CC 2019-02-12_11a Discussion on Safe and Sane FireworksMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEPHEN C. LIEBERMAN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO THE DISCHARGE OF CLASS C (“SAFE AND SANE”) FIREWORKS DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2019 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Discussion and direction regarding Municipal Code Section 8.08.100 – Public Discharge (Fireworks) IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: No funding impacts to this staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council discuss Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 8.08.100 related to the discharge of Class C (“Safe and Sane”) fireworks and provide direction to staff on any potential changes to the number of days that fireworks may be discharged in the City. BACKGROUND: At the July 24, 2018 meeting, the City Council directed staff to schedule a future agenda item (within six months), to discuss the days that fireworks can be discharged in the City. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Municipal Code Section 8.08.100 currently states, “Discharge of safe and sane fireworks may only occur from the 3rd day of July through midnight of July 5th and shall be in legally permitted locations. No person under eighteen (18) years of age may possess or discharge safe and sane fireworks except when under the direct supervision of a person twenty-one (21) years of age or older.” When the Five Cities Fire Authority was formed in 2010 and assumed management of the annual fireworks concessions program, Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach modified their Municipal Codes in an effort to allow for more consistent program management. Grover Beach also continues to allow the discharge of fireworks on New Year’s Eve. The Oceano Community Services District does not limit dates of discharge of fireworks. Item 11.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A CHANGE TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS FEBRUARY 12, 2019 PAGE 2 In the five-year period leading to 2018, the Five Cities Fire Authority (FCFA) was not significantly impacted by the discharge of fireworks. On July 4, 2019, the FCFA responded to a structure fire in Grover Beach and two smaller fires in Arroyo Grande. The cause of the structure fire remains undetermined, but the fires in Arroyo Grande were caused by the improper disposal/storage of safe and sane fireworks. The Arroyo Grande incidents resulted in minor damage to a home and a backyard fence. The Arroyo Grande Police Department responded to 299 calls between July 1 and July 6 2019. Of these 299 calls, 34 were related to fireworks (11.4%). The chart below displays a summary comparison of how the seven cities of San Luis Obispo County regulate fireworks:    Fireworks Allowed?   Allowable Discharge Dates City Arroyo Grande Yes 7/3 - 7/5 Atascadero No - Grover Beach Yes 7/3 - 7/5 and 12/31 Morro Bay Yes Unspecified Paso Robles No - Pismo Beach No - San Luis Obispo No - ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for potential Council consideration: 1. Provide direction to staff regarding revisions to the Municipal Code to reduce the number of days that fireworks are allowed to be discharged; 2. Determine that no changes are needed at this time; 3. Provide other direction to staff; 4. Receive and file the staff report. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. Item 11.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A CHANGE TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATED TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS FEBRUARY 12, 2019 PAGE 3 Attachments: 1. City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapter 8.08 (Fireworks) 2. Five Cities Fire Authority “Fireworks Tips” 3. Correspondence Item 11.a. - Page 3 A. B. C. D. Chapter 8.08 - FIREWORKS Sections: 8.08.010 - Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations. Storage, use, retail sales and handling of reworks shall be in accordance with Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations and this chapter. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.020 - Amendment to Fire Code. California Fire Code Chapter 56 is amended to add the following provisions regarding the sale and use of reworks, Class C ("Safe and Sane"). (Ord. 594 § 7, 2007: Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) (Ord. No. 657, § 12, 10-8-2013) 8.08.030 - Sale. No person shall sell or oer for sale any reworks within the city except in a temporary stand or structure used specically for the display and sale of reworks operated and maintained by a recognized charitable, civic or patriotic group or organization with the permit of the director of building and re. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.040 - Permits—Applications. All applicants for a permit to sell reworks shall: Submit a written eligibility application to sell reworks on a form provided by the city. Applications for eligibility shall be accepted by the department of building and re between March 1st and April 15th and shall state the name of the applicant, the name of the organization, its address, the president or head of the organization, and a complete account of the proposed disposition of all gross receipts of reworks to be sold at the proposed stand. Failure of such account to show that at least fty (50) percent of the net prots from the sale of reworks will be expended for the benet of the city or its residents shall cause such application to be denied. No organization may receive more than one permit to sell reworks sale during any one calendar year. One permit may be issued to two or more qualifying applicants as a joint venture. The maximum number of permits shall be based on one permit per each three thousand (3,000) residents of the city or fraction thereof, based on the ocial city census. Should the number of applications exceed the number of available permits, an initial drawing shall be conducted by the city clerk and all applicants shall be placed on an eligibility list in the order drawn. Permits shall be issued to applicants in the order of the list and the eligibility list shall be maintained by the department of building and re on an ongoing basis and made available to the public. In any year succeeding the initial drawing, permits shall be issued to applicants in order of the list beginning with the rst applicant after the last applicant issued a permit the prior year. Applicants ling an application that are not on the existing list will be placed at the end of the list at the time the application is led. ATTACHMENT 1 Item 11.a. - Page 4 E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. On an annual basis, eligible applicants shall be those on the list equal to the number of available permits beginnin the list and working downward. If an applicant withdraws their application, the next succeeding applicant on the l deemed eligible. Eligible applicants shall le a reworks stand permit application with the department of building between March 1st and April 15th of the year for which the permit is requested and shall state the name of the ap name of the organization, its address, president or head of the organization, the location of the proposed stand, t persons who will actually sta the stand on behalf of the applicant and a complete account of the proposed dispo gross receipts of reworks to be sold at the proposed stand for that year. Each applicant must include a "letter of agreement" signed by the property owner or their authorized agent permitting the organization to erect a reworks stand on the owner's property. Failure to do so shall cause such application to be denied. Applicants that are issued a permit are required to le with the city a "reworks stand nancial statement" form, which is due by October 31st of the calendar year in which the permit is issued. On this form each applicant must certify that at least fty (50) percent of the prior year's net prots from the sale of reworks were expended for the benet of the city and its residents. Failure to so certify prior to submitting a reworks stand permit application shall cause such renewal application to be denied. If any applications from eligible applicants are either denied or not received by April 15th, the next applicant(s) on the list shall be deemed eligible. The city shall attempt to provide notice to the applicant; however, it shall be the absolute duty of the applicant to stay apprised of its position on the list. Such eligible applicants shall le an application for a permit with the department of building and re no later than May 15th. Each applicant organization must have its principal general membership and/or governing board meeting place within the corporate limits of the city of Arroyo Grande and must have been established within the city for a minimum of two years continuously preceding the ling of the application for permit and must have a bona de membership of at least fteen (15) members. Insurance. The city council shall, by resolution, establish appropriate insurance requirements and conditions related to the sale of reworks. No permit shall be issued unless the applicant organization represents to the city that all aspects of the sale of reworks, including the application for all necessary permits, will be conducted by a member of the applicant organization. All application fees shall be paid by the applicant organization. Such fees shall not be paid by any other aliated organization, including a seller, distributor, or vendor of reworks. Applicants will neither hire nor use independent contractors or other persons who are not members of the organization in connection with any aspect of the sale of reworks. Only members of the applicant organization shall sta the reworks stand, except spouses, parents and children or members who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, may also sta such stand, subject to the provisions of this subsection. All members of the organization must have a valid identication, which veries that such person is a valid member of the organization, on their person or inside the reworks stand. Organizational membership records for reworks stand workers should also be retained in the stand for reference. Permit Fees and Conditions. The city council shall, by resolution, establish appropriate fees and conditions related to the sale of reworks. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.050 - Meeting. There shall be a meeting the rst Monday of June at seven-thirty p.m. of every year. This meeting is mandatory for the representatives of the permittee organizations. Safety practices, legal issues and explanation of the laws, rules and regulations will be discussed. At this meeting, the applications, certicates of insurance and letters of permission will be submitted and the permits Item 11.a. - Page 5 A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. A. B. C. issued. Wholesale distributors, or their bona de agents, shall also be present at this meeting. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.060 - Fireworks stands—Construction and placement. Retail sales of reworks shall be made only from temporary reworks stands. Sale of reworks from any other building or structure is prohibited. Temporary stands will be subject to the following provisions: No reworks stands shall be located within fty (50) feet of any other building, within one hundred (100) feet of a gasoline or other type of ammable fuel pump or storage area, within ve hundred (500) feet of another reworks stand or less than one-eighth of a mile from the city's boundary with another jurisdiction. All reworks stands shall be erected or constructed on commercial or industrial-zoned property. No reworks stands will be constructed or erected on residential property. Fireworks stands need not comply with the building code of the city. Stands requiring electrical service shall be required to obtain an electrical permit from the building and life safety division. Stands shall be constructed or erected in a manner that will reasonably ensure the safety of attendants and patrons. The stands shall be subject to inspection by representatives of the department of building and re at any time. Each stand shall have a minimum of two marked exits or as otherwise directed by the director of building and re. Each stand shall have a minimum of two re extinguishers of a type designated by the director of building and re. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.070 - Sales. Fireworks stands shall comply with the following requirements related to sales: Fireworks shall not be sold before noon on the twenty-eighth of June and such sales shall cease at noon on the fth day of July. Sales during this time period will be limited to nine a.m. to nine p.m. each day. Any permittee failing to observe these hours designated for sale may have their permit revoked or be ineligible for a permit in subsequent years. Sales to individuals under the age of eighteen (18) is prohibited. The permittee shall require that each person who purchases reworks produce identication proving that such person is eighteen (18) years of age or older. Each person who purchases reworks must be provided with handouts that contain information related to where "safe and sane reworks" can legally be discharged and the associated hazards. The contents of this document will be reviewed and approved by the director of building and re. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) (Ord. No. 627, § 13, 12-14-2010) 8.08.080 - Fireworks stands—General requirements. Each stand shall provide temporary sanitary facilities or obtain permission to use either private or public facilities during the hours of operation. Proof of sanitation facilities shall be documented in written form. All weeds, trash, and debris shall be cleared for a distance of at least twenty-ve (25) feet surrounding the reworks stand. Doors of the stand shall not be locked on the outside of the door while anyone is inside the stand. The door may beItem 11.a. - Page 6 D. E. F. G. A. B. latched in such a manner that will not cause any undue delay to anyone exiting in an emergency. An aisle or passageway in the reworks stand will be kept clear and unobstructed so as not to impede anyone leaving the stand in an emergency. The use of electrical or fuel-operated heaters in the reworks stand is prohibited. The temporary reworks stand will be dismantled and removed from its location not later than the Sunday of the weekend following the 5th of July of each year. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to remove the stand. If the removal of the stand is not accomplished by this deadline, the city of Arroyo Grande may remove and store it at permittees' cost and expense until it is redeemed by the payment of appropriate fees and interest thereon. In addition, the permittee failing to meet this deadline will be ineligible for a permit the following year. Each stand shall have adequate temporary parking acceptable to the director of the department of building and re. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) 8.08.090 - Delivery. The wholesale distributors will make all deliveries and end of sale season pick-ups. Excess storage of reworks will not be permitted. Reserved. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) (Ord. No. 627, § 13, 12-14-2010) 8.08.100 - Public discharge. Discharge of "safe and sane reworks" may only occur from the 3rd of July through midnight of July 5th and shall be in legally permitted locations. No person under eighteen (18) years of age may possess or discharge "safe and sane reworks" except when under the direct supervision of a person twenty-one (21) years of age or older. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) (Ord. No. 627, § 13, 12-14-2010) 8.08.110 - Violations. Persons violating any provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a ne not to exceed one thousand ($1,000) dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months or by both such ne and imprisonment. Any violations of these provisions shall constitute a separate oense for each and every day during which such violation is committed or continued. (Ord. 588 § 2 (part), 2007) Item 11.a. - Page 7 FIREWORKS TIPS It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase fireworks. They may use “Safe and Sane” fireworks under adult supervision only. 1.“Safe and Sane” fireworks are legally available for sale starting at noon June 28th and final sales must be at noon July 5th. Each day in between the sales in Grover Beach are from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sales in Arroyo Grande and Oceano are 9:00 a.m - 9:00 p.m. Discharging of “Safe and Sane” fireworks begins noon July 3rd and ends at midnight July 5th. 2.Safe and Sane fireworks may be discharged anywhere in the city limits. All fireworks are prohibited on the beaches as that is not within the city limits and fireworks will be confiscated. 3.Refrain from using any fireworks that are not specifically “Safe and Sane” fireworks. 4.Never hold fireworks in your hand when lighting them. 5.A large bucket of water, sand or a garden hose should be ready at the firing site. 6.Read the instructions on each piece of fireworks so you know how it should be fired. 7.Fireworks are unpredictable and caution should be used at all times. 8.Even with backyard fireworks, a spectator area should be designated at least 20 yards away from where the fireworks are going to be lit. Children and pets should not be allowed beyond that area. 9.Dispose of spent fireworks in a container of water. 10. DO NOT attempt to re-light a piece that doesn’t go off. Do not approach or move such a piece for at least 30 minutes. 11. Select a firing site free of overhead wires, obstacles such as trees or branches and away from houses. 12. Never alter, modify or enhance fireworks. Use only as directed. 13. Watch for sparks or debris from fireworks. They can start fires. 14. Burns caused by fireworks can be more serious than they first appear. If you are concerned, check with your family physician or local hospital emergency room. 15. Do not wear nylon, loose clothing or materials that burn quickly when setting off fireworks. 16. Remember that fireworks are made from explosives, and that they are unpredictable. 17. Please clean up your trash. Questions? Call Five Cities Fire Authority at 805-473-5490 ATTACHMENT 2 Item 11.a. - Page 8 1 From: Karen C    Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 11:14 AM  To: Jim Bergman <jbergman@arroyogrande.org>  Subject: Opposition to Fireworks Ban  Dear Mr. Bergman, My name is Karen Cabreana and I live and vote in Arroyo Grande. I am writing your today to voice my adamant opposition to those who want to ban all fireworks. We used to try and go to watch the fireworks in Pismo, but it is usually so foggy, that nothing could be seen. My parents traveled 3 hours to watch them, just to be disappointed. Since then, my neighborhood has had a tradition of gathering together and setting off fireworks in the street for the kids. My parents even travel now every July just to be a part of it. They say that it is better than any fireworks display we used to go to as kids. Our bond as a community is strengthened and it gives our children lifelong memories. Plus, we clean up after ourselves the next morning as we do not want to litter our own front yards. I understand that there are those who set them off at inappropriate times, and I support tougher enforcement on our existing laws. But please do not support a ban on all fireworks. nuisance dog barkers are a MUCH bigger (and year long) problem than a few days of people having fun. I will be watching this issue closely. Thank you for your time. Karen Cabreana ATTACHMENT 3 Item 11.a. - Page 9 1 From: Kristen Barneich <kbarneich@arroyogrande.org> Date: February 6, 2019 at 15:43:21 PST To: Linda Busek < , Steve Lieberman <slieberman@fivecitiesfire.org> Subject: Re: New Information on Fireworks Ban Discussion Good afternoon Linda & Jeri~ Thank you for your follow up email and the additional information. I will certainly watch the video and I appreciate you sending it. See you on the 12th, and thank you again for being engaged in A.G. Kristen Barneich Mayor Pro Tem Arroyo Grande City Council On Feb 5, 2019, at 9:05 PM, Linda Busek < wrote: Dear Mayor Pro Tem Barneich, Thank you for responding to our initiative to consider the issue of personal/consumer ('safe and sane') fireworks sale and use in our community. We understand the topic has come up previously and will again at the City Council meeting on 12 February when Chief Lieberman speaks. We hope it will be agendized for public discussion, especially with consideration of promoting a family event with professional fireworks in lieu of personal use of fireworks. Thus far, we have met with Police Chief Pryor, Five Cities Fire Chief Lieberman, City Manager Jim Bergman, City Council members Jimmy Paulding and Keith Storton to discuss this urgent issue. They are willing to have a fireworks discussion and indeed all were open to a discussion of the possibility of creating a family event with professional fireworks. Thank goodness Arroyo Grande has thus far been spared, but all around us communities up and down the state have been devastated by loss of life and property. With the extreme fire danger that California has suffered, and is likely to suffer again after this brief rainy season, it is incumbent upon our Council to show leadership to mitigate the danger of fire by controlling fireworks use. As our elected leader we entreat you to assume your responsibility to protect our treasured community and keep its citizens safe. Recently the Southern California city of Duarte addressed this urgent issue and a ballot proposition was passed to ban personal fireworks. Please take a few moments to watch this very informative 10 minute video prepared by the Duarte Safety First committee. With overwhelming evidence, it succinctly and graphically shows why the ban should be passed.d. https://www.facebook.com/duartebanfireworks/videos/vb.325575957984412/9559020445 94789/?type=2&theater Item 11.a. - Page 10 2 Attached is a pdf of an online petition (with many comments) from your constituents agonizing over the fireworks issue. More names were collected on hard copies during precinct walking during the recent election and are available. Also attached is an enumeration of the SLO cities policies on fireworks. Currently A.G. is one of the outliers that permit fireworks. Obviously, other cities have managed to find safer revenue streams to fund school and athletic activities. (An interesting statistic in the video reveals that the fireworks companies are the real beneficiaries of sales. They take 75% of the revenue, leaving merely 25% for the non-profits.) We urge you to watch the short video which covers 1) Legal vs. Illegal Fireworks 2) "Tradition" 3) Environmental Degradation 4) Risks 5) "It's a Cultural Thing" 6) Revenue for Non-Profits and then open the discussion for community feedback. Again, thank you for your time and commitment to ensuring our little city endures and thrives. Sincerely, Linda Busek Jeri Edwards <Fireworks Regulations 2018.docx> <Arroyo Grande Fireworks Ban Petition.pdf> The information contained in this email pertains to Five Cities Fire Authority business and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient and you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by reply email or phone and delete the message. Please note that email correspondence with the Five Cities Fire Authority, along with attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt by law. Item 11.a. - Page 11 Where it’s legal to set off fireworks, or watch display on Central Coast Fourth of July is an exciting and colorful holiday for many people nationwide, but can be especially dangerous in a hot and dry climate, such as the Golden State. Below is a list of SLO County communities and the current status of their fireworks regulations. San Luis Obispo County San Luis Obispo: Banned except for special permit for Cal Poly events Paso Robles: Banned Atascadero: Banned Pismo Beach: Banned Pismo Beach Fire hosts a fireworks display for the community. Cambria: Fireworks banned Cambria Fire has hosted a fireworks display and community event. Cayucos: Fireworks banned Cayucos officials have hosted a fireworks display at the Pier for the community. Morro Bay (on private property only): July 4 City has hosted a family event Five Cities – Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Oceano: Fireworks can be lit from noon, July 3, to midnight, July 5. Templeton (unincorporated areas): July 4 San Miguel (unincorporated areas): July 4 Item 11.a. - Page 12 Dear Arroyo Grande City Council members, We are pleased to present you with this petition affirming this statement: "Our Arroyo Grande City Council must protect its citizens. We, as citizens, respectfully demand that the City Council: Pass an ordinance to ban the sale and use of fireworks in our community. Although the resounding boom and magical sparkle of fireworks have become a standard in almost every 4th of July celebration, the pyrotechnics are NOT safe for people, property, and pets. Under these drought conditions, with significant fire activity throughout the State and high fire danger in the County due to an abundant grass crop, it is irresponsible to continue to permit the sale and use of fireworks in our communities. As we have seen already throughout the state, a spark can ignite a conflagration that can quickly grow out of control. Just ask the citizens of Sonoma County, hundreds of whom lost their homes in last autumn’s fires. A) On July 4, 2018, a Grover Beach home caught fire, injuring one and displacing five people. The family lost everything, but it could have been much worse. The mother said she had feared for their lives. B) Neighbors have been alarmed by fireworks sparks flying into their tree and onto their rooftop, frightened that they might cause a fire. C) Every year serious injuries are the unintentional consequence of fireworks. Additionally, the noise pollution has sent countless children and pets scurrying to hiding places. It’s not uncommon that distraught pets fleeing the loud noise injure themselves or run away and are never recovered by their owners. D) Also, it must be noted the EPA identifies common chemicals found in fireworks, such as potassium perchlorate and barium nitrate, pose a serious health risk and an environmental hazard. Simply put, fireworks pose a risk to our health and safety. This year’s Independence Day fireworks aftermath has been written about at length in local “Next Door” postings and on “Facebook”. Night after night of loud and dangerous fireworks that disturb the peace, destroy property, and cause loss or injury to beloved pets have pushed residents to the limit. Most of San Luis Obispo County already bans the sale and use of fireworks. It is time for Arroyo Grande City Council to step up and pass a law that protects its own citizens. We the undersigned demand immediate action. " Attached is a list of individuals who have added their names to this petition, as well as additional comments written by the petition signers themselves. Sincerely, Dee Kinney MoveOn.org 1Item 11.a. - Page 13 I can't even believe the city allows it now! Mary McNally Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-1315 Jan 7, 2019 Joni George Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jan 4, 2019 Please stop the loud explosives Darren MacInnis Grover Besch, CA 93343 Jan 3, 2019 L. Laffitte Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jan 2, 2019 Linda M Truax Oceano, CA 93445 Jan 2, 2019 Maureen OHearn Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jan 2, 2019 Sue Hahn Jan 1, 2019 Stop fireworks in fire risk areas & arroyo grande John Jan 1, 2019 My pets are miserable and we cant sleep several times a year. We r not even close lest to the fireworks but theses are loud illegal ones. I usually have to pay $$$$ money per year so we can sleep and out dogs dont flip out. Kimber Alm Oceano, CA 93445 Jan 1, 2019 Roxanne Bohn Arroyo Grande, Fa 93420 MoveOn.org 2Item 11.a. - Page 14 Jan 1, 2019 If Americans really love animals, they'd realize how unpatriotic fireworks are for the love of animals Adria Sorensen Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Dec 6, 2018 Rebecca Clair Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Oct 20, 2018 Christy Matthiesen ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 Sep 10, 2018 Joyce Knight ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 Sep 3, 2018 It is rediculous that fireworks are still being sold in this dry area. That and people are not responsible. They are a greater nuisance than theyre worth. Reign in all fireworks. Especially the illegal ones. It is out of control. Enforce the laws. Monica Anderdon Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Sep 2, 2018 Fourth of July fireworks begin 10 days prior and last 10 to 20 days after the fourth. And New Years eve went on last night till well after 1 AM. There is no reason for this! The noise is so disruptive and it also is harmful to animals who get stressed and spooked! Look at all the animals that ran off when there are fireworks! Its time to end this stupid, unnecessary and dangerous practice$$ Linda Drummy Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Sep 1, 2018 Ruth Turner Ruth Turner Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 12, 2018 MoveOn.org 3Item 11.a. - Page 15 If fireworks only happened in a safe and respectful way for a couple hours one day a year and the laws and punishment backed that up... we wouldn't have loud bombs going off around AG year round. Been years of this and it still scars me because its NOT just on 4th of July. Respect your neighbours and ptsd this causes pets. Anna Morris Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 10, 2018 Our neighborhood is surrounded by uncleared brush and people who use fireworks, legal & illegal, YEAR ROUND! It gets much worse when the firework stands go up & doesnt slow for weeks. Ban fireworks! Its dangerous to life & property. Christine Klopfer Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 8, 2018 We live by the the beach ( at the epicenter of people blowing fireworks)and we have two dogs. I cant tell how much they suffer............... Also there are so many terrified dogs running lose and lost , they just take of when they hear explosions. Please help to stop it !!!!!!!!!!! Svetlana Paulson Oceano, CA 93445 Aug 8, 2018 Shari Bowman Aug 7, 2018 Jamie Baker-Addison Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 Gerald R De Vos Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 Ban the sale and use of fireworks! There is too much at risk of fire in our community. There is also harm for animals and children who don't need to be subjected to the loud noise.. Janette Sofranko Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 C.E.Duchardt Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 MoveOn.org 4Item 11.a. - Page 16 Beth S Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 Finally, this is a huge problem in our local neighborhood. We have pets who we have to get prescription drugs to calm them every 4th of july. How ridiculous is that. Last night on Aug.5th, in the area around us, two loud ones went off, frightening the whole neighborhood. No more fireworks of any kind in Arroyo Grande. Please SUZANNE MARIE BECOTTE Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 6, 2018 sharon k burton Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4157 Aug 6, 2018 Blake Swier Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 5, 2018 I support this ban on fireworks. The smoke and noise from fireworks in my neighborhood started about two weeks proir to July 4th, and continued several days after. Enough! It is not unreasonable to worry about fires in this context. Annchen Harris Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Aug 1, 2018 I have 5 acres of property. We are building a house. We have a dog who is terrified by fireworks so much that we cannot go out and enjoy the day because of illegal fireworks set by neighbors (all fireworks are banned in LA county.) I have been on the beach on the 4th and been terrified by irresponsible use of fireworks. The fire danger is so much greater in Arroyo Grande. You tie the police and fire personnel's hands buy having legal fireworks. If some one sets off fireworks they should have a license to do so. Carol Hybl Zepfel SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91423 Jul 31, 2018 The safe and sane fireworks have gone by the wayside. People shoot up bottle rockets, and other professional fireworks, as if it were legal and allowed. I hear them every year booming in the sky. These are not only occurring on the 4th, but days before and all through the summer. Karen Brockway Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 No more fireworks sales in our county! MoveOn.org 5Item 11.a. - Page 17 Robert Flores Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 I'm so tired of hearing fireworks going off, weeks before and after July 4th. Besides the extreme fire danger, its driving our animals out of their minds! David Cassidy Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-xxxx Jul 31, 2018 Sharon Rittenhouse Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 Its about time. The 4th and days before and after are like war zones Michael Rittenhouse Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 The city might consider offering a firework show at the high school. The fire danger is a real concern. Also it is sad to see how upsetting the noise is for pets and veterans. Kathy Johnson Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 #1 - The fire danger alone should be enough to ban the sale of fireworks #2 - Scared & runaway pets. The intake of lost animals at a local humane society is sad #3 - If people honored July 4th evening for their fun, but it goes on for days Beth Anderson Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 31, 2018 jeff al-mashat Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 30, 2018 Victor Bacigalupi Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Due to the fire danger and the resulting discomfort of sounds suffered by pets and wildlife animals in our area, it is no longer satisfactory to allow the purchase or discharging of fireworks or other incendiary devices. Carmen Bacigalupi Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 MoveOn.org 6Item 11.a. - Page 18 Jul 30, 2018 Monique Smolin Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Jul 30, 2018 On behalf of terrified dogs and cats, disturbed elderly people, people with headaches/migraines (including me), children, babies (God knows what the absurd noise does to them), horses, wild animals, and all people who find the intense noise profoundly upsetting and totally uncivilized --- all this on top of the obvious danger of fire...... BAN the sale and use of fireworks. Lous Heshusius Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Robert Crouch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 we live in a high risk fire area and fireworks are too dangerous in our area. Richard Delia Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Mary Ann Shoebridge Jul 30, 2018 The illegal fireworks that start in June and go through July at all hours of the night are the biggest culprit. They "blast" us out of a sound sleep like we are in a war zone. Tricia V Hagerty Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Foglietta Chris Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Too dangerous with the dry conditions for a fire that will destroy our home to sell fireworks. There are public fireworks displays at many beaches on the central coast people need to go there to watch. Instead of taking the chance of starting a fires and traumatizing pets. Roxane Key Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Emily Souza MoveOn.org 7Item 11.a. - Page 19 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Kathleen Salazar Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Brandon Sligh Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Please ban the use of fireworks. Our animals are terrified! Lauren Sligh Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Krishna Patel Arroyo Grande, Fa 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Vanessa Swier Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 30, 2018 We NEED to put an end to the use of fireworks! We have to tranquilize our dog every major holiday. However, this isnt the main problem. Last night, the end of July, we went out for a couple hours for dinner and our dog got so scared that she ripped through our wall near the front door, pooped all over the house, then ate her way out of our side gate. We havent retrieved her yet but slo county lost pets says she was turned into the pound. We will go tomorrow to get her back and pay a fine. A fine that the people setting off the fireworks wont have to pay. Get rid of these!!!! Brianne Class Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Emily Baker Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Deane Reynolds Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 My dogs are so tired of this!! Lynn Sayre-carstairs Arroyo Grande, CA 93401 Jul 30, 2018 MoveOn.org 8Item 11.a. - Page 20 Michelle Saber Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Alex Saber Pismo Beach, CA 93448 Jul 30, 2018 Heather Lewis Arroyo grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Debbie Hrabe Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Michele mendez Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 To continue to allow fireworks except the pros at the beach is putting all of our lives, property, wildlife, habitat, community at an extreme risk. I support the banning of all fireworks. Jeri Edwards Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Robert Merritt Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Kent Unsworth Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Fire danger and air pollution are my main concerns janice reid Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 30, 2018 Joleen Beljean Atascadero, CA 93422 Jul 29, 2018 Monica Stagg Arroyo Grande, Fa 93420 Jul 29, 2018 MoveOn.org 9Item 11.a. - Page 21 Please stop firework sales in the 5 cities areas. We panic every July 4 about fireworks landing on our homes and our animals are always in a panic for the few days before and after as people keep lighting them in between homes and near parks and dry brush. Blessings to the Grover Family who lost a home and were displaced. Michelle Ogle Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 29, 2018 I support banning fireworks in all five cities areas. They went off for days and until 1am on the 4th of July. Its is startling for young children and animals. Its is unsafe for property, vehicles and homes in the area. Mostly its a huge nuisance. Alysia Gonzalez Oceano, CA 93445 Jul 28, 2018 Candace Renee McIntosh ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 Jul 28, 2018 Briannah Ulm Grover beach, CA 93433 Jul 28, 2018 Annually & with increasing fervor, the 4th of July in Arroyo Grande sounds, feels and smells like a war-zone. Per City Ordinance, safe and sane Fireworks are permissible for discharge from 12 Noon July 3rd through 12 Midnight July 5th. The reality is that the "celebration" of Independence Day begins as soon as the firework stands go up (this year) June 28 and has continued through the whole month of July. As long time residents and veterans of foreign wars, we dread the 4th of July in our hometown. There's nothing patriotic or fun about an M-80 going off close to your home at 2am, as one did this morning, July 27. Reasonably we need to consider the real fire danger & personal injury caused by fire works and the time & expense incurred by emergency services response. Unless a ban on the sale and use of fireworks is passed by our City Council, there will be residents & visitors who will continue to willfully ignore the current city ordinance to the discomfort and danger of the rest of the community. Considering my comment, my family and I respectfully demand that the City Council: Pass an ordinance to ban the sale and use of fireworks in Arroyo Grande to be consistent with Pismo Beach's ban of sale & use fireworks ordinance.. Susan Amison Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 28, 2018 Jason Sisk-Provencio Shell Beach, CA 93449 Jul 27, 2018 Peggy Heinrichs Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 27, 2018 MoveOn.org 10Item 11.a. - Page 22 Julie L Quillin GROVER Beach, CA 93433 Jul 26, 2018 Jett Pontier Cambria, CA 93428 Jul 26, 2018 Linda L. Winans Cambria, CA 93428 Jul 26, 2018 Dan Feldman Atascadero, CA 93422-5881 Jul 26, 2018 Joanne Aasen Cambria, CA 93428 Jul 26, 2018 richard romanus cambria, CA 93428 Jul 26, 2018 Silvia Tyndall Buellton, CA 93427 Jul 26, 2018 I left town for two weeks so I would miss the fireworks on my street. As of last night, July 25th, they are still going off. Please change this! Christine S Klotthor Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 26, 2018 Please expand to all five cities!! I have vet bills as the stress caused my cat to pee blood and my ptsd to go haywire. Natalie Shea Davidson Jul 26, 2018 We are county but directly across Branch Mill Road from the City of Arroyo Grande and are impacted by their use of fireworks which are prohibited in the county. MARGARET Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 26, 2018 MoveOn.org 11Item 11.a. - Page 23 Reasons to ban fireworks in AG: 1. very dry - high risk of fire; 2. Veterans and others with PTSD; 3. Pet dogs and cats that are terrified of the explosions; 4. holidays involving fireworks (July 4 & NY Eve) are one evening events but the fireworks goes on for a week ahead of time and 3 or 4 weeks afterward. Pamela A. Mahony Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 26, 2018 Victoria Ramos Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 26, 2018 Rebekah Oulton San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Jul 26, 2018 Please Cynthia Barr Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 26, 2018 John Gayley Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 26, 2018 Thank you, it is time to stop the madness. The fire works are out of hand, I heard them last night 7/24 it is ridiculous. margot Bourget Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 25, 2018 Robby Gussman AG, CA 93420 Jul 25, 2018 Jennifer Goodman Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 25, 2018 David West Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 25, 2018 Denise West Arroyo Grande b, CA 93420 Jul 25, 2018 MoveOn.org 12Item 11.a. - Page 24 Rosemary Cleaves Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 They were so loud this year that they rattled my windows went on most of the night. It was not festive...just a lot of noise for noise sake. Shirley Povondra Grover Beach, CA 93433 Jul 24, 2018 The police need to step up and actually cite people who use illegal fireworks. If the penalty is big enough it works! It helped in Stockton!!! Barbara Aquino Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 lindsay smith oceano, CA 93445 Jul 24, 2018 Terrifying sound Delphine Cowles ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 Kleo C. Stanley Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 Jeanne Enberg Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 I live near Soto Park in AG and the fireworks started at least a week before the 4th of July and have still continued and it's now July 24th. Tiffany German Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 MoveOn.org 13Item 11.a. - Page 25 The money saved by eliminating the overtime required for police and fire (or extra staffing on the 4th) could be plowed back into the city budget! Our property taxes include several assessments for Lucia Mar School District. Why can't they use some of that money to fund the activities that the proceeds from fireworks sales is supposed to cover. Claudine Lingo Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 Paula Burke Grover beach, CA 93433 Jul 24, 2018 California is enduring the worst fire season on record. With potentially devastating fires facing our county and community it is imperative we do all we can to mitigate threats to the well being of our families, homes, and property. Dangerous embers spread by fireworks are one threat that can be dealt with. It is urgent that we ban all fireworks immediately. I urge the City Council to protect our community by enacting a law to ban -without exception - all fireworks. Linda Busek Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Jul 24, 2018 MoveOn.org 14Item 11.a. - Page 26