (1) and volunteer staffing; response volume (398) and type; average response time (6 minutes, 22 seconds); apparatus inventory; and facilities inventory, Questions and discussion ensued regarding response times; mutual aid; insurance costs as related to ISO ratings; comparison of per capita costs in each jurisdiction; cooperative service levels; and whether consolidation of services would benefit the citizens. B. Presentation by San Luis Obispo County Fire Chief Dan Turner regarding cooperative fire service options. Chief Turner presented information regarding fire protection and emergency response stating that the number of incidents increases as population increases. He explained that emergency medical services make up more than sixty percent (60%) of all calls in California cities. He stated that fire agencies also respond to vehicle accidents, hazardous materials emergencies, and technical rescues, He then reviewed the pros and cons of various cooperative fire protection options which included 1) doing nothing; 2) enhancing emergency response through automatic aid agreements; 3) pursuing operational consolidation; 4) contracting for services with a lead agency; 5) forming a Joint Powers Agreement; 6) forming a political merger; and 7) forming a new Agency or District. In response to questions, Chief Turner explained the difference between mutual aid and automatic aid; and stated that CDF has an existing auto aid agreement with the City of Arroyo Grande and the Oceano Community Services District. He explained that CDF - ---~ SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCILS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 3 did not share a boundary with the City of Grover Beach and that CDF and the City of Pismo Beach were currently in the process of forming an auto aid agreement. There was further discussion regarding the benefits of operational consolidation with regarding to training activities and economic feasibility of consolidating various services. Mayor Lady called a break at 8:10 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:18 p.m. C. Discussion Grover Beach Mayor Neufeld referred to training activities and asked how training could be combined effectively. Grover Beach Fire Chief Criswell responded that the Fire Departments conduct the same training according to State guidelines and that efforts are currently underway to conduct joint training in some areas. Grover Beach Mayor Neufeld stated that in Grover Beach, dispatch for fire calls is handled through the Police Department and asked if this practice was the same in other cities. Pismo Beach Fire Chief Hamilton responded that was the practice in Pismo Beach. The Fire Chiefs addressed questions regarding the State Uniform Fire Code; Fire Academy training standards; paramedic services; costs for training, equipment, and licensing; and volunteer staffing. Arroyo Grande Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara referred to operational consolidation and observed that the agencies have a potential for taking a little step toward combining services. He spoke of the benefits and cost savings for standardized training and centralizing dispatch operations. Grover Beach Council Member Amoldsen referred to subsidizing ambulance services. Chief Hamilton explained the ambulance was regulated by the County and further explained how the ambulance service operates. OCSD Board Member Senna stated there was a combined population of approximately 44,000 among the four agencies and asked if there were a consolidation study available from other communities of the same population. Chief Turner replied that the City of San Luis Obispo has a population of 45,000 with 4 fire stations; however, they have a fully paid staff. Board Member Senna stated he would like to see the City of San Luis Obispo budget. There was discussion regarding what the next steps would be. OCSD President Searcy stated that before committing staff to any work, he would like to take the issue back to a regular Board Meeting for discussion. OCSD Vice President Gallardo concurred. Pismo Beach Council Member Reiss asked what services the agencies were currently conducting jointly. Chief Fibich replied that the Training Officers from each agency met to coordinate having weekly drills on the same night. He explained that the agencies SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCilS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 4 trade personnel for training and exercise purposes and to share equipment. He stated the agencies also loan equipment and personnel for various operations. In response to a question from Council Member Reiss regarding combined dispatch services, Chief Turner said that there is a trend in consolidating dispatch operations and explained the benefits. Pismo Beach Council Member Henlin referred to equipment which is obtained through State and Federal grants and asked if that equipment is shared. Chief Fibich replied yes. Pismo Beach Mayor Pro T em Crescione stated there were less fires and more need for emergency medical services. He stated he would support looking for a better level of service within the entire community. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Lady opened the floor to public comment. Gary Haggerty, 345 Olive, Arroyo Grande, stated he was retired from the San Luis Obispo Fire Department. He stated consolidation was overdue and suggested the agencies consider forming a Fire Protection District. John Brown, Shell Beach, stated he was a retired Fire Chief, and asked what the agencies wanted to accomplish with regard to cost savings and improvement of level of service. He said the agencies should be looking to consolidate the Police Departments. He further spoke of the need for installing fire sprinklers in every building, including residential, in the community. Carl Brandt, Arroyo Grande, Fire Captain and President of the Arroyo Grande Firefighters Association, spoke in support of some method of providing joint services and stated the Association supports efforts to unite in any form to share manpower, equipment and training. He further expressed support for a thorough study into the feasibility of providing joint services with those departments wishing to participate. Paul DeMello, Grover Beach, stated the goal should be how to improve services to the community. He supported efforts to provide a fully paid fire company to serve the Five Cities area. Rikki Heath, spokesperson for the Pismo Beach Firefighters Association, stated the Association welcomes discussions to e~plore joint services. Peggy Wilson, Oceano, stated it was nice to have a forum to publicly thank the Oceano firefighters. She stated consolidation was a worthy idea and she would like to see more information on shared services. She stated that consolidation makes sense for economic reasons, response times, use of equipment, improvement of service level, improved training, and that the consistency factor was not to be overlooked. She strongly supports creation of a Fire Protection District. She said the OCSD Board SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCilS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 5 should direct staff to present more information to the citizens. She stated she was impressed with how few fire responses Oceano has to make and expressed her respect for the department. Darren Mafi, Arroyo Grande, spoke in support of consolidating the Fire Departments. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public comment period and brought the discussion back to the Coun~ils/Board. 6. NEXT STEPS Mayor Lady stated he was thankful that the four jurisdictions could get together for the opportunity to hear presentations from the Fire professionals and to listen to the community. Board Member Senna thanked Mayor Lady and the City of Arroyo Grande for hosting the meeting. Mayor Neufeld stated that regardless of the outcome, the fact that the four communities could get together and try to enhance services for the people was needed. He stated that training had been discussed and there was agreement for continuing joint efforts in that area. He suggested that more information was needed in other areas regarding consolidation. Staff was directed to prepare a proposed process for consideration by the City Councils and Board at their respective regular meetings. 7. ADJOURNMENT Time: 9:35 p.m. ARROYO GRANDE: MICHAELA LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK _..._~ ~ SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCILS/BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 26, 2001 PAGE 6 GROVER BEACH: RICHARD NEUFELD ATTEST: MICHELLE GREENE, CITY CLERK PISMO BEACH: RUDY NATOLI, MAYOR ATTEST: SHARON JONES, CITY CLERK OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT: RICK SEARCY, PRESIDENT ATTEST: FRANCIS M. COONEY, GENERAL MANAGER ~_. --.-.-.. -~.._-,._.._----... .- 8.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGERfr SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve: . Mayor Lady's appointment of Bruce Lewis to the Parks and Recreation Commission; and, . Council Member Dickens' appointment of Pamela lanneo to the Parks and Recreation Commission. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On January 14, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 481 amending the composition of applicable Commissions and Boards from seven to five members and also adopted Resolution No. 3192 establishing Council policy as it relates to the appointment procedure to the Boards and Commissions. The Ordinance states that the Mayor and each respective member of the Council shall appoint a representative to the various Commissions and Boards subject to the approval by a majority vote of the Council. All Commission and Board members serve at the pleasure of the Council. Mayor Lady's past appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Leslie Brown, chose not to be reappointed. Therefore, Mayor Lady is recommending the Council approve the appointment of Bruce Lewis to the Parks and Recreation Commission, replacing Leslie Brown. In addition, Council Member Dickens' current appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Colleen Martin, submitted her resignation. Therefore, Council Member Dickens is recommending the Council approve the appointment of Pamela lanneo to the Parks and Recreation Commission, replacing Colleen Martin. ---.------.-...-- CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE Planning Commission r\;:-CEIV~D r Parks and Re~r~ation Commission C iT Y C F 'A R ROY ~ G~;.\~":, ~ ' _ Traffic Commission Years Lived in Arroyo Grande I ~ - Senior Advisory Commission BI APR 25 P!'I 3: ~fJ9istered Voter of Arroyo Grande , _ Special Committees (Architectural Review, etc. I Yes ----2L- No_ NAME ~Rl1"ti lJJ, J...evJl S HOME ADDRESS 3 7 ~ t:: t!J uE'STR.., PrN W ft'1 PHONE '-I gCj - / I, 8 1./ PRESENT PRESENT EMPLOYER ---.J.CWI.s ~ ~PR.,.s e--:s. POSITION OWNI:;~ OFFICE BUSINESS ADDRESS 37;;. ~l1eSrltlFrN LJIh' TELEPHONE 173 -87 &t. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School ~ L.; I ',rm.J.h'<: G' tJ./t; +I- .s"HUOL- l 'l7~ College WIt/TI1t:"1t CoLLt'__e - )1'7' ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INTERESTS Yo 11m Fc)ornA1-,-=BoA~h J Y()Uit+ l?""SKt:"T.1?ALL-~O,q.c:.#J LI'TT\..:Lt:~4ttlt_ t:Ol+c#-: A.C.u..5 "Boo.sTb~ CL.UR J YMGA Mo..II~~IlV1S'01hE:h. The City Council would like to have the names of three (3) Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDRESS 1. MIKE" LA-~ '( 73i) DA-It' LeJf-F C, "u.e 2. 'KE'e'b 'Ro~Hr4MN\G'L I oS" "1$ m c.IR'-l.S" 3. S~ :r K t::~A (ISIt VM..b lOOPolH,S LANE' ARE YOU WILLING TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:80 p.m.~ Yes No - - Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month,. p.m. Yes-2L No_ Traffic Commission, Monday Previous to Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Yes - No - Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month,.B:OO p.m. Yes - No - Special Committee (Le. Architectural Review Committee, etc.), Various meeting times and dates Yes - No - Signatur~~ Date ""/;U/OI The Arroyo Grande City Council requests information about your interest (and education, if applicable), in sewing on a commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, or a Special Committee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your interest. THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED. COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED (11/02198) -_.~.._..._,_._-_...._,.._.".~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE RECEIVED ':" Planning Commission ""T" r"- 6.RPIlYO r,'!\' X ',,! I T \.' i ;.. \I' '- ,.... " Parks and Recreation Commission Traffic Commission 01 APR 27 AN 9: 55 Years Lived In Arroyo Grande ~ Senior Advisory Comn:tlssion Registered vott of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee Yes No Special Committees (long Range Planning Committee, etc.) NAME Pamela R. Ianneo HOME (805) 489-8275 ADDRESS P.O. Box 1083, Arroyo Grande, Ca.93421 PHONE PRESENT EMPLOYER San Luis Ambulance Service, Inc. Receptionist POSITION BUSINESSADDRESS P.O. Box 954, San Luis Obispo, Ca. PHONE 805-543-2626 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Arroyo Grande High School College ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Continuing education classes thru employ- ment, to include: Stress Reduction for Women, Basic Computer class, Ohild Development classes. COMMUNITY AND CIVIC INTERESTS Interested in the youth of Arroyo Grande 0 Development of the city of Arroyo Grande in a beneficial way for the citizen8,usin~ the resources conservatively and effectively. , The City Council would like to have the names of three (3) Arroyo Grande References: t:iAMf ADDRESS 1. Terry Fibich P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 2, Mary Bassett P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Gzande, Ca. 93420 3. Pete Gallagher 1064 Rogers ct. Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 ARE YOU WilLING TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM . Yes....x... No-- Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM Ye~No_ Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM YeL-No_ Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes-No_ Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM Ye~o_ Special Comml ees (long Range Planning Committee, etc,) Meeting dates vary Yes..X.... No-- Signature Date 01 The Arroyo Grande City Council requests information about your interest (and education, if applicable), in serving on a commission or committee, specifically your comments and views relative to the role and responsibilities of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission, Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee or a Special Committee. Please note such information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interest THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED. COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED 04/02101 "----...--- ---_._---"._--". 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DANIEL C. HERNANDEZ, DIRECTQR PARKS, RECREATION ~ FACILITIES SUBJECT: LANDMARK TREE DESIGNATION 406 GOLDEN WEST PLACE DATE: MAY 8, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation and adopt a Resolution designating Landmark Tree #01-63 located at 406 Golden West Place. FUNDING: There is no impa~t to the General Fund. DISCUSSION: As per City Ordinance 431 Sec. 10-3.06 Landmark Trees, the owners of the trees located at 406 Golden West Place have requested Landmark Status for the Coastal Live Oak Trees located at the rear of their property. These Oaks are in good condition with an 85% canopy cover and are approximately 100 years old. Upon inspection, staff concurred with the property owners to request Landmark designation for these trees. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted 3-0 at their March 14, 2001 meeting to recommend to the City Council Landmark Tree Status for the trees at 406 Golden West Place. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendation and adopt Resolution; - Modify staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Request for Designation Letter Attachment 2 - Tree Evaluation Sheet ..--- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING LANDMARK TREE #01-63 WHEREAS, Sec. 10-3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande provides for the preservation and protection of certain trees in order to produce a more desirable, pleasing and beautiful community and to maintain and enhance community historic, cultural, and property values, as well as to promote the public health, safety, comfort, and welfare; and WHEREAS, these trees located at 406 Golden West Place, in the City of Arroyo Grande, has been examined by the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director of the City of Arroyo Grande and have been found to be Quercus Agrifolias; and WHEREAS, said trees, due to their age, species, configuration, and historical value meet the criteria for landmark tree designation as determined by the Parks, Recreation & Facilities Director and Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande recommends to the City Council that these trees should be preserved and protected and designated as Landmark trees. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby designates these trees as Landmark Trees and directs that they shall be monumented as Landmark Tree Number 01-63; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these trees shall be protected, preserved and maintained by the tree owner and subsequent tree owners and such trees shall not be disturbed, removed or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by Sec. 10- 3.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2001. ---------- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAELA. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 2~/ ~ ~ol Attachment ~ l7tt ,f/( 71;<-1 < 1-;4- All) ;t/l/f4< it IL~ '. fD t)oJt-A> -' ~ fOr/; qotpv<f?c ~ !+f P-tlA-/{"~'i t (pJ~1i 7 ' ;4 %cJ ;;f,Jfl,t, r1t/~ .~ 1>/ttf ;/dJ1'>~ t/!Ii-- '0 t/ ; ~ - .-.-.' ,," !"~ Tree Evaluation Sheet Attachment 2 Heritage Tree program: Tree number City of Arroyo Grande . Root system: . -Soft spo1;s or rotting wood? /~ t Comments: -Where? /~ if' /1~ ~ 1 iYr1u ~ ..At. Trunk: . -Loose bark? ~ Comments: -Evidence of borin~ insects? ~ -Rotting wood? Where? /~ 1f ~I/';'.. ~~ Laterals: -Any problem laterals requi~ing pruning? Comments: -General Health? :~ -Thinningrequired?v ~ -Any cavities from fallen/cut laterals? .~ -Callus development Cano9Y: ?Sh \!!> -Percentage of leaf coverage? Comments: -New shoot development? Where? ,.-x,.O -Insect problems causing defoliation or otherwise damaging tree?____ .~ -Problems or comments associated with the canopy? ~ . Re~roductionEfforts: -Flower development? A{~ Comments: -Frui~ development? AJ/A -EVidence of prior seasons. fruit development? ~Saplings present near tree? General comments rea~ tree: . . '~6+ r -GJ. ~ ~< ~CL.u~.u'A Ar ~ ~ . Q -- ~::. -- ~..", 16 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: THE SCENIC CREEKSIDE PATH THROUGH THE HISTORIC VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE, PHASE II, PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.4 DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize Progress Payment No.4 in the amount of $41,986.39 to R. Simons Company, Inc. for work completed on the Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase" project. FUNDING: On November 14, 2000, the City Council awarded the Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase" project to R. Simons Company, Inc. in the amount of $225,555.85 and authorized a contingency of $22,600 to be used for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project ($248,155.85 total available construction funds). DISCUSSION: The City received an application for Progress Payment NO.4 from R. Simons Company, Inc. for work completed between March 27, 2001 and April 26, 2001. Staff has reviewed the application and has determined that the amount requested is in conformance with the quantity of work completed as of April 26, 2001. Progress Payment No. 4 is in the amount of $46,651.55 of which $4,665,16 will be held in retention until the project is completed in accordance with the project specifications. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Application for Progress Payment No.4 jep:232.5607\phasell\contractadmin\progress payments\prog pay 4.creekside Il.doc ---~--- .""",-. C~y of A rrayo- G r~ Public Works Department Application for Progress Payment Contract Name: The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II Contract No: PW-2000-3 Progress Payment No: 4 City Account No: 350-5607-7001 = $41,590.39 350-5607-7201 = $396.00 Payment Date: 05/08/01 Bid Estimate Amended Estimate p"y to Date Bid Unit Unit Unit % Item Unit DescrtpUon Qtv Price Amount Qtv Price Amount Qtv Price Amount Como GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 LS MobiI_ Allowance 1 $ 2.000.00 $ 2.000.00 1 $ 2.000.00 $ 2.000.00 1 $ 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 100% 2 LS ConstNc:tIon AJ.a & Traffic Control 1 $ 2.200.00 $ 2,200.00 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 1 $ 2.200.00 $ 2.200.00 100% 3 LS Compliance with OSHA Requirements 1 $ 2.200.00 $ 2.200.00 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2.200.00 0 $ 2.200.00 $ 0% 4 LS Oear & GNb, Earthwork 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3.000.00 100% 5 SF Demolition and RemCMII of E>dstJng Concrete 142 $ 21.00 $ 2.982.00 142 $ 21.00 $ 2,982.00 142 $ 21.00 $ 2,982.00 100% 6 LS ConstNc:tIon Su""'" 1 $ 7 000.00 $ 7 000.00 1 $ 7 000.00 $ 7 000.00 1 $ 7 000.00 $ 7 000.00 100% SOUTH CREEKSIDE HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 7 LF SpIlt Rail Fence (Umlted) 260 $ 14.15 $ 3,679.00 260 $ 14.15 $ 3,679.00 0 $ 14.15 $ - 0% 8 SF Owrioak Deck stNcture 665 $ 29.50 $ 19,617.50 665 $ 29.50 $ 19,617.50 665 $ 29.50 $ 19,617.50 100% 9 LF Owrioak Guardrail & Posts 85 $ 52.50 $ 4,462.50 85 $ 52.50 $ 4,462.50 0 $ 52.50 $ 0% 10 LF 18' High Retaining Wall, Seat and Planter 85 $ 257.00 $ 21,845.00 85 $ 257.00 $ 21,845.00 0 $ 257.00 $ - 0% 11 LF CMU Retaining Wall 65 $ 195.00 $ 12.675.00 65 $ 195.00 $ 12,675.00 52 $ 195.00 $ 10,140.00 80% 12 EA Concrete Pier and Post Cap 5 $ 4,725.00 $ 23,625.00 5 $ 4,725.00 $ 23,625.00 5 $ 4.725.00 $ 23,625.00 100% 13 SF Brick Paving 225 $ 37.80 $ 8,505.00 225 $ 37.80 $ 8,505.00 0 $ 37.80 $ 0% 14 SF Concrete Paving 245 $ 6.30 $ 1,543.50 245 $ 6.30 $ 1,543.50 0 $ 6.30 $ - 0% 15 LF Concrete Curb 780 $ 15.25 $ 11,895.00 780 $ 15.25 $ 11,895.00 0 $ 15.25 $ 0% 16 LF 8' Wide Concrete Wall Cap 54 $ 15.75 $ 850.50 54 $ 15.75 $ 850.50 54 $ 15.75 $ 850.50 100% 17 TON Aggrega1e Subbase 3 $ 262.50 $ 787.50 3 $ 262.50 $ 787.50 0 $ 262.50 $ 0% 18 SF Decomposed GranlteIResin Base Walkway 2900 $ 7.35 $ 21,315.00 2900 $ 7.35 $ 21.315.00 0 $ 7.35 $ - 0% 19 EA Relocate HIstoric PIlasters 2 $ 315.00 $ 630.00 2 $ 315.00 $ 630.00 0 $ 315.00 $ 0% 20 LS Boulder Placement 1 $ 1 525.00 $ 1 525.00 1 $ 1 525.00 $ 1 525.00 0 $ 1 525.00 $ 0% DRAINAGE 21 LF 4' ABS Perfora1ed Drainpipe wlDralnguard 90 $ 12.60 $ 1.134.00 90 $ 12.60 $ 1,134.00 90 $ 12.60 $ 1,134.00 100% 22 LS 4' PVC Rigid Drainpipe wi Catch Basins 1 $ 5,160.00 $ 5.160.00 1 $ 5,160.00 $ 5,160.00 1 $ 5,160.00 $ 5.160.00 100% 23 LS Rock RID-Reo $lODe Protection 1 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 1 $ 1.900.00 $ 1.900.00 1 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 100% PLANTING 24 EA Tree - 24' Box 1 $ 360.00 $ 360.00 1 $ 360.00 $ 360.00 0 $ 360.00 $ 0% 25 EA Tree (15 gallon) 9 $ 115.00 $ 1,035.00 9 $ 115.00 $ 1,035.00 0 $ 115.00 $ - 0% 26 EA ShNbs (1 gallon) 69 $ 10.50 $ 724.50 69 $ 10.50 $ 724.50 0 $ 10.50 $ 0% 27 EA Ground Cover (1 gallon) 148 $ 10.50 $ 1,554.00 148 $ 10.50 $ 1,554.00 0 $ 10.50 $ - 0% 28 EA Ground Cover (+Inch) 89 $ 4.20 $ 373.80 89 $ 4.20 $ 373.80 0 $ 4.20 $ - 0% 29 EA Ground Cover (Ra1) 4 $ 32.00 $ 128.00 4 $ 32.00 $ 128.00 0 $ 32.00 $ 0% 30 SF SolI Preparation 2025 $ 0.37 $ 749.25 2025 $ 0.37 $ 749.25 0 $ 0.37 $ 0% 31 SF Erosion Conlro1 Matting 2025 $ 0.27 $ 546.75 2025 $ 0.27 $ 546.75 0 $ 0.27 $ - 0% 32 SF Brcadcas1 Seed 2025 $ 0.36 $ 729.00 2025 $ 0.36 $ 729.00 0 $ 0.36 $ 0% 33 LS 90 Dav Maintenance 1 $ 975.00 $ 975.00 1 $ 975.00 $ 975.00 0 $ 975.00 $ 0% IRRIGATION 34 EA Controller 1 $ 367.50 $ 367.50 1 $ 367.50 $ 367.50 0 $ 367.50 $ - 0% 35 EA Control Zone Kit 5 $ 142.00 $ 710.00 5 $ 142.00 $ 710.00 0 $ 142.00 $ 0% 36 EA Coupling Valve 5 $ 115.00 $ 575.00 5 $ 115.00 $ 575.00 0 $ 115.00 $ 0% 37 EA AIr Relief Valve 5 $ 42.00 $ 210.00 5 $ 42.00 $ 210.00 0 $ 42.00 $ - 0% 38 EA Gate Valve 6 $ 84.00 $ 504.00 6 $ 84.00 $ 504.00 0 $ 84.00 $ - 0% 39 EA Main Une 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.50 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.50 285 $ 7.50 $ 2,137.50 100% 40 LF Drip Tube 2180 $ 1.10 $ 2.398.00 2180 $ 1.10 $ 2.398.00 0 $ 1.10 $ - 0% 41 LF SI88'Jing 110 $ 2.10 $ 231.00 110 $ 2.10 $ 231.00 110 $ 2.10 $ 231.00 100% ELECTRICAL 42 EA Ught Poles 4 $ 1.470.00 $ 5.880.00 4 $ 1,470.00 $ 5.880.00 3 $ 1,470.00 $ 4,410.00 75% 43 LF Trenchina. Backfill Conduit and Wire 600 $ 11.00 $ 6 600.00 600 $ 11.00 $ 6 600.00 600 $ 11.00 $ 6600.00 100% NORTH CREEKSIDE HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 44 CY Aggregate Subbase 1 $ 267.50 $ 267.50 1 $ 267.50 $ 267.50 1 $ 267.50 $ 267.50 100% 45 SF Concrete Paving 30 $ 42.00 $ 1,260.00 30 $ 42.00 $ 1,260.00 30 $ 42.00 $ 1.260.00 100% 43 SF Concrete stem Wall 10 $ 252.00 $ 2.520.00 10 $ 252.00 $ 2.520.00 10 $ 252.00 $ 2,520.00 100% 47 LF Spilt Faced Retaining Wall 19 $ 126.00 $ 2.394.00 19 $ 126.00 $ 2,394.00 19 $ 126.00 $ 2,394.00 100% 48 LS AnU-GraffItI Seal System 1 $ 945.00 $ 945.00 1 $ 945.00 $ 945.00 0 $ 945.00 $ 0% 49 EA Concrete Pier with Post 4 $ 1.225.00 $ 4,900.00 4 $ 1,225.00 $ 4,900.00 4 $ 1.225.00 $ 4,900.00 100% 50 SF Wood Deck stNcture 42 $ 94.50 $ 3,969.00 42 $ 94.50 $ 3,969.00 42 $ 94.50 $ 3,969.00 100% 51 LF Wood stairs 108 $ 23.10 $ 2,494.80 108 $ 23.10 $ 2,494.80 108 $ 23.10 $ 2,494.80 100% 52 LF Guard Reil and Post 54 $ 52.50 $ 2.835.00 54 $ 52.50 $ 2.835.00 54 $ 52.50 $ 2.835.00 100% 53 LF stair Handrail 41 $ 15.75 $ 645.75 41 $ 15.75 $ 645.75 41 $ 15.75 $ 645.75 100% 54 SF Soil PreparaUon 500 $ 0.37 $ 185.00 500 $ 0.37 $ 185.00 0 $ 0.37 $ - 0% 55 SF ErosIon Control Matting 500 $ 0.27 $ 135.00 500 $ 0.27 $ 135.00 0 $ 0.27 $ 0% 56 SF Brcadcas1 Seed 500 $ 0.36 $ 180.00 500 $ 0.36 $ 180.00 0 $ 0.36 $ 0% 57 LS 9O-Day Maintenance 1 $ 575.00 $ 575.00 1 $ 575.00 $ 575.00 0 $ 575.00 $ 0% -- The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande, Phase II Progress Payment No: 4 Contract No. PW-2000-3 Payment Date: 05/08/01 Bid Estimate Amended Estimate Pav to Date Bid Unit Unn UnIt % nem UnIt Desc:riotion Otv Price Amount Otv Price Amount Otv Price Amount ComP PLANTING 58 EA Tree (15 gallon) 6 $ 114.00 $ 684.00 6 $ 114.00 $ 684.00 0 $ 114.00 $ 0% 59 EA ShNbs II oallon' 63 $ 10.50 $ 661.50 63 $ 10.50 $ 661.50 0 $ 10.50 $ - 0% SUBTOTAL (BASE BID) $ 211,971.35 $ 211,971.35 $ 114,273.55 54% BID ALTERNATE NO.1 SITE FURNISHINGS AlII EA Bench 5 $ 1,386.00 $ 6,930.00 5 $ 1,386.00 $ 6.930.00 4 $ 1,386.00 $ 5.544.00 80% Alt2 EA Tl'IISh Rec:eptade 2 $ 655.00 $ 1,310.00 2 $ 655.00 $ 1,310.00 1 $ 655.00 $ 655.00 50% Alt3 LS Drinking Fountain Qndudes 112" PVC Wateriln 1 $ 3,675.00 $ 3.675.00 1 $ 3,675.00 $ 3,675.00 0.5 $ 3,675.00 $ . 1,837.50 50% Alt4 EA Ballards - Removable 1 : 157.50 $ 157.50 1 $ 157.50 $ 157.50 0 $ 157.50 $ - 0% Al15 EA Ballards - Non - RemD\llSble 12 126.00 $ 1512.00 12 $ 126.00 $ 1512.00 0 $ 126.00 $ 0% SUBTOTAL (BID ALTERNATE NO.1) $ 13,584.50 $ 13,584.50 $ 8,036.50 59% CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CCOI LS Tree RemDYIII 1 $ $ - 1 $ 440.00 $ 440.00 1 $ 440.00 $ 440.00 100% CC02 LS Electric:el Pull Box 1 $ $ - 1 $ 415.00 $ 415.00 0 $ 415.00 $ - 0% CC03 LS Drinking Foundation Valve 1 $ - $ 1 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 0 $ 90.00 $ 0% CC04 LS 11me Extension 1 $ $ - 1 $ - $ 0 $ - $ 0% CC05 LS Handrail 1 $ $ 1 $ 445.00 $ 445.00 0 $ $ - 0% SUBTOTAL CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS $ $ 1,390.00 $ 440.00 32"- TOTAL $ 225,555.85 $ 226,945.85 $ 122,750.05 54% $ 225,555.85 ;' ~ rW>>jo/ Pay to Date $122,750.05 Retention $12,275.01 Previous Payments $68,488.65 Y/30/01 This Payment ~'~M.mE~C:;}U Project Manager Date / ~~ Contract Start Date: 12/18/00 -r..I..oJ Original Contract Days: 90 Adjusted Contract Days: 75 Date Adjusted Contract End Date: 06101/01 CiIy Manager Date Send Pavment to: R. Simons Company, Inc. P.O. Box 810 Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 929-3517 ! I jop:232.5607\p_11I5607 Prog..... Payments.... 04127101 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY FIBICH, DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND FIR~ SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OPPOSING NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) STANDARD 1710 DATE: MAY 8, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution opposing National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1710. FUNDING/FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS: The City could face financial exposure in labor contract negotiations/arbitration judgments and possible OSHA compliance costs if the NFPA standards are not adopted. If the NFPA 1710 Standard four-person fire company is adopted, and it is mandated that the City of Arroyo Grande comply with this standard, the cost to hire additional fire fighters would cost anywhere from $500,000 to $1,000,000 annually. BACKGROUND: NFPA is an international association of firefighters, fire chiefs, vendors, and trade organizations whose mission is "to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically-based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education." Part of the function of NFPA is to produce industry-wide guidelines, and while adherence to these guidelines are usually voluntary, often these guidelines are incorporated into local ordinances and building codes and are adopted as standards. Just recently, NFPA has proposed new controversial minimum staffing levels and response times for all fire companies, including initial full alarm response levels, and extra alarm response levels for municipal fire and emergency medical services apparatus. The problem with the proposed new standards is that they would preempt local control and decision-making regarding fire and emergency medical service department operations, administration, and deployment. This proposed standard is scheduled for a vote on May 16, 2001, during NFPA's annual conference in Anaheim, California. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OPPOSING NFPA STANDARD 1710 MAY 8, 2001 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION: The proposed standard, NFPA 1710, would define minimum response times to an emergency and minimum fire company and EMS staffing levels. For municipal fire departments, for example, NFPA 1710 calls for fire companies to be staffed with a minimum of four on-duty personnel. Currently, Arroyo Grande deploys three-person fire companies. "Companies" are defined as groups of members (engine companies, ladder companies, squads, etc.) "operating with one piece of fire apparatus except where multiple apparatus are assigned that are dispatched and arrive together, are continuously operated together, and are managed by a single company officer." In addition, NFPA 1710 would require five to six personnel to staff a fire emergency in a "hazardous" or "high-risk" area. Local governments have always determined minimum response times and minimum staffing levels for fire and emergency services. NFPA 1710 would impose a one-size-fits-all concept on local governments, potentially costing the City a significant amount of money. While the City would not be required to meet the proposed staffing levels, it would create an established standard that will create a liability risk for the City if they are not followed. In February of 2001, the California Fire Chiefs' Association adopted a resolution establishing support for a self-assessment process to identify and create standards of coverage, service levels, and deployment strategies. By adopting this resolution, the California Fire Chiefs' Association has, in essence, established another standard that California fire agencies may choose to utilize instead of NFPA 1710. The International Association of Fire Chiefs and the International City Managers' Association originally established this nationally recognized process in the early 1990s. The Facilities and Staffing Update study currently being conducted by DMG-Maximus for the City will also serve this process to a certain degree. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: -Approve staff's recommendation; -Do not approve staff's recommendation; -Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; -Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OPPOSING NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) STANDARD 1710 WHEREAS, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has proposed a new standard (Standard 1710) regarding minimum staffing levels and response times for fire companies, initial full alarm response levels, and extra alarm response levels for municipal fire and emergency medical services (EMS) apparatus; and WHEREAS, NFPA Standard 1710 requires minimum response times and minimum staffing levels for fire and emergency services that have, historically, been determined by local governments; and WHEREAS, NFPA Standard 1710 would preempt local control and decision-making regarding fire and EMS department operations, administration, and deployment; and WHEREAS, if adopted, proposed NFPA Standard 1710 would impose onerous, unfunded mandates upon local governments to meet established response times and staffing levels; and WHEREAS, the NFPA has exceeded its authority in proposing this national minimum manning, response, and staffing standard; and WHEREAS, this proposed standard will be considered and voted on at the NFPA annual conference on May 16, 2001 in Anaheim, California; and WHEREAS, if adopted and issued, this proposed NFPA standard would force local governments to shift dollars from fire prevention programs to fire suppression activities, potentially increasing the risk of fire and the danger to local fire fighters; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: That the City Council officially opposes any attempt by the National Fire Protection Association to adopt standards for staffing or minimum manning levels of fire, specialized, or emergency medical services vehicles controlled by units of local government; and ~.---_.._.- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande opposes any attempt by the National Fire Protection Association to adopt a standard dictating or affecting the response time of any fire, specialized, or emergency medical services vehicles; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will send this resolution to the National Fire Protection Association registering the City's opposition to proposed Standard 1710, which preempts local authority and places a one-size-fits-all mandate on our City and on all cities and towns. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this _ day of ,2001. _.~-_._-- RESOLUTION NO. - PAGE 3 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM 8.h. TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: PROPOSED STOP SIGNS ON WEST CHERRY A VENUE AT ORCHARD STREET DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the recommendation from the Traffic Commission to adopt a Resolution for stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. FUNDING: The estimated cost to install two stop signs and pavement marking is approximately $1,000. This can be accommodated in the Public Works Department Fiscal Year 2000/2001 operating budget. DISCUSSION: On March 19,2001, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request by Ms. Kathleen B. Goss to install stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. (See attached Traffic Commission Staff Report.) Traffic data was collected at the intersection and is attached. The City uses warrants established in the Caltrans Traffic Manual to determine the need for stop signs. . The intersection at West Cherry Avenue and Orchard has stop signs on Orchard Street with right-of-way given to vehicles on West Cherry Avenue. This intersection provides access to the Arroyo Grande High School offices and the Lucia Mar Unified School District main offices as well as the surrounding residential area. Orchard Street connects West Cherry Avenue with Fair Oaks Avenue. Northeast of Pilgrim Way, a local street, Orchard Street is being extended to provide access to a new housing project. Traffic volumes on Orchard Street and West Cherry Avenue were measured and provided in the attached table. In accordance with Section 4-03.6 of the Caltrans Traffic Manual, West Cherry Avenue meets the stop sign warrants. The Traffic Commission has reviewed the request to install stop signs on West Cherry Avenue and is recommending the Council approve the installation as proposed. The Police Department has reviewed the request and concurs with the recommendation to install stop signs on West Cherry. ~- ~"""-'---""'-~-_...- AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and adopt Resolution; - Do not approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation; - Provide direction to staff. Exhibit 1: Traffic Commission Staff Report of March 19, 2001 RESOUL TION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS ON WEST CHERRY AT ORCHARD STREET WHEREAS, a resident in the vicinity of West Cherry Avenue/Orchard Street requested that stop signs be placed on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Commission held a public hearing on the request for stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street; and WHEREAS, the Pubic Works Department performed a stop sign analysis to establish stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code Section 21355 and as outlined in the Caltrans' Traffic Manual Section 4-03.6; and WHEREAS, on March 19,2001 the City Traffic Commission recommended that the City Council establish stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street based on the results of the warrant study. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereby establishes stop signs on West Cherry Avenue at Orchard Street. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of May 2001. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY __.. - __.~~__. ____u_ ____ MEMORANDUM EXHIBIT 1 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION cr FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER Q;J ~ SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON WEST CHERRY A VENUE AT ORCHARD STREET DATE: MARCH 19, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Traffic Commission approve the request for stop signs on West Cherry Street at Orchard Street. FUNDING: The estimated cost to install two stop signs is $1,000 and can be accommodated in the Public Works Department Fiscal Year 2000/2001 operating budget. DISCUSSION: A letter from Ms. Kathleen B. Goss was received by the City requesting that all-way stop signs be. installed at the intersection of Orchard Avenue with West Cherry Street. (Attachment 1.) The existing intersection has stop signs on Orchard Street with right-of-way given to West Cherry Street. The subject intersection provides access to the Arroyo Grande High School offices and the Lucia Mar Unified School District main offices. Orchard Avenue connects West Cherry Avenue with Fair Oaks Boulevard. Northeast of Pilgram Way, a local street, Orchard Street now dead-ends. A subdivision is under construction that will be provided access via Orchard Street. When this subdivision is developed, traffic volumes on Orchard Street are expected to increase. West Cherry Avenue is a local street connecting Orchard and California Street. Attachment 2 shows the local roadway network. Traffic data was collected at the intersection and is presented in Attachment 3. Approaching volumes were counted and average daily traffic volumes were estimated. Orchard Street has an estimated 2,400 vehicles per day (vpd) south of West Cherry Avenue, and an estimated 2,100 vpd north of West Cherry. West Cherry Avenue has an estimated 800 vpd west of Orchard Street and an estimated 1,300 vpd east of Orchard Street. Signs for "No Parking without a Permit" are posted on all streets in the vicinity. The streets are also heavily traveled by pedestrians. The existing stop sign configuration gives right of way to vehicles on West Cherry Avenue, which is the lower volume roadway. There were no accidents reported to the Arroyo Grande Police Department in the last three years. The City uses warrants which are listed in the Caltrans Traffic Manual to establish the need for stop signs for the major street at an intersection. The findings of the warrants analysis are summarized below.w ". Warrants for Stop Signs Because the Stop sign causes a substantial inconvenience to motorists, it should only be used where warranted. A Stop sign may be warranted at an intersection where one or more of the following conditions exist: i. On the less important road at its intersection with a main road where accident history justifies the placement of Stop signs. 2. On a county road or city street with its intersection with a State highway 3. At the intersection with two main highways. The highway traffic to be stopped depends on approach speeds, volumes and turning movements, 4. On a street entering a legally established through highway or street. S. On a minor street where the safe approach speed to the intersection is less than 16 km/h. 7. At other intersections where a combination of high speed, restricted view and accident record indicates a need for control by the Stop sign." "Where two main hi2hways intersect, the Stop si2n or si2ns should normally be posted on the minor street to stop the lesser flow of traffic. Traffic engineering studies, however, may justify a decision to install a Stop sign or signs on the major street, as at a three-way intersection where safety considerations may justify stopping the greater flow of traffic to permit a left turning movement." Based on the above warrants, a stop sign is warranted on the West Cherry Avenue approaches of the intersection since it is the minor street. The Manual explicitly states that stop signs should not be installed as a measure to reduce speeds, and this would not be the case in this situation. In this instance, traffic on Orchard Street stops for traffic on Cherry Avenue. Orchard Street provides access to the City's arterial streets and has higher traffic volumes. Vehicles on West Cherry Avenue were observed in the peak a.m. hours stopping at the intersection, then proceed through slowly. Also it would be prudent at this time to install stop signs on Orchard Street in anticipation of additional traffic from the subdivision now under construction to the west. The Police Department has reviewed the request and concurs with the recommendation to install all-way stop signs at the intersection. AL TERNA TIVES: - Approve staffs recommendation; - Do not approve staffs recommendation; - Modify staffs recommendation; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter from Kathleen B. Goss dated August 29. 2. Vicinity map. 3. Traffic volumes. ~.. --'--~---- -___~____.____ .' '.....0 _.' ..~,_...,__ August29,2000 1115 Palm Ct. Arroyo Grande, Ca. 93420 Attachment 1 (805)473-8967 Mr. Don Spagnolo Director Of Public Works City Of Arroyo Grande 208 E. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA. 93421 Dear Mr. Spagnolo and Members of the Transportation Commission, I would like to propose that the intersection of Orchard St. and W. Cherry Ave. (currently a 2-way stop) be changed into a 4-way stop. There is a tremendous amount of traffic at this intersection. In addition to the normal residential traffic there are employees and commercial vehicles servicing 6 buildings associated with the Lucia Mar Unified School District administration & operations, the Arroyo Grande High School "900 Wing", the Pacific Coast Christian School, as well as parents and busses dropping off and picking up students from Arroyo Grande High School. During high traffic times the two-way stop causes confusion. Drivers often hesitate at the intersection because of the numerous "School" and "No Parking" signs and are unable to determine whether there is a 2-way or 4-way stop. Adding to the problem is the appearance that Orchard Street is the main traffic artery and W. Cherry is the secondary. Because of this, drivers ca~ become confused that there is not a 4-way stop at the intersection. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the safety of the residents, students, employees, and visitors of this area would be better served by changing the intersection of Orchard and W. Cherry from a 2-way stop to a 4-way stop. Thank you for your consideration in making this intersection safer for those who travel it. ~6-~ Kathleen B. Goss Teacher Parent Arroyo Grande Citizen attachment: area map CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUG 2 9 2000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ~--"-~ -~-------- * =: 1G ~ S """ 0 tP (") ~ rn -a n'l; -0 en:l:::n ~ ~a- fI)~O o~n - -0 o....n G)OO "\ r-io 'Z-ofl) ~ a .... ." ~fI)cn~ _....." iOO ~ ."C'I) ~ s Eg~ -0 - ais !i ,5';/ f:o'l; ;=~ ;lri ~_5 oil ~!1C ~g:s: .' C::i' c:::: ::! :n-en i G)en ~en ::!J::J ~c .' 0':' i!a ~.' r- en ~ai iiCnC:: - en ~~c fP' tiSi\c-n ~n.~..r i'lfe.~""':: ~ :: :~-.sg!1 "):,k~;~ .Ol$i'nc:>>' C=GJ=' s"" ..c:tt...... ~/.x,t' :c ii't,"': CJ .~..:') ",.;;1, ce:: :. (/) :a=' ~~c;.." ..:,~.~ ~------~- "'----'-~' en I- l m J: x Attachment 2 w 0)...... ......Q :x::!: u- a::(') <( ~ (J) ~Z (f)O - O(J) ~CL <(0 Ir- U(J) ~ o~ <( IZ 0 - . r- W_ >0 <(0 <( >- a::::~ Ct:O a.. 0 WLL I- en I ~>- Ur- en< 03= (J) 0..1 O...J r-W Q:...J 0..< (J)=:) wa SW ~ . _."~.~--- -~-_'_'_-_..,.'.'-- ------,._~_.,_..__.- Attachment 3 ..JC)(I) OMt-NMOMO..-N O'<tOOO:>CDO>OOO:>I.OI.Ot- ~zW t-t-I.O..--'<to:>t-o:>..-- ..-- ..--t-O> 1.0 0:> CD t-o ....-:E T- ~ ~ .,.- .,.- ..-- ..-- ..-- ..-- ..-- oJ::J ....0...1 ~o 0> 0:: a.. a.. ~ N'<t ........ W Q .... .... N :J ~ MM'<tO>M..--ONMOO 0:> ~ OOOO..--NNo:>o:>t-t-MCD '<t C)Z Q 0:> CD CDt-t-'<t "I "I 0 CDNOO:>'<t'<tCO '<t , 0 '<t 0 ..... ..... ..... CD .... wW N - N - '0 ...I> ;:S (\is J:~ -~ - 0 - 0 S- ....0 N.... N.... oS 0::0:: .... 0 o~ ... .... zJ: 0::00000000000 0000000000000 J::>o. 0 J:ooooooooooo 0:: 0000000000000 ~~ 0:: '<t1.OCO t-co0> O.....NM'<t J: .....NM'<tI.OCD.....COO)O.....NM e o............--...............NNNNN 0 ~~ ~.,... ~N W Z Z ~,..J :J W W I CA Z ~ IV W ~ N ~ Q Q W N... ~ N 0 :J ~ NOI.ONO>MO>t-OO>O CD ~ o N'<t 0 '<t1.01.O 0 '<t'<tt-t-M 1.0 0:: C)Z o OO>o)CO'<tOI.OI.Ot- ..... 0 1.0,.... CO '<to '<tCO co I ~ WW 0..... ..... t- o ..-- '<t .... :I: N- N- '0 0 ..J~ ;:S (\is -~ 0:: J:o - 0 - 0 ca_ 0 ....0:: N.... N.... oS 0 :J~ .... 0 ... .... 'z oJ: J::>o. ~ (1)0 0::00000000000 0:: 0000000000000 '<tca J:ooooooooooo 0000000000000 .... 0:: '<tI.OCDt-COO)O.....NM'<t J: .....NM'<tI.OCD,....COO)O.....NM N ~ W Q o............--..--..--..--NNNNN 0 ~ ..- ,.... ,.... ~N W Z Z ~...; 0:: W W I CA .... .... IV (I) )0- lD 0 0:: o ~ 0:: ...00 W >: ..... '<tCONCDO>O>O>t-..........o CD .... ON.....ON'<tt-OMCO'<t.....O> 0) J: C)O:: o MNMMM..... 0 Q '<t'<tN'<t..--..... 0> I 0 0 N Q ..-- .... wO:: N_ N_ '0 .... ..J~ ;:S (\is -~ (I) - 0 - 0 S- W ....0 N.... N.... oS ~ ~.... .... 0 ....... .... wffi J::>o. ~ ~ 0::00000000000 0:: 0000000000000 '<t ca (I) J:OOOOOOOOOOO J: 0000000000000 N ~ W '<tI.OCDt-COO>O.....NM'<t ..--NM'<tI.OCDt-O:>O>O.....NM ~N :E 0""'''''''''''''''''''''''''' "I "I "INN 0 or- .,... .,... .,... :J Z 2 ~...; W W I CA ...I ~ IV 0 > N C) CD ..... C">N 2 CD ..... J: >: ..... MNCDO>'<t.....NO>O>.....N co ..... OOI.OONr-r-OMCO'<tr-1.O co I 0 C)O:: o .....1.O'<tMNN..-- N Q .....CON..--..........N 0 Q ..... M 0 ..... M .... ~ wO:: N_ N_ '0 0 ..JW -ca - ca -~ ......... N.... 0:: :I: -0 - 0 S- a.. ....0 N.... N.... oS . a.. (I).... .... 0 ~ W(l) ....... ~ ~W ,c>o. ~ 0::00000000000 0:: 0000000000000 ...ca J:ooooooooooo ::z: 0000000000000 N ~ '<tI.OCOr-COo) 0..... N M'<t .....NM'<tI.OCDr-COO)O....NM ~N W O.......--.......--..........NNNNN 0 .,... .,... ,.... ,.... z z z ~~ 0 W W ..... IV -~--_..- -- -----------.--,..-- 8.i. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: STATE DECLARED DISASTER FOR MARCH 2001 WINTER STORMS DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended the Council: A. adopt attached resolution (State format) identifying individuals authorized to execute Office of Emergency Services (OES) documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance; and, B. appropriate $50,000 of the City's Urban State Highway Account (USHA) funds for the 25% local contribution to remove and replace the damaged sidewalk on Rodeo Drive. FUNDING: Preliminary costs for the various damaged sites within the City of Arroyo Grande have been estimated at $213,554. These estimates may change depending on final confirmation from OES on the damages and eligible categories. Any funds received from OES will be forwarded to Fund 220-Streets (Gas Tax) to reimburse the City for expenses incurred, except for the Rodeo Drive sidewalk repairs. The $185,864 Rodeo Drive sidewalk project would be funded by $139,398 (or 75%) from OES and $46,466 (or 25%) from City USHA funds. DISCUSSION: ~ As a result of the March 2001 winter storms, the County of San Luis Obispo region was subject to flooding damages and a local emergency was declared. The Director OES concurred and the City of Arroyo Grande is eligible to apply for State disaster relief. The March 2001 winter storms were not recognized as a federal disaster. OES provides up to 75% of costs for permanent repairs. Staff attended an "Applicants Briefing" meeting held by OES on April 12, 2001, which explained the application process and procedures. Staff has identified 11 projects that appear eligible for OES funding: Project Estimated Completed Cost 1. Reconstruct Sidewalk on Rodeo Drive No $ 185,864 2. Asphalt Repair at Juniper/Grand Ave Yes $ 313 3. Asphalt Repair on Meadowlark Yes $ 12,504 4. Asphalt Repair on EI Camino Real Yes $ 268 5. Asphalt Repair on Coach Road Yes $ 508 6. Asphalt Repair on Robin Circle Yes $ 885 7. Asphalt Repair on Fair Oaks Avenue Yes $ 260 8. Asphalt Repair on Creekside Drive Yes $ 153 9. Asphalt Repair on Cuesta Place Yes $ 102 10. Asphalt Repair on Stagecoach Road Yes $ 781 11. Culverts & Creek Banks to be Repaired No $ 11.916 in Meadow Creek at Noyes/Equestrian Total $ 213,554 Projects 2 through 11 are being completed by City crews or contractual services budgeted through Fund 220-Street (Gas Tax). If these projects are approved for funding, OES will provide up to the 75% of the project costs which will be forwarded to Fund 220. Project 1 will require project plans and specifications and will need to be constructed by a contractor. It is estimated that the total project cost will be $185,864 and that 75% (or $139,398) of the funding will come from OES. It is recommended that the 25% (or $46,466) local contribution come from the City's FY 2001/02 Urban State Highway Account (USHA) fund allocation. The Council previously allocated $50,000 per year of the City's USHA funds to be used for annual slurry seal projects. The City did not use its FY 2000/01 USHA allocation on slurry seal projects and the $50,000 is being carried over as part of the proposed FY 2001/02 budget. Therefore, using the FY 2001/02 USHA allocation for repairs on Rodeo Drive will not affect the slurry seal project budget. AL TERNA TIVES The following alternatives are presented for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff. Attachment: 1. Designation of Applicant's Agent Resolution (OES Form 130) jep:232.0001(19)\march 2001 storm damage\Authori1.wpd OFFICE OF - . EMERGENCY SERVICES NOAA March 2001 Winter Storms P.A. No.: .- DESIGNATION OF APPLI~ANT'S AGENT RESOLUfION BE I1.' RESOLVED BY mE City Council OF1HE 'City of Art1oyo Grande (OovcmiDg Body) (Name of AppIicIIIIt) 1HAT Steve Adams~ City Manager . OR (Title of AudIori2JccI Aacat> Don Spagnolo. Dir.'of Public Works/City E~9i~eer (TdIe of AutborizIcd Ap) Lynda Snodgrass, Dir. of Financial Services (TdIe of AuIhorized Apat) is heRby authorized to execute for and bi behalf of the .Ci ty of Arroyo Grande . . a public entity ambIisbed UDder the laws ()fthe State of California. this.ppJicatioo and to file it in the Office ofEm.erpacy &niccs for the puapose of obCaiDiDg cCrtain federal fiDancial ~ under P.L. 93-288 as 8IDCIIded by the Robert T. 8aft'ord Disasfa'Rdief aid EmeIpncy Assistance Act of 1983. andlor state financial ~ undec the Natural Disaster Assistanc:e Act. 'mAT the C 1 ty' of Arroyo Grande . a public eatiI:y established under the laws of the State of California. hereby .. IIdborizeS its agen1(s) to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services for all matters pertaining to such staCIe c:Iisast<< "';~ the assunmces and agreements required. Passed and approved this 8th day of May .~1J.2001 Michael A. Lady, Mayor . Tony M. Ferrar~. Ma~ar ProTem (Namc - Tille) Thomas A. Runels, Council Member (NaaIe ~Tide) Jim Dickens, Council Member (NadIe" Tide) Sandy Lubi~, Council Member CER1IFICA110N I. Kelly Wetmore . . duly appoiDmd and Director of Admini.stratfve S~fces/Deput)' (NIme) (I'ide) Cl~y of Arroyo Grande. . do hereby cerdfy 1bat die above is a true and c:onect copy of. I'CIOIutioa passed and approved by the C f ty Cou nc i 1 oftheCfty of Arroyo Grande oa.the (~aain8 body) (N.ne of AppIicaat) Sth day of May . U 2001 DIlle: -' Director of Administrative Services/Deputy (0fticiII Posidoa) (SipIIun:) ClDr:.. t3D(tcII87) MO FcInn ~----,-'". 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the following item: APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. Applicant: Leland and Amy Simpson, owners, Grover Beach Taxi ("GBT") Proposal: The Council will consider an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from Grover Beach Taxi for the operation of a taxicab service within the City limits of Arroyo Grande. Representative: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy Clerk Rick TerBorch, Chief of Police Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any persqn interested in the proposal can contact the Administrative Services Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5414 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). IF YOU CHALLENGE AN ITEM IN COURT, YOU MAYBE LIMITED TO RAISING ONL Y THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO RECEIVE THE NOTICE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR ANY COURT TO INVALIDATE THE ACTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR WHICH THE NOTICE WAS GIVEN. Date and Time of Hearing: Tuesday, May 8, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Place of Hearing: Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Publish 1T, April 27, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES~ RICK TerBORCH, CHIEF OF POLlC~ SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY - GROVER BEACH TAXI DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Determine whether the public convenience and necessity require an additional taxicab service within the City limits of Arroyo Grande; and 3) If such determination is made, adopt a Resolution granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity subject to full compliance with all conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 10 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. FUNDING: City Council action on this matter will have no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Chapter 10 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code sets specific requirements for the application and operation of taxicab companies within the City limits of Arroyo Grande. Taxicab companies must obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the City in order to commence operations. As part of the process, the City Council must conduct an advertised public hearing and determine if there is a public need or demand for additional taxicab service in the City. Currently, there are three taxicab companies operating within the City with Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity. Those companies are Central Coast Taxicab Service (three cabs operating in South County), Beach Cities Cab Company (one cab), and Five Cities Taxi Service (two cabs). Central Coast Taxicab Service also serves as the provider for the City's subsidized taxi program for senior and disabled citizens, which is administered through South County Area Transit (SCAT). The City has received a proposal from Leland and Amy Simpson to operate a fourth taxicab service in Arroyo Grande called Grover Beach Taxi ("GBT"). The Simpsons received approval from the Grover Beach City Council on April 2, 2001 and have already been issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to commence business in the City of Grover Beach. GBT has now submitted applications to the cities of Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach for consideration. ---.-.- The Simpsons have located their business at 1445 West Grand Avenue in Grover Beach and are proposing to personally operate one taxicab in the Five Cities area for the first year. The taxicab will be a 2000 or newer Chevy Venture which will seat six passengers. The color scheme, red with yellow reflective lettering, will make the taxicab clearly distinct in appearance from the other cab companies. The Simpsons have indicated they will be using a Centrodyne Silten 610 Electronic Taximeter, a state-of-the-art meter that is approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The cab will sport a 21" x 6" x 6.5" roof light. The roof light will have the word "TAXI" on the front and back, with "GBT" on the sides. The applicants state it will be a different shape than used by any existing cab company. Additionally, GBT will be charging fares as depicted in the chart below. Fares being charged by the existing taxicab companies are also provided for comparison purposes. Cornpan~ Pick+up Per Minimum Stand_~i~i., Qther Mile ~"Elrge Grover Beach Taxi $2.00 $2.00 $5.00 $50.00/hr N/A Five Cities Taxi $2.00 $2.00 $5.00 $50.00/hr N/A Beach Cities Cab $2.00 $2.00 N/A $25.00* $4.00 surcharge on *flat fee; standby creditlATM averages 1::1: hour cards Central Coast Taxi $3.00 $2.00 N/A $30.00/hr N/A Should the Council approve the Simpson's application, they will be required to comply with the following: a) submit vehicle for inspection by the Police Department; b) supply evidence of the required insurance; c) obtain a business license; and d) obtain taxi driver permits from the Police Department for all drivers prior to the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity being issued to commence operations. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council's consideration: - Determine there is a public need for an additional taxicab service in Arroyo Grande and adopt Resolution; - Find that there is no public need for an additional taxicab service in Arroyo Grande and do not adopt Resolution; or - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Application to operate GBT taxicab service in Arroyo Grande; 2. Municipal Code - Title 5, Chapter 10 "Taxicabs"; and 3. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity form. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO GROVER BEACH TAXI ("GBT") SERVICE FOR THE OPERATION OF A TAXICAB SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONTINGENT UPON FULL AND TOTAL COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 5, CHAPTER 10 "TAXICABS" OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, Grover Beach Taxi Service, owned and operated by Leland and Amy Simpson, has applied for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate a taxicab service in the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider the application for a taxicab service was duly noticed and held on May 8, 2001; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that public convenience and necessity require the additional taxicab service operating within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby grants and bestows a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Grover Beach Taxicab Service, contingent upon full and total compliance with all the conditions and requirements of Title 5, Chapter 10 ''Taxicabs'' of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the conditions and requirements of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code are not met by the applicant, the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity will not be issued. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following role call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of May, 2001. -~--_.- RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --_....._~---.. --~----~------ . "Llland & AlII! SillPson Attachment 1 ,~'-v ,.,,_Rf~EIVfED 493 South 4th Street #D . Grover Beach, CA 93433 ~ II I l.< I' 1-\ 1\ ROT 0 r. r : 1;" r. ...... I ,;. ... . ;.~ ~.... Fax 8C&481-5573 . Home Phone (805)481-5673 . Email bajacap@c2on.net 0 I Ii A R 1'\ I' \ JO HI 3: 24 March 30, 2001 Arroyo Grande City Council Re: Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Dear City Council Members, My name is Leland S. Simpson IV , and my wifes name is Amy K. Simpson. We would like to apply for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. We live with our son Leland V at 493 S. 4th Street #0, Grover Beach, 93433. Our phone number is (805)481-5573. We live on income that comes from an invention that I have a patent pending on. In the first year I have sold over 1,000,000 units of my invention. I expect a steady income from this for the next 5 years. I also consult to raisin grape growers in the Central Valley. For 15+ years I managed between 150-2000 acres of raisin vineyard in the Central Valley. At times I supervised 25 year-round employees and 250+ seasonal employees. I supervised maintenance, repair and records for a fleet of 25 Chevy trucks, 25+ tractors, 5 big-rigs, trailers, farm implements, etc. I held the pesticide licenses required by law to commercially apply chemicals to vineyards. I was responsible for employee training, pesticide use reporting to the state, and all record keeping except accounting. I have been heavily involved in the development of -Dried on Vine- raisin production which is currently sweeping the industry because of lower cost of production (95% mechanized) with three times the yield of conventional vineyards. The downside is that as production doubles and triples, demand remains steady to declining for raisins. I also currently attend Cuesta College where I am a 4.0 GPA student. I intend to attain a B.S. degree from CalPoly in Ag Business (concentration in marketing). I speak fluent Spanish and will actively seek the Spanish speaking market. Amy Simpson has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Loyola Marymount University of Los Angles. She has worked both as a pre-school and elementary school teacher. She has experience in Human Resources. While in college she worked as a research assistant and also in the computer lab. The last year she has been very busy starting our family and is eager to be a significant part of this taxi business. We seek approval of the city council for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for one (1) taxi. We will be purchasing one (1) taxi, a 2000 or newer Chevy Venture upon approval. The color will be a stock red with yellow reflective wording and striping on the sides, hood, roof and rear. The wording will give the proposed company name ( Grover Beach Taxi, GBT) and telephone number and make the cab clearly different in appearance from other cab companies. The taxi will seat six passengers with seatbelts. We will use a Centrodyne Silent 610 Electronic Taximeter. This meter is the state of the art. It is approved by the U.S. Dept of Commerce. There are thousands of these meters in use today in Califomia. Our cab will sport a 21 inch x 6 inch x 6.5 inch rooflight. The rooflight will say TAXI on the front and back and GBT on the sides. It will be a different shape than any existing cab company. On the dash in clear view will be a placard stating 1) $2.00 per mile, 2) standby time costs $ 50.00 per hour. 3) minimum fare $5.00, 4) Please NO SMOKING. The U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), ranks taxi and livery drivers are among those with the highest rates of assault, 183.8 per 1,000, exceeded only by police (306.0 per 1,000) and private security guards (217.8 per 1,000). Factors that put a driver at risk are working with the public, working with cash, working alone, working at night and working in high crime areas. Our company will use all of the following OSHA recommended safety additions for added driver security. 1) Automatic vehicle location or global positioning system (GPS) to locate driver in distress; 2) Caller ID to trace location of fares; 3) First-Aid kits for use in emergencies: 4) In car surveillance cameras to aid in apprehending perpetrators; 5) Protocol with police on high crime locations and perpetrator profiles; 6) Use of debit/credit cards acceptance system. Driver hiring criteria will be very stringent. My wife and I will be the only drivers during the first year. In addition to being able to eam a Taxi Driver Permit, potential drivers will be required to demonstrate a skill for driving. Potential drivers will need to pass a written street knowledge test. All drivers will be trained in defensive driving, accident prevention and avoidance, proper lifting of heavy weights, how to assist disabled persons and dealing with dangerous situations including threatening individuals, violence and robbery -- We will be banking with Mid-State Bank, 899 Grand Ave., Grover Beach 93433, (805)473-7788. Our market research has revealed significant demand for improved taxi service to the Grover Beachl Five-Cities area. 1990 U.S. Census reports 236,953 San Luis Obispo County residents. In Pismo Beach alone there are 2000+ hotel rooms and 800+ R.V. spaces. The demand of taxi service is far outweighed by the supply of taxi service especially from May to September. We thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, L--~~ . ---_...--._-. ---~-_.- ~- , . ! i - ----- ~ Attachment 2 5-10.01 5a.l0.0l CHAPTER 10. TAXICABS . . . .'.~ '. Sec_ 5-10.01. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwiseapp~~ent from the context, c:ertaln \'lords and. phrases used in thi.=: chapter are defined as follows: (a) UStreetU shall mean any piece of road commonly used for the purposes o~ public travel. (b) "DriveI'll shall mean every person in charge of, or operating, any .pa.s~en.ger-e.a.:r'r'y,ing ;not:or.'''',.propBll-.::d vehicle, either as agent, employee, cr otherwi$e, of th~ o~mer, as the o\'mer, or under the diI.'eciiion of the O\'m.er. ( l~) "Driver 1 c rerJjlit'. 8'0.8.]_1 u~ean a ~er!Ilit; issuel by the Ohief of Poli~;e to an ih,i i..vi.dua..J.. 'per-zor!1J.arm.i.'t"ting 'that peI'son to drive a taxicab UpO!1 the st!'eets of the Oi,r.y" (d) "0~L't i.fi.Co ate!! shall II!ea.'1. a ;,;.ertificate of public convenience 6...Tld nec:.e~sity i ~sue.i by' t!:.e C:ou,llGiL (e) ~rOt'm~r!! sha1.1 !l~eall a.."11 inc.lude e\rery person mming , . or having the use or c.om::rol. of a.ny taxi'Jab.. (f) URate card!' shall mea..'l. a card provided by the o~'mer of a size and type to be specified by the City Clerk ~or display in each taxicab, T,'lhich card shall set; forth the rates of fare then in force. (g) "Taxicab:r she.ll mean a motor-propelled. pa3sanger- carrying vehicle used for the transportation of passengers ~'lho , direct the route to be traveled oV'er the 'streets and not operated over a fixed route for compensation. (h) "Taxie;ab stand.'! shall mean a. public place alongside the curb of a street or elsewhere in the Oity T,.rhic.h place has been 1.67--1 R~prim' No. 9 - 9'~.?()"'73 -_._-~-_.,_."_....._- 2-10.01 5--10.02 , designated by the Council as reserved exclusively for the use of a holder of a cert~ficate of public 00nvenience and necessity_ ". (Sec. ~, Ord. 91 C.8., eff. September 13, 1973) Sec. 5-10.02. Certificates of public conveni.ence and. necessity . required. (a) Applic.ations. It shall be unlawful for any person to en~age in the business of operating any taxicab in the City without first having obtained from the Council a certificate of public convenie'n.~e and necessity. All persons applying for such certificates shall file with the CO'.J1l:::dl a verified application \'Thich shall set forth the foll.O\'1ing: (1) The name ana. a,5.dress of the person mak:lIlg the application; (2) If, at the ti~e of making the application, such person is actu?-lly operating a taxics.-I) ser.::i.ce in the City, the nurriber of taxicabs o.~Tne?- and operated therein by the appli- cant; (3) The numb~r of ve~tc.les for which a cercificate of public convenience ~d necessity is desired; (4) The make, type, year of manufacture, and passenger seating capacity of each taxicab for Ylhich the applica- tion for such ceI~ifi0ate is made; (5) A description of the proposed color scheme, insignia, or any other distinguishing characteristics of the taxi- cab. In this respect, no .two' (2) taxicab companies shall have the same color scheme; and (6) Such other information as the Oouncil may require. 167~2 Reprint No.9 - 9-30-73 5-10.02 5-10.02 (b) A~plications: Hearings. Upon the filing of the , fully completed application for the certificate of public convenience and necessity, the City Clerk shall fix the time for a public hear- ing thereon before the COW1cil for the purpose of determining whet~er the public convenience &~d necessity require the proposed taxicab service. No certificate shall be granted until the Council shal~, after the h~aring, declare by resolution that the public convenience and necessity require the proposed taxicab service. (0) !:Qplications ~ Rear'ings: NotL:-.>3S. Notice of the . time and place of the public hearing before the Counoil shall be published once in a ne~lspaper of general circulation in the Oity ten (10) days prioI' to the. heaxi.ng> The cost of such publication shall be at the exp€:nse of the app1.:i.c.ar..t. . ((1) Determination: Gri~e~ia. In determining ....lhet;her the public conveni.ence a.1'lG. ne0E;;ssity requ.ire the taxicab service for ~'lhich the a.pplicar;ion?-~ made, the CO~.l.."lJJil shall investigate and consider: J (1) The 'iema!).d of the public .for ad.d.itional taxicab service; (2) The a.dequa.cy of the existing taxi<..~ab servi.ce; (3) The fin8...'I1cial responsibili.ty an.i experience of the applicant; (4) The number, make, and type of the equipment and the col~r scheme to be used; and (5) The effect which additional taxicab service may have on traffic congestion and parking and whether such ser- vice \dll result in a greater .hazar'd. to the publie. (e) Issu8...Tlce. If the Council shall, by resolution, 167-3 R~p~int No.9 - 9-30-73 '- 5-10.02 5-10.02 declare that the public convenience and necessity require the addi- tional taxicab service, a certificate to that effect shall be issued to the persons entitled thereto; provided, however, the Council may, at its discretion, determine the c~aracter ~~~ number of permits to be gran~ed to f~'ni5h necessary ser~ice; and, pro- v:lded, further, no certificate authorized pUrsuant to the provi- sions of this chapter shall be issued to any person \orho shall not have fully complied with all the. necessary requirements of this chapter. (f) Existing operations~ Ths provisions of this sec- tion shall not effect the nt~ber of t~~icabs operating with valid permits on September 13, 1973; (g) Canc-.ellatlon. If the service permitted pur.sua..'1t: to the provisions of this ~haptf.:r is for an;r reason d.iscontinue..d for a period of forty-five (45) days, the certificate granted shall be automaticall;r canc~lled alld. sr.all be restoreil only in accordance with the provisions of this 5ection. eh) Sales and trarrsfe~s~ If m1 o~mer sells or transfers title to a taxicab for which a certificate has been issued, or in the event a taxicab for which a certificate has been issued has been destroyed, such Ot-mer shall be ent:i tIed, as a matter of right, upon written application to the COilllCil made within fifteen (15) days after such sale, tr~~sfer, or destru\~tion, to have a ne~'T certificate issued, but for no greater number than sold, trans- ferred, or destroyed, provided such owner has complied with all the provisions of this chapter~ (i) Revocation ~~d suspension. The Council may, at any time, revoke or suspend the certificate granted on the following 16'7~1+ Reprint No.9 - 9-30-73 ---_..._"------~--- 5-10.02 5-10~04 grounds or EmY of them: . . (1) If the owner's record is \.I11SS.tisfactoryj - - (2) If the owner fails to operate taxicabs in accordance with the provisions of this O'Iapter; (3) If the owner discontinues or suspends operations of taxicabs for a period of thirty (30) days without permission first had Emd obtainedj Emd , . (4) If taxicats are operated at a rate of fare other than that filed with the City Oerk. (j) Surrender. All certificates which shall have been suspended or revoked by the Council shall be surrendered to the City Oerk. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., eff. September 13, 1973.) ~ 5-10.03. License ~ No certificate of public convenience Emd necessity shall be issued or continued iri operation unless the holder .thereof has paid an annual license tax as set forth in Section 3- 1.419 of Article 4 of Clapter 1 of Title 3 of this Code. Such license tax shall be for the calendar' year and shall be in .addition to any other license feeS or charge:; established by proper authority and applicable to such holder of the vehicles under his operation and control;, provided, however, whenever EIDY vehicle is placed in service after the begiMing of the calendar year, the tax for such vehicle shall be prorated on 'a monthly basis. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., efe. September 13, 1973) ~ 5-10.04. Certificates Q!. ~ convenience. mJQ. necessity: Transfer. No certificate of public convenience and necessity may be sold, assigned, mortgaged, or otherwise transferred without the ~onsent of the Council first had and obtained. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., eff. September 13, 1973) 167-5 Reprint No. 41 (1/1/88) 5-10.05 5-10,07 ~ ~-10.05. . Ident~ ~ am iffi~a ..... Each holder of a certificate of public convenience and nec~ty shall keep on file with the Qty ae~k a staten:ent of the name under which he is doing business, the color scheme by which his taxicaoo will be marked and painted, and the insignia to be carried on such taxicaoo. Such color scheme and insignia shall confonn to the application of the holder on file with the City Cerk. All taxicaoo operated by the hoider of such a certificate shall be painted and . .marked in accordance with the statement currently on file with. the City Qerk. No holder of a certificate shall file' any statement of colors, markings, or insignia which is the same as, or similar to, the colors, markings, or insignia then clU'rently on file by any other holder of a certificate. Each taxicab shall, in plain view on the exterior .thereof, have the business name and address of the owner painted in letters at least one-hill (1/211) inch high. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 c.s., efr. September 13, 1973) ~ ~-10.06. Periodic inspections: y~ eQJJ.i!;XnEmt w:IQ. maintenance. Prior to the use and operation of any vehicle pursuant. to the provisions of this Otapter, such vehicle shall be thoroughly examined and inspected by the Police Department and found to cOCI"ply with all of the laws of the State and the City and with such rellSOnable rules and regulations for. safety as may be prescribed by the Chief of Police or by the Council. Every vehicle operating pursuant to the provisions of this Otapter shall be periodically insJ?ected by the Police Department every six (6) ronths to insure the continued maintenance of s81e operating conditions. A fee, as established by resolution of the City Council, for each inspection shall be paid to the City. In addition, every vehicle. operating pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be kept in a clean and sanitery condition. (Sec. 1~ Ord. 91 C.S., efr. September 13, 1973, as amended by Sec. 1, Ord. 361 C.s., eff. November 13, 1987) ~ 5-10.07. Refusal !2. ~. passengers: Prohibition 2i. Qriym. (a) It shall be a violation of the provisions of .this Otapter for any driver of a taxicab to refuse. or neglect to convey any orderly person upon request unlesS previously engaged or unable or forbidden by the provisions of this Otapter so to do. No driver of any taxicab shall solicit business for any hotel or rotel or attempt to divert patronage from one hotel or rootel to another. Neither shall such driver engage in selling intoxicating liquor, nor in transporting intoxicating liquor, except when the same is in the ~ion of a passenger, nor . solicit business for any house off ill repute, nor use his vehicle for any purpose other than the transportation of passengers. 167-6 Reprint No. 41 (1/1/88) - 5-10.07 5-10.01 .' (b) All persons . engaged in the taxicab business in the aty oper8.~ pursuant to the provisions of this O\apter, shall rend~r an overall service to. the public desiring to use taxicab>. Holders of certificates of public convenience and necessity shall maintain a central place of business and keep the same open twenty-four (24) hours a day for the purpose of . . receiving calls and dispatching taxicaoo. They shall answer all c81ls received by them , 167-7 Reprint No. 41 (1/1/88) ~ "- ~-10.07 ~~ for serviceS inside the City as soon as they can do so, and if such service cannot be rendered within a reasonable time, they shall then notify the prospective passengers how long it will be . . before such" c}ill can be "answered and give the reason therefore. Any holder who shall refuse to accept a call anywhere in the City at any time when such holder has available taxicabs, or who sflall fail or refuse to give overall service, shall be deemed a violator of the provisions of this Q\apter, and the certificate granted shall be revoked at the discretion of the Council. :(Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.S., eff. September 13, 1973) ~ ~-10,08. Qperating regulations: ~~ (a) Any driver employed to transport passengers to a definite point shall take the roost direct route possible which will carry his passenger to his"" destination safely and expeditiously. (b) No driver of any licensed taxicab shall refuse any person prompt taxicab service in the City at any tirrie while such taxicab is" on the public streets ready for service, unless such taxicab is already engaged in the carrying of one or rrore passengers or is enroute to answer a call for taxicab servicej provided, further, nothing in this. Subsection shall require any owner or driver to fum~h taxicab service to any person under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotics or to any person who is insane or who is a known criminal. (c) Every driver, upon request, shall give a correct receipt for the BIOOunt of payment received. (d) No driver of any taxicab shall accept, take into his vehicle, or transport any larger number of passengers than the rlates covering the seating capacity of his vehicle. 167-8 Reprint No. 9 - 9-30-13 -...- ~-10.0a 5-10,09 (e) No driver shall permit any taxicab to remain sta..nding in any established taxicab stand, W1less the taxicab is attended by a driver or operator, except when assistirg passengers to lOad or unload or ,when answering the telephone. (f) No driver shall carry any passenger other than pa~ passergers 'or persons authorized by or on cctnpa.ny business. (g) Every driver shall at all times display his driver's permit and. picture in a conspicuous place in the taxicab which he is operating. (h) Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall be cause for the revocation of the permit of the driver guilty of such violation. (Sec. 1, Oro. 91 C.s., err. September 13, 1973) ~ ~-10.09. 'J'axicab drivers: Pennits. (a) No person shall drive or operate any taxicab in the aty without havi~ first obtained a pemlit in writirg to qo 50 fran ~ auef of Police or any person designated by him. Such permit issued will entitle the driver to work only for those persons whose names appe&' on the permit. A new permit will be required for each subsequent eff,ploymentj provided, however, no application shall be necessary other than a ratification of c~e of employment. (b) Applicants for such. pennits shall file applications therefor with the O1ief of Police. 'The application shall contain the following Wormation, tcgether with a fee, as established by resolution of the Qty Council, and pictures of the applicant: (1) TI-.e name, marital status, age, residence, last previous address, and the leOgth ot residence .at such last address and in the Qtyj and (2) The .names s.nd addresses to two (2) residents of the aty 'acquainted with the applicant. Each application shall be accompanied by a certificate from a reputable physician certifyi~ that in his opinion the applicant is not inflicted with any disease or infinnity which might make him an unsafe or unsatisfactory driver. (c) No permit shall be issued and a permit there~ofore granted shall be r~voked: (1) If the applicant is under twenty-one (21) years of age; 167-9 Reprint No. 41 (1/1/88) .5:-~0.Q9 .5-10.Q9 (2) If the applicant has not resided in the county sixty (60) ." .. days immediately prior to filing; (3) If the applicant does not possess a valid ~lass "c" driver's license issued by the state; (4) If the applicant is a reckless driver or has been convicted of reckless driving or drivin9 while under the influence of intoxicating liquor .. or narcotics; (5) If the applicant is guilty or has been convicted of a fe~ony or crime involving moral turpitude; (6) If the applicant is not a fit and proFer person to drive a taxicab; or (7) If the applicant violates any provision of this chapter. (d) All applicants for drivers' permits shall be fingerprinted; and their applications will then be considered by the Chief of Police and either granted or denied within thirty (30) days unless, for good cause, tiIre for further consideration is needed. Before any application is finally passed upon, the Police Department shall conduct an investigation of the applicant. (e) Upon the approval of an application, the Chief of Police shall issue a driver's permit to the applicant, \J'lich Fermit shall bear the name, address, race, and other identifying characteristics of the applicant, including the signature of the applicant:. Such permit shall be fixed in a conspicuous place in the taxicab so as to be seen from the passengers' cattpartrnent. (f) If a driver changes hisjher errployrrent to a different owner, he/she shall, within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, notify the Chief of Police for the purpose of having hisjher driver's Ferniit changed so as to property designate the name of the new enployer. (g) ~en issued, the driver's permit shall be valid for orie. (1) year from the elate of issuance, unless the permit has been revoked for any of the causes set forth in this section. '!he driver, in Il'aking an application for a renewal of this permit, shall follow the same procedure as set forth in rraking his/her original application, except he/she shall not be fingerprinted or be required to furnish a photograph. The applicant shall pay the fee, as established by resolution of the City Council, for the issuance of the renewal permit. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.S., eff. September 13, 1973, as amended by Sec. 1, Ord. 361 . . C.S., eff. November 13, 1987; Sec. 7, Ord. 452 C.S., eff. November 12, 1992) 167-10 Reprint No. 52 (1/15/93) ~"71D_1O 5."71.0_12 ... pec...5.":,, 1Q .10 ; .Taxie".a,b .driv.e.rs: . Permits.:. .Revocation. '!he Q1ief of Police may revoke or refuse to renew an operator's permit if the driver or applicant has, since the granting of his;ner permit,: (a) Been convicted of a felony or a crirre involving moral turpitude, pander ing, using, possessing, selling or transporting narcotics; or inparting information for obtaining narcotics; (b) Been convicted of driving recklessly or mile under the influence of alcohol or narcotics; (c) Had hisjher driver's license or chauffeur's license issued by the state revoked or suspended; (d) Had two (2) or more convictions of misdemeanor hit-and-run or speed violations, as set forth in the Vehicle Code of the state, occurring during any consecutive period not exceeding twelve (12) m:mthsi or (e) Violated any of the provisions of the chapter. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.S., eff. September 13, 1973) See. 5-10.11. Repealed. See. 5-10.12. Public liabili~. (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to drive or o};erate a taxicab or cause a taxicab to be'driven or operated in the CitYi and no license for the operation thereof shall be granted, unless and until there is on file with the City Clerk, and in full force and effect at all times \>bile such .taxicab is being operated, a certificate of a policy of insurance, .approved by the City Attorney, with a solvent and responsible company aulthorized to do business in the State, insuring the owner of such taxicab (giving the rranufacture nurrber and State license nurrber) against loss by reason of injury or damage that may r'esult to persons or property from the negligent operation or defective construction of such taxicab, or for any other cause. Such policy mall have policy limits of not less than Five Hundred Thousand and nO/100ths Dollars ($500,000.00) for the injury or death of one person and One Million and no/lOOths Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for the injury of two (2) or more persons in the same accident and One Hundred Thousand and no/lOOths Dollars ($100,000.00) for injury or destruction of property. 167-11 Repr int No. 54 (9/01/94) ,.5.-:1.0_12 5-:-10.13 (b) Such policy of insurance shall guarantee the payment to any and .. persons suffering injury or da.mage to persons or property of any final judgment rendered against such owner or driver, within the limits set forth in subsection (a) of this section, irrespective of the financial c~ndition or any acts or omissions of such owner or driver, and shall insure to the benefit of slich persons. (c) If, at any tine, such policy of insurance is cancelled by the coopany issuing such policy, or if the author ity of the cotrpany to do business in the State shall be revoked, the City Clerk shall require the owner to replace such policy with another poli~ satisfactory to the City Attorney and file a certificate thereof, and in default thereof the owner's license to operate shall be revoked. (d) All public passenger vehicles for hire shall be under the supervision and control of the Chief of Police; and he shall not permit any driver to operate any taxicab in the City While the taxicab, or any equipment used thereof or therewith, shall "be unsafe, defective, or in any unsanitary conditions. Every taxicab shall be at all titres subject to inspection by any police officer of the City. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.S., eff. Septarber 13, 1973, as ameooed by Sec. 1, Ord. No. 463 C.S., eff. May 26, 1994) Sec:...5:;-lQ.13 . Fa tes..of. .fa r.e. (a) 'Ihe owner shall set his/her Own rates of fare, but he shall cause a copy of all rates to be filed with the City Clerk and also shall cause a schedule of rates to be prominently displayed in each taxicab operated in the City. All charges fixed, charged, or collected for service shall be in accorc1ance with the rate schedules posted with the City Clerk; and it shall be unlawful for different charges to be made therefor. (b) No schedule of rates shall be chan;ed after the schedule has been posted except by the owner filing a copy of the neW schedule with the City Clerk. (c) If at any titre the Council believes that any presently in-force schedule of rates or proposed schedule of rates is or may be excessive, the Council may notify the owner Who filed such a schedule of the Council' 5 intention to reduce rates and may order such person to show cause why such rates should 167-12 Repr int No. 54 (9/01/94) .5:-1 n 13 .5:-10...1..6 not be reduced. In such event the Council shall provide a hearing. '!be owner shall have the opportunity to present evidence at such hear ing . If, after hearing the evidence, the Council finds such rates to be excessive, the Council may then make an order setting forth new and reduced maximt..mt rates. In the same manner the Council may establish miniIrum rates. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., eff. September 13, 1973) Sec~-5.71Q .14. Taxicab .stands. (a) '!he Council may designate taxicab stands on public streets for each holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessi ty , 'tbich designation shall rerrain in effect until revoked by the Council. (b) No owner or driver of aIrJ taxicab shall IBrk a taxicab on any public street in the Central Traffic District for the purpose of soliciting business other than at the stands designated by the Council. (c) '!he taxicab stands shall be designated by alternating stripes. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., eff. September 13, 1973) ~':~I!:. sec.... 5,,:,10.15 . .Records_.1'Inrl .r~,J:ts. '!be holder of each certificate of public convenience and necessity shall keep accurate records of receipts from o~rations, operating and all other expenses, capital expenditures, and suc:h other operating information as may be required by the Council. Every holder of such certif icate shall maintain the records containing such infornation and other data required by this chapter at a place readily accessible for examination by the City Clerk or the Police DepartIrent. (sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.S., eff. September 13, 1973) Sec...5-10.16. .Rules and reanlat.ions. '!he Council may fran tine to tine by resolution pronulgate regulations for the operation of taxicabs and for the naintenance of records. '!he O1ief of Police may from t~ to tim: promulgate regulations re5{:ecting the safety of operations and the maintenance of taxicabs. (Sec. 1, Ord. 91 C.s., eff. September 13, 1973) 167-13 Reprint No. 54 (9/01/94) Attachment 3 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Pursuant to Resolution No. _' adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on , this certificate is hereby issued to The authority granted by this Certificate is limited to those services and conditions, in all aspects, as contained upon the applicant's application, dated , and this certificate shall become valid and effective only upon signature of all parties listed below. License Taxes Paid DATE FINANCE DIRECTOR Certificate of DATE CITY ATTORNEY Insurance Complies Vehicles Inspected DATE POLICE CHIEF Vehicle Inspection DATE POLICE CHIEF Fee Paid Taxicab Drivers' DATE POLICE CHIEF Permits Issued Rate Schedule DATE DEPUTY CITY CLERK Provided Rate Schedules DATE POLICE CHIEF Posted in Taxi 10.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER A SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED REDUCTION ON HUASNA ROAD DATE: MAY 8,2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. FUNDING: The estimated cost is $2,000.00 to remove and replace existing speed limit signs and pavement markings. This cost can be accommodated in the Fiscal Year 2000-2001 budget. DISCUSSION: On March 13, 2001, a recommendation from the Traffic Commission was presented for Council consideration to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. After Council consideration staff was directed to investigate the roadway conditions to determine if there are special physical features, extraordinary circumstances or special conditions that can be used to further reduce the recommended speed limit and return to the Council with the findings. Staff was also requested to look into the possibility of meeting with the Traffic Commissioner to generally discuss these issues. The physical characteristics of the roadway were investigated in accordance with the Vehicle Code and the Caltrans Traffic Manual to determine if additional justification for further reduction in the speed limit was present. Sight distance was measured at the entrance to the Bolsa Chica Mobile home park to be 500 feet; a minimum of 495 feet is required for decision sight distance needed to exit the driveway to the park, Additionally, accident records, prevailing speeds as determined by traffic engineering measurements, and highway, traffic, and roadside conditions which are not readily apparent to the driver have been addressed in previous reports and do not present justification to further reduce the speed limit. Moderate density residential districts, as defined in Section 22352 of the Vehicle Code, were also investigated. This section of the Vehicle Code establishes criteria for posting prima facie speed limits for 15 mph, 25 mph and 35mph. As of March 1, 2001 the criteria establishing the 35 mph zone for moderate density residential districts as defined in Section 22352.1, which applied to the Town of Apple Valley, is no longer in ---.- effect. Therefore, this section of the Code cannot be applied in establishing the speed limit on Huasna Road (see memo from Police Chief Rick TerBorch.) Vehicle Code Section 627, which identifies residential factors when conducting an engineering and traffic survey was reviewed. This Section defines residential density as having either 13 separate dwelling units on one side of the road within a quarter mile, or cumulatively, 16 separate dwelling units fronting both sides of the road. Residential units cannot be counted if they do not directly access the street, and if they are multi-unit complexes. This criteria has not been met on Huasna Road. Staff further investigated providing a separate speed limit for passenger vehicles and trucks. Separate speed limits are not permitted on a residential street because both vehicle types share a single lane of travel in each direction. All vehicles are required to go the speed of the slower vehicle, which reduces undesirable passing maneuvers of trucks by passenger vehicles. Issues and conditions related to reducing the speed limit were discussed with the District Attorney's office, Staff was advised not to discuss this issue with the Traffic Commissioner since it would be improper for the Traffic Commissioner to provide input or a finding, which would impermissibly taint future judicial proceedings involving this matter. Based on the information requested by the Council, a further reduction in the speed limit . below 40 mph did not meet the criteria established in the Vehicle Code or the Caltrans Traffic Manual. Therefore, staff recommends that the speed limit on Huasna Road be reduced from 45 mph to 40 mph in accordance with the Traffic Commission's recommendation. The Police Department has reviewed the request and concurs with the recommendation to reduce the speed limit. AL TERNA TIVES: - Approve the recommendation to enact the resolution to establish a 40 mph speed .limit on Huasna Road; - Do not approve the recommendation; - Provide direction to staff; Attachments: 1. Memo from Police Chief Rick TerBorch 2. Vehicle Code, Section 22348-22366 3. City Council Memorandum - March 13, 2001 RESOUL TION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT ON HUASNA ROAD WHEREAS, the residents in the vicinity of Huasna Road requested that the speed limit be reduced on Huasna Road; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande conducted a speed survey on a City street in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, the Pubic Works Department performed an speed survey to establish the speed limit on Huasna Road in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code and as outlined in the Caltrans' Traffic Manual; and WHEREAS, radar enforcement of any speed limit other than those expressly established by State law requires that such limit be based upon speed survey, as has been duly conducted; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2000 the City Traffic Commission recommended that the City Council reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 mph to 40 mph based on the results of the speed survey. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereby establishes the speed limit on Huasna Road as follows: Huasna Road (Route 227 to the eastern City limit), 40 mph. This Resolution shall take effect upon its posting. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of May, 2001. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY t'J5~6~e~9~~I~..-.M~~.~;'~t~q~ll~i!y~~~i~~6!~~1"'bi~!ri9t~" w.<____~ ,.-.., <,,~<, ~i3g~ 1.\ Attachment 1 From: "Chief Rick TerBorch" <chief@thegrid.net> To: "Don Spagnolo" <DSpagnolo@arroyogrande.org> Date: 3/16/01 1 :59PM Subject: Moderate Density Residential Districts - . . . Don Per our discussion regarding "Moderate Density Residential Districts", Vehicle Code Section 22352.1 applied specifically to a "Demonstration Project" for the Town of Apple Valley. This law allowed the Town of Apple Valley, Cal Trans, and the CHP to conduct a demonstration project which established a 35 mph speed zone on streets in a moderate density residential district. A minimum of four streets were to be used for the project. The law defined a moderate density residential project. However, the law was specific to the Town of Apple Valley. The law had specific requirements requiring the Town of Apple Valley to conduct an evaluation of the project, including the requirement of utilizing outside consultants. The law became effective January 1,1998 and EXPIRED on March 1, 2001. There is currently no other provision in the law which allows for the establishment of prima facie speed limits other than pursuant to an "Engineering and Traffic Survey" as defined in Vehicle Code Section 627. However, that section was amended, effective January 1, 2001, to include: "(c) When conducting an engineering and traffic survey, local authorities, in addition to the factors set fort in paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive of subdivision (b) may consider all of the following: (1) Residential density, if any of the following conditions exist on the particular portion of highway and the property contiguous thereto, other than a business district: (A) Upon one side of the highway, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 13 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures. (B) Upon both sides of the highway, collectively, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 16 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures. (C) The portion of highway is longer than one-quarter of a mile but has a ratio of separate dwelling houses or business structures to the length of the highway described in either subparagraph (A) or (B). (2) Pedestrian and bicyclist safety." Hopefully, this will be of assistance to you. Rick CC: "Tim Carmel" <immit58@aol.com>, "Steve Adams" <sadams@arroyogrande.org> -_...~._---_.__..- -- CA Codes (veh:22348-22366) Page 1 of9 VEHICLE CODE Attachment 2 SECTION 22348-22366 22348. (a) Notwithstanding subdivision (b) of Section 22351, no person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway with a speed limit established pursuant to Section 22349 or 22356 at a speed greater than that speed limit. (b) Any person who drives a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater. than 100 miles per hour is guilty of an infraction punishable, as follows: (1) Upon a first conviction of a violation of this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) . The court may also suspend the privilege of the person to operate a motor vehicle for a period not to exceed 30 days pursuant to Section 13200.5. (2) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense which occurred within three years of a prior offense resulting in a conviction of an offense under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) . The person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 13355. (3) Upon a conviction under this subdivision of an offense which occurred within five years of two or more prior offenses resulting in convictions of offenses under this subdivision, by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) . The person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 13355. (c) Any vehicle subject to Section 22406 shall be driven in a lane designated pursuant to Section 21655, or if no lane has been so designated, in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, the drivers shall use either the designated lane, the lane to the immediate left of the right-hand lane, or the right-hand lane for traffic as permitted under this code. If, however, specific lane or lanes have not been designated on a divided highway having four or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, any such vehicle may also be driven in the lane to the immediate left of the right-hand lane, unless otherwise prohibited under this code. This subdivision does not apply to a driver who is preparing for a left- or right-hand turn or who is in the process of entering into or exiting from a highway or to a driver who is required necessarily to drive in a lane other than the right-hand lane to continue on his or her intended route. 22349. (a) Except as provided in Section 22356, no person may drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than 65 miles per hour. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person may drive a vehicle upon a two-lane, undivided highway at a speed greater than 55 miles per hour unless that highway, or portion thereof, has been posted for a higher speed by the Department of Transportation or appropriate local agency upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. For purposes of this subdivision, the following http://www.leginfo.ca....I displaycode?section=veh&group=2200 1-23000&fi1e=22348- 2236 04/30/2001 ---- -... -~... .-.- CA Codes (veh:22348-22366) Page 2 of9 apply: (1) A two-lane, undivided highway is a highway with not more than one through lane of travel in each direction. (2) Passing lanes may not be considered when determining the number of through lanes. (c) It is the intent of the Legislature that there be reasonable signing on affected two-lane, undivided highways described in subdivision (b) in continuing the 55 miles-per-hour speed limit, including placing signs at county boundaries to the extent possible, and at other appropriate locations. 22350. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. . 22351. (a) The speed of any vehicle upon a highway not in excess of the limits specified in Section 22352 or established as authorized in this code is lawful unless clearly proved to be in violation of the basic speed law. (b) The speed of any vehicle upon a highway in excess of the prima facie speed limits in Section 22352 or established as authorized in this code is prima facie unlawful unless the defendant establishes by competent evidence that the speed in excess of said limits did not constitute a violation of the basic speed law at the time, place and under the conditions then existing. ,. 22352. (a) The prima facie limits are as follows and shall be applicable unless changed as authorized in this code and, if so changed, only when signs have been erected giving notice thereof: (1) Fifteen miles per hour: (A) When traversing a railway grade crossing, if during the last 100 feet of the approach to the crossing the driver does not have a clear and unobstructed view of the crossing and of any traffic on the railway for a distance of 400 feet in both directions along the railway. This subdivision does not apply in the case of any railway grade crossing where a human flagman is on duty or a clearly visible electrical or mechanical railway crossing signal device is installed but does not then indicate the immediate approach of a railway train or car. (B) When traversing any intersection of highways if during the last 100 feet of the driver's approach to the intersection the driver does not have a clear and unobstructed view of the intersection and of any traffic upon all of the highways entering the intersection for a distance of 100 feet along all those highways, except at an intersection protected by stop signs or yield right-of-way signs or controlled by official traffic control signals. (C) On any alley. (2) Twenty-five miles per hour: (A) On any highway other than a state highway, in any business or residence district unless a different speed is determined by local authority under procedures set forth in this code. (B) When approaching or passing a school building or the grounds http://www.leginfo.ca..../displaycode?section=veh&group=2200 1- 23000&file=22348-2236 04/30/2001 CA Codes (veh:22348-22366) Page 3 of9 thereof, contiguous to a highway and posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving the school either during school hours or during the noon recess period. The prima facie limit shall also apply when approaching or passing any school grounds which are not separated from the highway by a fence, gate or other physical barrier while the grounds are in use by children and the highway is posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign. For purposes of this subparagraph, standard "SCHOOL" warning signs may be placed at any distance up to 500 feet away from school grounds. (C) When passing a senior center or other facility primarily used by senior citizens, contiguous to a street other than a state highway and posted with a standard "SENIOR" warning sign. A local authority is not required to erect any sign pursuant to this paragraph until donations from private sources covering those costs are received and the local agency makes a determination that the proposed signing should be implemented. A local authority may, however, utilize any other funds available to it to pay for the erection of those signs. (3 ) Thirty-five miles per hour on any highway, other than a state highway, in any moderate density residential district, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 22352.1, when posted with a sign giving notice of that speed limit, unless a different speed is determined by local authority under procedures set forth in this code. (b) This section shall remain in effect only until March 1, 2001, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted on or before March 1, 2001, deletes or extends that date. 22352. (a) The prima facie limits are as follows and shall be applicable unless changed as authorized in this code and, if so changed, only when signs have been erected giving notice thereof: (1) Fifteen miles per hour: (A) When traversing a railway grade crossing, if during the last 100 feet of the approach to the crossing the driver does not have a clear and unobstructed view of the crossing and of any traffic on the railway for a distance of 400 feet in both directions along the railway. This subdivision does not apply in the case of any railway grade crossing where a human flagman is on duty or a clearly visible electrical or mechanical railway crossing signal device is installed but does not then indicate the immediate approach of a railway train or car. (B) When traversing any intersection of highways if during the last 100 feet of the driver's approach to the intersection the driver does not have a clear and unobstructed view of the intersection and of any traffic upon all of the highways entering the intersection for a distance of 100 feet along all those highways, except at an intersection protected by stop signs or yield right-of-way signs or controlled by official traffic control signals. (C) On any alley. (2) Twenty-five miles per hour: (A) On any highway other than a state highway, in any business or residence district unless a different speed is determined by local authority under procedures set forth in this code. (B) When approaching or passing a school building or the grounds thereof, contiguous to a highway and posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving the school either during school hours or during the noon recess period. The prima facie limit shall also apply when approaching or passing any school grounds which are not separated from the highway by a fence, http://www.1eginfo.ca... ./displaycode?section=veh&group=2200 1- 23000&file=22348- 2236 04/30/2001 CA Codes (veh:22348-22366) Page 4 of9 gate, or other physical barrier while the grounds are in use by children and the highway is posted with a standard "SCHOOL" warning sign. For purposes of this subparagraph, standard "SCHOOL" warning signs may be placed at any distance up to 500 feet away from school grounds. (C) When passing a senior center or other facility primarily used by senior citizens, contiguous to a street other than a state highway and posted with a standard "SENIOR" warning sign. A local authority is not required to erect any sign pursuant to this paragraph until donations from private sources covering those costs are received and the local agency makes a determination that the proposed signing should be implemented. A local authority may, however, utilize any other funds available to it to pay for the erection of those signs. (b) This section shall become operative on March 1, 2001. 22352.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Town of Apple Valley, in conjunction with the Department of Transportation and the Department of the California Highway Patrol, may conduct a demonstration program that establishes a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour on any highway, other than a state highway, in a moderate density residence district. (b) For the purposes of this section, a "moderate density residence district" is that portion within the boundaries of the Town of Apple Valley of a highway and the property contiguous thereto, other than a business district, (1) upon one side of which highway, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by six, but not more than 12, separate dwelling houses or business structures, or (2) upon both sides of which highway, collectively, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 10, but not more than 15, separate dwelling houses or business structures. A moderate density residence district may be longer than a quarter of a mile if the above ratio of separate dwelling houses or business structures to the length of the highway exists. (c) Section 240 shall apply to the demonstration program established pursuant to subdivision (a) . (d) The Town of Apple Valley shall select at least four representative streets within a moderate density residence district for purposes of the demonstration program. The demonstration program shall be conducted for at least one year but not longer than three years. Selected streets shall have at least one quarter mile of straight roadway without interruption and at least one of the streets shall have a curb and gutter. (e) Drivers of vehicles operating on selected streets shall comply with this code for the purpose of all traffic laws. Traffic laws shall be enforced by law enforcement agencies in accordance with law. (f) The Town of Apple Valley shall prepare a written report at the end of the demonstration program. The report shall include data identifying street volume, street classification, street width, accident history for three years prior to the demonstration program, incidences of accidents occurring during the program, and the number of violations, identified by violation, time of day, speed, and residency of the violation. The report shall be submitted to the Legislature within 90 days of the conclusion of the program and shall be made available to the public. (g) In addition, the Town of Apple Valley shall have a study conducted by a public or private entity employing traffic and http://www.1eginfo.ca... ./displaycode?section=veh&group=2200 1- 23000&file=22348- 2236 04/30/2001 CA Codes (veh:22348-22366) Page 5 of9 engineering consultants or by any organization with traffic engineering expertise. The entity or organization undertaking the study shall conduct a study of speeds on the selected residential streets before posting signs. Surveys shall include morning and evening commute times. This study shall be presented with the report described in subdivision (f) . (h) This section shall remain in effect only until March 1, 2001, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted on or before March 1, 2001, deletes or extends that date. 22354. (a) Whenever the Department of Transportation determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that the limit of 65 miles per hour is more than is reasonable or safe upon any portion of a state highway where the limit of 65 miles is applicable, the department may determine and declare a prima facie speed limit of 60, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30 or 25 miles per hour, whichever is found most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe, which declared prima facie speed limit shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the highway. (b) This section shall become operative on the date specified in subdivision (c) of Section 22366. 22354.5. (a) Whenever the Department of Transportation determines, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey, to increase or decrease the existing speed limit on a particular portion of a state highway pursuant to Section 22354, it shall, prior to increasing or decreasing that speed limit, consult with, and take into consideration the recommendations of, the Department of the California Highway Patrol. (b) The city councilor board of supervisors of a city or county through which any portion of a state highway subject to subdivision (a) extends may conduct a public hearing on the proposed increase or decrease at a convenient location as near as possible to that portion of state highway. The Department of Transportation shall take into consideration the results of the public hearing in determining whether to increase or decrease the speed limit. 22355. Whenever the Department of Transportation determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that the safe and orderly movement of traffic upon any state highway which is a freeway will be facilitated by the establishment of variable speed limits, the department may erect, regulate, and control signs upon the state highway which is a freeway, or any portion thereof, which signs shall be so designed as to permit display of different speed limits at various times of the day or night. Such signs need not conform to the standards and specifications established by regulations of the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 21400, but shall be of sufficient size and clarity to give adequate notice of the applicable speed limit. The speed limit upon the freeway at a particular time and place shall be that which is then and there displayed upon such sign. http://www.leginfo.ca... .Idisplaycode?section=veh&group=2200 1- 23000&file=22348-2236 04/30/2001 -~ MEMORANDUM Attachment 3 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER & SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED REDUCTION ON HUASNA ROAD DATE: MARCH 13, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph. FUNDING: The estimated cost to remove and replace existing speed limit signs and pavement markings is $2,000.00 and can be accommodated in the Fiscal Year 2000-2001 budget. DISCUSSION: The City received a letter from Ms. Ada G. Keep dated August 8, 2000 requesting that the speed limit on Huasna Road be reduced from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 30 mph. A petition was also submitted and signed by approximately 209 citizens living in the vicinity of Huasna Road. Posted speed limits are determined by procedures set forth in the California Vehicle Code, which calls for engineering studies as defined in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. The Manual defines a short method of speed zoning based on the premise that a reasonable speed limit is one that conforms to the actual behavior of the majority of motorists, and that by measuring motorists' speeds, one will be able to select a speed limit that is both reasonable and effective. Other factors that need to be considered include but are not limited to: the most recent two year collision record, roadway design speed, safe stopping sight distance, super elevation or degree in which the roadway is tilted, shoulder conditions, profile conditions, intersection spacing and offsets, commercial driveway characteristics and pedestrian traffic. The Manual states the speed limit normally should be established at the first five mile per hour increment below the 85th percentile speed, which is defined as the speed at or below which 85 percent of the traffic is moving. Huasna Road is classified as a minor arterial in the City's Circulation Element with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. It has two lanes in each direction between Highway 227 and approximately the 900 block of the roadway. It has one travel lane in each direction between the 900 block and Strother Park, with a center two way left turn lane near Strother Park. Sidewalks are present on both sides of the roadway between Highway 227 and Stagecoach Road. The land use adjacent to Huasna Road is primarily residential within the City limits. Huasna Road has approximately 7,500 average daily trips based on traffic data collected in May 2000. Eleven collisions were reported on Huasna Road within the City limits in the past three years; five of these involved injuries. Four collisions occurred at the intersection of Huasna Road and Clarence Avenue, and three occurred within the 900 block of Huasna Road. The rest of the collisions were at various locations. The most recent speed survey data, collected in May 2000, shows that the 85th percentile speed was 43 mph. Earlier speed surveys showed the 85th percentile speed to be between 46 and 49 mph. Sight distance is generally unobstructed for the majority of the roadway. Based on the factors noted above, establishment of the prima facie speed limit is governed by the California Vehicle Code and enforced by the Arroyo Grande Police Department. For any change in speed limit to come into effect, the Arroyo Grande City Council must approve the change and amend the resolution adopting the City's Speed Survey. On November 20th, the Traffic Commission addressed this item and advised that it be forwarded to the City Council for action to reduce the speed limit from 45 mph to 40 mph on Huasna Road from Route 227 to the eastern City limit. The Police Department has also reviewed the request to reduce the speed limit and is concerned that any establishment or changes to the prima facie speed limit is developed and approved in accordance with the Vehicle Code and Caltrans Traffic Manual to ensure that violation can be upheld when contested in Court. The reduction from 45 to 40 miles per hour meets these concerns. However, given guidelines provided by the Traffic Court Commissioner, staff is unsure whether the Commissioner will uphold the reduction in the speed limit when a violation of the speed limit is contested in Court. Violations not upheld by the Court may require revising the speed limit to properly be enforced. AL TERNA TIVES: 1. Enact the Resolution to establish a 40 mph speed limit on Huasna Road; 2. Deny the request; and 3. Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Letter from Ms. Ada G. Keep 3. Vicinity Map _..- "_.~" RESOUL TION NO. - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT ON HUASNA ROAD WHEREAS, the residents in the vicinity of Huasna Road requested that the speed limit be reduced on Huasna Road; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande conducted a traffic speed survey on various City streets in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, the Pubic Works Department performed an engineering and traffic survey to establish the speed limit on Huasna Road in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code and as outlined in the Caltrans' Traffic Manual; and WHEREAS, radar enforcement of any speed limit other than those expressly established by State law requires that such limit be based upon an engineering and traffic speed survey, as has been duly conducted; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2000 the City Traffic Commission recommended that the City Council reduce the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 mph to 40 mph based on the results of the engineering and traffic speed survey. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, hereby establishes the speed limit on Huasna Road as follows: Huasna Road (Route 227 to the eastern City limit), 40 mph. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of March, 2001. :' ~ ~~. } ---" RESOLUTION NO. - Page 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~~ ste'V- ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARME~, CITY ATTORNEY 950 Huasna Road #27 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 August 8, 2000 Arroyo Grande Traffic Commission P. O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Dear Sir or Madam: This is a letter of request to be placed on the agenda of your meeting to be held on September 18, 2000. It is my wish to present to the Traffic Commission a petition for the reduction of the speed limit on Huasna Road from 45 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. and I would like to present same. Please advise that you can do this. 111ank you for yoUr time. Sincerely yours, Ada G. Keep 481-5436 CITY OF .' ARROYO GRANDE AUG 10 2000 PUBUC WORKS DEPT. , A] fIl 0 C fIl (J) ~ 'lI OC rrl A])> ~ (/) (J) (J)Z U)>, fTl "->:::0 filA] -us::: rO 00 >0 >> :::Om ZO A])> ^- r rrlz rrl (/))> I I:::O fIlO 0 rrl:::O 5: :::00 0 rrl rrl:E (/) C -I 0 n ~ - 0 Z 2: 0 , j: -'~~~ M -- 1 G.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~ SUBJECT: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES DATE: MAY 8, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing a standard schedule for development impact fees. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact projected. DISCUSSION: At the March 27, 2001 meeting, the City Council approved a new fee structure to more accurately identify land use categories in calculating the traffic facilities fees. Staff was requested to further modify the development impact fee tables so they are all consistent with the format utilized for the traffic facilities fee. This has been completed and is incorporated in the attached resolution for Council consideration. Fee amounts ha've not been changed. However, in order to make the land use categories consistent, some of the categories were averaged and consolidated for fire protection and police facilities fees. After reviewing the original fee study by DMG- Maximus, it was determined that this would also be more fair since calls for service were identified by zoning area, but the fees are assessed by project type. A request was also made to determine what would be involved in reviewing whether changes in the amount of the transportation facilities fees are appropriate at this time. This would require contracting for another study, similar to that prepared by DMG Maximus in March 2000. The study would determine fee recommendations based upon needed improvements and development potential. The study is not recommended at this time since the existing fees have been in effect for only one year. CITY COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE RESOLUTION MAY 8,2001 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the resolution; - Modify and adopt the resolution; - Do not adopt the resolution; - Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 525 C.S. consolidating into a single article of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Article 6, Chapter 2, Title 3) provisions regarding development impact fees for fire protection, police facilities, community centers, park improvements, water facilities, traffic signalization and transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 525 C.S., the Council may by resolution set the amount of said development impact fees and intends hereby to establish a standardized schedule format for said development impact fees to simplify calculation of the fees for specific residential and non-residential development. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fees and fee schedules set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days after its adoption per Government Code Section 66017. On motion of Council Member seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2001. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" Definitions: Development Types -Residential and commercial development divided into sub- categories. Units of Development - A standard measure of the cost to provide services. The acre is the fundamental unit measure, which is divided into a smaller component, the dwelling unit (DU). Asset Cost Per Acre - The calculated cost to provide additional services/facilities to new development. Calls Per Unit - The number of yearly additional police calls generated by new development. Facility Cost Per Call - The cost per call to expand current police facilities to accommodate new development. Persons Per Unit - The number of persons expected to reside in the unit of development. Costs Per Capita - The cost of new or additions to the current community center, on a per person basis, to maintain the current level of service of recreation facilities. Impact Fee Per Unit - The fee to be levied per unit of development in order to recover future cost of new or expanded facilities. (a) Fire Protection Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay a fire protection fee of $1,211.67 per acre. Acres per dwelling unit are determined based upon the following schedule. ---....-- IMP ACT FEES PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT FIRE PROTECTION Units of Acres Impact Fee Land Use Categories Development Per Unit Per Unit Asset Cost Per Acre = $1,211.67 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Residential - Estate Acre 2.50 3,029.17 Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) DU 1.00 1,211.67 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) DU 0.32 387.73 Second Residential Unit DU 0.32 387.73 Multi-family (Condominium) DU 0.09 109.05 Multi-family (Apartments) DU 0.09 109.05 Mobile Home (Family) DU 0.32 387.73 Mobile Home (Adults only) DU 0.32 387.73 Retirement Community DU 0.09 109.05 Congregate Care Facility DU 0.09 109.05 GOVERNMENT Civic Center Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Post Office Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Community Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Department of Motor Vehicles Acre 1.00 1,211.67 OFFICE Standard Commercial Office Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Office Park Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Single Tenant Office Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Corporate Headquarters Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Medical-Dental Office Acre 1.00 1,211.67 INDUSTRIAL Industrial/Business Park Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Industrial Park (no commercial) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Manufacturing! Assembly Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Warehousing Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Storage Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Science Research & Development Acre 1.00 1,211.67 SHOPPING CENTERS Super Regional (>60 acres) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Regional (30-60 acres) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Community (10-30 acres) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Neighborhood (<10 acres) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Units of Acres Impact Fee Land Use Categories Development Per Unit Per Unit Asset Cost Per Acre = $1,211.67 COMMERCIAL SHOPS Specialty Retail/Strip Commercial Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Electronics Superstore Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Factory Outlet Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Supennarket Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Drugstore Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Convenience Market (15-16 hours) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Convenience Market (24 hours) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Discount Club Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Discount Store Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Furniture Store Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Lumber Store Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Home Improvement Superstore Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Hardware/Paint Store Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Garden Nursery Acre 1.00 1,211.67 RESTAURANTS Fast Food Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Sit Down Acre 1.00 1,211.67 FINANCIAL SERVICES Bank/Savings and Loan Acre 1.00 1,211.67 OTHER LAND USES Church Acre 1.00 1,211.67 General Hospital Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Convalescent/Nursing Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Bus depot Acre 1.00 1,211.67 RECREATIONAL Bowling Center Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Campground Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Golf Driving Range Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Movie Theater Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Health Club Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Tennis Court Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Sports Facility Acre 1.00 1,211.67 ----_._,-~_.--_..- --_.~~------ Units of Acres Impact Fee Land Use Categories Development Per Unit Per Unit Asset Cost Per Acre = $1,211.67 AUTOMOBILE Car Wash Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Gas Station Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Sales (Dealer & Repair) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Auto Repair Center Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Auto Parts Sales Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Quick Lube Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Tire Store Acre 1.00 1,211.67 CEMETERY (acre) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE University - 4years (acre) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Junior College Acre 1.00 1,211.67 High School Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Middle/Junior High Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Elementary Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Day Care Center (per child) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Library Acre 1.00 1,211.67 LODGING Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Motel Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Resort Hotel Acre 1.00 1,211.67 Bed and Breakfast Acre 1.00 1,211.67 (b) Police Facilities Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay a police facilities fee of $101.15 per call for service projected to be generated by such development project. Projected calls for service are based upon the following schedule. ~. ...~ _____H.. IMP ACT FEES PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT POLICE FACILITIES FEES Calls Police Facilities Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Facility Cost Per Call = $101.15 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Residential - Estate 0.25 25.29 Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 0.25 25.29 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 0.75 75.86 Second Residential Unit 0.75 75.86 Multi-family (Condominium) 1.32 133.52 Multi-family (Apartments) 1.32 133.52 Mobile Home (Family) 0.75 75.86 Mobile Home (Adults only) 0.75 75.86 Retirement Community 1.32 133.52 Congregate Care Facility 1.32 133.52 GOVERNMENT (per acre) Civic Center 1.24 125.43 Post Office 1.24 125.43 Community 1.24 125.43 Department of Motor Vehicles 1.24 125.43 OFFICE (per acre) Standard Commercial Office 1.24 125.43 Office Park 1.24 125.43 Single Tenant Office 1.24 125.43 Corporate Headquarters 1.24 125.43 Medical-Dental Office 1.24 125.43 INDUSTRIAL (per acre) Industrial/Business Park 0.68 68.78 Industrial Park (no commercial) 0.68 68.78 Manufacturing! Assembly 0.68 68.78 Warehousing 0.68 68.78 Storage 0.68 68.78 Science Research & Development 0.68 68.78 SHOPPING CENTERS (per acre) Super Regional (>60 acres) 41.48 4,195.70 Regional (30-60 acres) 41.48 4,195.70 Community (10-30 acres) 41.48 4,195.70 Neighborhood (<10 acres) 41.48 4,195.70 Calls Police Facilities Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Facility Cost Per Call = $101.15 COMMERCIAL SHOPS (per acre) Specialty Retail/Strip Commercial 41.48 4,195.70 Electronics Superstore 41.48 4,195.70 Factory Outlet 41.48 4,195.70 Supennarket 41.48 4,195.70 Drugstore 41.48 4,195.70 Convenience Market (15-16 hours) 41.48 4,195.70 Convenience Market (24 hours) 41.48 4,195.70 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) 41.48 4,195.70 Discount Club 41.48 4,195.70 Discount Store 41.48 4,195.70 Furniture Store 41.48 4,195.70 Lumber Store 41.48 4,195.70 Home Improvement Superstore 41.48 4,195.70 Hardware/Paint Store 41.48 4,195.70 Garden Nursery 41.48 4,195.70 RESTAURANTS (per acre) Fast Food 41.48 4,195.70 Sit Down 41.48 4,195.70 FINANCIAL SERVICES (per acre) Bank/Savings and Loan 41.48 4,195.70 OTHER LAND USES (per acre) Church 41.48 4,195.70 General Hospital 41.48 4,195.70 ConvalescentlNursing 41.48 4,195.70 Bus depot 41.48 4,195.70 RECREATIONAL (per acre) Bowling Center 41.48 4,195.70 Campground 1.32 133.52 Golf Driving Range .68 68.78 Movie Theater 41.48 4,195.70 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) 41.48 4,195.70 Health Club 41.48 4,195.70 Tennis Court .68 68.78 Sports Facility .68 68.78 Calls Police Facilities Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Facility Cost Per Call = $101.15 AUTOMOBILE (per acre) Car Wash 41.48 4,195.70 Gas Station 41.48 4,195.70 Sales (Dealer & Repair) 41.48 4,195.70 Auto Repair Center 41.48 4,195.70 Auto Parts Sales 41.48 4,195.70 Quick Lube 41.48 4,195.70 Tire Store 41.48 4,195.70 CEMETERY (per acre) .68 68.78 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE University - 4years (acre) 41.48 4,195.70 Junior College 41.48 4,195.70 High School 41.48 4,195.70 Middle/Junior High 41.48 4,195.70 Elementary 41.48 4,195.70 Day Care Center (per child) 41.48 4,195.70 Library 41.48 4,195.70 LODGING Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) 41.48 4,195.70 Motel 41.48 4,195.70 Resort Hotel 41.48 4,195.70 Bed and Breakfast 41.48 4,195.70 (c) Community Center Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential development project shall pay a community center fee of $33.21 per new resident generated by such development project. The number of new residents is based upon the following schedule of estimated persons per dwelling unit. IMP ACT FEES PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY CENTER FEES Persons Community Center Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Facility Costs Per Capita = $33.21 AGRICULTURE (per acre) 2.80 92.99 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Residential - Estate 2.80 92.99 Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 2.80 92.99 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 2.80 92.99 Second Residential Unit 2.80 92.99 Multi-family (Condominium) 2.00 66.42 Multi-family (Apartments) 2.00 66.42 Mobile Home (Family) 2.80 92.99 Mobile Home (Adults only) 2.80 92.99 Retirement Community 2.00 66.42 Congregate Care Facility 2.00 66.42 (d) Park Improvement Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential development project shall pay a park improvement fee of $573.08 per new resident generated by such development project. The number of new residents is based upon the following schedule of estimated persons per dwelling unit. IMP ACT FEES PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT PARK IMPROVEMENT FEES Persons Community Center Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Costs Per Capita = $573.08 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Residential - Estate 2.80 1,604.63 Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 2.80 1,604.63 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 2.80 1,604.63 Second Residential Unit 2.80 1,604.63 Multi-family (Condominium) 2.00 1,416.16 Multi-family (Apartments) 2.00 1,416.16 Mobile Home (Family) 2.80 1,604.63 Persons Community Center Land Use Categories Per Unit Fees ($) Costs Per Capita = $573.08 Mobile Home (Adults only) 2.80 1,604.63 Retirement Community 2.00 1,416.16 Congregate Care Facility 2.00 1,416.16 (e) Water Facility Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay a water facility fee based upon the water meter size installed. The fee amount shall be determined according to the following schedule. IMP ACT FEES BASED ON METER SIZE WATER FACILITY FEES Meter Size Impact Fee ($) 5/8 inch - % inch 630.00 1 inch 1,050.00 1 ~ inch 2,100.00 2 inch 3,360.00 3 inch 6,300.00 4 inch 10,500.00 6 inch 21,010.00 (f) Traffic Signalization Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay a traffic signalization fee of $445.56 per peak hour trip generated by such development project. To determine peak hour trips generated by a development project, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer first to the schedule of peak hour trips and traffic fees for specific residential and non-residential uses set forth below. If the specific proposed use is not identified on this schedule, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) most recent "(Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region." If the peak hour data is absent from both of these schedules, the applicant may be required to submit a traffic study or other factual data which demonstrates the traffic impacts of the proposed development project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. PEAK-HOUR-TRIPS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FEES FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $445.56 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 1.20 534.67 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 1.00 445.56 Second Residential Unit 1.00 445.56 Multi-family (Condominium) 0.80 356.45 Multi-family (Apartments) 0.54 240.60 Mobile Home (Family) 0.55 245.06 Mobile Home (Adults only) 0.30 133.67 Retirement Community 0.28 124.76 Congregate Care Facility 0.16 71.29 GOVERNMENT (per thousand square feet) Civic Center 3.60 1,604.02 Post Office CentrallWalk-in only 6.30 2,807.03 Community (not including mail drop lane) 18.00 8,020.08 Community (w/mail drop lane) 30.00 13,366.80 Mail drop lane only 180.00 80,200.80 Department of Motor Vehicles 18.00 8,020.08 OFFICE (per thousand square feet) Standard Commercial Office 2.80 1,247.57 Office Park 1.56 695.07 Single Tenant Office 2.10 935.68 Corporate Headquarters 1.19 530.22 Medical-Dental Office 5.50 2,450.58 INDUSTRIAL (per thousand square feet) IndustriallBusiness Park 1.92 855.48 Industrial Park (no commercial) 0.84 374.27 Manufacturing! Assembly 0.80 356.45 Warehousing 0.75 334.17 Storage 0.18 80.20 Science Research & Development 1.28 570.32 SHOPPING CENTERS (per thousand square feet) Super Regional (>60 acres) 3.60 1,604.02 Regional (30-60 acres) 4.50 2,005.02 --._~--- ---"'.-"--- Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $445.56 Community (10-30 acres) 7.00 3,118.92 Neighborhood (<10 acres) 12.00 5,346.72 COMMERCIAL SHOPS (per thousand square feet) Specialty Retail/Strip Commercial 3.60 1,604.02 Electronics Superstore 5.00 2,227.80 Factory Outlet 3.60 1,604.02 Supermarket 15.00 6,683.40 Drugstore 9.00 4,010.04 Convenience Market (15-16 hours) 40.00 17,822.40 Convenience Market (24 hours) 63.00 28,070.28 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) 59.50 26,510.82 Discount Club 5.40 2,406.02 Discount Store 4.80 2,138.69 Furniture Store 0.54 240.60 Lumber Store 2.70 1,203.01 Home Improvement Superstore 3.20 1,425.79 HardwareIPaint Store 5.40 2,406.02 Garden Nursery 4.00 1,782.24 RESTAURANTS (per thousand square feet) Fast Food(with drive through) 45.50 20,272.98 Fast Food (without drive through) 49.00 21,832.44 Sit Down, High Turnover 12.80 5,703.17 Sit Down, Low Turnover (quality) 8.00 3,564.48 FINANCIAL SERVICES (per thousand square feet) Bank/Savings and Loan (walk-in only) 12.00 5,346.72 Bank/Savings and Loan (with drive-through) 20.00 8,911.20 OTHER LAND USES (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Church (rates x 4 for Sunday or days of Assembly) 0.72 320.80 General Hospital (per bed) 1.70 757.45 Convalescent/Nursing (per bed) 0.21 93.57 Bus depot 25.00 11,139.00 RECREATIONAL (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Bowling Center 3.30 1,470.35 Campground 0.32 142.58 Golf Driving Range 6.30 2,807.03 Movie Theater (per seat) 0.14 62.38 ~ - ------- Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $445.56 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) 5.40 2,406.02 Health Club 2.70 1,203.01 Tennis Court 1.76 784.19 Sports Facility - outdoor stadium (acre) 50.00 22,278.00 Sports Facility - indoor arena (acre) 30.00 13,366.80 AUTOMOBILE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted Car Wash Automatic 81.00 36,090.36 Self-serve 8.00 3,564.48 Gas Station 13.95 6,215.56 WithIFood Mart/Car wash (per pump) Sales (Dealer & Repair) 4.00 1,782.24 Auto Repair Center 2.22 989.14 Auto Parts Sales 6.00 2,673.36 Quick Lube 4.00 1,782.24 Tire Store 2.75 1,225.29 CEMETERY (acre) 5.00 2,227.80 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) University - 4years (acre) 10.00 4,455.60 Junior College 2.16 962.41 High School 3.12 1,390.15 Middle/Junior High 3.60 1,604.02 Elementary 3.92 1,746.60 Day Care Center (per child) 0.90 401.00 Library 5.00 2,227.80 LODGING (per room) Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) 0.80 356.45 Motel 0.81 360.90 Resort Hotel 0.56 249.51 Bed and Breakfast 0.28 124.76 *Land Use Categories identified in this schedule are primarily based upon "San Diego Traffic Generators" . Other sources used include the "Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual". If there is a question about the type of use, the City Engineer will refer to this manual for additional clarification. Peak hour trips based on square feet unless otherwise stated. -,~-- (g) Transportation Facilities Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay a transportation facilities fee of $1 ,216.21 per peak hour trip generated by such development project. To determine peak hour trips generated by a development project, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer first to the schedule of peak hour trips and traffic fees for specific residential and non-residential uses set forth below. If the specific proposed use is not identified on this schedule, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) most recent "(Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region." If the peak hour data is absent from both of these schedules, the applicant may be required to submit a traffic study or other factual data which demonstrates the traffic impacts of the proposed development project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. , PEAK-HOUR- TRIPS AND TRAFFIC FEES FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 1.20 1,459.45 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 1.00 1,216.21 Second Residential Unit 1.00 1,216.21 Multi-family (Condominium) 0.80 972.97 Multi-family (Apartments) 0.54 656.75 Mobile Home (Family) 0.55 668.92 Mobile Home (Adults only) 0.30 364.86 Retirement Community 0.28 304.05 Congregate Care Facility 0.16 194.59 GOVERNMENT (per thousand square feet) Civic Center 3.60 4,378.36 Post Office Central/Walk-in only 6.30 7,762.12 Community (not including mail drop lane) 18.00 21,891.78 Community (w/mail drop lane) 30.00 36,486.30 Mail drop lane only 180.00 218,917.80 Department of Motor Vehicles 18.00 21,891.78 OFFICE (per thousand square feet) Standard Commercial Office 2.80 3,405.39 Office Park 1.56 1,897.29 Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 Single Tenant Office 2.10 2,554.04 Corporate Headquarters 1.19 1,447.29 Medical-Dental Office 5.50 6,689.16 INDUSTRIAL (per thousand square feet) IndustriaIlBusiness Park 1.92 2,335.12 Industrial Park (no commercial) 0.84 1,021.62 Manufacturing! Assembly 0.80 972.97 Warehousing 0.75 912.16 Storage 0.18 218.92 Science Research & Development 1.28 1,556.75 SHOPPING CENTERS (per thousand square feet) Super Regional (>60 acres) 3.60 4,378.36 Regional (30-60 acres) 4.50 5,472.95 Community (10-30 acres) 7.00 8,513.47 Neighborhood (<10 acres) 12.00 14,594.52 COMMERCIAL SHOPS (per thousand square feet) Specialty RetaiVStrip Commercial 3.60 4,378.36 Electronics Superstore 5.00 6,080.05 Factory Outlet 3.60 4,378.36 Supennarket 15.00 18,243.15 Drugstore 9.00 10,945.89 Convenience Market (15-16 hours) 40.00 48,648.40 Convenience Market (24 hours) 63.00 76,621.23 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) 59.50 72,364.50 Discount Club 5.40 6,567.53 Discount Store 4.80 5,837.81 Furniture Store 0.54 656.75 Lumber Store 2.70 3,283.77 Home Improvement Superstore 3.20 3,891.82 HardwareIPaint Store 5.40 6,567.53 Garden Nursery 4.00 4,864.84 RESTAURANTS (per thousand square feet) Fast Food (with drive through) 45.50 55,337.56 Fast Food (without drive through) 49.00 59,594.29 Sit Down, High Turnover 12.80 15,567.49 Sit Down, Low Turnover (quality) 8.00 9,729.68 ,--,-.-----.----- Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 FINANCIAL SERVICES (per thousand square feet) Bank/Savings and Loan (walk-in only) 12.00 14,594.52 Bank/Savings and Loan (with drive-through) 20.00 24,324.20 OTHER LAND USES (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Church (rates x 4 for Sunday or days of Assembly) 0.72 875.67 General Hospital (per bed) 1.70 2,067.56 ConvalescentlNursing (per bed) 0.21 255.40 Bus depot 25.00 30,405.25 RECREATIONAL (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Bowling Center 3.30 4,013.49 Campground 0.32 389.19 Golf Driving Range 6.30 7,662.12 Movie Theater (per seat) 0.14 170.27 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) 5.40 6,567.53 Health Club 2.70 3,283.77 Tennis Court 1.76 2,140.53 Sports Facility - outdoor stadium (acre) 50.00 60,810.50 Sports Facility - indoor arena (acre) 30.00 36,486.30 AUTOMOBILE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted Car Wash Automatic 81.00 98,513.01 Self-serve 8.00 9,729.68 Gas Station 13.95 16,966.13 WithIFood Mart/Car wash (per pump) Sales (Dealer & Repair) 4.00 4,864.84 Auto Repair Center 2.22 2,699.99 Auto Parts Sales 6.00 7,297.26 Quick Lube 4.00 4,864.84 Tire Store 2.75 3,344.58 CEMETERY (acre) 5.00 6,081.05 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) University - 4years (acre) 10.00 12,161.10 Junior College 2.16 2,627.01 High School 3.12 3,794.58 Middle/Junior High 3.60 4,378.36 _._,-_._-~ Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 Elementary 3.92 4,767.54 Day Care Center (per child) 0.90 1,094.59 Library 5.00 6,081.05 LODGING (per room) Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) 0.80 972.97 Motel 0.81 985.13 Resort Hotel 0.56 681.08 Bed and Breakfast 0.28 340.54 *Land Use Categories identified in this schedule are primarily based upon "San Diego Traffic Generators" . Other sources used include the "Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual". If there is a question about the type of use, the City Engineer will refer to this manual for additional clarification. Peak hour trips based on square feet unless otherwise stated. ~-,._._.._..~-_.._- ---------- 11.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE~ STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGE~ . I. SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) CONTRACT DATE: MAY 8, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: . Introduce for first reading the attached Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System, . Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City the attached Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System. . Approve the Side Letter of Agreement amending the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Arroyo Grande Police Officers Association (AGPOA). FUNDING: This modification will cause the City to incur $16,050 of additional costs during the 2001-02 Fiscal Year. Future impacts may vary depending on a variety of factors as discussed below. DISCUSSION: The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide retirement benefits to employees. The retiree benefits are based on the number of years of service, the employee earnings, and the benefit provisions of the contract. To meet the varying needs of the contracting agencies, CalPERS offers a wide variety of benefit provisions. To provide the future benefits, each agency contributes a percentage of its employees' salaries. The percentage contribution is based on benefits provided, future cost to provide the benefits, and the amount of assets accumulated to pay those benefits. CalPERS then invests each agency's contributions to accumulate sufficient amounts to pay its employees the contracted benefits. Annually, CalPERS evaluates the agency's accumulated assets and the actuarial projections of the cost to provide future retiree benefits. An agency that has not accumulated sufficient assets will make higher annual contributions than an ----... .----------.-..-. ------- MODIFICATION TO CalPERS CONTRACT May 8,2001 Page 2 agency with sufficient assets. Annual contributions are also affected by changes in employee benefits. As a result of side-bar negotiations with the Arroyo Grande Police Officer Association, an agreement has been reached to increase CalPERS retirement benefits from 2% (for each year worked) at age 50 plan to the 3% (for each year worked) at age 55 plan for police officer employees (effective January 1, 2002). This modification to the CalPERS contract will increase police employee benefits and increase the City's contribution rate. The City and AGPOA also agreed in the Side Letter of Agreement, to reduce the maximum accrued compensatory time from 200 hours to 175 hours. The attached copy of that agreement is consistent with the terms presented and agreed to during the City Council closed session of March 2ih. In the short term the CalPERS change will increase the City's annual contribution rate by 2.29%, or $32,100 per year ($16,050 with 1/1/02 implementation date). The long-term projected cost is approximately $719,000, which will be paid by the City over a twenty-year period. CalPERS also projected that the City will use its surplus accumulated assets over five years rather than the originally projected eleven years. The first step in the CalPERS contract modification process is the adoption of a resolution of intention to amend the current contract and to introduce for first reading an ordinance to modify the contract. The attached resolution is supplied by PERS, and must be adopted as prepared by the PERS agency. The Ordinance in the City's format has been developed to meet the City's requirements from a sample format supplied by CaIPERS. The second and final step in the amendment process will take place on June 12, 2001 with the second reading of the Ordinance. As part of the Side Letter of Agreement, implementation of the benefit will begin on January 4, 2002. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations; - Deny staff recommendations; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Exhibits: - Sample amendment to Contract - AGPOA Memorandum of Understanding Side Letter of Agreement ~-".,.. ORDINANCE NO. C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO AMEND THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California ("City") is duly authorized and existing under the laws of said State; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has contracted with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to provide retirement benefits to the employees; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande wishes to adopt the provisions of Section 21363.1 (3% @ 55 Modified formula) for local police members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: Section 1: That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit", and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. Section 2: The Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said City. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 4, 2002. Section 4: Within fifteen (15) days after passage of this Ordinance, it shall be published, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this day of 2001. -- --' ORDINANCE NO. C.S. PAGE 2 MICHAEL A. LADY, MAYOR ATTEST: KELL Y WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to amend this contract is the adoption by the governing body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: To provide Section 21363.1 (3% @ 55 Modified formula) for local police members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the above agency does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between said public agency and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. By: Presiding Officer Title Date adopted and approved (Amendment) CON-302 (Rev. 4/96) j . A. CalPERS EXHIBIT California Public Employees' Retirement System . AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council City of Arroyo Grande . The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract effective July 10, 1964, and witnessed June 16, 1964, and as amended effective September 16, 1966, May 24,1973, July 4, 1980, June 24, 1988, February 12, 1999, October 15,1999 and September 28, 2000 which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 12 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective September 28, 2000, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 13 inclusive: 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 55 for local miscellaneous members; age 50 for local fire members and age 55 for local police members. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN "EXHIBIT ONLY" 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System from and after July 10, 1964 making its employees as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions thereof, apply only on the election of a contracting agency. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Local Fire Fighters (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Local Police Officers (herein referred to as local safety members); c. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). 4. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: a. EMPLOYEES COMPENSATED ON AN HOURLY BASIS; AND b. ELECTED OFFICIALS. 5. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 55 Modified and Full). 6. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local fire member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21362 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 50 Modified). 7. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local police member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21363.1 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (3% at age 55 Modified). The required member contribution rate is 9% of reportable compensation in excess of $133.33. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN "EXHIBIT ONLY" 8. Public Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following optional provisions: a. Section 21222.1 (One-Time 5% Increase - 1970). ' Legislation repealed said Section effective January 1, 1980. b. Section 20965 (Credit for Unused Sick Leave). c. Section 21024 (Military Service Credit as Public Service), Statutes of 1976. d. Section 21027 (Military Service Credit for Retired Persons). e. Section 20042 (One-Year Final Compensation) for local miscellaneous members and local police members only. 9. Public Agency, in accordance with Government Code Section 20790, ceased to be an "employer" for purposes of Section 20834 effective on . July 4, 1980. Accumulated contributions of Public Agency shall be fixed and determined as provided in Government Code Section 20834, and accumulated contributions thereafter shall be held by the Board as provided in Government Code Section 20834. 10. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System the contributions determined by actuarial valuations of prior and future service liability with respect to local miscellaneous members and local safety members of said Retirement System. 11. Public Agency shall also contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. b. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 13. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within fifteen days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances. Adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments between the employee and the Board. B. This amendment shall be effective on the day of , BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIRE~NT SYSTEM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~ <::5 BY t-..... BY KENNETH W. MARZION, EF PRESIDING OFFICER ~ ACTUARIAL & EMPLO'l SERVICES DIVISION ~ PUBLIC EMPLOYEES'" TIREMENT SYSTEM ~ &: ;- ~ Witness Date ~ ~/~ ~~ Attest: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Clerk ~~ ~ Q: ~<:j ~ ~ << AMENDMENT PERS-CON-702A (Rev. 8\96) _J SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT: MODIFICATION TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The City of Arroyo Grande ("City") and the Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association ("AGPOA") do hereby agree to modify the current Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the City and the AGPOA as follows; said changes to become effective January 1, 2002: 1. Amend the City's current Retirement Agreement with the Public Employees' Retirement System ("PERS") for Police Department safety personnel to the 3% @ 55 formula plan with the "single highest year" benefit (Article 44, Section A); and 2. Reduce the limit for accrued compensatory time from 200 hours to 175 hours (Article 17, Section C). The provisions of this Agreement as related to numbers (1.) and (2.) above will be incorporated into the next Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the AGPOA. This Agreement is contingent and shall be effective upon final approval by the City Council. ~~ ~~~~L' For Ity of Arroyo Grande For Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association (AGPOA) J~~-O/ J -2.1'- ";;?<:J()/ Date Date ---_.,--'-"" -----'-...---.---------